Thank you for our happy childhood. Historian Vladislav Smirnov about the appearance of the meme “Thanks to Comrade Stalin for our happy childhood

"In 2010, I wrote one of the many articles (STALIN'S UKRAINIZATION) that the current neo-Banderites should pray for the founding fathers of the USSR, who divided the state along ethnic lines. Yes, the idea was not theirs, and even the first steps along this path were taken by the auto- "Venry with Poles on the body of Galicia. But these shoots were not allowed to wither. On the contrary, they cherished and cherished, seated and defended by the merciless force of the party of the dictatorship of the proletariat. I do not even want to argue that this was justified objective conditions- that's not the point. The main thing is that this is the work of the hands of the Bolsheviks of the Stalinist period.

Yes, Ukrainization began even before Lenin's death. The same Stalin, back in 1921, at the Tenth Congress of the RCP (b) declared: “... Recently it was also said that Ukrainian republic and Ukrainian nationality is an invention of the Germans. Meanwhile, it is clear that the Ukrainian nationality exists, and the development of its culture is the duty of the Communists. You can't go against history. It is clear that if Russian elements still predominate in the cities of Ukraine, then over time these cities will inevitably be Ukrainized.

"In 1923, the XII Congress of the CPSU (b), Stalin, in accordance with Lenin's ideas, made a decision on "indigenization" - replacing the Russian language with local national languages in administration, education and culture. In Ukraine, as well as in the Kuban, in Stavropol Territory, parts North Caucasus, Kursk and Voronezh regions such indigenization was officially called Ukrainization.


Instead of asking everyone from themselves, people begin to look for the guilty in their close and distant environment. The same thing happened in 1991-1993, although, I do not deny, there was a real betrayal of the top, but the people kept silent! And as a result, the collapse of the USSR and the complete victory of the Pindos. Stalin, in turn (just like V. Putin), fought the 5th column of those years, and therefore did not have the strength to argue with the separatist Lenin.

Their mausoleum is in hell! Let them clear Red Square of their diabolical abomination. Let them remove their savage graveyard and five-pointed star Satan in addition.

The daily audience of the portal is about 200 thousand visitors, who total amount view more than two million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

) that the current neo-Bandera should pray to the founding fathers of the USSR, who divided the state along ethnic lines. Yes, the idea was not theirs, and even the first steps along this path were taken by the Austro-Hungarians with the Poles in Galicia. But it was the Bolsheviks who did not let these shoots wither.

On the contrary, they cherished and cherished, seated and defended with the merciless force of the party of the dictatorship of the proletariat. I don't even want to argue that it was justified by objective conditions - that's not the point. The main thing is that this is the work of the hands of the Bolsheviks of the Stalinist period.

Yes, Ukrainization began even before Lenin's death. The same Stalin back in 1921 on X congress of the RCP(b) declared: “...Recently it was also said that the Ukrainian republic and Ukrainian nationality are an invention of the Germans. Meanwhile, it is clear that the Ukrainian nationality exists, and the development of its culture is the duty of the communists . You can't go against history. It is clear that if Ukrainian cities are still dominated by Russian elements, then over time these cities will inevitably be Ukrainianized ».

But even after Lenin's death, nothing changed, and the pamphlet "On the Right of Nations to Self-Determination" was not burned. On the contrary, the USSR was built from a "union of nations" with the right to secede from the USSR. Moreover, when after the Victory it was possible to transform the USSR into single state with "new community Soviet people"This hasn't been done either.

So it was the party and it was in the USSR that created the Ukrainians as a nation, turned Little Russia itself into a huge full-fledged founding state of the UN, gathered all the territories into this state up to the Crimea in its composition and planted it harshly and uncompromisingly Ukrainian language even where he was never born.

A historical fact - there were no "Ukrainians" in the Republic of Ingushetia! Look at any census. You will find there all the peoples of the empire, except for one ... In order not to be unfounded (Census of the Republic of Ingushetia 1897: There were no Ukrainians in neighboring countries. There were Russians or Ruthenians, Ruthenians, Little Russians, anyone. There were no Ukrainians until the First World War even in the USA and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which, just on its territory in Galicia, nurtured Ukrainians from Rusyns (fortunately, Polish groundwork was made along this path). We must also pay tribute to the Russian Empire, in which the "Ukrainians" were fashionable and popular (remember the reburial of Shevchenko).

However, only World War began official Ukrainization. Pay attention to the passport of the newspaper No. 61 of October 13, 1914 and compare the passport of the next issue 62 of October 15, 1914.

But these were only the beginnings.

Unsuccessful attempts to split the warring Russian empire. And even all sorts of UNR Grushevsky, Skoropadsky's Hetmanates and Petliura's Directory were not crowned with success. With the end civil war the winners could win everything - and the attempt to create the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Republic is just one example of a different kind of construction. But for the reasons that I wrote about in a previous article (), the Bolsheviks followed the principle of national division of the USSR.

