Exercise: fill in the missing letters, expand the brackets. Essays based on the texts of the open fipi bank

That year, as I entered the university, the saint was somehow late in April, so that the exams were scheduled for Fomina, and for the passionate I had to both go to bed and already finally prepare. The weather after the sleet, which Karl Ivanovich used to call "The son came for his father" for three days it had been quiet, warm and clear. There was no patch of snow to be seen on the streets, the dirty dough was replaced by wet, shiny pavement and fast streams. The last drops were already melting from the roofs in the sun, in the front garden the trees were budding, in the yard there was a dry path to the stables past a frozen heap of manure, and near the porch between the stones mossy grass was green. There was that special period of spring that most strongly affects the soul of a person: a bright, brilliant, but not hot sun, streams and thawed patches, fragrant freshness in the air and a pale blue sky with long transparent clouds. I don't know why, but it seems to me that big city even more tangible and stronger on the soul is the influence of this first period of the birth of spring - you see less, but you more foresee. I stood near the window, through which the morning sun, through the double frames, cast dusty rays on the floor of my unbearably bored me. classroom, and solved on the black board some long algebraic equation. In one hand I held Franker's tattered soft "Algebra", in the other - a small piece of chalk, with which I had already soiled both hands, face and elbows of the semi-tunic. Nikolay, in an apron, with rolled up sleeves, beat off the putty with tongs and bent back the nails of the window, which opened into the front garden. His occupation and the knocking he made amused my attention. Moreover, I was in a very bad, dissatisfied frame of mind. Somehow I didn't succeed: I made a mistake at the beginning of the calculation, so I had to start all over again; I dropped the chalk twice, I felt that my face and hands were dirty, the sponge had disappeared somewhere, the knock that Nikolai made somehow painfully shook my nerves. I wanted to get angry and grumble; I dropped the chalk, Algebra, and began to pace the room. But I remembered that today is a passionate Wednesday, today we must confess and that we must refrain from everything bad; and suddenly I came into some special, meek state of mind and went up to Nikolai. “Let me help you, Nikolai,” I said, trying to give my voice the meekest expression; and the thought that I was doing well, suppressing my vexation and helping him, strengthened this gentle mood of spirit in me even more. The putty was beaten off, the nails were bent, but, despite the fact that Nikolai pulled the crossbars with all his might, the frame did not move. “If the frame comes out now immediately, when I pull with it,” I thought, “it means it’s a sin, and I don’t need to do more today.” The frame leaned on its side and went out. - Where to take her? - I said. “Let me manage it myself,” Nikolai answered, apparently surprised and, it seems, dissatisfied with my zeal, “you must not confuse, otherwise there, in the closet, I have them by numbers. "I'll spot her," I said, lifting the frame. It seems to me that if the closet were two miles away and the frame weighed twice as much, I would be very pleased. I wanted to wear myself out, rendering this service to Nikolai. When I returned to the room, the bricks and salt pyramids had already been placed on the windowsill, and Nikolai swept sand and sleepy flies into the dissolved window with his wing. Fresh fragrant air had already entered the room and filled it. From the window one could hear the noise of the city and the chirping of sparrows in the front garden. All objects were brightly lit, the room cheered up, light spring the breeze stirred the sheets of my Algebra and the hair on Nikolai's head. I went to the window, sat down on it, leaned over into the front garden and thought. Some new to me, extremely strong and pleasant feeling suddenly penetrated my soul. Wet earth, on which in some places bright green grass needles with yellow stems were knocked out, streams shining in the sun, along which pieces of earth and chips curled, reddened lilac twigs with swollen buds swaying just under the window, the busy chirping of birds swarming in this bush, a blackish fence wet from the snow melting on it, and most importantly - this odorous damp air and the joyful sun spoke to me distinctly, clearly about something new and beautiful, which, although I cannot convey it in the way I perceived it, everything spoke to me about beauty, happiness and virtue, said that both this and that it is easy and possible for me that one cannot be without the other, and even that beauty, happiness and virtue are one and the same. “How could I not understand this, how bad I was before, how I could and can be good and happy in the future! I said to myself. “We must quickly, quickly, this very minute become a different person and begin to live differently.” Despite this, however, I sat at the window for a long time, dreaming and doing nothing. Have you ever gone to bed in the afternoon in cloudy rainy weather in the summer and, waking up at sunset, open your eyes and in the expanding quadrangle of the window, from under the linen side, which, puffed up, beats with a rod against the window sill, see the rain-wet, shady, lilac side linden alley and a damp garden path, illuminated by bright oblique rays, to suddenly hear fun life birds in the garden and see insects that hover in the window opening, shining in the sun, smell the after-rain air and think: “I was not ashamed to sleep through such an evening,” and hurriedly jump up to go into the garden to enjoy life? If so, here's an example strong feeling which I was experiencing at the time.

