Why can't parents be present at the registry office. Wedding superstition about the parents of the young

It's time to strike out negative people from your life! After all, by throwing negativity out of your life, you thereby free up space in it for something good!

You won't be able to live positive life surrounded by negative people.

But, unfortunately, some people are so used to seeing only the negative around them that there is literally no room for the positive in them. And, unfortunately, there are a lot of such people in our families, at work and in social circles. Just being around terribly exhausts us emotionally, besides, their negative outlook on life and opinions can be contagious. The negative self-reproduces, generating dissatisfaction and clouding the mind. And when the mind is clouded by negativity, happiness goes further and further.
So isn't it better to forget about these people and move forward? Cutting negative people out of your life doesn't mean you hate them or wish them harm, it just means you don't give a damn about yourself. After all, by throwing negativity out of your life, you thereby make room for something good in it.

1. Hopelessly hostile queen of scandals.

Some people (including men) like to throw tantrums and fights for no apparent reason. Don't go after them. Do not get into other people's scandals and do not arrange your own.
Do not respond with swear words to those who throw them at you. Remain calm and cool, displacing the stench of conflict with the scent of determination. The louder your opponent yells, the more he wants to stir up a scandal, the calmer and more confident you need to think and speak. Don't let them hurt your nerves.

Become an example of confidence to others the highest standard- ignore their impulsiveness and tantrums, become the embodiment of kindness. Communicate and express your thoughts from a position of peace, love and the best of intentions. Your voice should be a messenger of good – use it to inspire, inspire, educate, and sow empathy and understanding.
And if after that someone will try to impose their negativity and unnecessary scandals on you, just turn away from him and move on.

2. A person who is always and everywhere dissatisfied with you.

Some people are just impossible to please - you can't reach them no matter what you do. Just accept this fact.
All of us on our life path met people who humiliated us, treated us without any respect, and generally looked down on us for no reason or reason. Don't waste time trying to change them or win their approval, and even more so, don't stoop to hate. Just forget about them and move on, leaving a fair retribution to the will of fate and their karma, because every second spent on them will be wasted, and if you let anger and hatred into your heart, you will only harm yourself.

3. A pessimist who clips the wings of your dreams.

Stop hanging out with those who make fun of and slander your dreams. These people lower your potential, slowly but surely extinguish your inner flame with the water of their caustic comments and low expectations. They take pleasure in clipping the wings of your dreams, for they themselves are wingless.
If you give in and let the negativity lashing out of them shape you into the image they have created, you end up with little left. Instead of being yourself, you will turn into a crippled and mutilated something that is not really capable of anything. In a sense, they will steal your own life from you. The boundary between their opinions and yours will disappear. And the loser invented by them will become ... you.
Remember - your opportunities are not determined by other people's opinions. So be optimistic, put aside other people's opinions and limitations, and try to see yourself as something much more than they think possible. And then - it depends only on you whether YOU can make YOUR dreams come true. Our life path is not predetermined, and 99% of our achievements begin with daily painstaking work on them.

4. Manipulator.

Beware of manipulators, those who like to push their opinions through, and in general everyone who tries to control your thoughts with the help of their negativity. But in fact, recognizing them is quite simple - if you look at them from the side, you can understand that they are often too fixated on themselves. In other words, the people around them (including you) are only part of their lives to the extent that they can be used for personal gain.
Them own feelings, needs and desires for them will always be more important than anything else. They will demand from you to get out of your skin to help them with all the problems, but if, God forbid, YOU need help, most likely they will be “too busy”, or even refuse in plain text.
Note: Some people are willing to say and do anything - absolutely anything - to get others to do what they want. You should not consider such behavior to be normal or acceptable. When someone tries to get you to do something, look at them and say, “Hold your horses! If you have delusions of grandeur, then these are your problems, not mine! Well, if he continues to stick to his line after that, you already know what to do. Yes, yes, do not enter into a conflict, just leave.