It was the most cruel and all-encompassing of Ukrainizations - Yushchenko is resting (in total, under the USSR there were at least three waves of Ukrainizations under all secretaries general, except for Andropov and Chernenko, who ruled little). It was in the USSR that the population of the Ukrainian SSR and adjacent territories of the RSFSR learned that they were "Ukrainians". Stalin did not "destroy" the "Ukrainians" - he created them!

In 1923, at the XII Congress of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Stalin, in accordance with Lenin's ideas, made a decision on "indigenization" - the replacement of the Russian language with local national languages ​​in administration, education and culture. In Ukraine, as well as in the Kuban, in the Stavropol Territory, part of the North Caucasus, Kursk and Voronezh regions, such indigenization was officially called Ukrainization.

The same Grushevsky, the head of the UNR from Galicia, already favored by the Soviet authorities, wrote: « about 50 thousand people moved to the Ukrainian SSR from Galicia with wives and families, young people, men. Many Galicians work in the apparatus of the People's Commissariat for Education of Ukraine. M.I. worked in Ukrnauka. Yavorsky, K. I. Konik, M. L. Baran; A. I. Badan-Yavorenko, and then Zozulyak, were the scientific secretaries of the Narkompros; personal secretary Skrypnyk was a Galician N. V. Erstenyuk.

Together with them, 400 officers of the former Galician army were discharged from the then Polish Galicia to the Ukrainian SSR, led by G. Kossak, the uncle of Zenon Kossak, who became the author of the 44 Rules of Life Ukrainian nationalist. I can imagine how delighted Pilsudski & Co. was.

From a letter from Gorky to the Ukrainian writer A. Slesarenko: “Dear Alexei Makarovich! I am categorically against shortening the story "Mother". It seems to me that the translation of this story into the Ukrainian dialect is also not needed. I am very surprised by the fact that people, setting themselves the same goal, not only affirm the difference between dialects - they strive to make the dialect a “language”, but also oppress those Great Russians who find themselves in a minority in the area of ​​this dialect.

AT1930 in Ukraine, 68.8% of newspapers were published by the Soviet authorities in Ukrainian language, in 1932 they were already 87.5%. In 1925-26. 45.8% of the books published by the communists in Ukraine were printed in Ukrainian, by 1932 this figure was 76.9%. There was no market, the growth and distribution of circulation was a purely party affair and was not dictated by demand.

Here is a quote from the decision of the 4th Plenum of the Donetsk Regional Committee of the CP(b)U: “ Strictly observe the Ukrainization of Soviet organs, resolutely fighting against any attempts of enemies to weaken Ukrainization. The decision was made in October 1934.

And six months before that, in April, the same regional committee adopted a strong-willed decision "On the language of city and district newspapers in Donbass." In pursuance of the party’s decisions on Ukrainization, the Donetsk people decided to completely translate into Ukrainian 23 out of 36 local newspapers, another 8 were to print at least two-thirds of the information in Ukrainian, 3 in Greek-Hellenic, and only TWO newspapers (!) In the region, it was decided leave in Russian.

Before the revolution, there were 7 Ukrainian schools in Donbass. In 1923, the People's Commissariat for Education of Ukraine ordered 680 schools in the region to be Ukrainized within three years.

But the peak of Ukrainization of education here fell precisely on 1932-33! As of December 1, 1932, out of 2,239 schools in Donbass, 1,760 (or 78.6%) were Ukrainian, and another 207 (9.2%) were mixed Russian-Ukrainian.

By 1933, the last Russian-language pedagogical colleges were closed. In 1932-33 academic year in Russian-speaking Makeevka there was NOT A SINGLE Russian-speaking class left in primary school, which caused violent protests from parents. This year, no more than 26% of the region's students could study in Russian.

Party bodies were also actively Ukrainianized (well, yes, the same party that they are now trying to accuse of genocide Ukrainian people). If in 1925 the ratio of Ukrainians and Russians in the CP(b)U was 36.9% to 43.4%, in 1930 it was 52.9% to 29.3%, then in the peak year of the Holodomor (1933) ) - 60% Ukrainians to 23% Russians

Wow, "destroying" the "Ukrainians", Stalin for some reason planted MOV everywhere and persecuted the Russian language. Some strange "destruction".

And here's more for you interesting document:

Decree of December 14, 1932 of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On grain procurements in Ukraine, the North Caucasus and in Western region", quote:

d) Propose to the Central Committee of the CP(b)U and the Council of People's Commissars of Ukraine to pay serious attention to proper conduct Ukrainization, eliminate its mechanical implementation, expel the Petliura and other bourgeois-nationalist elements from the party and Soviet organizations carefully select and educate Ukrainian Bolshevik cadres, ensure systematic party leadership and control over the Ukrainianization.

