Breaking through an open door to come up with a story. A secret "case" develops into an open action

Meaning of BREAK ON AN OPEN DOOR in the Phraseology Guide


persistently assert, prove what is already obvious, known to everyone and does not cause controversy. The expression has been used since the 19th century. Tracing paper from French enfoncer une porte ouverte.

Handbook of Phraseology. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is BREAKING INTO THE OPEN DOOR in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    - 1) go to the watch, 2) run away, 3) enter the premises, 4) enter the company ...
  • DOOR in Miller's Dream Book, dream book and interpretation of dreams:
    If in a dream you enter the door, this portends your futile attempts to get rid of slanderers and ill-wishers. The only door...
  • DOOR in encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
    an opening in the outer or inner wall of a building designated for passage. This opening is usually filled with a frame in which lifting panels are strengthened, ...
  • DOOR in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -i, about the door, on the door, pl. (also in the same meaning with units) -and, -ey, -yami and -rmi, f. one. …
  • BREAKING in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , I'm breaking, I'm breaking; nesov. 1. (1 and 2 liters not used). To bend or break under the weight, under the pressure of something. Branches…
  • DOOR in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    ? an opening in the outer or inner wall of a building designated for passage. This opening is usually filled with a frame in which lifting ...
    break, break, break, break, break, break, break, break, break, break, break, break, break, break, break, break, elk, break, break, break breaking, breaking, breaking, breaking, breaking, breaking, breaking, breaking, breaking, breaking, breaking, ...
  • DOOR in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    two "ri, two" ri, two "ri, door" th, two "ri, door" m, two "ri, two" ri, two "riu, door" mi, door, two "ri, door" x , …
    cm. …
  • DOOR in the Dictionary of synonyms of Abramov:
    || laziness, shut the door, you'll freeze!, indicate ...
  • DOOR in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    armored door, hermetic door, door, door, eurodoor, gate, plate, portun, opening, ...
    nesov. 1) Same as: break (1). 2) trans. unfold Try to get in, try to get in. by force. 3) trans. unfold Be in…
  • DOOR in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    break, break, break...
  • DOOR in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
    break down, break down...
  • DOOR in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    door, -and, preposition. in (at) the door, pl. -and, -ey, -yam, -yami and ...
  • BREAKING in the Spelling Dictionary:
    break, break, break...
  • DOOR in the Spelling Dictionary:
    door, -and, preposition. in (on) the door, pl. -and, -`ey, -`yam, -`yami and ...
    Colloq go somewhere feasible, through L.'s open door(trans.: to prove what everyone knows well). break 3! sag…
  • DOOR in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
    a hinged slab (wooden, metal, glass) covering this opening Oak d. Hang d. Close, open d. Open d. in ...
  • DOOR in the Dahl Dictionary:
    female doors pl. , southern , app. an entrance, an opening to enter a building, openings in the walls for passage from rest...
    I'm breaking, I'm breaking, I'm not. 1. Bend from strong pressure, pressure with the danger of breaking. Such a harvest for apples that the branches are breaking. Masts…
  • DOOR in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    doors, about the door, at the door, pl. doors, doors, doors, doors (colloquial doors), f. Gateway to close the entrance to some. room. …
    break noses. 1) Same as: break (1). 2) trans. unfold Try to get in, try to get in. by force. 3) trans. unfold Be …
  • DOOR in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    and. 1) a) An opening in the wall to enter some room or exit. b) A gate or several gates, ...
    nesov. 1. the same as breaking down 1. 2. trans. unfold To try to get in, to penetrate somewhere by force. 3. trans. unfold Be in…
  • DOOR in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
    I carry neperekh. unfold To try to get in, to penetrate somewhere by force. II Nesov. neperekh. unfold ; wordless To be in multitude, to be overflowing...
  • DOOR in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    and. 1. An opening in the wall for entering or exiting a room. ott. A gate or several gates covering ...
    irreversible cessation of life, the death of a living organism, following after clinical death, irreversible termination physiological processes in cells and tissues, incomprehensible, ...
  • NETHERLANDS PROVERBS in the Wiki Quote:
    Data: 2009-03-16 Time: 09:54:27 =A= * ""Al draagt ​​een aap een gouden ring, het is en blijft een lelijk ding""::Verbatim …
  • HOUSE M.D. at the Wiki Quote.
  • THE 10TH DOCTOR - SEASON 2 at the Wiki Quote.
  • BREAK ON THE FEEDER in the Dictionary of thieves' jargon:
    - leave the cell without getting along with ...
  • KNOCK in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    knocking, knocking, carrying. Knock, make a knock, achieving something. Knock on the door. Knocking on the door - trans. advance, approach, give about ...
  • DREAM-STATE COSMIC (FANTASTIC DREAMS-STATES, FSS) in the Handbook of Miracles, unusual phenomena, UFO and more:
    momentary change human psyche and reason that arises in astronauts during space flight passing without noticeable consequences. Description of this event...
  • SWITCH BOXES in Helpful Hints:
    When converting open wiring to hidden, installation boxes for switches and sockets are required. If there are no factory boxes at hand, they ...
    Season 1 In episode 1, when the first conversation between Ballick and Michael takes place - carefully look at the badge on the chest of Ballick ...
  • ARMAGEDDON in the Directory of Secrets of games, programs, equipment, movies, Easter eggs:
    1.During filming, director Michael Bay secured permission to shoot at multiple locations within NASA. Watch the scene of the takeoff of spaceships...
  • VIETCONG in the Directory of Secrets of games, programs, equipment, movies, Easter eggs:
    1. Vietcong Zombie Arriving at the camp at the beginning of the game, go to the shooting range, but do not go inside, but proceed to the left, to that ...
  • DUNGEON SIEGE 2 in the Directory of Secrets of games, programs, equipment, movies, Easter eggs:
    1. The game has additional task called Mysterious Mystery Quest. To perform it, you need to do the following. Collect five items: ...
  • COUNTER-STRIKE in the Directory of Secrets of games, programs, equipment, movies, Easter eggs:
    1. On the map "Arabstreets" you can find a message from the developers. It is located near the place of appearance of counters. But to see it...
  • COAL CARRYER;"BRIAN NEWTON" in the 1998 Guinness Book of Records:
    May 27, 1983 Brian Newton from Leicester, UK, completed a marathon distance of 42.195 km in 8 hours and 26 minutes, carrying an open ...
  • ALREADY ARRIVED? in the Quote Wiki:
    Data: 2009-02-22 Time: 20:58:20 - Brian Levant's comedy with leading role, released in 2005 :"" [Kevin opens the door...
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    Data: 2009-01-31 Time: 06:49:12 Quotes from the work "Night Watch", (author Lukyanenko, Sergey Vasilievich) * I wonder how forty-year-old cognac will correlate ...
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    Data: 2009-08-14 Time: 15:01:15 * Who will buy her (cow) here? Everyone here knows her... * It's not a plane! It …

