US geologists: a catastrophic earthquake in California could lead to the eruption of the Long Valley volcano and even Yellowstone. American supervolcano Yellowstone wakes up

Almost everyone who follows the events in the world knows about Yellowstone supervolcano. This supervolcano was widely dispersed PR en Western media. Some Russian patriots frankly can't wait for the eruption of this supervolcano to begin :). And the Internet is constantly agitated by reports that the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano is about to begin. But all the time it turns out that the messages are fake.

At the same time, very few people know about another supervolcano in the United States. I mean the Long Valley supervolcano ( Long Valley Caldera). Meanwhile, this supervolcano is worthy more attention than the Yellowstone supervolcano.

Long Valley Supervolcano (Long Valley Caldera listen)) is a depression in eastern California. The valley is one of the largest supervolcanoes on Earth: about 32 km in length ( from east to west), 18 km wide ( from North to South) and ~ 910 m deep. Last thing catastrophic eruption The volcano occurred about 760 thousand years ago, while about 750 cubic meters got into the atmosphere. km of volcanic ash.

Activity in the caldera of the Long Valley supervolcano began in 1980. In May 1980 there was four earthquakes of magnitude 6 directly in the caldera and next to the supervolcano caldera. As a result of these earthquakes, a dome-shaped uplift of the supervolcano caldera by 25 cm was formed.

After these powerful earthquakes total earthquakes in and near the caldera increased to 150-200 earthquakes per week, sometimes reaching up to 2000 earthquakes per week. The activity of thermal springs and fumaroles in the caldera also increased.

In 1989, the forest near the Long Valley Caldera began to die. As it turned out, the cause was the seepage of volcanic gases from the caldera. At the same time, the growth of the caldera dome continued.

In 1998, to determine the degree of danger of the eruption of this supervolcano, the US Geological Survey drilled a well in the center of the caldera. As a result of drilling, it was announced that the danger major eruption absent, since the temperature measurements in the well at a depth of 3 km showed only 100 degrees Celsius. From this it was concluded that the magma at a depth of 5 km under the caldera had cooled down ( congealed magma).

It would seem that this could put an end to the issue of a possible eruption of Long Valley. But the fact is that after 1998 the number of earthquakes in the Long Valley caldera did not decrease, and the dome of the caldera continued to grow every year.

Here is the data obtained when drilling a well in the caldera in 1998:

Please note that from 2 km to 3 km in depth, the temperature does not change at all. In theory, this is not possible, since with increasing depth, the temperature usually also increases. There are even special term - geothermal gradient. The geothermal gradient usually ranges from 0.5–1 to 20 °C and averages about 3 °С per 100 meters. And in this case we see that the geothermal gradient is 0 degrees per 100 meters between 2 km and 3 km. Strange, isn't it?

But this is not the only fact compromising the data obtained by the US Geological Survey from a well in the Long Valley caldera. The fact is that a geothermal power plant has been operating in the Long Valley caldera since 1986 ( Mammoth Geothermal Complex) 45 MW. This geothermal power plant raises from a working well from a depth of 150 meters water heated to an average of 170 degrees. Waste water is pumped back to a depth of 600 meters. This is a repetitive work cycle. Thus, we can conclude that at a depth of 600 meters the temperature is at least 170 degrees.

On the at a depth of 600 meters the temperature is 170 degrees, and at a depth of 3 km the temperature is 100 degrees. The paradox turns out that at a depth of 3 km it is colder than at the surface ( 600 meters). Seems to me that someone is lying. Or employees of a geothermal power plant or the USGS.

Geothermal power plant operating in Long Valley Caldera for 30 years (supplies electricity, pays taxes) and is going to build a new 30 MW power unit in the same place, in the Long Valley caldera. In this regard, even released a promotional video

IMHO, it is obvious that the US Geological Survey is lying ( on political reasons ). Based on data from a geothermal power plant ( 170 degrees at a depth of 600 meters), the geothermal gradient is 25 degrees at 100 meters. Thus, it turns out that at a depth of 3 km the temperature is 750 degrees, and at a depth of 5 km about 1250 degrees. Means at a depth of 5 km in the Long Valley Caldera liquid magma, not solidified magma(congealed magma).