Read - an interesting document. The fight against hunger and (ATTENTION!) Ukrainization are being discussed! In the same place, by the way, it is decided to cancel Ukrainization in the Kuban, because. local population does not understand language well. :)

"Confirm that only persons who speak Ukrainian can be hired, and those who do not own can be accepted only in agreement with the District Commission for Ukrainization. R-401 op.1, d.82 Presidium of the Luhansk Okrug. executive committee: "Confirm to employees that inaccurate attendance of courses and unwillingness to learn the Ukrainian language entails their dismissal from service." R-401, op.1, file 72.

In July 1930, the Presidium of the Stalin Okrug Executive Committee decided "to prosecute the leaders of organizations formally related to Ukrainization, who did not find ways to Ukrainize their subordinates, who violate the current legislation in the matter of Ukrainization." Newspapers, schools, universities, theaters, institutions, inscriptions, signboards, etc. were Ukrainized. In Odessa, where Ukrainian students made up less than a third, all schools were Ukrainized. In 1930, only 3 large Russian-language newspapers remained in Ukraine.

Ukrainization of the Communist Party of Ukraine

Years Party members and candidates Ukrainians Russians others
1922- 54818... 23,3 %...... 53,6 % 23,3 %
1924- 57016... 33,3 %..... 45,1 % 14,0 %
1925- 101852 36,9 %... 43,4 % 19,7 %
1927- 168087 51,9 %.. 30,0 % 18,1 %
1930- 270698 52,9 %.. 29,3 % 17,8 %
1933- 468793 60,0 % .. 23,0 % 17,0 %

It would be a mistake to assume that Ukrainization ceased in the mid-1930s. Yes, it quietly faded away in the Kuban, Stavropol, North Caucasus. But without exception, all the lands that joined the Ukrainian SSR were Ukrainized harshly and mercilessly. In 1939, it turned out that the inhabitants of Galicia were also insufficiently Ukrainianized due to the prevalence Polish. The Jan Casimir University of Lviv was renamed in honor of Ivan Franko and Ukrainianized in the same way as the Lviv Opera House, which received the same name. Soviet power massively opened new Ukrainian schools and founded new Ukrainian-language newspapers. It's just that here they changed not Russian, but Polish into Ukrainian.

De-Russification also took place in Transcarpathia after joining the Ukrainian SSR. Approximately half of the locals, even before the First World War, through the efforts of the Austro-Hungarian authorities, who used the Terezin and Talerhof concentration camps for persuasion, chose Ukrainian identity. The other half of the Rusyns adhered to an all-Russian orientation and stubbornly considered Russian as their native language. Nevertheless, in 1945, all Rusyns, regardless of their desire, were named Soviet power Ukrainians. Well, there is no need to talk about Crimea, its Ukrainization began as soon as Khrushchev stuck it in the Ukrainian SSR.

I will not bore readers with a list of documents different years- a few photocopies of newspapers:

"... pay serious attention to the correct implementation of Ukrainization, eliminate its mechanical implementation, expel Petliura and other bourgeois-nationalist elements from party and Soviet organizations, carefully select and educate Ukrainian Bolshevik cadres, ensure systematic party leadership and control over the implementation of Ukrainization"
That's so x ..., little ones.

) that the current neo-Bandera should pray to the founding fathers of the USSR, who divided the state along ethnic lines. Yes, the idea was not theirs, and even the first steps along this path were taken by the Austro-Hungarians with the Poles in Galicia. But it was the Bolsheviks who did not let these shoots wither.

On the contrary, they cherished and cherished, seated and defended with the merciless force of the party of the dictatorship of the proletariat. I don't even want to argue that it was justified by objective conditions - that's not the point. The main thing is that this is the work of the hands of the Bolsheviks of the Stalinist period.

Yes, Ukrainization began even before Lenin's death. The same Stalin back in 1921 on X congress of the RCP(b) declared: “...Recently it was also said that the Ukrainian republic and Ukrainian nationality are an invention of the Germans. Meanwhile, it is clear that the Ukrainian nationality exists, and the development of its culture is the duty of the communists. You can't go against history. It is clear that if Russian elements still predominate in the cities of Ukraine, then with the passage of time these cities will inevitably be Ukrainianized».
But even after Lenin's death, nothing changed, and the pamphlet "On the Right of Nations to Self-Determination" was not burned. On the contrary, the USSR was built from a "union of nations" with the right to secede from the USSR. Moreover, when after the Victory it was possible to transform the USSR into a single state with a "new community of Soviet people" - this was also not done.

So it was the party, and it was in the USSR, that created the Ukrainians as a nation, turned Little Russia itself into a huge full-fledged founding state of the UN, gathered all the territories into this state up to the Crimea in its composition, and planted the Ukrainian language in a Stalinist way, harshly and uncompromisingly, even where he was not born.

