The story of the election and accession to the throne ... Empress Anna Ioannovna. The story of the election and accession to the throne of the Empress Anna Ioannovna, the Empress of All Russia, blessed and eternally worthy of memory

Then the Empress had her sister, Princess Catherine, and she had previously been notified of such an intention by the nobility, now hearing about their meeting, she informed the Empress everything that had happened, exhorting her to come in to them and listen to their petitions. And it was free to talk about it, because Prince Vasily Lukich came out to the hearing of this meeting, as already mentioned.

The empress came out into the hall and, standing under a canopy, let the petitioners in and ordered them to read their petition; and after reading that, she ordered immediately to submit to herself a letter from Courland. Then she said short speech in such a force that, although very difficult treaties were given to her reign, nevertheless, believing, as it was reported to her, that they were from all ranks and from everything Russian people required, for the love of her fatherland signed. And now it is known that she was deceived by lies and flattery, for the sake of these contracts, as if they were torn from herself by an existing lie, she destroys and orders her handwriting to no one from now on for important things. And having said that, she immediately tore the aforementioned letter, delivered to her hands, and threw it on the ground. Exclaimed the forthcoming crowd of all, zealously thanking her majesty and bowing.

At the same time, there were some from the leaders, and when these petitioners, thanks to the empress, bowed, then these bowed too - some action of them, more than any expectation, it seemed, gave the people contented laughter matter.

Note by V. P. Stepanov (55)

Most Gracious Sovereign!

By command and decree of Your Imperial Majesty, I denounce, like a faithful slave, sincerely, what I can remember.

In the last year of January 1730, on the 18th day, when His Imperial Majesty Peter the Second grieved bitterly, Andrei Ivanovich Osterman sent for me.

And as I arrived there, he ordered me to be there inseparably.

And therefore, by evening, all the ministers of the Supreme Privy Council, and several from the generals and from the then high Senate, had gathered.

His Imperial Majesty passed away after midnight at 1 o'clock.

And the ministers of the Supreme Privy Council went to a special chamber, and what happened to them, I don’t know about it, since I wasn’t there, I remained in those chambers where His Majesty was gone. And when they came out, they asked me and ordered me to take an ink bottle, and went to the ward that was in front of the one where His Imperial Majesty died, seating me at a small table, they began to write points, or conditions, and both of them said that I did not he knew what to write, and sometimes Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich, sometimes Prince Vasily Lukich, ordered more. Seeing this, that behind various orders of the slowman, Tavrilo Ivanovich and others asked Andrei Ivanovich to dictate, as if he knew the calm better, who excused himself, making decent representations that this was an important matter and he could not enter into it because of foreignness, and which ones he truly repaired submission, announce past long time I don’t remember, and then he told the message like a calm, and Prince Vasily Lukich dictated more points, and I copied from their words; and there were Gavrilo Ivanovich, Prince Mikhailo Mikhailovich, Prince Vasily Volodimirovich, Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich, Prince Vasily Lukich, Andrei Ivanovich Osterman, Prince Alexei Grigorievich, Prince Mikhailo Volodimirovich.

Having written, we stopped for a short time at home, and in the morning of the 19th everyone arrived at the workshop in the then Supreme Privy Council, and there were gathered both the noble clergy and the secular generals, and the Senate, and others from the collegiums a considerable number; and first, to all those assembled, they announced your Imperial Majesty that satisfied it? Who all rejoiced at that and were satisfied, but nothing was announced to them about the points or conditions, what they are.

And when they were dismissed, they began to read those paragraphs composed in the settlement, and having brought many additions with them, Prince Vasily Lukich and Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich ordered to write in, which exactly mean in black; and Andrey Ivanovich Osterman fell ill and, moreover, was not there, and has not traveled since that time. And having made an increase and having written in draft, they ordered me to rewrite the letter to Your Majesty and bring it home for the sake of signing, with whom I went to sign, and after signing, I brought it to the house of Prince Vasily Lukich, where Anisim Maslov and Matvey Kuzmin were waiting for me, and, concluded everything there, handed it over to Prince Vasily Lukich, with which he went that evening.

Andrei Ivanovich had one, and he signed only one letter, but did not sign the conditions, and although I went to him later on orders for the sake of signing them, he did not sign, and then only later, and, as I remember, upon Leontiev's arrival, how I was sent to him with the fact that if he did not want to be an accomplice with them, that he did not sign, then he signed. On the leave of Prince Vasily Lukich, Gavrilo Ivanovich used to say in the Council, as far as I can remember, that they released only five people with a letter and conditions, and did not announce to others: they should have announced to others. Later, when Your Majesty arrives in Svyatskoye, many will come to Your Majesty and say that they did not know about it, and they used to say about the conditions that they were difficult. And especially about the deprivation of the crown, but others did not want to announce those conditions; and sometimes what they used to say among themselves in secret, I can’t know, because they sent us out.

An explanation of what were the intentions, tricks and actions of certain persons in the prize for the throne of Her Imperial Majesty (56)

(...) It is necessary to explain to the persons mentioned by eight what intention and action were in this trick, and whether it extended to the general benefit of the people or to some private interests.

It is impossible not to call this bizarre case the worst crime, even if some excuses were invented, otherwise for the following reasons:

1) Not many did this, and quite a number, not only not satisfied, but small and meager. And if common good were to be sought from them, as they say, then it would be necessary to call not a small number of people from all ranks for advice.

2) It was done very secretly that it was necessary to announce to everyone, and at least not to the whole people, then even to the most senior spiritual, the Senate, the generals, collegiate members; Are all these unsearching for common good; Is everyone not well-meaning and faithful to their Fatherland; Are they alone, and wise, and faithful, and conscientious? And even if they were looking for common state good (which is very possible to eat), then, however, with such contempt for all who, both to the honor of the family and to noble servants no less than their soup., dishonored and viciously discredited, put everyone into nothing or among the fools and rogues had.

3) This was done both quickly and very hastily. And only an important matter requires much and long reasoning. Particular affairs are acquired, which soon cannot be judged and carried out; but how to reign for the sovereign and change the form of the state - it seemed an easy business. And it is impossible to brew beer so soon, as soon as they decided about this.

4) Two surnames agreed on this: who does not see that they were looking for particular and private interests for themselves; this demanded concealment and speed: and why was this not thought about after the death of the blessed memory of Empress Catherine; Peter the Second was young, it was powerful for him as a kind of teaching to offer about the correction of the state. They will say that it was dangerous if he had not listened: if they say that, then their terrible trick is coming, and the fault is as follows:

5) What did they think about Her Majesty Anna, already the declared empress to the people; if she refused their demand; it is impossible for something easy to think: but from what kind of turmoil, unrest, internecine strife would arise among the people; and the state would almost have come to extreme ruin.

6) If an intentional wedding had preceded the death of the sovereign: the scepter of the widow who left behind him would not have passed. And if they would take away autocracy from her, it would be bad to think about it.

7) Their great audacity, that they themselves determined the members of the Supreme Council again, without waiting for the empress. And this is the business of one sovereign. And so they have already entered the rank of royal self-proclaiming.

8) The increase was not made from the side, but from their own surnames. And this is no longer a suspicion, but a clear view that they were chasing their private interests. They themselves should retreat away and lose the power given to themselves, or, in order to be set aside, ask the empress, so that they can be clear from the suspicion of private searches; and then they added numbers from themselves.

