Soft sign of the indefinite form of the verb. Synopsis on the Russian language "soft sign after hissing in verbs"

Part of speech




b is written - f.r. 3 cl. units

Youth, luxury

b is not written

m.r. 2 fold. unit h

Watchman, key, ivy

Tasks, pears, schools


In short adjectives with a base, the hissing b is not written

Fresh, hot, good


indefinite form

Take care, get burned

2 person singular

Can you draw

Imperative mood

Smear, don't cry


Always (excl. already, married, unbearable)

Jump, wide open, all the way


Only, I mean, ish, vis

Examples for spelling warm-up:

Re h b , young and b , we sh b , di h b , but h b , full h b , before h b , ne h b , retu sh b , su sh b , those h b , ti sh b. Kama sh , goods sch , but and , payment and , headlight sh , feces h , boron sch , gara and , monta and , gro sh , thrust h , obru h , le sch , ovo sch , pla sch , pla h, Yes h , ro sch , mature sch , fire sch , roof sh , meet h , thousand h Sve and , prigo and , pogo and , input and , like and , not like and , similar and , ry and , besty and , du and , clumsily and , wide h , oho h , neoho h , sing h , live h , jump h , thrust h , I'm taking h , bad luck h. Teach sh b , teach sh b Xia , wear sh b , wear sh b Xia , carried sh b , carried sh b Xia, losing sh b , losing sh b Xia , sleep sh b , get some sleep sh b Xia, familiar m b those , known m b Xia ; bro With b , bro With b Xia , bro With b those , bro With b tes ; otre and b. Splo sh b , vska h b , about h b , for example h b , then h b -in something h b , back h b , Nastya and b , backwards sh b , neumo h b.

Exercise number 1. Explain the spelling b, indicate the spelling, indicate the part of speech.

ovo sch

Existing, 2 cl, m.r.

Do not Cry

I will bring sch

short adjective

get carried away



mutual aid

have fun



get burned

lie in wait



Exercise number 2. Put these nouns in R.P. pl. h, make up phrases with a subordinating relationship management.

Exercise number 3. Match these words with single-root nouns with a basis in hissing, write down, mark the spelling.




to help





Exercise number 4. Write down nouns in R.P. pl. numbers

Exercise number 5. Replace the full forms of adjectives with short ones. Underline the adjectives as members of the sentence. Which member of the proposal are short adjectives?

good friend

handsome young man

viscous honey

dense forest

shameless man

hot coffee

broad-shouldered youth

black cop

father-like son

biting frost

redhead baby

skinny goose

suitable occasion

Exercise #6.


grievances ish Xia

will rise



look after

grow up

get enough sleep

    Explain the spelling of verb endings in the form of the 3rd person plural. numbers.


eat b , eat b those



do not Cry


be comforted




save, save





Exercise number 7. Find the correspondence of phrases with synonymous adverbs for hissing, indicate the spelling.

Exercise number 8. Fill in the columns of the table (indicate only word numbers)

1) grease_ 2) married_ 3) youth_4) back_ 5) tractor_ 6) treasure_ 7) land_ 8) pursue_ 9) mighty_ 10) already_ 11) enter_ 12) hide_ 13) thing_ 14) fresh_ 15) thin_ 16) fiddler_ 17) e.g. ) speech_ 35) patronage_ 36) omniscient _ 37) electric stove_ 38) dry_ 39) calculated 40) false_ 41) prestige_ 42) revenge_ 43) kleish_ 44) zanemoch_ 45) strong man_ 46) medical doctor_ 47) arbitration_ 48) brilliant_ 49) ish_ 50) smelly_

Date: 08/24/2013 Topic:

Save, be able, burn, extract, bake, cut, guard, reach, lie down, beware.

You spare, you hurry, you crack, you equip, you cut, you stand, you dedicate, you flash, you splash, you rest, you give, you run away, you cut, you unfasten.

You succumb, make a noise, cut yourself, enjoy, defend yourself.

You conquer, you visit, you treat, you water, you tremble, you offend, you beg, you pull, you pull, you knock, you make, you move, you burn, you unload, you knock, you drop, you feel, you participate, you celebrate, you expand, you exhaust, you disappear, you spread.

