Latvia interesting facts about the country for children. Principality of Courland, Munchausen, dumplings with cheese and many more interesting and unknown facts about Latvia, Riga and Latvians

1. Latvians love their capital. Almost 1/3 of Latvia's 2 million inhabitants live in Riga, sometimes referred to as the Paris of the North.

2. There is a lot of water in Latvia. There are 12 thousand rivers and 3 thousand small lakes in the country.

3. A country with very fast internet. Internet speed in Latvia is one of the highest in the world – 13.8MB/s on average. For comparison, In Great Britain - 11.6, in the USA - 11.9, in France - 7.5, in Brazil - 3.4, in Egypt - 1.7.

Express info by country

Latvia(Republic of Latvia) – state in Northern Europe.

Capital– Riga

Largest cities: Riga, Daugavpils, Liepaja, Jelgava, Jurmala

Form of government- Parliamentary republic

Territory- 64,589 km 2 (124th in the world)

Population– 2.16 million people (148th in the world)

Official language– Latvian

Religion- Lutheranism, Orthodoxy

HDI– 0.873 (27th in the world)

GDP– $31.28 billion (99th in the world)

Currency– euro

Borders with: Estonia, Lithuania, Belarus, Russia

4. Edge of protected nature. About 54% of the country is covered with forests, which makes Latvia one of the greenest countries in Europe. Black storks, otters, beavers, lynxes, wolves, many deer, wild boars, elks and foxes live here.

5. There are many mountains in Latvia. The highest point is Gaiziņkalns, 312 meters above sea level. To overtake Estonia with her high point Suur Munamagi, 318 meters, the Latvians built a tower on top of their mountain. But in 2012 it had to be demolished due to a safety risk.

6. Latvia is the birthplace of many female models. In terms of per capita, only Estonia, Iceland, Lithuania and Denmark are ahead of it.

7. The flag of Latvia is the oldest in the world after the Danish one. The flag of Latvia in its current design has been in use since 1280.

8. Latvia is the birthplace of the greatest (and tallest) female basketball players. Basketball in Latvia — national view sports in the summer (hockey in winter). Uliana Semenova, 2.1m tall, led TTT Riga when the team won 12 consecutive European titles in 1964-1975. Semenova became the first non-American to appear in the NBA Hall of Fame.

9. Jeans were invented by a Latvian. The tailor Jacob W. Davis, at the birth of Jākobs Jufess, was born in Riga and emigrated to the USA in 1854. In 1870 he received an order to sew strong trousers for a lumberjack. His creation has become a template for modern jeans. Two years later, with the help of Levi Strauss, the tailor patented his super trousers.

10. Riga Black Balsam is healing. The balm is made in oak barrels using 24 different plants, flowers, buds, juices, roots, oils and berries. This is a great cold remedy.

11. There are many nature reserves in Latvia. About 20% of the country's territory is under protection. There are 4 national parks, 42 natural parks, 260 nature reserves, 355 natural monuments, 7 marine protected areas, 24 micro-reserves and a biosphere reserve. In 2012, Latvia topped the list of the Protection Quality Index environment(the Environmental Performance Index).

12. A national dish- sorrel soup. Other popular dishes are rupjmaize (rye bread) and pīrādziņi (bun stuffed with bacon and onions).

13. The symbol of Latvia is the white wagtail constantly losing feathers due to the fact that he constantly wags his tail.

14. Here you can voluntarily go to jail. Former military prison in the city of Karosta ( was turned into a hostel. Guests can get a "prisoner experience" - uniformed cops, shabby cells, verbal abuse and physical exercise under supervision.

15. On the territory of the country there are two objects from the list world heritage UNESCO. This is the historical center of Riga, known for its Art Nouveau architecture, as well as the lesser known Struve Arc, which runs through the territories of Estonia, Belarus, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Moldova, Russia, Sweden and. This is a chain of triangles that runs from Hammerfest in Norway to the Black Sea, and is the first accurate measurement of the meridian.

The capital of Latvia, Riga, is separated by 490 km from St. Petersburg in a straight line. Short distance and long period common history did not help the Russians to discover all the secrets and mysteries of this small Baltic country.

