Essays based on the texts of the open fipi bank.

Summer in Russia will be quite warm and dry. This was announced by the director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia Roman Vilfand.

So throughout the European part of Russia, summer is expected within the usual temperatures.

"We predict that, in general, the average temperature for June, July and August will be near and above the norm in the coming summer," Roman Vilfand said.

Already now due to cold winter some vegetables in Russia have doubled in price

At the same time, the head of the Hydrometeorological Center noted that excess precipitation is not expected in the summer months. "That is, the summer will be quite so idyllic," he stated. In addition, he added that the amount of precipitation in the European part of the country will be even less than in previous years.

Average values, however, do not negate noticeable temperature fluctuations. According to Roman Vilfand, the weather will be with noticeable cycles of warming and cooling, which will alternate with each other.

However, it is not worth waiting for summer tomorrow in the European part of Russia. Frosts are again forecast for the end of May. In the capital, at the end of this week, the beginning of next week, the thermometers will drop from 0 to -5 degrees. At the same time, the daily temperature will not drop much - up to 13-18 degrees.

Warming can be expected only in last days May. The temperature will gradually begin to rise to 22 degrees by Wednesday.

real summer heat still beyond the mountains. "We predict a slow, gradual rise in temperature," Vilfand said.

At the same time, Roman Vilfand did not rule out that sleet could fall in the north of the Moscow Region at the end of this week. "There is such a possibility, because on the night of May 28-29 the temperature will drop to zero degrees," he said. True, he noted that even if it snows, it will not be heavy. Heavy rainfall is not expected in this area.

The director of the Hydrometeorological Center did not see anything surprising in the fact that snow could fall so late. "Snow in May is not uncommon," he said. And he recalled that the last snow in Moscow for the entire observation period fell on June 29. "What seems completely unusual is perceived by meteorologists as completely normal," he assured.

The head of the Hydrometeorological Center believes that the forecast is still favorable for the ripening of grain crops. Even if the April and May cold weather delayed the sowing campaign. "The weather is cold, the top three centimeters of the soil are frozen," he said. Vilfand also spoke about the excess rainfall in the most favorable regions for crops: "Due to the excess rainfall, especially in the South federal district and the North Caucasus Federal District, in the south of the Volga region, there is a significant slowdown field work, sowing campaign of spring crops".

"In terms of grain crops, the losses are significant - from 30 to 50 percent," Kirill Lashin, a leading expert of the Fruit and Vegetable Union, told RG.

Get good harvest grains this year is still possible, but it looks like it's time to forget about last year's records. Roman Vilfand assured that spring frosts did not affect winter crops. This gives hope to get a grain harvest in general higher than long-term values, but due to losses in spring crops, it will not be a record.

Over the past few years, Russia has been the largest exporter of wheat and the leader in grain yields. The forecast for winter crops this spring was also one of the best for last years. But then the weather began to show its whims.

The cold spring will also affect the harvest of plums, peaches and apricots in the south Krasnodar Territory and in Adygea. As well as crops that require a lot of heat. “Heat-loving crops, which include sugar beet, sunflower, and corn, have suffered. This applies to Kursk, Oryol, Lipetsk regions where these crops have been damaged by frost," Vilfand said.

The other day, it also became known about "fruit losses" in the south of the country. Many stone fruit crops in Stavropol Territory were destroyed by hail. Among them are cherries and cherries, which very soon the inhabitants of the region were to collect and send for sale to other regions of the country.

We will not see borscht this year either. Up to a third of all crops from the so-called "borsch set" (carrots, beets, cabbage, onions) have already been lost as a result of cold weather in the country, Kirill Lashin believes. According to him, prices for potatoes and onions in Moscow have almost doubled. However, in mid-June the situation may improve, but in any case, in central Russia prices for these products will be about 10 percent higher than usual.

dry and warm spring emerged in Siberia. As a result, a wave of severe fires swept through the region. The fire destroyed entire villages. Recently, the fire situation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory has deteriorated sharply. Due to the hurricane wind and fallen grass, the fire quickly spreads throughout the region. There are already victims. At least three people are known to have died. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, fires destroyed about 150 houses in just a day, more than 500 people were left homeless. A state of emergency at the federal level has been declared in the region.