You push off, you shrink, you take pity, you make friends, you hold back, you say hello, you bend, you worry, you pay.

I. 1. Bread must be protected as a sacred thing. (E. Bukov.) 2. I tried to lure Valek and Marusya into my games. (Cor.) 3. But do you know if you should not order the brown filly to the sled? (P.) 4. A peasant, a great housekeeper, the owner of a prosperous house, hired a dog to guard the yard and bake bread. (Cr.) 5. We came to help the peasants and got down to business according to all the rules for fighting a predatory beast. (Prishv.) 6. The detachment sought to reach the pass before dark. 7. The matches got damp, and I had to strike a fire out of flint. 8. The weary traveler decided to lie down at the edge of the forest. 9. In the kitchen, the mother showed her daughter how to light the gas so as not to get burned.

II. 1. Russia needs smart and honest people, try to be like that, and you will be the master of your destiny, a useful member of society. (M G.) 2. Only then will you become a man when you learn to see a man in another. (A. Radishchev) 3. If you want to find friends, get ready to go with us soon. (Har.) 4. You can't take a fish out of a pond without difficulty. (Last) 5. If you like to ride, love to carry sleds. (Long.) 6. What you don’t do in the morning, you won’t catch up with in the evening. (Last) 7. Spring, spring! And she's all happy. How oblivious you stand ... (Boon.)

III. one. The last cloud scattered storm! Alone you rush through the clear azure. (P.) 2. You used to climb a tree for shiny lacquer berries and eat them in handfuls right with the seeds. (Prishv.) 3. You squat in the dark, hold on to your friend’s knee, others hold on to your elbows, shoulders ... Your legs go numb, you kneel, and water flows into the squeezed hole. (V. Fomenko.) 4. Climb up the river and walk along the steep shady shore, trying to stay against the current ... It happens that you tinker while you extract the prey. (A. Shevchenko.) 5. If you chase two hares, you won't catch a single one. (Last)


Write out: 1) verbs with a stem in sibilant; 2) short adjectives with a basis in sibilant; 3) nouns with a hissing at the end (with ь, without ь).

1. Feel free to put your foot in the stirrup and take the gun. (L.) 2. - Very, hedgehog, you are good! It’s a pity that you won’t take it in your hands ... - You won’t take it? So what! I'm not a hedgehog without needles! (Korch.) 3. The view from Alaman was unusually good and boundless. (Ald.-Sem.) 4. Light, light wind, what is so sweet, quietly blowing? What game do you eat, what do you brighten, enchanted stream? (V. Zhuk.) 5. The night air was quite fresh. (G.) 6. Gerasim always carried the key to the castle with him on his belt. (T.) 7. The night was thick, gloomy. (Seraph.) 8. “Of course,” the Horse answered, “your speech is true; however, if I did not plow, then there would be nothing for you to guard here. (Cr.) 9. All around is rye, like a living steppe. (P.)

Municipal general education state-financed organization

average comprehensive school №7

Lesson summary

In Russian

in 4 B class

on this topic

"Soft sign after hissing in verbs"

Compiled by:

teacher of the beginning classes

Gizdullina N.A.



Topic: "Soft sign after hissing in verbs"

Target: create conditions for the formation of writing skills soft sign after hissing in verbs; to develop the skill of spelling a soft sign at the end of a word after hissing nouns in nouns, short form adjectives.

Planned learning outcomes:

Subject: they will learn to find and correctly write a spelling in words - the letter ь in verbs after hissing, to distinguish from other spellings that are similar in some respects

Meta-subject (criteria for the formation / evaluation of UUD components):

Cognitive: general educational - independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal, accept and maintain a learning task; highlight and formulate what is learned and what needs to be learned; application of the rules for writing a soft sign after hissing in verbs;

Regulatory: determine the purpose of the activity, develop the ability to analyze, compare, establish a pattern, draw up an algorithm, work according to the algorithm; correction - to make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion, based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made; control and self-control - to distinguish between the method and the result of an action; carry out self-analysis of the success of participation in the educational dialogue, the educational process.

Communicative: planning of educational cooperation – to implement in the process group work regulations joint activities to provide mutual assistance in cooperation; build a statement that is understandable to listeners, ask clarifying questions, formulate conclusions; own monologue and dialogic forms of speech; follow the rules of speech etiquette.