A historical fact - there were no "Ukrainians" in the Republic of Ingushetia! Look at any census. You will find there all the peoples of the empire, except for one ... In order not to be unfounded (RI 1897 census). There were no Ukrainians in neighboring countries either. There were Russians or Ruthenians, Ruthenians, Little Russians, anyone. There were no Ukrainians until the First World War even in the USA and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which, just on its territory in Galicia, nurtured Ukrainians from Rusyns (fortunately, Polish groundwork was made along this path). We must also pay tribute to the Russian Empire, in which the "Ukrainians" were fashionable and popular (remember the reburial of Shevchenko).

However, only World War II began official Ukrainization. Pay attention to the passport of the newspaper No. 61 of October 13, 1914 and compare the passport of the next issue 62 of October 15, 1914.

But these were only the beginnings.

Unsuccessful attempts to split the warring Russian Empire. And even all sorts of UNR Grushevsky, Skoropadsky's Hetmanates and Petliura's Directory were not crowned with success. With the end of the civil war, the winners could win everything - and the attempt to create the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Republic is just one example of a different kind of construction. But for the reasons that I wrote about in a previous article (Stalin and the time bomb that destroyed the USSR), the Bolsheviks followed the principle of national division of the USSR.

It was the most cruel and all-encompassing of Ukrainizations - Yushchenko is resting (in total, under the USSR there were at least three waves of Ukrainizations under all secretaries general, except for Andropov and Chernenko, who ruled little). It was in the USSR that the population of the Ukrainian SSR and adjacent territories of the RSFSR learned that they were "Ukrainians". Stalin did not "destroy" the "Ukrainians" - he created them!

In 1923, at the XII Congress of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Stalin, in accordance with Lenin's ideas, made a decision on "indigenization" - the replacement of the Russian language with local national languages ​​in administration, education and culture. In Ukraine, as well as in the Kuban, in the Stavropol Territory, part of the North Caucasus, Kursk and Voronezh regions, such indigenization was officially called Ukrainization.

The same Grushevsky, the head of the UNR from Galicia, already favored by the Soviet authorities, wrote: « about 50 thousand people moved to the Ukrainian SSR from Galicia with wives and families, young people, men. Many Galicians work in the apparatus of the People's Commissariat for Education of Ukraine. M.I. worked in Ukrnauka. Yavorsky, K. I. Konik, M. L. Baran; A. I. Badan-Yavorenko, and then Zozulyak, were the scientific secretaries of the Narkompros; Skrypnik's personal secretary was a Galician N.V. Yerstenyuk.

Together with them, 400 officers of the former Galician army were discharged from the then Polish Galicia to the Ukrainian SSR, led by G. Kossak, the uncle of Zenon Kossak, who became the author of the 44 rules for the life of a Ukrainian nationalist. I can imagine how delighted Pilsudski & Co. was.

From a letter from Gorky to the Ukrainian writer A. Slesarenko: “Dear Alexei Makarovich! I am categorically against shortening the story "Mother". It seems to me that the translation of this story into the Ukrainian dialect is also not needed. I am very surprised by the fact that people, setting themselves the same goal, not only affirm the difference between dialects - they strive to make the dialect a “language”, but also oppress those Great Russians who find themselves in a minority in the area of ​​this dialect.

AT1930 in Ukraine, 68.8% of newspapers were published by the Soviet authorities in Ukrainian language, in 1932 they were already 87.5%. In 1925-26. 45.8% of the books published by the communists in Ukraine were printed in Ukrainian, by 1932 this figure was 76.9%. There was no market, the growth and distribution of circulation was a purely party affair and was not dictated by demand.

Here is a quote from the decision of the 4th Plenum of the Donetsk Regional Committee of the CP(b)U: “ Strictly observe the Ukrainization of Soviet organs, resolutely fighting against any attempts of enemies to weaken Ukrainization. The decision was made in October 1934.

And six months before that, in April, the same regional committee adopted a strong-willed decision "On the language of city and district newspapers in Donbass." In pursuance of the party’s decisions on Ukrainization, the Donetsk people decided to completely translate into Ukrainian 23 out of 36 local newspapers, another 8 were to print at least two-thirds of the information in Ukrainian, 3 in Greek-Hellenic, and only TWO newspapers (!) In the region, it was decided leave in Russian.

Before the revolution, there were 7 Ukrainian schools in Donbass. In 1923, the People's Commissariat for Education of Ukraine ordered 680 schools in the region to be Ukrainized within three years.

But the peak of Ukrainization of education here fell precisely on 1932-33! As of December 1, 1932, out of 2,239 schools in Donbass, 1,760 (or 78.6%) were Ukrainian, and another 207 (9.2%) were mixed Russian-Ukrainian.

By 1933, the last Russian-language pedagogical colleges were closed. In the 1932-33 academic year, there was NOT A SINGLE Russian-speaking class left in Russian-speaking Makeevka in elementary school, which caused violent protests from parents. This year, no more than 26% of the region's students could study in Russian.