Former Principality of Courland in the 17th century, modern Latvia is a member of the EU and NATO.

Residents of the country like to call their power "Song Festival". Its shape on the world map resembles the body of a small chicken.

From the time of Soviet period history in the view of Russians Latvia is associated with three things- Riga balsam, sprats and spirits "Dzintars".

Few people know that in this country long time lived the same Baron Munchausen. The famous dreamer and inventor was a very real person. Born in Germany, he chose Latvia for his life.

It is very common to hear how Latvia is called the country of chimney sweeps and amber. They became symbols of the state many centuries ago, together with the wagtail and the crane.

Latvians are very careful about their history. Quantity anniversaries in their calendar significantly exceeds the number of holidays celebrated in the state.

Those who say that Latvia is in Eastern Europe are wrong. It is located in its northern part. The country includes 109 regions.

Things are worse with cities in Latvia. There are only 9 large urban settlements in it..

Half of the territory of Latvia is occupied by forests. On an area of ​​64.6 thousand square meters. km there are 12 thousand rivers and 3 thousand lakes.

Despite this abundance of reservoirs, finding a place to rest on their shore is quite difficult. All of them belong to private individuals who determine the procedure for visiting the territory that they own.

Latvia can be proud of the fact that it is recognized as the largest salmon spawning ground in the Baltics.

Latvians love to spend their weekends on the beaches of the Gulf of Riga.

The main resort city of the country - Jurmala. His Sandy shore Brezhnev and Khrushchev, General Secretaries of the Central Committee of the CPSU, were very fond of in their time.

Latvians are very serious about the ecology of their country. More than 20% of its territory is a protected area. Black storks, red foxes, beavers and deer feel great here.

There is a waterfall in the country. It is famous for being the widest in Europe. It is located on the Venta River.

Recently in Latvia they have become in the French manner grow lavender. Its fields can be found near the place called Kitas.

It is very interesting to look at the architecture of the cities of the country in which they are reflected various styles characteristic of certain historical epochs.

Most high building countries named "Z-Towers". By Latvian standards, it is a real giant. Its height reaches 135 meters.

Another Latvian skyscraper is one of the three buildings of the European Union - it became country's main TV tower. Its height is 368.5 meters. At around 90 meters there is an observation deck on it.

Surprising fact: Latvia is the only Baltic country that has its own circus.

This is not the only thing that can surprise in this country. In the city of Karosta tourists who love extreme adventures can stay for the night in a hotel stylized as a prison.

Most Old city countries - Ludza. Its history begins in 1177.

The narrow gauge railway still operates in Latvia Railway on which the passenger train runs. She is over a hundred years old.

Latvians are big fans of their capital. It was founded by the German crusaders. They chose the harbor in the lower reaches of the Western Dvina as the place for the construction of Riga. In Latvia, this river is called the Daugava.

The history of the city dates back to 1201. Modern Riga is the largest city not only in the country, but also in the Baltics. It is home to a third of the population of the state. It is divided into new and old parts..

Riga is the birthplace of Sergei Eisenstein. The Latvian capital has a lot to do with cinema. In the old part of the city, known as Vecriga, was filmed a large number of documentaries and feature films.

Jauniela Street is familiar to many based on films about the Soviet intelligence officer Stirlitz. She also filmed stories about the legendary English detective Sherlock Holmes.

AT Soviet time In the city it was planned to build a subway, but the project was never implemented. There are a lot of interesting and surprising things in Riga. Two cats officially serve in her city hall - Kuzya and Muris.

The old part of the city is under the protection of UNESCO and is part of it historical heritage. The world's first Christmas tree was installed on New Year on the Riga market square. It happened in 1510.

The famous metropolitan market covers an area of ​​72 thousand square meters. meters. It is considered the largest in the Baltics. Airships were previously stored in its pavilions.

On the streets of the modern historical part of Riga can be found today oldest European pharmacies.

In 2014, Riga was awarded the honorary title: she was acknowledged cultural capital Europe. In the city you can find many buildings built in the Art Nouveau style.

Rigans are big fans of inventing original things. An example of this would be Riga restaurant Hospitalis Restaurant. Restaurant design idea Catering can be called shocking.