In this case, the annual growth of the caldera dome and the increase in the number of earthquakes in the supervolcano caldera become understandable. The magma chamber of the caldera fills with liquid magma, which causes the domed growth of the Long Valley caldera and new swarms of earthquakes.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in 2006 aggressive emissions from hot springs began in the Hot Creek river flowing through the caldera. As a result, several people died. New fumaroles have also appeared near the Hot Creek. The authorities were forced to close access to this part of the Hot Creek in 2006. Access is closed until now.

And in 2016, the number of earthquakes at the very surface of the caldera increased sharply.

These circumstances indicate an increase in the likelihood imminent eruption supervolcano Long Valley.

I would also like to draw attention to possible consequences Long Valley eruptions. As you know, the eruption of the Long Valley supervolcano should cause a global cooling of the climate for several years ( analogue of nuclear winter). In theory, this cooling should last 3-5 years, but since we live during the interglacial called the Holocene, which is already coming to an end, there is a danger of falling into a real ice age.

According to the Milankovitch cycles, the current interglacial should already be over.

Factors contributing to the start of a new ice age already established at present. All it takes is a push to start an ice age.

This impetus will probably serve possible eruption supervolcano Long Valley.

So maybe it's time to start preparing for a new ice age :)

US geologists: catastrophic earthquake in California can lead to the eruption of the Long Valley volcano and even Yellowstone

Currently, the US authorities are actively preparing for a catastrophe, which may be caused by an earthquake in the Cascadia subduction zone, as a result of which West Coast The US could just be destroyed.

Warning systems are being tested, exercises have become more frequent special services and the military in case of catastrophic tremors in the area and their consequences.

However, at the same time seismic activity in the state of California, as well as in the territory of neighboring states, which in recent times increases in the fault area, can lead to more tragic consequences due to the awakening of volcanoes ..

Currently, the exercises conducted by FEMA have become more frequent ( federal agency on emergencies United States) on the West Coast of the United States in case of a catastrophic earthquake in the Cascadia subduction zone, which could cause devastating tsunami and disasters on the west coast of the United States.

Such exercises were held in October last year, and the US authorities planned larger ones already in June. current year.

FEMA management believes that the US west coast may simply be wiped off the face of the earth.

Residents of the coast are already observing single mini-tsunamis, and seismic sensors are recording tremors in the area of ​​volcanoes in the region..

However, according to geologists at the University of California at Davis (USA), a more serious danger is the threat of a catastrophic earthquake in the fault area in California.

The risk of an earthquake with a magnitude of 7-9 has recently increased to 7 percent.

Not only that, scientists have found that destructive shocks can spread over long distances according to the “domino” principle along many fault systems, as a result of which a real Armageddon can begin.

Moreover, the recent study of deep earthquakes, which occur due to the movement tectonic plates, showed that they can also be destructive and form entire series.

Over the past two months, tremors of significant magnitude (from 4 to 5) have become more frequent in the state of California. At the same time, there is an increase in seismic activity in neighboring states.

At the same time, scientists observe many signs future disaster, in particular, large-scale release of gases in the region of the California faults.

Against this background, seismic activity also increased significantly in the area of ​​the caldera of the Long Valley supervolcano.

Only in February of this year, according to the monitoring of the California Volcano Observatory, 693 earthquakes occurred in the area of ​​the Long Valley caldera.

According to some scientists, catastrophic domino earthquakes can awaken the giant, as well as other volcanic complexes in the state.

There is a risk that such events could wake up Yellowstone.

Last year, a team of scientists led by University of Illinois geology professor Patricia Gregg concluded that the Yellowstone volcano eruption could be triggered by a catastrophic earthquake or asteroid impact.

Despite the fact that the Yellowstone caldera is located quite far from the California faults, compared with the size of the giant underground magma reservoir with a length of 900 kilometers, this distance no longer seems so large, and there is a risk that powerful tremors can provoke an eruption.

