Strong personality: examples. Formation of creative groups

Simple right life Kozlov Nikolay Ivanovich

Personality: the project you always have

I am looking for myself...

- And I do myself.

We wish them success!

You are today - this is your past. That's what you've become, right. But you, looking at yourself today, can do more, because you have your future. And you create your future, as well as your personality: you can create if you create such a plan. You are not a blank, but in working on yourself you can become a different person: the one you build yourself in accordance with your plan. A person is an idea about a person, this is his future. You are the future - this is your idea about yourself, and in this sense there is no personality, because our personality is always ahead of us, like our "Tomorrow".

Everyone knows what “Tomorrow” is, but there is none. When "Tomorrow" comes, this very "Tomorrow" is again in front, and again it is impossible to catch it by the tail. "Tomorrow" never exists today, today it does not exist - but it is the presence of our "Tomorrow" that makes us people with a future.

You are today - this is your past. Your thoughts today are not really you, but what came to you from your “Yesterday”. This is what you accept as your past and you can change, correct, clarify.

Unnecessary, superfluous thoughts came to you - you drove them away. Correctly. Thoughts are not always you.

Your feelings are also not yet you, you have your attitude towards your feelings. You can rejoice at your beautiful feelings and get angry at stupid and inappropriate feelings. You were like that, because you have feelings like that. These feelings come from your personal history, dictated by your past thoughts, memories and attitudes. You will become different, and other feelings will come to you.

I am me, and feelings are not me, but mine.

You are today - this is your past

Your body- especially not completely you: you never know what your body wants, you have your plans, intentions and obligations. I know very brave people with a cowardly body: in a situation of danger, such a body becomes cold and shaking, but a person acts boldly and decisively, because a person is not his body. The body is your immediate environment, your friend and ally, although, at one time, it was also a source of problems. You can subordinate yourself to your body, or you can subordinate it to yourself, at least - negotiate with it ... Your body can grow old, but you can remain young. Your body is your past, successful or difficult, beautiful or sick, and how you will make yourself tomorrow, you decide - you decide every next moment, every next second.

Of course, this is only true if you choose that you are your own project and personal intention. If you choose to live in your future and teach yourself to live in the future.

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Every person during his life meets with large quantity people who behave differently and turn out to be decent, mean, weak, strong-willed and other personalities. And how should a person show himself so that it can be said about him that he is a strong personality? This is a person with certain character traits, such as self-confidence and self-confidence, purposefulness, optimism, the ability to look at things realistically, perseverance, the ability to take responsibility for decisions taken ability to control the situation, be a leader and lead other people.

Prominent people in history

Not every person who lived in the past or exists at the present time can be said to be a really strong personality. Examples of people who became famous for their unbending willpower, the ability to lead entire nations, their fateful responsible decisions that changed the outcome of many major events, captured the history of our state and the whole world. Such people can be called Prince Vladimir, Vasily II, Alexander Nevsky, Empress Catherine II, Emperor Peter I, Nicholas II and many others.

A specific example of a strong personality

More examples could be given strong personality in history, but I would like to consider one outstanding person as a role model. Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmonaut in the history of mankind, can deservedly be considered such a person. The strength of this man's personality is beyond question. He went through many trials and tribulations during his preparation for space flight and during the flight itself. Yuri Gagarin was a very purposeful, hard-working person, able to mobilize in Hard time to make the right decision. He was able to keep inner peace absolutely in any situation and pass this calm state to others. It was this trait - the ability not to panic and make informed decisions in a difficult situation - that was the main characteristic of an astronaut for the first manned space flight.

Yuri Alekseevich was a simple, open person, he helped other cosmonauts, his colleagues, in preparation for the flight. He knew how to organize people and lead them along. Every morning, Gagarin took his family and the residents of his entire house to morning exercises outside in the courtyard, going around each apartment and ringing the doorbell. He did not allow anyone to shirk and be capricious. And no one even tried to refuse - all people gladly obeyed the advice and instructions of this outstanding person.

Having become famous, Yuri Gagarin passed the test of fame and did not become arrogant. But not everyone can withstand the pressure of fame in order to remain the same person, a model of endurance and self-control.

It's a pity that this great person died early, died in a plane crash, true reason which still remains unexplained. If his fate had turned out differently, and he had not died, we can say with confidence that he would have done many more important things, he could have led many people and showed them the right path in life. Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin - real example strongest personality in human history.

Strong personality: examples was last modified: December 15th, 2015 by Elena Pogodaeva

In the last lesson, we talked about the fact that at birth a person receives a certain set of features, and he acquires some features already in the process of socialization, i.e. learns to exist among people. With the normal and comprehensive development of the individual, he becomes a personality.

Rice. 1. We are constantly among people

2. The influence of the environment on the formation of personality

Let's see what a personality is and what is the mechanism of its formation. The answer to the question "how is personality formed?" quite simple: a personality forms the environment in which this personality develops.

But the question “how exactly does the environment shape the personality?” already more complex. A person is born in a family, and she is environment for him, the family lays the foundation of the individual. This does not mean that, having been born into a family with a certain income, for example, a person is doomed to live the same life. In the history of mankind there are many examples of how people, due to their special qualities, became great, or, being from one social environment moved to a qualitatively new level. Especially bright examples such transitions are known to you: a vivid example is Academician Lomonosov.

