Unknown province: An estate was built in Kamenka for Tsarevich Alexei. Interesting facts related to the Voeikov estate

The Russian military commander and close associate of the last tsar, Vladimir Nikolaevich Voeikov, owned an estate on the territory of modern city Kamenka Penza region.

In 1913, he set up a bottling plant near Kamenka, in the village of Kuvaka. mineral water. The water began to be called - "Kuvaka" and is still produced. But the bottles contain a bit of Voeikov's biography and his portrait.

The production capacity of the Kuvaka plant was 100 thousand bottles of water (30 thousand tons of bottling) per year.

The source is located at a considerable distance from large settlements, in an ecologically clean area. It includes from 10 to 16 descending springs (the Rattlesnake spring).
Kuvak water is allowed for production without preliminary purification and chemical water treatment and comes from
source to the factory by gravity.

This is the only water in Russia, which can be bottled without chemical water treatment (the structure of the water on the molecular level). Due to the unique structure of the natural layers of the subsoil, the water undergoes natural filtration.

Since this water is so pure and healthy, Voeikov thought that it could help in the treatment of his godson, Tsarevich Alexei. And Vladimir Nikolaevich began to build a manor for him. That's where we're going now.

You need to go to Kamenka. I was on the train. The desired station is called "Belinskaya" (although the city of Belinsky is far from here).

The station has memorial stone.

Voeykovo station was founded in 1874.

Now you need to walk about 4 km. First, along a beautiful alley.

From here you can see the estate where we are heading with you:

Then we walk around the city (more like a village, but this is Kamenka)

Let's go along the dusty road with potholes ...

Then it remains only to climb a small mountain and the estate will appear from behind the trees.

Yes, I forgot to warn you that the estate is in a terrible state.

Tsarevich Alexei did not have time to visit here. They built it for him, but he did not happen to see the estate.

You could probably say that this last homestead Romanovs. It was built for them, only they had never been there.

They say in Soviet time There was a dispensary here. The steps are definitely not early 20th century.

Yes, tiles too.

It must have been converted into a hospital.

Hall. Everything is painted, everything is crumbling.

But it must have been beautiful...

There should have been moldings here. Or a chandelier. Or both.

hospital floor:

The estate is large - here is another wing you can see.

Window hole.

And what has fallen off it... In general, it's better not to go there now without a helmet, I think.

First basement floor. Like there is a hospital.

Terrace, probably.

I think that only the building remained from the estate. But how beautiful she would be!

And why is it not in a hurry to restore it? ..

On one of the last outings, we visited the estate of Prince V.N. Voeikova (Kamenka), or rather what is left of her. I must admit that even those remnants of luxury that can be seen today are impressive!

Has this ever happened to you? There is a city, village or just a place, let's call it "Neznaikino". It is not too far and not too close to your home (for example, within 100 km.) You periodically come there for business, work, or just to visit someone. You have already made sure a long time ago that Neznaikino is not a bad place. Especially for life. Especially for the fulfillment of your affairs / work / for the life of your friends that you visit there. However, there is nothing interesting in it. For tourism, it is not at all attractive. Yes, and there is nothing special to talk about Neznaykin. And then suddenly from the Internet / from friends you learn that in this very Neznaykin, where you have been dozens of times, there is something SUCH (!!!) ... And after you are convinced of this in reality , for you, the familiar Neznaykino turns into a real Neznaykino and forever remains so. Familiar story?
For me personally, the village of Kamenka in the Penza region acted as a similar “Neznaikino” until the moment I found out that somewhere there was a real count (and, according to some sources, the royal) estate, which once belonged to V.N. Voeikov.