The party bodies were also actively Ukrainianized (well, yes, the same party that they are now trying to accuse of the genocide of the Ukrainian people). If in 1925 the ratio of Ukrainians and Russians in the CP(b)U was 36.9% to 43.4%, in 1930 it was 52.9% to 29.3%, then in the peak year of the Holodomor (1933) ) - 60% Ukrainians to 23% Russians

Wow, "destroying" the "Ukrainians", Stalin for some reason planted MOV everywhere and persecuted the Russian language. Some strange "destruction".

Here's another interesting document for you:

Decree of December 14, 1932 of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On grain procurements in Ukraine, the North Caucasus and the Western Region", quote:

D) To propose to the Central Committee of the CP(b)U and the Council of People's Commissars of Ukraine to pay serious attention to the correct implementation of Ukrainization, to eliminate its mechanical implementation, to expel Petliura and other bourgeois-nationalist elements from party and Soviet organizations, to carefully select and educate Ukrainian Bolshevik cadres, to ensure systematic party leadership and control over the Ukrainianization.

Read - an interesting document. The fight against hunger and (ATTENTION!) Ukrainization are being discussed! In the same place, by the way, it is decided to cancel Ukrainization in the Kuban, because. the local population does not understand language well. :)

"Confirm that only persons who speak Ukrainian can be hired, and those who do not own can be accepted only in agreement with the District Commission for Ukrainization. R-401 op.1, d.82 Presidium of the Luhansk Okrug. executive committee: "Confirm to employees that inaccurate attendance of courses and unwillingness to learn the Ukrainian language entails their dismissal from service." R-401, op.1, file 72.

In July 1930, the Presidium of the Stalin Okrug Executive Committee decided "to prosecute the leaders of organizations formally related to Ukrainization, who did not find ways to Ukrainize their subordinates, who violate the current legislation in the matter of Ukrainization." Newspapers, schools, universities, theaters, institutions, inscriptions, signboards, etc. were Ukrainized. In Odessa, where Ukrainian students made up less than a third, all schools were Ukrainized. In 1930, only 3 large Russian-language newspapers remained in Ukraine.

Ukrainization of the Communist Party of Ukraine

Years Party members and candidates Ukrainians Russians others
1922- 54818... 23,3 %...... 53,6 % 23,3 %
1924- 57016... 33,3 %..... 45,1 % 14,0 %
1925- 101852 36,9 %... 43,4 % 19,7 %
1927- 168087 51,9 %.. 30,0 % 18,1 %
1930- 270698 52,9 %.. 29,3 % 17,8 %
1933- 468793 60,0 % .. 23,0 % 17,0 %
It would be a mistake to assume that Ukrainization ceased in the mid-1930s. Yes, it quietly faded away in the Kuban, Stavropol, North Caucasus. But without exception, all the lands that joined the Ukrainian SSR were Ukrainized harshly and mercilessly. In 1939, it turned out that the inhabitants of Galicia were also insufficiently Ukrainianized due to the prevalence of the Polish language. The Jan Casimir University of Lviv was renamed in honor of Ivan Franko and Ukrainianized in the same way as the Lviv Opera House, which received the same name. The Soviet government opened new Ukrainian schools en masse and founded new Ukrainian-language newspapers. It's just that here they changed not Russian, but Polish into Ukrainian.

De-Russification also took place in Transcarpathia after joining the Ukrainian SSR. Approximately half of the locals, even before the First World War, through the efforts of the Austro-Hungarian authorities, who used the Terezin and Talerhof concentration camps for persuasion, chose Ukrainian identity. The other half of the Rusyns adhered to an all-Russian orientation and stubbornly considered Russian as their native language. Nevertheless, in 1945, all Rusyns, regardless of their desire, were called Ukrainians by the Soviet government. Well, there is no need to talk about Crimea, its Ukrainization began as soon as Khrushchev stuck it in the Ukrainian SSR.

I will not bore readers with a list of documents from different years - a few photocopies of newspapers:

"... pay serious attention to the correct implementation of Ukrainization, eliminate its mechanical implementation, expel Petliura and other bourgeois-nationalist elements from party and Soviet organizations, carefully select and educate Ukrainian Bolshevik cadres, ensure systematic party leadership and control over the implementation of Ukrainization"

) that the current neo-Bandera should pray to the founding fathers of the USSR, who divided the state along ethnic lines. Yes, the idea was not theirs, and even the first steps along this path were taken by the Austro-Hungarians with the Poles in Galicia. But it was the Bolsheviks who did not let these shoots wither.

On the contrary, they cherished and cherished, seated and defended with the merciless force of the party of the dictatorship of the proletariat. I don't even want to argue that it was justified by objective conditions - that's not the point. The main thing is that this is the work of the hands of the Bolsheviks of the Stalinist period.

