Download I will solve the exam for android with a solution. Preparing for the Unified State Examination: Useful Android Programs

There are only a few weeks left before the start of the USE-2017 campaign. It's time to catch up on missed topics and practice the material already studied! Smartphone - unique educational tool accessible to everyone! A selection of applications for effective training for exams under the cut.

Testing the exam on Android

The Unified State Exam is based on tests, which require not only knowledge, but also an acquired skill.

Dunno- an interactive testing system focused on productivity. The application does not have extra functionality, only necessary minimum.

Preparation is carried out in 11 subjects out of 14 possible. The catalog lacks assignments for German, French and Spanish. Depending on the discipline, from 10 to 40 options are available, as well as an official demo prepared by FIPI. KIMs are copyright, the quality of compilation is on good level.

In addition to the usual options, a section for studying individual topics is open.

The testing interface looks simple, but it turns out to be quite practical. Questions go one after another, the usual vertical scrolling is used. The format of the answer corresponds to the real exam. For self check tasks of the second part are presented step by step solution.

The free version includes all variants of KIMs, the limitations affected the mode of working out individual topics. The full version costs 149 rubles for each item. After the purchase, the offline mode is activated and the mode by topic is fully opened.

In the web version of the service, you can find additional functions. For example, a service for checking work by an expert for an additional fee.

Examer is an advanced system for preparing for exams. Training is based on a modular system. Each module includes test and control tests on the topics included in the exam. The intensity of the course is calculated depending on the time remaining before the exam.

In addition to the author's training methodology, the application includes tests similar to exams. For each item, about 30-40 options were compiled. The format of the answer corresponds to the exam. Tasks from the second part are checked independently on a special card.

The theory section deserves special attention. It contains the main USE topics in 9 subjects.

The free version is very limited in functionality, in fact it is a trial. I propose to independently evaluate the cost of various tariffs. There is a referral program, for each friend you bring, a discount of 300 rubles is given.

Theory for the exam on Android

The basis successful exam- Strong knowledge of theory A special reference application for your smartphone will allow you to spend free time useful for study educational material.

The Foxford Textbook is an advanced reference book that collects theory from grades 1 to 11. The selected material is based on the school curriculum, many topics are given at the basic and advanced levels. The guide is well-written and looks neat. For popular topics, a favorites section is available.

Foxford is an online learning center with a developed social component. Training courses and olympiads are regularly held on its basis. Foxford - universal tool for self-study.

Unified State Examination and OGE - an alternative reference book compiled on the basis of examination materials. In addition to the usual theory, the application includes practical algorithms and examples of tasks. For example, essays on the Russian language or determining the volume of the pyramid.

Rest with benefit

Preparation is a boring process that requires maximum concentration for a long time. In order to diversify it, special gaming applications have been created, be it quizzes or special simulators.

USE Battle- multiplayer quiz based on questions from the exam. All 14 available USE subjects.

The competition consists of six rounds of three questions. Every round - new item, the right to choose is granted in turn. The technology of turn-by-turn multiplayer is applied, participation in the game does not take much time.

The free version uses banner advertising, it costs 169 rubles to disable it, in addition, the ability to change the background and avatar is added.

USE Arena - a quiz from the creators of the Examer service. Unlike the Unified State Exam Battle, only a part of the disciplines is available: mathematics, Russian language, social studies, history, biology, physics and chemistry.

The battle consists of six rounds, the competition takes place in real time. Not only the correctness of the answer is important, but also the speed of the reaction, the one who gives the correct answer faster wins.

The app includes an interactive ranking and achievement system. According to the results of the weekly rating, promotional codes are drawn for the purchase of the course in the main Examer application.

The application is distributed free of charge and without ads.

Tasks for setting stress and spelling in the Russian language exam are deservedly considered the most difficult. Because they require memorization huge amount monotonous information. Applications from Firebird Mobile will help you learn the material in a playful way.

The mobile application is developed by the same company as the Unitest online platform. A convenient opportunity to prepare and test your knowledge using a smartphone. Let's check how convenient it is.