Estate of V.N. Voeikova

History of the estate

The history of the estate began not only successfully, but almost enchantingly. Count Vladimir Nikolaevich Voeikov, being a successful military leader, close associate of Emperor Nicholas II and long time who performed the function of the palace commandant, was, in addition to everything, an extremely active person.
The estate in Kamenka was inherited by Vladimir Nikolaevich from his parents, and they, in turn, received it from the Dolgorukov family. Be that as it may, even today for the inhabitants of the city of Kamenka the name of Count Vladimir Nikolaevich Voeikov is not only known, but also revered.
It was he who built in 1874 in the village railway station"Voeykovo". It still functions today, only changed its name to "Belinskaya".
In addition, Count Voeikov was the first to come up with the idea to use for industrial purposes a spring called "Rattle Key", which was located nearby. Since ancient times, it was believed that this water has healing properties, and local peasants considered it holy. The goal of Count Voeikov was to create a plant at the Kuvak spring, which was supposed to be the first workshop in Russia for the production of table mineral water.
And he succeeded. In 1913, a plant for the production of mineral water was built in the village at the foot of the mountain. She immediately became popular, she was even served at the royal table.
The beneficial effect of this water was also noticed on the health of Tsarevich Alexei, a patient with hemophilia. The tsar's son was Count Voeikov's godson. It was then that Vladimir Nikolaevich had the idea to build a manor near the village of Kuvaka as a gift for his beloved prince.
And this graph also succeeded. The construction has become truly grandiose: they say that the three huge buildings of the estate, if you look at them from a height, formed the initials of the count "VNV". This estate was to be great place for rest and treatment of Tsarevich Alexei. Moreover, the count's plans did not end there - next to the sources, he planned to create a world-class health resort. Who knows, if he realized his far-reaching plans, perhaps today the Penza region would be as famous and attractive as the popular Baden-Baden!
However, life decreed differently, the revolution made its own adjustments to the plans of Count Voeikov. Tsarevich Alexei never managed to visit the estate. In 1917 the palace passed into the hands of Soviet power, and then everything happened according to the usual scenario, played out with hundreds of similar estates throughout our country: a hospital was opened here, during the Second World War - a hospital, in the fifties a rest home for railway workers was set up in the estate, then a vocational school, and in the eighties it turned into a medical and labor dispensary.
Since the 90s, the estate has not been used. Today it is just falling apart. Last year, local television and the Internet reported that an investor had been found who was ready to invest in restoration historical monument. However, when I visited it this spring, I did not notice any changes. This is how the history of a monument of our culture and a real work of art ends at the present time ...

Visiting the estate

The road to the estate of Prince V.N. Voeikov was simple - Kamenka is quite large district center in the Penza region. Therefore, the roads here are quite decent. In addition, the estate is located right on the territory of the village.
Arriving at the place, we saw that the building of the estate was surrounded by a high stone fence. But this fact did not frighten us: usually, when we are going to visit a new place, we diligently study all the information available about it on the Internet, including the history and advice of experienced tourists. Therefore, this time we knew that if you go along the fence to the right side, you will soon find a gap through which you can get inside. And so it happened.

Estate of V.N. Voeikova

I would like to once again warn people who decide to follow in our footsteps: when visiting abandoned sites, comfortable shoes are a must! To be honest, having learned from bitter experience, we try to protect our feet with rubber boots. Do you understand why? Snakes!
Believe me, this is not a joke or fiction. We met them on such trips several times. And far from always it was harmless snakes. Fortunately for us, we noticed them and retreated in time. However, in recent times decided that we did not need extra risks, and got high rubber boots. If this is not an option for you, but you really want to visit an abandoned building - put on ordinary sneakers, but be very careful. Especially in summer! Know that snakes are very fond of crawling out to bask on sunny thawed patches, so be careful - they can easily be overlooked on black earth.
Having entered the territory of the estate through an opening in a stone fence, we were amazed. I don't know when I'll stop wondering how many unknowns to me before amazing places hides our area. Having survived so many upheavals, the estate is still delightful.

Estate of V.N. Voeikova

Deciding to take a walk around the main building, we again met the already familiar sign:

Estate of V.N. Voeikova

To be honest, I'm always sad to see this... Although this time the plate at least contained data on the names of buildings and the dates of their construction. Usually there is no such minimum of information. And here at least some functional load ...
This time we decided to go around all the additional buildings first, and only then visit the palace. And we started with the stables. However, they quickly became convinced that it was not safe to go inside most buildings: many beams had collapsed, frames in window openings and doors looked unreliable.
We did look into one of the rooms, but what we saw disappointed us.

Estate of V.N. Voeikova

Estate of V.N. Voeikova

Everything here screams about the times of Soviet power.

Estate of V.N. Voeikova

There was no desire to stay here.
Further, our path lay to the northern building. It was well preserved, and we stepped inside without fear.

Estate of V.N. Voeikova

However, they quickly realized that here, too, everything is thoroughly saturated with the Soviet spirit.

Estate of V.N. Voeikova

Probably, this building was once built for receptions and balls, perhaps there was a home theater here. And during the years of Soviet power, apparently, concerts for vacationers were held here. By at least, the supposed location of the scene is clearly distinguishable.
Then we went to the main palace. Having risen to the very top (there are three floors left in the building), we admired the view of Kamenka from above. Then they went down to the basement, where they felt some kind of otherworldly coolness and hurried out into the sun. After visiting such places, you involuntarily begin to wonder how many fates these walls have seen...
Unfortunately, everywhere we were met only by green-painted walls, somewhat peeling and already dilapidated. Only a couple of times we noticed places where once, probably, chic chandeliers were located...

