Evil as a vixen. The meaning of the word vixen

This is what we often say:

gorgon, vixen,



And who are they?

the monstrous offspring of the sea deities Phorky and Keto,
granddaughters of the land of Gaia and the sea of ​​Pontus.
Homer mentions only one Gorgon, while Hesiod speaks of three sisters:
Stheno, Euryale and Medusa.
The elders are immortal, the younger (Medusa) is mortal.

as well as about the Gorgon, few people know that there were three sisters: Alecto, Tisiphone and Megaera.
It's three Erinyes(Erinnia) - the goddess of revenge, born of Gaia, who absorbed the blood of castrated Uranus.
The habitat of these insane demons is the underground kingdom of Hades and Persephone, from where they appear on earth among people,
to arouse in them revenge, madness, malice.
Alecto, drunk with the poison of a gorgon, penetrating in the form of a snake into the chest of the queen of the Latins Amata and filling her heart with malice, made her insane. The same Alecto in the form of a terrible old woman
prompted the leader of the rutuls, Turna, to fight, thereby causing bloodshed.
Terrible Tisiphone in tartar beats criminals with a whip and frightens them with snakes, full of vindictive anger.
Shrew, their sister - the personification of anger and vindictiveness, to this day remains a household name for an evil, grumpy woman.

In Rome they corresponded FURY("mad", "furious"), Furiae (from furire, "to rampage") -
goddesses of revenge and remorse, punishing a person for committed sins.

monster born of Echidna and Typhon. She has the head and neck of a lion, the body of a goat and the tail of a dragon;
according to other versions, this is a creature with three heads: a lion, a goat and a snake, each of which spews a flame, and a body, in front - a lion's, in the middle - a goat's, behind - a snake's.

Chimera- the personification of a fire-breathing volcano.
AT figuratively- fantasy, unrealizable desire or action.

spirits of the winds, daughters of the sea deity Thaumant and oceanides electra,
archaic pre-Olympic deities. Their names:
Celaino, Keleno ("Gloomy") - indicate a connection with the elements and darkness.
Harpies are depicted in the form of half-woman, half-bird of a disgusting appearance.

In myths, they are represented as vicious kidnappers and human souls,
coming in and out as suddenly as the wind.

seven daughters of the titan Atlanta and the oceanides Pleione:
Alcyone(mother of the Boeotian king Giriey, famous for his wealth),
Meropa, Keleno(beloved of Poseidon, who gave birth to his son Lik),
Elektra(born from a marriage with Zeus Dardanus, the founder royal dynasty in Troy)
Steropa, Asterope(her name literally translates as "flash", "lightning"),
Taygeta and Maya.

Demon of anger, revenge, evil spirit.

The name Alastor has acquired a nominal meaning ("punisher", "avenger").


Over time, the Erinyes receive the name Eumenides ("good-minded"),
thereby changing its evil nature to the function of the patroness of law,
guardians of truth, for without their will even the sun will not transgress its measure;
deities guarding the rights of the dead.
The Erinyes are identified with the Roman furies("mad", "furious").
Erinyes MEHERA - the personification of anger and revenge.

Husband and wife are watching a horror movie. A vixen appears on the screen.
Wife: - Oh, mom! Husband: Did you know?

Dad, is it true that there is no vixen? Dad, looking at his wife and mother-in-law:
I thought so too when I was little.

Shrew as a personality trait - to show the signs and behavior of a very angry, grumpy, quarrelsome, hysterical woman - a fury.

“I married a goddess. - Yes? And who is she? - Megaera. AT ancient Greek mythology Megaera (literally: "Hostile") - one of the three goddesses - punishers - Eumenides (in Roman mythology they were called furies). Megaera was depicted as a terrible monster, with snakes instead of hair, with a torch and a whip in her hands. That is why the word "vixen" (or "fury") began to be called evil, quarrelsome and grumpy women.

But among monsters, reptiles, terrible demons
There is one creature that is more dangerous and meaner than all;
All the hatred of the human worlds is hidden in it,
All the malice, stinginess and arrogance of powerful tyrants,

She's fierce and crazy like a maniac
She is envious, and vengeful, and greedy,
She is a predator, cold and merciless,
Her soul is dark, like the darkness of eternal night.

She is grumpier and more treacherous than Hera,
She is the most terrible among her sisters,
With a fiery gaze, like a blazing fire,
And there is a name for this creature - Megara.

Oh, mistress of snakes, here is your image!
All the anger, and abomination, and deceit, and the flattery of Gehenna
Your veins soaked into themselves with birth -
Megaera personifies you ...

- And so, children, remember that Megaera is a goddess in ancient mythology. – Oh, God, our Russian teacher is a goddess.