The interior of the unusual restaurant is made in the style of a hospital, in which the chairs are replaced by couches and there is a ward for the insane.

National cuisine of the country

The national cuisine of Latvians consists of simple but very satisfying dishes. They say that in Latvia sorrel soup is very popular. The inhabitants of the country themselves did not notice a particular addiction to this dish.

Has a special taste Latvian rye bread. It is baked according to old recipes and recognized by experts as unique in its composition.

In traditional folk holidays prepare in the country pies with bacon and onions, baked ribs of milk veal aged in juniper berries and currant leaves.

The main Latvian dish - gray peas with lard. Very often on the tables of Latvians you can meet herring with cottage cheese and sour cream. It has a very delicate taste.

Latvians love to cook and all sorts of unusual things. Among them cheese dumplings, cream soups, rhubarb marshmallow, dandelion honey, lilac ice cream and much more.

Most often, Latvians drink for holiday tables beer and kvass. They are cooked according to traditional old recipes. The first Lithuanian brewery was built in the castle of Bauska.

In the 18th century, 700 breweries brewed the intoxicating drink in the country. Their products were considered the best in Europe.

Latvians are not always Latvians

The population of Latvia is considered one of the most educated in the EU. There are two students per employee.

Latvians cannot be named wealthy people. More than 26% of them live below the poverty line.

The citizens of the country are called Latvians. Latvians are people who belong to this nationality. They make up 63% of total number the inhabitants of the country.

The second largest people inhabiting the state are Russians. Their number is approximately 27%.

The number of women in the country exceeds the number of men. Their life expectancy is 82 years. Men live 5 years less.

The majority of Latvian women have good pieces and almost model appearance. They are considered the highest in the world.. Their average height is 170 cm.

The main characteristic of Latvians is individualism. They are laconic, closed, do not like to make any promises and rely only on themselves in everything. Most of all they like to appeal to reason.

They are very conservative and carefully preserve their traditions. In the Latvian family there is a way of matriarchy.

Language and writing

Official official language countries - Latvian. It is spoken by a little over 2 million people in the world. AT Latvian seven cases and two genders.

It is very similar to Lithuanian. The main difference between these two languages ​​is stress. In Latvian, it falls on the first syllable of most words.

Almost 40% of the country's population speaks excellent Russian. But he doesn't do it very willingly. The attitude of Latvians towards Russians is not very friendly.

Latvian writing appeared about 400 years ago.

Traditions and holidays

In November, the country celebrates its independence day. He passes November 18th. Every citizen of this country on this day must hang the state flag on his home.

It is one of the most ancient in the world. Its history begins in the 13th century. Only the flag of Denmark is older than Lithuanian.

Very often the banner of Latvia is confused with the Austrian. A heavy fine is imposed on those who do not hang the flag of Latvia on its independence day.

The country's second most popular holiday - Ligo. It takes place on the day of the summer solstice. most short night in a year, most of the country's inhabitants spend in round dances around fires.

According to Latvian statistics, during Ligo celebrations, residents of the country drink 5% of the annual beer consumption.

Latvians love to celebrate valentines day and halloween.

There is no official religion in the country, so every people living in the country celebrates and honors the holidays recognized by their faith.

The biggest superstitions of Latvians are connected with the night of Janov. At this time, according to local legends, witches fly across the sky. In order to protect your house from their penetration, the doors of the house are decorated with rowan branches.

It is believed that on this night the fern blooms for just a moment. Everyone wants to see this. He who bathes in the morning after this witch's night, naked in the dew, will receive great strength and health.

The main celebration of this night is on Janova mountain.

The end of winter is associated with the celebration of Meteni. On this day, ditties are sung, sleigh rides and pork heads cooked according to a special Latvian recipe are eaten.

In fact, this is the Russian Maslenitsa - a holiday of farewell to winter and meeting of spring. These festivities are especially fun in Daugavpils.

The longest the night before Christmas is connected with the festivities of the mummers. wrapped long rope, tied to a log, citizens merrily and noisily walk through the streets of Latvian cities.

Celebration of Orthodox Easter in this country intertwined with pagan traditions.

In addition to the traditional cooking of Easter cake and colored eggs, Latvians go to the sea to frighten seagulls.