Peter II reposed on January 1730 on the 18th day at the second hour of the midnight (...). And for a long time there was a rant about the heir to the sovereign with considerable publicity. Prince Alexei Grigoryevich Dolgoruky, the bride of the newly deceased sovereign, the parent, his daughter of his scepter, harassed, which many were surprised by his impudence, as if very unexpected. But he, blinded by lust for power, was not ashamed to show a certain letter, allegedly Peter II's testament, written before his death, with which he allegedly strengthened his legacy to his bride Catherine.

Prince Alexei's unstudy became marvelous to everyone (except for some, often, his relatives), and no one looked at his demand, which was very obscene and worthy of laughter. After all, it could not be at all probable that the sovereign did this - before his illness, a youth, with a strong composition, flourishing and having only strong health, which gave hope for many years of very life - how could he even think about his imminent death? And when an illness came to him (which, depressing him for no more than twelve days, killed him), all that time they made him a joke of a speedy return to first health - not that he future death to tell, even though it is truly known that he will not live the rest.

After the rejection of that harassment, other masters of opinion are required. There were different voices, but they did not go out outside the names of the sovereigns. Someone also sentenced the grandmother of Peter I, who had recently been released from prison. But the others judged this as obscene and that came from a person who seeks his own self-interest, they extinguished it with silence. And when the name of Anna, the widow of the Duchess of Courland, the daughter of John the Tsar, was pronounced, greater Peter I brother, who reigned with him until his death, between Ekaterina and Paraskeva’s middle sister, immediately a wonderful agreement appeared of all, to which they did not dare to argue, and these, by whom the pledged and, in their opinion, inalienable was already in their hands supreme power and then left them.

About the change in the form or manner of kingship (which the nations of these lords longed before and could not hide the desire in themselves, as it will already be clear about it) in this same meeting (although not with all, but after the departure of many others from there) it is said , and what is intentional about it will be known below. (…)

Here, firstly, it seems necessary to explain who they are and how many of them there were, whom we call supreme in this story? Under Empress Catherine I, in addition to the Senate established by Peter I, new and from the Senate top government established and adorned with the special name of the Supreme Council.

This meeting, in that greater from the Senate, had the power that it also accepted a certain part of the power, taken away from the Senate, and that it was of great importance; however, whatever the Supreme Council would like to establish again, it was not free to do it without the expression of the empress. And when this one was gone, and Peter II came, then a twelve-year-old youth, then the Supreme Council, having received, in its opinion, perfect and free power, and could and dared to do what it wanted. And even then, the government could not do anything without the will of Prince Menshikov, who was a member of it, especially when this daughter gave his daughter to Peter II as a bride by public betrothal.

There were nine members of all the council members, and after the exile of Peter Tolstoy, then Menshikov, the meeting diminished. And after that, the new addition became eight in number.

These were precisely these: the great chancellor Gavrilo Ivanovich Golovkin - the first, another unknown, read, order, Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich, and his brother Prince Mikhail Mikhailovich, field marshal, Golitsyn; Prince Vasily Lukich, Prince Vasily Volodimirovich, Prince Mikhail Volodimirovich, Prince Alexei Grigorievich and these four single surnames Dolgoruky. One more from the German nation Andrey Ivanovich Osterman. I would add the number by Feodor Matveyevich Apraksin, admiral, but he did not become when not all those mentioned here were attributed to this government.

The named Dolgorukis, whatever the place in that assembly, however, their other comrades were very strong, based on their affinity, Prince Alexei Grigorievich, who had Peter II in his hands and him, the sovereign, following every example of Menshikov, cited to the concept of his daughter's wife, already the betrothal was completed, and therefore he alone became the strongest of the entire Supreme Council.

Also, his son, Prince Ivan Alekseevich, about whom there was a rumor among the people that, in the great mercy of Peter II, he gave many Dolgoruky surnames opportunities. But it soon appeared that this Ivan brought destruction more than help to his family. Ponezhe more and by nature he was wicked, moreover, he was arrogant with so much happiness, and he didn’t think about anything, as if he hadn’t happened to himself. Not only did he despise those very much, but he also set great fear to many, elevating some, and deposing others according to his own whim. And he himself is surrounded by dragoons on horseback, often throughout the city with an unusual desire, as if amazed, galloped, but at night he jumped into honest houses - a guest both annoying and terrible!

And he came to such impudence that, in addition to the envy of unexpected glory, he would have deliberately subjected himself and his entire family to righteous national hatred. (…)

These same supreme gentlemen, having first gathered after the death of Peter II, as already shown above, the Council, when Tsarevna Anna was awarded imperial power by the consent of all those present, they let many go home, and they themselves advised: how would the power of the sovereign be reduced and some institutions less powerful to inflict? What did the Naipache Dolgoruky insist on, showing the appearance that they were purposely serving for some benefit, and by the very deed wanting to get themselves at least a part of royal power when they could not reach the whole one. (…)

The next day, at the suggestion of the sovereign, Prince Vasily Lukich Dolgoruky was sent to Courland, allegedly giving him two comrades (one of them was Prince Mikhail Mikhailovich Golitsyn, the lesser), but with such speed that on the frequent carts arranged on purpose, it seemed they flew more than they rode. They strove to hide it before everyone, but immediately it happened all over the city.

At the same time, strong outposts were placed along all the roads that could be used by anyone in Courland, giving these soldiers a decree so that those going to Moscow would be let through from there, and those marching there from Moscow would be restrained and letters would be robbed from them.

And from such an action of theirs, not only quick-witted people, but stupid commoners clearly already could see what the supreme gentlemen were up to. And it was not difficult to understand that they wished to present to the empress a new order of reign, invented by themselves, in the name of the whole people, as if approved by popular consent. Fearing and fearing that the Empress would not know their deceit from whom the empress was informed, they tried with some kind of savings so that she could not know about it until she herself fell into their hands. Many, however, cursed such an act, as if to the most vile custom, the example that they did so with their expected sovereign, as they do with the advancing enemy out of necessity.

Pitiful same everywhere in the city vision and hearing became. Wherever you come, to whatever assembly you stick to, there was nothing else to hear, only woeful complaints about those octagonal entertainers. Everyone severely condemned them, everyone cursed their unusual boldness, insatiable delicacy and lust for power. And everywhere in one, read it, it is said that if, at the request of these gentlemen, it happens (from which God would save!), Then disaster will come to the whole fatherland. They themselves, gentlemen, cannot be in agreement with themselves for a long time: how many of them there are people, almost as many chieftains of internecine wars will appear, and Russia will take on the stingy face that it had before, when, for many reigns, it was dissolved, it was poor.

And not false, in my opinion, were such fortune-telling, since the Russian people are such by their nature that they can only be preserved by autocratic rule. And if some other possession accepts the rule, it is by no means possible for it to be kept intact and well-being. But about this our intention is to write special evidence.

In the meantime, it was rumored that another union was born, opposite to the eight-person. The noblest, that is, from the gentry, began to communicate and consult, as if in defiance of becoming leaders and destroying their cunning structure, and for this they sometimes gathered in different houses at night.

At that time, I tried with all possible diligence to find out what this other company had thought up and what they had seen better in their intention. And soon I received the news that they had two opinions of the dispute. One - impudent on the supreme masters. When they gather in the place of their [assembly], attack suddenly with an armed hand and, if they do not want to lag behind their intentions, put everyone to death. Another meek opinion was: to reach them in the assembly and suggest that their inventions are not a secret; everyone knows that they are building, it is not a small fault of one and not many states to remodel the composition. And even if they saw something very useful, but to hide it in front of others, and not to inform the naipache and government officials, it smells unpleasant and stinking.

