Love for sports develop physical. How to instill in your child a love of sports

1. Infect by example

It's great if cycling, roller-skating or skiing on Sundays is a regular thing for you. Tell your child about your experiences, the benefits of exercising, and why you love playing sports. Do it sincerely, without moralizing, and take the child with you. Start with the basics and show what you can achieve with regular practice.

Remember you are best friend your child, and starting a new business in a supportive atmosphere is always easier and more interesting. If you are around, it will give a sense of protection to the child, which is important at a tender age.

If you yourself do not know how, for example, to roller skate, start learning the basics together. Seeing how you try and achieve results, the baby will feel more confident. And you and your little partner will be able to arrange mini-competitions and celebrate each other's successes.

2. Create a sporty atmosphere

Give your child maximum opportunities for active movement. Set up a small sports complex at home, encourage attempts - with your insurance - to conquer the slide or ladder on the playground. Offer a scooter, a bike, go out of town on the weekend and play badminton or tennis.

Permanent access to active movement Help your child learn to control their own body. Neurophysiologist Glenn Doman, the author of one of the most famous methods of early childhood development, introduced the concept of motor intelligence. His discoveries showed that the more the baby is encouraged to move, the faster the formation of his brain. When mastering the next motor skill, higher parts of the brain develop.

3. Start with a fitness club

Do not rush right off the bat trying to enroll your child in an Olympic reserve school. A good option is classes in fitness clubs with a children's instructor. Plus, you can come to class at the same time - while the child is studying, you can work hard on your body in the gym.

Children will be able to master developing gymnastics, take part in interesting outdoor games and even try martial arts - in a word, this is a good option to find a sport that will captivate your child.

4. Celebrate Achievements

Remember - your baby did not learn to walk right away. Remember how you rejoiced at him first uncertain steps? Rejoice the same. Support him and praise him - for a well-executed exercise, perseverance, tell him how strong he is becoming.

5. Broaden your sports horizons

If the child is already addicted a certain kind sports, do not limit your interest to the walls of the hall. Go to "adult" tournaments and competitions, watch videos of athletes' performances, study the biographies of sports stars. This will help you look at sports with different points vision and inspire hard work.

6. Buy a nice and comfortable workout uniform

Choose the right clothes together - they should not only be comfortable, meet the standards for training, but also please your child. Most importantly, it must protect him from possible injuries.

7. Don't force

If the child categorically does not want to go to training, roller-skate with you or get on a snowboard - do not force and in no case be angry. There can be many reasons for this - better later, when the protest subsides, talk to him about the reasons.

Perhaps the child is not attracted to the sports known to him, but he simply does not know others. In this case, tell your child about the variety of workouts. This will help you find something to your liking.

It is not scary if the child wants to switch to another sport. Don't stop him. Support the quest.

8. Stay healthy and safe

Do not force to do during the period of illness, even if the coach requires you to appear without fail. Be sensitive to the physical condition of the child, do an examination with doctors before going to "serious" training.

Remember that once an injury occurs, it can not only cross out sports career. What is much worse is to affect the whole life of the child.

9. Do not interfere with the choice

Perhaps you wanted to raise a football team, but your son chose ballroom dancing. Do not rush to tear your hair and think that "something is wrong" with the child. Support the choice, because this is the desire of your child, and he has the right to make it. Help him.

Remember - for every talent we will be asked. It is possible that this is your child's calling.

10. Choose the best coach

The love of sports must be instilled in the child at an early age. early age. A healthy lifestyle is not only rational and proper nutrition, but also in physical development. Exercise helps to maintain a healthy immune system physical condition improves brain performance. Sport also affects the moral principles of the child - instilling discipline, motivation, cooperation and commitment.

But, unfortunately, not all children like to perform at least minimal loads of physical exercise. And even organized sports do not cause any interest. How to instill a love of sports in children if they do not want to? First of all, you need to start with yourself. Children always take an example from their parents, and if you lie on the couch while saying that sport is health, development, etc., then most likely you will not achieve anything. Connect the whole family to exercise since morning. Lead by example proper routine day, and on weekends with the whole family, find for yourself interesting hobby such as ice skating in winter or rollerblading in summer.

