Outsider in psychology. Who is the outsider? Leaders and outsiders

Modern economic dictionary. 1999


(English outsider - outsider)

1) a company, an enterprise of any industry that is not part of a monopolistic association of this industry, the so-called wild company, an outsider that occupies one of the last places in the market for this product in terms of key indicators;

2) a person who plays on the stock exchange, but not constantly; non-professional stock speculator;

3) a broker who is not a member of the exchange, but who has a permit to work on the trading floor, subject to the established rules of exchange work.

Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language


English - outsider (stranger).

The word "outsider" with the meaning "layman, outsider in this circle" was borrowed by the Russian language in the 60s. 20th century from English, where outsaider is a suffixal derivative of out - "outside, beyond, in the distance" and side - "side, board". "Outsider" literally means "overboard".

The word became widely used in recent decades in the meaning of "an outsider for competitors", "lagging behind".

Derivative: outsider.

Terminological dictionary of banking and financial terms


1. A company of any branch of production that is not part of a monopolistic association of entrepreneurs in this industry, the so-called "wild", outsider, occupying one of the last places in the market for this product in terms of key indicators.

2. Exchange speculator-non-professional.

Dictionary of economic terms


(from English outsider- outsider)

1) a company, an enterprise of any industry that is not part of a monopolistic association of entrepreneurs in this industry, the so-called "wild", outsider, occupying one of the last places in the market for this product in terms of basic indicators;

2) a person who speculates on the stock exchange, but not constantly; non-professional stock speculator;

3) "outside inventor" (who is not an employee of the enterprise);

4) a broker who is not a member of the exchange, but who has a permit to work on the trading floor, subject to the established rules of exchange work.

encyclopedic Dictionary


(English outsider - outsider),..

  1. non-specialist, amateur; lagging...
  2. An enterprise or company that is not a member of monopoly unions, but is forced to submit to the economic conditions dictated by large monopoly associations ...
  3. An athlete who has no chance of success in the competition; a race or racing horse that is not a favorite.

Ozhegov's dictionary

AUTS A YDER [de], A, m.

1. A sports team (or athlete) that finished one of the last places and was eliminated from the main participants. Outsiders of the Champions Cup.

2. trans. The one who, having failed, dropped out of the number of participants in some. business, businesses. A. in elections (about a candidate who did not get the required number of votes).

outsider as a quality of personality - a tendency to constantly lag behind the rest, not to withstand competition, always trailing behind someone, being the last one in any business; meet all the signs of a failure.

At the Olympics, the Uzbek runner Tyshlynbekov took doping and ran last so as not to burn himself.

The commentator conducts a sports report: - And then, finally, an outsider appears from around the corner - the Japanese runner Herovato. Yes, it really doesn't matter if it runs...

Of the two competing outsider manages to come third.

Match by athletics USSR - USA. Two are running. The American won. Soviet newspapers reported: “In the 100-meter run, the Soviet athlete came one of the first. The American runner was penultimate."

Your failure is an outsider miraculously always justifies, they say, the first one risks dying, because he can easily be cut in half by the finishing ribbon. The outsider loves an environment where there is no competition. He likes the words of Coubertin: "The main thing is not victory, but participation." He would like to be at least, second from the end, but with enviable constancy in any business comes to the finish line last.

The outsider usually quietly hates and envies the winner. Let's remember "Marathon" by Vladimir Vysotsky:

The highlight of the program is a marathon,

And degrees - all thirty, -

But he is accustomed to the heat -

Here he is mastering it.

I would look at him

When would - minus thirty!

Well, now - get it -

All that's left is to swear!

I am also a good friend, -

Made it to the third round!

I need a friend like this

I forgot how it was… Sam Brook!

Sam is our Guinean Brutus!

Outsider is English word, meaning literally "outsider", lagging behind, ignorant of his business, a person who has little chance of success. A person in the role of an outsider feels inferior, infringed on his rights. This is how the concept of an outsider is interpreted by the Dictionary of a Conflictologist.

"Big Dictionary terms in psychiatry" interprets the concept of "outsider" differently. The meaning of the word is explained more concisely in the dictionary. This is a loser, a scapegoat.

Two soldiers in a trench were waiting for an enemy attack. Are you scared, Jim? one asked the other. “Not at all, Mike. I have never been an outsider in running.

The classic "regular" outsider looks in the eyes of those around him as a loser, a brake, a sucker and a mattress. He becomes the living embodiment of failure and failure. That is, an outsider belongs to that breed of people who will take on anything, the list of those who have finished the job is always closed.

