Spelling of nouns in the instrumental case. I. Organizational moment. instrumental singular declensions - hard version

Nouns in Russian are declined. In order not to make mistakes in spelling unstressed endings in words, it is necessary to determine their case. To do this, you need to put a question to the noun. The spelling of the endings depends on the case in which the word is. It is also necessary to be able to determine the type of declension and the number of a noun. For example, "by whom?", "what?" What case answers these questions? What endings will the nouns have in this position?

How to determine the case of nouns

A person who makes mistakes in the spelling of noun endings cannot be considered a cultural citizen of his country. And if someone asks: "By whom?", "What?" - which case answers these questions?", should be answered correctly. In particular, it may sound like this: naturally, it is. "". Let's ask questions to those words that play the role of additions in the sentence: "by whom?", "What?" Which case answers them, we have already found out - instrumental. Now it remains only to choose the desired option from the table of endings. Let's consider everything in more detail inclination options.

1 singular declension in the instrumental case - hard version

The complexity of spelling in Russian lies in the fact that there are declensions of nouns. In practice, determining the case of a noun is necessary in order to write the endings correctly. To do this, the phrase is parsed by the members of the sentence. In the creative, nouns also differ. Which ending to write in an unstressed position depends on which declension they belong to, what gender they have and in what number they are used in a given context. For example, for nouns of the 1st declension in the singular, the instrumental has the endings -oy, -ey, -ey. As an example, you can use the sentence: "The children watched the funny monkey with a smile." AT this case to the words "monkey" and "with a smile" you can ask questions "by whom?", "What?" Which case answers them? Everyone should know that the answer will be creative. You also need to determine the declension of these nouns and the number. Since both words belong to the 1st declension and are in the singular, then their ending should also be -oy, since these words are declined like a solid variant.

Noun endings of the 1st declension singular in the instrumental case - soft variant

In the soft version, the ending -ey or -ey can be traced in this position. As examples, we can take the sentences “Tanya and her aunt looked after a wounded heron all winter, and in the spring they released her into the wild. And the bird flew up above the earth, soared, gracefully flapping its wings! Here, in the first sentence, the words “with aunt”, “heron”, ending in -her, are found. And in the second sentence there is the word "earth" with an ending in instrumental-her.

Noun endings 2 declensions singular in the instrumental case - hard version

In the 2nd declension, singular nouns in the instrumental case have endings -om, -em, -em. Considering the sentence “The guys took care of the rabbit with pleasure”, it is easy to establish that the additions “with pleasure” and “rabbit” are used in the singular and belong to the 2nd declension. They will help to understand that this is an instrumental case, questions: “with what?” - with pleasure, "by whom?" - rabbit. Therefore, the endings of these words will be -em, -om.

Noun endings 2 declensions singular in the instrumental case - soft variant

In the soft version, the ending -em and -em can be traced in this position. As an example, the following sentence can be cited: “Valentin made a move with his knight, to which Marina “ate” his rook with her queen.” Here the words 2 declensions "horse" and "queen" are in the instrumental case singular and end in -em. And in the example “Cranes flew over the field”, the word “over the field” ends in -em.

Noun endings 3 declensions singular in the instrumental case

In the 3rd declension, singular nouns in the instrumental case have the ending -yu. In the sentences “Natalya happily ran to the training. The rider met with her horse as with her closest friend "the words" with a horse "and" with joy "refer to the 3rd declension, are in the singular. They answer the questions "by whom?", "what?". The instrumental case in which these nouns stand dictates the endings of these words -yu.

Plural Noun Endings in the Instrumental Case

Nouns in the instrumental case used in have the endings -ami, -ami, -mi. “You can admire lemurs for hours, marveling at how cleverly they eat, taking food gently with their paws, like people!” In this example, there are plural nouns that are in the instrumental case "lemurs", "paws". Having determined the case and the number of these nouns, a literate person will definitely write the endings -ami. Some nouns end in -mi in a similar position. For example, in the sentence “Running horses can be admired indefinitely”, such a word is “horses”, which answers the question “by whom?”

Semantic roles of nouns in the instrumental case

The instrumental form can play in the sentence the most different roles. For example, a noun can appear as:

  • tool (cut with a knife, write with a pen, saw with a chainsaw);
  • remedy (paint eyelashes with mascara, brush teeth with paste);
  • patient (command a platoon, conduct an orchestra);
  • agent (training is conducted by a doctor of sciences);
  • effector (seedlings were beaten by hail, the wind tore off the hat);
  • reason (suffer from boredom, get chickenpox);
  • trajectory (go through the field, gush throat);
  • time (early morning, late evening);
  • incentive (to admire the mind, smell like honey);
  • measure (to import meat by wagons);
  • aspect (distinguished by dexterity, likes complaisance);
  • standard of comparison (jumping like a young goat, neighing like a horse, looking like an evil lemur).

