As translated from English first name. First Name and Last Name - what does it mean? What to write then

To fill out documents or to register in some in social networks special fields must be filled in. In the article, we will consider what the first name is - a first name or a surname, how to enter a patronymic for paperwork. The paper also published the rules for writing English names.

first name

first name- first name or last name? What does this phrase mean in translation into Russian? For those who do not know the answer to this question or forgot it with school bench, let's say. To do this, we turn to the literal meaning. Translation first name literally sounds like "first name". Not surprisingly, in many families in the United States of America and England, it is customary to give the child several names, instead of using the traditional Russian patronymic. As a rule, it is not used there. If in English speaking countries this is the "first name", then for us the first name is the first name or the last name? Of course, the name that your parents gave you at birth. By the way, in our country the custom of naming a baby with a double or even a triple name is also becoming popular, although this practice has not yet gained sufficient distribution. But if the first name is the first name, the surname is the second name? Not at all, there is a term for it, which we will discuss in the next section of the article.

Surname last name

What is first name (first name or last name) is now clear. But how are surname and last name translated? Surname is a surname interpreted into Russian from English. In American and English there is a synonym for this word and it sounds like the last name, that is - last name.

What is a middle name

AT literal translation from English, the phrase middle name is translated into Russian as "middle name". Some mistakenly confuse it with a patronymic, but this is not entirely correct. On the territory of America and England, the "middle" or second name can be any name you like, not related to the name of the father. A child may be named after a grandmother, great-grandmother, aunt, or even a loved one. literary character. People there do not really think about consonances, as is customary in our country. Why is it called "medium"? In English-speaking countries, it is customary to put the name first, and not the last name of a person, as in Russia. This is how all documents are drawn up: first name goes, then the middle name, if any, and only then - the surname.

Christian name

In addition to the middle name, a person may also have a Christian name, that is, the name given during the rite of baptism. There is also given name - a given or proper name. All this is combined into a complete name - that is full name translated into Russian. In some believing families in Russia, there is also a rule for the name given at baptism. This name should not be spoken to outsiders, only family members and godparents know it. It is believed that the middle name will take away the evil eye, damage and other people's evil from a person. That is why it is so carefully hidden from strangers.

A little about how to answer the question about your name

If in a conversation with a native speaker you were asked to give your name, you can give only the first name or together with the surname. If the interlocutor used the word name in combination with first or given, according to the rules, only the name is called. The same goes for paperwork. If the word surname or last appears before the name, then it is filled in the column, and during the conversation only the surname is called.

Filling out documentation

Let's take a closer look at filling out the columns of documents in English. First of all, what to do if the letters of your first or last name are difficult to write with Latin letters, for example, if we are talking about such Russian letters as ы, ё, й?

The ratio of Russian letters with English spelling

The writing of such letters is in many ways reminiscent of phonetic parsing words when the vowel is broken into two separate sounds:

Now let's dwell on filling out the questionnaire using the example of a card. Consider the items that most often cause difficulties when filling out for those who go on a trip abroad for the first time:

  • Column first name and last name. How to fill it in Russian or Latin letters? You can choose any entry from your passport or international passport. You can use a marriage certificate. If you have multiple passports, use the one that matches your birth certificate.
  • middle name. You can enter a patronymic here or simply skip this item.
  • When filling in the city, only the city itself is indicated, the district or region does not need to be indicated. If we are talking, for example, about St. Petersburg, then Latin name his - St.Petersburg.
  • Item "country of birth". If on this moment the country in which you were born changed its name, then the name that is accepted today is indicated. For example, not Soviet Union, a Russian Federation, Ukraine, Estonia and so on.

Finally a few interesting facts from the life of the English queen. The Queen of Great Britain is known all over the world. But not everyone knows that she does not have what every person has. Elizabeth does not have a last name. But there are two whole second names. And the Queen, by virtue of her origin, does not need to issue a passport, and even more so - a passport. She can freely fly to anywhere in the world at will.

