The unsolved mystery of the lights in Phoenix. Anomalous phenomena, unexplained phenomena, UFOs

In March 1997, over the city of Phoenix (USA), a huge aircraft, which resembled a large V. Its presence was later confirmed by thousands of people.

Lights over the Phoenix

Among the many facts about UFO In addition to the well-known incidents in Roswell and Washington, there is another case that occurred in the state of Arizona. In March 1997, over the city of Phoenix (USA), a huge aircraft suddenly became visible in the sky, which resembled a large letter V. Its presence was later confirmed by thousands of people.

After the incident, the governor of Arizona himself took part in the investigation of all the details of what happened.

Later, he admitted that what he saw completely turned his views on the world. It should be noted that Governor Symington himself served as an officer in the US Air Force in the past and admitted in one of the interviews that he can say with 100% certainty that this device is not like any of the man-made ones.

Since Phoenix is ​​the state capital, local authorities were in the center public attention. People from all over the state and country called the authorities local government, police stations in order to find out what really happened.

Symington and his team maintained total silence. Later, he explained this by the fact that he needed to properly prepare for a public statement, since the situation required some clarification for the authorities themselves. In the event that he stated facts that were not confirmed, these speeches could seriously harm him political career and be used by the media to the detriment of him and the interests of the state.

The governor was never able to figure out what exactly flew in the sky over Phoenix. Representatives of the local administration many times contacted the military of the Luke Air Force Base, appealed to federal government aviation. All attempts to get an answer to the question of the origin of this object ended in nothing.

Later, when public interest could no longer be contained, the National Guard reported that the phenomenon of lights in the sky over Phoenix was due to their pilots dropping lighting bombs in the area at that time. The governor was surprised by this explanation, since he understood that the bombs were not capable of moving in formation.

Press about UFO over Phoenix

After these events, the leading US newspaper ("USA Today") published an article that was devoted to the appearance UFO in the sky of Phoenix and occupied a whole strip.

Following the publication, Governor Symington announced to reporters that a press conference was convened. When they came to listen to the governor's explanation, they were shocked to see that his assistant came to the conference in handcuffs, and his body was denounced in an alien suit...

After the article was published in USA Today, panic and public outcry reached the limit. Thanks to his trick, the governor wanted to reassure the people, demonstrate the calmness of the authorities and make it clear that everything is under control and the authorities can afford to joke about this topic, as they are in complete control of the situation.

UFO over Phoenix: investigation by scientists

Following the Governor's claims that he personally observed the site, the University of Arizona conducted its own independent investigation. Using GPS and laser scanning of the landscape, R. Darling and his team modeled the area where UFO made a flight, on the computer.

During the work of the group, hundreds of witnesses were interviewed, they were not familiar with each other, but indicated, at the same time, the same dimensions of this UFO.

After collecting information, scientists summed up - the apparatus was about 460 meters wide (approximately half a kilometer!). One of the university professors considered that if an apparatus of a similar size is assembled using ordinary materials(duralumin and titanium), which are used in modern aviation industry, then its weight would reach 1.6 mil. tons. Such a weight cannot be moved by any modern engine. This confirmed the theory that this technology is not the result of human work.

V-shaped UFO over Phoenix

March 13, 1997 in the small American town of Phoenix, Arizona, events occurred that then stirred up millions of UFO researchers. They, or rather what appeared in the evening dark sky over this city, provided the next irrefutable evidence alien presence.

Around 20:20 local time, 6 lights suddenly appeared in the sky, lined up. Then additional lights began to appear - both in this line and outside it.

Dimensions of this mysterious object comparable to the size of several football fields. The spectacle attracted the attention of not only the inhabitants of the city of Phoenix, over which this strange object- on the contrary, it was visible from the territory of almost the entire state of Arizona for ~1 hour 46 minutes.

Hundreds of thousands of people were eyewitnesses of this unprecedented phenomenon, and dozens of them managed to make colorful videos, the authenticity of which is difficult to doubt, especially considering the fact that these people are not related to each other in any way.