Instrumental adjectives

A sign of a noun in the instrumental case, expressed by adjective, will be used in the same case. That is, if the speaker speaks out: “It is impossible to remain indifferent without admiring the amazing roses growing behind the neighbor’s fence,” then in this sentence the adjective “amazing”, which is a sign of the word “roses”, will also be in the instrumental case, like the noun that it is. defines. The same is the case with the adjective "behind the neighbor", which will also be in the instrumental case, as well as the word "fence" to which it refers.

Endings of adjectives in the instrumental case

In order not to make a mistake in writing the endings of adjectives, you should ask questions to them. Adjectives will have the same endings as the questions asked of them.

  1. For example, for adjectives female in the singular, you can ask the question “what?”, which means they will end in -oy, -ey. “A girl from the second floor blossomed like a luxurious rose.” There is such a connection here: a rose (what?) Luxurious. In the soft version, the -ey option is used: "In early spring, the birch by the road seems to be covered with a lace green shawl." The question should be “what?” to the adjective "early" from the word "spring".
  2. For masculine and neuter adjectives in the instrumental singular, the question is asked “what?” Their endings, respectively, will be -im or -th. For example: “With a secret feeling of tomima, Tatyana could not fall asleep for a long time ...” In this sentence, you need to consider the phrase “secret feeling”, where the word “secret” is asked the question “what?”, Therefore, the adjective has an ending -th, since leaning towards the hard option. And in the soft version, the adjective will end in -im, for example: “Late in the evening, Nikolai returned home tired, but happy.” The noun "in the evening" is defined by the adjective "late" and answers the question "what?", so it ends in -im.
  3. To adjectives plural in the instrumental case they ask the question “what kind?”. Based on the spelling rule, the endings of these adjectives will be -s in the hard version or -im in the soft version. "The spectators saw off the failed artist with cheerful chuckles." Here the phrase "merry chuckles" demonstrates the declension according to the solid version. And as an example of a mild declension, you can use the sentence "She looked with her blue eyes right into his soul."

By the way, it should be noted that the same spelling rule is subject to participles and some pronouns, numerals that have the form of an adjective.



Teacher of Russian language and literature:SOSH№10 Karabulak

Yuldasheva Sadokat Khantoraevna

Synopsis of the Russian language lesson in grade 6

Topic: The use of nouns in the instrumental case with the preposition s.

Objectives: 1. To form the ability and skills of students to use nouns in the instrumental case.

2. Teach them how to write and pronounce nouns in the instrumental case correctly.

3. To cultivate friendship among students, the ability to behave in public places.

4. Activate students' vocabulary.

5. Cultivate a love for sports.

Equipment: textbooks, interactive board, individual cards, tables.

During the classes.

    Org. moment.

Lesson starts

Take a look, my friend

Are you all right

Books, pens and notebooks?

We will work together

We have a lot to do!

My dear children, I am glad to see you all cheerful and healthy today. Today we are going to have a very interesting lesson.

Question and answer conversation.

    Homework survey.

a) Questions: 1. What endings do feminine nouns have? Give examples.

2. Nouns in the instrumental plural have what endings?

3. Make up a phrase with the following words: (do) physical education, (get involved) sports, (want, become) astronaut, (become) champion.

b) Working with the table ex. 2.

c) Check ex. 7.

M.r Sr.r

Om, -em


Oh, she

Ami, -yami

I am swimming and running.

I do gymnastics and photography.

We are interested in books and travel.

Exercise 7.Say in one word. Write down these words, underline the unstressed vowels, check their spelling in the dictionary.

An athlete who plays football (hockey, volleyball). A person who plays chess. The player who defends the goal. The one who judges sport games. Winner in sports. An athlete who practices boxing.

    Preparing students for the introduction of new material.

In the last lesson, we learned about Complement - noun in the creative case".

And today we will get acquainted with the topic “The use of nouns in the instrumental case with the preposition c”.

Let's remember how many cases are in Russian?

What are the cases with the main questions?

    Introduction of new material.

Guys, there are a lot of prepositions in Russian. For example: from, under, over, into, from, from, to, on, before, behind, to.

On the Uzbek there are no prepositions in their place they have endings:

The teacher enteredin Class

Ukituvchi synthha kirdi. Uzbek tilida kumakchi kushimchaga aylanib ketdi.

What is a suggestion?

Preposition - service part of speech that connects words in a sentence.

The teacher came outfrom class.

Ukituvchi synthDan chikdi.

Since our topic is related to the addition, today we will study only the preposition with in the instrumental case.

Sarah goes to the cinema with younger brother. With whom?