Both of these opinions could not come to a consensual verdict. The first one is fierce and good luck is unknown; and the other is like weak and invalid and brings misfortune to one's own heads. And so some other means had to be sought.

I also got information about that, that these adversaries of the leaders were not unanimous among themselves, but of a very contrary desire. Some of them strove to keep the old rule, adopted from the ancestors of the state, by all means. And others, and even the strongest, wanted the same as the leaders. They were annoyed that they did not recognize them as their friendship. And therefore it was not difficult for me to prophesy that these supreme opponents would do nothing. And truly, all their actions day by day notably caught a cold ..

Although this other faction also tried hard to hide its meetings, and one conjured in order to nishhnet about this, and all the great ones imposed oaths on themselves, if someone dared to take advice; however, it could not hide from the leaders. There were so many (before five hundred people counted themselves) fickle and treacherous. (...)

It was not without fear that it was supreme, when they did not yet know how dormant the action of the opponents was. On purpose, they spread a rumor about their terrible threats to their opponents, and that their rebellious host was much known to the Supreme Council, and that these restless heads were being judged as enemies of the fatherland, and soon they would be sent, or already sent, to catch them for arrest, and that they were bad at They trust their multitude, because among the supreme and the main commanders they are found, and none of them can hide and run away from trouble, because a few who are caught will show on torture and others, and it will appear who will be worthy of what execution.

And although such news was whispered among the people, nevertheless, such fear made a new ally that many of them, especially weak ones, were afraid to stay in their houses, but moving from place to place in a feigned dress and not in their name, at night only where need called anyone, they ran.

However, the leaders, striking fear into their superiors, themselves did not yet feel dispassion in themselves. They were embarrassed by an evil conscience and that it was not known how their so daring deed would end. They began to call to themselves the first of the nasty company, and accept with kindness, and bend to the general estate, swearing and swearing that they do not pursue their own interest, and complained that it was in vain that it was a sin for them to decide that they advised their all to everyone the others were not then informed of the wine that they first wanted to tempt and taste: what will the elected empress show herself to be at their proposal? And then having learned, they had the intention of all the members to convene and ask for answers, whatever it pleases for the most useful state of the state in the future, promising to soon commit themselves and justify themselves as innocent before those.

The same supreme bearings, which of the dangerous and unfaithful husbands heard, knew that it was a deceptive trapping; but others, and the greatest number, were caught by these captives.

When, after twelve days, and not more, the tacos are wrinkled differently on both sides, and we, something wants to happen with time, wait. And on the second day of February, sent from the Supreme Council to senatorial, bishops and other ranks houses, they spread summonses that the Supreme Council calls everyone to the meeting on the morning day (on purpose refraining from the adverb “indicates”, and softening their decree with a word). The same messengers also brought collections of that wine, as if they would advise on the establishment of the state.

Truly marvelous to say what a difference there was between many then! Some, and even the vast majority, said that the Supreme Council had already repented of its tricks and wanted to ask for forgiveness for it, just as its members promised in sudden conversations. But others thought otherwise, and just as they themselves did not like him to be called to the meeting, they did not advise everyone to go there, diligently suggesting that the new leaders were a cunning and an evil invention, how could they force others or to the consent of their undertakings strongly, or suddenly crush those who oppose themselves.

On the same day, what a secret saying was found, as if a letter had come from Courland to the Supreme Soviet. And when these most dangerous ones heard this, and moreover, they tried to take everyone away from the meeting, for they, looking closely at what face the leaders were, noticed that not only they themselves, but also their servants were unusually cheerful and joyful. And therefore it was no longer doubtful that the contrivance of the leaders succeeded, and the Empress Anna, supposedly reduced to the name of all the people by a false name, stuck to their false agreements. And this many guesses was infallible, but most of won the best.

On the third day of February, a great multitude gathered at the appointed place. Where, when it is expected that such advice from the leaders will be pronounced, then they, indicating silence, ordered to read the letter sent from Courland. And the deed was that which the most dangerous prophesied. It was that message of the Empress Anna and contained the following ...

There was no one, except for the supreme ones, who, hearing such, would not shudder. And those themselves, who yesterday hoped for a great benefit from this meeting, lowered their ears like poor donkeys. Some whispers made a lot of noise, and no one dared to respond with indignation.

And it was impossible not to be afraid, because in the ward of this, along the passages, in the hallways and huts, an armed army stood in many orders, and there was a marvelous silence of all. The supreme gentlemen themselves quietly whispered something to each other and, looking with sharp eyes, pretended that they, too, seemed surprised at some unknown and unexpected thing.

One of them, only Dmitry Mikhailovich Golitsyn, often snarled: “You see, like a gracious empress, and what we hoped from her, she showed such a beneficence to our fatherland. God moved her to this writing; From here on, Russia will be happy and flourishing.” This and sim similar to satiety repeated.

But after a while, everyone was stubbornly silent, and only he alone shouted, began to call out: “Why no one single word without speaking? I would deign to say what everyone thinks, and although there is nothing else to say, only to thank only the merciful empress. And when someone from the crowd said in such a voice with great cowardice: “I don’t know, and I’m very alienated, from what did the idea come to the empress to write like that?” To which his words were not answered by anyone.

Then the book Alexei Mikhailovich Cherkassky offered verbally, so that he and his other brethren would be given time to think about it more freely. And the supreme ones deigned to do this, desiring to let the stubborn go away and to free themselves from fear, rather than in exchange for their own benefit.

The synodal hierarchs, on the other hand, taught to solicit so that, without delay, to gather and make a prayer of thanksgiving, which no one argued about. The Synod commanded the deacons to raise the name of the empress with the full royal title, containing autocracy in itself. What is done; Yes, then it became very unloving to the Supreme, and they repented that they had forgotten to advise about this before. And when, on that day, the Synod sent to all countries the written titles of the Empress of the form, they sent them too, but they did not dare to change the titles of the autocracy, which had already been dropped before.

From that time it was possible to see that people of any, honor, rank and title, supposedly decrepit and conceived, walked and seemed to be thinking something deep. And it was impossible to do otherwise, who common sense and the mind was. Ponezhe, although the idea of ​​​​the supreme masters was not a secret, however, no one hoped that they would dare to throw charters on the empress so slavish and cramped possessions. (…)

On the tenth day of February, a statement was received that the empress was no longer far from Moscow. And soon afterwards, from the rank of the church, three bishops and three senators from the civil one were straightened out to meet Her Majesty.

Yes, something pathetic and note worthy appeared here. When these senators and bishops, by decision of the Supreme Council, in the name of all ranks, dressed up to greet the Empress on the road, they needed to demand a passport from the Supreme Council, and they received it. And when we reached the outpost (which was previously mentioned), the empress was still far away from that place, then the captain, who was holding the outpost, with the announcement from them of the passport as gentlemen themselves, counted the servants and then let them go further.

Whether together and collectively the senators to the empress; which, then, stopped in the village of Chashniki, arrived either separately and especially, I am not aware of this and did not check on it, as if it was unnecessary, but I was later informed about this from some of the retinue of Prince Vasily Lukich that when both the bishops and senators greeted the empress , then this prince Vasily very diligently looked at their eyes and sharply observed all their movements and moments. Toliko, that is, cowardly and dangerous, was this power-hungry vacillation. And whether the cunning of this was similar to the political rules, I leave it to others to judge.