Mikhail Yuryevich was born in the family of a Pomor - an ordinary fisherman - and became the first professional Russian scientists. Surely, you can remember other examples when people change already in everyday life. And yet the family leaves an imprint on each person. In the process of growing up, a person's environment expands: at first it Kindergarten and friends in the yard, then school.

School is often perceived as children's institution, although this is not entirely correct, because they really come to school as children, but by the graduating class they are already fully formed psychologically, physiologically and intellectually adult members of society. By this time, high school students are already acquiring certain civil rights and duties, up to the fact that the guys can defend the honor of the Motherland with weapons in their hands, i.e. they are no longer children. Therefore, the school is a very important institution of socialization. Further, a person is expected to study at an institute or a vocational school, then work - all this is the environment of the environment, which forms us as a person.

Let us turn to the very definition of the concept of personality.

3. What is a personality?

Personality is a set of those qualities that a person acquires in the process of socialization.

On the psychological level This means that with the development of personality, a certain set of emotional reactions for one situation or another. If some situation is new for a person, he uses previously used patterns of behavior. Sometimes they do not quite fit the situation, and we understand that we should have done differently, this is called “hindsight” - the correct reaction to the situation after it has happened.

A person has a complex set of emotions, they are not standard, each emotion is individual. The set of reactions that we have and the new reactions that are generated are called consciousness. Psychology considers personality to be the pinnacle of human development. After all, only a person has consciousness - the ability to measure his knowledge, skills, skills in accordance with the situation.

The concept of consciousness has long been of concern to man. Even ancient philosophers, whose wise sayings you could hear more than once, tried to define consciousness. For example, Seneca said:

“There cannot be a soul of one color and a mind of another. If the soul is healthy, if it is calm, sedate and temperate, then the mind will be clear.

That is inner world man and his external manifestations closely interconnected, this balance is called consciousness. Of course, in psychology, in social psychology this term is interpreted much more broadly. In the further process of learning, you will encounter him more than once and get to know him better. Now we will define it like this:

4. Definition of the concept of "consciousness"

Consciousness is a body of knowledge about behavior, the nature of the surrounding world and a certain reaction to it.

Consciousness is a very interesting thing. Sometimes we understand intellectually that we are doing something bad, but still we really want to do something wrong. An example is the behavior of schoolchildren in the absence of a teacher in the classroom. Teenagers aged 11-16 are well aware that it would be worth preparing for the lesson in peace and quiet, but most often there is incredible noise in the classroom.

A person is very complex, and consciousness is a complex apparatus: we can know how to do the right thing, but still act differently, and vice versa - not know how to act because the situation is unfamiliar to us. This is the complexity of personality formation.

5. Personality types and personality formation

As regards the classification of persons, this is also sufficient. complex issue. From the point of view of psychology, each person is a person, because. receiving a certain set of qualities, skills, knowledge, we are formed as a person. For example, children under three years old very often talk about themselves in the third person, calling themselves by name: “Give Masha something to eat”, “Styopa wants to play”, etc. The use of this form of address is explained by the fact that children before a certain moment are not aware of their own self. Only when the child has passed the crisis of three years and begins to realize his self, he will feel himself as a person and will begin to talk about himself in the first person (I, me, me, etc.). In synergetics, such a break is called a bifurcation.

bifurcationfracture- recognition of oneself as a person, the beginning of personality formation.

As a result of such a break, the human personality appears.

The very concept of personality is multifaceted. Personalities are positive and negative, active and passive, strong and weak. The personality is formed from the components of these pairs. Since each person is individual, then life situations we react differently, depending on the components of our ego. Let's try to imagine a situation where all individuals in one society are strong. It can be assumed that in such a world it would be quite difficult to live. Description of such worlds can be found in science fiction literature. The authors show a model of a society in which everyone wants to be a hero and because of this there are constant clashes, each of the heroes wants to be the strongest. This situation can be described by the Latin saying: Bellum omnium contra omnes - the war of all against all. Such a society will perish because of constant strife. From this we conclude that all people are important and necessary, since collectively we represent society. Society - complex structure, in which each cell is important, occupied by a certain personality with its individual features necessary for the whole society.

6. Lesson summary

Summing up the lesson, we can say that personality is formed in the process of human development: learning, playing, communication. This endless process of perfection forms the individual as a unique being – a Man. Precisely because we are learning for the rest of our lives, we are obligated to improve. In this regard, one cannot fail to recall the biblical myth about the curse of Adam when he was expelled from Paradise for original sin.

Rice. 5. Domenichino "Adam and Eve" ()

Adam was cursed to work. God told Adam, "In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground." This refers not only to labor on earth, since this is not the only way a person lives. It means permanent job over self-improvement.

1. Answer the question on page 12, task 2 on page 16. Vinogradova N.F., Gorodetskaya N.I., Ivanova L.F. etc. Social science grade 6. / Ed. Bogolyubova L.N., Ivanova L.F. – Enlightenment, 2004.

2. Consider Domenichino's painting "Adam and Eve". Try to characterize Adam's personality.

3.* Make a portrait of yourself or the personality of someone close to you. Compare positive and negative qualities.