For the European part of the country, the fire hazard period will come no earlier than the second half of July. "On the European territory Russia, no early fire hazard period is predicted in the Moscow region," Vilfand said. He noted that while the soil is saturated with moisture, and the weather is cool. Fires should only be expected when the dry period sets in. At the same time, he noted that critical situation will not. "We can't speak for sure about a repeat of 2010," he specified.

Infographics "RG" / Anton Perepletchikov / Leonid Kuleshov / Irina Ogilko

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Analysis of the final test workGerasimova N.A. teacher of Russian language and literature 8. Determine the word in which the unchecked unstressed vowel of the root is missing. t..oretikzag..rely designation..come back..slzast..lali (bed) Answer: Theorist Determine the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root is omitted, checked by stress. zabl .. grown up .. twin .. gretre .. leafy pereb.. you tear Answer: reelistic
10. Write down a word in which the letter I.nave is written at the place of the pass. Write out the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the gap. the letter E is written. you are saved .. hated .. my Answer: you are rushing about
Determine the sentence in which NOT with the word is written TOGETHER. the highest degree self-confident. Tatyana reacted to latest news(NOT) HAPPY, as we expected, but with sadness and longing. (NOT) SUCCESSFULLY taking a break from one job, the master immediately set to another. color Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is written CLEARLY The boy, (NOT) NOTICEING anything around, continued to build his sand castles. with green leaves seemed like a miracle. Although the chick was (NOT) COMPLETELY strong, it was already trying to fly. It was (NOT) INTERESTING for me to listen to the same story again, so I wished everyone good night and went to his room. Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. On the next year the actress, beloved by the audience, plans to act in (B) CONTINUATION of the series, as well as (SAME) in the new film of the Italian director. (B) BECAUSE OF AGE, my grandmother used to not be surprised, and therefore, everything, WHAT (WHATEVER) happened, interpreted in her own way. (B) DURING a long winter, coal, which (ON) TWO winterers carried on dogs, heated living quarters on the shores of Lake Taimyr. ) RIGHT from the front door was a large box with SOME (THAT) tools. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written ATTACHANTLY. (B) CONTINUED for three hours Mishka and Borka argued heatedly about (FOR) WHAT the numbers are drawn on telegraph poles and what they mean. The sun does not shine in the north, but BUD (TO) (C) EASILY shines through the translucent thick glass. It is difficult to explain (FROM) WHERE (SOME) WHAT habits come from. .At the tables, on which there were dozens of devices and containers (IN) THE LIKENESS of jugs, only (ON) TWO sat down. Indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) is written NN. The owners of the house were clearly in a hurry to leave the house: everywhere there were scatter (1) left (2) things, an upside down old (3) kova (4 )th chest. Answer: _23__________________________.
Indicate the number (s), in the place of which (s) is written HN Dinu met the weight (1) April day - with the remains of snow on the sides of the road, with (2) road slush cars, with blue, in a moat (3 ) clouds in the sky: the usual Petersburg April wind (4) day. Answer: _____12_________.
Indicate two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. 1) I left unnoticed and on the way I thought about little Sasha and his mother. 2) It began to get dark and soon grandmother Nastya appeared in the house and brewed tea for us. Mitka was not so much frightened as shocked by what had happened. 5) We donated grandfather's books and grandmother's tablecloths and our porcelain service to the museum. 1) Through opened window 2) Misha did not hear the question or did not want to answer it. 3) Writers and journalists widely use proverbs and sayings in their works. 4) Aivazovsky's brush was driven by an irrepressible desire to give the world new poems about the majestic struggle of man with the elements and the unexplored beauty of the radiant sea, native expanses and distant coasts.5) The spring was dry and warm, with only occasional short rains. Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should (s) be a comma (s). We caught all the chicks (1) that fell out of the nest (2) and (3) by attaching a ladder (4) carefully planted back in the nest. Answer 1234
Barely (1) rising above the horizon (2) the sun (3) breaking the thick veil of clouds (4) penetrated sea ​​waves golden glow. Answer: ____34______________________________.
The catch (1) to the delight of all (2) was very rich; at times (3) it seemed (4) that the baited hook barely had time to touch the water, and another fish was already pouring on it. Answer: ___124_____________________
I (1) confess (2) I am always very worried when I go on stage (3) however (4) I try to hide it carefully. Answer: 123
The letter (1) under the influence (2) of which (3) I was going to visit Marusa (4) again was long and messy. Answer 14
A large steamship (1) in anticipation (2) of which (3) the children crowded on the pier from early morning (4) moored to the shore to the loud whistle and enthusiastic cries of those who met. Answer 14
As soon as all urgent matters were completed (1) we met with Natasha in a small restaurant (2) and (3) while we were drinking coffee (4) Natasha told (5) how to get to the publishing house. Answer: _____12345__________________
Vasily entered the crowded park (1) and (2) although he understood (3) that not everything in his life today was going smoothly (4) but today he wanted to smile (5) and think only about the good. Answer: ___134________________________.
Which of the following statements are true? Indicate the numbers of answers.1) In sentences 1–2, reasoning is presented.2) The content of sentence 3 is contrasted in meaning with the content of the sentence 2.3) In sentences 9–10, a narrative is presented.4) In sentences 12–13, a description is presented.5) In sentences 5–6 discussion is presented. Which of the following statements are true? 1) Sentence 3 is contrasted in meaning with sentence 2.2) Sentences 5–6 present reasoning. 3) Sentences 9–11 present narrative. 4) Sentences 12–13 present description. 5) Sentences 17–18 present narrative.