Estate of V.N. Voeikova

Or hanging collectible portraits...

Estate of V.N. Voeikova

Then we left the main building of the estate in order to once again enjoy the view of the luxurious building from the outside, which was once intended for the prince himself.

Estate of V.N. Voeikova

We came to the sad conclusion that today the estate makes an extraordinary impression from the outside. The interior decoration of the 19th century has not been preserved at all: there are no bas-reliefs, no stucco, no remains of stairs. Virtually nothing that would remind the traveler that the estate of Count V.N. Voeikov was once a grandiose, chic palace. This can't help but be frustrating. But there is still hope for a potential investor ... let's hope that he really will change everything.

Another legacy of Prince V.N. Voeikov

The history and life of Count Voeikov interested us so much that on this visit we suddenly decided for ourselves not to limit ourselves to just viewing the estate. We managed to visit a few more historical sites nearby, to which he was related.
And the first was the building of the local history museum. We discovered it absolutely by accident - we saw it with main road city ​​and decided to stop.

Memorial plaque

This time we didn’t manage to get inside, since its working day had already ended, but we admired it from the outside.

Museum of Local Lore

And then we went to the village of Kuvaka, located about 13 kilometers from Kamenka. Yes, yes, exactly where Count Voeikov founded a mineral water factory. It is still one of the most famous in the Penza region today.
What was my surprise when, having rounded the hill, instead of the old factory that had seen the views, which had not known restoration for “-eleven” years, I saw the following:

Factory "Kuvaka"

To be honest, the visit to the Kuvaka plant was spontaneous this time. It was a discovery for me that now there is a small tourist base, a trout farm, and excursions are held where you can see the process of production of Kuvaka mineral water at the present time.
We postponed a visit to this place for the future, since the time was already late, and we still had to return to Penza. And, I didn't want to rush to check it out. Nevertheless, we decided that we would return one of the weekends, having agreed in advance to visit the excursion.

Summing up this long tourist day, I would like to note that sometimes it is useful to take a different look at familiar things. My "Neznaikino" will never be the same in my imagination. And it's nice to realize that not all of Count Voeikov's grandiose plans have come true... And who knows, maybe the village of Kuvaka will become a "local Baden-Baden"?

How to get to the estate of Count V.N. Voeikov in the city of Kamenka

By private car: Penza-Konstantinovka-Lubyatino-Dubenskoe-Kamenka (distance is about 80 km along the Penza-Tambov highway). Next, we drive into Kamenka, move straight along it, pass two bridges (one is a railway bridge, the other is a bridge over a river). At the memorial of those who died in the great Patriotic War turn left and drive among private houses, then on the hill you will see the estate.
By public transport:
by train (No. 93 Penza-Moscow);
by bus (they leave the bus station approximately every hour).

Vladimir Nikolaevich Voeikov owned an estate on the territory of the modern city of Kamenka, Penza region. The Count was very outstanding personality: commanded a hussar regiment, was commandant royal palace, one of closest people Emperor, was chairman of the Olympic Committee tsarist Russia, was present at the abdication of Nicholas II from the throne, set up the production of Kuvaka mineral water (with a production capacity of the plant of 100 thousand bottles per year). Since this water is so clean and healthy, Voeikov thought that it could help in the treatment of his godson - the son of Nicholas II, heir to Russian throne, Tsarevich Alexei. And Vladimir Nikolaevich began to build a manor for him.

The estate was built by the count from 1910 to 1914. Vladimir Voeikov wanted to surprise everyone. He erected three buildings, united by one plan. From a bird's eye view, the buildings resemble Voeikov's initials - VNV.
By the beginning of the First World War, the palace ensemble in the style of an Italian villa, which in addition to the building included a huge park of rare tree species with a network of ponds, stables and fountains, was almost completed. It remains only to complete the internal Finishing work. Especially for Aleksey, a patient with hemophilia, a new breed of Siamese cats with a cross between a marten was bred in the estate. A feature of unusually beautiful chocolate-colored animals with blue eyes had a habit of not releasing claws.

The estate was to become one of the summer residences of the future king. But time decided things differently. Tsarevich Alexei has never been here. There is a rumor that, almost ready for opening, the palace ensemble came to receive Grigory Rasputin. But, this is only a legend - there are no reliable facts yet. Yes, if he came here, he came secretly - they say that "Grishka of All Russia" did not like publicity.