It is also unnecessary to utter this, that when some of those who greeted, having bowed to the empress, before her campaign to Moscow returned and quickly fled, and had already traveled three miles, then the empress, having left the apartment, immediately passed them and shortly went out of sight. And in that, these gentlemen had the care that it was possible to hurry, which haste was so cruel that in ten days (and if the stops needed in Riga, Pskov, Novgorod and Tver are turned off, then only in eight days) over a thousand versts ran away with a considerable violation of the health of the Empress.

And the same day the empress arrived in the village of Vsesvyatskoye, seven miles from Moscow. And stopping here to calm down, she ordered Peter II to be buried before his arrival in the city - which happened in the morning.

But even here something difficult happened and such that it is difficult to say whether it is more surprising or more laughable? On the twelfth day of February, at sunrise, all the ranks converged in the house of the sovereign who was introducing himself. But nothing has been done for a long time, and it is not known what they expected. We thought that not everything was ready for the ceremony, but we could not see anything that was not ready. And when one of the noble persons, chilling with a long sitting, asked one action of that steward: “Why does the campaign still not begin?” He answered him that they had not yet waited for a decision from the Supreme Council: where and how to be in the ceremony of the late sovereign for the bride. And she claims for herself both a place and an outfit and all the imperial glory.

And many hearing this, grumbled with great indignation, scolding and cursing the uncommon stupidity of those people. And without ordering to wait for anything, everyone settled down for the funeral campaign, in which the dreamed empress did not appear anywhere.

Everyone can see here that there was Prince Alexei, the parent of the aforementioned bride, and other relatives of them and this business, and that they, seeing what was taken away from them, which they dreamed of having in their hands - the royal scepter, did not leave anything, no matter what it seemed to their exaltation is pleasing. We have already shown how shamelessly Prince Alexei showed the charter, supposedly a direct testament, written by Peter II. And when they failed, they elected the empress, but without power and strength, so that they themselves would take control of it and they would reign over the deed, and the empress would only amuse herself with the royal name. But so that even the appearance of royal glory would not be too far away from their house, they started using this little thing. Even if Katerina had taken their imperial place in the funeral ceremony, they would have made it, if not equal to the Empress herself, then at least a secondary one, and even tea, and they didn’t stop there.

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Word for burial
Most Serene Sovereign Peter the Great,
Emperor and Autocrat of All Russia, Father of the Fatherland,
preached in the reigning St. Petersburg,
in the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul,
of the Holy Governing Synod as Vice President,
Most Reverend Feofan,
Archbishop of Pskov and Narva,
1725, March 8th day
What is there? What have we lived up to, about the Russians? What do we see? What are we doing? We bury Peter the Great! Is it not a dream? Are we dreaming of a ghost? Oh, what true sadness! Oh, how famous our misfortune! The culprit of our countless well-being and joys, who resurrected aki from dead Russia and who raised to great strength and glory, or rather, who gave birth and raised the direct son of the fatherland of his father, whom, according to his dignity, the good Russian sons wished to be immortal, according to the years and the composition of the fortress, everyone hoped to live for many years, possessing, - contrary to both desire and aspirations died and - about a fierce ulcer to us! - then life died, when through labors, worries, sorrows, disasters, through many and varied deaths, something began to live. We see enough, since we have angered you, oh our God! And if your patience has been irritated! O unworthy and poor us! O our sins of immeasurability! Do not see this, the blind is, but see and do not confess in your hardness of heart there are stones. But why should we multiply pity and compassion, which it is perhaps appropriate to quench. How is that even possible! If there are any great talents, we will remember actions and deeds, even more so, by the loss of so much of our goodness, we are vulnerable and weep. This truly sad waste, if only by some kind of lethargic, some kind of death-like dream, we can forget it.
Who are we, and what, and how many have we lost? This is yours, Russia, Sampson, which no one in the world could have hoped for in you, but the whole world was surprised about what appeared. He found a weak strength in you and made a stone, adamant one by his name; he found a harmful army in the house, not strong in the field, scolded by the adversary, and introduced to the fatherland a useful one, a terrible enemy, everywhere loud and glorious. When he defended his fatherland, he supplemented it with the return of the seized lands and increased the acquisition of new provinces. When he destroyed those who rise up against us, he also broke and crushed the spirits of us evil-minded, and, blocking the mouth of envy, commanded the glorious preaching of himself to the whole world.
Behold, your first, O Russia, Japheth, who has accomplished an unheard-of deed in you from time immemorial, building and sailing a ship, a new fleet in the world, but not inferior to the old ones, as above the aspiration, so higher than the surprise of the whole universe, and open the way for you to all ends of the earth and stretch out your power and glory to the last ocean, to the limit of your benefit, to the limit, which is supposed by truth, but the power of your power, before and on the earth is shaking. now on the sea he created strong and constant.
Behold your Moses, O Russia! Is it not the essence of his laws, like a strong one took away the truth and like an unresolvable shackles of atrocity! Are not the statutes of his clear, the light of your paths, the high-governing sigklit, and under it the main and private governments established from him! Has not the essence shone for you to seek benefit and to repel harm, to the safety of the peaceful and to the denunciation of the fierce! He truly left us doubting about himself, in what he is the best and more praiseworthy, or as if we love and kiss from the kind and simple-hearted, or as if he was hated from unrepentant ladders and villains.
Behold, yours, Russia, Solomon, who received from the Lord the meaning and wisdom of much zeal. And isn't it enough to testify to this diverse philosophical art and by his action, shown and influenced by many subjects and wound up different, before us and unheard of teaching, cunning and skill; also ranks, and degrees, and civil orders, and honest images of everyday life, and favorable customs and mores of the rule, but also appearance and the presence of the red-transformed, as if already our fatherland, both from within and without, incomparably better from previous years and very different, we see and are surprised.
This is yours, about the Russian church, and David and Constantine. His business is the synodal government, his care is written and verbal instructions. Oh, how much the heart uttered these sighs about the ignorance of the path of the saved! A colic of jealousy for superstition, and stairwells and schism nestling in us insane, hostile and pernicious! How much desire was in him and the search for the highest pastoral art in the rank, the most direct wisdom among the people and the fairest correction in everything!
But about the famous husband! Can we embrace his countless glory with a short word, but real sadness and pity do not allow speech to be extended, only weeping and groaning compelling. Negley over time, something will dull this thorn, our hearts gore. and then we will talk at length about his deeds and virtues. Although we can never quite and worthily pronounce it; and now, briefly reminiscing and as if only resurrecting the robe that touches him, we see, hearers, we see that we are poor and unhappy, who left us and whom we lost.
Not very much, Russians, exhausted by sadness and pity, not very much, and this great monarch and our father left us. He left us, but not the poor and the poor: the immeasurable wealth of his power and glory, which was signified by his above-named deeds, is with us. What he made his Russia, such will be; made a good beloved, loved and will be; made a terrible enemy, terrible and will be; made glorious for the whole world, glorious and will not cease to be. He left us spiritual, civil and military corrections. Ubo, leaving us with the destruction of his body, left his spirit to us.
Most of all, in his eternal departure, he did not leave us orphans. How very orphaned we shall be called, when we see his sovereign heritage, a direct assistant in his life and a like-minded ruler after his death, you, our most merciful and autocratic sovereign, our great heroine, and monarch, and mother of all Russia! The whole world is a witness that female flesh does not prevent you from being like Peter the Great. Owner's prudence and motherly philanthropy, and by nature given to you by God, who does not know! And when both of these were established in you and accomplished, not just by the coexistence of a certain monarch, but also by the community of wisdom, and labors, and his various disasters, in which, after many years, like gold in a tempted furnace, he judged to have a bed of his accomplice for little, but also crowns, and powers, and the throne he created his heir. How can we not hope that you will confirm what is done from him, complete the unfinished, and keep everything in a good state! Tokmo, O courageous soul, rush to overcome this unbearable disease of yours, even if it was aggravated in you by the removal of your dearest daughter and, like a cruel wound, became enraged without measure with a new wound. And you were visible from everyone in the presence of the ascetic Peter, in all his labors and disasters, a relentless former accomplice, forced to be the same in this bitter deprivation.
But you, the noblest class, sons of Russia of every rank and rank, with loyalty and obedience, console the empress and your mother, console yourself, with the undoubted knowledge of Peter's spirit in your monarch, seeing that not all of Peter has departed from us. We bow down to all our Lord, who has visited us like that, but as the god of bounty and the father of all joy to her majesty, the most autocratic sovereign of our sovereignty and her dearest blood - daughters, grandchildren, nieces and all the high family will wipe away this unquenchable tears and alleviate the grief of the heart with his gracious charity and all graciously console us. But, O Russia, seeing who left you what, see what he left you. Amen.

