Flawless Warrior. Principles of the Way of the Warrior

Mandatory element the organization of a military campaign and the recruitment of its participants was the offering of a pipe. This was not a purely military ritual, but only a ceremonial method of asking for something. To accept a pipe and smoke it meant to respond to the request and give consent. If the leader tried to recruit warriors for the campaign, he offered them a pipe. When the chiefs of one tribe wanted the warriors of another tribe to join them, they sent a pipe to their chiefs. The pipe was lit up and passed in a circle, passed to the person sitting next to him. As the Pawnee Akapakish said: “If he (the person sitting next to him. - Auth.) wanted to join us, he smoked, and then passed on to the next. People who did not want to go camping were forbidden to smoke this pipe. To go with a military detachment or not, everyone decided for himself. There was nothing shameful in the refusal.

A raid for horses could be planned for several days or organized in just a few hours. The organization of the raid was an individual matter. A man invited his friends to join him, or a group of warriors who had such an intention invited a leader known for his luck. The detachment usually consisted of members of one community, and the most desirable participants were brothers, sons-in-law and brothers-in-law, because at the same time the captured horses remained in the family.

The organization of a large military detachment of avengers took much more time - sometimes up to several months. The leader sent a messenger with his magic pipe to the camps of his fellow tribesmen and allies. When the messenger entered the camp of relatives or allies, he presented the pipe to the leader and called on the warriors to join the revenge raid. If the soldiers of the camp wanted to join the detachment, then their leader took out his pipe and offered the messenger to smoke it. Usually the performance of huge detachments of avengers (300–600 warriors) was postponed until the onset of warm times - the end of spring or summer. All camps gathered at a predetermined place, where the warriors feasted, held councils and prepared for the upcoming expedition. As a rule, the role of leader was assigned to one of the most experienced and influential people in the host camp. At the same time, he did not have full power over the warriors of other communities or tribes - they obeyed their leaders. Each of the communities continued to live its own life, and representatives of their own military societies, who did not have the right to interfere in the life of other camps, followed the order in their camps.

Discussion of travel plans

The organization of the Comanche avenger squad was described in great detail in 1828 by Berlandier: “When the purpose of the war is to avenge the insult or death of a friend, a relative or member of the injured group, accompanied by the leader of the tribe, travels through all the camps of his people, groaning and calling for help in defeating enemies. Approaching the entrance to the dwelling of the leader of the tribe that they want to invite (on a campaign. - Auth.), the guests crying around the tent two or three times, and then appear before the leader, who invites them and leads them inside. The leader has already prepared his special bed, on which he sat in anticipation of the guests from the very moment he heard the sounds of their ceremonial entry into the camp. The women from his tent hurried to take from the arriving horses and walked away so as not to interfere and not to hear the news brought by the saddened men. The old men and warriors immediately gathered to find out what had happened. They smoked a pipe, after which the guests made a long speech in which they explained the reason that prompted them to gather different tribes of their people. If, after an explanation, the leader of the tribe accepted the pipe from the hands of one of the plaintiffs, this meant that his people would take part in a punitive expedition. If he refused, he thereby rejected the offer, after which he had to explain the reason for his refusal. Having received confirmation, one of the guests named the time and place of the gathering of the detachment and the enemy tribe against which the expedition was preparing. After the meeting was over, the elder, acting as herald, went around the whole camp, reporting everything that was said at the meeting, and about decision... Then the leader called for volunteers who wanted to join the campaign. Such a ceremony was repeated in each camp where the mourners arrived... When the appointed time came, the people who sent the messengers usually already camped at the agreed place, waiting for the arrival of other tribes. Everyone arrived light, taking with them only small camping tents, leaving ordinary (large. - Auth.) at home camp. A small number of women also came with them to help their husbands, their friends and relatives with the housework. These poor creatures were also sent to guard the herds and help carry away the loot during the expedition. When a new camp arrives, its captain (chief, leader. - Auth.) and the warriors, adorned with feathers and covered with their military ornaments, sit on their horses, line up in two lines and so go to the camps of those who have already arrived, singing along the way (military songs. - Auth.). They vow to prove themselves in the upcoming battles and provide all possible assistance to those who are not afraid of danger. The host tribe responds with the same ceremony, and a similar scene is repeated in the camp of each tribe that comes to join the mourners on the warpath. Such encounters sometimes take place one or two hundred leagues from enemy territory. Sometimes it takes from two to three months before all those who responded get to the meeting place ... All this time, the leaders and elders of the tribes gather for advice.

Matotopa, leader of the Mandans. Hood. K. Bodmer

Not every person could become the leader of a military detachment. Only one whose past deeds had shown him capable of leading a band, finding an enemy camp, leading away horses, or killing enemies and returning with booty and without loss, could hope to draw warriors to his campaign. The more successful raids or raids he made in the past, the sooner he could find followers. To the leader, whose warriors constantly died at the hands of the enemy, there were no people willing to join. Thixir wrote: "The leader who brings back all his warriors deserves more honor than the one whose company killed several enemies, but lost one of his own."