Yes, Ukrainization began even before Lenin's death. The same Stalin back in 1921 on X congress of the RCP(b) declared: “...Recently it was also said that the Ukrainian republic and Ukrainian nationality are an invention of the Germans. Meanwhile, it is clear that the Ukrainian nationality exists, and the development of its culture is the duty of the communists . You can't go against history. It is clear that if Ukrainian cities are still dominated by Russian elements, then over time these cities will inevitably be Ukrainianized ».

But even after Lenin's death, nothing changed, and the pamphlet "On the Right of Nations to Self-Determination" was not burned. On the contrary, the USSR was built from a "union of nations" with the right to secede from the USSR. Moreover, when after the Victory it was possible to transform the USSR into a single state with a "new community of Soviet people" - this was also not done.

So it was the party, and it was in the USSR, that created the Ukrainians as a nation, turned Little Russia itself into a huge full-fledged founding state of the UN, gathered all the territories into this state up to the Crimea in its composition, and planted the Ukrainian language in a Stalinist way, harshly and uncompromisingly, even where he was not born.

A historical fact - there were no "Ukrainians" in the Republic of Ingushetia! Look at any census. You will find there all the peoples of the empire, except for one ... In order not to be unfounded (Census of the Republic of Ingushetia 1897: There were no Ukrainians in neighboring countries either. There were Russians or Ruthenians, Ruthenians, Little Russians, anyone. There were no Ukrainians until the First World War even in the USA and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which, just on its territory in Galicia, nurtured Ukrainians from Rusyns (fortunately, Polish groundwork was made along this path). We must also pay tribute to the Russian Empire, in which the "Ukrainians" were fashionable and popular (remember the reburial of Shevchenko).

However, only World War II began official Ukrainization. Pay attention to the passport of the newspaper No. 61 of October 13, 1914 and compare the passport of the next issue 62 of October 15, 1914.

But these were only the beginnings.

Unsuccessful attempts to split the warring Russian Empire. And even all sorts of UNR Grushevsky, Skoropadsky's Hetmanates and Petliura's Directory were not crowned with success. With the end of the civil war, the winners could win everything - and the attempt to create the Donets-Krivoy Rog Republic is just one example of a different kind of construction. But for the reasons that I wrote about in a previous article (Stalin and the time bomb that destroyed the USSR), the Bolsheviks followed the principle of national division of the USSR.

It was the most cruel and all-encompassing of Ukrainizations - Yushchenko is resting (in total, under the USSR there were at least three waves of Ukrainizations under all secretaries general, except for Andropov and Chernenko, who ruled little). It was in the USSR that the population of the Ukrainian SSR and adjacent territories of the RSFSR learned that they were "Ukrainians". Stalin did not "destroy" the "Ukrainians" - he created them!

In 1923, at the XII Congress of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Stalin, in accordance with Lenin's ideas, made a decision on "indigenization" - the replacement of the Russian language with local national languages ​​in administration, education and culture. In Ukraine, as well as in the Kuban, in the Stavropol Territory, part of the North Caucasus, Kursk and Voronezh regions, such indigenization was officially called Ukrainization.

The same Grushevsky, the head of the UNR from Galicia, already favored by the Soviet authorities, wrote: « about 50 thousand people moved to the Ukrainian SSR from Galicia with wives and families, young people, men. Many Galicians work in the apparatus of the People's Commissariat for Education of Ukraine. M.I. worked in Ukrnauka. Yavorsky, K. I. Konik, M. L. Baran; A. I. Badan-Yavorenko, and then Zozulyak, were the scientific secretaries of the Narkompros; Skrypnik's personal secretary was a Galician N.V. Yerstenyuk.

Together with them, 400 officers of the former Galician army were discharged from the then Polish Galicia to the Ukrainian SSR, led by G. Kossak, the uncle of Zenon Kossak, who became the author of the 44 rules of life for the Ukrainian nationalist. I can imagine how delighted Pilsudski & Co. was.

From a letter from Gorky to the Ukrainian writer A. Slesarenko: “Dear Alexei Makarovich! I am categorically against shortening the story "Mother". It seems to me that the translation of this story into the Ukrainian dialect is also not needed. I am very surprised by the fact that people, setting themselves the same goal, not only affirm the difference between dialects - they strive to make the dialect a “language”, but also oppress those Great Russians who find themselves in a minority in the field of this dialect.

AT1930 in Ukraine, 68.8% of newspapers were published by the Soviet authorities in Ukrainian language, in 1932 they were already 87.5%. In 1925-26. 45.8% of the books published by the communists in Ukraine were printed in Ukrainian, by 1932 this figure was 76.9%. There was no market, the growth and distribution of circulation was a purely party affair and was not dictated by demand.