But also more questions caused the behavior American media. The fact is that the incident was not announced through any means. mass media limited to just a few notes. And only 3 months later - on June 19, 1997, this impressive event was announced by information empire CNN. I wonder what could cause 3's month delay in reporting on an event of such magnitude, when any media is trying to bring the viewer to the table faster than others, even fried news like "Singer Madonna got herself a new dog ..."

Everyone reasonable people after this event, it became completely clear that the alien presence is not an obsessive delirium of sick people, but a reality that is already impossible to ignore - you can either accept it as it is, or continue to stubbornly ignore it. And now there is no doubt that governments various countries of the world are quite frankly and openly hiding the truth about the alien presence, down to the dirtiest of ways.

"I'll never be the same again," said Bill Greiner, 51, a cement truck driver. He was carrying a load down a mountain north of Phoenix when he saw 2 bright glowing ball, shaped like rotating domes. "Before that, if someone told me that he had seen a UFO, I used to answer," Yes, yes, but I believe in fairy fairies. "Now I have a completely different idea. Maybe I'm just a stupid truck driver, but I saw something that obviously wasn't from here."

"When it fully appeared here, and we realized that this thing was right above us, we really started to get nervous," said Tim Lay, another eyewitness. Then it passed right over our heads in complete silence. when right part of what appeared to be a V-shaped ship passed directly over Tim, the left side being a couple of residential blocks away. “It's like we're reliving it all over again, talking about it every time,” his wife said. “It's like it was yesterday. We've never seen anything like it."

Eyewitnesses agree that

1. The object was huge. The most conservative estimates describe its length as 3 football fields. Computer analysis showed that he was at an altitude of 1800 meters (6000 feet), or more than a mile (1600 m).

2. The object did not make sounds.

3. He was moving slowly over Phoenix at a speed of 48 km/h (30 mph). Several times he hovered in the sky in place.

"We could see the shape of the mass behind the lights, but you certainly couldn't see it," said Dana Valentine. "It was more like a gray distortion of the night sky, undulating. I don't know what it was, but I know it's not a technology the public has heard of before."

eyewitness accounts

PHOENIX (CNN) - When it appeared in the sky over Arizona on the night of March 13, there were hundreds of eyewitnesses. Neither researchers nor eyewitnesses have yet understood what the Arizona people saw in the phenomenon, now dubbed "Lights in the Phoenix." But this did not stop their desire to solve this riddle.

Tim Ley and his family are one of hundreds of eyewitnesses who offered their services and agreed to talk about the Lights in Phoenix. They first saw the lights when they looked north from their home in Phoenix.

Now their memories of what they saw have been transferred to a computer as images, using a combination of digital photographs of the landscape taken by Lay and computer sketches of objects seen by his family.

"When it fully appeared here and we realized that this thing was right above us, we got really nervous," Lei said. Then, he and his son Hal said, she passed right over their heads in complete silence.

Tim Lay said that when the right side of what appeared to be a V-shaped ship passed right over him, the left side was a couple of residential blocks away.

His wife, Bobbie, who also saw the aerial light show, said the size of the ship was simply stunning. But, she said, "He didn't seem threatening.... When he was directly above us and we didn't hear any sounds, it was like being overwhelmed with awe."

Jim Dilettoso of the Village Lab, who has been researching UFOs for 20 years, is reconstructing a virtual model of the case.

Tim Lay is among the hundreds of witnesses he interviewed about the Lights in Phoenix. He said he considered the family "very reliable" and their information was "very important" because they were so close to the ship, according to their testimony.

While no one really knows what Ley and hundreds of others saw, Tim Ley is confident that his family will never forget that night. He said it changed his perspective on UFOs, turning him from a "polite skeptic" to one who was completely open to discussing the UFO problem.

"It's like we're reliving it all over again, talking about it every time," his wife said. "It's like it was yesterday. We've never seen anything like it."