5. A stubborn person who thinks you should be someone else.

In the end, it always ends up being better to be hated for who you are than respected for who you are not. The only relationships with other people that will be useful to you are those that make you a better person, without trying to turn you into a different person, but without preventing you from becoming a different person if you have outgrown your current one.
Unfortunately, often family members and old friends just don't see how much you've changed and grown over the years. They also have a tendency to label you based on the person you once were - and that's the most dangerous thing. It is very easy to agree with such statements, because you yourself remember that they were once true. Well, there, for example, “Vanya always has his head in the clouds” or “Lena good girl but she lacks concentration."
But in fact, only you can truly know what is going on in your head. Those who do not know you well can sometimes take you for a completely different person - as, indeed, those who think they know you well - but you know who you really are.
Only when you begin to ignore their opinions and decide to be who you really are, and not who they want you to be, will you open yourself up to true love, happiness and success. You don't have to volunteer to wear a mask. Don't pretend to be someone else.
Yes, you have no control over what other people think of you, but how to deal with their opinions is up to you. Let them do what they want with them, you are not obliged to react to them in any way. Don't fit in with someone just to please them. Let people love you for who you are, not for who they want you to be. And if they don't want to do that... well, that's their choice, and they can always leave. In any case, you will not be harmed by them - after all, the problem is not in you, but in their perception.

6. Demanding friend not forgiving your mistakes.

Whom shall I call a man of honor? Not the one who doesn't make mistakes at all, and there aren't any, but the one who admits them and then goes out of his way to correct them.
We learn from our mistakes, and they are part of any large-scale enterprise.
But if someone refuses to help you outgrow and correct your mistakes, this is indeed an almost unforgivable mistake on their part. Clinging to a past that can no longer be fixed is a waste of energy that would be useful in creating a better future. And if someone constantly judges you by your past, reminds you of everything committed mistakes and refuses to forgive them - why don't you make your future a little better by leaving this person in the past?

7. Inner critic.

Here you go! They did not expect? Yes, yes, the same merciless critic that sat in your head.
Ruthless criticism often entails a lack of happiness and general dissatisfaction with oneself - and, in general, you don’t need it at all. Why criticize yourself mercilessly, biting into own thoughts for every mistake? All you really need is the courage to be yourself. Your value is in who you are, not in who you are not.
And those "shortcomings" that you are looking for in yourself - perhaps they are simply traits of your personality. After all, you must have something inimitable and unique. You are different from others. You will never be like them, and they will never be you. And just like there are no two identical snowflakes, your fingerprints are completely unique. You are different from others - and that's okay. That's why you came into this world, to tell him who you are, and to enjoy every moment you live. And when you accept that, you will realize that you have no reason to compare yourself to anyone else. And your inner critic, in general, has nothing to criticize.
Every morning when you wake up, think about a couple of things that have definitely worked out in your life. And falling asleep at night, fill your mind with gratitude for all the little things that filled you with joy that day. Understand that in your life there is far from only negativity and give your inner critic a couple of reviews about you - one hundred points!


When people belittle your dreams, predict trouble for you, criticize you, and point-blank refuse to see who you really are, remember that they are not telling you about you, but about themselves. And everything they said is caused by their own anxieties and worries. Just ignore them.
Well, if you (your inner critic) do all of the above with yourself, try to give up all thoughts and doubts that make you feel uncomfortable for at least one day. And see how quickly it will change your life. You don't need negative thoughts. All they have ever brought you is unreasonable suffering.

Finishing at the age of 20 can be limited by the budget, taste, and indeed, at a young age, few people think about the proper arrangement of their homes. Over time, priorities change, and many will agree with me that such a thing as “quality of life” comes with age and is adjusted throughout life. And budget can always be a problem, there are certain items that don't have a right to exist in a mature space:
Shabby posters and posters hung on the walls should not have the right to life in an adult interior. If you can't part with your favorite, dear "object of art", buy a suitable frame for it, so it will take on the appearance important subject and can adequately emphasize the style of the interior.


