Words that end with y. Soft sign (ь) in feminine nouns into sibilant


This name can be applied to the principle of writing the letter ь after hissing in a row morphological categories: the letter ь can be considered as a graphic equalizer of declension paradigms of nouns like night, rye (like a spruce) and as a graphical equalizer of morphological categories imperative mood: cut (how to quit), as well as the infinitive: save (how to take).

It is traditionally believed that the spelling of the letter ь performs the function of a grammatical signal: the letter b signals the feminine gender of the words night, rye, etc.

However, the "signaling function" letter b in certain categories words are only a consequence, not the cause of its use. The reason is the influence of certain graphic and morphological models, i.e. morphological analogy . The words female like rye, night give the same graphic declension paradigm with words like door (cf .: d believe - the door, rye - rye, night - at night), while masculine words like doctor, hut have the same graphical paradigm as words like table (cf.: table - table, doctor - doctor, hut - hut).

When distributing words by types of declension, the use of the letter ь after hissing as a leading feature of the generic meaning of words in Russian grammars is usually not taken into account. The third declension includes feminine nouns with "based on soft consonants and hissing w and w"

However, the fact that the letter ь creates a graphic uniformity of declension paradigms is taken into account as a leading feature when presenting this material to non-Russians. So, in particular, in short essay Russian grammar, intended for the French, A.A. Zaliznyak singles out nouns that belong to the same type of declension and have the form nominative case singular the letter b. A similar spelling of the letter ь in words like daughter, mouse is not etymological in origin either (this is evidenced by the non-writing of the letter ь in words like doctor, knife).

AT Old Russian in relevant grammatical forms after all hissing ones, since they were primordially soft, "er" was written (i.e., as a sign of a reduced front vowel). It was written not only the daughter, the night, the mouse, but also the doctor, the knife, the husband, etc. However, over time, after the hardening of /zh/ and /sh/ and the disappearance of reduced vowels, these spellings "lost". After w and w, they begin to use not only b, but also b. AT " Russian grammar"Lomonosov's writings are presented: speech, daughter, key, sword, but ladle, knife.

In "Materials to the Russian Grammar" Lomonosov outlines the separation of spellings ь and ъ after hissing by gender. So, he gives a thing, but a bream, these are the same relationships between the spellings mouse and bucket

The division outlined by Lomonosov was generalized into a rule by his student and follower V. Svetov. Moreover, V. Svetov already emphasized the graphical and morphological expediency of this rule: “Names ending in ь ending in the masculine gender in the genitive are kept at the end i; from which it is clear that the key, comrade, doctor is not written right; for in the genitive there is no key, comrade and not doctor. It is necessary to write: key, comrade, doctor, in the genitive key, comrade, doctor, and so on "

The rule requiring not to write after the hissing soft sign in masculine words (and write it in feminine words) as "light" was supported by Sumarokov

Orthographic practice has fixed this rule. With the abolition in 1917 - 1918. letters ъ at the end of words the rule automatically accepted modern look(the use of the letter ь in feminine words for hissing and the non-use of masculine words for hissing).

The graphic opposition of words like night, rye to words like doctor, knife was deliberately introduced on the basis of graphic and morphological analogies. A.A. Reformatsky rightly writes: "The fact that in such spellings it is not a matter of etymology is shown by examples foreign words to which this rule(false, ink, cf .: masculine ink without b)"