There is only one step from Hetera to Megara, it is often called marriage, and even more often - loneliness. Amazing Phenomenon- as from a cheerful, accommodating girl, an evil, quarrelsome woman turns out. Before the wedding - an angel, immediately after the wedding - the personified shrew. It is useful for men to remember: you need to try hard to make a vindictive, grumpy and vicious vixen out of a joyful, carefree creature.

One disillusioned person asked the teacher: - Why are girls so cute, so pretty, so kind, like angels? And women - evil, unsympathetic, grumpy, like shrews? - Well, the fact is that God created the girl, and the man made the woman out of the girl.

In a word, a bitch and a vixen, a goddess and a queen live in every girl at an unmanifested level. What you wake up is what you get.

Charles Baudelaire could not avoid meeting the vixen, which is why this poem was born:

Who sculpted you from the darkness of the night,
What native Faust, a fiend of the savannah?
You smell of musk and Havana tobacco
Midnight child, my fatal idol.

Neither opium nor hops compete with you
They dare not, my demon; you are the promised land,
Where are the caravans of my woeful desires
To the wells of your eyes go to the watering place.

But not coolness in them - fire, resin and sulfur.
Oh, stop burning me, cruel Vixen!
Understand, because I'm not Styx, to order: "Calm down!",

Seven times enclosing you in my arms!
I am not Proserpina to test the curse,
Burn to the ground with you in the hell of your sheets!

Megaera is a manifestation of vengefulness, quarrelsomeness and anger to the people. When the wife is a vixen, a leaden cloud of tension constantly hangs in the house. Communicating with a vixen is as dangerous as touching an unexploded bomb. Vixen - Babai in a skirt.

Typical behavior of a vixen in a family:

The wife of the vixen shouted,
Throwing mothers to her husband,
And by the evening - quite wild,
Washing men's trousers:
“Are you sitting again, you stinky goat?
I would go and dig a garden!
Pig! Bastard! Creepy bastard!
Trash! Drunkard! Jackal!"
And so cursed for no reason
She is two hundred and fifty times. -
That asks to make a sheepskin,
It simply hides: “Your mother! ..

A real vixen must do three things in life: plant a neighbor, raise an idiot and build a husband ...

Do you want to see meaner shrews
Don't go to the zoo
And go along, along the yards
And come to my house.

Evil hands, hard lips,
And on the eyebrows crossroads,
The wings of the nose are the cry of a bird,
And the habits of a witch - a priestess.

The real vixen was the wife of the great ancient Greek philosopher Socrates - Xanthippe. She had such a quarrelsome character and primitive rude nature that no one in the world except Socrates could have endured this worldly hell. “Well, Socrates,” Antisthenes once said to him, “tell me why did you marry Xanthippe? I would like to know how you can get along with the most unsociable woman who has ever been, is and will be? - “Because I see,” Socrates answered, “that those who want to be good riders usually take quiet horses, but shy and with temper, being sure that if they curb them, then they will cope with any horse. I wanted to learn the art of living with people; and I married Xanthippe, convinced that if I endure her temper, I will get along with all sorts of characters. The red-haired vixen daily harassed her husband with nit-picking, had a habit of fighting with sandals, throwing wine jugs, overturning tables.

Once a friend came to Socrates and they went out into the street and began to talk under the window. Suddenly a window opens, and Xanthippe, in a rage, pours a bucket of slop on Socrates' head. “After such a storm,” the sage only said to this, “it could be expected that the thunderstorm would not pass without rain!” Being an ignorant woman, Xanthippe considered the great philosopher, who spends his days in scientific reflections, to be a rare idler and idle talker.

One day, Xanthippe, meeting her husband in the marketplace, where he, as usual, wandered around and argued with someone, showered him with abuse, calling him a talker, pulled off his cloak and tore him to shreds.

Petr Kovalev

It has long been customary that evil and grumpy women are called "vixens", but not everyone knows what kind of creature it really is. So called in Ancient Greece one of the Eriny goddesses, but whether she was so vicious and vengeful, the sources retained little data. But modern shrews are very different from the ancient ones, and it’s real to cope with them.

Who is a "Meger"?

Megaera is one of the goddesses of vengeance, the most terrible of the three Eriny sisters. One of the legends mentions that she was allegedly the wife of Hercules and died at his hand along with her children. With ancient greek word translates as "envious". There are three versions about the origin of the goddess:

  • daughter of Erebus and Nyukta;
  • child of Night and Tartarus;
  • born from the blood shed when Uranus was castrated;
  • daughter of the goddess Gaia, who absorbed the blood of Uranus.

The Greeks were sure that the sisters - Megaera, Alecto and Tisiphone - are the goddesses of vengeance, and punish people for sins, in Rome they were called furies. It was believed that they live in the underground kingdom of Hades, appearing on Earth to arouse hatred, anger and even madness in a person. In the myths, other sisters appeared more clearly, evidence that the goddess Megara is the most vengeful has not been preserved, but the glory remains. Therefore, for many centuries the word "megera" means not ancient goddess, but an evil and angry lady, capable of greatly ruining the lives of others.