The current practice shows that not many children understand what kind of sport they want to play. Don't worry if your child has changed many activities over the years. This happens when he cannot decide, made a lot of mistakes, or there was a desire to try several sports at once, but by the age of 12 he will definitely be able to make a choice in favor of the best option.

Expert opinion

Relying on the opinion of specialists, the child should begin to be carried away by sports from the age of 3, 4. Such an early age is chosen mainly by people who want to see their child as an athlete in professional sports in the future. However, most children do not dream of conquering the first places at the Olympics, in which case you should not take him immediately to training with a professional coach. For healthy development, it is enough to walk with the child on the playground, where he can be busy with outdoor games and daily activities with parents in the fresh air (exercises, jogging). An important feature plays the character of a child. If parents watch him activity and love for sports games, then the prospect of success in professional sports is clearly probable.

3 main rules for successfully instilling a love for sports:

  1. Do not impose your love for any type of physical activity on the child;
  2. Start playing sports yourself, and he will take an example from you;
  3. Help him reach his goal kind words praise.

Swedish wall - the beginning of the motivation for sports

A sports corner at home in the form of a Swedish wall is that piece of furniture that even an adult will not bypass. The parent will definitely have a desire to show the child good example, from time to time doing exercises on the horizontal bar. With a wall bar installed in your home, it will be easy for you to demonstrate simple exercises from an early age. Starting classes at home, the child learns to calculate his strength, control his abilities for further outdoor activities.

When planning the purchase of a Swedish wall, be sure to take care to buy a gymnastic mat. It will protect the child in case of possible unsuccessful exercises. Preparation involves performing several effective and simple exercises for the first time. For example, pulling up, hanging on a horizontal bar, climbing a rope - this whole complex strengthens the muscles of the back, arms, legs, and the vestibular apparatus develops.

Beautiful sports uniform

In order to play sports, you need to wear not only a comfortable uniform, but also a beautiful one. It is desirable that the child chooses it himself. Then he will no doubt put on a new one and it is obvious that this will give impetus to perform the necessary active exercises. If these are roller skating or cycling, do not forget about the protective attribute (elbow pads, helmet, knee pads).

Be proud of every new achievement

Reward the child for every effort on his part, be proud if he was able to achieve what was not possible before. Praise and approval on your part will be a kind of drive to the new and the desire to overcome new obstacles. You can come up with your own certificates of honor and medals for courage, courage and achievement. Do not forget that every achievement, whether it is a child or an adult, always has its own reward.

Combine play with exercise

The thesis of the game is more likely to come in handy only at an early age of 3 to 5 years. At this time, the child has not yet lost the habit of playful and perky games, so combining them with sports, you thereby instill interest and affection. For example, while doing exercises, you can, together with poetic form(many interesting word You can find the technology on the internet. Still outdoor games, thanks to which children make active efforts, it is advisable to arrange on the playground, because surrounded by friends, the excitement for the game will become even greater.

Group games induce in the child a desire for action. Remember yourself as a child, how fun it was to compete on different competitions at school or at summer camp. Show him a video of children trying to do physical sports. Or how great it is when you confidently master the skills of any sport, and take pride of place in competitions.

An alternative to children's joint street games

At an early age (4-5 years), it is difficult for a child to make a choice on his own. Having given him, for example, to karate classes, there is a high probability that he will not like this sport and generally discourage him from doing anything. And if it so happened that the parents have no time, or maybe there is simply no desire, then the best option for the child will be children's fitness. Now these classes are very popular and, according to many reviews, deliver the child great joy. Modern developments of children's literate development prioritize the maximum passion for the object, so most classes are held in a game format. Such activities can develop in a child leadership skills, communication skills, logical thinking and self-control.