Sioux headdress. OK. 1860

The functions of the leaders during the campaign and their power over the warriors in different tribes were similar, but not the same. For example, the function of a Blackfoot leader in a raid consisted mainly of providing the usual precautions of not lighting a fire for cooking or hunting with a gun in enemy territory, although if the leader was very authoritative and influential person, the warriors obeyed him implicitly. Among the Comanches, the leader of the military detachment was the absolute dictator. In everything related to the activities of the soldiers during the campaign, they unconditionally obeyed him. Each of them knew that a brave leader would never ask his people to do what he himself could not. His duties included determining the purpose of the campaign, drawing up an action plan, choosing a place to rest, appointing scouts, cooks and water carriers, overall strategy attacks, the division of booty, the establishment of a withdrawal order or the conclusion of a truce with enemies. The duties of a leader are very accurately reflected in the words of one Sioux: “Being a leader of a band is hard work… He must always be in the thick of the fight. He must shoot, lead the horses and attack the enemy. If he is killed, his friends will call him brave."


But it was considered most honorable among all the plains tribes to avenge the dead by going on a campaign alone, tracking down and finishing off exactly the enemy who killed the tribesman. The story of the Mandan leader Matotopa is very interesting. It was recorded by George Catlin and confirmed by several other white people who lived in the Mandan settlement at the time it happened. After a fight with the Arikars, the leader's brother disappeared for several days, and then was discovered by Matotopa with a spear sticking out of his body. He brought the spear stained with his brother's blood into the village, lamenting plaintively and vowing to find and kill the Arikar with his own spear. Many warriors recognized the spear - it belonged to an outstanding Arikar warrior named Vongatapa. For four years the leader kept it in his dwelling, waiting for an opportunity to fulfill his vow. Once he could not stand it and in a rage again carried the spear through the village, saying that the blood of his brother was still not dry on him, and loudly calling for revenge: “Let all the Mandans be silent and no one utter the name of Matotopa. Let no one ask about him or where he went until they hear his war cry at their village, when he enters it and shows the blood of Vongatapa. The point of this spear will drink the blood from Vongatapa's heart, or the shadow of Matotopa will join his brother." He went to the village of Arikars, and everyone looked after him. None of the tribesmen dared to utter a word until the leader disappeared behind a distant hill with a spear in his hands. Alone, he walked 200 miles, with only a small bag of dried maize, hiding during the day and moving at night, until he came to the village of Arikars. Peace was sometimes established between the tribes, and Matotope knew the location, customs and habits of the enemies, as well as the place where he was earth house Wongatapy. He followed his brother's killer, even saw how he smoked his pipe and went to bed with his wife. When the village calmed down, Matotopa silently, but not hiding, entered the enemy’s dwelling and sat down by the fire, over which hung a pot of food, and next to it lay a pipe that Vongatapa had recently smoked, and tobacco. The light from the fire was not enough to see the face of the sitting person, and Matotopa calmly began to eat. During the week of the journey, he ate almost nothing and was very hungry. Then he lit a cigarette and prayed to the Great Spirit. While Matotopa was eating and smoking, Wongatapa's wife asked her husband several times what kind of person was eating in their dwelling. "Who cares. Let him eat if he's hungry." The Mandan knew that there could be no other answer, because according to the customs of the Indians of the Northern Plains, any hungry person could go into any dwelling and eat. Having smoked, Matotopa stood up with a spear in his hands and drove it into the body of the enemy, after which he cut off the scalp and jumped out of the dwelling with the scalp in one hand and the spear in the other. A noise arose in the village of Arikars, but the brave Mandan was already fleeing into the night prairie.

Warrior hair ornament. Crow. OK. 1860

The ceremonies held before the performance of the military detachment depended on the purpose of the campaign. If the Indians went to take revenge on the enemy, military dances were necessarily held, the name and ritual of which were somewhat different for different tribes. The purpose of the ceremonies was to raise the morale of the warriors and provide them with the help and protection of the spirits. When raiding horses, there were, as a rule, no public ceremonies.

Crow chiefs

Warriors going on a raid one by one got out of the camp and gathered in a predetermined place. This was done in order to prevent joining the detachment. unwanted people eg too young. But large detachments of avengers performed solemnly and openly, leaving the camp in a parade in daytime. The warriors were dressed in best clothes and headdresses of eagle feathers, held weapons in their hands. Leaders rode ahead of the column, followed by the most influential warriors, and then ordinary fighters who had not yet had time to prove themselves in battles with enemies. Those of them who did not have their own horse went at the very end. Around the column rode representatives of military societies that performed "police" functions. Their task was to keep order and prevent any of the ambitious youngsters from secretly leaving the ranks, intending to attack the enemy on their own, which could frustrate the plans of the squad leaders.