Prokopovich Feofan. Works / Edited by I. P. Eremin. - M.; L.: Ed. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1961.

Peter II reposed on January 1730, on the 18th day, at the second hour after midnight, according to the consecration of oil (as usual in the Greek church) from three bishops, less than an hour; and the bishops stayed in the chambers until his death; there were also members of the Supreme Council, as well as from the Senate and the generals, not a small number.

And then Prince Vasily Vladimirovich Dolgoruky, in the name of others, asked the bishops to delay a little, suggesting that there would soon be advice on the election of a new sovereign; but soon after returning to them, he said that it had pleased the Supreme Council, by the coming day, and in the chambers of the Supreme Council there should be an assembly of all ranks at the tenth hour at midnight, where they, the bishops, would deign to arrive themselves, and others, both bishops and archimandrites, they brought with them, because these were synodal. And so the hierarchs each went back to their own.

But already in this very act there was a certain cunning; for after the departure of the bishops, the leaders (* i.e., members of the Supreme Privy Council) and other leaders remained there. And for a long time there was a ranting about the heir of the sovereign, with considerable disclosure.

Prince Alexei Grigoryevich Dolgoruky, the bride of the newly deceased sovereign, molested the daughter of his scepter, which many were surprised by his impudence, as if very unexpected. But he was blinded by lust for power, and was not ashamed to show a certain letter, as if Peter II's testament, written from him before his death, with which he allegedly strengthened his legacy to his bride Catherine. Prince Alexei’s unstudy became wonderful to everyone [except for some, tea, his relatives] and no one looked at the demand, as if it was very obscene and worthy of laughter, because it could not at all be probable that the sovereign did it, [S. 187] before his illness, a young man who flourishes with a strong composition and only has a strong health that gave hope for many years of very life: how could he even think about his near death, let alone grieve and hunt, what to be after his death? And when an illness came to him, [which, depressing him for no more than twenty days, killed him], at all that time they made him a joke of a speedy return to the first health: not that he should be told about his future death, even though it was truly known that he live not to be.

After the rejection of that harassment, opinions of other gentlemen demanded.

Someone also sentenced the grandmother of Peter II, recently released from prison; but this was judged by others as obscene and that came from a person who seeks his own self-interest, they extinguished it with silence.

And when the name of Anna, the widow of the Duchess of Courland, the daughter of John the Tsar, the great brother of Peter I, who reigned with him until his death, was pronounced, the middle sister between Catherine and Paraskeviia, an agreement was immediately miraculous of all, which they did not dare to argue, which they possessed and, according to them, the highest power was already inalienable in their hands, and then it left them.

About a change in the form or mode of kingship, which some of these masters even before this desired and could not hide the desire in themselves (as it will already be clear about this), in this same assembly then, although not with all, but after the departure of many others from there , it is said, and that it is intentional, below this it will be known.

When the day came, and a great multitude of all states gathered in the Supreme Council, where the Synodal and other other bishops and archimandrites arrived, and the great chancellor aloud proposed that the Supreme Council to the Duchess of Courland, Princess Anna Russian crown must be seeing; but it also demands everyone, the entire fatherland, who show consent to themselves; immediately all in one voice showed their will, and there was not a single one who even thought a little. The first bishop, responding in the name of everyone, said that not only he, but all his brethren, agree on this, but also wish to immediately in the altar church, in the presence of all the people, with a solemn prayer thank the all-merciful God for such a gift received from him; but when this bishop uttered this word, it became unpleasant for the supreme mistress [S. 189] ladies: they repudiated and then they did not sentence him to be, which, clearly quite unexpected, moved everyone to great surprise. And tacos great cathedral disbanded.

And many began to reason: what reason could there be from the supreme to postpone this prayer of thanksgiving? And whoever easily and suddenly argues that this guilt be thought that it is still unknown whether Princess Anna deigns to reign; but the most cautious heads deeply penetrated something and guessed that the sovereign gentlemen had arranged a different form of kingship from the previous one, and that during their numerous conversations at night, to reduce the power of the tsar and, by some fictitious arguments, somehow curb and, simply say, deprive the autocracy. If, however, the consent of Princess Anna is to be doubted; then this doubt is also the cause, that is, will the Empress Anna want to touch the state of her diminished ancestors? And this conjecture, how untrue it was, soon became clear by the deed itself.

Here, firstly, it seems necessary to explain: who are they and how many of them were, whom we call supreme in this story?

Under Empress Catherine I, in addition to the Senate established by Peter I, a new supreme government was established from the Senate, and adorned with a special name: the Supreme Council. This meeting, which was more powerful from the Senate, had the power that it took over a certain part of the power taken from the Senate, and that it was of great importance, however, whatever the Supreme Council would like to establish again, it was not free to do it without the wishes of the empress. And when she was gone, and Peter II, then a twelve-year-old youth, then the Supreme Council, having received, in its opinion, perfect and free power, came to itself, and could and dared to do what it wanted, and even then, this government could not do anything to inflict without the will of Prince Menshikov, who was his member, especially when this daughter gave his daughter to Peter II as a bride by public betrothal. There were 9 people in all the Council of that member, and after the exile of Peter Tolstoy, then Menshikov, the meeting was reduced, and after that it became a new addition to the number of eight, it was precisely these who were:

Grand Chancellor Gavrilo Ivanovich Golovkin, 1st;
honor another unknown order: Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich,
yes, his brother Prince Mikhailo Mikhailovich, field marshal; Golitsyn.
Prince Vasily Lukich,
Prince Vasily Volodimirovich
Prince Mikhailo Volodymyrovich
Prince Alexei Grigorievich
and these 4 single surnames Dolgoruky.
Another from the German nation, Andrey Ivanovich Osterman.
Fedor Matveyevich Apraksin, admiral, would add the number; but he did not exist when not all of those mentioned here were yet included in this government.