When will spring come and what will summer be like in the region

Winter this year was warm, but long. Spring doesn't seem to come. There are snowdrifts on the street, and you don’t want to change warm winter down jackets for light spring jackets. When will the people of Nizhny Novgorod wait for spring? And what summer will follow? We decided to find out.

Nizhny Novgorod residents celebrated the New Year at almost positive temperatures and without snow at all. December was one of the warmest in the meteorological record. The long-awaited January frosts came only in March.

- We had a non-standard winter, and first of all it was an abnormal December, because in any case it turned out to be very warm. There was also a lot of precipitation, two monthly norms fell in December. As for the entire temperature background of winter, it was warmer than usual by 2 degrees and a little. Cooldowns, which most often occur in late January-early February, have moved to the end of February and the beginning of March. With deviations from the climatic norm by 7-16 degrees, - explained Olga Mokeeva, head of the weather forecast department of the Nizhny Novgorod hydrometeorological center.

Spring this year will come with a significant delay - only in early April. Wherein rapid warming not worth the wait. According to weather forecasts, the temperature in April will range from +4 to +7 degrees.

abnormal warm winter, as well as the upcoming May frosts, may adversely affect crops.

- Abnormal weather in late February and early March - a lot of snow, high temperatures warm days lead to dangerous phenomenon- crops rot, - says the expert.

But the flood, according to weather forecasts, will pass calmly. The water level will be even lower than long-term values ​​by 0.5-1 meter.

– The opening of the Oka and Sura is expected on April 6-14. The opening of Vetluga is in the second decade of April. But these are terms close to the norm. And, according to preliminary forecasts, the maximum water level on the Oka in the lower reaches and on the Sura River can be expected to be below the average long-term values, and on the Vetluga - close to the norm, explains Olga Mokeeva.

The average temperature this summer will be several degrees higher than last year.

This summer promises to be warmer than the previous one. In June +16, +18 degrees, in July - +18, +20, in August - +16, +18.

- Precipitation will be above the norm in June-July. Most likely, this will be due to frontal sections and temperature contrasts. In each of the three summer months, 30-degree heat is likely. Somewhere short-term, in July-early August more intense. But there will be hot days every month, says Olga Mokeeva.

Summer weather will not leave Nizhny Novgorod in the fall. Not only the Indian summer will be really warm, but the whole of September.

- In September, the temperature is predicted to be above 20 degrees, a slight shortage of precipitation is possible. There will be warm dry days, - the specialist shares.

Let's hope that despite the late arrival of spring this year, Nizhny Novgorod residents will still be able to enjoy the warm weather.

Anastasia KAZAKOVA.

Summer in Russia will be quite warm and dry. This was announced by the director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia Roman Vilfand.

So throughout the European part of Russia, summer is expected within the usual temperatures.

"We predict that in general the average temperature background for June, July and August will be near and above the norm in the coming summer," Roman Vilfand said.

Already now due to cold winter some vegetables in Russia have doubled in price

At the same time, the head of the Hydrometeorological Center noted that excess precipitation is not expected in the summer months. "That is, the summer will be quite so idyllic," he stated. In addition, he added that the amount of precipitation in the European part of the country will be even less than in previous years.

Average values, however, do not negate noticeable temperature fluctuations. According to Roman Vilfand, the weather will be with noticeable cycles of warming and cooling, which will alternate with each other.

However, it is not worth waiting for summer tomorrow in the European part of Russia. Frosts are again forecast for the end of May. In the capital, at the end of this week, the beginning of next week, the thermometers will drop from 0 to -5 degrees. At the same time, the daily temperature will not drop much - up to 13-18 degrees.

Warming can be expected only in last days May. The temperature will gradually begin to rise to 22 degrees by Wednesday.

real summer heat still beyond the mountains. "We predict a slow, gradual rise in temperature," Vilfand said.

At the same time, Roman Vilfand did not rule out that sleet could fall in the north of the Moscow Region at the end of this week. "There is such a possibility, because on the night of May 28-29 the temperature will drop to zero degrees," he said. True, he noted that even if it snows, it will not be heavy. Heavy rainfall is not expected in this area.

The director of the Hydrometeorological Center did not see anything surprising in the fact that snow could fall so late. "Snow in May is not uncommon," he said. And he recalled that the last snow in Moscow for the entire observation period fell on June 29. "What seems completely unusual is perceived by meteorologists as completely normal," he assured.

