Hitler's attitude towards women. Women of Adolf Hitler and their tragic fates (50 photos) - Enchanted Soul


Everything that was connected with the personal life of Adolf Hitler was kept under a strict veil of secrecy. Still would! Guardian of strict morality in relation to to the German people he was an incredible pervert...

The PHENOMENON of the personal life of dictators has been little studied by psychoanalysts. But history testifies: neither Caligula, nor Ivan the Terrible, nor Napoleon, nor Lenin, nor Stalin, nor his associate Beria, nor Hitler were even in the least satisfied with their personal lives. And what joys of intimacy can we talk about when the brain and feelings are burned by the passion of dominating millions and millions of people. The mere realization of such gigantic power can bring sexual satisfaction...


Once Shakespeare remarked: "In a newborn there is already a vice!" This means that we acquire all the advantages and disadvantages at the moment of birth, they are laid in us, as if in a computer, and we are forced to carry them to our death for joy or sorrow. In the cosmogram of the birth of Adolf Hitler, Venus and Mars "go in an embrace", endowing him with aggressive sexuality, a rare combination of charm and violence, inconsistency and impulsive behavior, obsession and a state of constant excitement.

Interestingly, the future dictator was born on April 20, 1889 in the Austrian city of Braunau am Inn, the center of European esotericism and mediumship. Moreover, Hitler was fed by the same nurse who "used" famous German magicians and mediums ... And he, presumably, inherited his hypnotic gaze from his mother, whom he literally idolized and did not part with her portrait for a single day. Many contemporaries saw in this respect a clear pathology.

Since Hitler was born under the sign of Taurus, his psychotype was not alien to artistic creativity. In his youth, he sang in the choir, wrote poetry, painted, and professionally enough to dream of a career as an artist. But Hitler did not become an artist, but became a dictator who adored young girls, especially from the bohemian environment. Hitler had a purely platonic attitude towards women, and when asked by the party lord why he did not marry, he invariably answered: "My life belongs to the German people." Hitler liked to flirt with women, flirt with them, but physical contact he never allowed, even did not tolerate handshakes - he saved his sexual energy for politics.


Everyone has a first love. Sixteen-year-old Adolf also had her, and her name was Stephanie. At that time, he was afraid even of the sight of a naked female body, and not only to speak - he was afraid to approach the object of love. Much later, he noticed that the company of "young women" is good for him, because it improves mood and improves tone.

It is believed that Hitler's intimate life began when he was already 36 years old, and his chosen one, Maria REITTER, was only 16. Having flirted a little with Maria, Hitler invited her on a date. Then followed an invitation to a concert, which met with an unexpected refusal. This infuriated Hitler, he was not used to refusals. Result? In the summer of 1928 Maria tried to commit suicide...

Helena Hanfstaengl, having met Hitler, allowed him to be at home, but soon told her husband that Adolf was impotent, " absolute zero". Women who were in close contact with Hitler claimed that he makes love in his own way and this "way" always ends in a "fierce scandal." Special place Hitler's intimate life was occupied by his niece Geli Raubal, whom he was very jealous of and even ordered to follow.

Before she passed away, the young woman confessed: "My uncle is a monster! You can't imagine the things he made me do." From her stories it followed that Adolf ordered her to undress, he lay down on the floor, and Geli forced to squat over his face. Reveling in the spectacle of his niece's genitals and masturbating at the same time, Hitler became furiously delighted, and experienced an orgasm when Geli urinated on his face ...

After Geli Raubal, Hitler had many women. Here are just a few of them: Winifred WAGNER, suspiciously denying an obvious intimate relationship, Genny HOFFMANN, virgin Unity MITFORT, film actress and lesbian Leni RIFENSTAL, Hana REITCH.

The latter was also forced to end her life after love affairs with Hitler. And the actress Renata MULLER, according to the testimony of Hollywood producer A. ZEISSLER, who worked in Berlin in the 30s, said that Hitler was afraid of the bed "like hell of incense", and falling at her feet, begged to beat and trample him with his feet, to whip him with a whip the same whips, dirty and obscene insults ... The actress had to give in. Hitler went into ecstasy, began to masturbate, and after the desired orgasm completely calmed down.


But main woman Hitler's fate was to be Eva BROWN. They met back in 1929. Hitler literally devoured her with his eyes, but she became his mistress only three years later. The age difference was 23 years.

