Social science initial course. Course: Social Studies

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    1.1 . society - specialpartpeace.Society - complex,dynamicallydevelopingsystem.

    Man lives in the world of people. His desires and interests cannot be realized without the help and participation of those around him, who is nearby. For each of us, these are, first of all, parents, brothers, sisters, teachers, classmates, neighbors, and together they make up the closest social circle.

    Please note: not everything that we want can be achieved if it (our desires, interests) is contrary to the interests of other people. We must coordinate our actions with other people, and this requires communication with them - others. The first circle of your communication is followed by the following circles, they are expanding more and more. Beyond the immediate environment, we are waiting for meetings with new people, organizations, institutions. Each of us is not only a member of the family, a tenant of the house, but also a citizen of the state - Russian Federation. We can also be members political parties, interest clubs, professional organizations etc.

    We live in a world of people, organized in a certain way, constituting society. What is a society? Can any group of people be described by this word? Society is formed in the process of interaction of people with each other. Signs of society can be considered the presence of the set goals and objectives for it, as well as activities aimed at their implementation.

    So, society is not just a chaotic multitude of people. It has a core, integrity; it also has a well-defined internal structure.

    The concept of "society" is fundamental to social knowledge. AT Everyday life We often come across this concept. For example, "he fell into a bad society," or "these people today make up the elite - high society." This is the interpretation of society in the everyday sense. It's obvious that key meaning this concept includes certain group people who are different special features, characteristics.

    How is it understood society in social sciences? What is its basis?

    In solving this problem, science reveals different approaches. The first approach is to assert that the original cell of society is living acting people, Team work which society creates. Thus, from this point of view, the individual is the primary particle of society. Starting from the above, we can construct the first definition of society.

    Society - It is a group of people who work together.

    But if society is made up of individuals, then the question naturally arises as to whether society should not be regarded as simple sum individuals?

    Putting the question in this way casts doubt on the existence of such an independent social reality as society as a whole. Individuals really exist, and society is the fruit of the mentality of scientists: philosophers, sociologists, historians, etc.

    Therefore, in the interpretation of society, it is not enough to indicate that it consists of individuals, but it should be emphasized that the most important element in the formation of society is their unity, community, solidarity, and the connection of people.

    Society - it is a universal way of organizing social connections, interactions and relationships of people.

    According to the degree of generalization, the broad and narrow meanings of the concept of society are also distinguished. In the most wide sense of the word, society can be interpreted as:

    • isolated from nature in the process historical development, but a closely related part material world;

    • the totality of all interconnections and interactions of people and their associations;

    • a product of the joint life of people;

    • all mankind as a whole, taken throughout human history;

    • form and way of joint life of people.
    The Russian Sociological Encyclopedia (edited by G.V. Osipov) gives the following definition of the term “society”. Society- it is determined in the process of historical development of mankind relatively stable system social ties and relationships, both between large and small groups of people, supported by the power of customs, traditions, laws, social institutions based on certain way production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material and spiritual goods. This definition seems to be a generalization of the more particular definitions given above.

    The narrow meaning of this concept, therefore, implies any group of people in size that has common features and characteristics, for example, a society of amateur fishermen, a society of defenders wildlife, association of sportsmen-surfers and so on. All "small" societies, as well as individuals, are the building blocks of a large society.

    2. Society as complete system. System structure society. Its elements.

    Social Studies is a required subject school curriculum, which can be chosen by students for passing the exam, and graduates often choose it. Social studies are studied from grade 5 to grade 11. The course contains a volume theoretical material, which requires repetition to write school work, putting OGE exams and USE. A brief textbook on social studies will help to repeat the material, in which information is systematized by sections of the subject and presented in an accessible form.


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    A short textbook on social science is suitable for students who study according to the external system, those who skipped sections from the material of previous classes and students who did not pay due attention to social science during their studies at school and choose this exam only at the end of education.