The equipment of a warrior also differed depending on the purpose of the campaign. But in both cases, he always took amulets with him, giving him magical protection from enemies and different kind failures. Often, friends or relatives supplied additional amulets to a warrior going on a campaign.

Oglala Sioux leggings

On a hike for scalps, I had to take quite a lot of luggage. The best leggings, chest ornaments made of hollow tubes, otter skins for wrapping braids, additional moccasins, pemmican or dried meat were placed in saddlebags. In addition, they carried buffalo capes, military headdresses made of feathers in rawhide containers, or other headdresses with magical protective force, bags of grease and paint, porcupine-tail brushes, pipes, ropes, bowls, buffalo horn cups, and kitchen utensils. In addition, the soldiers carried weapons - bows, arrows, knives, spears, shields, clubs and guns. Beginners usually did not have guns and took bows with them. Unless the novice's father was very rich and generous, the youth did not have his own gun until he could pay for it, or until he managed to take it from the enemy. According to Richard Dodge, as a rule, an Indian usually got his first gun by the age of twenty-five. The standard set of a Blackfoot avenger necessarily included a knife, a military baton and a bow and arrows. He could also take a gun, shield and spear. The Sioux war party took with them the necessary medicines to treat the wounded. Each participant had a whip. The warrior rode an ordinary horse, leading a war horse on a leash to use it in battle or to mount it at a moment of danger and, depending on the circumstances, either catch up with the enemy or hide. Since the bowstring would sometimes hit hard on the left wrist during archery, the warrior usually protected his hand with a shield or sash of hard deerskin when going into battle. The bowstrings were sometimes torn, and the Indians carried additional ones with them. If one of the soldiers had a telescope or binoculars, they were taken with them.

The pipe was an integral ritual part of the organization of a military campaign

The clothes of a warrior, of course, differed depending on the time of year. In warm weather, it consisted of moccasins, leggings, a loincloth and a shirt that protected from sunburn and at night from the cold. Also, they could grab blankets, but not always. In winter, they always took with them buffalo capes, worn with wool inside. On the Northern Plains, wool blankets sold by the Hudson's Bay Company were very popular. They were mostly white color, with black, yellow or red stripes along the edges. Such blankets, in addition to warmth, also gave good camouflage in the snow. One of the Blackfoots recalled that in his fighting days he preferred blankets with yellow or red stripes because they were less visible from a distance than black ones. Of these blankets, the Indians also made capote- a kind of cloak with sleeves and a hood. If the weather was very cold, a buffalo cape was thrown over the capote. Moccasins were sometimes sewn from leather with fur inside, sometimes they were additionally stuffed with dry grass to keep the feet warmer. In cold weather, the warriors put on mittens, to which a rope was sewn through the sleeves so that they would not be lost when a person took them off. On the Northern Plains, snowshoes were sometimes used. The Blackfoot used them extremely rarely, except in the most northern communities. Snowshoes were also used by the Cheyenne, Assiniboine, and Cree. The old people said that during the winter military campaigns people often fell into the snow up to their waists. For the winter, the Comanche made a kind of "Arctic boots" from the skin of a bison with fur inside, which reached the knee. They were loose enough, allowing them to additionally wrap fabric around the feet and tuck leggings into them in the bitter cold. sole and upper part boots were greased to repel water. The poor did not have such boots and were very cold. They wore ordinary moccasins and wrapped their feet in cloth.

Military dance of the Mandans. Hood. K. Bodmer

On foot trips for horses, a military detachment sometimes went out as soon as a sufficient number of pairs of moccasins were ready, since in such campaigns they quickly wore out. The Assiniboins took from three to eight pairs of moccasins on a raid, and a Pawnee warrior at least three. The Blackfoot said that the moccasins lasted only two days of cross-country travel, after which they needed to be repaired. The warrior’s wife and relatives usually supplied additional moccasins, who also gave him awls, threads from tendons and pieces of leather necessary for repair. Some took more than a dozen extra moccasins with them. They were carried behind a belt, tied to a belt or put in a bale with other things. Some Blackfoot sewed one or two pairs of extra moccasins to their leather shirt at the shoulders. If during an unexpected enemy attack a bale of belongings was lost, they could use the moccasins sewn to their shirts on the way.

A warrior on foot took only the most necessary things. Weapons were taken in a raid less than in a raid for scalps. A warrior could ask one of his friends or relatives to give him a gun or ammunition on a campaign, but no one was obliged to supply him with them. The Blackfoot did not take spears, war clubs, or even shields on horseback raids. Their common weapons were bows, guns and knives. The Assiniboins of the 1850s, depending on their capabilities, took bows, guns, spears and military clubs on the raid. But they also said that they tried to take fewer weapons, since they did not intend to engage in battle, and the extra load only interfered. According to Grinnell, many Pawnee told him that they left their guns at home, preferring to take a bow and arrow with them. Noticing the enemy moving away from the camp, the warrior could not restrain himself and endanger both himself and the members of his detachment with the sound of a shot from a gun. A bow is a silent weapon.

