Photos of beautiful girls in the morgue. Unpleasant work associated with dead people (18 photos)

"The most famous photograph that no one has ever seen" is how Associated Press photographer Richard Drew calls his picture of one of the victims of the World Trade Center, who jumped out of the window to her death on September 11

"On that day, which was captured on cameras and film more than any other day in history," Tom Junod later wrote in Esquire, "the only taboo by common consent was to take pictures of people jumping out of windows." Five years later, Richard Drew's Falling Man remains a terrible artifact of that day that should have changed everything but didn't.

Malcolm Brown, a 30-year-old photographer (Associated Press) from New York, received a phone call and was asked to be at a certain intersection in Saigon the next morning, as something very important is about to happen.

He went there with a reporter from the New York Times. soon a car drove up, several Buddhist monks got out of it. Among them is Thich Quang Duc, who sat in a lotus position with a box of matches in his hands, while the rest began to pour gasoline on him. Thich Quang Duc struck a match and turned into a living torch. Unlike the weeping crowd watching him burn, he didn't utter a sound or move. Thich Quang Duc wrote a letter to the then head of the Vietnamese government asking him to stop the repression of Buddhists, stop the detention of monks and give them the right to practice and spread their religion, but received no answer.

Take a closer look at this photo. This is one of the most remarkable photographs ever taken. The baby's tiny hand reached out from the womb to squeeze the surgeon's finger. By the way, the child is 21 weeks from conception, the age when he can still be legally aborted. The tiny pen in the photo belongs to a baby who was due to be born on December 28 last year. The photo was taken during an operation in America.

The first reaction is to recoil in horror. Similar to close-up some terrible incident. And then you notice, in the very center of the photo, a tiny hand grasping the surgeon's finger.

The child is literally grasping for life. Therefore, this is one of the most remarkable photographs in medicine and a record of one of the most extraordinary operations in the world. It shows a 21-week-old fetus in the womb, just before the spinal surgery needed to save the baby from severe brain damage. The operation was performed through a tiny incision in the wall of the uterus and this is the youngest patient. At this time, the mother may choose to have an abortion.

The death of the boy Al-Dura, filmed by a reporter for a French television station, as he is shot to death by Israeli soldiers while in the arms of his father.

The portrait of "shahid" al-Dura has spread in stamps, books, songs and posters. But Jewish activists in France, who have questioned the authenticity of the pictures, are leading a stubborn campaign that has been going on for several years, demanding that French television also reveal parts of the footage that did not make it to the broadcast, excerpts showing how Palestinians practice staging a shooting incident, as a result which al-Dura was allegedly killed.

By the early summer of 1994, Kevin Carter (1960-1994) was at the height of his fame. He had just received the Pulitzer Prize, job offers from famous magazines poured in one after another. “Everyone congratulates me,” he wrote to his parents, “I can't wait to meet you and show you my trophy. This is the highest recognition of my work, which I did not even dare to dream of.

Kevin Carter won the Pulitzer Prize for his photograph "Famine in Sudan" taken in early spring 1993. On this day, Carter flew to Sudan specifically to shoot scenes of hunger in a small village. Tired of shooting people who died of starvation, he left the village in a field overgrown with small bushes and suddenly heard a quiet cry. Looking around, he saw a little girl lying on the ground, apparently dying of hunger. He wanted to take a picture of her, but suddenly a vulture vulture landed a few steps away. Very carefully, trying not to startle the bird, Kevin chose the best position and took a picture. After that, he waited another twenty minutes, hoping that the bird would spread its wings and give him the opportunity to get a better shot. But the damned bird did not move, and in the end, he spat and drove it away. In the meantime, the girl apparently gained strength and went - more precisely crawled - further. And Kevin sat down near the tree and cried. He suddenly terribly wanted to hug his daughter ...

A settler resists an Israeli army officer, Amon outpost, West Bank, February 1, 2006

A Jewish settlement confronts Israeli police as they enforce a Supreme Court decision to demolish 9 houses in the outpost of Amon settlement, West Bank, February 1. Residents, joined by thousands of other protesters, erected barbed wire barriers to protect their homes and clashed with police. More than 200 people were injured, including 80 policemen. After hours of confrontation, the settlers were driven out and bulldozers arrived and began demolition.

A 12-year-old Afghan girl is the famous photograph taken by Steve McCurry in a refugee camp on the Afghan-Pakistani border.

Soviet helicopters destroyed the village of a young refugee, her whole family died, and before getting to the camp, the girl made a two-week journey in the mountains. After being published in June 1985, this photograph becomes a National Geographic icon. Since then, this image has been used everywhere - from tattoos to rugs, which turned the photo into one of the most replicated photos in the world.

Stanley Forman/Boston Herald, USA. July 22, 1975, Boston. A girl and a woman fall trying to escape the fire

"Unknown Rebel" on Tiananmen Square. This famous photo, taken by Associated Press photographer Jeff Widner, shows a protester who single-handedly held off a tank column for half an hour.

Poland - a girl Teresa, who grew up in a concentration camp, draws a "house" on the blackboard. 1948. © David Seymour

The September 11, 2001 attacks (often referred to simply as 9/11) were a series of coordinated suicide terrorist attacks that took place in the United States of America. According to the official version, the Islamist terrorist organization Al-Qaeda is responsible for these attacks.

On the morning of that day, nineteen terrorists, allegedly related to Al-Qaeda, divided into four groups, hijacked four scheduled passenger airliners. Each group had at least one member who completed basic flight training. The invaders sent two of these aircraft into the towers of the World Trade Center, American Airlines Flight 11 into WTC 1, and United Airlines Flight 175 into WTC 2, causing both towers to collapse, causing severe damage to surrounding structures.

Niagara Falls is frozen. Photo from 1911

Mike Wells, UK. April 1980 Karamoja region, Uganda. Hungry boy and missionary.

White and color photograph by Elliott Erwitt 1950

Spencer Platt, USA (Spencer Platt), Getty Images
Young Lebanese people drive through a devastated area in Beirut, August 15, 2006.

Young Lebanese people drive down the street in Haret Hreik in the bombarded suburb of Beirut, Lebanon, August 15. For almost five weeks, Israel attacked this part of the city and other cities in southern Lebanon in an operation against Hezbollah fighters. After the truce announced on August 14, thousands of Lebanese began to gradually return to their homes. According to the Lebanese government, 15,000 residential buildings and 900 commercial firms were affected.

The photograph of an officer shooting a handcuffed prisoner in the head not only received Pulitzer Prize in 1969, but also completely changed the attitude of Americans to what was happening in Vietnam.

Despite the obviousness of the image, in fact, the photograph is not as unambiguous as it seemed to ordinary Americans, filled with sympathy for the executed. The fact is that the man in handcuffs is the captain of the Viet Cong "revenge warriors", and on this day many unarmed civilians were shot dead by him and his henchmen. General Nguyen Ngoc Loan, pictured left, has been haunted by his past all his life: he was refused treatment at an Australian military hospital, after moving to the US, he faced a massive campaign calling for his immediate deportation, the restaurant he opened in Virginia, every day was attacked by vandals. "We know who you are!" - this inscription haunted the general of the army all his life.

Lynching (1930) Lawrence Beitler

This shot was taken in 1930 when a mob of 10,000 whites hanged two black men for raping a white woman and killing her boyfriend. The mob "released" the criminals from prison to be lynched. A striking contrast is the joyful faces of people as a background for torn corpses.