In cases where the belonging of a word to grammatical gender unknown, the soft sign is a useful signal, since, being used at the end of words in hissing, it signals that we have a feminine word and that it needs to be changed according to the third declension. Compare, for example, such names as the Oredezh River, the city of Rossosh, the village of Budogoshch. If you see them written, then a soft sign will let us understand that the words Rossosh and Budogoshch are feminine, and Oredezh are masculine. The generic affiliation of words with final consonants also determines their type of declension. This grammatical signal is also useful for stabilizing the generic affiliation of words to hissing. He keeps them from generic hesitation, which often "disturb" words with a final soft consonant. Words with a final soft consonant can be feminine (cane, fabric, shadow, salt, role, blizzard, etc.) and masculine (deer, steering wheel, coal, stylus, etc.). The sameness of the formal sign leads to generic fluctuations, and, consequently, to fluctuations in declination. In the 19th century the gender of the nouns wormwood, jelly, step, etc. fluctuated; borrowed words watercolor, veil, hospital, duel, carousel, migraine, model, patrol, piano, tulle, etc. were different in their generic meaning than now.

there are fluctuations in the gender of some nouns with a base on a soft consonant, for example, the words corn, muskrat, potato, roofing felt, etc. Therefore, determining the gender (and, consequently, the type of declension) of such nouns requires making inquiries in dictionaries.

From a purely sound point of view, the use of a soft sign after hissing in feminine words is redundant: even without it, the final /h/ and /u/ (Budogoshch, night, power) would be pronounced softly, as they are pronounced in the words key, ivy, and in words Rossosh, rye, from a purely sound point of view, writing a soft sign is sometimes even harmful, since, for example, when studying the Russian language in a dialect, it can lead to the wrong soft pronunciation solid /sh/ and /f/.

Mouse, thing, night, help, bake, silence, wilderness, rye, lie, daughter, youth, speech.

2. Write down sentences. Underline words with a soft sign (s) after hissing.

1. New Year comes at midnight. 2. Quiet in the deaf more often. 3. The mouse hid behind the stove. 4. I lost one important thing. 5. Our army is the power of the country. 6. I hope for your help. 7. Rye ripens in the fields. 8. Daughter and son congratulated their parents on the holiday,


1. Write words with a soft sign (b) at the end in one column, without a soft sign (b) in another.

Kid, knife, youth, ball, hoop, stove, borscht, bream, key, help, game, night, mouse, hut, siskin, watchman, cloak, thing, crying.

2. Listen to proverbs. Write down words with a soft sign (ь) at the end.

1. Who is hungry for money, he does not sleep even at night. 2. There is a penny, so there will be rye. 3. If the dog missed the game, then there is nothing for her to blame on the stump. 4. A wolf is not a friend to a sheep, a prince is not a friend to a poor man.


Underline nouns with a soft sign (ь) after hissing at the end.


Someone in your family is seriously ill. Urgently dial 03 by phone. In a few minutes, " Ambulance". An experienced doctor will give an injection and give medicine to the patient. There is a fire in the house. Call 01. Fire engine put out the fire. When calling the police, call 02.


Two friends were walking through the forest. Suddenly a bear came out of the bushes. One person got scared and started to run. He climbed a tree and trembled with fear. His friend did not have time to hide. Help was far away. He fell to the ground and pretended to be dead. The bear wandered beside him and went into the forest. This is how a friend in need is known.


Night threw a black cloak on old park. No one has walked along its overgrown paths for a long time. Heavy ivy covered the heavy gates. A narrow path leads to the old castle. The brick cracked. The door slumped. Quiet and silence. And earlier balls thundered here, youth had fun.


The warm May sun warmed the earth. The trees were covered with dense foliage. Their heavy crowns are swayed by the wind. It carries a fragrant aroma through the forest. This gentle lily of the valley raised its white heads above the carpet of juicy and shiny leaves. A ray of sun breaks through the branches of an old linden tree. Droplets of morning dew burn on lilies of the valley with a cheerful fire.

Russian language lesson in 4th grade

Topic: "Spelling a soft sign after feminine nouns hissing at the end"

Objectives: To develop with students the rule for writing feminine nouns with hissing at the end.

Develop spelling skills, expand knowledge about the noun, enrich vocabulary.

Cultivate diligence, the desire to learn something new every day.