Ropes and bridles were an obligatory attribute of the raid. So-called military bridle It was a long rawhide or hair rope 5–9 m long. A small loop was made at one end. The rope was tied around the horse's jaw so that its short end with a loop freely reached the horse's withers and served as one part of the reins. The other end - the long one - came from the horse's jaw, was threaded into the loop of the short end, after which the reins were obtained. Since the end without a loop was very long, it was folded and tucked into the belt. If a warrior was knocked off a horse, the free end of the rope would slip out from under the belt and the person could grab it so that the horse would not run away. However, according to the Indians, there was always a chance that she would get confused and the warrior, if he fell or had to quickly dismount, would be injured or killed.

As a rule, they always took pemmican or another low-perishable product with them. Edwin Dönig wrote that the Assiniboins never took provisions with them when they hunted along the road. The ponks who went on a raid had a pemmican as their “safety reserve”. It was prepared like this: the bones were boiled until the bone marrow rose to the surface. It was removed, mixed with crushed dried meat, dried berries and stored in the gut. Comanche pemmican consisted of the following dried foods: meat, marrow, berries, cherries, plums, pecans and piñons, and walnuts. If properly stored, this product could remain edible for years. Among the Pawnee, the warriors took with them crushed maize and crushed meat mixed with fat. These products were packed in spare moccasins, which the warrior sometimes carried with him up to 10 pairs, and each of them was stuffed to capacity. They were placed in the so-called flat bale, which the warrior carried on his back. Sometimes the load was so heavy that at first the detachment traveled short distances and stopped to rest. The leader of the detachment made sure that the young warriors did not overwork. The favorite food that the Blackfoot took with them on a campaign was dried meat and pemmican. Usually they carried food not in a bale, as representatives of many other tribes, but separately. Many warriors favored rectangular rawhide containers that were carried on a strap over the shoulder or on top of a bale behind the back. The same containers were used for way back for a quick bite to eat while on the run without dismounting from your horse.

Prince Maximilian met a band of Assiniboins at Fort Union, whose members carried on their backs "little bales" containing meat, moccasins, and tobacco. Blackfoot bales contained additional moccasins, an awl, tendons, one or two rawhide ropes with a loop at the end for trapping and driving enemy horses, sacred bundles, a small pipe, and tobacco. Some warriors also carried whips in them. The scouts put wolf skins in them or put them on over their clothes. All contents were packed in a piece of an old tent tire, a huge piece of rawhide, or a trade blanket. The bale was carried, fastening it on the back with a sling. Pieces of leather packaging, if necessary, could be used to repair moccasins. James Meade described the equipment of a Pawnee raiding party on foot around 1860. According to Meade, most of them were armed with bows and knives, but some carried guns and light hatchets. 4-6 pairs of new moccasins and one or more ropes were tucked behind the belt of each. On their backs they carried bales weighing 20 pounds or more containing fatty and lean dried meats and pieces and strips of tanned leather needed to mend moccasins and clothes, and to cut bridles. All of the above, according to Meade, "was enough for them to travel a thousand miles."

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Assaults - joint attacks of members of one Clan on the cities of other Jarls or Fortresses.

Conditions for the organization of the Sturm and participation in it:

  • you must be a member of the Clan;
  • The Jarl you are attacking must be a member of another Clan or have a Palace of level 15 or higher;
  • a War Block building must be built in your city.

The War Block opens up the ability to create Assaults and take part in them. Upgrade the building to increase maximum amount warriors in Sturm. To do this, you will need resources and a special item “Warrior’s Blueprint”.

To organize an Assault, open the World Map, find the object of attack and click the “Assault” button. Then select the time after which the assembled troops will go to the goal: 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 8 hours. After that, the standard window for forming a detachment for an attack will open. If you are the initiator of the Onslaught, you must send at least one unit on a campaign.

To take part in an already organized Assault, open the “Assaults” tab in the Military Block building and click the “Participate” button in any of the free troop slots. If you have not built a Military Block in your city, you will still receive a message that a clan member organized an Onslaught, but you will not be able to view information about the campaign and join it. (Read more about organizing and participating in the Onslaught in the next section).

Pay attention to the function of instant Assault. You can start a joint attack immediately, without waiting for the timer to expire, even if the number of warriors in the Onslaught is not full. The main condition for an instant Onslaught is to recruit at least 25% of the initially set number of warriors. If the percentage is less, then you need to wait for the end of the timer.

During global Competitions, the Jarl can take part in the Onslaught only if he is in the same Kingdom where the Onslaught is held.

In the ice world of Jotunheim it is also possible to organize or participate in Assaults.

An assault may be canceled for the following reasons:

  • the attacked city has a Peace Shield;
  • the attacked city was moved;
  • the attacked Jarl is no longer a member of the Clan and his Palace is below level 15.