The named Dolgorukis, which did not sit in that assembly, but their other comrades were very strong, having a basis on their relative Prince Alexei Grigorievich, who had Peter II in his hands, and his sovereign, following every example of Menshikov, led to the concept the wife of his daughter has already been betrothed, and therefore he alone became the strongest of the Supreme Council.

Also, his son, Prince Ivan Alekseevich, about whom there was a rumor among the people that, in the great mercy of Peter II, he gave many Dolgoruky surnames opportunities. But it soon appeared that Ivan this destruction, more than bringing help to his family, because he was villainous by nature, and moreover, toli-[S. 192] Haughty with happiness, and he supposedly didn’t think about anything; not only did he despise everyone very much, but also gave many people great fear, elevating some, and deposing others, according to his only whim, and he himself on horseback, surrounded by dragoons, often throughout the city with an unusual desire, as if amazed, galloped; but at night, an annoying and terrible guest jumped into honest houses, and came to such impudence that, in addition to envy, unexpected glory, he already subjected himself to righteous national hatred, both himself and his entire family name, as if on purpose.

Yes, and other Dolgoruky, although in outward courtesy they seemed to be moderate, however, by their deeds, suspicion came to the great lust for power. The basis or root of such their unconsciousness was that they dreamed that the royal fortune, through their marriage prepared by Peter II and Catherine, moved into their houses. Some of them, reasoning more sharply, although no longer doubting the event of their desires, nevertheless, hunting for nothing left that could interfere with their intention, used various tricks: showing zeal for Orthodoxy, enriching the sovereign’s grandmother, their comrades , but not their own blood, attracting themselves with feigned caresses.
These same supreme gentlemen, having first gathered after the death of Peter II, as already shown above, the Council, when the imperial power was awarded to Princess Anna by the consent of all those present, many were released home, and they themselves advised how to reduce the power of the sovereign-roar and by some establishments to be weaker do? What the Dolgoruky insisted on most of all, showing the appearance that they serve the people for some benefit, but by the very deed, wanting to get at least a part of the royal power for themselves, when they could not achieve the whole.<…>

And firstly, when the supreme gentlemen [S. 196] the prayer of thanksgiving, as mentioned above, was not ordered to be, and thus they entered into suspicion among smart people, also themselves, in a hurry to put their tricks into action as soon as possible, as if on purpose they opened their sacrament.

The next day, after the repose of the sovereign, Prince Vasily Lukich Dolgoruky was sent to Courland, giving him two alleged comrades (one of them was Golitsyn, Prince Mikhailo Mikhailovich the lesser); but with such speed that, on the frequent carts set up on purpose, they seemed to fly faster than they rode. They strove to hide it before everyone, but immediately it happened all over the city. At the same time, strong outposts were placed along all the roads that could allow anyone to get into Courland, giving these soldiers a decree so that those traveling from there to Moscow would be let through, and those marching from Moscow would be restrained and letters would be robbed from them. And from such an action of theirs, not only quick-witted people, but stupid commoners could clearly already see what the supreme gentlemen were up to, and it was not difficult to understand that they wanted to bring the new reign to the empress in the name of the whole people, as if [S. 197] approved by popular consent.<…>

But everywhere in the city the vision and hearing became pitiful: wherever you come, to whatever assembly you stick to, there was nothing else to hear, only sorrowful complaints about those octagonal entertainers; everyone severely reproved them, everyone cursed their unusual boldness, insatiable delicacy and lust for power, and everywhere, in one read speech, it is said that if, according to the desire of their masters, it happens, from which God would save, then extreme disaster will come to the whole fatherland.

In the meantime, it was rumored that another union was born, an octagonal union opposite. The noblest, that is to say, from the gentry began to communicate and advise, as if in defiance of becoming leaders and destroying their cunning structure; and for this, in different houses, but at times they gathered at night.

At that time, I tried with all possible diligence to find out: what did this other campaign come up with, and what did it see for its intention? And soon I received the news that they had two opinions of the dispute. One bold thing: when they gather in their place, to attack the supreme masters suddenly with an armed hand, and if they do not want to lag behind their intentions, to put them all to death. Another meek opinion was: to reach them in the assembly and suggest that their inventions are not secrets, everyone knows what they are building, no small fault of one and not many of the state to remake the structure; and even if they saw something very useful, but to hide it from others, and most of all not to tell the ruling persons, it smells unpleasant and stinking. Both of these opinions could not occur in a consonant sentence: the first, as if fierce and unknown luck; and the other, as if weak and invalid, and leading trouble to their own heads; and so some other means had to be sought.

<…>on the second day of February, sent from the Supreme Council to senatorial, episcopal and other ranks houses, spread summonses that the Supreme Council calls everyone to the assembly on the morning day<…>; the same messengers also brought the collections of that guilt, as if they would advise on the establishment of the state.

<…>On the third day of February, a great crowd gathered at the appointed place, where, when it was expected that such advice from the leaders would be pronounced, then, indicating silence, they ordered the letter sent from Courland to be read, and the deed was that which the most dangerous prophesied: there was that message Empress Anna.

There was no one, except for the supreme ones, who, listening to such, did not shudder, and those themselves, who yesterday hoped for great benefit from this meeting, lowered their ears like poor donkeys; whispers of some kind in a multitude of them rustled, but no one dared to respond with indignation. And it was impossible not to be afraid, because in this chamber, along the passages, in the passages and huts, an armed army stood in many orders. And the silence was wonderful! The supreme gentlemen themselves quietly whispered something to one another, and looking with sharp eyes, pretended that they too, as if they were surprised at some unknown and unexpected thing.

<…>The synodal hierarchs, on the other hand, taught to solicit so that, without delay, to gather and make a prayer of thanksgiving, which no one argued about.

The Synod commanded the deacons to raise the name of the empress with the full royal title, containing autocracy in itself, which is done. Yes, it became very disliked by the supreme, and they repented that they had forgotten to consult about it before, and when, on the same day, the Synod sent written titles of the empress of the form to all countries, they sent them too; but the titles of the autocracy, which had already been dropped before, did not dare to change.

And from that time it was possible to see that people of every rank and rank, supposedly decrepit and thoughtful, walked around and seemed to be thinking deeply about something. And it was not powerful to do otherwise, who had common sense and reason! Ponezhe, although the idea of ​​​​the supreme masters was not a secret, however, no one hoped that they would dare to throw charters on the empress so slavish and cramped possessions.

It is necessary to know this, that this epistle was woven in Moscow, and Prince Vasily Lukich was taken to Courland and planted by the Empress for signing, and so that the Empress would not refuse to sign, Prince Vasily swore with an unheard-of lie that this demand was from all ranks and common to everything people. And about this from the lips of the Empress herself, upon her arrival in Moscow, it became known.

On the 10th day of February, a statement was received that the empress was not far from Moscow.

And soon afterwards, from the rank of the church, three bishops, and three senators from the civil, were sent to meet Her Majesty. Yes, and here something pitiful and worthy of note appeared. When these senators and bishops, by definition of the Supreme Council, in the name of all ranks, dressed up to greet the Empress on the road, they needed to demand passports from the Supreme Council, and they received it. And when we reached the outpost, since the empress was still far away from that place, then the captain, who was holding the outpost, with the announcement of the passport from them, as the masters themselves, considered the servants so, and then missed the march further.