I took a short nap in the chair and woke up and leaned over to tell my wife that I was going to go to bed. I looked at the clock on the TV - it was 20:30. As I walked down the hallway to the master bedroom, I noticed that the bedroom window was open. The weather was especially pleasant this evening of March 13th, with a temperature of 22 C (75 F), clear and windless (according to Jim Schnebelt Fox 10 weather). In general, typical spring evening in Arizona.

While I was closing the window, my eyes were drawn to 3 huge white lights looking down and very low above the ground. "The plane crashed!" I thought. These lights lay so low and were directed in a direction unknown to me. I ran down the hallway, grabbed my glasses off the shelf, and yelled at my 25-year-old wife, "get outside!" She followed me to the balcony without hesitation. (Then I measured - it took about 8-10 seconds)

Standing on the edge of the west-facing balcony, looking north, I was struck by confusion. There was no plane crash, but something coming from the north and ending in the south, one structure that looked like a giant boomerang (object V-shape). This object stuck out like a sore thumb in the evening sky due to the fact that we were looking north towards downtown Phoenix, and the city lights gave us a gray background against which this huge black V-shaped object could be seen. He was so low to the ground that we couldn't believe it. I remember saying "what the hell is this?". Huge V-shaped spaceship moved slowly south.

At this point, still to the northwest of us, we both saw a Boeing 737 coming in and passing through the facility. The plane was flying from west to east. The V-shaped object moved from north to south. After the 737 passed through the facility, I exclaimed, "You saw that! Why the hell didn't the plane crash there?" But he didn't crash. Neither the pilot nor the on-board computers saw anything (Just like the radars at Sky Harbor (Sky Harbor) and Luke Air Force Base (Luke AFB. Nothing was seen).

I would even say more about this incident. We live ~23 miles southeast of Sky Harbor, in Phoenix. Landing planes (in most cases) first move away from us, turn north (left), fly ~10-12 miles, turn left (west) again and land at Sky Harbor. This is a normal landing circle. I spoke to the pilots, control tower operators, and investigators who investigated the case about the height of the planes coming in to land at Sky Harbor, the first northward maneuver point where we live. The altitude was 360 m (1,200 ft). The massive V-shaped ship we saw was at an altitude of 360m! As it proceeded south, it was almost in front of us when my eyes followed the left wing to its end.

We live half a mile from Chandler Blvd. The wingtip passed over it and at least halfway to Ray Rd (1.5 miles north - 2.4 km!). I still remember how I told my wife - "Yes, this Son of a bitch a mile long!" He passed right in front of us, and all we could see was his left wing. That's how low he was! outstretched hand the object was at least over 75 cm (30 inches) long. I reported that he was ~2.4 km (1.5 miles) west of us, and was descending towards Alma School Rd. But the nearest part of the huge V - the end of the left wing - was much closer. Maybe half a mile. One thing I remember best is how this ship "floated" - at a speed of ~50-65 km/h (30-40 mph). There were no visual means of movement and absolutely no sound. The altitude and speed of the ship never changed.

March 13, 1997, ~20:31 local time was the bright bottom of the quarter moon, setting in the west over the horizon. I also told my wife - "in, we will now have more details, look - he is walking straight into the light of the moon. "But instead of additional details of this huge ship, resembling the letter V, we saw something that still amazes us. As the bow of this ship entered the moonlight, this chevron-shaped object became translucent, letting through bright light! We can still see the quarter of the moon through the object, but instead of bright white, it (the moon) has become a dull yellow. As soon as the ship emerged from the light of the moon, it again turned into a solid black object. We watched the whole ship go through it. Saw a solid object come in and out of it and was black. But when the ship passed between us and the bright white moon, it was translucent.

(Something about bright objects... eyewitnesses who watched this passage over their heads stated that when the ship passed between them and bright stars, he was as if looking through ... water). By the time the tip (still of the left wing) was passing through the moonlight, the front of the ship had disappeared into the night sky to our south. He never changed course, speed or altitude. It just faded into the night sky, south of us. During the entire observation, we did not move at all. We didn't even take a camera. We didn't think to shout to the neighbor. There was no question in our minds that what we saw was not from Earth. Total time observation was ~1 min 45 sec.