When it comes to the Chukchi, the imagination immediately draws naive heroes of folk jokes. However, in fact, the people from the Chukotka region are harsh, implacable, freedom-loving and vengeful. For 150 years, the Chukchi warriors fought the Russian Cossacks, pioneers, regular army. Even Soviet Union experienced difficulties in the region. The Soviets were able to establish their power here de facto only in the 50s of the last century. The Chukchi also fought with neighboring peoples. What is the secret of their fighters?

Militant reindeer herders

External danger has always forced the Chukchi to unite. All the villages here were not very large. In each there were from 15 to 20 warriors. They were led by the strongest or most experienced fighter. Mostly men took up arms, because a rigid patriarchy reigned in their society. Women went to war only in exceptional cases. Several settlements organized military detachments of 80-100 people. In exceptional cases, the Chukchi could assemble improvised armies of 500 people. In 1702, according to historical records, almost 3,000 Chukchi warriors attacked Anadyr.

It is curious that the Chukchi tribes never entered into alliances with their neighbors, with the exception of Chukchi Eskimos.

Torture of "Russian Indians"

It was better not to get caught on the way by the Chukchi. A careless sign or act was regarded as a call to attack. During the torture, the Chukchi did not know mercy for the captives. Historians describe two types of the most common tortures. If the enemy needed to be forced to speak, then he was tied hand and foot, and then blocked the access of air. After the prisoner lost consciousness, he was brought to his senses, and the torture began anew. "Cracked" even the most persistent.

If they felt a special hatred for the enemy, then he was slowly but surely roasted on a spit.

Warrior Skills

Boys were taught how to use weapons for hunting and war at the age of 5. From the very beginning, children were taught to endure adversity, to be strong and hardy. By the age of 16, the boy already turned out to be a very serious fighter and a good hunter. When it came to war, the Chukchi preferred tactics guerrilla war, as well as lightning-fast raids for the purpose of robbery and capture of prisoners.

Equipment of warriors

The armor of the Chukchi resembled military vestments Japanese samurai. Lamellar bone armor, which was made from deer ribs and walrus tusks. The bones were fastened with leather straps. There were also bracers and leggings, plate helmets. The back was protected by a long hem. An interesting element of the armor is the wing, which obviously had to protect the warrior's head from arrows. With coming Russian authorities the Chukchi gained access to more advanced materials, including iron, and immediately began to use it in the manufacture of armor and weapons. The situation became so complicated that the authorities of the empire even banned the sale of iron to the Chukchi.

The main weapon of the Chukchi warrior was a long powerful bow. complex design made of larch, spruce log, birch, deer veins and birch bark. Arrows for such a bow had a length of 60-85 cm. The tip of the ammunition was crowned with a bone, later and less often with a metal tip. The shaft for the arrow was made from floating water.

The second weapon of the Chukchi was a spear. Most often it was long, under 2.5 meters. Sometimes it was replaced by a palm tree - an improvised weapon from a large Chukchi knife and a 2-meter-long shaft. An important difference was that the Chukchi palm could be used as an ax or a machete.

Some warriors carried slings, as well as bolos. The latter were worn as an ornament on the head. Even children had such weapons with them. In skillful hands, these 10-12 ropes up to 90 cm long with weights at the end were a serious weapon. Of course, every Chukchi had a knife.

I would like to know even more interesting things about how they fought different nations? Then read about and it was a revolutionary weapon at the time of its appearance.

Silent Wei Despite his name, the tyrannical ruler of the rootless clan actually knows how to speak, albeit with a hoarse, sinister voice. He always wears a golden mask and believes in his superiority over other men.

Quiet Lee Keeper of discipline. Like his master, he is a ruthless and man of few words.

Kou Hai liaison officer. He is one of the few members of the clan who is known and respected by outsiders. He is very virile despite his castration.

Zhou Lin Head of Internal Affairs. He has a fragile physical body, a cunning mind, and a vicious sense of purpose.


Merciless Vampire

The clan of the rootless firmly believe that castration frees them from the cares of the flesh, and makes them more focused and powerful. The merciless vampire is supreme expression strength of this doctrine.

Property: Yin

Neigong Special Effect:

Bloody Firmament: Lust for Life. Each attack absorbs 178 points. health, after 8 stacks requires 25s cooldown. Sunset on the Ruins: Defiant. If a block is placed, when attacking you, 36 points are restored. of energy (increasing the power of Neigong), after 8 applications, it takes 25s.


Indestructible Crystal: When attacking, there is a chance to cancel the cooldown of Bloody Sky and Sunset on the Ruins.


Unholy Swordsmanship

This set of skills came from ancient code, and then was adopted by the homeless. To comprehend this incomparable skill, you need to castrate yourself and join the ranks of the rootless. After that, debuffs will be available to you for lightning-fast crushing of the enemy.

Reception description Effect

Meteor Rain
Inflicts a short-term dizziness on the target and. Grants the warrior himself 1 level of Subterfuge status: Adds movement speed and range to the technique, lasts 15 seconds, can stack up to 10 levels. (Other levels of Subterfuge status are related to [Beholding the Buddha].) with the movement speed of the warrior himself.)(This style can only be used by a eunuch.)