We hope that now you have clearly understood the question of whether the surname or first name is the first name, and filling out documents, forms, questionnaires, in the future, will not cause you any difficulties regarding the first name, surname and patronymic.

First Name - a field where you need to write a name, that is, only a first name, not a surname, not a patronymic. The field can be when registering somewhere, for example, you need to fill out a document, when making a purchase on Aliexpress, delivery.

In general, when you draw up something, you need to fill out a paper or electronic document, and there might be a First Name field there.

Once again - in the First Name field, we simply write the name and that's it. Not a last name.

What then to write in last name? And here you already need to write a surname. If you translate literally Last Name, then there will be something like the last name - this is what the surname means. Though I agree that it's a bit confusing.

First Name and Last Name - translation into Russian:

Instead of Last Name, it can also be Family Name:

You can also come across such a field as Surname last name - what is it? As I understand it, if it is written that way, then this also means the surname. In general, you can get confused in all this ..

How to write the first and last name correctly?

But that's not all the difficulty you may encounter. Look, now you already understand where you need to write the first name and where the last name. But how to write? The fact is that you may be asked to write not in Russian letters, but in English.

You may think - well, what's so difficult, I'll write English letters. But no, wait, the fact is that there is something like .. in general, there is some kind of official transliteration. In general, there are some rules, I don’t know, but it is important to indicate the correct name and surname, even if in English letters.

Look, my name is Dmitry Sharikov, and so I found a site on the Internet where there is an official transliteration from Russian into English (even according to some kind of GOST), and I wrote my name there and click the Transliterate button (the word is just ughs):

And here is the result:

That is, you see, it seems to be simple - but there are some other rules, some kind of GOST standard ..

The site on which I did all this - you can easily find it in Yandex, I won’t write it, otherwise it will be like an advertisement. There are other sites, but I found this one, it was in the first place and seems to be quite good)

Examples of First Name and Last Name fields - fill in carefully!

Middle Name - what does it mean?

But there is also something like Middle Name - what is it? But this is interesting, I didn’t even know, but .. in some countries they give another name. That is, a person can have two names! And for the middle name, the Middle Name field was invented.

And here is the Russian translation of Middle Name:

If you do not have a second name, then Middle Name does not need to be filled in. Also, where you fill in, there may be a checkmark next to the Middle Name, it can activate or deactivate the field.

Middle Name field

Yes, here's another important information about Middle Name. Many write a middle name here, while the field is intended for a middle name (this is common in the west). But in fact, Middle Name and patronymic are different things. And it seems like .. how .. in the Middle Name you need to write what is written in the passport, if you have one. In general, here is a tip for you on this topic:

Note to you:

  1. Carefully fill in the fields, write correctly, if necessary in English letters - then use some popular service for translating Russian words into transliteration.
  2. If you fill out a document in some office or institution, then ask there nearby how and what to fill out. It is better to ask than to be rejected later because of one wrong letter, especially when these are bank documents.

That's all. Good luck to you and may you succeed.


English-Russian translation FIRST NAME


transcription, transcription: [ ʹfɜ:stneım]

first name (as opposed to last name)

his first names are Peter George - his name is Peter George

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More word meanings and translation of FIRST NAME from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.
What is the translation of FIRST NAME from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for FIRST NAME in dictionaries.