Fitness is the best fit for children who are closed in themselves, not in a hurry, attentive in everything. Fitness will serve for such children as a start-up to new endeavors, for example, in more active sports (bosketball, football, tennis, etc.)

Get interested in new sports

Passion for one sport is far from a reason not to know about others. Let your child know a lot not only about his favorite pastime, invite him to discover new knowledge. Go to adult competitions and tournaments, maybe he will be inspired by other art. Watch programs with famous athletes and talk about their biography. There is a chance that he will not want to listen to this, and you, in turn, do it unobtrusively and do not drag out the story, let it be short but interesting.

It would not be superfluous to tell what the Guinness Book of Records is. What incredible results the athletes showed and received financial rewards for this. But in no case do not force your child to strive for this, just tell how interesting it is that there are people who have achieved so many heights. The child will draw his own conclusions.

Earliest sport

Speaking about the age of 3-4 years, one involuntarily wants to wonder, what about babies. Do they need exercise and sports? Of course, home gymnastics and exercises are an integral way to develop a child's muscular system. But the more popular way to exercise is swimming. Swimming can be practiced both at home - bath, and in the pool. If you don’t have the opportunity to exercise with your child in the pool, or you simply think that this is not necessary, go through at least one lesson with a qualified trainer in order to know how to do gymnastics for a baby in the water.

Separately about the coach

What can I say, the future prospects for the results of your child depend directly on the coach. A good coach enjoys the maximum success of his entire recruited team on sports section. Let's not pretend, and frankly, such instructors try to recruit only those guys in whom they really see great potential and in the future will be able to show all their abilities at competitions. Those who work only thinking about the money invested, and not about the quality of the work done - half of the group will provide training to no avail. Therefore, if a child goes to classes without initiative and does not show any results within two months, best advice is to change the coach. Find out what qualifications he has. Read reviews on the Internet or ask the mothers of the guys who have been studying with him for more than a year.

The main mistakes of parents when choosing a sports club for a child

For a child, a new introduction to his life is always a step towards something new, to which he must first adapt. Here are a few mistakes parents should avoid:

  • It is not necessary to enroll a child in a sambo club or other sport along with the first trip to school. The first class is given to the child with difficulty. He gets used to new atmosphere and if it is additionally written down on two circles at once, then it will be subject to psychological stress. Do not rush, wait at least until the first half of the year school year. It was during this period, according to experts, the child is already adapted to the new team.
  • The second mistake of parents is their unshakable opinion. Often a child is sent to the sports section only for the personal interests of the parents. They, in turn, make a choice depending on the prestige of the school and the prospects of a particular sport. A 5- or 6-year-old child cannot understand why an activity they like cannot be loved just because their parents do not see a future in it. Herein lies another mistake. Let him choose his own hobby. And if you still insist, create all the conditions for your child to like this species sports. Go to a trial lesson, additionally try to perform simple exercises at home, because they are so easy to find on the Internet without the temporary participation of a coach, choose the easiest ones and show that this sport is really worthy of his attention.
  • Coach's choice. When deciding to sign up for a sports club, be sure to ask about the qualifications of the coach. He must have a practice of working with children, because classes for adults and children are very different and require absolute different approach. Otherwise mishandling may completely discourage physical education or other sports.
  • Do not scold your child if for a long time training, he has not yet brought a single commendable letter. Do not demand from him too rapid progress, because the time for many children is determined in the range of understanding and awareness of this sport. With your reproaches, you can instill despondency and lack of concentration in the child. He may lose faith in himself.

What consequences can a child expect without playing sports

A sedentary lifestyle does not bring any benefits to either adults or children. But more, nevertheless, it is necessary to pay attention to the abilities of children, because development favors proper growth, harmony, dexterity, and the ability to use one's own strength.

And sometimes you realize with apprehension that the development trend of a modern child causes a rather alarming picture. Computer techologies have a lot on children and sometimes Negative influence. Parents do not always realize that excessive passion for games later leads to many diseases and psychological abnormalities. Current practice shows that everything is good in moderation. Therefore, the main rule is to minimize the time spent at the Internet provider.