How can thousands of people be wrong when they talk about what they personally saw in March 1997. In Nevada, Phoenix, and Tucson, lights could be seen that lit up the sky.

No, these were not Nevada city lights, the light came from the sky. This secret was called the fires of the Phoenix. The established gap between the lights was 482803.2 meters. The lights were seen between 7:30 and 10:30 o'clock. Two objects were reported. An object flew over the state triangular shape, while fixed lights were seen over Phoenix. The government has described the fires over Phoenix as flares of signal guns, but many have doubts about this.

One of the UFO witnesses square shape At that time he was the governor of Arizona. Reports soon became a hot topic as everyone more people describe what they saw personally. Residents of Prescott Valley described large object covering the stars in the sky. Its size was described as huge. The group of lights that everyone saw could not be an aircraft or signal lights. national center UFO reports received confirmation of this in the form of an astrophoto, in which a V-shaped ball of light was seen moving from the northwest to the northeast.

An experienced pilot confirmed that it was not an airplane, since the object was moving much slower than an airplane, and was only a thousand feet above the ground. But no one was more surprised than the governor. He held a press conference to say that they had caught the person responsible for this. Of course he could tell it wasn't a plane, because he knew his planes, and this object was bigger than any of them.

Was it a spaceship that came to watch us? Maybe he was looking for something special to analyze? Although there is a logical explanation for these lights, it seems that we will no longer be able to know what is true and what is not. One of the pilots National Guard reported that he had used signal lights that night. His explanation was not published anywhere until July 1997. Everyone who saw the lights was sure that they were not signal lights or aircraft. They saw that the lights in the sky moved differently from the planes and had a different shape.
Is it possible that the moment will come when an alien invasion will begin? Can the government prevent this?

Are they hiding the truth from us, and if so, why? Why shouldn't we know that aliens have landed on our planet, and what's more, they continue to visit it? The fires of the Phoenix are a mystery that may have already been solved in narrow circles. Will it not be too late when we are told about the representatives of other worlds who have arrived from the sky? Maybe it's already too late.

Transformers are already exploding in the US (March 3), possibly due to solar flares but what happened in live TV news yesterday March 9, 2012 - remains a mystery. At first there was a hypothesis that this was another transformer explosion, but it was not confirmed.

FOX 10 contacted the energy companies and they confirmed that there were no incidents on the power grids that day.

official authorities in Phoenix, are stumped and can't say anything about the causes of the strong flash of light that got into the news footage.

I wrote above that transformers in the US are already exploding. It happened on March 3 in New York.

It is worth noting that the Phoenix has already been featured in UFO incidents. The incident was dubbed "Lights in the Phoenix". It happened in 1997.

March 13, 1997 in the small American town of Phoenix, Arizona, events occurred that then stirred up millions of UFO researchers. They, or rather what appeared in the evening dark sky over this city, provided another irrefutable evidence of an alien presence.

Around 20:20 local time, 6 lights suddenly appeared in the sky, lined up. Then additional lights began to appear - both in this line and outside it.

The size of this mysterious object is comparable to the size of several football fields. The spectacle attracted the attention of not only the inhabitants of the city of Phoenix, over which this strange object appeared - on the contrary, it was visible from the territory of almost the entire state of Arizona for ~ 1 hour 46 minutes.

Hundreds of thousands of people were eyewitnesses of this unprecedented phenomenon, and dozens of them managed to make colorful videos, the authenticity of which is difficult to doubt, especially considering the fact that these people are not related to each other in any way.

But even more questions were raised by the behavior of the American media. The fact is that the incident was not announced through any media, limited to just a few notes. And only 3 months later - on June 19, 1997, this impressive event was announced by the information empire CNN. I wonder what could have caused a 3-month delay in reporting an event of this magnitude, when any media strives to bring even fried news to the table faster than others, like "Singer Madonna got herself a new dog ..."