Washed towels - get rid of them without pity and regret! You don’t need to store some things “forever”, a towel is a consumable item that tends to wear out, keep an eye on it. Most often, the question is not the budget, most of us do not even replace these things, due to our busyness or habits, but believe me, guests will definitely notice this oversight, and finally, you can afford it!


Plastic dishes or completely inappropriate in style and form. Pay attention to the items from which you eat daily, in which you cook, are there any items from childhood, inherited from the "grandmother" general concept, with cracks and chips - feel free to throw it away! Dishes, it's not enough important subject and a useful accessory in the interior, dishes

and the table setting as a whole creates the mood and overall tone of the interior, is in daily use and requires appropriate attention, do you agree?


Impersonal accessories , not functional, which gather dust on your shelves, do not carry any benefit. On the this stage of your life, you must collect a collection of decor items that reflect your interests, emphasize the individuality of you and your interior from an aesthetic point of view. If you still have the occasional knick-knacks decorating your shelves, it's time to toss them out.


Doors with full-length mirrors . This inexpensive way to plan and save space does not look aesthetically pleasing and resembles a hostel. An alternative to this option is a free-standing floor mirror that does not take up much space, and when placed correctly, can visually increase the space.


cheap paper blinds for windows . Paper blinds are great if you need a quick fix or temporary window solution, but they should never be a permanent choice. If the question is economy, then there are completely inexpensive bamboo blinds or ready-made curtains in standard sizes for a completely reasonable cost.


Folding Dining Chairs . If you don’t have much space in the dining room, and a couple of chairs are used every day, but it seems to you that they have in store for the guests, an excellent and irreplaceable option - folding chairs, then you are mistaken. This is another bad tone that does not correspond to the concept of a “mature” interior, there are a lot of options that are not expensive, easy to store. Of course, I do not mean to stock up on chairs for a whole "company", but 6 chairs should be in every decent house. Don't make your guests feel uncomfortable at your place.


Open frame bed , does not look neat and not at all aesthetically pleasing, unless of course it was originally intended in the interior concept. It is not necessary to buy an expensive bed, take care of the covers for the existing one.

A cover letter is sometimes more important than a resume. What shouldn't be in it?
Almost all companies that open job vacancies now require candidates not only to submit a resume, but also to attach a cover letter to it. Much more can often depend on it than on experience in a particular field.
So, you need to be very careful while writing your cover letter. This does not mean that you need to lie and pretend to be someone else. In an interview or shortly after starting work in your position, your lie will very quickly fall through, and it will turn out that you are not a funny extrovert, but a very closed person who shuns people.
So, write your cover letter sincerely, but also think about what your potential employer, indeed, he is interested in what he wants or does not want to know, what can in his eyes (in a positive sense) set you apart “from the crowd”. If recruiting is carried out by a recruiting company, specialists will certainly recognize lies.

What should be avoided?

1) You are number one.
Of course, it's important to indicate that you enjoy the job, but the company is really interested in what you can do for them. It also follows that you shouldn't write about what you're good at, rather talk about the skills that would be of interest to the employer.

2) To each his own.
It makes sense that you can't prepare a generic cover letter that you send in response to every ad. Take it more seriously and personalize your cover letter. Read carefully what the particular company requires or prefers and determine how you meet those criteria. Focus on this in your letter.

3) Learn synonyms.
Of course, your skills should match the requirements as much as possible, and you should indicate this in your cover letter. But it shouldn't look like you've taken a list of words and used them in sentences. Do it elegantly, and describe the requirements that you satisfy in some way or, according to at least, replace with appropriate synonyms.

4) Be specific.
Forget that a cover letter should simply describe who you are and what you can do. On the other hand, don't be afraid to be specific. This is the easiest way to distinguish yourself from others. Feel free to include in the letter a mention of the places where you have worked and your main achievements.

Of all baby care products, shampoos cause the largest number side effects. They often contain detergents that irritate thin children's skin, chemical fragrances, and even carcinogens. The most undesirable components are sodium laureth sulfate, diethanolamine, triethanolamine, monoethanolamine, quaternium-15, DMDM ​​hydantoin, polyethylene glycol, propylene glycol, and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid.