At the end of April 2004, the CBS program 60 Minutes II aired a story about the torture and abuse of inmates at the Abu Ghraib prison by a group of American soldiers. The story showed photographs that were published in The New Yorker a few days later. This became the loudest scandal around the presence of Americans in Iraq.

In early May 2004, the leadership of the US Armed Forces admitted that some of the methods of torture were not in accordance with the Geneva Convention and announced their readiness to publicly apologize.

According to the testimony of a number of prisoners, American soldiers raped them, rode them, forced them to fish food from prison toilets. In particular, the inmates said: “They made us walk on all fours like dogs and yelp. We had to bark like dogs, and if you didn't bark, then you were beaten in the face without any pity. After that, they left us in the cells, took away the mattresses, poured water on the floor and forced us to sleep in this slush without removing the hoods from our heads. And all this was constantly photographed”, “One American said that he would rape me. He drew a woman on my back and forced me to stand in a shameful position, to hold my own scrotum in my hands.

Burial of an unknown child.

On December 3, 1984, the Indian city of Bhopal was hit by the largest man-made disaster in human history. A giant poisonous cloud, released into the atmosphere by an American pesticide factory, covered the city, killing 3,000 people that same night, and 15,000 more in the coming month. In total, more than 150,000 people were affected by the release of toxic waste, and this does not include children born after 1984.

Nilsson gained international fame in 1965 when LIFE magazine published 16 pages of photographs of a human embryo.

These photographs were immediately reproduced also in Stern, Paris Match, The Sunday Times and other magazines. In the same year, Nilsson's book of photographs, A Child is Born, was published, selling eight million copies in the first few days. This book went through several reprints and is still one of the best-selling illustrated books in the history of this kind of album. Nilson managed to obtain photographs of the human fetus as early as 1957, but they were not yet spectacular enough to be shown to the general public.

Photograph of the Loch Ness monster. Ian Wetherell 1934

The photo was taken on September 29, 1932 on the 69th floor in recent months construction of Rockefeller Center

Surgeon Jay Vacanti of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston is working with microengineer Jeffrey Borenstein to develop a technique for growing artificial livers. In 1997, he managed to grow a human ear on the back of a mouse using cartilage cells.

The development of a technique that allows culturing the liver is extremely relevant. In the UK alone, there are 100 people on the waiting list for transplants, and according to the British Liver Trust, most patients die before they get a transplant.

Freezing rain... Sounds harmless enough, but nature often throws up unpleasant surprises.

Freezing rain can form a thick crust of ice on any object, destroying even giant power lines. And they can create incredibly beautiful works of art of natural origin.
The photo shows the effects of freezing rain in Switzerland.

A man tries to alleviate the difficult conditions for his son in a POW prison.
Jean-Marc Bouju/AP, France.
March 31, 2003. An Najaf, Iraq.

Dolly is a female sheep, the first mammal successfully cloned from the cell of another adult creature.

The experiment was set up in the UK (Roslin Institute, Midlothian, Scotland), where she was born on July 5, 1996. The press announced her birth only 7 months later - on February 22, 1997. After living for 6 years, Dolly the sheep died on February 14, 2003.

A 1967 Patterson-Gimlin documentary film of a female Bigfoot, the American " Bigfoot”, is still the only clear photographic evidence of the existence of living relic hominids on earth, designated in hominology by the term “homins”.

At the same time, there are a fair amount of fuzzy, blurry shots that are not suitable for scientific analysis. This is a testament to how difficult these primates are to photograph. As a rule, meetings with them take place at dusk and unexpectedly, so that a shocked eyewitness at the most crucial moment usually forgets not only that he has a camera or video camera, but even weapons.

Republican soldier Federico Borel Garcia is depicted in the face of death.

The picture caused a huge uproar in society. The situation is absolutely unique. During the whole time of the attack, the photographer took only one picture, while he took it at random, without looking into the viewfinder, he did not look at all in the direction of the “model”. And this is one of the best, one of his most famous photographs. It was thanks to this picture that already in 1938 the newspapers called the 25-year-old Robert Cap "The Greatest War Photographer in the World."

A picture taken by reporter Alberto Korda at a rally in 1960, in which Che Guevara is also visible between a palm tree and someone's nose, claims to be the most widely disseminated photograph in history.

The photo, which depicted the hoisting of the Banner of Victory over the Reichstag, spread around the world. Yevgeny Khaldei, 1945.

The death of a Nazi functionary and his family.

Vienna, 1945 Yevgeny Khaldei: “I went to the park near the parliament building to film the passing columns of soldiers. And I saw this picture. On the bench sat a woman, killed by two shots - in the head and neck, next to her a dead teenager of about fifteen and a girl. A little further away lay the corpse of the father of the family. He had a gold NSDAP badge on his lapel, and a revolver was lying next to him. (...) A watchman ran up from the parliament building:
- It's him, he did, not Russian soldiers. Came at 6 am. I saw him and his family from the basement window. There is not a soul on the street. He pushed the benches together, ordered the woman to sit down, and ordered the children to do the same. I didn't understand what he was going to do. And then he shot the mother and son. The girl resisted, then he laid her on a bench and shot her too. He stepped aside, looked at the result and shot himself.”

Alfred Eisenstaedt (1898-1995), a photographer working for Life magazine, strolled around the square photographing the kissers. He later recalled that he noticed a sailor who “rushed around the square and kissed indiscriminately all the women in a row: young and old, fat and thin. I watched, but the desire to photograph did not appear. Suddenly he grabbed something white. I barely had time to raise the camera and take a picture of him kissing the nurse.”

For millions of Americans, this photograph, which Eisenstadt called "Unconditional Surrender", has become a symbol of the end of World War II.

The assassination of the thirty-fifth US President John F. Kennedy was committed on Friday, November 22, 1963 in Dallas (Texas) at 12:30 local time. Kennedy was mortally wounded by a gunshot while he and his wife Jacqueline were riding in the presidential motorcade down Elm Street.

On December 30, Iraq executed former President Saddam Hussein. The Supreme Court sentenced the former Iraqi leader to death by hanging. The sentence was carried out at 6 am in the suburbs of Baghdad.

The execution took place shortly before morning prayer, marking the beginning of the Muslim holiday of sacrifice. It was filmed and now the national Iraqi television is broadcasting this recording on all channels.

Representatives of the Iraqi authorities who were present at the same time reported that Hussein behaved with dignity and did not ask for mercy. He stated that he was "glad to accept death from his enemies and become a martyr" and not vegetate in prison until the end of his days.

The US military is dragging the body of a Viet Cong (South Vietnamese rebel) soldier on a leash.
Kyoichi Sawada/United Press International, Japan.
February 24, 1966, Tan Binh, South Vietnam

A young boy looks out from a bus loaded with refugees who have fled the epicenter of a war between Chechen separatists and Russians near Shali, Chechnya. The bus returns to Grozny.
Lucian Perkins/The Washington Post, USA.
May 1995. Chechnya

Dead people are cool .Don't repeat their mistakes...

1. Lisa “Left eye” Lopez. She was one of three members of the American group TLC, which became known far beyond the US thanks to the hits Waterfalls and No scrubs. The nickname “left eye (left eye)” Lisa took for herself, because one day she was told that she had beautiful eyes, especially the left one. At concerts, she put a condom on the left lens of her glasses, thus promoting safe sex. Lisa died in a car accident in Honduras in 2002. At this time, her second solo album and the fourth album of the group TLC were being prepared for release.