Contemplation of the Buddha
At successful block cunning status is added to the warrior himself: adds movement speed and range to the technique, lasts 15 seconds, can be stacked up to 10 levels. (The effect of Cunning grows with the power of the technique itself.) (The style is available only for eunuchs.)

Happy Omen
The enemy is inflicted. You also receive the Cunning status, penetrate the enemy’s body and change the status to Invasion of the Cold: after each technique performed, there is a chance of sealing for 15 seconds, after unsealing, 1 status level is removed from the enemy. (You can change Cunning to Invasion of the Cold only 4 times .)(Increased damage of moves based on movement speed increase.)(Style only available for eunuchs.)

river flute
Deals targets.(This move can quickly bring Qingong closer to the opponent.)(The damage increase of the move depends on the movement speed increase.)(The style is only available for eunuchs.)

yellow dragon
Enemies in front are inflicted. When an enemy block is broken: The warrior himself gains Subterfuge level 10. (Increased damage of the technique depends on the increase in movement speed.) (The style is available only to eunuchs.)

Retreat of Vice
Retreat of Vice Inflicts targets. Adds the status Bad mob to the enemy: when performing a move, there is a chance to get dizzy (you can knock down the move), damage is also inflicted, lasts 10 seconds. (Increased Receive Damage scales with Movement Speed ​​Increase.)(Style only available for Eunuchs.)

Destroying Demons
Deals targets. Pressing again consumes 10 levels of Cunning status, you can apply a chase technique [ Mass Execution].(This technique can quickly approach the enemy with Qingong.)(If the warrior does not have 10 levels of Subterfuge, the chase technique cannot be applied.)(The damage increase of the technique depends on the increase in movement speed.)(The style is available only for eunuchs.)

fluttering swallow
Attacks enemies ahead. At the same time, 1 level of Cunning status is consumed: the enemy freezes for 2 seconds. (If the warrior does not have the Subterfuge status, there are no additional effects.)(Increased attack damage is based on increased movement speed.)(Style is only available for eunuchs.)

Mass Execution
Chase Technique, Inflicts Targets.(This Technique can quickly bring Qingong closer to the opponent.)(The damage increase of the Technique depends on the movement speed increase.)(The style is only available for Eunuchs.)

----* How to join the Rootless Clan *----

There are two ways to join a faction: a story quest, or a random encounter.

Story quest

Conditions for registration::

Primary requirements

1. All four neigongs are active on the server.
2. You must be playing as a rogue as a free spirit or higher. This means that you cannot be an active member of a mainstream school in good standing. (If you betrayed your current school, or left it, then you can join this faction.)
3. Achieve the rank of Terror of Kings.
4. The character must be a male who is ready to become a castrato. (You will donate your organ during the ritual.)

Special Requirements

1.Canon of the Sunflower Level 25

chance meeting

You must meet the following conditions to activate a random encounter:
1. Two neigong must be active
2. You male character, which is quite evil on the moral scale.
3. You are a male character who has high level dishonor.
4. You are a male character, and you are ready to become a castrato.
(In Nanjing, visit Shen Xue (839,1532) to learn more about the Rootless Clan.)

----* Leaving the teacher/Abandoning the mentor *----

【Leaving the teacher】

When the player reaches the title of level 6, he can receive a task from the NPC "Current Power".
1. After you have abandoned your mentor, joining other brotherhoods is carried out in accordance with the standard rules.
2. After leaving the teacher, the neigong limit and the level of acceptance are reduced to 5, the techniques are preserved, all skills and fame disappear.

Mentor dropouts

The player can receive a quest from the NPC "Current Strength" at any time.
1. The player can receive a quest from the NPC "Current Strength" at any time.
2. Becoming a master, one can enter the new forces or the traditional eight schools or become a free man"No school".
1. At the same time, you cannot re-enter the Current Force within 24 days.
2. Players with Tier 1 and Tier 2 titles who abandon their mentor will lose their neigong, reception, and fame completely.

The Flawless Warrior does not seek to put in order the world. In agreement with him, he puts himself in order. From birth to death, he carries his lamp in silence.

A warrior takes responsibility for all his actions and decisions.

When a warrior makes a decision, he must be ready to die.

Don't let anyone or anything influence you.

A warrior must cultivate the feeling that he has everything he needs

Warrior attitude towards things

Warrior lives in action

Act without believing, without expecting rewards

Act not for profit, but for the sake of the spirit

Act without hesitation or regret

The only possible course for a warrior is to act steadily

A warrior must be calm and collected

Warrior's will

A warrior takes his fate, whatever it may be

The course of a warrior's life is unchanged

The humility of a warrior and the humility of a beggar

Warrior's Perfection

attitude towards success

The goal of the path of warriors

It is useless to be angry or disappointed in yourself

Warrior love

personal power

Warrior Self Confidence

Erasing personal history

Way of the Warrior.