If our history had turned out differently, there would have been no revolutions and wars, then perhaps we were now talking about Kamenka and the Voeikov estate as one of the world-class resorts, from the category of Baden-Baden or Karlovy Vary. After all, it was precisely this idea that the enterprising count had - to create an industrial production of mineral water "Kuvaka", which since ancient times was considered healing (which succeeded), to build a chic palace ensemble and, taking advantage of the presence of a royal person, to give the then village of Kamenka the status of a city with all the ensuing consequences consequences. In far-reaching plans, it was supposed to rename Kamenka to Alekseevsk, the cultural and health-improving capital of the Sura Territory, uniting Tarkhany and Kuvaka. Revolution interfered.
The palace was nationalized in 1917 and given to the Mayak agricultural commune. Later, a regional hospital was opened in it, then, during the war, a hospital was located here. In the early 1950s, the estate housed a rest house for railway workers. It was ennobled, the beach was equipped (which was in Voeikov's project), and a brass band played in the garden for workers of sleepers and rails. That is, almost as intended! But then the vacationers were kicked out and future workers were brought in - a vocational school was located in the estate. After 1975, the young intelligentsia was replaced by the intelligentsia from the glass - for more than 20 years, the LTP was located in the royal estate. Everything was surrounded by a tall fence, the premises were painted with a “pleasant” green-blue-mouse paint. In the 90s, the building became ownerless and turned into what it is now - in fact, into ruins.

But even the ruins now look majestic. It is easy to imagine the Voyekovsky Palace in all its splendor.

If you rise from the very bottom, from the road, you can see the remains of a moat, which at one time was filled with water, several terraces reinforced with brick walls and stairs leading to the entrance to the estate. The estate is surrounded by a high wall, but if you walk along right side along the fence (past the houses up), you will see that several sections of the wall are missing and you can go there freely.

Used materials from the sites http://turizm-ru.livejournal.com

On the weekend with the Weekend Expedition (Fairing-club) I went on a car trip around the Penza region - an extensive and rich program was expected. In addition to the destroyed temples and estates, mosquitoes, mulled wine, tents and songs by the fire were waiting for us) On the first day, I didn’t remember the objects very much (but this did not stop me from bringing about 500 photographs), but on the second day the first object was the Voeikov estate in Kamenka woke up my curiosity and adventurism) I immediately woke up a craving for naive tree climbing as in childhood, to climb into the darkest corner, here only transitions from the first to the second floor on shaky boards increased the level of adrenaline)

Since the estate has sunk into the soul, I write about it in the first place.

We went to all the points using the navigator and, in principle, there are no complaints about its work, but sometimes we turned to local residents who told us which way to go. So here we met guys of 17 years old and, having asked them where the estate was, they replied that they did not know. But at the word "ruins" they perked up and already began to verbally and non-verbally show us the route) Here is the power of a correctly chosen word)

When we arrived, we didn’t quite understand what kind of building it was. It looked like the Soviet building of some institution. Either the cafeteria or the hospital. But the food did not smell - it means not a dining room))

first we climbed into the nearby building (through the planting of young trees). There we even found doors and didn’t have to go through the windows)

we went into the first building, here is a piece of it:

To the right and left in the recess found the entrance. I had to climb through trees and walk on broken glass.
Most likely, this building was northern building, since the palace cannot be compared with anything and the interior decoration does not look like a stable.

Here are some photos from there:

And so it turned out)

Meet the Palace (what is left of it) of the estate of V.N. Voeikov. Of course, we realized that we wasted time in the first northern building))

We went inside

on the first floor there are many unremarkable rooms, the ceiling is collapsing, it is dangerous to walk, the walls are all something like this:

We rise to the second floor by a beautiful staircase. In general, walking on such "obstacles" should be filmed - so many emotions)):

On the second floor, this picture opened up to our eyes

Somehow it became sad from such a picture, such buildings are being destroyed, time spares no one and nothing. I left this place with a sad mood ... I don’t even know if it is necessary to restore such architectural monuments- perhaps, it is in their destruction that there is its own charm, zest. Although, I am for the restoration of such objects and the creation of tourist routes to places such as, for example, it was done in Tarkhany, in the Lermontov estate.

What do you think - should it be restored or left as it is?


The estate of Count Voeikov - the building of the palace, the summer residence of Tsarevich Alexei, the godson of V. N. Voeikov with a park, (currently not in operation and in need of reconstruction).