On the eve of the all-Russian exam, the topic of preparing for the exam is becoming more and more relevant. Today I will try to study the usefulness of this kind of applications, but be that as it may, teachers also say that writing cheat sheets, for example, is necessary, so the subject is better remembered. Probably the same case here.

The main menu of the application is located at the top of the screen and consists of five sections: theory, exam, assignments, courses and VK.

Theoretical knowledge is represented by several basic subjects, such as the Russian language and mathematics, as well as others, such as social science, biology, chemistry, etc.

When moving to a specific subject of interest to us, for example, history, we find ourselves in another menu, where the subject "History" is divided into: "Dates", "Terms", "Textbook" and then everything under an interesting lock sign. Under the lock were "Activists", " historical portraits”, “Architecture” and others. By selecting "Maps" further, we fall into the menu, where there are only three cards to choose from, one of them is the campaigns of Prince Igor. There is nothing more.

In the menu sections "Exam" and "Assignments" there are 4 subjects for which you can take a rehearsal exam or get assignments in the Russian language, Social studies, Chemistry or Biology. And if you want to pass this rehearsal exam or get an assignment, the application will send you to the site where you will first need to register. With the section of the application "Courses", where only one subject is available - Social Studies, things are the same: you need to go to the site. Mobile version which, by the way, is not. But in general, everything is clear.

The last section of VK is a group of links to communities on Vkontakte, each subject has its own group.

I will not describe in detail how things are on the site and in groups, since this is still a review of a mobile application. So about this mobile application Special mention should be made of the following: sections of the application are presented in demo mode, i. not completely. If you want it in full - pay money.

How useful this application will be to you in a paid or free mode is up to you, dear user. But the bottom line is, as they say, this application is more of an appendage to the site than an independent unit, given how often it offers to leave the site. The information in the application will be useful only if there is full version. Luckily, the price isn't that great.

Daniel Golubev,

Less than a month is left before the first Unified State Exam, and slowly the time has come for students from all over Russia to show their knowledge in all subjects, accumulated over eleven years of study. However, even a couple of weeks is enough to learn something new for yourself, practice a little or learn complex material. Thanks to progress, you can do this without even getting up from the couch - with the help of your mobile device and a couple of installed applications, which we will tell future applicants about in the selection best apps to prepare for the exam.

"Read!" by LitRes

The first date is the examination in literature - one of the most important and necessary. Fundamental for its delivery is at least a superficial knowledge of samples of artistic classical literature, poetry and prose, therefore, everyone who passes literature is required to refresh their knowledge regarding works before the exam. Carrying several books at once in a bag for reading at leisure is not the most best idea, so there is an application that contains most of the works included in the list school literature. As soon as you enter the name of the story, poem or poem into the input field, you will immediately see the results corresponding to the request, leading straight to the page of the work in the application, where you can see its volume, author and a brief synopsis.

As the well-known proverb says, “free cheese is only in a mousetrap”, so you will have to pay a certain price for using the book here. However, "Read!" for the most part, it meets students halfway and provides access to many works that take place in literature classes at school, completely free of charge. Not to everyone, but to many. As for the process of reading a book itself, it is done here conveniently and tastefully, when you get acquainted with the next work, you experience practically no difficulties, the text is evenly spaced, and your eyes do not strain, everything is done like a standard "reader". Despite the fact that "Read!" contains far from all classical works, and for reading some books it requires you to pay an amount, it can be useful to everyone who takes the exam.


"Entire USE 2014" from Examen-Media

Before the exam, it never hurts to solve trial options in order to understand its complexity and soberly assess your abilities. "Examen-Media" gives everyone the opportunity to practice in a variety of subjects - from biology and geography to physics and chemistry. On iOS, the application "All Unified State Examination 2014" is available, inside which you can purchase several probes for all academic disciplines, and in addition, several applications from the same series have been released on both platforms, dedicated only to specific subjects. For convenience, let's consider the "collective" version - we are offered a list of all exams, and when choosing the right one - ten trial options, take it right away and decide. One sample for each item is available for free, while the rest will require an additional charge.