Attached files

“The sun and the wind are truly inspiring. But the rain is taking over. Does anyone dream of dancing in the dust? Or kissing in the sun? Cynthia Barnett

“Designers want to dress me like spring, in flowing clothes. But I don't feel like spring. I feel like a warm red autumn." Marilyn Monroe

"... In the second half of October, the world smells like a warm cake." Alice Hoffman

“By the way, autumn flowers are more colorful and luminous than those of summer, and they die earlier ...” Erich Maria Remarque

“Autumn is like a hot dinner, when everything is eaten with appetite, which you didn’t want to look at in the morning waking up.” Harper Lee

"November has always seemed like Norway of the year to me." Emily Dickinson

“I am so glad that I live in a world where there is October!” Lucy Montgomery

“In October, when the leaves are already withered, withered, wilted, there are blue-eyed days; throw your head back on such a day so as not to see the earth - and you can believe: more joy, more summer. Evgeny Zamyatin

"It was one of those perfect autumn days when the air is cool enough to wake you and the sun is kissing your face." Anita Diamond

"Autumn has two unmistakable sounds ... The rustle of crisp leaves driven by a gusty wind along the street, and the patter of a flock of migrating geese." Hal Borland

That year, as I entered the university, the saint was somehow late in April, so the exams were scheduled for Fomina, and for the passionate I had to both go to bed and already finally prepare. The weather after the sleet, which Karl Ivanovich used to call "The son came for his father" for three days it had been quiet, warm and clear. There was no patch of snow to be seen on the streets, the dirty dough was replaced by wet, shiny pavement and fast streams. The last drops were already melting from the roofs in the sun, in the front garden the trees were budding, in the yard there was a dry path to the stables past a frozen heap of manure, and near the porch between the stones mossy grass was green. There was that special period of spring that most strongly affects the soul of a person: a bright, brilliant, but not hot sun, streams and thawed patches, fragrant freshness in the air and a pale blue sky with long transparent clouds. I don't know why, but it seems to me that big city even more tangible and stronger on the soul is the influence of this first period of the birth of spring - you see less, but you more foresee. I stood near the window, through which the morning sun, through the double frames, cast dusty rays on the floor of my unbearably bored me. classroom, and solved on the black board some long algebraic equation. In one hand I held Franker's tattered soft "Algebra", in the other - a small piece of chalk, with which I had already soiled both hands, face and elbows of the semi-tunic. Nikolay, in an apron, with rolled up sleeves, beat off the putty with tongs and bent back the nails of the window, which opened into the front garden. His occupation and the knocking he made amused my attention. Moreover, I was in a very bad, dissatisfied frame of mind. Somehow I didn't succeed: I made a mistake at the beginning of the calculation, so I had to start all over again; I dropped the chalk twice, I felt that my face and hands were dirty, the sponge had disappeared somewhere, the knock that Nikolai made somehow painfully shook my nerves. I wanted to get angry and grumble; I dropped the chalk, Algebra, and began to pace the room. But I remembered that today is a passionate Wednesday, today