Here is a quote from the decision of the 4th Plenum of the Donetsk Regional Committee of the CP(b)U: “ Strictly observe the Ukrainization of Soviet organs, resolutely fighting against any attempts of enemies to weaken Ukrainization. The decision was made in October 1934.

And six months before that, in April, the same regional committee adopted a strong-willed decision "On the language of city and district newspapers in Donbass." In pursuance of the party’s decisions on Ukrainization, the Donetsk people decided to completely translate into Ukrainian 23 out of 36 local newspapers, another 8 were to print at least two-thirds of the information in Ukrainian, 3 in Greek-Hellenic, and only TWO newspapers (!) in the region were decided leave in Russian.

Before the revolution, there were 7 Ukrainian schools in Donbass. In 1923, the People's Commissariat for Education of Ukraine ordered 680 schools in the region to be Ukrainized within three years.

But the peak of Ukrainization of education here fell precisely on 1932-33! As of December 1, 1932, out of 2,239 schools in Donbass, 1,760 (or 78.6%) were Ukrainian, another 207 (9.2%) were mixed Russian-Ukrainian.

By 1933, the last Russian-language pedagogical colleges were closed. In the 1932-33 academic year in Russian-speaking Makiivka there was NOT A SINGLE Russian-speaking class left in elementary school, which caused violent protests from parents. This year, no more than 26% of the region's students could study in Russian.

The party bodies were also actively Ukrainianized (well, yes, the same party that they are now trying to accuse of the genocide of the Ukrainian people). If in 1925 the ratio of Ukrainians and Russians in the CP(b)U was 36.9% to 43.4%, in 1930 - 52.9% to 29.3%, then in the peak year of the Holodomor (1933) ) - 60% Ukrainians to 23% Russians

Wow, "destroying" the "Ukrainians", Stalin for some reason planted MOV everywhere and persecuted the Russian language. Some strange "destruction".

Here's another interesting document for you:

Decree of December 14, 1932 of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On grain procurements in Ukraine, the North Caucasus and the Western Region", quote:

d) Propose to the Central Committee of the CP(b)U and the Council of People's Commissars of Ukraine to pay serious attention to the correct conduct of Ukrainization, to eliminate its mechanical implementation, to expel Petliura and other bourgeois-nationalist elements from party and Soviet organizations, to carefully select and educate Ukrainian Bolshevik cadres, to ensure systematic party leadership and control over the Ukrainianization.

Read - interesting document. The fight against hunger and (ATTENTION!) Ukrainization are being discussed! In the same place, by the way, it is decided to cancel Ukrainization in the Kuban, because. the local population does not understand language well. :)

"Confirm that only persons who speak Ukrainian can be hired, and those who do not own can be accepted only in agreement with the District Commission for Ukrainization. R-401 op.1, d.82 Presidium of the Luhansk Okrug. executive committee: "Confirm to employees that inaccurate attendance of courses and unwillingness to learn the Ukrainian language entails their dismissal from service." R-401, op.1, file 72.

In July 1930, the Presidium of the Stalin Okrug Executive Committee decided "to prosecute the leaders of organizations formally related to Ukrainization, who did not find ways to Ukrainize their subordinates, who violate the current legislation in the matter of Ukrainization." Newspapers, schools, universities, theaters, institutions, inscriptions, signboards, etc. were Ukrainized. In Odessa, where Ukrainian students made up less than a third, all schools were Ukrainized. In 1930, only 3 large Russian-language newspapers remained in Ukraine.

Ukrainization of the Communist Party of Ukraine

Years Party members and candidates Ukrainians Russians others
1922- 54818... 23,3 %...... 53,6 % 23,3 %
1924- 57016... 33,3 %..... 45,1 % 14,0 %
1925- 101852 36,9 %... 43,4 % 19,7 %
1927- 168087 51,9 %.. 30,0 % 18,1 %
1930- 270698 52,9 %.. 29,3 % 17,8 %
1933- 468793 60,0 % .. 23,0 % 17,0 %

It would be a mistake to assume that Ukrainization ceased in the mid-1930s. Yes, it quietly faded away in the Kuban, Stavropol, North Caucasus. But without exception, all the lands that joined the Ukrainian SSR were Ukrainized harshly and mercilessly. In 1939, it turned out that the inhabitants of Galicia were also insufficiently Ukrainianized due to the prevalence of the Polish language. The Jan Casimir University of Lviv was renamed in honor of Ivan Franko and Ukrainianized in the same way as the Lviv Opera House, which received the same name. The Soviet government opened new Ukrainian schools en masse and founded new Ukrainian-language newspapers. It's just that here they changed not Russian, but Polish into Ukrainian.

