An evil Chechen is sharpening a knife. Cossack lullaby - an evil Chechen creeps ashore

"PROLETARIAN INTERNATIONALISM" is a communist attempt to introduce monotheism in Russia with an "eternally living" god - Lenin. The idea of ​​internationalism is very good in itself, and saving for Russia. Now it has become even more relevant.

But, as in TRINITARY CHRISTIANITY, declaring a person God is a disastrous path, started by the Romanov tsars in 1649. Prior to this, the Savior in Russia was considered a Prophet (ie the person who wrote the Psalms, ie proclaimed the One God). It was just as disastrous for Russia to declare Lenin a god and not a man.

The destruction of monotheism (God is one) was put in Russia immediately after the "Time of Troubles" (early 17th century), as soon as Western ideologists came to the territory of Russia, along with the Romanov dynasty ( Cathedral Code 1649). Slavery was introduced in Russia under the auspices of the supposedly "Greeks", but in fact the totalitarian Catholics who lost in Europe as a result of the Reformation. Introduced Greek in all Orthodox schools, sometimes Latin in addition, the entire 18th century!
How did the Russian people “break down” and become slaves so quickly? More than 20% of the population was destroyed under Alexei Mikhailovich, and more than 30% under Peter I (according to official data of modern Russian historians). This is where you break! Stalin could only envy such a scale.

It should be noted that the ideology of slavery introduced in the "new Orthodox" has not disappeared anywhere even today. In 1861, the tsar's manifesto decided nothing in essence. By 1917, the "land question" was just as acute. The peasants slowly began to come to life, fleeing to the city. The landowner remained. And the "right of the first night" with the bride from the side of the groom's father remained. WILDLIFE FULL! To what extent did these Romanovs (Romans) accustom the people to disgrace!

The main thing that the "Roman" Romanovs did was that they abolished religion (ideology) Ancient Russia. (Ideology in any country then had a religious character). Instead of the religion of the Psalms (the Religion of Freedom), the author of which in all Russian chronicles is the Prophet-Savior, who proclaimed Monotheism, in Russia, in 1649, they brought the religion of slavery and obscurantism. They banned the Russian language in worship, introduced serfdom on behalf of the New Trinitarian Church. They replaced the name of the Vice-Savior with a Greek name unknown in Russia. And most importantly, they proclaimed the "disorder of personality" of this worthy person. (See article "Trinity in Russia").

But the Prophet "Isesi", which in Egyptian means "truth", never claimed to have a "disorder of personality." The only thing he initially admitted was that, like any pharaoh, he was forced to admit that he was the "Son of God", such was the then ideological tradition. (By the way, the international word Essence means "essence", or, more simply, "truth"). Then he could not stand this lie, and declared himself as the "Son of Man." For which, in fact, he was crucified ...

In Islam, the name of the ancient Prophet has remained so to this day - Isa. The Russian (as well as the Egyptian) symbol of the Prophet: ATON, is written on a halo on all icons (His images) before the Romanovs. It means SUN (nimbus) or SOLAR (Man under a halo). In Greek it will be: "Chrysos" or "Christ". Russian word The Romanovs were banned because Greek word was invested UNKNOWN IN RUSSIA MEANING - "PERSONAL DISSTRUCTION". At the same time they brought in the Greek tradition of slavery, unknown in Russia before.

Monotheistic religion (as Islam and Judaism) reappeared in Russia only under Catherine II. She did this only for the sake of preserving the slavery of the serfs "Kh (k) Christians". For this slavery was not regulated by anything, except " church lists"Orthodox Church.

Why am I writing all this?

Although I am a scientist, but not enough to go into the Cosmic Mind. The intergalactic "computer" is incomprehensible.
Although, it was on the Cosmic essence of God that our Prophet-Savior insisted ("Light (Sun) of Truth", in ancient Egyptian, and in Russian, too, there was "Light of Truth", the Sun of Truth" [before the Romanovs]. "Chrysos", in - in Greek it will also be "Sunny"). It is strange why in ancient Egyptian and in Russian - the same thing, because it is officially considered that between Ancient Egypt (18th dynasty) and Russia, which emerged in the 800s AD - about 2000 years, and the Psalms, whose author Egyptian is our Prophet are identical in the text of the Novgorod Psalter, written in Russian 1000 years ago. In fact, the Egyptian Prophet lived in the 800s AD. This is easily calculated from astronomy. Why lie?


