Funny with a Chinese phrase in the translator. Google translator jokes: the funniest machine translation "hijacks"

Hi all!

Until yesterday, I could not even suspect the existence of such a topic as jokes with Yandex and Google. Turns out search engines They love to joke too!

It is in this article that I want to reveal to you 10 secret jokes from Google that anyone can try. No, you do not need any investments, everything is absolutely free.

You will be able to please yourself and your friends, experience the main jokes with Yandex and Google to the fullest!

Well, let's get started? It's time to have some fun, otherwise it's all work and work!

Jokes from Google!

  • First joke:

When watching any video on YouTube, stop it and quickly, alternately press: right, up. Enjoy playing snake! To be honest, this joke did not work for me! And you?

  • google-gravity:

We make a real mess on the pages of the Google search engine ... To do this, follow the link:

You can drag everything, throw it and cause complete chaos, and you can safely use the search engine for its intended purpose (for search)!

  • Third secret:

Chinese Google image search:

At first glance, we have an ordinary search engine, though the seabed, fish, water are a little confusing ...

But, as soon as we enter a search query, pictures immediately begin to pour in and chaos again (we move objects, make waves, etc.)!

And if you click on the button familiar on the Russian Internet "I'm lucky!" (only here everything is in Chinese), then you will be showered with gold and various treasures (press the button many times, otherwise one click will bring only one coin)!

  • Fourth secret:

Enter the following phrases into the search engine one by one and look at the result:

Do a barrel roll

do a barrel roll



I won't go into details, you'll see for yourself!

  • Atari breakout:

Breakout is an arcade game similar to Pong created by Atari in 1976. A sequel followed in 1978 - Super Breakout. The most famous clone of the game is Arkanoid.

The upper third of the game screen is occupied by rows of bars. On the screen, bouncing off the top and side borders of the screen, the ball moves. When it hits a block, the ball bounces off and the block disappears. The player loses one life when the ball hits lower part screen; to prevent this, the player has a movable paddle with which the ball can be thrown back into upper part screen.

Go to Google Images and enter this:

Atari breakout

atari breakout

  • Piano on YouTube:

Turn on the video and play with the upper numbers on the keyboard. Then stop and remember the first point!

  • Doodles:

Probably everyone knows what doodles are... Okay, let me tell you about this strange word:

Doodles are unusual holiday versions of the homepage logo. Google Pages. They appear in honor of holidays, anniversaries of great events or anniversaries of famous artists, discoverers and scientists who changed the course of history.

You can read more about their history here(very interesting and informative).

In this way, the Google team shows its respect for certain events, and also tries to diversify its home page, brings zest, so to speak!

Especially worth paying attention to this doodle:

In honor of Les Paul's birthday, a guitar was created in 2011:

Here, play for health:

It is better to play with numbers, but you can move the mouse too!

Is it possible to see all the doodles ever created?

Yes! Doodles for all countries, created since 1998, are collected on the page This collection is constantly growing, so be sure to check back often!

  • Pac man

Everyone remembers the Pac-Man game?

  • Rubik's Cube:

Let's go without extra words:

  • Google on the machine:

If you get asked to find something in the search, because "they themselves can not", then you can always use the site And the anger will pass and you can laugh!

  • Small jokes with a translator:

In Google translator ( ) enter: " Good morning, Dmitry Anatolyevich or Good morning, Vladimir Vladimirovich. Now everything works correctly, before it was like this:

  • It is interesting:

In the search there is a function of the converter of values ​​(in Yandex too). For example: if you enter "dollar to euro", then the exchange rate will be in the first place. You can even ask him “how many parrots are in a boa constrictor” and he will answer you (better use Google)!

It turns out that Google is not the only such joker! Yandex also likes to joke and make fun of its users!

So, jokes from Yandex!

  • Yandex weather:

Go to the site (, we find something like a slot machine, the so-called "weather for luck" ... Found it?

So, click on the handle 20 times! Well, what's the result? Fuck jokers! 😀

  • Yandex-gravity:

I will present to your attention Yandex-gravity:

There are also many jokes with Yandex and Google for various search queries, but this is not so interesting!

For example, type the most popular query “Google you are a sweetheart” and pay attention to the first positions!

What do you know about search engines? Be sure to unsubscribe in the comments and I will update this post, it will benefit everyone!

By the way, I will reveal soon cool secrets: where to get unique articles without investments, where you can earn extra money on the Internet, etc! So that subscribe and stay up to date with all the new events!

So, I told you 10 secret jokes from Google (or even more), told about Yandex jokes ... I hope this information was helpful and you got a little distracted from your work!

But I also found a cool video about how programmers joke, I could not resist and added, look:

Revealed the main secret of Google

Recently there was news about the so-called<<загадочной барже>> in San Francisco, before that its purpose was hidden.