There is already so much information about the likely explosion of Yellowstone that sometimes the topic of a super-volcano, which " will take down half of America"is perceived with skepticism ... however, not everything is so simple - on August 22, 2016, 17 earthquakes with magnitudes from 0.9 to 3.5 were recorded in the area of ​​the California caldera of Long Valley, and in the US Yellowstone National Park, which is closed to the public, fish die en masse, the account goes to tens of thousands, and a section of the river of the same name with a length of 295 km is urgently closed . The Federal Investigation Agency has previously reported that employees of the US National Geological Survey from Oregon predict the complete destruction of the North American continent due to a large-scale earthquake. The next activation of tectonic activity in Cascadia will launch a chain of events that could lead to complete destruction North America. And it's only a matter of time...

Below is a selection of materials that will help you assess how justified such expectations are...

To start with, some recent headlines in the English-language press that show that the topic has not been sucked out of thin air:

- Daily Mail: "Yellowstone timed bomb: Experts warn of 90,000 immediate deaths and US 'nuclear winter' if Supervolcano erupts":

- CNN: "The magma layer under the Yellowstone supervolcano is more extensive than thought":

- WNCT News: "Could a super-volcano under Yellowstone National Park be erupting anytime soon?":

- Daily Express: Will Yellowstone erupt in 2016? Shocking video shows dramatic change in seismic activity:

- Business Insider: "Supervolcano under Yellowstone - this is what happens if there is an eruption":

Employees of the US National Geological Survey from Oregon predict the complete destruction of the North American continent due to a large-scale earthquake

The next activation of tectonic activity in Cascadia will launch a chain of events that could lead to the complete destruction of North America. And this is only a matter of time: preliminary estimates, catastrophe may occur within the next 50 years.

On August 22, 17 earthquakes with magnitudes from 0.9 to 3.5 were recorded in the area of ​​the Californian Long Valley caldera. This is reported by the portal "Volcanoes".

Satellite images show that the carbon dioxide now the Yellowstone area is one of the most concentrated in the world.

Moreover, in the state of Wyoming, 40 small tremors occurred in the past week alone.

Last time The Yellowstone supervolcano erupted over 700,000 years ago. If the volcano erupts, it could lead to global catastrophe, especially in the US, where two-thirds of the country would become uninhabitable immediately. In addition, the US agricultural industry will be in ruins, and most of countries will be covered with a 10cm layer of ash, Express writes.

O increased activity scientists started talking about a supervolcano a couple of years ago, which can be read in detail on the Volcanoes website. Let's stop only on some moments.

Given the cyclical nature of Yellowstone eruptions, initially Geological Society America assumed that the volcano would explode no earlier than in 20 thousand years. However recent events forced scientists to change their minds. At first they said that the eruption would happen within 75 years, but now many agree that the event could happen in the coming years. Where are such conclusions from? The fact is that since the beginning of 2014, many interesting events that influenced the predictions of volcanologists:

1. In rivers and lakes national park the temperature of the water rose significantly, reaching the boiling point in some places. Geysers were activated, including large ones that had been dormant for more than 100 years.
2. From January to July 2014 alone, more than 60 tremors occurred in Yellowstone. The strongest of them with a power of 4.8 points on the Richter scale happened on March 30.
If at the beginning of 2014 earthquakes occurred at a depth of 10-30 km, now they are from 5 to 10 km. By the nature of earthquakes, it can be concluded that so-called "seismic nails" appear in the caldera - vertical shocks that contribute to the appearance of tears and cracks.
3. In April 2014, residents of the surrounding settlements began to notice that bison and deer were running from the park, and, as you know, animals are acutely aware of the approaching catastrophes.

4. As of mid-2014, the soil in the caldera area has risen by 178 centimeters. Further information about its rise is carefully concealed.
5. In different parts of the park, the appearance of Helium-4 gas was recorded, which usually occurs on other volcanoes shortly before the eruption.
6. In May 2015, an aggressive movement of magma was noticed in the caldera of the volcano, the indicators of seismic sensors go off scale from time to time.
7. In the first half of 2015, seismic activity increased markedly around the world, volcanoes began to erupt in Asia, South America, on the Pacific Ring of Fire.