De-Russification also took place in Transcarpathia after joining the Ukrainian SSR. Approximately half of the locals, even before the First World War, through the efforts of the Austro-Hungarian authorities, who used the Terezin and Talerhof concentration camps for persuasion, chose Ukrainian identity. The other half of the Rusyns adhered to an all-Russian orientation and stubbornly considered Russian as their native language. Nevertheless, in 1945, all Rusyns, regardless of their desire, were called Ukrainians by the Soviet government. Well, there is no need to talk about Crimea, its Ukrainization began as soon as Khrushchev stuck it in the Ukrainian SSR.

I will not bore readers with a list of documents from different years - a few photocopies of newspapers:

"... pay serious attention to the correct implementation of Ukrainization, eliminate its mechanical implementation, expel Petliura and other bourgeois-nationalist elements from party and Soviet organizations, carefully select and educate Ukrainian Bolshevik cadres, ensure systematic party leadership and control over the implementation of Ukrainization"

What vicissitudes of fate and what cynicism. One of the most famous posters since the cult of personality - a poster with a photograph of Stalin, who holds a girl in his arms. But what was the name of this girl - there are discrepancies. Sometimes they write that it is “Stalin and Mamlakat”. Which is completely wrong: this is a historical confusion. Gelya Markizova, a Buryat girl, is sitting on the hands of the leader, a symbol of gratitude for happy childhood. Mamlakat, on the other hand, is standing behind Stalin in another photograph - an early-formed oriental girl in a headscarf, with a simple peasant face.

True, the confusion arose not by chance. Gelya was born in the family of the People's Commissar of Agriculture of the Buryat-Mongolian autonomous republic Ardan Markizova. In January 1936, Ardan Marquizov was one of the leaders of the delegation from Buryat-Mongolia that arrived in Moscow. A pretty girl was specially taken to a meeting with Stalin, having prepared her properly. At the meeting, Gelya handed Stalin a bouquet of flowers with the words: "These flowers are given to you by the children of Buryat-Mongolia." The touched leader lifted the girl in his arms and kissed her. The moment was captured by the many photographers and newsreels present. The next day, a photograph of Stalin with Gels in his arms appeared in all the newspapers, equipped with the inscription "Thank you Comrade Stalin for our happy childhood!" In the future, this photograph was replicated, posters and paintings were drawn from it, hundreds of sculptures were made.

In 1937, Ardan Marquizov was arrested, accused of preparing an assassination attempt on Stalin, and shot. Soon Gelya also lost her mother: Gelya's mother was also arrested. Gelya went through Soviet orphanages and special detention centers, where no one believed that she was the same girl from the photograph. Ella Olkhovskaya, a former artek, says:
- In the 35th year, the Tajik girl Mamlakat Nakhangova became famous. Someone came up with the idea of ​​making a Stakhanovka out of her and forced a dark, completely illiterate girl to pick cotton with both hands. At that time it was a real boom, cotton was always picked with one hand. They said that allegedly Mamlakat picked up a crazy amount of cotton and overfulfilled the norm. Stalin personally received her, awarded her with an order and presented her with a gold watch. In the "Primer" title page poem was published:

“Tajiks have sonorous names
Mamlakat means country.

Children before the war wore Central Asian embroidered skullcaps. They came into fashion because of Mamlakat. In the book "The Fourth Height" about the pioneer Gulya Korolev, it was written that in Artek Gulya met and became friends with Mamlakat. The fate of Mamlakat was successful: the girl did not become arrogant, did not turn into a ceremonial mannequin for congresses and rallies, but was able to get an education, learn English and leave for the United States. You could say she was very lucky.

Since an incalculable number of posters, paintings, statues and other propaganda materials were made from a photograph of the leader with the daughter of the disgraced People's Commissar Markizov in his arms, it was not possible to remove them, so the ideologists quietly decided to rename the unreliable Gelya into a strong peasant woman Mamlakat. Or maybe they didn’t care, well, what difference does it really make to anyone - she’s a Tajik girl or a Buryat girl ... Well, they decided to call Mamlakat a six-year-old girl sitting in Stalin’s arms, who, at least by virtue of her physical abilities could not receive the Order of Lenin for hard work.

But if someone noticed that something was wrong here, those were not the times to ask such questions. You never know what can happen to a person who doubts that Soviet country a six year old girl can assemble double rate cotton, or that a great leader can easily lift an adult cotton-growing girl with one left?

Later, Gelya Markizova was found by a relative of her mother and brought up under her last name, which, probably, saved her. She received an education, worked at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, happily married, and interestingly, she also went to work abroad. But to India. She worked half her life in India, became a doctor of science. She died in 2004. In the episode with the photograph "For our happy childhood" there is a funny life detail that greatly enlivens and animates the official dictionary entries from Wikipedia and other sources. Holding the girl in his arms and smiling affectionately into the camera lens, Stalin said to his entourage: "Momashore eg tiliani."
The words of the beloved leader, spoken in an unfamiliar language, Gelya tremblingly kept in her memory for many years and carried through all the trials. But she learned their meaning only when she became an adult. In Georgian, they mean "Take away this lousy!".