Personal: apply acquired skills in practical activities; correlate their own answer with the proposed option; develop the ability to argue their point of view; control and evaluate the work performed; expand educational and cognitive interests; strive to improve results learning activities; understand and are aware of the need to fulfill school requirements.

Equipment : projector, computer, cards.

Lesson stages

Lesson content

Formed UUD

Org. moment.

A moment of cleansing.

Lesson planning.

I would like to start the lesson with a parable.


There was a wise man who knew everything. One person wanted to prove that the wise man does not know everything. Clutching a butterfly in his hands, he asked: “Tell me, sage, which butterfly is in my hands, dead or alive?” And he himself thinks: “If the living one says, I will kill her, if the dead one says, I will let her out.” The sage, thinking, replied: "Everything is in your hands."

It is in our hands to create in the lesson friendly atmosphere where each student will work thoughtfully, answer correctly, write beautifully and competently. This expression says that everything depends on us. And so the motto of our lesson will be the words of the sage "Everything is in our hands"

- On the tables you have leaves with the image of the sun. Throughout the lesson, after each stage, you will have a ray. If you did a good job - yellow, if you had difficulty - red, and if nothing happened at all - green.

- Open your notebook, write down the number, class work.

Let's start our lesson with a minute of calligraphy.

f w h


-What common? (These letters represent hissing sounds)

-What other hissing is missing? (sch)

- What spellings with hissing do you know? (sch)

- And today we will get acquainted with one spelling. What are you about

find out later.

So our goal will be

-What pattern did you notice?

Name the syllables where the b sound is soft.

Write these syllables in your notebook.

- What is the purpose of our calligraphy?

Personal UUD.

We form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity

Cognitive UUD

1 Present information in the form of a diagram.

2. Based on the analysis of objects, draw conclusions.

3. Generalize and classify by signs.

the ability to structure knowledge, the choice of the most effective ways problem solving, the ability to consciously and arbitrarily build statements.

4. Self-selection-formulation of a cognitive goal, formulation of a problem.

Communication of the objectives of the lesson.

vocabulary work

- And today we will get acquainted with one spelling. And about which you will learn a little later.

So the aim of our lesson is...

(Learn to find the main members of the sentence and correctly identify parts of speech).

- So, you and I tried for a minute of calligraphy. And move on to the next step of the lesson.

The next step in the lesson... vocabulary work.

- What is the purpose of our vocabulary work.

Tell me over the course of several lessons, what part of speech are we talking about?

- What vocabulary work can be done on the topic of the verb? (Write out verbs from the dictionary)

(Sparkle, decide.)


What do these verbs have in common? (In indefinite form)

Let's go back to a minute of calligraphy.

-Remember what we talked about.

- Form words from these verbs with a hissing at the end of the word.

What's this word?

The 1st letter in this word is a soft consonant sound in the name of a furry animal ... ..

2nd letter denotes a vowel sound last syllable three-syllable word……….

The 3rd letter occurs twice in the name of a festively decorated tree……….

The 4th letter occurs twice in a monosyllabic word……...

5th letter - the name of the subject begins with it, which is indispensable in Russian language lessons

The 6th letter is an unstressed vowel that occurs in the name of a round object ...... ..

What's this word?

(posted dictionary word)

- Write this word three times and highlight the letter o. Remember the spelling of this word.

You will meet it today in the textbook, on the page that we will work on.

- Let's come up with a sentence with the words: fast, squirrel, jumping, branch, on branches, p.

But first tell me what we call a sentence??? (A sentence is a word or several words expressing a complete thought.).

(Words in a sentence are connected in meaning.)

So let's make a proposal. (The squirrel quickly jumps from branch to branch).

Let's write this proposal down. (The student is called to the board and writes down this sentence with commentary, the rest of the students write it in their notebooks from the red line).

Regulatory UUD.

1. Staging learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and assimilated by the student, and what is still unknown.

2. Carry out personal reflection.

3. Development of motives for learning activities.

4. Determination of the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result.

5. Drawing up a plan and sequence of actions

Communicative UUD

1. Ability to work in pairs, in a group.

2. Initiative cooperation in the search and selection of information.

3.Build a speech statement in accordance with the tasks.