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break through an open door into an open door Only carry. Persistently affirm, prove what is obvious, everything is well known and does not cause objections. From noun. with meaning faces: speaker, opponent… breaking through the open door.

Gesture ... is the soul of stage creativity. To insist on this means to break into an open door ... (F. Chaliapin.)

Meanings in other dictionaries

Chase a loafer

Razg. Unapproved Only carry. To idle, to spend time idly. \u003d Beat the thumbs, fool around (in 2 values), count the crow (in 1 value). From noun. with meaning faces: a teenager, a young man ... chasing a loafer; to whom? schoolchildren ... it's time to stop, stop ... chasing the loafer. "Wake up Kesha! Angry voices rang out. “He’s chasing the bum again.” (V. Shishkov.) ...

To be puzzled

Usually carried. Think hard, hard, trying to understand something; decide any difficult question. From noun. with meaning persons or sets of persons: programmer, mathematician, student, team, department… puzzle over what? over a problem, over a question ... Young mathematicians puzzled over a difficult problem for a long time before they found the right decision. ...

Break through open doors

to break into an open door into an open door Only carry. Persistently assert, prove what is obvious, everything is well known and does not cause objections. From noun. with meaning faces: speaker, opponent… breaking through the open door. Gesture ... is the soul of stage creativity. To insist on this means to break into an open door... (F. Chaliapin.) ...

Razg. Express. To assert, to prove what is obvious, known, what does not raise objections, against which no one argues. Just do not break into the open door, I'm not a fool, I understand everything perfectly(K. Stanyukovich. Indifferent). - How would you like to be understood? asked Stockwitz. - Didn't you here often break into open doors to prove to us the obsolescence of the bayonet strike?(V. Pikul. Bayazet).

  • - in open doors Only carry. Persistently assert, prove what is obvious, everything is well known and does not cause objections. From noun. with meaning faces: speaker, opponent... breaking through the open door...

    Educational Phraseological Dictionary

  • - BREAKING, breaking, breaking; nesov. 1. The same as breaking. 2. without additional Go to watch. 2...

    Dictionary of Russian Argo

  • - C/A ch see _Appendix II breaking broken breaking 240 cm. _Appendix II broken A/A pr...

    Dictionary of Russian accents

  • - He was courageous man and always did...

    Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - in the open / thuyu, adv. Act...

    merged. Separately. Through a hyphen. Dictionary-reference

  • - OPEN? YTY, th, th ...

    Dictionary Ozhegov

  • - in open adv. quality.-circumstances. 1. Not hiding, not hiding, not hiding. 2. trans. Directly, frankly...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - ...

    Spelling Dictionary

  • - open...