  • FIRST NAME—ngalan
    English-Visayan vocabulary
  • FIRST NAME - noun Date: 13th century the name that stands first in one "s full name
    Dictionary English - Merriam Webster
  • FIRST-NAME - I. ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ transitive verb Etymology: first name: to address by the first name the doctor's son from Edinburgh and …
  • FIRST NAME - noun: the name that stands first in one "s full name: christian name, forename called him by one ...
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • FIRST-NAME-adj. /ferrst"naym"/ ; v. /ferrst"naym"/ , adj., v., first-named, first-naming . adj. 1. of or pertaining to one "s first, or ...
  • FIRST NAME. — See given name . [ 1200-50; ME]
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • FIRST NAME - private name
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Editorial bed
  • FIRST NAME - Date: 13th century: the name that stands first in one "s full name
  • FIRST NAME - Function: noun Date: 13th century: the name that stands first in one "s full name
    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary
  • FIRST NAME—■ noun a personal name given to someone at birth or baptism and used before a family name. Phrases on …
    Concise Oxford English vocab
  • FIRST NAME - n (13c): the name that stands first in one "s full name
  • FIRST NAME - (also ˈgiven name especially in NAmE) noun a name that was given to you when you were born, that ...
  • FIRST NAME - ˈfirst name BrE AmE noun 1 . the name or names that come before your family name SYN Christian …
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • FIRST NAME - (first names) Your first name is the first of the names that were given to you when you were ...
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • FIRST NAME - (~s) Your ~ is the first of the names that were given to you when you were born. You can
    Collins COBUILD - English Dictionary for Language Learners
  • FIRST NAME — noun EXAMPLES FROM OTHER ENTRIES ▪ What's your mom's first name ? EXAMPLES FROM CORPUS ▪ Ask to have the …
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
    Longman Activator English vocab
  • FIRST NAME - 25B6; FORENAME, Christian name, given name. surname.
    Concise Oxford Thesaurus English vocabulary
  • FIRST NAME - ➡ names
    Oxford Guide to British and American Culture English vocabulary
    Big English-Russian Dictionary
  • FIRST NAME - Personal name
    American English-Russian Dictionary
  • FIRST NAME - name (as opposed to surname) his first names are Peter George - his name is Peter George
    English-Russian-English Dictionary general vocabulary- Collection of the best dictionaries
    Tiger English-Russian Dictionary
  • FIRST NAME - first name (as opposed to last name) his ~s are Peter George - his name is Peter George
    New large English-Russian dictionary - Apresyan, Mednikova
  • FIRST NAME - name
  • FIRST NAME - name
    English-Russian-dictionary - Bed release
  • FIRST NAME - first name (as opposed to last name)
    English-Russian Dictionary of General Vocabulary
  • FIRST NAME - first name (as opposed to last name)
    English-Russian Dictionary of General Vocabulary
  • FIRST NAME - _n. first name (as opposed to last name)
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - 24th edition
  • FIRST NAME - n. first name (as opposed to last name)
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - bed edition
  • FIRST NAME - name on a first name basis with somebody- to be with someone on "you"
    English-Russian additional dictionary
  • FIRST NAME - personal name
    English-Russian dictionary on computers
  • FIRST NAME - first name (as opposed to last name)
    English-Russian Dictionary of Economics
  • FIRST NAME - Personal name
    British English-Russian Dictionary
  • FIRST NAME - first name (as opposed to last name)
    English-Russian Law Dictionary
  • FIRST NAME - * given name = one "s first name (someone's) personal (first) name
    English-Russian Dictionary of English Idioms
  • FIRST NAME - (one's) personal (first) name
    English-Russian dictionary of idioms
  • FIRST NAME - personal name
    Computer English-Russian dictionary
  • FIRST NAME - first name (as opposed to last name) first name (as opposed to last name) - his first names are Peter George his name is Peter ...
    New large English-Russian dictionary
  • NAME—I. ˈnām noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English nama; akin to Old High German & Gothic …
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • FIRST—I. ˈfərst, ˈfə̄st, ˈfəist adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Old English fyrst; akin to Old High German & Old Saxon …
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • NAME--namer , n. /naym/ , n. , v. , named, naming , adj. n. 1. a word or a ...
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • FIRST - - firstness, adj. /ferrst/ , adj. 1. being before all others with respect to time, order, rank, importance, etc., …
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • NAME—I. ˈnām noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English nama; akin to Old High German namo name, Latin nomen, Greek …
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • FIRST-I. ˈfərst adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Old English fyrst; akin to Old High German furist first, Old English faran …
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • FIRST-adj (bef. 12c): preceding …
    Merriam-Webster English vocab
  • NAME - a word or group of words used to refer to an individual entity (real or imaginary). A name singles out …
    Britannica English vocabulary
  • FIRST - first BrE AmE fɜːst AmE fɝːst ▷ firsts fɜːsts AmE fɝːsts ˌ first ˈ aid BrE AmE ˌ …
    Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary
  • NAME - /neɪm; NAmE / noun, verb ■ noun 1. a word or words that a particular person, animal, place ...
    Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary

Installing a particular program or registering on a foreign site often requires filling out a form where there are columns such as Last Name and First Name. Despite the fact that today English is quite common, many users of the Internet or programs often have difficulties or doubts. The information below will help you avoid mistakes during registration.