2. Jean Harlow She was the incarnation of Marilyn Monroe before the advent of Marilyn Monroe herself. Harlow has played many roles in films, such as Howard Hughes' Hells Angels, as well as in several films with Clark Gable. Jean Harlow literally hypnotized the audience with her incredible sex appeal. The actress died at the age of 26 from kidney failure. It is believed that the health of the star, who was married three times, was undermined by a severe flu, which she had had in the year of her death. Curiously, Marilyn Monroe was going to play Harlow shortly before her death.

3. Anna Nicole Smith. “Woke up famous” after the publication of her photos in Playboy magazine, as well as after the marriage to 89-year-old billionaire James Howard Marshall, who, by the way, died after a year of married life. On February 8, 2007, Anna Nicole was found unconscious in a Florida hotel. She died on the way to the hospital. Preliminary version - drug overdose. Later, 11 types of drugs were found in her body.

4. Princess Diana. Was the first wife of Prince Charles, who in the future will take the throne of the United Kingdom. Diana was known throughout the world for her charitable and peacekeeping activities (in particular, she was an activist in the movement to stop the production of anti-personnel mines and the fight against AIDS). In the UK, Diana has always been considered the most popular member royal family, she was called the Queen of Hearts (“Queen of Hearts”). Princess Diana died in a car accident in Paris. Together with Diana in the car were her friend Dodi al-Fayed and driver Henri Paul, who died on the spot. The princess died two hours later in the hospital. The only surviving passenger, bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones, was severely injured and has no memory of the events.

5. Dorothy Stratten. Was one of the most famous models of Playboy magazine. She became "Girl of the Month" in August 1979 and "Girl of the Year" in 1980. Dorothy was shot by her husband Paul Snyder, with whom they were at that time in a state of divorce and the model lived with her friend, director Peter Bogdanovich. Stratten and Snyder met to discuss the financial side of the divorce, later the girl was found shot in the head in her husband's bedroom. Snyder killed Dorothy and then committed suicide.

6. Selena Quintanilla-Perez Selena became famous at a fairly young age and for her short, but bright life managed to release about a dozen albums. Selena was killed by the president of her fan club, Yolanda Saldivar. In addition to working at the fan club, Saldivar was the manager of Selena's stores in Texas, but she was fired for theft. In March 1995, Selena and Saldívar met at a hotel in the Texas city of Corpus Christi to settle their final financial issues. When the meeting ended and Selena was about to leave the hotel, Yolanda Saldívar shot her in the back. The singer was able to get to the reception, but later died in the hospital.


7. Edie Sedgwick. American actress, socialite and muse of Andy Warhol. Sedgwick became famous thanks to the filming of Warhol's underground films and participation in his Factory project. Sedgwick struggled with drug addiction most of his adult life. In 1971, she was no longer using drugs, but her doctor prescribed barbiturates to stop her. physical pain. On the night of November 15, 1971, Sedgwick drank the prescribed amount of medicine and went to bed, in the morning Edie never woke up.

8. Chrissy Taylor got her modeling pass thanks to her supermodel sister Niki Taylor. From the age of 11, she began to participate in filming with her sister, and soon her career went up. Chrissy was found dead in her parents' apartment by her sister. As it turned out later, the cause of death of the model was an asthma attack complicated by sudden cardiac arrhythmia. For her age, a very rare and suspicious occurrence.

9. Considered one of the first supermodels. predecessor to 1980s supermodels Claudia Schiffer and Cindy Crawford. Due to the striking resemblance to Carangi, the latter was often called Baby Gia. Gia's condition began to deteriorate in the early 80s, after he became heavily addicted to heroin. By December 1984, Gia had reached rock bottom. After pressure from her family, Gia was enrolled in a recovery program at Eagleville Hospital in Montgomery. She declared herself a beggar and lived on welfare. In 1986, she ended up in the hospital with symptoms of pneumonia. However, after the examination, it turned out that the model had HIV. - one of the first known women in the United States, whose cause of death was openly named the immunodeficiency virus.

10. Jayne Mansfield was a blonde sex symbol of the 50s. She appeared on the pages of Playboy magazine more than once and stopped at nothing to achieve fame. Jane died in 1967 in a car accident. The actress traveled with her friend Sam Brody and three of her four children. The car in which the movie star was traveling drove into a tractor, only children survived in the accident.

11. Aaliya. American actress, singer and model. In an interview with an American publication, Aaliya spoke about the origin of her name. "Aaliya is an Arabic name with great power," she said. As an actress, Aaliya starred in the films Romeo Must Die and The Queen of the Damned. The singer died on August 25, 2001, as a result of a plane crash on which she was returning from the island of Abaco, where she was filming her new video. None of the eight people on board survived.

12. Sharon Tate - Golden Globe Award nominee and director Roman Polanski's wife was a universal favorite due to her kindness and cheerful disposition. The actress, who was eight months pregnant, and her four friends were killed by members of Charles Manson's gang. Despite the fact that Tate begged for the life of her unborn child, the killers stabbed Sharon 16 times.

13. Marilyn Monroe Marilyn Monroe was a true Hollywood icon and remains so today. With her beauty and incredible sexuality, she was able to charm President Kennedy, playwrights and athletes. No one was able to resist her charms. Marilyn Monroe died on the night of August 5, 1962 in Brentwood at the age of 36 from a lethal dose of sleeping pills. There are five versions of the cause of her death:

  • a murder committed by the secret services on the orders of the Kennedy brothers in order to avoid publicity of their sexual relations;
  • murder committed by the mafia;
  • drug overdose;
  • suicide;
  • the tragic mistake of psychoanalyst actress Ralph Greenson, who ordered the patient to take chloral hydrate shortly after taking Nembutal.

Author: A few days ago I happened to visit an ordinary morgue. It would seem, what's wrong with that? Well - the morgue, well - we'll all be there. That's the point, that without being an employee of the morgue or his friend, there is no special opportunity for "outsiders" to inspect and even more so to shoot all the premises. Relatives of the deceased visit only the farewell hall and a couple of rooms ready for their reception, medical students visit the audience and sometimes the sectional.
In the review under the cut, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with how the true last way- the path of the body from the moment of death to the moment the coffin with the body is handed over to relatives for further burial / sending to the crematorium. The review is illustrated, but as ethical as possible. There is only one corpse in the pictures, and the one with a bag on his head.

It all starts with the fact that a person dies.
This can happen at home, or outside the home, or even in the hospital.
Death can be detected immediately - by others or loved ones, or maybe later different quantity time, which affects the form in which the corpse will be delivered to the morgue.

On “suspicion of death” call ambulance with which the police arrive. The doctor declares death, and the body is taken to the morgue.
If the death occurred in a hospital, the police do not seem to be needed.

1. And so, they bring him here ...

2. A door with a sign "reception of bodies", a forgotten gurney, and right there - coffins

5. The mortuary consists of two floors and a basement. The first refrigerating chamber is disabled for lack of need for it (the second one is enough, which is in the basement)

6. Then there is a table on which the body is washed if necessary. Please note - the table is granite. According to the orderly, such tables (Russian, stone) are much more convenient than more modern iron (imported) ones - they do not rattle and are easier to clean. It is these tables that are used in the morgue, which appeared some time ago on the Internet marked "Prison morgue" (although in fact this is one of the Moscow morgues at the time of the influx of customers) - the rest of the photos can be found by Google.