What should I do as an atheist?

It makes no difference to me whether God is one, or he is one in three persons, or out of many...

There is such a parable.

Lecturer - anti-religious lecturer:

"Everyone knows that there is no God, and we all arose as a result of evolution."

Question from the floor:

What preceded biological evolution?
- Chemical evolution.
Where did matter come from in the universe?
- As a result of the Primary Explosion.
- And why did the Primary Explosion occur?
- God knows...

Another phrase from the Strugatskys:

"After all, I'm an atheist ... it seems to me ..."

Communism in deep lingering internal crisis, and I still see no signs of a way out of this crisis.

The collapse of communism dealt a blow in general to all worldview systems, including logic and common sense, not only Alexander Zinoviev wrote about this, but Professor Kafirin also spoke at that very memorable meeting of the "Marxist Platform" on August 22, 1991.

Atheism is also shaken, because modern scientific ideas about the structure of the universe and matter do not leave room for simplified mechanistic models, and therefore are available for understanding only narrow circle specialists, which creates a feeling of unknowability of the world around the layman.

The train of religion has also left, any, both traditional and non-traditional.

All social science generally in deep crisis.

There are no revolutionary movements (except for marginal ones, like us), and the elite skillfully uses the protest moods among the masses in their own interests.

The only hope is that some processes are gradually going on in society that we do not notice yet, but which will soon manifest themselves and prompt the answer to your questions.

There are grounds for such a prejudice. My grandfather told me that in the 10s of the 20th century, before the revolution, there were also decadent moods, and everyone was waiting end soon(they said they run out Natural resources and ahead of the war that will destroy all life on Earth). And the fantasy then was appropriate.

Salvation then came through a revolution, which was unexpected even for the Bolsheviks themselves (oh February Revolution Lenin learned from the newspapers).

Who knows, maybe now somewhere in Cologne, Osaka, Omsk or San Francisco a curly-haired boy is growing up, who in 10 years will say: "We will go the other way."
To be honest, I don’t see much point in introducing a new-old religion to replace the dominant ones now ...

Much of what you write is so new to me that it needs to be digested. I will refrain from my judgments on this topic for the time being: I have too little knowledge on this subject, too many contradictions.

But I ask you (namely you) to look at my article entitled "On Social Racism", which I am preparing and will publish in the next few days on "Prose ...", and express your opinion.

Facebook began to actively block the accounts of users who use the word "crest" in the network space.

Account journalist Maxim Kononenko banned for posting a poem Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin"My family tree", containing this word:

My grandfather did not sell pancakes,
Didn't wax the king's boots,
I did not sing with the court deacons,
I did not jump from crests to princes.

Russia has a law “On counteracting extremist activity”, which prohibits, among other things, inciting social, racial, national or religious hatred, promoting the exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of a person on the basis of his social, racial, national, religious or linguistic affiliation.

What other works of Russian literature would be banned if it occurred to someone to apply the law “On countering extremist activity” to them?

Most probably, it would Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky- the author of the most intolerant words, who declared: “The owner of the Russian land is only one Russian. So it was and always will be." That's so radical. If the writer had lived in our time, he would hardly have gotten away with one criticism. In general, in Russian literature over the centuries, it turns out, extremist sentiments flourished in all their diversity.

Fedor Dostoevsky. Photo:

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol, for example, one would have to give explanations for such a paragraph in Taras Bulba: “- Hang all the Jews! came from the crowd. “Let them not sew skirts for their Zhids out of priestly robes!” Let them not put badges on holy Easter! Melt them all, bastards, in the Dnieper! These words, uttered by someone from the crowd, flew like lightning through all the heads, and the crowd rushed to the suburbs with a desire to slaughter all the Jews.