During the classes:

I. Motivational and preparatory stage:

Hello guys! I will conduct a Russian lesson with you today. My name is Nina Germanovna. I am very glad to meet you, I am interested to know what you know and can do. Winter outside. Frost. About such weather, A.S. Pushkin wrote: “Frost and sun. A wonderful day ... There are still such lines: “Under blue skies, magnificent carpets, the snow lies shining in the sun ... And modern artists have painted such paintings (slides) Beautiful?

II. Knowledge update:

Here we are warm and cozy. I propose to work together. Do you agree? Let's start the lesson with a minute of calligraphy:

H chg sch schl shu w wm pcs f zhm

What do you know about these letters?

Read the words containing these letters. What word is missing? Why? What spellings did you notice?

Pike, glasses, predatory, floor, thick, machinist, eccentric, ringlet, life, happiness, pearls.

I know that you have studied nouns for several lessons. You probably know that the noun is the oldest part of speech and the most numerous in terms of the number of words. What else do you know? It is very interesting to me. Let's split into three teams now:

    "Theorists" Tell us about the noun according to the plan:

What is a noun?

What do they stand for?

What questions are answered?

How do they change?

What are they in the offer?


Taking advantage key words, compose a text about winter.

3. "Creative" Using the proposed pictures, your observations, write down small text, in which sentences consist only of nouns, prepositions and conjunctions.

(after the group act, 1 representative from the group performs. The rest evaluate the work of the group).

I also made a suggestion:

In silence, frost taps on the trunks of trees, patterns of footprints are visible in the snow.

Name the nouns.

Do morphological analysis words: 1v.- "in silence"

2c. - "on the snow";

(self-examination and self-assessment)

III. staging learning task.

Well done. You know a lot about nouns. Praise yourself.

Do you think you know everything about the noun? So what is the purpose of the lesson?

(learn anything new about nouns?) (? on the board)

You have made such beautiful proposals. The proverb applies here:

« smart speech nice to hear." Let's write on the board:

Smart speech is a pleasure to listen to.

What do you disagree with? Why? After all, the sound "h" is always soft, so b is not needed.

What question arose?

(when is put, and when is not put)

What question should we answer?

(children say the question to themselves, in pairs, in unison)

Read the words:

Beach Daughter

brick mouse

key rye

Comrade night

hut thing

What do these words have in common?

What is the difference?

Make a conclusion.

(children speak one at a time, in pairs, in unison)

In order not to forget, let's make a diagram:

m.r. b

zh.r. b

Consider the picture "Winter". Write a sentence about moose. Let's write on the board:

On a forest clearing stands a mighty los.

What do you disagree with? Why? After all, the “moose” is the husband. kind!

(scheme to be completed)

m.r. thorn. b

zh.r. thorn. b

IV. Fixing:

Read the rule on p.4

Tell it to each other.

Game "Be Careful"

(If there is, then we clap, if not, we stomp, if there is doubt, then we jump.

Youth, watchman, doctor, thing, night, cherish, baby, hot, hoop, oven, guard, borscht, wilderness.


Pick up words-antonyms-nouns with a hissing at the end and write down:

Spring-(key) Drought-(dry)

friend - (comrade) object - (thing)

border-(frontier) competition-(match)

big man - (strong man)

V. Reflection

What was the question at the beginning of the lesson?

How did we respond to it?

(work on the algorithm)

But if someone sees the diagram and does not understand what is said there, then how do you explain it?

Choose the statement that suits you:

1. I understood everything, I can help others;

2. I understood everything;

3. I can, but I need help;

4. I did not understand anything.

I want to say thank you very much Artyom, …,……,.

Do you want to say thank you to someone?

Finally, insert the letters in the words of the sentence:

Large fluffy snowflakes swirled into the air.

Explain its spelling. What part of speech is this word? So, do we know everything about the noun? This is the task for the next lesson.

VI. House. task of choice: - ex. 5, p. 12, or

exercise 86, p.45, in “Did. materials".