Is there any benefit from outsiders? Psychologists say that a person who has become an outsider in a group acts as a kind of scapegoat. This figure is necessary for the self-affirmation of the rest of the group members, to maintain enough high level their self-esteem. If this niche is empty, then the members of the group are deprived of the opportunity to compare themselves advantageously with someone less worthy. An outsider with pronounced negative traits, serves as a convenient excuse for all who also share these traits. With his obvious or, more often, artificially accentuated inferiority, he focuses on himself the projection of the entire group “negative”. Such a person serves as a necessary element of the balance of the entire socio-psychological "ecosystem".

Petr Kovalev 2014

Outsider is a concept that is increasingly used in Russian, although the word itself came from English vocabulary. This term has several meanings. For example, if you use the Dictionary of Conflictology, you can see that an outsider is a person who is lagging behind and not having success. The "Big Explanatory Dictionary" from the field of psychiatry gives a more accurate and offensive designation. This is a loser.

Outsiders in the structure of a social group

An ecosystem is a structured and organized group occupied by living organisms. The whole group is divided into a certain number of niches and all of them are evenly filled with their species of animals. By nature, there are higher animals and microorganisms that fill the niches located at the bottom of the entire ecosystem.

By analogy, you can build a social group - a society in which people fill certain niches. In other words, there are leaders, middle class people and, of course, outsiders. Each niche must be filled, and if there are too many leaders in the group, then there is an imbalance that upsets the order of the system. This proves that there are no losers. These are just people who were knocked out into the lower strata of society during the struggle.

Such a struggle is characteristic of any kind social group. It could be whole nation or one individual in a small social group. In either case, the rule is the same, namely - "the strongest survives".

As a rule, the loser's niche always has its own person, because there is no competition, but how do you get into it? As a rule, at the bottom of the social group are people who have their own individual characteristics(weaknesses). These, for example, are newcomers in Group. This last people who fall into an already formed team, but they fall into the niche of outcasts only if it is not busy, which is extremely rare. People who do not have enough money, physical or moral capabilities can also fall into the lower strata of society.

Outsider Niche and Leader Niche

Having dealt with the concept, it is worth understanding how people become outsiders and whether there is an option to rise to the top. As it was said before, society makes people outsiders. The larger the social group, the more likely it is to be included in the list of outsiders if there are any individual weaknesses. In addition, the number of outsiders also depends on the size of the social group, but there cannot be too many of them. If there are a lot of losers, then this automatically lowers the level of the social group. Few people like this status, and in these cases society tries to elevate some people from the lower category to the niche of the middle class. But is it possible to get into the lead?

The niche of leaders is significantly different from the layer of losers, if only in that there can be only one person who is extremely difficult to move from his throne. The leader defends his rights by any means and enjoys the support of society. It is possible to oust the leader from his position only if he possesses advantageous qualities. valued in a given society. For example, in a sports social group, the main quality is physical strength, while businessmen or scientists appreciate sharpness of mind.

The social group is divided into three main categories:

This isn't too hard to figure out. But who is the real outsider? After all, even after the interpretation, many questions remain.

Why can't some people fit into society? What traits basically make a person an outsider? How not to fall into this niche of a social group? All these questions can be answered by understanding human psychology. In most cases, it seems that the loser is the person who causes contempt for one's appearance or some personal qualities, but this is only partly true.

In fact, the place of an outsider in the group must be taken constantly. In fact, it's like a "jester" for a "king". If there are no losers in society, then the place of the leader does not look so bright. Naturally, because of this, the place of an outsider goes to beginners or people with weak volitional qualities who cannot defend their point of view.

Indispensability of the outsider

The obligatory presence of an outsider in the group is caused by psychological reasons society. It's like good and evil. On the background inferior people the leader and even the members of the middle class feel much more comfortable. This helps them feel that they have achieved something and in some ways even instills fear, because there is where to fall. A person definitely needs to feel that he is unique and significant, and without an example of mediocrity, this is almost impossible.

The problem is that the outsider also has such requirements, but he himself does not see in himself unique features . All this is reflected in his life - it makes him weak and accessible to humiliation by society. Everything can be solved only if you believe that the unique qualities everyone has it without exception- you just need to find them and use them. As soon as unique features will begin to notice in a social group, the outsider will automatically become a piece which attracts attention. It doesn't have to be talent, an athletic figure, or a lot of money. It will be enough to simply communicate on topics of interest to the social group.

How to get rid of the role of an outsider

To get rid of the role of an outsider, you need to follow some conditions.


Outsiders are people who have ceased to believe in themselves. Because of this, society throws them to the very bottom of the social group. But if you follow all the recommendations, you can not only avoid the place of the loser, but also compete for the highest positions. The main thing is to believe in yourself, to find personality trait and fully disclose it to the public.