we must confess and that we must refrain from everything bad; and suddenly I came into some special, meek state of mind and went up to Nikolai. “Let me help you, Nikolai,” I said, trying to give my voice the meekest expression; and the thought that I was doing well, suppressing my vexation and helping him, strengthened this gentle mood of spirit in me even more. The putty was beaten off, the nails were bent, but, despite the fact that Nikolai pulled the crossbars with all his might, the frame did not move. “If the frame comes out now immediately, when I pull with it,” I thought, “it means it’s a sin, and I don’t need to do more today.” The frame leaned on its side and went out. - Where to take her? - I said. “Let me manage it myself,” Nikolai answered, apparently surprised and, it seems, dissatisfied with my zeal, “you must not confuse, otherwise there, in the closet, I have them by numbers. "I'll spot her," I said, lifting the frame. It seems to me that if the closet were two miles away and the frame weighed twice as much, I would be very pleased. I wanted to wear myself out, rendering this service to Nikolai. When I returned to the room, the bricks and salt pyramids had already been laid on the windowsill, and Nikolai swept sand and sleepy flies into the dissolved window with his wing. Fresh fragrant air had already entered the room and filled it. From the window one could hear the noise of the city and the chirping of sparrows in the front garden. All objects were brightly lit, the room cheered up, light spring the breeze stirred the sheets of my Algebra and the hair on Nikolai's head. I went to the window, sat down on it, leaned over into the front garden and thought. Some new to me, extremely strong and pleasant feeling suddenly penetrated my soul. Wet earth, on which here and there bright green needles of grass with yellow stems were knocked out, streams shining in the sun, along which pieces of earth and chips curled, reddened lilac twigs with swollen buds swaying just under the window, the busy chirping of birds swarming in this bush, a blackish fence wet from the snow melting on it, and, most importantly, this odorous damp air and the joyful sun spoke to me distinctly, clearly about something new and beautiful, which, although I cannot convey it in the way I perceived it, everything spoke to me about beauty, happiness and virtue, said that both this and that it is easy and possible for me that one cannot be without the other, and even that beauty, happiness and virtue are one and the same. “How could I not understand this, how bad I was before, how I could and can be good and happy in the future! I said to myself. “We must quickly, quickly, this very minute become a different person and begin to live differently.” Despite this, however, I sat at the window for a long time, dreaming and doing nothing. Have you ever gone to bed in the afternoon in cloudy rainy weather in the summer and, waking up at sunset, open your eyes and in the expanding quadrangle of the window, from under the linen side, which, puffed up, beats with a rod against the window sill, see the rain-wet, shady, lilac side linden alley and a damp garden path, illuminated by bright oblique rays, to suddenly hear fun life birds in the garden and see insects that hover in the window opening, shining in the sun, smell the after-rain air and think: “I was not ashamed to sleep through such an evening,” and hurriedly jump up to go into the garden to enjoy life? If so, here's an example strong feeling which I was experiencing at the time.