The head of the Hydrometeorological Center believes that the forecast is still favorable for the ripening of grain crops. Even if the April and May cold weather delayed the sowing campaign. "The weather is cold, the top three centimeters of the soil are frozen," he said. Vilfand also talked about the excess rainfall in the most favorable regions for crops: "Due to the excess rainfall, especially in the South federal district and the North Caucasus Federal District, in the south of the Volga region, there is a significant slowdown field work, sowing campaign of spring crops".

"In terms of grain crops, the losses are significant - from 30 to 50 percent," Kirill Lashin, a leading expert of the Fruit and Vegetable Union, told RG.

Get good harvest grains this year is still possible, but it looks like it's time to forget about last year's records. Roman Vilfand assured that spring frosts did not affect winter crops. This gives hope to get a grain harvest in general higher than long-term values, but due to losses in spring crops, it will not be a record.

Over the past few years, Russia has been the largest exporter of wheat and the leader in grain yields. The forecast for winter crops this spring was also one of the best for last years. But then the weather began to show its whims.

The cold spring will also affect the harvest of plums, peaches and apricots in the south Krasnodar Territory and in Adygea. As well as crops that require a lot of heat. “Heat-loving crops, which include sugar beet, sunflower, and corn, have suffered. This applies to Kursk, Oryol, Lipetsk regions where these crops have been damaged by frost," Vilfand said.

The other day, it also became known about "fruit losses" in the south of the country. Many stone fruit crops in Stavropol Territory were destroyed by hail. Among them are cherries and cherries, which very soon the inhabitants of the region were to collect and send for sale to other regions of the country.

We will not see borscht this year either. Up to a third of all crops from the so-called "borsch set" (carrots, beets, cabbage, onions) have already been lost as a result of cold weather in the country, Kirill Lashin believes. According to him, prices for potatoes and onions in Moscow have almost doubled. However, in mid-June the situation may improve, but in any case, in central Russia prices for these products will be about 10 percent higher than usual.

dry and warm spring emerged in Siberia. As a result, a wave of severe fires swept through the region. The fire destroyed entire villages. Recently, the fire situation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory has deteriorated sharply. Due to the hurricane wind and fallen grass, the fire quickly spreads throughout the region. There are already victims. At least three people are known to have died. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, fires destroyed about 150 houses in just a day, more than 500 people were left homeless. A state of emergency at the federal level has been declared in the region.

For the European part of the country, the fire hazard period will come no earlier than the second half of July. "On the European territory Russia, no early fire hazard period is predicted in the Moscow region," Vilfand said. He noted that while the soil is saturated with moisture, and the weather is cool. Fires should only be expected when the dry period sets in. At the same time, he noted that critical situation will not. "We can't speak for sure about a repeat of 2010," he specified.

Infographics "RG" / Anton Perepletchikov / Leonid Kuleshov / Irina Ogilko

1. Even in t..me surrounding nature was pathetic (Platonov). 2. Styopa, goggling his eyes, saw that on a small .. table a tray was served, on which he had .. sliced ​​... th white bread, caviar in a vase .. ke, porcini marin ... mushrooms on a plate .. ke, what (then) in a saucepan ..ke and, finally, vodka in a volume ..capacious jeweler decanter ..chik (Bulgakov). 3. Once a peasant brought me gon.. I smell (Prishvin). 4. Battal..he, with whom he walked out of the fortress, was in the ar..ergard (L. Tolstoy). 5. The father is all somehow (that) shivering (Chukovsky). 6. The black magician is spread out on some (some) neob..obyatnoy sofa (Bulgakov). 7. Oh, hear .., hostess, what kind of person at the table fell asleep? eight. You are a suspicious person and you are making a fly out of a fly .. protode.. yakon (Chekhov). 9 Something bad was going on ... in his small, ulcerated heart (Andreev). 10. And now they were asked to believe in the reality of a new, sub-atomic world (Danin). 11. Masons came to the factory yards ... workers, carpenters, concrete ... workers (Kochetov). 12. How nice on a clear December ..sky or January ..sky day to wander .. through the dense forest (Prishvin). 13 Silently, with a serious look, he poked some bales of super .. natural size onto the horses (Rybnikov). 14. Ts ... gan wanted to burn this girl with a whip (A.N. Tolstoy). 15. Among the full tables, here are a row of old people who ate ... (Nekrasov). 16. From nearby groves .., from arable lands .. and pastures .. - from everywhere it brings .. this joyful bird .. I am a discordant (Prishvin). 17. (Semi) curved around a two .. storey pavil .. it is of agriculture, decorated ... with a tree ... oh cut .. fight (M. Gorky). 18. The battalions are on a swift march (Surkov). 19 And you yourself rise .. on everything to the head .. southern joyful sky (Lugovskoy). 20 The upholstery on the armchairs of the first rows and on the bars.. of the boxes.. faded long ago (Mamin-Sibiryak).