Quite often we hear the word "outsider". This is not surprising, because we live in a society that, as you know, is very heterogeneous. It has a place for leaders, average people, and, of course, outcasts.

Probably, there have always been, are and will be those who, for one reason or another, did not fit into people, even scientifically designated. So, an outsider is an individual who, by virtue of the most different circumstances seems to be forced out of the society in which he exists.

Why do such people appear? Remember, in your class there was almost certainly someone who was bullied either mentally or, which is especially scary, physically. So what is the reason for such an attitude towards a person? The fact is that each stratum of society is divided into even smaller strata (or niches), in which a certain number of places are allocated to people with different statuses. For example, there is always a place to be such a social group as the "elite". At school, it is usually girls and boys from prosperous families. There is also the so-called "middle peasant" - children who are not particularly remarkable in any way, consisting of good relations with classmates and teachers. And of course, special place assigned to outsiders. It is curious that they cannot exist at all. However, the number of more than three also does not have the right to exist, because such a society will immediately be known as a "gathering of losers."

If, for one reason or another, an outsider leaves the team, someone else will immediately take his place. Why? Children's (and adults') values ​​are rarely distinguished by humanity. An outsider is someone who makes everyone else feel better, "higher". They realize that they have a number of shortcomings (not very smart, pretty, physically developed, etc.), and therefore they just need to know that there is someone worse than them.

Do outcasts have any similar characteristics? How to determine with the greatest probability that a person (child or adult) is a typical outsider? There is no single answer to these questions. However, as a rule, these are people with physical disabilities, closed, not having strong abilities in anything. That is, they are victims from the very beginning. On the other hand, there are frequent cases when the reason for negative attitude on the contrary, extraordinary abilities become. That's why outcasts often include high achievers.

According to statistics, the most frequent guest school psychologist- It's an outsider. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of communicating with such a child by a qualified doctor. In the training process, a lot of time should be devoted to identifying it. strengths, correction of weaknesses, as well as the application different kind exercises so that he can mentally relax.

Despite the fact that the outsider is mainly the problem of the collective, which consists of individuals school age, and in higher educational institutions, and at work this phenomenon is also quite widespread.

For those who care or are simply interested in a problem that we are only in in general terms considered in the article, I would like to advise you to read one book. It is called "Geniuses and outsiders" (author - M. Gladwell). We hope that it will help you understand many issues, as well as become stronger.

Speech is not a static phenomenon. Over time, more and more new elements appear in it, replacing the old ones. Sometimes borrowed foreign words take on a different meaning over the years. Thirty years ago, to the question: "Who is an outsider?" - the person would answer: "The athlete who took last place". Today, the word has a broader meaning. It is not uncommon to be found in different contexts that do not refer to sports in any way.


Who is an outsider? This question can be answered in different ways. In sociology, the term "outsider" is understood as an individual who, for whatever reason, as a rule, own choice lagged behind their civilization. That is, he became socially imperfect personality.

Who are outsiders? In America in the sixties, they were representatives. They were young people who felt undisguised contempt for the bourgeois well-being of their parents. According to hippie philosophy, the main category human life is freedom. And it can be achieved by changing inner world. Hippies were ardent opponents of the war, lived in communes, did not recognize the institution of marriage.

Who are the outsiders in modern Russia? Perhaps, gypsies can be attributed to this category of society. Those that are often found on the streets big cities. They live according to strange, incomprehensible laws, differ from total mass townspeople both externally and behavior style.


This term also occurs here. However, in economics it is used when it is not about a person, but about an enterprise. Outsiders are small firms that are not part of a monopoly. They can't stand competition and, as a rule, are absorbed by large enterprises.

Within the same social group

An outsider is a person who does not meet the criteria inherent in a certain group of people. This rather unattractive term is also given to a person who occupies an insignificant position in the team to which it belongs. Translated from in English, namely from there this word came into our speech, "outsider" means "outsider". That is, a person rejected by the society in which he works or studies. An outsider is a teenager who is not popular with his classmates. Or the lowest-performing salesperson at a large company.

Examples from the literature

Anyone who reads a lot of Gogol, Pushkin and Dostoevsky will quickly find a synonym for the word "outsider". This extra person. Which of famous characters Russian literature can be called outsiders? stationmaster, whom a visiting officer deprived of the most precious thing in life - his daughter. Marmeladov is an unfortunate person who causes only a smile and disgust in those around him. Finally, Bashmachkina - a small official who can only dream of a new overcoat.