"Plan of the area. Conventional signs

Terrain map and ground rules

Compiling them

In the operational activities of the internal affairs bodies, it often becomes necessary to depict the area on a larger scale and in more detail than is shown in topographic maps. Since it is not always possible to map all the necessary details, especially when it is necessary to indicate the location individual items, landmarks and objects that have not previously been mapped. In this regard, plans, diagrams, cards and other graphic documents are widely used in the activities of the internal affairs bodies, especially when it is necessary to show graphically not large plot area or object.

A scheme is a graphic document drawn up on a map or on the ground with more or less exact scale, which displays only the local objects and individual details of the relief that are necessary for it.

General rules drawing up diagrams. When drawing up maps of the area, it is necessary to observe certain rules. First of all, you should understand what the scheme is intended for, what data and with what accuracy it is necessary to display on it. This will allow you to determine the scale of the diagram, its size and content, choose the method of drawing up the diagram, and for a more accurate indication of any object on the diagram, magnetic azimuths and distances to it of easily identifiable local objects can be signed. To orientate the diagram, free space the arrow shows the direction to the north, the ends of the arrow are signed with the letters C (north) and Yu (south).

Under the bottom side of its frame show the scale of the circuit (numerical or linear). In the case when the diagram is drawn up on an approximate scale, a reservation is made about this, for example, “scale, about 1: 3,000”, and when the scale of the diagram is not the same in its different directions, its value is not indicated, but then distances are signed on the diagram between objects.

When drawing up a diagram on a map at a certain scale, they show the lines of the coordinate grid or their exits from the diagram frame. Above the upper side of the frame of the scheme, the name of the scheme is signed and the scale, nomenclature, year of publication of the map according to which the scheme was drawn up are indicated.

Rice. ____. Conventional signs used on terrain maps:

1 - ravine; 2 - mound; 3 - pit; 4 - hill and hollow

When drawing up diagrams, local objects and landforms are depicted by conditional simplified topographic signs. With an increase in their size by one and a half to two times compared to the map, and some of them are simplified, it is recommended to apply symbols on the diagram by hand, while at first it is necessary to mark the symbol with a thin, barely noticeable line, and then, making sure that it correctness, draw the outlined lines finally.

Plans, schemes, cards are drawn up on separate sheets of paper. Drawing is done with a simple pencil, if possible by hand; all required dimensions are maintained by eye. Of the drawing accessories required: a well-sharpened simple pencil, a set of colored pencils, a soft rubber band, an officer's ruler, a triangle, a field compass. The quality of drawing largely depends on the choice and sharpening of the pencil. For drawing, it is better to use a medium-hard pencil (No. 3, 3H, T and TM). The pencil should be sharpened as carefully as possible, giving the end a conical shape at least 2 cm long. The position of the pencil when working with the card is shown in the figure.

Rice. _______. Working with a pencil

The gum should be soft, leaving no marks on the paper when erasing. Eraser should be erased in one direction, without pressing hard on the paper.

For greater clarity, some conventional signs (quarters of a settlement, a river bank, etc.) are set off by thickening lines on the shadow side. This assumes that the light source is in the left upper corner sheet of paper, so all local objects that rise above the surrounding area are shown by signs, the lower and Right side which is drawn with thickened lines, and local objects representing depressions are shown with signs that have thickened lines above and below.

Settlements are drawn in black in the form of closed figures, the outlines of which are similar to the configuration of the external borders. settlements.

Road and improved dirt roads depicted with two thin parallel lines black with a clearance of 1–2 mm, and dirt roads are drawn in one line, brought to the approach to the settlement and a small gap is made between the signs of the road and the street.

Railways are drawn with a thickened black line with transverse single, double or triple strokes showing the rutting of the road.

Rivers are drawn with one or two lines of blue color. Inside the symbol of the river, depicted in two lines, as well as lakes, reservoirs, several thin lines are drawn parallel to the coastline. The first line is drawn as close to the shore as possible, and towards the middle of the river or reservoir, the distance between the lines is gradually increased. If the river is narrow (up to 5 mm in the diagram), instead of solid lines draw dashed lines.

The edges of the forest are shown by semi-oval conventional signs, interconnected by small ovals. Before drawing the boundaries of the forest with semi-ovals, it is necessary to outline its boundaries with a thin line, dots, etc., after which they are drawn with a conventional sign along the intended line. If necessary, a symbol of trees is placed inside the contour, as on a map, with the necessary explanatory inscriptions.

The shrub is depicted as closed green ovals, elongated from left to right. Draw one first large oval about 3 x 1.5 mm in size, and then three or four small ovals are drawn around it. Shrub borders are usually not shown.