4.Planning educational cooperation with the teacher

5. The ability to shape thoughts into oral with sufficient completeness.

Knowledge update.

After working on vocabulary words, we move on to the next stage of the lesson. Which one?

- I suggest you look at the slide.

- What work do we have to do?

Look at the slide.

What do the words in each column have in common? (All words end in hissing)


drawing ... night ... dense ... wash ...

brick ... roz ... good ... clean ..

- Insert, where necessary, a soft sign.

(In the first column, nouns plural. The soft sign is not written.

Nouns in the second column male. The soft sign is not written.

The third column contains feminine nouns. Soft sign is written.

In the fourth column are short adjectives. The soft sign is not written.)

Place of difficulty.

- Look at the words of these columns

learn ... learn ... sya

mosh ... mosh ... sya

clean up... clean up...

-What do these words have in common? (verbs, stem ends in sibilant)

- Do you think it is necessary to write b in these words? (must, don't)

The question is the same, but the answers are different? Why? (we don't know for sure)

- What do we need to do? - From what sources can we get the answer (from the textbook)

What do you think the topic of our lesson will be?

(Learn to write verbs with a soft sign after hissing).

-It's time to start next paragraph plan.

Open the textbook on p.94.

In order to answer the question of whether a soft sign is written after verbs hissing at the end, let's think.
Determine what part of speech the underlined words are, in what forms they stand.

If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.
Measure seven times, cut once.
It is important to take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age.
The quieter you go, the further you'll get.
You can't bake a cake without dough.


Chase - vb., 2 l, unit. h., you won’t catch. - vb., 2 l, unit. h., measure - vb., command. inc., cut off - vb., command. incl., save - n.f., you go -v., 2 l, unit. h., you will -vb., 2 l, unit. h., you can’t bake -– vb., 2 l, unit. h.,

What interesting things have you noticed in the spelling of verbs? (At the end, after hissing, it is written b.)
– What conclusion can be drawn?

(Hint: Zhenya made the following conclusion: “At the end of verbs in any form, after hissing, b is written”) - Is Zhenya right?

- Working with the rule (textbook).

P.94. Read the rule, are we right in our conclusions.

4. Work in groups

I suggest you work in a group.

- I want to remind you the rule of working in a group: to be able to listen to each other.

- Make an algorithm for spelling a soft sign after hissing in verbs.


1. Read the word with a hiss at the end.

2. Determine what part of speech it is expressed.

3. If this is a verb, then after the hissing write a soft sign.

- Read the memo.

5. Project implementation.

It's time to move on to the next step in the plan.

Performing exercise number 1

Write the words in three columns.

The first row - verbs in the initial form,

Second row - verbs in the form of 2 persons, singular,

The third row - in verbs expressing advice, request, order.

- Do not forget to write ь after hissing.

Get a haircut, don't cry, go, take care, eat, teach, talk, bake, help, sit, sing, sit, sing, eat, cut off, lie down, scream, spread.

(Check) Check with slide

Who completed the work without errors? Who has inaccuracies? Which?

- How do you write verbs with hissing at the end? (with b)

Self-esteem. Check with slide

Post the words around the class. Collect and stick the words with hissing verbs on the board.

Rozh .., mighty .. burnt .. sterech .., hut .., violinist .., cherish .., write ..., think ... draw ... pet ...

- How are verbs with hissing spelled? (with b)

Group 1 - performs a test on a laptop.

- Now I will read the words to you, and if you need to write a soft sign in the word, put +, if not, then -.

Ray -

save +

brick -

you know +

cut +

good -

ignite +

dozing +

mighty -

draw +

- Now let's check it out. (Self-assessment and evaluation)

Homework: from 96, ex. No. 5


- Self-assessment "Sunshine"

Summary of the lesson.

Have we accomplished everything we planned?

- What was the purpose of the lesson? (Find out which words are called the main members of the sentence and learn how to find the main members of the sentence in the sentence.)

- Reached the goal?

Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

The discovery of new knowledge by children.

Consolidation of the studied topic.

Group work.

Drawing up an algorithm.

Consolidation of the studied topic.

Express poll.

Independent work.


Outcome. Reflection.