It is believed that colored eggs bring good luck, so they are hidden in secluded places.

Latvians love to sing. It is held here every year a large number of music festivals.

Other interesting facts

Jeans loved by the majority of the inhabitants of the planet were first sewn in 1870 by an American tailor of Latvian origin, Jacob Davis. His real name is Jacob Yofis.

He emigrated from Latvia to America in 1854. The durable and wearable trousers invented by him were patented by his companion Levi Strauss.

Prototype famous hero Hollywood blockbuster about Crocodile Dandy served Latvian Arvids Blumentals. He was a native of Dundage and bore the nickname Crocodile Harry.

After graduating from the Blumentlas school, he joined the Latvian Legion, and then the French. After wandering around the world, in 1955 he came to Australia. This is where his famous crocodile hunt began.

In the arsenal of his trophies there are more than 40 thousand specimens of these predators caught by him.

One of the first tanks in the world was built in the capital of Latvia in 1914. Currently Latvia produces the most expensive armored SUVs in the world. They are branded "Prombron".

In the history of Latvia there are a large number unsolved mysteries and secrets. One of them is located in the dense forests and has the name object "Asterisk".

Close and unfamiliar Latvia receives more than 1.5 million tourists annually who come to it from all corners of the world. Many Russians have turned this country into their summer dacha a long time ago.

There is something to see, where it is fun to relax and retire.

1. The national flag of Latvia is considered to be one of the oldest in the world. So, the first mention of it dates back to the beginning of the 13th century. Very often the Latvian flag is confused with the national flag of Austria.

2. The state language of the country is Latvian, which in its origin is related and similar only to the neighboring Lithuanian language.

3. The national stone of Latvia is amber, the bird is the white wagtail. Another symbol of the country is the crane.

4. Ethnic composition population Baltic Latvia is as follows: 63% - Latvians, 27% - Russians, 3% - Belarusians, the rest are Lithuanians, Poles, Ukrainians and Jews.

5. Since 2014, national monetary unit Latvia is the euro, which replaced the lats.

6. The Latvian capital - the city of Riga - is the largest in terms of population in the entire Baltic.

7. The old part of Riga is on the list of cultural attractions international organization UNESCO.

8. One of the oldest and still operating pharmacies is located in Riga.

9. Latvia boasts a centuries-old tradition of brewing craftsmanship. Thus, the brewery located in Cesis is rightfully considered one of the oldest in all of Northern Europe, since the first mention of it in history dates back to around 1590.

10. In the Latvian capital, many famous and beloved films were shot by the Soviet audience. Among them are the following film masterpieces: “17 Moments of Spring”, “Shield and Sword”, “Prisoner of If Castle”, “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”, “Purely English Murder”, “ Long road in the dunes" and many others.

11. Ludza is the oldest city in Latvia. The first mention of it in history dates back to 1177.

12. The tallest building in the country is the 135-meter Z-Towers. The tallest non-residential building in the country and the 3rd tallest in all of Europe is the building of the Riga TV and radio tower with a height of 368.5 m.

13. Previously called the Principality of Courland, Latvia in the 17th century had its own colonies in the Caribbean and even in Africa.

14. The year 2003 was marked for the metropolitan Riga by holding the continental song contest Eurovision, and already 3 years later the world ice hockey championship was successfully held here.

15. The central market of the Latvian capital is the largest in the entire Baltic - its area is 72,000 square meters. m. For this reason, it is one of the largest in all of Europe. It is also listed in the world cultural heritage organizations of UNESCO.

16. The most popular holiday among the inhabitants of Latvia is Ligo. It is traditionally celebrated in the period from June 23 to 24 on the day of the summer solstice and is invariably accompanied by mass folk festivals and events. According to local traditions, this shortest night of the year is spent around a burning fire, singing and eating traditional Latvian dishes - cheese with caraway seeds and beer. For 2 days of incomplete days of the holiday, approximately 5% of the annual volume of intoxicating drink consumed in the country is drunk. It is worth noting that in this country there are a lot of different types of beer, among which you can even great desire you can hardly find anything tasteless.