When laying the Syzran-Vyazemskaya railway, Nikolai Vasilievich Voeikov, who was in 1868-1881. adjutant general of Alexander II and accompanying the king on all trips, managed to adjust her project, leaving Kamenka aside. Having presented the government with land for the line and the station, he founded the Voeykovo station (since 1918 - Belinskaya). The first train passed through it in 1874, giving development to the economy of the region - an elevator, mills, etc. grew here. After 40 years, more than 1 million poods of grain and flour per year were exported from the station (30% - abroad); branches of three banks, five insurance companies, etc. worked in Kamenka.

And Vladimir Nikolaevich decided to make money on the Rattlesnake Spring. Having founded a joint-stock company (JSC) and inviting an experienced engineer from Germany, he rapidly built a carbon dioxide plant in Kamenka and in 1913 began the production of bottled Kuvaka.

The "promoted" mineral water was delivered to the royal table. Medical luminaries recommended it to the sick Tsarevich Alexei as a prophylactic. "Kuvaka" had such a beneficial effect on the heir to the throne that Nicholas II even intended to build his summer residence in the Penza province so that his children could improve their health here.
Nearest cities: Rasskazovo, Tambov, Michurinsk
Coordinates: 53°11"42"N 44°2"2"E

I decided to deviate a little from the church theme (otherwise, all the temples, churches, holy places) and tell about my impressions from the trip to Kamenka, to the estate of Count Voeikov.
In general, this estate, with clear conscience, can be called the royal estate. Because Voeikov cost it not for himself, but for his godson - the son of Nicholas II, heir to the Russian throne, Tsarevich Alexei. It was to become one of the summer residences of the future king. But time decided things differently.
Tsarevich Alexei has never been here. There is a rumor that, almost ready for the opening of the palace ensemble, came to receive Grigory Rasputin. But, this is only a legend - there are no reliable facts yet. Yes, if he came here, he came secretly - they say that "Grishka of All Russia" did not like publicity.
If our history had turned out differently, there would have been no revolutions and wars, then perhaps we are now talking about Kamenka and the Voeikov estate as one of the world-class resorts, from the category of Baden-Baden or Karlovy Vary. After all, the enterprising count had such an idea - to create an industrial production of Kuvaka mineral water, which has long been considered healing (which was successful), to build a chic palace ensemble and, taking advantage of the presence of a royal person, to give, then still, the village of Kamenka the status of a city with all the consequences hence the consequences. In far-reaching plans, it was supposed to rename Kamenka to Alekseevsk, the cultural and health-improving capital of the Sura region, uniting Tarkhany and Kuvaka. Revolution interfered.
The palace was nationalized in 1917 and given to the Mayak agricultural commune. Later, a regional hospital was opened in it, then, during the war, a hospital was located here. In the early 1950s, the estate housed a rest house for railway workers. It was ennobled, the beach was equipped (which was in Voeikov's project), and in the garden, for the working sleepers and rails, a brass band played. That is, almost as intended! But then, the vacationers were kicked out and future workers were brought in - a vocational school was located in the estate. After 1975, the young intelligentsia was replaced by the intelligentsia from the glass - for more than 20 years, LTP was located in the royal estate. Everything was surrounded by a tall fence, the premises were painted with a “nice” selenium-blue-mouse paint, and everyone felt good. But in the 90s, the drunks ran out (or the money for their treatment), the building became ownerless and it turned into what it is now - in fact, into ruins.
Therefore, we did not climb over the fence and enter the estate itself. There need a helmet, yes the case with fallen brick in Kalinino, I have not forgotten yet. Therefore, I'm sorry, but all the photos were taken either through the fence or in the old park. Moreover, the latter, in my opinion, is very picturesque. If you rise from the very bottom, from the road, you can see the remains of a moat, which at one time was filled with water, several terraces reinforced with brick walls and three stairs leading to the entrance to the estate. However, now it is time to strengthen these walls themselves so that they do not crumble, the stairs are already almost destroyed, and the moat is overgrown so that it is already problematic to determine that it is he. The only relatively preserved object on the territory is a large oven - a reservoir buried in the ground, with a sooty ceiling and a garbage dump inside. But, here I can be wrong. Perhaps this is not a stove, but something else - a water storage or something. So, if someone tells me, I will be only happy. Moreover, we plan to repeat the trip to the estates again, this time for a photo shoot inside. And Additional Information won't be redundant at all. But this is only planned. For now…