Sodium laureth sulfate

Laureth / lauryl sulfate sodium (sodium laureth sulfate / sodium lauryl sulfate) is an irritant that promotes the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines. Despite the fact that it is added to car washes and engine dry cleaners, it is almost the most popular ingredient in the cosmetics industry. According to the American College of Toxicology, this substance can cause eye problems in children. As a result of the research, it was found that sodium laureth sulfate is dangerous for immune system person; this is especially true for the protective function of the skin. Under influence given substance the skin can become flaky and inflamed. And in combination with others chemicals laureth sulfate is converted into nitrosamines - a dangerous carcinogen. A report from the American College of Toxicology states that "sodium laureth sulfate remains in human body within five days, and its decay products settle in the cells of the heart, liver, lungs and brain.

No-tears shampoo has the same pH as a human tear, so it doesn't sting when it gets in the eye. But a neutral pH is less irritating to the scalp, so you should opt for it, avoiding contact with the face.

Diethanolamine, triethanolamine, monoethanolamine

DEA, MEA and TEA are derivatives of ammonia that cause imbalance hormonal system. They are converted to nitrates and nitrosamines, which can cause cancer. Most often, in the composition of shampoos, they are listed together with a neutralizing agent, for example, Cocoamide DEA (Cocoamide DEA) or Lauramide DEA (Lauramide DEA). These substances are dangerous because with their constant use they lead to the occurrence of liver or kidney cancer.

DMDM hydantoin

This substance, like imidazolidinyl urea, is often used as a preservative in cosmetics. It belongs to the formaldehyde-donor type of substances that can form formaldehyde, which in turn irritates the respiratory organs, causes skin reactions and heart palpitations. The breakdown products of formaldehyde cause many health problems, such as joint pain, allergic reactions, depression, chest pain, ear infections, chronic fatigue and insomnia. heavy side effects from exposure to this substance also include a weakening of the child's immune system and even the occurrence of a cancerous tumor.

propylene glycol

This surfactant is the main component of antifreeze. That is, the same substance is used in the industrial industry and in the production of shampoos for children. propylene glycol destroys cell structure and easily enters the bloodstream. The Material Safety Data Sheet warns that protective clothing must be worn when working with propylene glycol, as contact with the skin can cause brain, liver and kidney damage.


Quaternium-15 (quaternium-15) is used as a disinfectant, antibacterial component of children's shampoos. Like hydantoin, it is able to release formaldehyde, the carcinogenic properties of which have long been known.

In 2011, Johnsons & Johnsons, under pressure from the global community, agreed to remove quaternium-15 and 1,4-dioxane from children's products, although a new version funds are exported only to some European countries.

Unfortunately, the inscription "for children" does not guarantee the safety of using the product, so you should carefully read the composition of shampoos in order to avoid unpleasant consequences for the health, and sometimes the life of your baby.

Our skin can absorb up to 60% of what we put on it. Together with our favorite cream or foam cleanser, we can daily nourish our body with a portion of parabens and carcinogens. With the help of experts we trust, we tried to figure out which ingredients should not be present in our cosmetics, and which, on the contrary, will only add benefits to us.

“Nothing will make you so wary of any chemicals that happen to be near you as the doctor’s words: “You have cancer.” This is exactly what happened to me,” after learning about her illness, Gillian Decon completely revised her attitude to cosmetics and wrote the book “There's Lead in Your Lipstick: Toxins In Our Everyday Body Care And How To Avoid Them”, which became a bestseller in the USA and Canada (“Lead in Your Lipstick: Toxins in the Cosmetics We Use Every Day and How to Stay Away from Them.”)

Gillian highlights 20 ingredients to stay away from. Many of them have long been banned for use in Europe, but not in North America where the author is from.