An interesting detail: being a dictator's woman's gynecologist is not a safe occupation. Eve had a painful gynecological operation because her vagina was too small for normal sex. The next day, the gynecologist who performed the operation was in a car accident. But what about Eva? And she ended badly. On November 1, 1932, she was shot in the heart, but miraculously survived. Later, Eva confessed to the Fuhrer's favorite Otto SKORZENI: "We stretched out right on the floor. The Fuhrer did not even take off his shoes and looked extremely erotic on the floor." Hitler's weakness was photographing Eva in the nude. At the same time, he made sure that it was impossible to identify Eve. The eyes of the dictator had a special predilection for the appetizing buttocks of Eve.

Among the women close to the Fuhrer, Eva Braun was the best rider, controlled by a whip on his back. The most striking thing is that Hitler considered this necessary for himself, believing: "In order to achieve absolute power, it is necessary to go through extreme humiliations. "Moreover, Hitler believed that such executions strengthened in him " occult power and psychic power.

His best rider turned out to be the most faithful woman. In April 1945, when Berlin was dying under the blows of the allied armies, she miraculously reached the Reich Chancellery to share her fate with the fate of Hitler.

On April 28, at 3:30, the wedding of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun took place, witnessed by Bormann and Goebbels. As "Frau Hitler" Eva spent only 40 hours, after which, at the insistence of her husband, she took an ampoule of potassium cyanide ...

based on the book by G. Khlebnikov " intimate life Hitler"

In the photo - Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun on their wedding day, which became the day of their death.

Mitzi Reiter: early love. Maria "Mitzi" Reiter was sixteen years old when she entered into a relationship with the thirty-seven-year-old Hitler, who drew attention to her in 1926. Adolf Hitler promised her marriage and "fair-haired children", but later, citing the fact that he had a mission in life, which he must first complete. Desperate for his constant neglect of her, she tried to hang herself, but survived and eventually became the wife of an SS officer. Hitler's sister Paula later said that Reiter was the only person who could stop Hitler from turning into a monster.

Geli Raubal, Hitler's niece. If the existing evidence is to be believed, Hitler's greatest love was incestuous. He was in love with Angela "Geli" Raubal, his half-sister's daughter. Presumably, their relationship began when she was seventeen years old. Hitler was a powerful uncle and a powerful lover, in fact he kept her under lock and key in his apartment in Munich or in his villa near Berchtesgaden. Many believe that Raubal never returned his feelings.

The love of Hitler's life. In 1931, at the age of 23, Raubal was found dead in owned by Hitler apartment in Munich with a gunshot wound to the chest. Her death was declared a suicide, but many believe that the future German dictator may have killed her as a result of a quarrel sparked by her plan to move to Vienna. The bullet was fired from Hitler's personal "Walter". Researchers believe that after the death of Raubal, Hitler became much tougher and henceforth did not let people get as close to him as he did with Raubal. "It was this death that planted the seeds of inhumanity in his soul," Hitler's personal photographer later mentioned in his memoirs.

Inga Lei is another suicide. Hitler was a big fan of Inga Ley, the wife of one of the officials Nazi party Robert Ley. Rumors spread throughout Germany that Hitler and Inga Ley were having an affair. Again, rumor has it that Hitler had a nude portrait of Ley that hung in the living room of one of his apartments. However, irrefutable evidence there is no sexual relationship between them. Lei committed suicide in 1942, possibly due to depression caused by drug use, which she became addicted to due to a difficult birth.

Unity Mitford - English rose of the Fuhrer. English socialite Unity Mitford moved to Munich in the mid-1930s and quickly entered Hitler's inner circle. Her middle name was "Valkyrie" and Hitler was crazy about Scandinavian myths. He would later call her "the perfect example Aryan woman».

Eve's rival. Eva Braun was beside herself with jealousy because of the close relationship between Hitler and Unity Mitford. “She is known as the 'Valkyrie' and looks the part, especially her legs. I am mistress the greatest man in Germany and the whole world, I have to put up with the fact that everyone is laughing at me, ”wrote Eva Braun in her diary. Hitler began to give her more attention after she tried to commit suicide. In the photo - Unity Mitford (left) with her sisters, 1932.

Romantic betrayal. When Britain declared war on Germany, Mitford was so upset that she fired a bullet into her temple with a pearl-handled pistol given to her by Hitler. She survived and returned to England, but never fully recovered. In 1948, she died due to complications caused by a bullet that was never removed, too deeply seated in her head. Pictured: Unity Mitford (second from left) at a Christmas party at the German Embassy in London hosted by the Anglo-German community in 1938.