7. Then measurement takes place (height is measured - to determine the size of the coffin: the coffin must be 20 cm longer than the body) and registration. Here the ambulance doctor hands over the body to the orderly on duty and Required documents. At this moment, a person finally ceases to be a person, and instead of a full name, he is assigned a number, which is written on a tag and tied to his wrist (a more familiar option is to a toe).

8. Orderlies working here in daily shifts and regularly touching all sorts of different things are required to wash their hands often and wash themselves completely. For this purpose, the morgue is full of sinks, showers and changing rooms.

11. By the way, there is also Internet and Wi-Fi in the morgue (in a hospital where patients are alive, such a benefit is not provided)

12. Relatives need the registry more - after all, it is here that the registration of the services provided by the mortuary takes place, a death certificate is issued, etc.

13. A person is capable of dying suddenly or after a long illness. Citizens who have been observed by various doctors and have appropriate records in their medical records (medical records at the place of treatment), after being delivered to the morgue, are sent to the dressing room, where orderlies bring them into proper shape using simple cosmetics

16. The range of services of the morgue also includes the sale of coffins and accessories, the organization of farewell, funeral services and the provision of funeral transport.

18. Coffins, wreaths and other exhibited in the sales area

21. And also in the corridor of the first floor

23. And for some reason in the toilet

24. The coffin on the right is Muslim

25. The cat on the "roof" of the Muslim coffin is not included. By the way, there are four cats here - a cat and three cats. Keep them to control the absence of rodents that tend to eat the body.

26. In addition to the length (from 160 to 210), the coffins differ in width. For obese citizens, a standard coffin called a "deck" is provided.

For completely non-standard, it is possible to make a coffin to order.

27. If the death of a person was not so predictable, his body is sent for an autopsy. The autopsy takes place in rooms called "sectional rooms". Sectional look like this (the explosive metal tables are just here)

30. Autopsy tools

31. Another sectional, with its own tools

34. Hard lining-pillow under the head - numerous serifs from the tool

35. During the autopsy, the necessary samples, analyzes, samples are taken from the corpse

36. These samples are sent for analysis to the laboratories located on the second floor.

39. Place on duty on the second floor

40. Forensic experts have not been here for a long time, they left an empty room

41. But there are many laboratories

43. We look into several of them - a lot of equipment, understandable and not completely

46. ​​Next Lab

49. Just Jungle

50. And one more laba

53. This unit is alive. It regularly squeaks and moves, the lid rises, the drum with cans makes some movements

54. The archive is filled in real time

55. There is also an archive on the second floor, in a more familiar form

57. And this is what thin tinted sections of organs look like, which are considered to determine the causes of death

59. Research answers

60. There is also an auditorium where students come

62. Although there are only two floors and a basement, there is an elevator, because it is inconvenient to move along the ladder with a wheelchair. The elevator connects the first floor and the basement, and on the second floor is its engine room

65. There is also a ventilation room

67. Rest room for orderlies

68. And the dining room where the mortuary workers have lunch

69. Also, the morgue has a roof - in good weather, you can go to hang out on it, start fireworks, etc., but in winter there is knee-deep snow on it

70. Basement of the morgue. First of all, in the basement there is another sectional and main refrigerator

72. A bag is put on the head of a corpse so that the face does not dry out.

73. Three cats live in the basement (there are two in the frame, the third was washed off ahead of time)

74. An unused pressure chamber-on-wheels is stored, to which nurses go to smoke.

75. And old medical records of long-dead and buried citizens

76. To the basement of the morgue converge underground tunnels connecting all hospital buildings

78. After all the autopsy procedures, make-up, dressing, etc., traditionally on the third day the body in the coffin is given to relatives - from this veranda, where artificial flowers covered with snow stand lonely

79. Well, what can I say in conclusion? According to the result of my communication with the orderly working there, it’s not at all scary to work there, it’s interesting in places, but mostly ordinary. And we cross our fingers so that you and your loved ones will not soon find themselves in this or a similar institution.

Thank you for attention! I hope it was interesting and not too disgusting.

It is no secret that Germany launched mass actions on the territory of the occupied countries to exterminate prisoners of war and the population. The account went to millions of lives. But it is not even the scale of the tragedy that is striking, but the fact that it was essentially a single plant, the workshops of which were scattered across vast territory. The enterprise had its own directors, heads of shops, accountants, workers and shock workers of National Socialist Labor. there were even technical schools where specialists in the "slaughter of human livestock" were trained. Even now it's impossible to read archival documents without a shudder.


{TsGAOR USSR, f 7445, op. 1, unit storage 26.}

At mass graves where the bodies rested Soviet people, killed by "typical German methods" (I will present to the Court evidence of these methods and their certain periodicity), at the gallows on which the bodies of adolescents swayed, at the ovens of giant crematoriums where the dead in the extermination camps were burned, at the corpses of women and girls who became victims sadistic tendencies of fascist bandits, dead bodies children, torn in half, comprehended the Soviet people a chain of atrocities, stretching, as rightly said in the speech of the Chief Prosecutor from the USSR, "from the hands of executioners to ministerial chairs." These monstrous atrocities had their own specific criminal system. The unity of methods of killing: the same arrangement of gas chambers, mass stamping of round cans with the poisonous substance "cyclone A" or "cyclone B", built according to the same standard projects crematorium furnaces, the same layout of "extermination camps", the standard design of fetid "death machines", which the Germans called "gazenvagen", and our people called "gas chambers", technical development designs of mobile mills for grinding human bones - all this pointed to a single evil will, uniting individual murderers and executioners. It became clear that German heat engineers and chemists, architects and toxicologists, mechanics and doctors were engaged in the rationalization of massacres on the instructions of the Nazi government and the leadership of the German military forces. …

From the evidence that I will present later, you will see that the burial places of German victims were opened by Soviet forensic doctors in the north and south of the country, the graves were separated from one another by thousands of kilometers, and it was obvious that these atrocities were committed by various individuals. But the methods of committing crimes were the same. The wounds were localized in the same way. Giant grave pits disguised as anti-tank ditches or trenches were prepared in the same way. Brought to the place of execution unarmed and defenseless people, the murderers ordered in almost identical terms to undress and lie face down in the pits prepared in advance. The first layer of the executed, whether it was in the swamps of Belarus or in the foothills of the Caucasus, was equally sprinkled with bleach, and the killers again forced the doomed defenseless people to lie down on the first row of the dead, covered with a caustic mass mixed with blood. This testified not only to the unity of the instructions and orders received from above. The methods of murder were so identical that it became clear how the cadres of murderers were prepared in special schools, how everything was foreseen in advance, from the order to undress before being shot to the very killing. These assumptions, based on the analysis of facts, were subsequently fully confirmed by the documents captured by the Red Army and the testimonies of prisoners.