"Maximum USE" from Maximum Education

Another application that allows you to prepare for several subjects at once is "Maximum USE". It is immediately worth noting that for the most part this application is advertising. paid courses, but even here you can find a lot of useful information for yourself in four subjects: social science, mathematics, English language and social science. In these academic disciplines, you can do practice, and you can choose questions both separately and in separate specialties. The practice is not done in the form of a full trial version, but in the form of questions on specific topics, but similar ones may well be found on the exam. Help in solving algebraic and geometric tasks a calculator is offered here (with a note about the prohibition of its use on the exam) and a place for handwriting- draft.

After you complete the practice, you can see the history of completed assignments, the number of questions that were answered, and the comparison of correct answers with incorrect ones. "Maximum Unified State Examination" is one of the few applications for preparing for an exam, which, in addition to training, also contains theory, and it is expressed not in the form of boring formulas for cramming, but as useful tips really helpful in passing the exam. Interesting cases, "Chinese" ways of solving, difficult situations- all this can be explained to you here in detail. And as an addition to the training block, you can take virtual "flash cards" and try to answer the questions and theoretical terms. Before the exam, this application will obviously not be superfluous on your device.


"Yandex.EGE" from Yandex

The popular search giant also has a hand in creating an app to make it easier to prepare for the One. State Exam- "Yandex.USE" will help everyone who wants to test their strength in absolutely all academic disciplines. Russian language, mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry and so on - tests for solving all these subjects are at your service in the Yandex.EGE application. The program offers two practice options to choose from in all subjects presented to every student who is about to take exams. The first is “training”, you are invited to solve tasks of a certain number of specific content without overall assessment, purely for myself. And the second mode - "tests" - offers a complete trial version on the selected exam with all tasks.

To start solving tasks, you need an initial connection to the network - after downloading tests using the Internet, you can also solve them offline. In the mock exam mode, your solution time is taken into account, as well as all the answers given - after completing the sample, you will be given comparison table, where you can see the true-false statistics and find out the correct answers. Unfortunately, there is no theory that can be very useful in solving the theory, but the existing content is quite acceptable - real prototypes exam tests and a nice looking interface make an effective combination. If you can figure out how the program works, then it can really help you. When traveling by metro or bus, decide one or the other option from convenient application"Yandex.EGE" - that's it.


Well, we hope that the presented selection of applications will be able to help students prepare well for exams and, of course, pass them successfully. Someone is closer to the theoretical section, someone is more inclined towards practice, but everyone agrees on one thing - without preparation for USE high do not score points. Therefore, do not rely on chance, but rather spend at least an hour or two a day preparing for exams, including using the described applications. Believe me, it will give tangible results.

Mobile Molecular DataSheet

free (iPhone, iPad)

Pass the exam 2016

free (iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch)

Application contains a large number of materials for preparing for the USE 2016 in most subjects. Of the advantages - a clearly structured theory that allows you to quickly find the answer to the right question.

MyScript Calculator

free (iPhone and iPad)

Convenient and simple calculator: just write on the screen with a stylus mathematical expression, and the MyScript calculator itself converts the numbers and mathematical signs into digital format, and then give the result in real time.

USE 2016

free (iPhone, iPad)

New materials on subjects in 2016 with assignments created by FIPI specialists. If you carefully go through all the options, then the exam will be much easier. Subjects: Russian language, physics, social studies, mathematics, history.


free (iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch)

SkyORB is not just star map, is a collection of 7 tools including 3D star map, 3D planetarium, ephemeris, search engine, sundial showing the sky, weather, and more. For example, the application shows the position of the planets around the Sun in real time, allows you to track the movement of stars and navigate using a compass. When something particularly interesting happens in the sky (for example, full moon or eclipse), the service sends a notification.

Preparation for the Unified State Examination in History

free (iPhone, iPad)

The application is designed to prepare for the exam in History. Contains 255 tasks to determine the sequence of historical events.

Foxford school textbook

free (iPhone, iPad)

The guide contains materials on programs different items in grades 4-11. The application includes over 3000 themes from school curriculum in mathematics, Russian language, physics, computer science, social studies, chemistry, history and biology, more than 500 video analyzes from teachers of Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Higher School of Economics.

Tatyana Olkhovaya, Sergey Isakov