17. In Latvian stores, alcoholic beverages can only be bought before 22:00.

18. The widest waterfall in all of Europe - Ventas rumba (Kuldyga). In width, it reaches 249 meters.

19. Almost half of the country's area is occupied by forests.

20. Within the boundaries of the Latvian capital, you can find buildings typical of the Art Nouveau style.

21. The main national Latvian dish is gray peas with lard. One of the strangest local dishes, in our opinion, is herring, accompanied by sour cream and cottage cheese.

22. The largest airport in Latvia and the entire Baltic States is considered to be the airport "Riga".

23. Small in size and population, Latvia is in the world's top 10 countries in terms of network connection speed.

24. On the territory of Latvia is valid strict law banning smoking less than 10 meters from a public place.

25. Planned environmental safety Latvia is in the honorable 2nd place in the world.

26. Average duration life expectancy for men and women in Latvia is 77 and 82 years, respectively.

27. Latvian folklore has over 1 million folk songs, which are called as "dains".

28 The traditional and most common names for Latvia are Liga and Janis.

29. Residents of Latvia were the first in the world to make flights to wind tunnel a real show, thereby deserving world attention and recognition. Famous Hong Kong film actor Jackie Chan subsequently used this pipe in one of his films in 2012.

30. In 1510, the world's first Christmas tree was installed on the main market square in Riga. Despite the fact that French Strasbourg is generally considered to be the birthplace of the New Year tree, nevertheless, in the Latvian capital they began to put it almost 95 years earlier. It is not necessary to buy on the territory of the country conifer tree in the festive markets, it is enough to cut down the copy you like in the forest. However, at the same time, it must comply with the restrictions existing in the country in terms of height and diameter of the trunk.

31. The only bobsleigh track in all of Eastern Europe is located in the city of Sigulda.

32. The world-famous inventor and dreamer Karl Friedrich Hieronymus von Munchausen, who really existed, was born in Germany, however most lived his life in what is now Latvia.

33. While on vacation in Latvia, you should definitely try local black and sweet and sour bread with various fillings, sprats and various canned fish, marshmallows, chocolate, sweets and sweets from Laima, chocolate curds "Karums", cheese with cumin, processed cheese "Dzintars" - this is not a complete list of what is worth trying in this country.

34. Latvia is the birthplace of such famous people like Raymond Pauls, Laima Vaikule, Valdis Pelsh, Mikhail Zadornov.

35. Latvia is the only country in the entire Baltic where motocross competitions are held in the MX1 class.

36. In 1937, the Latvian Walter Zapp invented the world's first portable mini-video camera. Cinema "Riga" at one time became the first cinema in the entire Baltic region, where the first sound films began to be broadcast.

37. On public holidays, every house and building in without fail should be posted national flags. In the absence of such, a fine is issued.

38. Riga is the only city in all of Europe where 5 different religious beliefs coexist peacefully at once with their temples.

39. The most popular given name and surname in Latvia are Janis and Berzins, respectively.

30 interesting facts about Kyiv are listed.
They inspired me to write 30 interesting facts about Latvia (I take the country, not the city, because the entire Republic of Latvia is 2-3 times smaller in population than the capital of Ukraine).

1. The Latvian flag is one of the oldest in the world. The first mention of it appeared in the XIII century. Only the Danish flag boasts a more ancient history.

2. Ventas rumba(Ventas rumba) in the city of Kuldiga is the widest waterfall in Europe (249 meters).

3. In terms of environmental safety, Latvia ranks second in the world. About 20% of the territory of Latvia is under strict protection. The country has four national parks, 42 natural park, 260 nature reserves, 355 natural monuments, seven marine protected areas, 24 micro-reserves and even a biosphere reserve. In 2012, Latvia topped the ranking of countries in the environmental performance index.

4. There are more than a million songs in Latvian folklore - they are called dains.

5. About 12.5% ​​of the inhabitants of Latvia were killed during World War II. AT percentage this is the largest number killed inhabitants of any of the countries of Europe, with the exception of Poland and Lithuania. Between 1945 and 1952 in Soviet camps 190 thousand Latvians were serving their sentences.

6. Latvia has 494 km of sandy coastline.

7. There are more models per capita in Latvia than in almost any other country in the world. Only Estonia, Iceland, Lithuania and Denmark rank higher on this list.