    Russian orthographic dictionary

  • - Wed. Enfoncer une porte ouverte. Wed Soli lumen inferre. To bring light to the sun - to explain the clear. Quintil. Institut. orator. 5. De usu argumentorum. Wed Quando clavis reperitur, ostium non frangitur. When the key is found, the doors do not break. Publ. Sirus. Sententiae...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - Break into an open door. Wed Enfoncer une porte ouverte. Wed Soli lumen inferre. Per. Bring light to the sun - explain the clear. Quintil. Institut. orator. 5. De usu argumentorum. Wed Quando clavis reperitur, ostium non frangitur...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - Razg. Express. Openly, without hiding. - No buts! interrupted Tsidenko. - You are an honest guy and openly said what some people thought to themselves. Thank you for this...

    Phrasebook Russian literary language

  • - Razg. Openly, without hiding their intentions. Mokienko 1990, 83...
  • - Razg. Unapproved Persistently assert, prove what is already obvious, everyone knows. BMS 1998, 146; 3S 1996, 351; BTS, 241; F 1, 286; FSRYA, 129...

    Big Dictionary Russian sayings

  • - in full voice, in full voice, publicly, plain text, frankly, in full voice, in plain text, openly, clearly, publicly, loudly, with a raised visor, openly, in black and white, with an open visor, not ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 proving what is obvious ...

    Synonym dictionary

"Breaking Through an Open Door" in books

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Through the open door If the "invisible plane" did exist, it would be interesting to expose the trick's technique. As Bulgakov's entertainer said: “We are all as one for the technique and for its exposure!” He paid for it - with his head ... And in 1959 in the USA he fell asleep forever at the wheel of his

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From the book Nazism and Culture [Ideology and Culture of National Socialism by Mosse George

Ernst Röhm Soldat believes in an open conversation. I start a book about my life so that my friends understand me better and the philistines are silent. A narrow-minded petty bourgeois may consider my act unjustified, but this does not bother me much.

Part II. Step into an open door

From the book Why Was I Fired? the author Deltsov Victor

Part II. Step into the Open Door Part Preface Work is one of the most important parts of a person's life, it brings wealth and moral satisfaction, allows you to feel fulfilled, a full-fledged person. Dismissal, even after

Chapter 29

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Let's play back door, front door, back door... Cherpes, T. L., Sharon L. Hillier, Leslie A. Meyn, James L. Busch, Marijane A. Busch, and M. A. Krohn. "A Delicate Balance: Risk Factors for Acquisition REFERENCES 249 of Bacterial Vaginosis Include Sexual Activity, Absence of Hydrogen Peroxide-Producing Lactobacilli, Black Race, and Positive Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Serology". Sexually Transmitted Diseases 35, no. 1 (2008).

Force an open door break through an open door into an open door Only carry. Persistently assert, prove what is obvious, everything is well known and does not cause objections. From noun. with meaning faces: speaker, opponent… breaking through the open door.

Gesture ... is the soul of stage creativity. To insist on this means to break into an open door ... (F. Chaliapin.)

To prove to modern readers the greatness of Chekhov means to break through an open door. (K. Chukovsky.)

“How would you like me to understand you? Stockwitz asked. “Didn’t you often break through open doors here to prove to us that the bayonet strike was outdated?” (V. Pikul.)

(?) Tracing paper French. enfoncer Line porte ouverte.

Educational phraseological dictionary. - M.: AST. E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .

See what "breaking through an open door" is in other dictionaries:

    Force an open door- Break into an open door. Wed Enfoncer une porte ouverte. Wed Soli lumen inferre. Per. Raise the light to the sun to explain the clear. Quintil. Institut. orator. 5. De usu argumentorum. Wed Quando clavis reperitur, ostium non frangitur. Per. When… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Force an open door- Razg. Express. To assert, to prove what is obvious, known, what does not raise objections, against which no one argues. Just don’t break into an open door, I’m not a fool, I understand everything perfectly (K. Stanyukovich. Indifferent). How… … Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    force an open door- Wed. Enfoncer une porte ouverte. Wed Soli lumen inferre. Bring light to the sun to explain the clear. Quintil. Institut. orator. 5. De usu argumentorum. Wed Quando clavis reperitur, ostium non frangitur. When the key is found, the doors do not break. Publ… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    Force an open door- Razg. Unapproved Persistently assert, prove what is already obvious, everyone knows. BMS 1998, 146; 3S 1996, 351; BTS, 241; F 1, 286; FSRYA, 129 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    force an open door- persistently affirm, prove what is already obvious, known to everyone and does not cause controversy. The expression has been used since the 19th century. Tracing paper from the French enfoncer une porte ouverte ... Phraseology Handbook

    force an open door- To assert, to prove what is obvious, known, against which no one argues ... Dictionary of many expressions

    To break through an open door into an open door Only carry. Persistently assert, prove what is obvious, everything is well known and does not cause objections. From noun. with meaning faces: speaker, opponent… breaking through the open door. Gesture ... - soul ... ... Educational Phraseological Dictionary

    break- To break through an open door (colloquial) to assert persistently, to prove what is directly obvious to everyone, against which no one argues. Calm down, you're breaking through an open door... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language