When registering on sites, boxes, filling out questionnaires, you must specify information about the user, personal and / or contact information. The first thing to write is the first and last name - "First Name" and "Last Name". The word "Name" is familiar to many, it is translated as "name". The words First and Last are misleading. Where to write the last name, and where the first name, not everyone knows.

So, we explain: Name is a name, Last Name is a surname, in English it is also denoted by the words Surname or Family Name. By the way, in addition to the name and surname, some Americans also have a middle name or patronymic - Middle Name, given at birth (often this is generally any word you like). For example, John Lennon's full name is John Winston Lennon, where Winston is his middle name. This is, of course, information general development, to register for the use of Internet resources, such details are not required.

Thus, in the First Name field we write our name, and in the Last Name or Surname translation we write our last name. It looks like this:

First Name: Ana (Ann)

Last Name: Simonova

So we figured it out, everything, it turns out, is not so difficult.

Other items in filling out the questionnaires

The need to fill out some form for registration on the site or a questionnaire arises not only when working on the Internet. At the airports of some countries, upon arrival, they also give you a card to fill out. The information that needs to be entered in both the first and second cases is approximately the same. You can translate incomprehensible or unfamiliar words from English into Russian using an online translator. But sometimes this is not possible, so watch and remember!

Account Information - what does account information mean:

* Login or username: account name or username - maybe even made up.

* Password: a password consisting of letters and numbers (you must remember it or write it down);

* Re-Password: -here you need to repeat the password;

* Email address: address Email;

* Re-Email address: repeat e-mail;

Member/User Information Personal information about the user

*First Name: Name

* Middle Name: Middle name

* Last Name: Surname

sometimes instead of the above three columns there is one Full Name / Your Name: I.O.F.

* Age: age;

* Date of birth: date of birth;

* Gender: Male/Female - gender: male/female;

* Address: street/house/apartment

* City/Town: city/town

* ZIP/Postal Code: postal code

* Country: Country of residence

Phone #: - phone number with country code, area code.

On various resources, some form elements may be missing. Star annotations, red highlighting, or in bold means that the fields must be filled in mandatory.

If you know English, then it is impossible to confuse First Name and Last Name and other words found in questionnaires, registration forms and various documents. Therefore, learn English, open more possibilities for myself!

English-Russian translation FIRST NAME

More word meanings and translation of FIRST NAME from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.
What is the translation of FIRST NAME from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for FIRST NAME in dictionaries.