The relief is drawn with horizontal lines Brown color, and relief details that cannot be depicted horizontally are drawn with conditional topographic signs. When depicting the relief with contour lines, their number will depend on the height of the mountain, i.e. The higher the mountain, the more contours there will be. In addition, the distance between the horizontals depends on the steepness of the slopes, the steeper they are, the closer they will be placed one to the other.

Height marks are signed in black and only those that are mentioned in service and combat documents.

Local objects that have the value of landmarks, for the display of which conventional signs are not provided (stumps, broken trees, communication line supports, power transmission lines, road signs, etc.), are drawn in the diagrams in perspective, that is, the way they look in kind .

Off-scale symbols, as well as symbols of vegetation cover, are drawn so that they vertical axis located perpendicular to the top edge of the sheet.

Explanatory signatures, names of settlements, digitization are placed parallel to the lower (upper) side of the scheme, and the signatures of the names of rivers, streams, lakes and tracts are made in italic type, placing them parallel to the conventional signs of rivers and streams and along the axes of greater length of the conventional signs of lakes and groves. Italic font also performs signatures related to the design of the scheme (document) and explanatory text.

Everything that cannot be displayed on the diagram with conventional signs is stated textually in the legend placed on the free margins of the diagrams or on its back.

Types of images of the earth's surface

Before making a decision on the construction of new factories, schools, sports facilities, on laying roads, on the allocation of agricultural land, it is necessary to have an image of the area.

A small area can be drawn or photographed, but many objects earth's surface It would be hard to tell from these pictures.

The most common images of the earth's surface are aerial photographs, photographs from space, maps and plans of the area.

Plan - a drawing of a reduced image of the area, made in conventional symbols on a large scale (usually 1: 5000 and larger). Usually plans are drawn up for a small area of ​​land, several square kilometers in size, the curvature of the Earth's surface is not taken into account. The first maps in history were plans. Plans are used in most different industries industry and agriculture. When building buildings, laying roads and communications, you can’t do without them.

Objects placed on the surface (forests, rivers, villages, fields, etc.) will be seen better if the site is photographed from above, for example from an airplane. Such an image of the area is called an aerial photograph. On it objects look like them true view on the ground, their sizes are visible and mutual arrangement. There are many differences between a plan and an aerial photograph. A local plan is a drawing on paper that depicts a small area of ​​​​the earth's surface in a reduced form. The plan differs from other images of the surface in that all objects on it are shown by conventional signs. In general, it is more convenient and informative to use the plan.

Rice. 2. Aerial photograph and terrain plan ()

Directions on the plan are indicated by an arrow, the tip of which always points north. Usually the north on the plan is at the top, the south is at the bottom, the east is on the right, the west is on the left. According to the plan, you can determine the relative position of objects on the sides of the horizon, measure the distance between them using a single scale.

Rice. 4. Plan of the area and symbols for it

The conventional signs of the plan are, firstly, simple, secondly, dissimilar to each other, and thirdly, they resemble the objects themselves. Under such conditions, they are understandable to all who read the plan. So rivers and lakes are shown blue color water, and forests - green - the color of vegetation. There is no special sign for fields, vegetable gardens, therefore, such areas are left white on the plan. The sign of the meadows resembles grass stalks. Sands are represented by brown dots. Small streams, roads, narrow streets are depicted with conventional signs in the form of lines. Such symbols are generally accepted. They are used on all terrain plans.

Symbol groups:

1. Areal

Rice. 6. Areal symbols ()

2. Off-scale

Rice. 7. Off-scale conventional signs ()

3. Linear

Rice. 8. Linear symbols ()

Local plans are actively used in various directions economic activity person.


Paragraph 4.

1. What is a site plan?



1. Initial course of geography: Proc. for 6 cells. general education institutions / T.P. Gerasimova, N.P. Neklyukov. – 10th ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, 2010. – 176 p.

2. Geography. Grade 6: atlas. – 3rd ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, DIK, 2011. – 32 p.

3. Geography. Grade 6: atlas. - 4th ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, DIK, 2013. – 32 p.

4. Geography. 6 cells: cont. cards. – M.: DIK, Bustard, 2012. – 16 p.

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

1. Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia / A.P. Gorkin - M.: Rosmen-Press, 2006. - 624 p.

Literature for preparing for the GIA and the Unified State Examination

1. Geography: initial course. Tests. Proc. allowance for students 6 cells. – M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2011. - 144 p.

2. Tests. Geography. 6-10 cells: Teaching aid/ A.A. Letyagin. - M .: LLC "Agency" KRPA "Olimp": "Astrel", "AST", 2001. - 284 p.

Materials on the Internet

1. Federal Institute pedagogical measurements ().

2. Russian Geographic Society ().

4. Ukrmap - Ukrainian textbooks ().