The fascist system of educating murderers knew other forms of training, specifically devoted, in particular, to the technique of destroying the traces of a crime. The court has already presented as evidence a document registered under the number USSR-6v/8. This document is one of the appendices to the Communication of the Emergency State Commission about the atrocities of the Germans in the territory Lviv region. This is the testimony of the witness Manusevich, who was interrogated on special instructions from the Extraordinary State Commission by the senior assistant to the prosecutor of the Lvov region. The protocol of interrogation is properly drawn up in accordance with the procedural law of the Ukrainian Soviet Republic. Manusevich was imprisoned by the Germans in the Yanovsky camp, where he worked in a team of prisoners engaged in burning the corpses of murdered Soviet people. After the burning of 40,000 corpses slaughtered in the Yanovsky camp, a team was sent for similar purposes to a camp located in the Lysenitsky forest. I quote from the interrogation protocol: “In this camp at the death factory, special 10-day courses on burning corpses were organized, which involved 12 people. The courses were sent from the camps of Lublin, Warsaw and other camps, from which I cannot remember. I don’t know the names of the cadets, but they were not privates, but officers. The teacher of the courses was Colonel Shallock, the commandant of burning, who, at the place where the corpses were dug up and burned, told how to do it in practice, explained the device of the machine for grinding bones. Shallock went on to explain how to level the pit, sift and plant trees in this place, where to scatter and hide the ashes of human corpses. These courses have been around for a long time. During my stay, that is, for five and a half months of work in the Yanovsky and Lisenitsky camps, ten batches of cadets were missed.

The commandant of the Yanovsky camp, Obersturmführer Wilhaus, for the sake of sports and the pleasure of his wife and daughter, systematically fired from a machine gun from the balcony of the camp office at the prisoners working in the workshops, then handed the gun to his wife, and she also fired. Sometimes, in order to please his nine-year-old daughter, Wilhaus forced two to four-year-old children to be thrown into the air and shot at them. The daughter applauded and shouted: “Daddy, more, daddy, more!” And he shot.

The court has already been presented under the number USSR-29 the document "Communique of the Polish-Soviet Extraordinary Commission for the Investigation of the Atrocities of the Germans Committed in the Extermination Camp on Majdanek in the City of Lublin." ... “I saw personally,” says the witness Baran Edward, “how they took small children from their mothers and killed them in front of their eyes: they took one leg with their hand, on the other they became a foot, and thus tore the child.”

The next part of the note is devoted to the mass crimes of the Germans, the so-called "actions", in particular the "actions" in Kyiv. I am compelled to draw the attention of the Court to the fact that the number of those killed at Babi Yar, which is given in the note, is less than in reality. After the liberation of Kyiv, it was established that the volume of atrocities of the Nazi invaders exceeded the crimes of the Germans, which were known from the initial information. From the Communication of the Extraordinary State Commission for the city of Kyiv presented to the Court, it is clear that at Babi Yar during this monstrous so-called "mass action" the Germans shot not 52,000, but 100,000 people.

Upon the arrival of the Red Army in Kerch, in January 1942, when examining the Vagerovsky ditch, it was found that for a kilometer in length, 4 meters wide, 2 meters deep, it was overflowing with the corpses of women, children, old people and teenagers. Near the moat were frozen pools of blood. Children's hats, toys, ribbons, torn off buttons, gloves, bottles with nipples, boots, galoshes, along with stumps of arms and legs and other parts of the body, were also lying there. All this was spattered with blood and brains. Fascist scoundrels shot the defenseless population with explosive bullets. On the edge lay a tormented young woman. In her arms was a baby, neatly wrapped in a white lace blanket. Next to this woman lay an eight-year-old girl and a five-year-old boy, shot through with explosive bullets. Their hands clung to their mother's dress."

The circumstances of the execution are confirmed by the testimony of numerous witnesses who were lucky enough to get out of the pit of death unharmed. I will cite two of these testimonies: “Twenty-year-old Anatoly Ignatievich Bondarenko, now a soldier of the Red Army, testified: “When we were brought to the anti-tank ditch and lined up near this terrible grave, we still thought that we were brought here in order to force us to fill the ditch with earth or dig new trenches. We did not believe that we were brought to be executed. But when the first shots were fired from the machine guns pointed at us, I realized that they were shooting at us. I immediately rushed into the pit and hid between the two corpses. So unharmed, in a semi-conscious state, I lay almost until evening. Lying in the pit, I heard how some of the wounded were shouting to the gendarmes who were shooting them: “Kill me, you scoundrel,” “Oh, you didn’t hit me, you scoundrel, hit me again!” Then, when the Germans left for lunch, one of our fellow villagers from the pit shouted: "Get up, whoever is alive." I got up, and the two of us began to scatter the corpses, pull out the living. I was covered in blood. Above the moat there was a light mist and steam from the cooling pile of bodies, blood and the last breath of the dying. We pulled Naumenko Fyodor and my father out, but my father was killed on the spot with an explosive bullet in the heart. Late at night I got to my friends in the village of Bagerovo and there I waited for the arrival of the Red Army. Witness A. Kamenev testified: “Behind the airfield, the driver stopped the car, and we saw that the Germans were shooting people at the moat. We were taken out of the car and ten people began to drive us to the moat. My son and I were in the top ten. We got to the ditch. We were placed facing the pit, and the Germans began to prepare to shoot us in the back of the head. My son turned around and shouted to them: “Why are you shooting civilians? But shots rang out, and the son immediately fell into the pit. I ran after him. The corpses of people began to fall into the pit on me. At about three o'clock, an 11-year-old boy rose from a pile of corpses and began to shout: "Uncles, who are alive, get up, the Germans are gone." I was afraid to get up, because I thought that the boy was screaming at the order of the policeman. The boy began to scream a second time, and my son responded to this cry. He got up and asked: "Daddy, are you alive?" I couldn't say anything and just shook my head. The son and the boy pulled me out from under the corpses. We saw still living people who shouted: "Save!" Some of them were wounded. All the time while I was lying in the pit, under the corpses, the screams and cries of children and women were heard. It was after us that the Germans shot the elderly, women and children.”

Children were poisoned with carbon monoxide in German cars - "gas chambers". In confirmation of this, I refer to the Report of the Extraordinary State Commission on the atrocities of the Nazi invaders in Stavropol Territory: “It has been established that in December 1942, on the orders of the chief of the Gestapo of the city of Mikoyan-Shahar, Ober-Lieutenant Otto Weber, an exceptionally cruel killing of Soviet children with bone tuberculosis who were being treated in the sanatoriums of the Teberda resort was organized. Eyewitnesses of this atrocity, employees of children's sanatoriums, nurse Ivanova S. E. and nurse Polupanova M. I. reported: “On December 22, 1942, a German car drove up to the entrance of the sanatorium of the first department. Seven German soldiers who arrived with this car pulled out 54 seriously ill children aged three years from the sanatorium, put them in stacks in several tiers in the car - these were children who could not move, and therefore they were not driven into the car, but laid in tiers - then they slammed the door, let in gas (carbon monoxide) and left the sanatorium. An hour later, the car returned to the village of Teberda. All the children died, they were killed by the Germans and thrown into the Teberd Gorge near Gunachgir. Children were drowned in the open sea. In confirmation of this, I refer to the document under the number USSR-63 - "Act on the atrocities of the Germans in Sevastopol."

Former prisoner Gordon Yakov, a doctor from the city of Vilnius, testified: “At the beginning of 1943, 164 boys were selected in the Birkenau camp and taken to the hospital, where, with injections in the heart, carbolic acid they were all killed."