Mother of Adolf Hitler's child? In 2007 English magazine The New Statesman published an article alleging that Mitford was pregnant by Hitler and had given birth in a hospital in the UK upon her return there. This child, according to the author of the article, was given foster parents. Pictured: Unity Mitford and her sister Diana Mitford (also a fascist and anti-Semitic) with Diana's two children, 1935.

10. Hitler had a feminine handwriting.

Arguments have surfaced over the years that Hitler was homosexual. Such opinions are based on some incidents from his youth in Vienna, others on the fact that there were many homosexuals at the origins of the Nazi Party in Germany. However, then all evidence of Hitler's homosexual behavior was carefully destroyed by the Gestapo service. But one thing we know for sure is that Hitler was in many ways a very feminine man. For example, many contemporaries noted the feminine gait of Hitler. When outstanding psychologist Carl Jung was asked to comment on the example of Hitler's handwriting, he declared that "the owner of handwriting, as a rule, is a very feminine person."

9. Hitler hated going to the dentist.

Many people have some kind of phobia. It has long been known about Hitler that he had a great phobia regarding toothache. According to the memoirs of Hitler's personal dentist, Johannes Blaschke, he simply shuddered with fear, sitting in the dental chair. As a result, even the simplest dental treatment had to be stretched out over eight days. In 1944, he had to put 10 fillings at once. Hitler also had very poor oral hygiene: terrible breath, many abscesses and even gum disease.

8. Hitler had a sweet tooth.

When we think of Adolf Hitler, cupcakes and whipped cream rarely come to mind. But Hitler was a big fan of sweet pies. Hitler is known to have spoken out in favor of a vegetarian diet and was very rarely interested in alcohol.

As a young man, between 1909 and 1913, Hitler was poor, worked hard jobs and earned correspondingly little. During these years, Hitler lived on bread, milk and butter, but as soon as he had extra money, he liked to spend it on sweet treats I, such as poppy seed cake or walnut cake, and sometimes liked to cook a huge bowl of rice and milk and cover this dish with sugar and grated chocolate. Hitler's fondness for sweet food continued well into his later years.

7. Hitler was an avid cheerleader.

According to documents collected by the CIA, Hitler was a big fan of American football fans (cheerleaders) and bands. Hitler, as you know, in 1923 was a big fan of football games and accompanying processions.

6. Hitler liked to sleep.

Adolf was a couch potato, he liked to sleep a lot and often did not get out of bed until 11 am. This can be explained by the fact that Hitler suffered from insomnia and often tossed and turned until four in the morning. Other Scholars Suggest Hitler Was Showing Symptoms early start Parkinson's disease.

5. Hitler's first love was for a Jewish girl.

At the age of sixteen, growing up in Vienna, Hitler fell under the spell of a Jewish girl, Stephanie Isaac. Young Hitler did not say a word to Isaac about his love, instead he expressed his love with a pencil in his poetry. Stephanie Isaak said in an interview much later that she had no idea about Hitler's love for her.

4. Hitler took cocaine.

Adolf Hitler's personal physician, Theodor Morel, began prescribing cocaine to the German dictator in 1944. Hitler took cocaine through an inhaler, twice a day, and also used cocaine in eye drops.

A medical prescription was given to relieve Hitler of the pain during the illness of the sinuses and throat. But the effects of hard drugs could be worse than a sore throat. Some historians argue that cocaine may have influenced Hitler's decision making, making him susceptible to paranoia and fits of rage.

3. Hitler suffered from flatulence

Hitler had good relationship with his personal physician Theodore Morel. Hitler instructed him to find a cure for his long-standing illness gastrointestinal tract. Morel eventually prescribed Hitler a mixture of amphetamines and ointments, along with soothing enemas of chamomile infusions. Morel also prescribed special pills consisting of belladonna and strychnine.

2. Hitler took injections to increase potency.

Mistress, and on the last day of Hitler's life and his wife - Eva Braun, was 23 years younger than him. And in last years life, he demanded from his doctor - Theodore Morel drugs that enhance potency. Morel used extracts from the prostate and testicles of young bulls to create a male potion. So Hitler took increase libido bull testicle extract.

1. Hitler loved cartoons.

In 2008, the Norwegian War Museum exhibited artwork depicting Disney characters. Museum staff claimed that the drawings were drawn by Hitler himself. It is also known that the 1937 Disney cartoon Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was one of Hitler's favorite films. It's hard to imagine Adolf Hitler with a bucket of popcorn in front of a movie screen, but it's quite possible that cruel dictators can be sentimental too.