I went to the theater with my parents. With whom?

The guys were with friends. With whom?

We drank tea with jam. With what?

Learn to discern.

By whom? How?

The teacher is happy with the student.

The student writes on the blackboard with chalk.

With whom? With what?

The teacher spoke to the student.

The student goes to the blackboard with chalk in hand.

    Checking the assimilation of new material.

Ex. 5 Make phrases.

Go (with whom?) with your brother.

Be friends (with whom?) With a girl.

Talk (to whom?) with your grandmother.

Talk (with whom?) With friends.

Reconcile (with whom?) with a friend.

To go (with whom?) with dad.

Sit (with whom?) With a classmate.

Say hello (to whom?) to grandfather.

    Consolidation of new material.

New words: last century - utgan asr

similar - uhshash

guess - mulzhallamok

a few - birnecha

regulations-қ oida

special - mahsus

pick up - orb olmoқ

get wet - shimdirmok

push back - silzhimoқ

Reading text.

"Tea Invitation"

The expression "invite for a cup of tea" came to us from the last century. "Over a Cup of Tea" was not customary to sing or discuss any news. Such an invitation suggested a quiet conversation, reading aloud or quiet games: forfeits, lotto, charades. If you are invited to a cup of tea, remember a few rules. Sugar from the sugar bowl is taken with a common spoon, which is located there.

Also, with a common spoon, put jam in your outlet.

For a lemon, a special fork is placed, and it is necessary to pick up a slice with it.

Use your spoon to stir the sugar in the cup and place it on the saucer.

Take cookies, pies, sweets from a vase and dishes by hand.

Both cake and pastries should be eaten with a spoon or dessert fork.

Do not make remarks at the table to anyone. remember wise words: polite is not the one who doused the tablecloth, but the one who did not notice this.

At the end of the tea party, blot your lips with a paper towel. You can get up from the table. Thanks for the delicious meal!

Boys! Do not forget to help the girls leave the table, move the chairs.

Collective translation of the text.

Read the poem on the board, using nouns instead of pictures.

The bull dressed up as a duckling,

The teddy bear is a foal.

Squirrel - wolf, goose - elephant,

A rook is a pig, a worm is a monkey.

And the turkey decided to be right away

Lion, elephant and porcupine.

For a fun carnival

Only the gopher didn't hit.

Determine the case of nouns depicted using pictures. Are there other nouns in the instrumental case in the poem? Name them.

Write down the nouns in the instrumental case, completing the word combinations with them. Dressed up (by whom?) as a duckling, a foal, a wolf, a donkey, a dog, an elephant, a pig, a monkey. (Instrumental case ).

Decided to be (who?) a lion, an elephant, a porcupine. (Instrumental case ).

Exercise 3. Write down, complete the sentence with the necessary verbs.

The earth is dug with a shovel. Clothes ….. with a brush. Bread ... .. with a knife. Firewood ... .. with a saw. Dress ...... with a needle. Drawing ... .. paints. Letter ... .. pen. Face….. with a towel. Hair…..comb.

    1. Noun endings
    2. Adjective endings
    3. Topic Quiz

    Spelling features of instrumental endings

    In Russian, case forms of the instrumental case have nouns and adjectives that have case endings etc. and answering questions - By whom? How? What? Whose?. The spelling of instrumental endings for nouns depends on their declension, gender and number, for adjectives - on grammatical features the noun they agree with.

    Noun endings

    In the singular of the instrumental case, the endings of nouns differ in declensions, while nouns of the first declension are characterized by the presence of two case forms T. p. singular.

    The endings of nouns in the instrumental plural are the same for nouns of all declensions.

    Exceptions- some additional forms Etc. for nouns of the third declension and a dissimilar word "child".

    The endings of nouns of the instrumental case with examples are presented in the table.

    declination Unit number Mn. number
    1 declination -oh (-s), Diploma oh, letters oyu,

    cherry her, cherry her,

    crybaby oh, crybaby oyu,

    Judge her, judge her,

    men oh, men oyu

    -ami -(ami), Diploma ami,

    cherry yami,

    crybaby ami,

    Judge yami,

    men ami

    2 declension -om (-em) Ocean ohm,

    seal eat,

    glass ohm,

    Towel eat

    Ocean ami,

    seal yami,

    glass ami,

    Towel ami

    3 declension -Yu A thread Yu,

    Life Yu,

    Door Yu

    Nite yami,

    life yami,

    door yami, Door mi

    Differing -ey, -ey, -em child her, baby her,

    Put eat,

    Times eat

    child mi,

    Put yami,

    Times ami

    Adjective endings

    Adjectives in the instrumental case have the same endings of the middle and male, and plural endings are common to words of any kind. Examples of adjectives in instrumental case are presented in the table.