<…>And on the same day, the Empress arrived in the village of Vsesvyatskoye, seven miles from Moscow, and here, for reassurance, stopping, she ordered: Peter II, before his entry into the city, to be buried, which was done in the morning.

But even here something difficult happened and such that it is difficult to say whether it is more surprising, or is it subject to laughter? On the twelfth day of February, at sunrise, all the ranks in the house of the introduced sovereign converged; but nothing has been done for a long time and no one knows what was expected. We thought that not everyone was ready for the ceremony. 208] prepared, however, they could not see anything that was not ready, and when one of the noble persons, chilling with a long sitting, asked single action that steward: why does the campaign not begin until now? He answered him that they were still waiting for a decision from the Supreme Council: where and how to be in the ceremony of the late sovereign for the bride, and she de demands for herself both the place and the outfit and all the imperial glory. And many hearing it, murmured with great indignation, scolding and cursing unusual people those shamelessness and not ordering to wait for anything, everyone settled down for the funeral campaign, in which the dreamed-up empress did not appear anywhere. Everyone can here see that Prince Alexy, his aforementioned bride of the parent, and their other relatives, this business was, and that they, seeing themselves taken away, which they dreamed of having in their hands, the royal scepter, did not leave anything so that it would not seem to lofty their will. We have already shown how shamelessly Prince Alexy showed a charter, supposedly a direct covenant, written from Peter II, and when that failed, they elected an empress, but without power and strength, so that they themselves would take over everything, and they would reign by deed, and the empress would only amuse herself with the royal name. But so that the appearance of the royal would not be too far away from their house, they started this little thing to use, since if Catherine had taken the imperial place in the funeral ceremonial, they would have made it, if not equal to the empress herself, then at least secondary, and even tea, and they didn't stop there.

On the same February, on a day that was Sunday, Empress Anna entered Moscow with great glory, but she herself had nothing to have fun with, and many grieved and grieved about her poor condition. When she entered the royal house, they immediately learned that she was allegedly full and imprisoned in an honest prison. And it was impossible for her to think otherwise, because Prince Vasily Lukich Dolgoruky, who had brought her from Courland to Moscow, at the very doors of the rooms, prepared for her stay, occupied other rooms for himself so that it was impossible for anyone to access the empress without his permission; Yes, and whom he allowed, he himself followed, and no one, lower than her Majesty's sister, was free to talk, whatever it was, unless I was present and heard him.<…>

<…>even more so, the poor state of the empress herself, as if walking before her eyes, called for anger and fury: she does not happen, she does not see; people do not congratulate her. And when the news spread everywhere that Prince Vasily Lukich, like some kind of dragon, watches over her impregnable, and that without his will she is involuntary in anything, and it is not known whether she is alive, and if she is alive, she breathes by force, and that these tyrants they have an empress for the shadow of an empress, and meanwhile they are doing something evil, which others cannot even guess. This and this like, when it is said everywhere, jealousy awaited another company, and it ignited more cruelly than before; it was seen on many that something very strange was being planned. But the quiet-minded heads bowed to this, in order to abolish this rebellious domination by the next correct and safe action.

Having come together in a single meeting, many of the nobility wrote a petition to the empress, in which they announce that the embassy that was in Courland, not only without the consent of all the ranks, but also without the knowledge and purposely secretly arranged from private eight people, for their domestic interests, and dutifully Her Majesty asks that the contractual letter of Courland, subject to her (although she signed it, believing in simplicity with a false denunciation) deigns to reject and destroy, like some illegal monster and freak, published to the death of the fatherland from a few entertainers. And soon they entered the royal chambers in great numbers, and began to demand that they be allowed to proceed before Her Majesty. And having heard this, Prince Vasily Lukich ran out to them and, pretending to agree with them in everything, began to ask a composed petition from them, promising to immediately give it into the hands of Her Majesty. But no one was so insensitive, who would not recognize his deceit; everyone began to yell that those given from the empress and sons from the mother should not be torn off, and whoever thinks like that is an enemy of both the empress and the state. And so he, full of shame, fear and rage, departed from them.

At that time, her sister, Princess Catherine, was with the Empress, and she had previously been notified of such an intention by the nobility, now hearing about their meeting, everything that was done, she informed the Empress, exhorting her to come to them and listen to their petitions. And it was free to talk about it, because Prince Vasily Lukich came out to the hearing of this meeting, as already mentioned.

The empress came out into the hall and, standing under a canopy, let the petitioners in and ordered them to read their petition; and after reading that, she ordered immediately to submit to herself a letter from Courland. Then she delivered a short speech in such force that although very difficult treaties of the reign were submitted to her, however, believing, as she was informed, that they were required from all ranks and from the entire Russian people, she signed for the love of her fatherland. And now it is known that she was deceived by lies and flattery, for that sake, these contracts, as if they were torn from themselves by a untruth, are destroying and ordering anyone to have their handwriting for important things. And having said that, she immediately tore the aforementioned letter, handed down to her hand, and threw it on the ground.

All the forthcoming multitude exclaimed, gratefully thanking her majesty and bowing; But there were also some from the leaders, and when those petitioners bowed thanks, then these bowed, which action of them, more than any expectation, it seemed, gave the people contented with laughter matter. It is strange that Anna is called "blessed and eternally worthy of memory": so far I have come across this only in relation to the late monarchs, and in 1730 Anna was still quite alive ... Perhaps the title is a later one, from an edition of 1845.

An excerpt from Feofan's sermon /from Solovyov/:
“It is fitting for me,” Feofan said, “to first speak about the defeated adversary, strength, audacity, courage, and about the severity and ferocity of the battle. The adversary is truly such, from which the undefeated only be, there would be great glory: what to defeat such, and defeat taco gloriously and so completely? What do we say, when by insidious instigation and secret guidance from the accursed traitor the smallest of Russia is brought inside? (for he himself could never and would not dare to enter in). Here is truly our adversary strength, but you, father of our fatherland, the labors and obstacles have multiplied, and this warfare has been created, nightly warfare, as if in a dark night there was a great bewilderment of who was kept, who to step on, whom to step in: in a single city, in a single house, there can be two opposing countries of weapons. Psi do not gnaw their lords, ferocious beasts do not harm their feeders, but the most ferocious of all the animals, the slave wished to gnaw his hand, but with it not only high dignity was exalted and we hold byashe on that stronghold. Mova unstudent, not afraid of Judas' lawlessness, Aryan's perjury is not trembling, do not think about the most sacred and unharmed honor of the Lord Christ, the study and harm of our fatherland! If more, calling himself a Russian son, he is an enemy and a Lyakh-lover. Keep those, O Russia! and reject from your bosom: whether not yet, you have suffered not the last misfortune, but always carry the snake in your bowels, and the voice of God, sometimes spoken to Ezekiel, will respond to you: in the midst of scorpions you live. Imagine before your eyes, prudent hearer, all the above-mentioned fierce, all the needs and inconveniences, they also created this heavy battle, and behold the wondrous victory. Who is defeated? The adversary from ancient times is strong, bold with pride, a heavy neighbor, a terrible people, abounding with all military contentment. Where and how was it defeated? During the fierce fierce battle inside our fatherland, who entered, always fortified with treacherous weapons, whenever he is comfortable, but our inconvenience multiplies; When he has more than he has gathered, our most illustrious monarch divided his army into many places, in a word, he is defeated when he always thinks of holding victory in his hands. It comes to my mind here that testers tell about the lion of natures: when, they say, the lion cannot resist the strength of strong catchers, rushes to escape, and so that they do not know which country to escape, with its trunk rakes its traces after itself. Who, then, does not also see on his own lion? You see, most of all, as if you ran away with him about a traitor! Not only in body, but in treachery lame; see now how you surrendered under the strongest hand; now swear to the Russian army as if it were not a military one; now know who is fleeing: this is for me, among others, your reproaches. But your prophecy, which you prophesied to the Svean power in Moscow, is partly true, and partly false: many have already reached Moscow, but many have loved the place near Poltava. Such a shame and only your glorious victory, O glorious winner! What word will you utter, what kind of praise, according to the property, will be possible to crown? Not many such victories are found in the memory of the people, in historical books. Indus, in part, defeat the creature, in part, they return to their houses intact: our adversaries are here with all the howls and leaders of the multitude, they are captive, they are killed, and those who escaped a little brought fear not into their houses, but into a place unknown to them. The neighbor and their neighbors will hear and say, as if not into our land, but into a certain sea, having entered their forces: plunging like tin in water, the messenger does not return to his fatherland.