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10-12-2015, 13:00  12425   

With everything negative attitude to this person, Hitler was also a person (if I may say so ...), who was characterized by the usual human emotions and feelings. He also had women whom he loved, with whom he had a romantic relationship.
The most famous Eva Braun, long time former mistress of Hitler. She became a wife almost a few hours before her death, they committed suicide together. But besides her, there were other women ...

1. Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler on their last day: both weddings and deaths

2. First love - Maria "Mitzi" Reiter. She was 16, he was 37 in 1926. Adolf promised to marry her and provide her with many "fair-haired children." In general, an ideal family would turn out, they would read in the evenings, play music, if television had been invented by that time, they could watch My Fair Nanny online for free. Fortunately, now we can all safely review online all the series of our favorite series. But all this was to happen later, when he had fulfilled his life mission. The girl suffered from his inattention, tried to hang herself with grief, but unsuccessfully. Although she later married an SS officer. Later, Hitler's sister Paula said that only Mitzi could change Hitler's character and possibly keep him from losing his humanity.

3. Angela "Geli" Raubal was next. She was the daughter of Hitler's half-sister and was his niece. This love was considered the most significant in Hitler's life. It is believed that they began a relationship when she was 17. Hitler acted as an overbearing uncle and lover. The girl was kept under lock and key in a Munich apartment or in his villa near Berchtesgaden. True, many authors note that Geli had no feelings for Hitler.

4. In 1931, Raubal, at the age of 23, was found dead in an apartment owned by Hitler in Munich with a gunshot wound to her chest. Her death was declared a suicide. True, many say that Hitler most likely killed her as a result of a quarrel caused by a plan for her to move to Vienna. The bullet corresponds to Hitler's personal "Walter". Researchers note that after Geli's death, Hitler became much tougher and no longer let people get close to him, as Raubal, Hitler's personal photographer, said in his memoirs that it was this death that sowed the seeds of inhumanity in his soul.

5. Passionate passion - Erna Hanfstaengl. After the failed in 1923 beer coup Hitler entered into brief link with Erna Hanfstaengl, who was the older sister of his friend Ernst Hanfstaengl. Although, according to other sources, Erna did not take Hitler's advances seriously

6. Renata Muller, actress. Müller was very popular among the Nazis, she was perceived as the ideal of an Aryan woman. Renata replaced Marlene Dietrich in German cinema, who went to Hollywood from the Nazis. Renata, according to testimonies, also did not want to act in propaganda films

7. In 1937, Renata fell out of a hotel window. She was then 31 years old, and suicide or murder. Interestingly, director Zeissler talked about Muller's confessions. According to her, she had a connection with Hitler, and a masochistic one. Hitler crawled at her feet, begged him to beat him, all this was the only thing that could excite him. But her flight took place just a few days after this story, and before that, Gestapo agents entered the hotel

8. Another death - Inga Lei. Inga was the wife of Nazi Party official Robber Lay. According to rumors, she had an affair with Hitler, her nude portrait hung in his apartment. And again, she committed suicide in 1942. Although it may have been due to the drugs and depression associated with the difficult birth.

9. Unity Mitford is an English socialite who moved to Munich in the mid-1930s and quickly entered Hitler's inner circle. Hitler was crazy about Scandinavian myths, and her middle name was "Valkyrie", he called her the ideal of the Aryan woman.

10. Eva Braun was terribly jealous of Hitler for Unity Mitford. Eva complained in her diary that she, Hitler's "official" mistress, was laughed at, that Unity looked like a real "Valkyrie, especially her legs." In frustration, Brown attempted suicide, and Hitler began to pay more attention to her.

11. Like almost all of Hitler's beloved women, Milford also attempted suicide. True, the reason this time was the declaration of war by Great Britain on Germany. She shot at the temple with a pistol given by Hitler, a pistol with a handle adorned with pearls. True, this suicide was not entirely successful, Unity survived and returned to England. She could not recover until 1948, the bullet went deep into the head and could not be removed, complications led to the death of a woman.

12. In 2007, an article appeared in the English magazine The New Statesman, which indicates that Mitford was pregnant by Hitler at the time of her return to Britain and gave birth to a child in the hospital. This child, according to the author of the article, was given to foster parents.
Pictured: Unity Mitford with her sister Diana Mitford and nephews, 1935.