Nikolay Gogol. Photo:

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin also did not keep away from it. So, in the poem "Black Shawl" we find the following words:

One day I called merry guests;
A despicable Jew knocked on my door;

Pyotr Konchalovsky. "Pushkin in Mikhailovsky". Photo: reproduction

But at Mayakovsky no longer just an anti-Semitic attitude, but what would be called "a public knowingly false accusation of a person occupying public office Russian Federation":

sell to Jews
and personnel
already under the hood!

Vladimir Mayakovsky. Photo:

nationalism towards Caucasian peoples was a natural consequence of protracted and bloody wars in the Caucasus. And all the writers who visited those parts were imbued with an atmosphere of confrontation. It even got into Pushkin's "The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes":

Brothers in a friendly crowd
Going out for a walk
Shoot gray ducks
Amuse the right hand
Sorochina hurry in the field,
Or a head with broad shoulders
Cut off the Tatar
Or etch from the forest
Pyatigorsk Circassian.

The absolute champion in hostility to the peoples of the mountains can be considered Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov.

So, in the "Hero of Our Time" from Maxim Maksimych you can hear many harsh words about the peoples of the Caucasus. For example, about Ossetians:

"Stupid people! he answered. — Would you believe it? they can't do anything, they're incapable of any education! Already by at least our Kabardians or Chechens, although they are robbers, naked, but desperate heads, and these have no desire for weapons either: you will not see a decent dagger on any one!

Or: “Tatars are better for me: at least they don’t drink ...”.

From there: “Fear God. After all, you are not a cursed Chechen, but an honest Christian.”

Less common, but there are references to European nations. Yes, not only famous poet, but also an experienced traveler - in the poem "Abyssinian Songs" comes to the following conclusion:

Rhinos trample our durro
Monkeys pick figs.
Worse than monkeys and rhinos
White vagrants Italians.

Nikolai Gumilyov. Photo:

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev I would have to explain why the Germans did not please his hero. The hero of the book "Fathers and Sons" directly states: “I am a German, a sinful person, I do not favor. I no longer mention the Russian Germans: it is known what kind of birds they are. But also german germans I don't like..."

Ivan Turgenev. Fragment of a painting by Ilya Repin 1874. Photo: Public Domain

In the poem “To the Slanderers of Russia”, Pushkin addresses the French deputies and journalists with a clear challenge:

So send it to us, vitii,
His angry sons:
There is a place for them in the fields of Russia,
Among the coffins that are not alien to them.

Vladimir Mayakovsky in his "Paris" unexpectedly calls the city of love "a place of decay", Paris "smart and stupid" and "boulevard mouthers", and ends with a generally shocking appeal:

Make up your mind tower
get up now everyone
turning Paris from top to bottom!

But even more shocking may seem the extremist attitude of writers against Russia itself! At Alexander Blok in the poem "The Twelve" we meet:

Comrade, hold the rifle, don't be afraid!
Let's fire a bullet at Holy Russia -

Alexander Blok. Photo:

But the words from "Hadji Murat" sound the most Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy: “Nobody spoke about hatred of Russians. The feeling experienced by all Chechens, young and old, was stronger than hatred.” Isn't thinking about "feelings of disgust and contempt for Russians" extremist material?

Leo Tolstoy in his office. Photo: RIA Novosti

Another problem is the insult to the feelings of believers in Russian literature. aforementioned Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky writes in the novel "Demons": "The Russian god has already given in to the 'cheap stuff'."

BUT Sergey Yesenin continues:

I'm not one of those who recognize the priests,
Who implicitly believes in God,
Who is ready to break his forehead,
Praying at every church threshold.

I don't like slave religion
Submissive from century to century,
And I have faith in wonderful words -
I believe in the knowledge and power of Man.

And how many more works could we lose, arguing In a similar way! The forbidden books would make a library of impressive size. This is what happens if you tear out individual phrases from the text and give the words of the writers extraneous meanings that are absolutely alien to the classical work.