In the Bikernek forest, located on the outskirts of the city of Riga, the Nazis shot 46,500 civilians. Witness M. Stabulnek, who lives near this forest, said: “On Friday and Saturday before Easter 1942, buses with people ran around the clock from the city to the forest. I counted that on Friday from morning to noon 41 buses passed by my house. On the first day of Easter, many residents, including myself, went to the forest to the place of execution. There we saw one large open pit, in which there were women and children who had been shot, naked and in their underwear. On the corpses of women and children there were signs of torture and abuse - many had blood smudges on their faces, bruises on their heads, some had their hands and fingers cut off, their eyes were gouged out, their stomachs were torn open ... "

In confirmation of the fact that during mass executions, the so-called "actions", German criminals buried living people in the ground, I present to the Court under the number USSR-37 the Communication of the Extraordinary State Commission dated June 24, 1943: "During the excavation of a pit at a depth of one meter 71 corpses of executed residents of the city of Kupyansk and the Kupyansk region were discovered, among them there were 62 male corpses, 8 female and corpses baby. All those who were shot were without shoes, and some without clothes ... The commission notes that many of the wounds were not fatal, and it is obvious that these people were thrown into the pit (and buried alive. This is also confirmed by citizens who passed near the pit shortly after the executions, who saw how the earth stirred over the pit and a muffled groan was heard from the grave ... "

“On November 3, 1943, 18,400 people were shot in the camp. 8400 people were taken from the camp itself, and 10 thousand people were driven from the city and from other camps ... The execution began in the morning and ended late in the evening. People, stripped naked, were taken by the SS in groups of 50 and 100 people to the ditches, laid face down on the bottom of the ditches and shot from machine guns. A new batch of living people was laid on the corpses, who were also shot. And until the ditches fill up…”

I ask the distinguished judges to refer to the album of documents on the Clog camp. You will find there a typical view of this kind of cruel methods of execution. To confirm this, I turn to the document under the number USSR-39: “On September 19, 1944, the Germans began to liquidate the Kloga camp. Camp Unterscharführer Schwarze and the head of the concentration camp, Hauptscharführer Max Dahlmann, selected 300 people from the prisoners and forced them to carry firewood to a forest clearing, and forced another 700 people to make fires. When the fires were ready, the German executioners began the mass execution of the prisoners. First of all, the firewood carriers and the organizers of the fires were shot, and then the rest. The execution took place as follows: on a prepared fire site, the Germans from the SD police teams forced the prisoners to lie face down by force of arms and shot them with machine guns and pistols. The dead were burned at the stake. In the Kloga camp on September 19, 1944, about two thousand people were killed.

Paragraph mass executions in the town of Ponary was organized in July 1941 and operated until July 1944: “In December 1943,” said the witness Zaidel Matvey Fedorovich, “we were forced to dig up and burn corpses. Thus, we laid about 3,000 corpses on each fire, filled them with oil, placed incendiary bombs on four sides and set them on fire. The burning of corpses continued from the end of 1943 until June 1944. During this time, from nine pits with a total volume of 21,179 cubic meters, at least 100 thousand corpses were removed and burned at the stake.

In a number of cases, for the mass killing of civilians in the Soviet Union, the German fascists resorted to methods full of cruel cunning. To confirm these methods, I refer to the Communication of the Extraordinary State Commission for the Stavropol Territory, which I have already presented to the Court under the number USSR-1: “It was established that before retreating from the city of Georgievsk on January 9 and 10 this year. On the orders of the head of the German infirmaries, chief physician Baron von Gaimann, in order to poison the Soviet people, German soldiers sold alcohol and baking soda on the city market, and the alcohol turned out to be methyl alcohol, and the “soda” was oxalic acid. There was a mass poisoning of the inhabitants of the city ... "

I turn to the presentation of evidence related to the use by Nazi criminals of special machines for killing people with gasoline exhaust vapors - "sonder machines", "gas wagons", or "gas vans", as the Soviet people correctly called them. The very fact of the use of these machines for the mass killing of people is the gravest accusation against the leaders of German fascism. Special devices for mass destruction people in closed hermetic vehicles, the exhaust pipes of whose engines were connected to the bodies with the help of special movable hoses, were used by the Nazis for the first time in the USSR in 1942. I remind the esteemed Court that for the first time we find mention of "gas chambers" in the act I have already presented to the Tribunal on the atrocities of the German fascist invaders in the city of Kerch (document numbered USSR-63); this refers to the spring of 1942. I remind the Tribunal, included in the act, of an excerpt from the testimony of the witness Darya Demchenko, who saw how German servicemen in Kerch threw the corpses of the dead into an anti-tank ditch from two "gas chambers". However, it is clear with indisputable evidence that the mass killing of people by "gas chambers" was first established by the Extraordinary State Commission in the Stavropol Territory. This can be seen from the document under the number USSR-1. The investigation of the atrocities of the German fascists in the Stavropol Territory was led by the late outstanding Russian writer, member of the Extraordinary State Commission, Academician Alexei Nikolayevich Tolstoy. A very thorough investigation was organized with the involvement of prominent specialists, forensic doctors, because human thinking, which sets certain logical boundaries for crimes, then hardly perceived the existence of these machines. However, as a result of the investigation and the testimony of eyewitnesses about the "gas chambers" committed with their help German fascists mass excruciating murders peaceful people have been fully confirmed.

The Communication of the Extraordinary State Commission for the Stavropol Territory contains the first detailed description device "gas chambers": "The mass extermination of civilians by the Germans has been established Soviet population by poisoning with carbon monoxide in specially equipped cars - "gas chambers". POW Fenichel E.M. reported: “Working as an auto mechanic, I had the opportunity to get acquainted in detail with the structure of vehicles specially adapted for suffocation - the destruction of people with exhaust gases. There were several such cars in the city of Stavropol under the Gestapo. Its device was as follows: the body was about 5 meters long, 2.5 meters wide, the height of the body was also about 2.5 meters. The body was in the shape of a wagon, without windows, inside it was upholstered with galvanized iron, on the floor, also upholstered in iron, there were wooden gratings; the body door is upholstered with rubber, with the help of an automatic lock it was tightly closed. There were two metal pipes on the floor of the car under the bars... These pipes were connected to each other by a transverse pipe of the same diameter... These pipes had frequent half-centimeter holes; a rubber hose exits from the transverse pipe down through a hole in the galvanized floor, at the end of which is a hexagonal nut with a thread corresponding to the thread on the end of the motor exhaust pipe. This hose is screwed onto the exhaust pipe, and when the engine is running, all the exhaust gases go into the inside of the body of this hermetically sealed car. As a result of the accumulation of gases, the person in the back died after a short time. The body of the car can accommodate 70-80 people. The motor on this car is installed brand "Sauer" ... "