A warrior takes responsibility for all his actions and decisions.

A warrior accepts responsibility for all his actions, even the smallest ones. The average person is preoccupied with his own thoughts and never takes responsibility for what he does.

Taking responsibility for your decisions means being willing to die for them.

When a warrior makes a decision, he must be ready to die.

When a warrior makes a decision, he must be ready to die. If he is ready to die, then there will be no traps, no unpleasant surprises, and no unnecessary deeds. Everything should fall softly into place, because he expects nothing.

It doesn't matter what the solution is. There is nothing more serious in this world than anything else. In a world where death hunts for everyone, there can be no small and big decisions. There are only decisions that we make in the face of our inevitable death.

Don't let anyone or anything influence you.

One of the principles of a warrior is not to let anyone or anything affect him, and therefore a warrior can see even the devil himself, but you can never tell from him. A warrior's control must be impeccable.

It doesn't matter what someone says or does. You yourself must be a perfect person. The battle is in this chest, right here

The world of people rises and falls, and people rise and fall with their world. Warriors have no need to follow the ups and downs of their fellow men.

Warrior attitude towards love

The common man is too concerned with loving people and being loved. A warrior loves, that's all. He loves everyone he likes and everything he likes, but he uses his controlled stupidity not to worry about it. Which is the exact opposite of what the average person does. Loving people or being loved by them is far from all that is available to a person.

A warrior must cultivate the feeling that he has everything he needs oh

A warrior must cultivate the feeling that he has everything he needs for this extravagant journey that is his life. In the case of a warrior, all it takes is to be alive. Life is a little walk that we take now, life itself is sufficient, self-explaining and fulfilling.

Realizing this, the warrior lives accordingly. Therefore, we can safely say that the experience of all experiences is to be alive.

Warrior attitude towards things

Everyone who wants to follow the path of the warrior must free himself from the passion to own and cling to things.

Warrior lives in action

A warrior lives by action, not by thinking about action or thinking about what he will do when he has finished acting.

The path of the warrior is first the harmony between actions and decisions, and then the harmony between the tonal and the nagual.

Only one thing counts - action. Action, not talk

Act without believing, without expecting rewards

A warrior, as a teacher, first of all, must teach his student one possibility - the ability to act without believing, without expecting rewards. Act only for the sake of the act itself. The success of the teacher's work depends on how well and how competently he leads his student in this particular direction.

Act not for profit, but for the sake of the spirit

Although the actions of the warriors have an ulterior motive, it has nothing to do with personal gain. An ordinary person acts only when there is an opportunity to extract some benefit for himself. Warriors say they do not act for profit, but for the sake of the spirit.

Act without hesitation or regret

If a warrior has decided something, he goes to the end, but at the same time he certainly takes responsibility for what he does. What exactly a warrior does does not matter, but he must know why he does it, and act without doubts and regrets.

Death is steadily on my trail. Therefore, I cannot leave room for doubts and regrets. And if during our walk with you I have to die in the desert, then I must die there. You, unlike me, behave as if you are immortal, and an immortal person can afford to reverse his decisions, regret that he made them, and doubt them. In a world where everyone is hunted by death, there is no time for regrets or doubts. There is only time to make decisions."

The only possible course for a warrior is to act steadily

The only possible course for a warrior is to act steadily, leaving no room for retreat.

A warrior does not get frustrated when he fails in his attempt to change.

A warrior must be calm and collected

A warrior must be calm and collected and must never loosen his grip.

Warrior's will

What the warrior calls will is the power within ourselves. It is not a thought, not an object, not a desire. Will is what makes a warrior win when reason tells him he is defeated. Will is what makes him invulnerable. Will is what allows the shaman to pass through the wall, through space, into infinity

A warrior takes his fate, whatever it may be

A warrior takes his fate, whatever it may be, and accepts it in absolute humility. He humbly accepts himself as he is, but not as a reason for regret, but as a living challenge.

The course of a warrior's life is unchanged

The course of a warrior's life is unchanged. The only question is how far he will go along the narrow road, how flawless he will be within these inviolable boundaries ... If there are obstacles on his way, the warrior strives to flawlessly overcome them. If on his path he meets unbearable difficulties and pain, he cries, and all his tears, taken together, will not be able to move the line of his fate even by the thickness of a hair.

The humility of a warrior and the humility of a beggar

The humility of a warrior and the humility of a beggar are incredibly different things. The warrior does not lower his head to anyone, but at the same time he does not allow anyone to lower his head in front of him. The beggar, on the contrary, falls on his knees and sweeps the floor with his hat in front of the one he considers superior to himself. But immediately demands that those below him sweep the floor in front of him.

Warrior's Perfection

You must do something more. You must constantly transcend yourself."

"Excellence is doing the best you can in everything you are involved in.

There are no immortals on this earth"

attitude towards success

If a warrior succeeds in something, then this success should come gently, even with great effort, but without shocks and obsessions.