There are many indirect facts indicating that there will be an eruption. It is known that the US government has long been preparing for the coming catastrophe. In particular, a few years ago they turned to South Africa with a request to take refugees in case the volcano explodes. Moreover, every year for 10 years they pledged to pay the South Africans 10 billion dollars.
After South Africa refused to conclude such an agreement, the Americans turned their attention to Liberia, where road infrastructure and entire cities are now being built, the Volcanoes portal writes.

In May 2014, ballistic missiles were removed from military bases located near the volcano.
From time to time, for unknown reasons, Yellowstone Park is closed to tourists, and the webcam aimed at the Old Faithful geyser is sometimes simply turned off.
If speak about breaking news, then along with Yellowstone, there is an activation of the Long Valley supervolcano located in California, in the caldera of which 398 tremors were recorded in February 2015 alone. If he starts to act, then Yellowstone will not stand aside.

There is already so much information about the likely explosion of Yellowstone that sometimes the topic of a super-volcano, which " will take down half of America"is perceived with skepticism ... however, not everything is so simple - on August 22, 2016, 17 earthquakes with magnitudes from 0.9 to 3.5 were recorded in the area of ​​the California caldera of Long Valley, and in the US Yellowstone National Park, which is closed to the public, fish die en masse, the account goes to tens of thousands, and a section of the river of the same name with a length of 295 km is urgently closed . The Federal Investigation Agency has previously reported that employees of the US National Geological Survey from Oregon predict the complete destruction of the North American continent due to a large-scale earthquake. The next activation of tectonic activity in Cascadia will launch a chain of events that could lead to the complete destruction of North America. And it's only a matter of time...

Below is a selection of materials that will help you assess how justified such expectations are...

To start with, some recent headlines in the English-language press that show that the topic has not been sucked out of thin air:

- Daily Mail: "Yellowstone timed bomb: Experts warn of 90,000 immediate deaths and US 'nuclear winter' if Supervolcano erupts":

- CNN: "The magma layer under the Yellowstone supervolcano is more extensive than thought":

- WNCT News: "Could a super-volcano under Yellowstone National Park be erupting anytime soon?":

- Daily Express: Will Yellowstone erupt in 2016? Shocking video shows dramatic change in seismic activity:

- Business Insider: "Supervolcano under Yellowstone - this is what happens if there is an eruption":

Employees of the US National Geological Survey from Oregon predict the complete destruction of the North American continent due to a large-scale earthquake

The next activation of tectonic activity in Cascadia will launch a chain of events that could lead to the complete destruction of North America. And this is only a matter of time: according to preliminary estimates, a catastrophe can occur within the next 50 years.

On August 22, 17 earthquakes with magnitudes from 0.9 to 3.5 were recorded in the area of ​​the Californian Long Valley caldera. This is reported by the portal "Volcanoes".

Satellite images show that the level of carbon dioxide in the Yellowstone area is now one of the most concentrated in the world.

Moreover, in the state of Wyoming, 40 small tremors occurred in the past week alone.

The last time the Yellowstone supervolcano erupted was over 700,000 years ago. If the volcano erupts, it could lead to a global catastrophe, especially in the US, where two-thirds of the country will become uninhabitable immediately. In addition, the US agricultural industry will be in ruins, and most of the country will be covered with a 10cm layer of ash, Express writes.

Scientists started talking about the increased activity of the supervolcano a couple of years ago, which can be read in detail on the Volcanoes website. Let's stop only on some moments.

Given the cyclicity of Yellowstone eruptions, the Geological Society of America initially assumed that the volcano would explode no earlier than in 20,000 years. However, recent events have forced scientists to change their minds. At first they said that the eruption would happen within 75 years, but now many agree that the event could happen in the coming years. Where are such conclusions from? The fact is that since the beginning of 2014, many interesting events have taken place in Yellowstone Park that have influenced the forecasts of volcanologists:

1. In the rivers and lakes of the national park, the water temperature has risen significantly, reaching the boiling point in some places. Geysers were activated, including large ones that had been dormant for more than 100 years.
2. From January to July 2014 alone, more than 60 tremors occurred in Yellowstone. The strongest of them with a power of 4.8 points on the Richter scale happened on March 30.
If at the beginning of 2014 earthquakes occurred at a depth of 10-30 km, now they are from 5 to 10 km. By the nature of earthquakes, it can be concluded that so-called "seismic nails" appear in the caldera - vertical shocks that contribute to the appearance of tears and cracks.
3. In April 2014, residents of the surrounding settlements began to notice that bison and deer were running from the park, and, as you know, animals are acutely aware of the approaching catastrophes.