3) To prepare for independent work on the topic "b and b signs".

4) USE test

1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Bacteria are everywhere.

2) Bacteria can live in the harshest conditions.

3) Thousands or even millions of bacteria live in every living organism.

4) Bacteria live in every living organism.

5) There is no such place where there would be no bacteria.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the second sentence?


For example,

Despite this

Not by chance

3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word LIVING. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

ALIVE, -th, -th; alive, alive, alive.

1. One who lives, possesses life. Living being. The old man is still alive. Natural flowers(not artificial). Living nature. hedge(from plants). Living memory of the past(trans.). Not to fat, to be alive(last).

2. full Authentic, real. Draw real people. G. an example of heroism.

3. Active, full of vitality. J. temperament. G. child. J. mind. Active participation in something. lively(adv.) respond to someone request.

4. Light and entertaining, expressive. Live presentation. lively(adv.) describe something.

5. full Responding to real needs, vital. Live business. Live initiative.

6. Acutely experienced. Living insult. Living memory.

7. short form, by whom (what). Such, which exists thanks to someone-something, draws strength from someone-something. Lives in hope. Lives only for children. Why is he alive?(Where does he get the strength to live?).

4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in the formulation of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel is highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word.



get through


5. In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

Sometimes rumors are generated by the lack of Awareness of employees at the enterprise.

Grishakov left, and now all questions concerning his life are becoming UNANSWERED.

The STONE desert spread like a boundless sea around, in which cacti grew in groups, covered with large pink flowers.

Despite the dawn hour, there were a lot of people: some cavalry unit was moving at a pace towards the outpost.

On holidays, all airports in the country are CROWDED with tourists.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

about one and a half hours

come LATER


two pairs of BOOTS


7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are made: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Suggestions 1) At the end of the lecture, the student read a report on Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog". 2) In a manuscript dating back to 1700, Newton calculates the date of the Apocalypse and concludes that the end of the world is possible no earlier than 2060. 3) When creating a landscape design project for the site, the architect did not take into account the climatic features of the area. 4) According to the rules of modern business etiquette, the one who is closest to the door leaves the elevator first, and it does not matter if it is a man or a woman. 5) Isaac wrote that he was not going to predict the exact date, but only wanted to put an end to the ridiculous assumptions of fanatics who repeatedly announced the approach of the end of the world. 6) If we are talking about animals, then the reader's attention should be drawn to this famous researcher, who had extraordinary curiosity. 7) Those who knew Nicholas before the war could not help but notice the changes in his character. 8) The very history of the creation of the work “The Master and Margarita” is also unusual: like the hero of his book, the writer threw the first edition of the novel into the fire. 9) The international community is well aware of and cares about solving social problems in developing countries.

8. Determine the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


waving (flag)

br..dit (through the forest)



9. Find a row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words out with the missing letter.

heating..heater, n..most capable;

pr..follow, pr..carelessly;

be..useful, c..invigorate;

before .. blowing, to .. play;

from..marriage, pos..past.

10. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.


offended .. be



exhort .. to

11. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.



believed .. who

unimaginable.. my


12. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

The load was (not) light, but very heavy.

Alexander made a (un)considered, but extremely courageous act.

Grigoriev himself understood that he acted (not) in a friendly way.

There were several (un)known butterflies in the collection.

The plan was (not) executed.

13. Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

It was quiet and unbearably hot; only (FROM) DAL, (FROM) THERE, where the river warmed itself like a silvery snake in the sun, screams flew.

The thought of (ABROAD) BORDER, of the need to buy suitcases, tickets, to choose a route leads Oblomov, (B) DIFFERENT from his friend Stolz, into a state close to panic.

The princess led a strange way of life: she suddenly left (FOR) BORDER, SO (SAME) suddenly returned to Russia.

(DURING) THROUGHOUT the entire novel, L. Tolstoy does not confine himself to analyzing the mental life of his characters, he treats the description of their appearance with great attention.

(NOT) ANYONE could repeat the record of track and field athlete Robert Beamon (B) FOR many years.

14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which one letter H is written.

In the foreground of the picture, against the background of figures more closely (1) with smeared (2) soot faces, a girl in a snow-white dress with a whip (3) basket in her hands stands out brightly.

15. Set up punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Through the open window came the whistles of locomotives or the barking of dogs.

2) Misha did not hear the question or did not want to answer it.

3) Writers and journalists widely use proverbs and sayings in their works.

4) Aivazovsky's brush was driven by an indefatigable desire to give the world new poems about the majestic struggle of man with the elements and about the unknown beauty of the radiant sea about native open spaces and distant coasts.

5) The spring was dry and warm, with only occasional short rains.

16. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence.

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