  • FIRST NAME—ngalan
    English-Visayan vocabulary
  • FIRST NAME - noun Date: 13th century the name that stands first in one "s full name
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Merriam Webster
  • FIRST-NAME - I. ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ transitive verb Etymology: first name: to address by the first name the doctor's son from Edinburgh and …
  • FIRST NAME - noun: the name that stands first in one "s full name: christian name, forename called him by one ...
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • FIRST-NAME-adj. /ferrst"naym"/ ; v. /ferrst"naym"/ , adj., v., first-named, first-naming . adj. 1. of or pertaining to one "s first, or ...
  • FIRST NAME. — See given name . [ 1200-50; ME]
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • FIRST NAME - private name
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Editorial bed
  • FIRST NAME - Date: 13th century: the name that stands first in one "s full name
  • FIRST NAME - Function: noun Date: 13th century: the name that stands first in one "s full name
    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary
  • FIRST NAME—■ noun a personal name given to someone at birth or baptism and used before a family name. Phrases on …
    Concise Oxford English vocab
  • FIRST NAME - n (13c): the name that stands first in one "s full name
  • FIRST NAME - (also ˈgiven name especially in NAmE) noun a name that was given to you when you were born, that ...
  • FIRST NAME - ˈfirst name BrE AmE noun 1 . the name or names that come before your family name SYN Christian …
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • FIRST NAME - (first names) Your first name is the first of the names that were given to you when you were ...
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • FIRST NAME - (~s) Your ~ is the first of the names that were given to you when you were born. You can…
    Collins COBUILD - English Dictionary for Language Learners
  • FIRST NAME — noun EXAMPLES FROM OTHER ENTRIES ▪ What's your mom's first name ? EXAMPLES FROM CORPUS ▪ Ask to have the …
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
    Longman Activator English vocab
  • FIRST NAME - 25B6; FORENAME, Christian name, given name. surname.
    Concise Oxford Thesaurus English vocabulary
  • FIRST NAME - ➡ names
    Oxford Guide to British and American Culture English vocabulary
    Big English-Russian Dictionary
  • FIRST NAME - Personal name
    American English-Russian Dictionary
    English-Russian-English Dictionary of General Vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
    Tiger English-Russian Dictionary
  • FIRST NAME - first name (as opposed to last name) his ~s are Peter George - his name is Peter George
    New large English-Russian dictionary - Apresyan, Mednikova
  • FIRST NAME - name (as opposed to surname) his first names are Peter George - his name is Peter George
    Big new English-Russian dictionary
  • FIRST NAME - name
  • FIRST NAME - name
    English-Russian-dictionary - Bed release
  • FIRST NAME - first name (as opposed to last name)
    English-Russian Dictionary of General Vocabulary
  • FIRST NAME - _n. first name (as opposed to last name)
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - 24th edition
  • FIRST NAME - n. first name (as opposed to last name)
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - bed edition
  • FIRST NAME - name on a first name basis with someone - to be with someone on "you"
    English-Russian additional dictionary
  • FIRST NAME - personal name
    English-Russian dictionary on computers
  • FIRST NAME - first name (as opposed to last name)
    English-Russian Dictionary of Economics
  • FIRST NAME - Personal name
    British English-Russian Dictionary
  • FIRST NAME - first name (as opposed to last name)
    English-Russian Law Dictionary
  • FIRST NAME - * given name = one "s first name (someone's) personal (first) name
    English-Russian Dictionary of English Idioms
  • FIRST NAME - (one's) personal (first) name
    English-Russian dictionary of idioms
  • FIRST NAME - personal name
    Computer English-Russian dictionary
  • FIRST NAME - first name (as opposed to last name) first name (as opposed to last name) - his first names are Peter George his name is Peter ...
    New large English-Russian dictionary
  • NAME—I. ˈnām noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English nama; akin to Old High German & Gothic …
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • FIRST—I. ˈfərst, ˈfə̄st, ˈfəist adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Old English fyrst; akin to Old High German & Old Saxon …
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • NAME--namer , n. /naym/ , n. , v. , named, naming , adj. n. 1. a word or a ...
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • FIRST - - firstness, adj. /ferrst/ , adj. 1. being before all others with respect to time, order, rank, importance, etc., …
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • NAME—I. ˈnām noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English nama; akin to Old High German namo name, Latin nomen, Greek …
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • FIRST-I. ˈfərst adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Old English fyrst; akin to Old High German furist first, Old English faran …
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • FIRST-adj (bef. 12c): preceding …
    Merriam-Webster English vocab
  • NAME - a word or group of words used to refer to an individual entity (real or imaginary). A name singles out …
    Britannica English vocabulary
  • FIRST - first BrE AmE fɜːst AmE fɝːst ▷ firsts fɜːsts AmE fɝːsts ˌ first ˈ aid BrE AmE ˌ …
    Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary
  • NAME - /neɪm; NAmE / noun, verb ■ noun 1. a word or words that a particular person, animal, place ...
    Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • FIRST - / fɜːst; NAmE fɜːrst/ determiner, ordinal number, adverb, noun ■ determiner, ordinal number 1. happening or …
    Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary