How to pronounce vegetables in English. Vegetables in English with translation

Hi all! What do we often tell foreigners about when they ask them to tell us a little about Russia? That's right, about the features of Russian cuisine! But how can we tell about it without knowing the names of fruits, berries and vegetables ?! We have already considered fruits and berries in English. It's time to learn the names of vegetables on English language so that you can fully describe your favorite dishes and products. Learning the names of vegetables in English

Knowing the name of vegetables (Vegetables) in English will also come in handy when communicating with English-speaking interlocutors. Very often in conversation we use the name of a variety of vegetables, berries, fruits and other fruits. And carriers also often use many sayings or proverbs in which the name of at least one of these fruits is present. For example:

An onion will not produce a rose.
A rose will not grow from an onion.

Therefore, do not underestimate the importance of mastering this vocabulary.

I have said many times that one of better ways learn a lot of English words thematic cards. Such creativity to the study of the language gives amazing results. Cards with bright pictures, a word in English, with transcription and translation easily and for a long time cut into the memory of both children and parents. Adults love looking at the pictures too!

There are many options for cards - just with a word, with a picture and a word, with a picture and a translation, with a picture and a translation + transcription. Choose the option that you like and use the cards, repeating new vocabulary when it is convenient for you - transport, rest, break at work. You can make cards yourself and download and print ready-made blanks from our website.

Download pictures with transcription "Vegetables"
Pictures on the theme of vegetables with translation download

In order to quickly remember new words, when going shopping, make a list of products in English:

  • beetroot
  • carrot
  • Cauliflower
  • horseradish etc.

Do not write a translation into Russian, and if you forget what a particular word means, then use the card. Very simple, useful and effective technique!

Vegetables in English on the table

Another in a good way replenish your vocabulary with the necessary words is a table with transcription and translation. Ready List vegetables you print in several copies and hang where you are most of the time. It could be workplace, at home at the computer or attach with magnets to the refrigerator. At every opportunity, look through the table and try to remember the entire list by saying the name of the fruit out loud.




beetroot [‘bi:t, rut] beet
garlic [‘ga:lik] garlic
potatoes potato
carrot [‘kaerət] carrot
cabbage [‘kæbidʒ] cabbage
radish [‘rædiʃ] radish
lettuce [‘letis] salad
pepper [‘pepə] pepper
dill dill
onion [‘ᴧnjən] onion
mushrooms ["mʌʃrum] mushrooms
beans beans
artichoke ["ɑ:rtɪ‚tʃəʋk] artichoke
broccoli ["brɒkəlɪ] broccoli
asparagus [əsˈpærəɡəs] asparagus
cauliflower ["kɔ:lə‚flaʋər] cauliflower
chilli ["tʃɪlɪ] chilli
ginger ["dʒɪndʒər] ginger
lake leek
Celery ["selərɪ] celery
kohlrabi [ˈkəulˈrɑ:bɪ] kohlrabi
parsley ["pɑ:rslɪ] parsley
spring onion green onion
brussels sprouts [‚brʌsəlz"spraʋts] Brussels sprouts
zucchini, courgette, marrow squash , ,[ˈmærəu skwɒʃ] vegetable marrow
aurbergin ["əʋbər‚ʒɪ:n] eggplant
cymbling [ˈsimlən] squash
horseradish ["hɔ:rs‚rædɪʃ] horseradish
turnip ["tɜ:rnɪp] turnip
spinach ["spɪnɪtʃ] spinach
sorrel ["sɔ:rəl] sorrel
basil ["baezəl] basil
Savory ["seɪvərɪ] savory

On the eve of Women's Day, we all want to look better, and what will help us with this? Of course, fresh, crunchy, rich in vitamins and microelements and other "usefulness" vegetables ( vegetables).

The raw food and fruit diet is gaining momentum around the world, people want to follow the example of Madonna and Uma Thurman, who joined this movement. Mel Gibson, Demi Moore, Christina Ricci, Anthony Kidds and many other celebrities eat only raw vegetables, which means that today we will get to know all the secrets of Hollywood stars.

Tomatoes ( tomatoes), cucumbers ( cucumbers), dill ( dill) and parsley ( parsley) are a source of vitamins A, B3, B9, C, E, K, PP, as well as suppliers of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, silicon and other useful trace elements. In addition, by adding a small amount of oil, you can improve the taste of any salad.

To recharge with vitamins, you can cook cabbage salad ( cabbage) and radish ( radish). If you want to try something fresh and unrealistically healthy, make a carrot salad ( carrot) and Jerusalem artichoke ( topinambour/Jerusalem artichoke/sunroot).

Now let's talk separately about cabbage, which, as you know, can be completely different. So, if you decide to drop excess weight look out for brussels sprouts brussels sprouts), which will provide you with vitamins C and A, as well as protect against cancer. Cauliflower ( cauliflower) contains maximum amount proteins, as well as vitamins C, K, PP, it is useful for children and those who are contraindicated in white cabbage ( cabbage). Alternative option may be the use of Beijing cabbage ( Chinese cabbage), which is useful for diabetes, obesity, hormonal disorders and even heart disease. To lower the level of cholesterol and fats in the blood, be sure to eat kale ( kale), which will supply the body with fiber, proteins and carbohydrates. Also known as Savoy cabbage savoy cabbage). Don't forget the broccoli broccoli), whose name comes from Italian word‘brocco’ meaning “young shoot”.

Asparagus ( asparagus) is rich in fiber, vitamins, as well as folic acid, copper and iron. But you should not store it, it is better to eat immediately after purchase. Don't Forget the Celery sales) and pepper ( pepper).

If you do not consider yourself a raw foodist and love variety, pay attention to beans ( kidney beans), including pod ( string beans), and beans ( beans), peas ( pea), corn ( corn), lentils ( lentil) and chickpeas ( chickpeas).

What vegetables have we forgotten about?

beet- beet
Onion- onion
Garlic- garlic
Potato- potato
Pumpkin- pumpkin
Spinach- spinach
turnip- turnip
Artichoke– artichoke
Ginger- ginger
Eggplant/aubergine- eggplant
Zucchini- zucchini
horseradish- horseradish
Sorrel- sorrel
Basil– basil

Please note that there are many idiomatic expressions related to food. Some of the brightest can be, for example, these:

He's turning into a perfect potato couch. He tries to lie down on the sofa all the way to watch TV.

“This morning they were all back on their jobs, the Chinese cook and all. there they were, as cool as cucumbers; you would have thought they owned the place.” “This morning they were all there again—the Chinese cook and others. And everything is as if nothing had happened. You might think that they are at home.”

W. S. Maugham ‘The Outstation’

“He enjoyed his trip and arrived in the pink and has been full of beans ever since!” “The flight was very interesting. Penny endured it well and since then he has been cheerful and cheerful all the time.

I. Murdoch ‘An Unofficial Rose’

Now you know all the names of vegetables in English, and who is armed with knowledge is protected from failures (and at the same time from hunger).

In any language, in order to make it easier to remember, words are grouped by topic. Among the most relevant and popular is the topic "vegetables" - "vegetables", which can be applied almost everywhere. Vegetables in English is a topic that each of us faces in Everyday life. That's why knowing at least some of the names will be very useful, helping to keep the conversation going in several common situations at once.

Most importantly, knowing vegetables can come in handy while traveling. In a restaurant or cafe there will be a need to order a side dish, in addition, in communication with foreigners vegetables in English can also be used in context. Often guests of our country who speak English are interested in the features national cuisine. Having studied the key "vegetable" names, who, if not you, will be able to tell about our domestic dishes.

In this article today you will get acquainted with some words that denote vegetables in English. Learning them is quite easy, and even children can easily cope with this task.

List of basic vegetables - how to spell in English

Before proceeding to the study of vegetables in a foreign language, let's remember that conventionally vegetables are divided into two categories. Vegetative vegetables involve eating the root system, stems, bulbs, and leaves. The second category - fruit vegetables - involves the use of fruits and seeds after ripening.

  • potato
  • radish
  • turnip - turnip
  • Beet - beet
  • cabbage
  • cauliflower - cauliflower
  • carrots
  • garlic
  • Onion - onion
  • Green onions - scallions
  • Parsley - parsley
  • Dill - dill
  • Asparagus - asparagus
  • Basil - basil.

To name vegetables in English remembered as well as possible, do not limit yourself to just reading them. Spend at least two minutes on each word, reviewing them from time to time as you study English.

Now let's try to learn the names of fruit vegetables. The knowledge of these words will be useful in life no less than the knowledge of vegetative vegetables, because they are used in food to the same extent:

  • tomato
  • cucumber
  • Pepper
  • Zucchini – vegetable marrow
  • eggplant
  • pumpkin - pumpkin
  • beans - haricot
  • Peas - pea
  • corn
  • beans
  • melon - melon
  • Watermelon - watermelon

Remember? Then we bring to your attention a few suggestions that use the names of vegetables:

I need some vegetables for supper tomorrow. could you buy cucumber, potato, carrots and some onion after school? I will need some vegetables for dinner tomorrow. Could you buy cucumber, potatoes, carrots and some onions after school?

Mary is on a diet, so she prepares a light salad of tomatoes and cucumbers for dinner. Mary is on a diet, so for lunch she prepares a light salad of tomatoes and cucumbers.

Nancy and Jack took the frozen broccoli and watermelon with discount. Nancy and Jack got discount frozen broccoli and watermelon.

Pumpkin is the main attribute on Halloween. - Pumpkin - main attribute on Halloween.

Adjectives on the topic "vegetables in English"

In English, as in native Russian, the names of vegetables can form adjectives. Juice can be tomato, carrot pie, and so on.

If in most cases adjectives are formed by adding suffixes and endings, then the formation of adjectives from “vegetables” does not involve the use of auxiliary parts of the word: tomato juice - tomato juice, carrot cake - carrot cake.

How to quickly and productively learn the name of vegetables?

In fact, learn vegetables in English with translation not difficult. However, even scientists note that it is possible to learn a language much more successfully in early age. Children learn new material faster, and therefore able to remember a day more words. That is why, if you try hard, you and your children will easily learn the names of vegetables in English in just one day.

Additionally, you can improve the process, make it more interesting and convenient. There are a number of methods that have long been widely recognized and are actively used in the study of languages. These can be lessons with a musical bias, where new words are memorized through songs. An equally useful way is drawing, modeling, which additionally develops Creative skills child.

The most efficient and in a simple way how to quickly learn vegetables in English are Place a large picture on them with the corresponding image of the word, and under it - the name in English and transcription (how the word is pronounced). With reverse side cards, you can place the translation of the word - in this case it will be convenient to quickly determine whether the person has learned this translation correctly or not. Agree, this is an interesting option for learning - in addition, it is suitable for absolutely any subject.

You can make the corresponding cards yourself, but finding them will not be difficult. AT bookstores flashcards for learning languages ​​are offered in a wide range. An even easier way is to download them on the Internet. Specialized sites already offer ready-made options- simply print and cut out, placing on paper or cardboard.

And finally, do not forget the main thing - any topic that a child or an adult masters for the first time requires careful practical consolidation. To do this, perform a series of exercises and grammar tasks, but also return to the cards from time to time. And the use of English words in oral speech in everyday life will not only quickly remember their spelling, but also easily learn correct pronunciation. Good luck with learning the names of vegetables!

» Vegetables in English with translation

One of lung ways remembering new words foreign language is a grouping of words by topic. Vegetables in English is a necessary topic, because we encounter vegetables in everyday life. We buy in the store, cook food from them, grow them in the garden. That is, by remembering at least a few basic vegetables in English, you can easily keep up the conversation on several popular topics at once.