A sedentary and sedentary lifestyle can lead to the following diseases:

  • Scoliosis;
  • Myopia;
  • Heart failure;
  • Nervous excitement;
  • Apathy towards studies and sports;
  • Reassessment of values ​​(the child loses interest in outside world and creates the illusion of the virtual).

What are the benefits of certain sports?

Each sport is different from the other, not only physical training and practical exercises, but also differs in the benefits for development brought from them. Let's look at a few of the most popular types sports.

  • Dance lessons

Variety of destinations dance art so big that every year more and more children want to study them different ages. It is better to start dancing with rhythmic exercises. Rhythm causes the child to create a sense of rhythm, coordination of movement, endurance, and also helps to strengthen muscles.

  • circus art

Circus art first of all develops flexibility in a child. Of course, no one teaches children risky tricks at first, but gymnastics is the main focus of such activities. Wheel, bridge, twine - these and other exercises will help strengthen the muscular system, make the body more mobile and flexible, the desire to learn new interesting tricks and discover talent and abilities increases.

  • Winter sports: skiing and snowboarding

Winter time and sport is great way harden the body and improve immunity. Thanks to skiing and snowboarding, the child develops musculoskeletal system, breathing, coordination of movement, agility and courage.

  • martial arts

How often parents teach their children to fight back, but in fact, according to many psychologists, it is right to teach children only to be able to protect themselves from the offender. Currently, martial arts training is actively in demand. Such training develops ligaments, joints, develops the muscular system. Thanks to martial arts, the child learns to control his strength, suppress aggression, train stretching and proper landing. Children are given to this kind of classes at the age of 7-8 years.

  • Figure skating

This sport requires an early approach. It is better to start trying to ride from the age of 4. Children who go in for figure skating train coordination, endurance, cardiovascular system, agility, flexibility and learn to hold correct posture.

You can achieve a rapid balance in the body of a child thanks to a confident start to sports. Let these be small exercises with increasing tasks to complete, anyway, such exercises will contribute to proper development your child. With every school year knowledge load increases. Next comes the need for extra classes in mathematics, language or history. It may seem to you that sports are out of place now and many parents sacrifice them for the sake of another science. But this is an erroneous opinion. Activity and mobility, together with a vigorous sense of sports excitement, contribute to the development of thinking. Children without sports become dull and lethargic. You can shorten the classes, but do not neglect them, because the health and development of your child is at stake. And remember one more thing Golden Rule, a child can achieve gold medals faster than others, if he loves what he does, do not force children to go to sports mugs that are of interest to you, not to him.

In the life of a child, sport plays a very important role. Active exercises not only develop the physical abilities of the baby, but also reveal it creative potential. In addition, sport forms such character traits as purposefulness, courage and self-confidence. But what if the baby does not show interest in outdoor activities? And is it worth it to involve children in sports from the cradle? Elena Cherenkova, coordinator of children's programs at the Sky Club fitness club, helped us answer these and other questions.

Often it is not so easy to get a child interested in sports. Now children are more likely to be addicted to gadgets than outdoor games. instill love for active pursuits help in the first place own example. Usually in families where parents are passionate about sports and lead healthy lifestyle life, children are also very well developed physically.

In addition, joint bike rides, roller races, team games and other activities not only have a positive effect on well-being, but also bring them together emotionally. This is a wonderful chance to get to know your child from the other side, while for the baby this is an occasion to see you as a friend and ally.

If the baby flatly refuses to participate in such events, do not force it. Explain to the kid that without him the game will not work out, let him know that he is the most main member commands. Or go on vacation without a child, and when you return, tell in as much detail and colorfully as possible how you had fun. Next time, he definitely won't want to stay at home.

It often happens that the baby is not attracted to the sports known to him, and he simply does not know others. In this case, tell your child about the variety of workouts, show him books, videos and websites dedicated to different sections. This will help to find something for the crumbs to their liking. The main thing here is not to interfere with the choice.