After this event, it became completely clear to all reasonable people that the alien presence is not an obsessive delirium of sick people, but a reality that can no longer be ignored - it can either be accepted as it is, or continue to be stubbornly ignored. And now there is no doubt that the governments of various countries of the world quite frankly and openly hide the truth about the alien presence, down to the dirtiest ways.

"I'll never be the same again," said Bill Greiner, 51, a cement truck driver. He was transporting cargo down a mountain north of Phoenix when he saw 2 brightly glowing balls shaped like spinning domes. "Before that, if someone told me that he had seen a UFO, I used to answer," Yes, yes, but I believe in fairy fairies. "Now I have a completely different idea. Maybe I'm just a stupid truck driver, but I saw something that obviously wasn't from here."

"When it fully appeared here, and we realized that this thing was right above us, we really started to get nervous," said Tim Lay, another eyewitness. Then it passed right over our heads in complete silence. when the right side of what appeared to be a V-shaped ship passed directly over Tim, the left side was a couple of residential blocks away. “It's like we're reliving it all over again, talking about it every time,” his wife said. “It's like it was yesterday. We've never seen anything like it."

Eyewitnesses agree that

1. The object was huge. The most conservative estimates describe its length as 3 football fields. Computer analysis showed that he was at an altitude of 1800 meters (6000 feet), or more than a mile (1600 m).

2. The object did not make sounds.

3. He was moving slowly over Phoenix at a speed of 48 km/h (30 mph). Several times he hovered in the sky in place.

"We could see the shape of the mass behind the lights, but you certainly couldn't see it," said Dana Valentine. "It was more like a gray distortion of the night sky, undulating. I don't know what it was, but I know it's not a technology the public has heard of before."

eyewitness accounts

PHOENIX (CNN) - When it appeared in the sky over Arizona on the night of March 13, there were hundreds of eyewitnesses. Neither researchers nor eyewitnesses have yet understood what the Arizona people saw in the phenomenon, now dubbed "Lights in the Phoenix." But this did not stop their desire to solve this riddle.

Tim Ley and his family are one of hundreds of eyewitnesses who offered their services and agreed to talk about the Lights in Phoenix. They first saw the lights when they looked north from their home in Phoenix.

Now their memories of what they saw have been transferred to a computer as images, using a combination of digital photographs of the landscape taken by Lay and computer sketches of objects seen by his family.

"When it fully appeared here and we realized that this thing was right above us, we got really nervous," Lei said. Then, he and his son Hal said, she passed right over their heads in complete silence.

Tim Lay said that when the right side of what appeared to be a V-shaped ship passed right over him, the left side was a couple of residential blocks away.

His wife, Bobbie, who also saw the aerial light show, said the size of the ship was simply stunning. But, she said, "He didn't seem threatening.... When he was directly above us and we didn't hear any sounds, it was like being overwhelmed with awe."

Jim Dilettoso of the Village Lab, who has been researching UFOs for 20 years, is reconstructing a virtual model of the case.

Tim Lay is among the hundreds of witnesses he interviewed about the Lights in Phoenix. He said he considered the family "very reliable" and their information was "very important" because they were so close to the ship, according to their testimony.

While no one really knows what Ley and hundreds of others saw, Tim Ley is confident that his family will never forget that night. He said it changed his perspective on UFOs, turning him from a "polite skeptic" to one who was completely open to discussing the UFO problem.

"It's like we're reliving it all over again, talking about it every time," his wife said. "It's like it was yesterday. We've never seen anything like it."

I took a short nap in my chair and when I woke up, I leaned over to tell my wife that I was going to bed. I looked at the clock on the TV - it was 20:30. As I walked down the hallway to the master bedroom, I noticed that the bedroom window was open. The weather was especially pleasant this evening of March 13th, with a temperature of 22 C (75 F), clear and windless (according to Jim Schnebelt Fox 10 weather). All in all, a typical spring evening in Arizona.