Megaera in mythology

Who is Megara in mythology? In Greek legends, she is mentioned as the personification of anger, envy and revenge. Having chosen a victim, she pursued her with her sisters, driving her to madness. Depicted Megara in the form terrifying creatures with snakes instead of hair and a terrible grin, in her hand the "beauty" held a whip. A strong stench allegedly testified to the presence of the Erinyes; judging by the legends, rapists and murderers became their victims.

Megara is a legend

It is generally accepted that Megaera is the goddess of vengeance, one of the most terrible sisters, but it is not mentioned anywhere that she was ugly. Ancient sources even describe Erinyes as attractive women, with sharp features, repulsive - only snakes instead of hair. Sometimes wings were attributed to them. Already much later writers and the artists depicted these goddesses as:

  • bats with dog heads;
  • beautiful girls with torches and whips.

Some confuse Erinyes with Gorgons. - daughters sea ​​god Forkis and his sisters Keto: Medusa, Ephryale and Stheno, who were turned into girls with hair from vipers by the goddess Athena. The only mortal of them was Medusa, who, according to legend, was killed by Perseus, the sisters knew how to turn people into stone with their eyes. Both Megaera and Medusa Gorgon were mortal, possessed hair from snakes, but the latter was not the goddess of vengeance, she can be called a victim of the jealous daughter of Zeus.

Who is a vixen woman?

Given the nature of the mythological Megara, it is understandable why ladies who were harmful in character began to be called that. Today, a vixen woman is the personification of:

  • malice;
  • grumpiness;
  • envy.

Since such qualities were inherent in the ancient Eriny. Psychologists note that this word should not be considered an insult, because one cannot be offended by comparison with a deity. But change your behavior and stop portraying modern version the goddess of vengeance is a must. Modern vixen does not pursue criminals and does not push to bloody wars, but it can significantly ruin the life of yourself and others.

How to live with a vixen?

How to live with a vixen and is it necessary to do it? This question is being asked by many men today. Experts note that such women are very quarrelsome, it is difficult to please them, they are constantly looking for reasons to quarrel. In a dispute, they break into screams and curses, this complicates communication. best way out- stay away from such personalities, because it is impossible to change them. But what if the evil vixen is a sister or mother? Psychologists advise:

  1. Never get involved in an argument, express your arguments calmly, it is better to repeat one phrase several times.
  2. If the scandal is only gaining momentum, leave the room or even the house and continue the conversation when the woman is out of breath and calms down a bit.

Often referred to as shrews. What is this word? From what language did it come into our speech? Megaera is a character from ancient Greek myths. It is easy to guess that this heroine, in the view of ancient people, was especially unpleasant.

The meaning of the word "vixen"

The name of the heroine of ancient legends can be found in many dictionaries. "Meger" - what is it? Everywhere the same thing is said: one of the Erinyes - Erebus and Nyukta had many children, among them Meger. What kind of character is described below. First, it is worth saying that both French and Italian have a word that comes from the name of a mythological heroine. Writing in the majority European languages the same - megera, that is, "vixen". What does this word mean in understanding modern man? A grumpy, scandalous, vicious, vengeful woman.

Myths of Ancient Greece

As already mentioned, Megara is the daughter of Erebus and Nyukta. But if we open the book "Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece" as presented by Kuhn, we will not find this character. Erebus and Nyukta, that is, Darkness and Night, had many children, but Kun mentions only Hemera and Ether. The Roman counterpart of Megara is Furina. But nothing is said about her in ancient legends translated into Russian.

AT explanatory dictionaries it says that this female character should be attributed to the Erinyes, of which there were three in the view of the ancient Greeks. These heroines were born from Nyukta and Erebus. According to another version - from the blood of Uranus (the god who was castrated). Does Nikolai Kun mention at least one of the Erinyes? Author best translation ancient Greek myths, talking about the kingdom of Hades, describes in a nutshell the goddesses of vengeance, as formidable creatures with snakes and swords, pursuing criminals. They do not give a moment of rest to a mortal who has committed a misdemeanor, they torment him with remorse. However, Kuhn speaks very sparingly about these characters and there is no Vigera in his book.

Aeschylus has a tragedy by Eumenides. In her in question about Orestes, who killed his own mother. After committing a sin, he has no choice but to hide from the goddesses of vengeance. Eumenides are the same Erinyes. But even in the work of Aeschylus, Meger is not mentioned.

The translation of the ancient myths of Kun is summary, it lacks many characters. About that, in ancient Greek legends, we can learn only from explanatory dictionaries.