8. Riga is the most Big City the Baltic countries.

9. Old Riga is included in the list of cultural sights of UNESCO.

10. Riga is the capital of Art Nouveau: every third building in the Latvian capital is made in the Art Nouveau style, popular in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. There are more than eight hundred such houses in total.

11. Riga is the only city in Europe where five different religions coexist with their temples.

12. In Riga, the only capital of the Baltic States, there is a circus.

13. The Riga Central Market is the largest in the Baltics and one of the largest in Europe, its area is 72,000 m2. It is also listed as a UNESCO Cultural Landmark. The pavilions of the central market are former airship hangars.

14. The world's first Christmas tree was installed in Riga on the main market square in 1510. Strasbourg is considered to be the birthplace of the New Year tree, but in Riga they began to install a festive tree 95 years earlier.

15. Riga has the world's only Museum of the Sun.

16. The tallest building in Latvia (directly in Riga) - "Z-Towers", 135 meters.

17. The tallest building in Latvia and the third tallest in Europe is the Riga TV tower, 368.5 meters (after Ostankino and Kyiv).

18. Latvia, or rather the Duchy of Courland, in the 17th century had colonies in Africa (an island in the Gambia) and in the Caribbean Sea (the island of Tobago).

19. The oldest city in Latvia is Ludza. The first chronicles date back to 1177.

20. The famous dreamer Carl Friedrich Hieronymus von Munchausen - in fact real person, who was born in Germany, but lived most of his life in Latvia. In the town of Dunte, where his estate was, there is a museum dedicated to him.

21. "Crocodile Dundee" was actually Latvian. According to some reports, the creators of the films about Crocodile Dundee were inspired by the story of the Latvian Arvids Blumentals, nicknamed Harry the Crocodile. He was born in Dundag in 1925, and then emigrated to Australia, where he began to hunt crocodiles. During his lifetime, Blumenthals caught about forty thousand crocodiles.

22. A resident of Latvia - the inventor of jeans. Tailor Jacob Davis (Jacob W. Davis / birth name Jacob Yofis) was born in Riga, and in 1854 emigrated to the United States. One of his clients once ordered durable trousers from him for her husband, who worked in the forest. In 1872, Davis came up with a way to fasten the pockets of his trousers with copper rivets, so that they would not come off. This type of trousers appealed to his clients, and Davis decided to patent his idea. To do this, he turned to his partner Levi Strauss. Two years later, Strauss and Davis received a patent for the use of metal rivets on clothing. Thus was laid the foundation for the production of Levi's classic jeans.

23. Latvia has a long tradition of brewing. The brewery in Cēsis is considered one of the oldest in Northern Europe. The first mentions date back to 1590.

24. The company "Dartz Motorz" from Riga produces the world's most expensive armored off-road vehicles under the brand name "Prombron".

25. In the Latvian calendar memorable days more than holidays.

26. Airport "Riga" - the largest in the Baltic States.

27. Latvia has one of the fastest internet in the world. His average speed across the country is 13.8 Mbps. For comparison, in the UK this figure is 11.6 Mbps, in the USA - 11.9 Mbps, in France 7.5 Mbps, in Brazil 3.4 Mbps and only 1.7 Mbps in Egypt.

28. The world's first portable mini video camera was invented back in 1937 by a Latvian, Walter Zapp.

29. The national bird of Latvia is the wagtail.

30. The most popular surname in Latvia is Berzins (zh.r. Berzina), which means birch in translation. (And after that, who will argue about Russian birches?))))

Sending a flash mob: tell us something interesting about your country or region (region).

1. The Latvian flag is one of the oldest in the world. The first mention of it appeared in the XIII century.
2. The official state language is Latvian.
3. Only Lithuanian is related to the Latvian language.
4. On the territory of Eastern Latvia, in Latgale, the Latgalian dialect is widespread.
5. In communication with foreigners, it is most often used English language. German and French are spoken less frequently.
6. The national stone of Latvia is amber, the bird is the white wagtail.
7. The crane is also the symbol of Latvia.
8. There are 109 regions in Latvia and only 9 republican cities.
9. The population of Latvia is 63% Latvians, 27% Russians, 3% Belarusians, as well as Ukrainians, Poles, Lithuanians, Jews.