AT 5. Read an extract from a historical work and the name of the ruler.

“Alive and cheerful, but keeping her eyes on herself, at the same time large and slender, with a beautiful round and ever-blooming face, she loved to impress ... The most legitimate of all the successors and successors of Peter I, but raised to the throne by the rebellious guards with bayonets, she ... built palaces in twenty-four hours and in two days she traveled the then path from Moscow to St. Petersburg, regularly paying for each driven horse.

Answer: _____________________________.

Part C

Read an excerpt from historical source and answer briefly

questions C1 - C3. The answers assume the use of information from

source, as well as the application historical knowledge and skills.

“The empress came out into the hall; standing under the canopy, let the petitioners in

and ordered them to read their petition ... Then she made a short speech in such

power: that although very heavy treaties of reign were given to her,

however, believing, as it was reported to her, that they are from all ranks and from everything

the Russian people are required, for the love of their fatherland signed. BUT

now it is known that she was deceived by lies and flattery,

for the sake of these agreements ... destroys. And having said that, the immediately mentioned letter,

up to her hand, she tore it apart and threw it on the ground.

C1. Determine the time of events and the main character.

C2. Indicate the generally accepted name of the document mentioned in the text, describe its content.

C3. What consequences did the described event have for the main character and the authors of the document?

C4. There is a point of view that the era of palace coups - " Lost time in the history of Russia. What other estimate of this period do you know? Which assessment do you think is more convincing? Give at least three facts, provisions that can serve as arguments confirming your assessment.



1. Working with chronology

No. p / p


the date

The entry of Russian troops into Berlin

Manifesto on the freedom of the nobility

Opening of Moscow University

Attempt to introduce conditions

Seven Years' War

The reign of Anna Ioannovna

Reign of Catherine I

The reign of Elizabeth Petrovna

Reign of John VI Antonovich

Reign of Peter II

Reign of Peter III

Epoch palace coups

2. Work with personalities

historical figures

Who is(s)?

What did they do? What happened to them?

HELL. Menshikov

The actual ruler of Russia under Catherine I

1. Under Peter II, he lost the struggle for power and was exiled, died in exile


Members of the Supreme Privy Council, who decided in 1730 to invite Anna and limit autocracy

1. Exiled and/or executed by Anna Ioannovna

E.I. Biron

Temporary worker under Anna Ioannovna, whose name is associated with German dominance

S.F. Apraksin

Russian military leader at the beginning of the Seven Years' War

1. Won a victory near the village of Gross-Egersdorf

P.S. Saltykov

Russian military leader during Seven Years' War

1. Won a victory near the village of Kunersdorf

M.V. Lomonosov

Russian scientist and poet

1. The first Russian academician

2. Founder of Moscow University

I.I. Shuvalov

Favorite of Elizabeth Petrovna

1. Contributed to the founding of Moscow University and the Academy of Arts

3. Working with the scheme

1 - Alexey Mikhailovich; 2 - Maria Miloslavskaya; 3 - Natalia Naryshkina; 4 - Fedor Alekseevich; 5 - Sofia Alekseevna ; 6 - IvanV; 7 - PeterI; 8 - Evdokia Lopukhina; nine - EkaterinaI; 10 - Ekaterina Ioannovna; eleven - Anna Ioannovna; 12 - Alexey; 13 - Anna; fourteen - Elizaveta Petrovna; 15 - Anna Leopoldovna; 16 - PeterII; 17 - PeterIII; 18 - EkaterinaII; 19 - IvanVIAntonovich.

5. Working with concepts

1. "Conditions" - agreements signed by Anna Ioannovna at the request of the "supreme leaders" as a condition for her invitation to the throne; torn apart by the empress.

2. "Verkhovniki" - members of the Supreme Privy Council.

3. Favorite - an confidant of the emperor (empress), who enjoys great personal trust of the head of state and has the opportunity to influence state affairs.

4. Secularization of the land - the transfer of church and monastery lands to the state.

5. "Bironovshchina" - the dominance of foreigners in key positions of the Russian state.

6. Working with the judgments of historians

A - Elizabeth; B - Anna Ioannovna; B - Catherine II; G - Peter II; D - Peter III; E - Elizabeth; F - Anna Ioannovna,


Level A tasks

job number


job number


Level B assignments

Palace coups. Teacher: Kvyatkevich Anna Alexandrovna MBOU secondary school 20 g.o. Kolomna, Moscow region

Catherine I gg. HELL. Menshikov A.D. Menshikov

Peter II A. I. Osterman

Anna Ioannovna gg. E. I. Biron

Ivan VI Antonovich Anna Leopoldovna

Elizaveta Petrovna gg. A. G. RazumovskyI. I. Shuvalov

Peter III E. R. Vorontsova-Dashkova E. R. Vorontsova-Dashkova

Catherine II G.A. Potemkin

Establish a correspondence between the figure of Russian history and the relationship he was with Peter I Peter II D. Daughter 6. Peter III E. Sister 7. Alexey Zh. Second wife 8. Ivan (Tsar) Z. Grandson 9. Sofia Alekseevna I. Brother

Work with historical document“The empress came out into the hall; standing under the canopy, let the petitioners in and ordered them to read their petition ... Then she delivered a short speech in such force: that although the treaties of the reign were very difficult, however, believing, as it was reported to her, that these were from all ranks and from all Russian people are required, for the love of their fatherland signed. But now it is known that she was deceived by lies and flattery, for the sake of these agreements ... destroys. And having said that, she immediately tore the aforementioned letter, delivered to her hand, and threw it on the ground. “The empress came out into the hall; standing under the canopy, let the petitioners in and ordered them to read their petition ... Then she delivered a short speech in such force: that although the treaties of the reign were very difficult, however, believing, as it was reported to her, that these were from all ranks and from all Russian people are required, for the love of their fatherland signed. But now it is known that she was deceived by lies and flattery, for the sake of these agreements ... destroys. And having said that, she immediately tore the aforementioned letter, delivered to her hand, and threw it on the ground. C1. Determine the time and place of the events. Specify the main character. C1. Determine the time and place of the events. Specify the main character. C2. Indicate the generally accepted name of the document mentioned in the text, describe its content. C2. Indicate the generally accepted name of the document mentioned in the text, describe its content. SZ. What were the consequences of the described event for the main actor and authors of the document? SZ. What consequences did the described event have for the main character and the authors of the document?