It is important to be careful with physical activity to prevent injury. In addition, if adult children are already quite independent, then an eye and an eye is needed for the crumbs. good way out in this case, children's classes in fitness clubs can become. There, the children can go in for sports in parallel with their parents, who at this time will be in the gym.

Classes for children in fitness centers have appeared relatively recently. And if earlier young visitors were offered only hip-hop dances there, now a wide variety of specialized areas have appeared: from stretch and martial arts to belly dancing. Usually children's groups in fitness centers are small, which means that the coach is attentive to every little athlete.

“Unusual sports programs that will be perceived as an exciting activity. Now there are many such classes, - comments Elena Cherenkova. “While parents are engaged in fitness, their children will be able to master developing gymnastics, take part in interesting outdoor games and even try martial arts – in a word, they can easily find something to their liking.”

Tip Four: Do not demand sports feats from your child right away

Do not rush to give your child immediately to the big sport. What works for a 7 year old may not work for a 3 year old.

Swimming is the perfect activity for the little ones. This sport helps to strengthen the skeleton and muscles, improves work nervous system and blood circulation, and also hardens well. At the same time, there are practically no contraindications to swimming, except for a possible allergy to chlorinated pool water. However, many pools now use more modern methods water purification.

Good fit kids 3-6 years old and gymnastics. Kids are incredibly plastic, so success is guaranteed here, which means that the child’s interest will not be lost. Such training will form a slender camp and correct posture, develop grace, endurance and flexibility. Gymnastics will especially appeal to children of an artistic warehouse.

Child 4-5 years old can be given to the figure skating section, especially if he does not have a soul in winter fun. This sport strengthens the musculoskeletal system, improves work of cardio-vascular system, tempers and develops Creative skills. But it should be borne in mind that figure skating is a rather traumatic and expensive activity.

In the section on athletics, including running, long and high jumps, walking and other activities, take kids from 5-6 years old. True, so that the child does not get bored, such activities should be really interesting to him.

Whatever section you choose for your baby, it is important that training gives him pleasure, and not a punishment. It is not scary if, starting with one, the child wants to switch to another. Don't stop him. Support the quest. Only what you love can be done for a long time and successfully.

In our time, there has been a decline in activity in children. More and more children are addicted to all kinds of computer devices, spend time at home in social networks and passive image life. This can lead to health problems such as poor posture, delayed formation of the body, and disorders of the cardiovascular system. Children become fatter due to the lack of an active lifestyle. The child needs to throw out his energy. Sports activities are great for this purpose. How to interest a child in outdoor activities and instill a love of sports for life?

Mom, dad, I am a sports family. Cultivate sports in the family. The best and effective way tearing a child away from his beloved sofa is a personal example of parents. Have an active weekend with the whole family. Choose an activity to your liking. It can be family bike rides, roller skating or badminton in the warm season. In winter, we focus on skis or skates. In any season, it's a good idea to go to the pool or go for a run in the nearest park. Mother and father - best example for the child, the people the child looks up to and wants to be like. Inspire him with your example. Together it is more fun and more interesting to achieve results. The atmosphere of positive and support is very important at the beginning of a new, important business.

Sports atmosphere at home. Sports should be accessible to the child at any time, in any weather. Create a sports zone at home. A small sports complex with the necessary set of paraphernalia - a reinforced ladder, a bench, a rope, children's dumbbells, a fitball. On joint walks, involve the child in the sports grounds. Help your child pull himself up on the bar, conquer the slide, or overcome the obstacle course at the stadium or playground. Offer to ride a scooter, jump rope, throw the ball into the ring. Insure the child when performing difficult exercises. Where possible, encourage independence. Scientist Glenn Doman, specialist in early development children, proved the relationship between motor activity and brain development. An active lifestyle contributes to the development of intelligence.

sports preferences. The child is able to choose the sports section on their own. Not without the participation and help of parents. But final decision he accepts. The task of parents is to introduce the child to the variety of sports. It is likely that the child has a narrow understanding of the sport, then it will be difficult for him to find something to his liking. Discuss the benefits of a particular sport.