While I was closing the window, my eyes were drawn to 3 huge white lights looking down and very low above the ground. "The plane crashed!" I thought. These lights lay so low and were directed in a direction unknown to me. I ran down the hallway, grabbed my glasses off the shelf, and yelled at my 25-year-old wife, "get outside!" She followed me to the balcony without hesitation. (Then I measured - it took about 8-10 seconds)

Standing on the edge of the west-facing balcony, looking north, I was struck by confusion. There was no plane crash there, but something coming out of the north and ending in the south, one structure that looked like a giant boomerang (V-shaped object). This object stuck out like a sore thumb in the evening sky due to the fact that we were looking north towards downtown Phoenix, and the city lights gave us a gray background against which this huge black V-shaped object could be seen. He was so low to the ground that we couldn't believe it. I remember saying "what the hell is this?". The huge V-shaped spaceship was slowly moving south.

At this point, still to the northwest of us, we both saw a Boeing 737 coming in and passing through the facility. The plane was flying from west to east. The V-shaped object moved from north to south. After the 737 passed through the facility, I exclaimed, "You saw that! Why the hell didn't the plane crash there?" But he didn't crash. Neither the pilot nor the on-board computers saw anything (Just like the radars at Sky Harbor (Sky Harbor) and Luke Air Force Base (Luke AFB. Nothing was seen).

I would even say more about this incident. We live ~23 miles southeast of Sky Harbor, in Phoenix. Landing planes (in most cases) first move away from us, turn north (left), fly ~10-12 miles, turn left (west) again and land at Sky Harbor. This is a normal landing circle. I spoke to the pilots, control tower operators, and investigators who investigated the case about the height of the planes coming in to land at Sky Harbor, the first northward maneuver point where we live. The altitude was 360 m (1,200 ft). The massive V-shaped ship we saw was at an altitude of 360m! As it proceeded south, it was almost in front of us when my eyes followed the left wing to its end.

We live half a mile from Chandler Blvd. The wingtip passed over it and at least halfway to Ray Rd (1.5 miles north - 2.4 km!). I still remember saying to my wife - "Yes, this son of a bitch is a mile long!" It passed right in front of us, and all we could see was its left wing. That's how low he was! At arm's length, the object was at least over 75 cm (30 inches) long. I reported that he was ~2.4 km (1.5 miles) west of us, and was descending towards Alma School Rd. But the nearest part of the huge V - the end of the left wing - was much closer. Maybe half a mile. One thing I remember best is how this ship "floated" - at a speed of ~50-65 km/h (30-40 mph). There were no visual means of movement and absolutely no sound. The altitude and speed of the ship never changed.

March 13, 1997, ~20:31 local time was the bright bottom of the quarter moon, setting in the west over the horizon. I also said to my wife - "wow, we will have more details now, look - he is walking right into the light of the moon." But instead of additional details of this huge ship, resembling the letter V, we saw something that still amazes us. As the bow of this ship entered the moonlight, this chevron-shaped object became translucent, letting in bright light! We can still see the quarter of the moon through the object, but instead of bright white, it (the moon) has become a dull yellow. As soon as the ship emerged from the light of the moon, it again turned into a solid black object. We watched the whole ship go through it. Saw a solid object come in and out of it and was black. But when the ship passed between us and the bright white moon, it was translucent.

(Something about bright objects... eyewitnesses who watched this passage over their heads stated that when the ship passed between them and the bright stars, it was as if looking through... water). By the time the tip (still of the left wing) was passing through the moonlight, the front of the ship had disappeared into the night sky to our south. He never changed course, speed or altitude. It just faded into the night sky, south of us. During the entire observation, we did not move at all. We didn't even take a camera. We didn't think to shout to the neighbor. There was no question in our minds that what we saw was not from Earth. The total observation time was ~1 min 45 sec.

Mike Fortson
Chandler, Arizona (Chandler, Az)

The Unsolved Mystery of the Lights in Phoenix

How can thousands of people be wrong when they talk about what they personally saw in March 1977. In Nevada, Phoenix, and Tucson, lights could be seen that lit up the sky.