1. Coal tar. A known carcinogen that is banned in Europe but still in use in North America. Used in dry skin care and anti-dandruff shampoos. Often hidden behind the FD&C Red No. 6. In addition to carcinogenic effects and acute allergic reactions, it can cause asthma attacks, chronic fatigue, headaches and nausea.

2.DEA/TEA/MEA. Surfactants (surfactants). These carcinogens are used in shampoos, soaps and shower gels. Irritate eyes, skin and mucous membranes, cause dermatitis. Diethanolamine (DEA) easily penetrates the skin and settles in various bodies especially in the brain. Substances in this group are toxic to the kidneys, liver, brain and skin.

3. Ethoxylated surfactants and 1,4-dioxane. Never shown on the label, but found in 57% of children's detergents in the USA. Prolonged contact may cause irritation skin, mucous membranes of the eyes and nasopharynx.

4. Formaldehyde. It is added to nail polishes, hair dyes, shampoos. Banned in Europe. Extremely toxic. Causes severe irritation of the mucosa, dermatitis.

5. Synthetic flavors. hidden chemicals. May cause headache, dizziness, asthma and allergies.

6. Hydroquinone. Used in facial whitening products. Can help develop cancer and reproductive dysfunction.

7. Lead acetate. A known carcinogen that can be found in lipstick and hair dye in the US. It is not indicated on the label. Banned in Europe. Renders toxic effect on the liver, kidneys and nervous system.

8. Mercury. A known allergen that can cause brain dysfunction. Has been found in some mascaras and eye drops.

9. Mineral oil. A refined petroleum product often used in baby oils, moisturizers, and hair styling products. Creates a film on the skin that prevents the natural removal of toxins from the body. May reduce the protective function of the skin.

10. Oxybenzone. The active ingredient in sunscreens. Causes allergies and hormonal dysfunction.

11. Parabens. Trade name: butylparaben, ethylparaben, methylparaben, propylparaben. In cosmetics, they are often used as a preservative. Cause dermatitis and allergies. May be one of the causes of tumor diseases.

12. Paraphenylenediamine (Paraphenylenediamine or PPD). It is used in hair products but is toxic to the skin and harms the immune system.

13. Phthalates. Banned in Europe. They negatively affect the reproductive system, up to infertility, can cause cancer, disorders of the liver, kidneys and lungs. Found in some nail polishes, perfumes, deodorants, hairsprays.

14. Placental extract. It is used in anti-aging products, as well as in cosmetics for hair care. May adversely affect the health of the endocrine system.

15. Polyethylene glycol (PEG). It penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis and delivers other harmful carcinogens there.

16. Silicone emulsifiers. Used to achieve a soft texture of the product. Non-biodegradable and does not allow the skin to breathe. They have been associated with tumor growth and skin irritation.

17. Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) - sodium laureth sulfate and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) - sodium lauryl sulfate. In the past, an industrial degreaser was often used in the production of soap formulas. It is absorbed into the skin and causes irritation.

18. Talc. Used in baby powder, eye shadow, blush and deodorants. It is associated with tumor and respiratory diseases.

19. Toluene. Used in nail and hair products. Often hidden behind the Parfum/Fragrance label. Negatively affects the immune system and the endocrine system.

20. Triclosan. It is most often found in antibacterial products and deodorants. Irritating to the skin, toxic to the body and negatively affects the liver, kidneys, lungs and brain.

Gillian herself began not only to carefully read the labels and choose organic cosmetics, but also to make it on her own: “When you prepare a mask or tonic yourself, you know exactly what ingredients you use. This may seem silly and overly complicated, but I encourage you to give it a try. During the writing of the book, I prepared many creams, masks and lotions and tested them with pleasure on myself and my girlfriends. Nothing makes me more happy than when I see how cool the product that I mixed with my own hands works.

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Katerina Karpova, creator of Pure Love natural cosmetics brand

- What in the composition of cosmetics should alert?