After choosing a section, get to know the trainer, if possible attend open lesson Let your child choose their own workout clothes. It should not only be suitable and comfortable. It is necessary that sportswear pleases the child. Then it will be an additional incentive for sports achievements.

Take a comprehensive approach. Do not limit your child to visiting only your sports section. Expand your horizons. Give him knowledge about the sporting possibilities and achievements of adult athletes, watch videos of competitions or go to the stadium where they take place. The child will receive information and a new, more wide view to the sports field. This broadens one's horizons and arouses the desire for new successes.

How to instill in your child a love of sports? "Voynushka", "Cossacks-robbers", "Gorodki", "Lapta", "Catch-up" ...

Today, the average child does not know these magic words that wrap our childhood memories in nostalgic happiness.

The more Internet, set-top boxes, computers, TV and social networks, the less football, swimming and active games in it. And every parent is looking for a magical way to instill in their child a love of sports.

Some children have to be driven out of the house almost with a broom, so that they walk for at least an hour. And this time they loiter around the yard in splendid isolation in the company of the phone.

Isn't it better to send the child to some section that is useful both for pastime and for the figure?

Early start and contagious example

Introduction to sports should begin with play and personal example, at a very young age. Believe children active parents, who have a lot of time for their crumbs, already at the age of three they play football with their dads.

The mother of a two-year-old toddler jumps with him on a fitball, does exercises in the morning, plays catch-up on the playground and buys two scooters (adult and child) instead of one.

Active family - The best way instill in your child a love of sports. Dad doesn't have to be a coach football team or a bodybuilder.

But it is strange to expect a sports initiative from a teenager who sees his father exclusively in the “lying on the couch” position.

Fashion "bells and whistles"

If a preschooler is easy to captivate with the excitement of competition and game moments, then such a trick will not work with a teenager. He is more concerned about the appearance and opinion of classmates.

Attributes can save the situation: branded tracksuit, beautiful t-shirt(an option is a tight-fitting top from a well-known company), bright dumbbells, stylish wristlets, branded sneakers, an original yoga mat.

All these gizmos are welcome gifts, giving a chance to throw dust in the eyes of fellow students.

The idea that “sport is healthy” seems boring to children. If perishing to speak, then about specific benefit.

Boys should be explained that swimming will turn them into broad-shouldered handsome men, dancing will add grace and correct their posture, and martial arts will help protect the girl from offenders.

And girls can slip a magazine where their favorite actress shows yoga asanas, and the singer boasts that she acquired chic forms (and at the same time a hook on the right) in the boxing section.

Own choice

Meticulous parents who start the same nightly hurdy-gurdy are unlikely to succeed in introducing a child to sports. It's easier to ask the fidget himself where he would like to go.

Let him know that he can choose several trial classes and decide on the spot what is more to his liking.

According to statistics, only 3% of children given under the wing of coaches come to big-time sports. For the rest, it's just a way to throw out energy, strengthen the body and get their dose of pleasure.

Sometimes, for the sake of introducing children to sports, mothers have to sweat. Here the aikido section is across the road, and give your daughter a regional equestrian club!

Or the son liked the hockey lessons, but the outfit costs a whole salary. This is where you have to prioritize.

Team games

Both kids and teens love it collective species sports. Those where there is the excitement of the fight, points, points, goals and team spirit.

Here you can make friends, learn how to communicate, become useful and hone your leadership and camaraderie skills. And also - to develop endurance, coordination and attention and build muscle in the desired places.

If you don't have football or hockey clubs nearby, come up with your own competition. Get a table of results in the corridor, compete with the child yourself and connect other relatives and friends.

Who did push-ups, ran, pulled up, scored, swam? At the end of the month, hand out medals and give out prizes - in our opinion, this is a great family tradition.