The goal of the path of warriors

Warriors have only one goal - their freedom

The only freedom for a warrior is that he must be impeccable. Perfection is not only freedom, but also the only way scare the human form

It is useless to be angry or disappointed in yourself

The flawless life of a warrior is meant to end this battle."

Warrior love

Only if you love this Earth with an unbending passion can you be free from sorrow, don Juan said. - A warrior is always cheerful, because his love is unchanging. And his beloved - the Earth - embraces him and showers him with unimaginable gifts. Sorrow is the lot of only those who hate this Earth, which gives shelter to all living beings.

… Without abiding love for the being that gives us shelter, solitude is loneliness. Only love for this magnificent creature can give freedom to the spirit of a warrior. And freedom is joy, efficiency and detachment in the face of any obstacles"

personal power

Power depends only on what kind of knowledge a person possesses. What is the point of knowing things that are useless? They don't prepare us for unexpected meeting with the unknown

Whatever we do and whoever we are - all this is based on our personal strength. If it is enough, then just one word spoken to us can change our lives. And if it is not enough, then even if all the treasures of wisdom are revealed, this will not give us anything.

In a warrior's world, everything depends on personal power, and personal strength depends on impeccability and

Everyone has enough personal power for anything. In the case of the warrior, the trick is to turn your personal strength away from your weaknesses and channel it towards your warrior goal.

Personal power is a feeling. Something like a feeling of good luck or happiness. You can call it mood

Trust your personal power. This is the only thing a person has in this mysterious world

Education doesn't matter. Everything depends on personal strength. The personality of a person is the total volume of his personal power. And only this total volume determines how he dies

Everything that a person does is determined by the level of his personal power.

Personal power decides who can and who cannot benefit from an explanation. I made sure of own experience that very few even want to listen, much less act on what they have heard. And of the handful who want to act, only a few have enough personal power to benefit from their actions.

Warrior Self Confidence

The self-confidence of a warrior and the self-confidence of an ordinary person are two different things. An ordinary person seeks recognition in the eyes of others, calling it self-confidence. A warrior looks for perfection in his own eyes and calls it humility. An ordinary person clings to others, and a warrior relies only on himself. It looks like you're chasing rainbows instead of aiming for the humbleness of a warrior. The difference between these concepts is huge. Self-confidence means that you know something for sure; the humility of a warrior is impeccability in actions and feelings

The main thing is the impeccability of a warrior

Susceptibility is not the most important thing. The main thing is the impeccability of a warrior. For a warrior, the most important thing is to find the integrity of oneself.

In everything we do, only one thing is needed - "spirit"

Erasing personal history

A warrior does not need a personal history. One fine day, he discovers that there is no need for her, and just gets rid of her.

Warrior alertness

When there is no certainty whatever, we are always alert, we are constantly ready to jump. It is much more interesting not to know what bush the rabbit is hiding behind than to act as if you knew everything a long time ago.

A man becomes courageous when he has nothing to lose. We're only cowardly when there's something else we can cling to.

If a warrior wants to repay a debt for all the good that has been done for him, and he does not have the opportunity to do this in relation to specific person who once helped him, he can make a contribution to the human spirit. It may not be much, but no matter how much he puts in, it will always be more than enough.

The battle takes place right here on this earth. We are human beings. Who knows what awaits us and what kind of power we may have?

Warriors always attach special importance to the first event in any series of events, since it is a genuine sign. Warriors view such an event as a program or map of what is to come next.

Unfortunately, a person changes from with great difficulty and these changes are very slow. Sometimes it takes years just for a person to be convinced of the need to change. I, in particular, spent years on this. But maybe I didn't have the ability to hunt. I think the hardest thing for me was to really want to change.

“The hunter must not only understand the habits of those whom he hunts. In addition, he needs to know that there are forces on this earth that guide and lead people, animals and, in general, all living things that are here.

It is much easier to move under maximum stress than to be perfect under normal circumstances.

It was absolutely necessary to cultivate a sense of ease in the face of difficult social situations.

Way of the Warrior

A warrior is more than just a principle. It's a way of life; this way of life is the only deterrent to fear and the only channel through which the practitioner can ensure the free flow of his activities. Without the concept of a warrior, it would be impossible to overcome all the stumbling blocks on the path of knowledge.

The end result was a fighter fighting alone and provided within his silent beliefs with all the motivation needed to move forward without complaint or need for approval.

A warrior does not have the opportunity to leave anything to chance.

A warrior does not have the opportunity to leave anything to chance. A warrior really influences the outcome of events by the power of his awareness and his inflexible intention.

We only make a choice once

We make a choice only once. We choose to be a warrior or to be ordinary person. There is simply no other choice. Not on this earth.

The path of the warrior leads man to new life

The path of the warrior brings a person into a new life, and this new life must be completely new. He cannot bring his ugly old ways into this new life.

STALIN. Impeccable Warrior of Russia.