In addition, knowledge English titles vegetables can come in handy when traveling - when ordering side dishes in a cafe or restaurant, as well as just when communicating with foreigners. As a rule, they are definitely interested in national Russian cuisine. Therefore, when telling foreigners about cabbage soup and borscht, vinaigrette and sauerkraut, you cannot do without knowing the English names of vegetables.

So, let's make a list of vegetables in English with translation that you need to learn first.

Vegetables ["veʤ (ə) təblz] ("vegetables) vegetables

Beet (bi: t) beets

Cabbage ["kæbɪʤ] (‘kabij) cabbage

Carrot ["kærət] ("carot) carrots

Cucumber ["kjuːkʌmbə] ("kyukamba) cucumber

Eggplant ["egplænt] ("egplant) eggplant

Onion ["ɔnjən] ("onion) bow

Potato (by "teitou") potatoes

Pumpkin ["pʌmpkɪn] ("pampkin) pumpkin

Radish ["rædɪʃ] ("radish) radish

Tomato (then "meitou") tomato

With such a minimal set, we can cook both soup and salad. And at the same time, name everything we cook from in English. This "practical" way of memorizing new words is very effective. Moreover, it is equally exciting for both adults and children.

After the first ten most common names are learned, you can expand the "range" - learn a few more less frequent, but still quite common names.

Beans (bi:nz) beans

Broccoli [ˈbrɒkəli] (‘broccoli) broccoli

Cauliflower [ˈkɒlɪflaʊə] (‘coliflaua) cauliflower

Celery [ˈseləri] (‘seleri) celery

Corn (ko:n) corn

Spinach [ˈspɪnɪdʒ] (‘spinidzh) spinach

Lettuce [ˈletɪs] ("letis) lettuce (leaves)

Turnip [ˈtɜːnɪp] (tönip) turnip

Vegetables in English can also be learned using picture cards. This method is usually used in teaching children. Whatever method of memorization you use, not only an adult, but also a child will be able to name vegetables in English after a little training.

As you know, any knowledge necessarily requires consolidation in practice. English words- not an exception. At whatever stage of learning English you are, you can consolidate your knowledge and continue learning using unique technique English self-instruction manual. Specially selected texts, stories and fairy tales voiced by professional American speakers will help you significantly expand your vocabulary, and exercises and grammar guide- learn how to quickly and correctly build English sentences.

We all love delicious fruits, fragrant berries and healthy nuts. But what are they all called in English? Let's find out!

First, a little grammar: it should be noted that the word fruit (fruit) in English has two forms plural- fruit and fruits. When we are talking about any fruit without specification, fruit is used. For example, a store department might be called “Fruit and vegetables”.

Or you can say, “It’s hard to buy fresh fruit in winter.” fresh fruits). If they mean different kinds fruits, fruits are used. For example: “I want to try the tropical fruits of this island” (I want to try the tropical fruits of this island).

Fruit in English

Consider the names of the most common types of fruits:

apple Apple nectarine nectarine
avocado avocado orange orange
apricot apricot pear pear
banana banana papaya papaya
date date fruit pineapple a pineapple
figure figs peach peach
grapefruit grapefruit plum plum
grapes grape persimmon persimmon
kiwi kiwi pomegranate Garnet
lime lime passion fruits passion fruit
lemon lemon quince quince
mango mango tangerine mandarin
melon melon watermelon watermelon

Berries in English

Along with fruits, it is worth remembering berries. Berry in English is berry, and this word is integral part many names of berries.

Many wild berries are worn different names depending on the region. For example, cloudberry can be called cloudberry or yellowberry, in Canada it is called bakeapple, in England it is knotberry, and in Scotland it is averin. Cowberry can be found under the names cowberry, foxberry or lingonberry.

Nuts in English

And finally, we list the names of some nuts. These words often include the word nut, which means "nut".