In the Stavropol Territory, a gas chamber was used to kill 660 sick people in a local hospital. Further, I draw the attention of the respected Court to the Report of the Extraordinary State Commission on the atrocities of the German fascist criminals in Krasnodar. I submit this document to the Court under Exhibit Number USSR-42. It also states the facts of mass murders of people with the help of "gas chambers". I submit to the Court under the number USSR-65 the verdict of the military tribunal North Caucasian Front. From this verdict, in order to shorten the time, I will quote a short quote: “The judicial investigation also established the facts of systematic torture and burning by the Nazi robbers of many arrested Soviet citizens, who were in the basements of the Gestapo, and the extermination by poisoning with carbon monoxide gases in specially equipped vehicles - "gas chambers" of about 7 thousand innocent Soviet people, including over 700 sick people who were in medical institutions in the city of Krasnodar and the Krasnodar Territory, including children in 42 people aged 5 to 16 years”. I then present to the Court the Communication of the Extraordinary State Commission on the atrocities of the German fascist invaders in the city of Kharkov and the Kharkov region. Document number USSR-43. I refer to the verdict of the military tribunal of the 4th Ukrainian Front, which is presented under the number USSR-32. "For the massacres of Soviet citizens Nazi German invaders they used the so-called "gas wagons" - large closed cars, which are known among the Russians as "gas chambers". The Nazi invaders drove Soviet citizens into these "gas wagons" and killed them by launching a special deadly gas - carbon monoxide. In order to hide the traces of the committed monstrous atrocities and the mass extermination of Soviet people by suffocation with carbon monoxide in gas wagons, Nazi criminals burned the corpses of their victims. As evidence that "gas chambers" were used not only in those points about which I spoke, I refer to the Communication of the Extraordinary State Commission, presented to the Court under the number USSR-9, about the atrocities of the Germans in Kyiv. The court will find there evidence of the use of "gas chambers" in Kyiv. I will focus on the data wide application"gas chamber" in the territory of the temporarily occupied regions USSR, that is, on the Message of the Extraordinary State Commission for the city of Rivne and the Rivne region. “…3. The destruction of civilians and prisoners of war in the city of Rivne was carried out by mass executions from machine guns and machine guns, killing carbon monoxide in gas chambers,” and in some cases people were thrown into graves and buried alive. Some of the people who were shot, in particular in the quarries near the village of Vydumka, were burned in advance prepared and adapted sites. "I refer to the Communication of the Extraordinary State Commission for Minsk as confirmation of this:" Thousands of Soviet citizens died at the hands of German executioners in concentration camps". I turn to the testimony of the witness Moysievich. He says: “I was an eyewitness of how the Germans destroyed people in the gas chambers. They forcibly pushed from 70 to 80 people into each “gas chamber” and took them away in an unknown direction.” In Minsk, the murderers applied the principle of "gas chamber" to the installation of stationary gas chambers, which were arranged by criminals in ordinary baths. This is also stated in this Communication of the Extraordinary Commission.

The report of the Polish government shows that the Sobibur camp was founded during the first and second periods of liquidation of the Jewish ghettos. But the main wave of atrocities passed through this camp at the beginning of 1943. In the same report, we can find a mention that the camp in Belchitsa was set up in 1940, but it was in 1942 that special electrical devices were set up here for the mass killing of people. Under the pretext that they were being taken to bathe, the doomed were forced to undress, then they were taken to a building where the floor was electrified in a special way, and there they were killed.

In addition, mobile crematoria were created. Their existence is evidenced by the SS man Paul Waldman, who took part in one of the atrocities of the German fascists - in the simultaneous destruction of many thousands of Russian prisoners of war in Sachsenhausen. Documents on this camp have already been submitted to the court under the number USSR-52. I quote that passage from the testimony of SS Waldmann, which speaks of the mass execution in Sachsenhausen: “The prisoners of war killed in this way were burned in four mobile crematoria, which were transported on a car trailer ...”

I refer, further, to the Communication of the Extraordinary State Commission for the city of Minsk: “In the Blagovshchina tract, 34 grave pits were found, disguised with coniferous branches. Some graves reach a length of 50 meters. When five graves were partially opened, charred corpses and a layer of ash from half to one meter thick were found in them at a depth of three meters. Near the pits, the Commission found many small human bones, hair, dentures and a lot of all kinds of small personal items. The investigation found that here the Nazis exterminated up to 150 thousand people. 450 meters from the former Petrashkevichi farm, 8 pit-graves were found measuring 21 meters in length, 4 meters in width and 5 meters in depth. In front of each pit-grave there are huge deposits of ash left from the burning of corpses.

The mockery of the corpses of the victims was characteristic of all extermination camps. I remind the respected Court that the unburned bones of the dead were sold by the German fascists to the Strem firm. The hair of the slaughtered women was cut off, packed in bales, pressed and sent to Germany. Among these same crimes are those about which I present evidence now. I have repeatedly pointed out earlier that the main method of destroying traces was the burning of corpses, but the same vile rationalization SS technical idea that created gas chambers and "gas chambers" began to work to create such methods total destruction human corpses, in which the destruction of traces of crimes would be combined with the receipt of a certain fabricated product. At the Danzig Anatomical Institute, experiments have already been carried out on a semi-industrial scale to obtain soap from human bodies and tanning for industrial purposes human skin. I submit to the Court under Exhibit Number USSR-197 the testimony of one of the direct participants in the manufacture of soap from human fat, a preparator at the Anatomical Institute in Danzig, Sigmund Mazur:

Question: Tell us how soap was made from human fat at the Anatomical Institute of Danzig.

Answer: In the summer of 1943, a three-room stone one-story building was built near the anatomical institute in the back of the courtyard. This building was built for the processing of corpses and the digestion of bones. This was officially announced by Professor Spanner. This laboratory was called a laboratory for making human skeletons and burning meat and unnecessary bones. But already in the winter of 1943/44, Professor Spanner ordered that human fat be collected and not thrown away. This order was given to Reichert and Borkmann. In February 1944, Professor Spanner gave me a recipe for making soap from human fat. In this recipe, it was prescribed to take human fat in the amount of 5 kilograms and cook for 2-3 hours in 10 liters of water with 500 grams or one kilogram of caustic soda, then let it cool. Soap floats to the top, and the remains and water remain at the bottom in buckets. Also added to the mixture salt(handful) and soda. Then fresh water was added and the mixture was boiled again for 2-3 hours. After cooling, the finished soap was poured into molds.

I now present to the Court these “cuvettes into which the boiled soap was poured. Next, I present evidence that the semi-finished product of this human soap was indeed seized in Danzig.

"Soap turned out bad smell. In order to destroy this bad smell, added benzaldehyde Fat collected from human corpses Borkmann and Reichert. I made soap from the corpses of men and women. One production brew took several days - from 3 to 7. Of the two brews known to me, in which I was directly involved, it turned out finished products more than 25 kilograms of soap, and for these brews 70-80 kilograms of human fat were collected from about 40 corpses. The finished soap went to Professor Spanner, who kept it personally. As far as I know, the Nazi government was also interested in the production of soap from human corpses. Minister of Education Rust, Minister of Health Conti, Gauleiter of Danzig Albert Forster, as well as many professors from other medical institutes came to the Anatomical Institute. I personally used this soap made from human fat for my own needs - for toilet and laundry. Personally for myself, I took 4 kilograms of this soap ... Personally, Reichert, Borkman, von Bargen and our boss Professor Spanner also took soap for myself ... Just like human fat, Professor Spanner ordered to collect human skin, which, after degreasing, was subjected to treatment with certain chemical substances. The production of human skin was carried out by the senior preparator von Bargen and Professor Spanner himself. The worked out skin was put into boxes and went for special purposes, but I don’t know what.

I present now under the number USSR-196 a copy of the recipe for soap made from the bodies of the dead. It is basically identical to the one set out in the protocol of Mazur's interrogation. To confirm that everything stated in the protocol of Mazur's interrogation is true, I will cite adopted by the Court records of the interrogation of British prisoners of war, in particular private John G. Witton of the Royal Sussex Regiment. The document is presented to the Court under the number USSR-264. I am quoting one small passage from this protocol: “Corpses arrived at a rate of 7 to 8 per day. They were all beheaded and stripped naked. Sometimes they were delivered in Red Cross vehicles in wooden boxes containing 5-6 corpses, sometimes 3-4 corpses were delivered in small trucks. The corpses were usually unloaded with extreme speed and taken to the cellar, which led to the side door from the foyer at the main entrance to the institute. Due to the fact that the corpses were previously soaked in some kind of liquid, the tissue was very easily separated from the bones. The whole fabric was then put into a boiling tank the size of a small kitchen table. After boiling, the resulting liquid was poured into white vessels about the size of a double sheet of ordinary writing paper and a depth of 3 centimeters. Usually the machine gave 3-4 such vessels per day.