10. Since 1999, Latvia has been a member of the WTO, since 2004 a member of NATO and European Union, and since 2007 a member of the Schengen Agreement.
11. In 2014, Latvia switched to the euro.
12. Riga is the largest city in the Baltic States.
13. There is no subway in Riga, although the construction was planned in Soviet times.
14. National currency - lat. Long time was one of the most expensive currencies in the world. 1 lats = $0.5 or? 0.7. Banknotes started from five lats, less only in coins.
15. There is a category of citizens in Latvia called stateless persons. And there is even such a passport (alien's passport).
16. Latvian has seven cases and two genders, and most Latvian words are stressed on the first syllable.
17. In 1999, Vaira Vike-Freiberga, the first female president in Eastern Europe, became the President of Latvia.
18. Public transport costs? 0.60. You can buy for several trips, then the fare will be cheaper. Public transport is air conditioned and runs on schedule. Each stop has a traffic pattern and timetable.

19. Old Riga is included in the list of cultural sights of UNESCO.
21. In Latvia, just like in Estonia, they pay the so-called parental salary - how much you earned before going on maternity leave, that's how much you will be paid a year and a half after the birth of a child.
22. Latvia has a professional army, it has only about six thousand servicemen.
23. Latvia celebrates Independence Day on November 18th.
24. Riga is the birthplace of one of the oldest pharmacies in Europe.
25. Latvia has a long tradition of brewing. The brewery in Cēsis is considered one of the oldest in Northern Europe. The first mentions date back to 1590.
26. A lot of films were filmed in Riga: “Seventeen Moments of Spring”, “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”, “Long Road in the Dunes”, “Shield and Sword”, “Prisoner of If Castle”, “Purely English Murder” and many others.
27. The most popular and famous resort in Latvia - Jurmala - the venue for such concerts as " New wave”,“ Vocal KiViN ”,“ Jurmalina ”.
28. The oldest city in Latvia is Ludza. The first chronicles date back to 1177.
29. Latvia is located in Northern Europe, and not in Eastern Europe, as is commonly believed.
30. The tallest building in Latvia - "Z-Towers", 135 meters. The tallest building in Latvia and the third tallest in Europe is the Riga TV and Radio Tower (368.5 meters).

31. Latvia (in the 17th century the Principality of Courland) had colonies in Africa and the Caribbean.
32. In 2003, the Eurovision Song Contest was held in Riga.
33. In 2006, Latvia became the first post-Soviet state to host a NATO summit.
34. The 2006 Ice Hockey World Championship was held in Riga.
35. The Riga Central Market is the largest in the Baltics and one of the largest in Europe, its area is 72,000 m². It is also listed as a UNESCO Cultural Landmark.
36. The pavilions of the central market are former hangars for airships.
37. One of the most popular holidays among Latvians - Ligo - is celebrated on June 23-24 on the day of the summer solstice and is accompanied by folk festivals. According to tradition, the shortest night of the year should be spent by the fire, awake, singing songs and enjoying traditional dishes - cheese with cumin and beer. During the holiday period in Latvia, 5% of the total beer consumption per year is consumed.
38. There are a lot of types of beer in Latvia, there is simply no tasteless beer here.
39. Alcohol can be bought in stores only until 22:00.
40. Ventas rumba (Kuldyga) - the widest waterfall in Europe. (249 meters)

41. Forests occupy almost 50% of the entire territory of the country.
42. Three stars on the coat of arms of Latvia and in the hands of the woman-Freedom symbolize the three regions of Latvia - Kurzeme-Zemgale, Vidzeme and Latgale.
43. The flag of Latvia is often confused with the flag of Austria.
44. In Latvia, there are two students per capita - this is one of the most high performance in the world.
45. Latvia is the only one of the Baltic republics that has a circus.
46. ​​There are exemplary art nouveau buildings in Riga.
47. The company "Dartz Motorz" from Riga produces the world's most expensive armored off-road vehicles under the brand name "Prombron".
48. There are more women in Latvia than men.
49. Russia in Latvia is called Krievia from the name of the Krivichi tribe.
50. Gray peas with bacon - this is, of course, the most important Latvian dish, among the curiosities - herring with cottage cheese and sour cream.