“This is a group of substances whose name contains PEG or PGG (Polyethylene glycol and Polypropylene glycol), fatty alcohols ending in -th or “-et” Laureth-9, Polysorbate (polysorbates), Polaxamer (polaxomers), Sodium Laureth Sulfat (Laureth sulfate sodium) - all of these substances can disrupt barrier function skin. You should also pay attention to Propylene Glycol (propylene glycol) and Butylene glycol (butylene glycol) at the beginning of the composition - in in large numbers they are potential irritants and can affect skin sensitivity.

Alcohol or Alcohol Denat (ethyl alcohol) at the top of the list contributes to the drying out of the skin. Some chemical filters behave in the same way, for example, Oxybenzone (oxybenzone), Octyl Methoxycinnamate or Octinoxate (octinoxate), Octocrylene (octocrylene). All these substances can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, and also oxidize when exposed to the sun for a long time. Organic products are often simple in composition, with vegetable oils, fatty alcohols, floral waters, extracts, proteins, Titanium Dioxide physical sunscreens, Zinc Oxide and acids as a preservative.

Natural remedies do not contain the warning ingredients described above, silicones, ingredients ending in -con, -conol, -xan-, such as Dimeticone (dimethicone), Cyclomethicone or Cyclopentasiloxane (cyclomethicone, cyclopentasiloxane) and mineral oil (mineral oil).

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Ingredients to make your skin look better

“It is good if day creams contain balanced oils, for example, Argania spinosa Oil (argan), Oryza Sativa (Rice) Bran Oil (rice bran oil) or Baobab Seed Oil (baobab oil). As an additional - grape oil. Especially valuable in night remedies are Oenothera biennis (Oenothera), Evening Primerose Oil (Evening Primrose), Rosa canina Oil (rose hip) and Borago officinalis L. Oil (Borago, borage oil). These oils make up for the deficiency of essential linoleic and linolenic fatty acids in the skin, which are actively involved in the vital activity of the skin, maintaining its healthy appearance.

Dry, problematic and sensitive skin needs ingredients that help restore the protective barrier of the epidermis. These include Ceramide (ceramides), Lecithin, Phosphatidylcholine (lecithin), NMF (NUF or Natural Moisturizing Factor), Phytosterols (phytosterols), Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium lysate, Galactoarabinan, Inulin (prebiotics). The skin also needs antioxidants, some of the most famous are Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract (green tea), Vitis vinifera Extract (grape extract), Centella asiatica Extract (Centella Asiatica, Gotu Cola). It is important that the Ph of the cream is balanced and close to our natural Ph of 5.5. This may be indicated by the presence of lactic acid (lactic acid) or citric acid (citric acid) at the end of the composition.

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Dull complexion- this is a sign of poor circulation, so look on the label for ingredients that will enhance it: grape extract, green tea, centella asiatica or the strongest antioxidant - superoxide dismutase (SOD) and licorice extract. For heavy smokers, I recommend products containing blueberry and hibiscus extract - they refresh the complexion.

For UV protection SPF products that contain chemical filters are not suitable for daily use. Look for minerals: titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. Milk thistle extract, mate tea and ratanii root also protect against UV and help skin cells stay healthy.

To restore the protective barrier of the skin help ceramides (the main elements of the lipid structure of the upper layers of the skin), lecithins, blackcurrant oil, macadamia oil, amaranth extract - all of them contribute to the rapid restoration of the skin.

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And a few more tips:

When choosing a remedy, first study the order in which the ingredients are in the composition. Those at the top of the list are in more, and those closer to the end - in a smaller one.

If you come across some unknown ingredient listed on the label, check its origin on the Ekokosmetika website or in the Skin Deep database.

Choose cosmetics that have been proven sustainable by ECOCERT, BDIH, NaTrue, Cosmebio, USDA Organic and more. We talked about the brands of organic cosmetics that we especially love.

Most Attention it is worth paying attention to the composition of those products that we use daily and that remain on our skin for a long time: tonics and lotions, face creams, sunscreen, deodorants and oils. If the product does not come into contact with the skin for long and is washed off (for example, hand soap), you can not worry so much about its composition.

Material prepared by: Nastya Khvatova