I submit further to the Court under Exhibit Number USSR-272 the affidavit of a British subject, Corporal royal troops communications by William Andersen Neely. “Corpses were delivered in the amount of 2-3 per day. All of them were completely naked, and most of them were beheaded. The construction of the soap making machine was completed in March-April 1944. The construction of the building in which it was supposed to be placed was completed in June 1942. This machine was mounted at the Danzig firm Aird, not associated with military production. As far as I remember, this machine consisted of a tank heated by electricity, in which, by adding some acids, the bones of corpses were dissolved. The dissolution process took about 24 hours. The fat parts of the corpses, especially those of women, were put into large enameled vats, heated by the fire of two gasoline burners. Some acids were also used for this procedure. I assume that they took as an acid sodium hydroxide. When boiling was over, the resulting mixture was allowed to cool, and then laid out in special shapes… I cannot accurately determine the amount of the substance obtained, but I saw how it was used in Danzig to clean the tables on which the autopsy was performed. People who have used it have assured me that it is best soap for this purpose".


Shmaglevskaya: And doctors. During this selection, the youngest and healthiest Jewish women entered the camps in very small numbers. Those women who carried children in their arms or were carried in carriages, or who had older children, were sent with these children to the crematorium. The children were separated from their parents in front of the crematorium and taken separately to the gas chamber. At a time when most Jews were exterminated in gas chambers, an order was issued that children would be thrown into the crematorium ovens without first being suffocated with gas.

Smirnov: How should you understand: were they thrown into the fire alive or were they killed in other ways before being burned?

Shmaglevskaya: The children were thrown alive. The cry of these children was heard throughout the camp. It is difficult to say how many of these children there were.

Smirnov: Why was it done anyway?

Shmaglevskaya: This is difficult to answer. I don't know if it was because they wanted to save gas, or because there was no room in the gas chambers. I would also like to say that it is impossible to determine the number of these children, for example, the number of Jews, since they were taken directly to the crematorium. They were not registered, they were not tattooed, very often they were not even counted. We prisoners, who wanted to know the number of people who died in the gas chambers, could only be guided by what we learned about the number of child deaths from the number of strollers that were sent to the shops. Sometimes there were hundreds of carriages, sometimes thousands. …

Smirnov: Tell me, do you confirm your testimony by the fact that sometimes the number of carriages left in the camp after the killing of children reached a thousand a day?

Shmaglevskaya: Yes, there were those days.

Smirnov: Mr. Chairman, I have no more questions for the witness.

Chairman: Would any of the other Chief Prosecutors want to question the witness? Does any of the defense counsel want to ask the witness questions? (Silence) In that case, the witness can consider himself free.

Prisoners of the concentration camp Gardelegen (Gardelegen), killed by guards shortly before the liberation of the camp.

The bodies of prisoners who died in the train on the way to the Dachau concentration camp.

A pile of corpses of prisoners in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

A pile of corpses of prisoners in the crematorium of the Dachau concentration camp. The bodies were discovered by members of the US 7th Army.

By order of the Americans, captured German soldiers removed all the corpses of prisoners from the Lambach concentration camp in Austria. They were buried in the forest near the camp.

An American soldier at the body of a Belgian boy killed by the Germans in Stavelot. The bodies of other executed civilians are visible in the background.

From the testimony of the Belgian literature teacher Van der Essen at the Nuremberg trials:

“As for the first fact, that is, crimes committed by entire military formations, then, in order not to abuse the attention of the Tribunal, I will simply cite very characteristic example. This event, which took place in Stavelot, where approximately 140 people, of whom there were 36 women and 22 children, the eldest of whom was 14 years old and the youngest 4 years old, were brutally killed by German units belonging to tank divisions SS.

These were the Hohenstaufen division and the SS security division Adolf Hitler.

The corpse of a prisoner of the Leipzig-Tekla concentration camp on barbed wire. Leipzig-Thekla was a branch or "sub-camp" of Buchenwald.

A French prisoner of the Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp on the floor of a barrack among dead comrades. The picture was taken immediately after the camp was liberated by the Allies. Camp Mittelbau-Dora (Mittelbau - Dora) was a division or "sub-camp" of the infamous Buchenwald. It was a labor camp, its prisoners worked, among other things, at the Mittelwerk plant, where V-2 rockets were produced.

Location: near Nordhausen, Germany.

Punishers shoot Jewish women and children near the village of Mizoch, Rivne region. Those who show signs of life are killed in cold blood. Before being executed, the victims were ordered to remove all clothing.

The family of a Soviet collective farmer, killed on the day of the retreat of the German troops.

The German boy is walking along dirt road, on the side of which lie the corpses of hundreds of prisoners who died in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany.

Two Ukrainian members The SS, known as "Askaris" ("Askaris"), look at the bodies of murdered women and children during the suppression of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising.

Bagerovsky anti-tank ditch near Kerch. Local residents mourn the people killed by the Germans - civilians: women, children, the elderly.

A fragment from the "Act of the Extraordinary State Commission on the atrocities of the Germans in the city of Kerch", presented at the Nuremberg trials under the title "Document USSR-63": "... mass execution the Nazis chose an anti-tank ditch near the village of Bagerovo, where for three days whole families of people doomed to death were brought by car. Upon the arrival of the Red Army in Kerch, in January 1942, when examining the Bagerovsky ditch, it was found that for a kilometer in length, 4 meters wide, 2 meters deep, it was overflowing with the corpses of women, children, old people and teenagers. Near the moat were frozen pools of blood. Children's hats, toys, ribbons, torn off buttons, gloves, bottles with nipples, boots, galoshes, along with stumps of arms and legs and other parts of the body, were also lying there. All this was spattered with blood and brains. Fascist scoundrels shot the defenseless population with explosive bullets ... "

In total, about 7 thousand corpses were found in the Bagerovsky ditch.

Soviet child next to the murdered mother. concentration camp for civilian population"Ozarichi". Belarus, the town of Ozarichi, Domanovichsky district, Polesye region.

Execution of a Jewish family in Ivangorod (Ukraine)

A German woman from the local population walks past the exhumed corpses of 800 Slavic workers killed by the SS. Such activities were carried out by the Allies in order to make the German population aware of the crimes of their Nazi leaders.
Neighborhood of the German city of Namering.

One of the 150 victims among the prisoners who died in the concentration camp in Gardelegen. The man tried to escape, but died from fire and smoke.

The Nazi, before the arrival of Soviet troops, shot his family and committed suicide on the streets of Vienna.

Yevgeny Khaldei: “I went to the park near the parliament building to film the passing columns of soldiers. And I saw this picture. On the bench sat a woman, killed by two shots - in the head and neck, next to her a dead teenager of about fifteen and a girl. A little further away lay the corpse of the father of the family. He had a gold NSDAP badge on his lapel, and a revolver was lying next to him. (...) A watchman ran up from the parliament building:

It is he, he did, not Russian soldiers. Came at 6 am. I saw him and his family from the basement window. There is not a soul on the street. He pushed the benches together, ordered the woman to sit down, and ordered the children to do the same. I didn't understand what he was going to do. And then he shot the mother and son. The girl resisted, then he laid her on a bench and shot her too. He stepped aside, looked at the result and shot himself.

Nazis shoot civilians in Kaunas