"Cossack Lullaby» Mikhail Lermontov

Sleep, my beautiful baby, Bayushki-bayu. The clear moon looks quietly into your cradle. I will tell fairy tales, I will sing a song; Well, you dozed off, closing your eyes, Bayushki-bay. The Terek flows over the stones, A muddy wave splashes; An evil Chechen crawls ashore, Sharpens his dagger; But your father is an old warrior, Hardened in battle: Sleep, little one, be calm, Bayushki-bai. You will know for yourself, there will be time, Violent life; Feel free to put your foot in the stirrup And take a gun. I will sew a military saddle with silk ... Sleep, child my native, Baiushki bye. You will be a hero in appearance And a Cossack in soul. I'll go out to see you off - You wave your hand ... How many bitter tears furtively I will shed that night! .. Sleep, my angel, quietly, sweetly, Bayushki-bai. I will become longingly languish, wait inconsolably; I will pray all day long, guess at night; I will begin to think that you are bored. I will give you a holy icon for the road: You, praying to God, Put it in front of you; Yes, getting ready for a dangerous battle, Remember your mother... Sleep, my beautiful baby, Bayushki-bayu.

Analysis of Lermontov's poem "Cossack lullaby"

The poem "Cossack lullaby" was written in 1838, when Mikhail Lermontov first visited the Caucasus and took part in hostilities. This period of creativity includes not only socio-political and civil poems, but also lyrical works. In particular, "Cossack lullaby" is an interpretation folk art. There is a version that it was in the village of Chervlenaya on the banks of the Terek River, where Lermontov's hussar regiment was quartered, that the poet happened to hear how a young Cossack woman rocked her son to sleep to a very gentle and beautiful lullaby. It was she who formed the basis of the poem, in which the author put a slightly different meaning, since he could not bypass the war in his work, which every day claimed the lives of sotern Russian soldiers.

The poem "Cossack Lullaby" is designed in the spirit of a mother's monologue, who, putting the baby to bed, talks about what awaits him in the future. The first octagon really would be suitable for any lullaby, since it contains all the attributes of this form of folklore work - a clear month, a fairy tale and a mother's desire for her son to fall asleep as soon as possible. However, the poet, on behalf of the Cossack woman, continues his story in a completely different way and talks about what he happened to see in this terrible and bloody war.

"The evil Chechen is crawling ashore, sharpening his dagger" - these words are completely unsuitable for a lullaby, however, nevertheless, they reflect reality. As well as the following lines, in which the poet tells that the baby’s father is ready to give the enemy a fitting rebuff, since he went to fight for native land. A similar fate awaits this baby, who is now resting in the arms of a Cossack woman, but very soon, just like his father, will defend his homeland from Chechen raids. “You can boldly put your foot in the stirrup and take a gun,” the mother predicts to him, realizing that this is how the fate of her child will turn out. But even she is not given to know if he can survive in a bloody and ongoing war. All that remains in this situation for the inconsolable woman is to pray to God that her son will still return home. Therefore, the poet promises on her behalf: "I will give you a holy icon for the road." That's all you can do for your child loving mother who instructs her son not only to seek salvation in prayer, but also to remember the one who gave him life, and now dreams only of saving her.

Cossack lullaby

Sleep, my beautiful baby,
Baiushki bye.
Quietly looks at the clear moon
Into your cradle
I will tell fairy tales
I will sing a song;
Well you dozed off, closing your eyes,
Baiushki bye.

The Terek flows over the stones,
Splashing muddy shaft;
An evil Chechen crawls ashore,
Sharpens his dagger;
But your father is an old warrior,
Forged in Battle:
Sleep, baby, be calm
Baiushki bye.

You will know, there will be time
swearing life;
Feel free to put your foot in the stirrup
And take a gun.
I am a fighting saddle
I'll rip it with silk...
Sleep, my dear child,
Baiushki bye.

You will be a hero in appearance
And a Cossack soul.
I will go out to accompany you -
You wave your hand...
How many bitter tears furtively
I will shed that night! ..
Sleep, my angel, quietly, sweetly,
Baiushki bye.

I will languish in melancholy,
Wait inconsolably;
I'll pray all day
Guessing at night;
I'll think you're bored
You are in a foreign land...
Sleep well until you know worries
Baiushki bye.

I will give you on the road
Saint pattern:
You are his, praying to God,
Put in front of you;
Yes, preparing for a dangerous battle,
Remember your mother...
Sleep, my beautiful baby,
Baiushki bye.