No, these were not Nevada city lights, the light came from the sky. This secret was called the fires of the Phoenix. The established gap between the lights was 482803.2 meters. The lights were seen between 7:30 and 10:30 o'clock. Two objects were reported. A triangular-shaped object flew over the state, while stationary lights were seen over Phoenix. The government has described the fires over Phoenix as flares of signal guns, but many have doubts about this.

One of the witnesses of the square-shaped UFO at that time was the governor of Arizona. Reports soon became a hot topic as more people described what they saw personally. Residents of Prescott Valley described a large object blocking the stars in the sky. Its size was described as huge. The group of lights that everyone saw could not be an aircraft or signal lights. The National UFO Reporting Center received confirmation of this in the form of an astrophoto, which showed a V-shaped ball of light moving from the northwest to the northeast.

An experienced pilot confirmed that it was not an airplane, since the object was moving much slower than an airplane, and was only a thousand feet above the ground. But no one was more surprised than the governor. He held a press conference to say that they had caught the person responsible for this. Of course he could tell it wasn't a plane, because he knew his planes, and this object was bigger than any of them.

Was it a spaceship that came to watch us? Maybe he was looking for something special to analyze? Although there is a logical explanation for these lights, it seems that we will no longer be able to know what is true and what is not. One of the National Guard pilots reported that he used signal lights that night. His explanation was not published anywhere until July 1997. Everyone who saw the lights was sure that they were not signal lights or aircraft. They saw that the lights in the sky moved differently from the planes and had a different shape.
Is it possible that the moment will come when an alien invasion will begin? Can the government prevent this?

Are they hiding the truth from us, and if so, why? Why shouldn't we know that aliens have landed on our planet, and what's more, they continue to visit it? The fires of the Phoenix are a mystery that may have already been unraveled in narrow circles. Will it not be too late when we are told about the representatives of other worlds who have arrived from the sky? Maybe it's already too late.

How can thousands of people be wrong when they talk about what they personally saw in March 1977. In Nevada, Phoenix, and Tucson, lights could be seen that lit up the sky.

No, these were not Nevada city lights, the light came from the sky. This secret was called the fires of the Phoenix. The established gap between the lights was 482803.2 meters. The lights were seen between 7:30 and 10:30 o'clock. Two objects were reported. A triangular-shaped object flew over the state, while stationary lights were seen over Phoenix. The government has described the fires over Phoenix as flares of signal guns, but many have doubts about this.

One of the witnesses of the square-shaped UFO at that time was the governor of Arizona. Reports soon became a hot topic as more people described what they saw personally. Residents of Prescott Valley described a large object blocking the stars in the sky. Its size was described as huge. The group of lights that everyone saw could not be an aircraft or signal lights. The National UFO Reporting Center received confirmation of this in the form of an astrophoto, which showed a V-shaped ball of light moving from the northwest to the northeast.

An experienced pilot confirmed that it was not an airplane, since the object was moving much slower than an airplane, and was only a thousand feet above the ground. But no one was more surprised than the governor. He held a press conference to say that they had caught the person responsible for this. Of course he could tell it wasn't a plane, because he knew his planes, and this object was bigger than any of them.

Was it a spaceship that came to watch us? Maybe he was looking for something special to analyze? Although there is a logical explanation for these lights, it seems that we will no longer be able to know what is true and what is not. One of the National Guard pilots reported that he used signal lights that night. His explanation was not published anywhere until July 1997. Everyone who saw the lights was sure that they were not signal lights or aircraft. They saw that the lights in the sky moved differently from the planes and had a different shape.

Is it possible that the moment will come when an alien invasion will begin? Can the government prevent this?

Are they hiding the truth from us, and if so, why? Why shouldn't we know that aliens have landed on our planet, and what's more, they continue to visit it? The fires of the Phoenix are a mystery that may have already been unraveled in narrow circles. Will it not be too late when we are told about the representatives of other worlds who have arrived from the sky? Maybe it's already too late.