4. As of mid-2014, the soil in the caldera area has risen by 178 centimeters. Further information about its rise is carefully concealed.
5. In different parts of the park, the appearance of Helium-4 gas was recorded, which usually occurs on other volcanoes shortly before the eruption.
6. In May 2015, an aggressive movement of magma was noticed in the caldera of the volcano, the indicators of seismic sensors go off scale from time to time.
7. In the first half of 2015, seismic activity increased markedly around the world, volcanoes began to erupt in Asia, South America, and on the Pacific Ring of Fire.

There are many indirect facts indicating that there will be an eruption. It is known that the US government has long been preparing for the coming catastrophe. In particular, a few years ago they turned to South Africa with a request to take refugees in case the volcano explodes. Moreover, every year for 10 years they pledged to pay the South Africans 10 billion dollars.
After South Africa refused to conclude such an agreement, the Americans turned their attention to Liberia, where road infrastructure and entire cities are now being built, the Volcanoes portal writes.

In May 2014, ballistic missiles were removed from military bases located near the volcano.
From time to time, for unknown reasons, Yellowstone Park is closed to tourists, and the webcam aimed at the Old Faithful geyser is sometimes simply turned off.
If we talk about the latest news, then along with Yellowstone, there is an activation of the Long Valley supervolcano located in California, in the caldera of which 398 tremors were recorded in February 2015 alone. If he starts to act, then Yellowstone will not stand aside.

Many volcanologists make a variety of predictions about the timing of the eruption of the American supervolcano Yellowstone, which is located on the territory of the park of the same name. Some scientists say that the giant will not erupt for hundreds or even thousands of years, others argue that a catastrophic eruption may begin in the very near future.

American scientists, in particular employees of the US Geological Survey, are often accused of hiding truthful information about the Yellowstone volcano on orders from Washington.

It is likely that this is indeed the case. An example is the ranking compiled and published by scientists from the University of Manchester of the ten most dangerous volcanoes planets that threaten to erupt within the next 100 years. None of the volcanoes located in the United States were included in the list. It can be assumed that the geologists of the University of Manchester do not expect eruptions of the Yellowstone and Long Valley supervolcanoes in the next 100 years, but it is surprising to ignore the danger of the eruption of such giants as, for example, the volcano of St. most big volcanoes planet Ranier (Washington State), which threatens to destroy 80 thousand inhabitants of nearby areas.

Recently University scientists state of Illinois, after a study, came to the conclusion that the most probable cause the beginning of the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano, there may be an earthquake that will destroy the earth's crust under which there is magma.

According to one of the Russian scientists, Ph.D. Yuri Arkhangelsky, such an earthquake could occur in the near future, namely on March 9, 2016 or within a month after this date.

This is due to the total solar eclipse passing in this region. When a solar eclipse occurs, there are usually powerful earthquakes over the entire surface of the passing solar eclipses. This earthquake can provoke the explosion of the Yellowstone supervolcano.

Soil displacement occurred near the San Andreas Fault

On Friday, November 20, a section of the Vasquez Canyon Road, located about 30 km from Los Angeles and 20 km from the San Andreas Fault, was closed due to ground movement. As a result of the landslide, about 45 meters of the roadway were damaged. According to the Department public works Los Angeles, cracks in the ground remain active and continue to widen. Currently, their depth is almost 2 meters.

Ground movement began on Thursday at noon and became more pronounced in the afternoon. The Vasquez Canyon Road is closed until further notice, and residents of nearby Santa Clarita are being advised to use the Sierra Highway as an alternative route. There are no residential buildings in the immediate vicinity of the damaged area. Engineers and geologists from the Department of Public Works are trying to find the cause of what happened.