    Among the short textbooks on social science, the student can choose the appropriate one, taking into account the purpose of repeating the material: “Social science. A complete guide to preparing for the exam.” Baranov P.A., “Social science grades 5-9.” L.N. Bogolyubov, Short course to prepare for the exam in social science”, “Social science. Concepts and terms. Directory." Brandt and others.

    When choosing short tutorial in social science, one should be guided by the criteria for the thoroughness and seriousness of the publication, the recommendations of the Ministry of Education. The material of a short textbook on social science, systematized and summarized in the form of tables and diagrams, is easily perceived (Social science. The entire course of the school curriculum in diagrams and tables Ivanova S.S.).

    1. Analysis of the performance of tasks of a closed type. Analysis of tasks with an open short answer: to be completed logic circuits, tables, establishing correspondence between essential features and features social phenomena and social science terms and concepts. The choice of positions from the above list, the distinction in the proposed information of facts and opinions, arguments and conclusions, the use of social science concepts.

    2. Compound tasks with a text fragment: general characteristics. Work algorithm. Skill development: extract information from the source, attract additional knowledge on the course, analyze the author's position.

    3. Tasks for understanding and applying concepts in the proposed context. Tasks-tasks that require analysis, including statistical and graphical information. Tasks requiring a plan for a detailed answer on a specific topic social science course. Algorithm for completing tasks for compiling a detailed answer.

    4. Essay as an alternative task for formulating your own judgments and arguments. Features of the essay genre, types of essays. Features of an essay on social science, quality criteria. Common Mistakes students when revealing the meaning of an aphorism or a problem inherent in the statement. The general algorithm of work, with the task evaluation system.

    Information Support

    1. Social science: textbook. for students in grade 10 general education institutions: a basic level of/ L.N. Bogolyubov, Yu.I. Averyanov, N.I. Gorodetskaya and others - 4 (5) ed. - M .: Education, 2008-2014.
    2. Social science: textbook. for students in grade 11 general education institutions: basic level / L.N. Bogolyubov, Yu.I. Averyanov, N.I. Gorodetskaya and others - 4 (5) ed. - M .: Education, 2008-2014.
    3. Economy: basic course: A textbook for grades 10-11 general education. institutions. – M.: Vita-Press, 2007-2010.
    1. Social science: complete reference to prepare for the exam /P.A. Baranov, A.V. Vorontsov, S.V. Shevchenko; ed. P.A. Baranov. - M.: ACT: Astrel, 20013
    2. Bablenkova I.I. Social science: the whole course: for graduates and applicants. - M .: Eksmo, 2009. Markin S.A. Social science in diagrams and tables. M., 2015
    3. Dvigaleva A.A. Social science. St. Petersburg, 2007
    4. Social science in questions and answers. / Ed. A.B. Bezborodova, V.V. Minaev. M., 2011
    Teaching aids
    1. Baranov P.A. Social studies in tables. M., 2014
    2. Baranov P.A. Social studies: a complete guide to preparing for the exam. M., 2013
    3. Markin S.A. Social science. Fulfillment of tasks of the part of S. M., 2014
    4. Makhotkin A.V. Social science in diagrams and tables. – M.: Eksmo, 2007-2014.
    5. Pazin R.V. Social science in tables and diagrams. Samara, 2015

    http://www.е - information support portal of the Unified State Exam - official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation - portal federal institute pedagogical measurements - Russian educational portal

    Preparation for the exam in social science should be built consistently and systematically.

    Preparation can be divided into 3 stages:

    The first stage is the elimination of gaps in knowledge and the preparation of the basis for solving the tasks of the first part examination work. It is not necessary to start preparation with variants of examination papers, since the material in them is distributed in accordance with the objectives of the exam (out of order), and not in accordance with the structure and program of the course.

    The second stage of preparation is complete solution tasks of the first part of the examination paper.

    The third stage is the final stage of preparation. After working out the tasks of the first part, the students have formed a base for more complex tasks and can proceed to the second part of the training examination papers.