51. There are more memorable days in the Latvian calendar than holidays.
52. Airport "Riga" - the largest in the Baltics.
53. Latvia is among the top 10 countries in the world in terms of Internet connection speed.
54. There is no official religion in the country, but the majority of the believing population are Lutherans.
55. 99.9% of the country's territory is covered by a GSM network. About 80% - 4G network, and the fee is quite small. Everything without a limit, connection to all networks costs about? 10-15 per month.
56. Latvia has a smoking ban in in public places, prohibiting smoking at a distance of ten meters from a public place.
57. The tax on tobacco products is 80% of their value.
58. In terms of environmental safety, Latvia ranks second in the world.
59. The country is very high level adult literacy: 99.8% completed secondary education.

60. The average life expectancy for men is about 77 years and for women it is 82 years.
61. Riga is home to SSE (Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics), one of the top 20 universities in Europe in the field of economics and finance, according to the Financial Times.
62. Latvia boasts large deposits natural resources- limestone, peat, dolomite and amber.
63. One of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the Baltics is located in Latvia.
64. There are more than a million songs in Latvian folklore - they are called dains.
65. One of the oldest museums Latvia - the Museum of Nature, one of the five best technical museums in Europe - the Riga Motor Museum, the only Porcelain Museum and the Aviation Museum in the Baltic States. And the only Museum of the Sun in the world.
66. Janis and Liga are traditional Latvian names.
67. Valentine's Day and Halloween are very popular in Latvia.
68. In 2015, Riga will host Euro Pride, a parade of European sexual minorities.

69. Latvians were the first to make a unique show out of wind tunnel flights, deserving world attention thanks to their participation in the closing Olympic Games in Turin.
70. In 2012, Jackie Chan filmed his film in this wind tunnel.
71. The world's first Christmas tree was installed in Riga on the main market square in 1510. Strasbourg is considered to be the birthplace of the New Year tree, but in Riga they began to install a festive tree 95 years earlier.
72. Sigulda has the only bobsleigh track in Eastern Europe.
73. Most famous musical group from Latvia - "Brainstorm" (in the homeland of "Prāta Vētra"), founded back in 1989.
74. The famous visionary Karl Friedrich Hieronymus von Munchausen is actually a real person, born in Germany, but lived most of his life in Latvia.
75. Black, plain and with different fillings, as well as sweet and sour bread, sprats, and generally canned fish, chocolate, marshmallows and various other sweets and sweets from the Laima factory, Karums chocolate cheeses, Dzintars melted cheese ”, cheese with cumin - this is an incomplete list of product names that are still recognizable and associated with Latvia.
76. Laima Vaikule, Valdis Pelsh, Raymond Pauls, Mikhail Zadornov - all come from Latvia.
77. Latvia is the only country in the Baltics that hosts the World Motocross Championship in the MX1 class.
78. There is a law in Latvia prohibiting the possession of fighting dogs.
79. The world's first portable mini-camera was invented back in 1937 by a Latvian, Walter Zapp. And the first cinema to start broadcasting sound films throughout the Baltics was the cinema "Riga".
80. Christmas tree it is not necessary to buy, you can cut down the one you like in the forest, but there are restrictions on the height and diameter of the spruce trunk.
81. On the day public holiday a flag must be hung on each building, if there is none, then a fine is issued.
82. Secondary education in Latvian schools lasts 12 years.
83. In Latvia you can find the most rare language in Europe - Liv, it is now spoken by about 200 citizens of Latvia.
84. Riga is the only city in Europe where five different religions coexist with their temples.
85. In Latvia, it is possible to take an exam for driving a manual and automatic transmission separately.
86. In Latvia, you must pass on the category "moped" with any engine size.
87. In Latvia, children under 16 must apply for a bicycle license.
88. In Latvia, for driving while intoxicated, they put them in jail (up to 15 days), take away their license (up to two years) and issue a fine (up to? 2000), and the car is parked until the fine is paid.
89. Latvia has a municipal police force.
90. The most popular surname in Latvia is Berzins, the name is Janis.