The fact is that the Google campaign is building a barge in the San Francisco Bay, but its purpose was carefully hidden. Were different variants on this topic: classified military base or floating data centers.

You can throw away all the options about the alien invasion, everything turned out to be much easier! Google will use this barge to present its new products.

That's all for today! See you!

Sincerely, Vladislav Lemishko.

fun Google translator updated periodically. The developers of the miracle machine do not have time to add, update or correct words, when you can immediately stumble, and quite by accident, on new consequences of unfortunate translations.

So, the site decided to show you the funniest and funniest Google translator jokes. Let's start in order. Imagine that you met a person from another country. You don't know the language. Hiring a professional is too expensive. Here we recall the magical multifunctional Google, which is always happy to provide itself as a help. However, do not forget that what a machine translation may give you may differ from what you want to say. For example:

Interesting and quite comical are obtained very funny jokes Google translator if doing double translation. That is, first you enter a sentence, translate it online, then copy the result, and translate it again. Believe me, the service will get confused, and you will laugh. Here are a couple of examples:

And still the same problem - Google can't decide:

An interesting translation option from Lithuanian into Russian is offered by Google. According to the machine, Russian President Putin cannot lose the election, even if you write in Lithuanian in the first window: "Putin lost the election", the result will be positive - "Putin won the election." We look:

True, the following screenshot just plays a role not in favor Russian citizens. Obviously, Google periodically doubts the professionalism of Russian actors, passing them off as foreign ones. However, in this case, the car even changed the floor:

It is noteworthy that when it comes to any invented Russian words, after all Google translate may not be confused, even though desired word not yet in any dictionary. That is, if you offer to translate "yummy", you will get no worse "tasty pie", and it will look something like this:

By the way, a rich machine language can not only make us laugh, but sometimes create considerable problems. By sending a message to the interlocutor, the meaning of which is too different from the desired one, you can get into a very unpleasant situation. Therefore, it is best to once again make sure that the text is written correctly, and even more so the meaning.

Today the site has prepared a new portion of this humorous genre.

Online Google Translator: Unexpected Options

Despite the fact that most often people with quite serious intentions turn to the service for help. online translation, the results are sometimes impressive with strangeness, and even stupidity.

True, the screenshot below completely confuses us what could happen to the application. Apparently, the usual greetings from Belarus can be conveyed, but with respect - no. The service instantly takes you from Belarus to Australia, and it's useless to argue with it.

But the Belarusians - it turned out to be half the trouble. "Dug" deeper, and realized that Google believes that the Russians do not like anyone, even if you write the opposite. He confidently gives out to any "Russian loves you" - "Russian does not love you." Mysterious error.

And, whatever one may say, reverse actions always mix. First, we translate the text from English into Russian, copy the result, and again turn to the program for help. The result - "from the rearrangement of the terms - the amount changes."

Of course, we will not forget the comical situation that happened recently with Russian politician Sergey Lavrov. As Google later explained: "there were crashes in the program." But he also created noise on the Internet with these failures. How else can you react to the translation of the name of the Minister of Foreign Affairs from Ukrainian into Russian, like "Sad Horse"?

The next screenshot will certainly convince you that the Translater translator is joking with Russia after all. So, he managed to see Moscow in Novosibirsk, which is very funny.

Well, in order to Google recognized the social Facebook network four letters are enough for him - "Togo". Doubt? See:

By the way, useful service I am absolutely sure that not only in Russia the cities are the same, even if they sound different. Ukrainians have to learn completely unknown fact from the application that Kharkiv and Odessa are one and the same.

Another obvious joke of the service, there is no other way to explain it. It's just that someone decided that "Ketchup" is very similar to "Lemon", even if in Polish.

Not Google translator jokes

The developers also paid attention to the Mongolian language. It turns out that simple letter combinations in translation mean whole words and manifestations of politeness!

Who would have thought that the word "girl" in this language is so easy to pronounce for us? You just need to sigh sadly - and we speak Mongolian!

How is this wording? All the same language, but what a variety of words!

Audio jokes with Google translator

Particularly resourceful contrive with the help useful program even beatbox play. No one doubted that German is a harsh language. Here is the approach to work!

It turns out that singing is also subject to a useful application!

Definitely a great option for instant result, the text of which can be corrected and ready. However, there are also cases from the series "Oops, something went wrong." Either a machine failure, or too many people offered their own version, or jokers work in the company, programming a little strange interpretations of some words and phrases in general.

It provides users with unlimited opportunities, especially with a non-standard approach to its work. It is quite easy to be a polyglot, having at hand such useful and simple applications. And with fantasy ordinary translation becomes fun!