Zabolotsky Nikolai - recognition. Literary portraits

"Recognition" N. Zabolotsky

Kissed, bewitched
Once married to the wind in the field,
All of you, as if chained,
My precious woman!

Not happy, not sad
As if descended from the dark sky,
You and my wedding song
And my crazy star.

I will bow down on your knees
I will embrace them with fierce force,
And tears and poems
I will burn you, bitter, sweet.

Open my midnight face
Let me enter these heavy eyes,
In these black eastern eyebrows,
In these hands are your half-naked.

What will increase - will not decrease,
What will not come true - will be forgotten ...
Why are you crying, beautiful?
Or is it just my imagination?

Many music lovers have heard of the wonderful romance "Enchanted, Bewitched", which entered the repertoire of a number of performers, from the St. Petersburg group to Alexander Malinin. Meanwhile, few people know that the work was created on the verses "Confession" Russian poet Nikolai Zabolotsky, and is included in his famous lyric cycle " last love».

In his youth, Nikolai Zabolotsky, who was a member of the St. Petersburg literary groups OBERIU, was, according to eyewitnesses, ardent misogynists. It is he who owns the statement that "a chicken is not a bird, and a woman is not a poet." However, in 1930, unexpectedly for many friends, he married Ekaterina Klykova, whom he fell in love with unconsciously.

It was this fragile woman who became the muse and guardian angel of the poet. How else to explain the fact that, arrested in 1938, Nikolai Zabolotsky not only managed to avoid execution, but also survived in the Gulag, from where he returned 8 years later - aged, sick, but dreaming of meeting his wife and son.

A few years later, thanks to the efforts of literary friends, the Zabolotsky family was allowed to settle in the suburbs at the dacha of one of their friends. This period is considered one of the most fruitful in the work of the poet, who, among other things, was actively engaged in translations. Gradually came the recognition and respect of colleagues, wide popularity in literary circles, prosperity and visible well-being. However, in family life there was a clear crack. The fact is that Nikolai Zabolotsky was very demanding and, at times, even despotic to the household. He worked a lot, 10-12 hours a day, and at that time there should have been perfect silence in the house. Otherwise, a scandal was inevitable.

As a result, Ekaterina Klykova, who adored her husband, could not stand it in 1956 psychological pressure and left him for the writer Vasily Grossman. For Nikolai Zabolotsky, this news became a thunder among clear sky. Only now he was able to realize that his wife, who was assigned the role of a servant, was the closest person to him. He tried to pour out his emotions, fears, resentments and hopes in verse. As a result, wonderful lyrical works"Juniper Bush", "Thunderstorm", "September", "Voice on the Phone". Suddenly, the 54-year-old poet has an affair with his longtime admirer, 28-year-old Natalya Roskina, who even looks very much like Ekaterina Klykova in her youth. As a result, the images of the two women are not only closely intertwined, but also give rise to soulful beauty poems for a new cycle called “Last Love”. Moreover, even Nikolai Zabolotsky himself cannot answer the question of which of the two women he really loves and idolizes.

In 1957, the lyrical cycle was completed. final chord and the largest pearl in this poetic necklace was "Confession", addressed to both women at once. Passion and sensuality, slight sadness and resignation to fate - Nikolai Zablotsky put his whole soul into the lines, as if asking for forgiveness from his legal wife, but at the same time thanking his mistress for the moments of happiness presented to him. The collective nature of the image main character the work turned out to be so bright and exciting that critics unanimously declared that “Confession” is one of best poems Nikolai Zablotsky.

The most paradoxical thing is that Natalya Roskina, having turned out to be a wise and far-sighted woman, after the completion of the Last Love cycle, simply disappeared from the life of the poet. But the legal wife hurried to leave her lover and returned to the family. However, the couple did not manage to enjoy reconciliation - a few months later Nikolai Zabolotsky died of a second heart attack.


Kissed, bewitched
Once married to the wind in the field,
All of you, as if chained,
My precious woman!

Not happy, not sad
As if descended from the dark sky,
You and my wedding song
And my crazy star.

I will bow down on your knees
I will embrace them with fierce force,
And tears and poems
I will burn you, bitter, sweet.

Open my midnight face
Let me enter these heavy eyes,
In these black eastern eyebrows,
In these hands are your half-naked.

What will increase - will not decrease,
What will not come true - will be forgotten ...
Why are you crying, beautiful?
Or is it just my imagination?

I know that many lovers of literature do not welcome the composition of pop hits on poetry famous poets. Personally, I don't see anything wrong here. Let. We have to admit that this is the only way for poetry to have a chance to reach the mass audience. Anything is better than "You're a girl, I'm a boy." Moreover, sometimes songs succeed and become pop classics. illustrative example - "Enchanted, Bewitched" to the verses of N. Zabolotsky.

What irritates me is that for some reason songwriters treat classical poetry lightly. When you read Nikolai Zabolotsky's poem again, make sure that it sounds a little different. In addition, the most powerful (in my opinion) quatrain was thrown out - like worn-out shoes. However, the song "Enchanted, Bewitched" is perceived almost as a folk song, so the changes in the text, apparently, came from an infinite number of performances.

I would like to tell about the history of the creation of a brilliant poem. This story is very interesting.

Look again at the piercing lines and try to imagine the person who created them. Isn't it true that a young man in love with an ardent gaze comes to mind - approximately like the lead singer of the Freestyle group, who performed the song 10-15 years ago. But no, the 54-year-old wrote poetry serious man with the appearance and manners of an accountant: smoothly combed and shaven, wearing glasses, neatly pedantic.

Moreover, until 1957, when he created the Last Love cycle, Zabolotsky was generally alien to intimate lyrics. He did not write about love for a woman either in his youth or in more mature years. And suddenly - a marvelous lyrical cycle at the end of life. including including “The last poppies are flying around ...”, The speeches of lovers are cut off, / The last starling flies away ... "(Recognized? These are songs from the movie " Love affair at work"). What happened? To answer the question, you have to look into the personal life of the poet.

Nikolai Zabolotsky (that's right, he became Zabolotsky with an emphasis on the penultimate syllable only in 1925) was born on April 24, 1903. His childhood passed in Urzhum Vyatka province. More famous is another native of Urzhum - Sergey Kostrikov (party nickname - Kirov). The name of the latter is now called and regional center, and the whole area. Zabolotsky, in Kirov, is dedicated to a single memorial plaque on Drelevsky Street - his father lived there, and he visited him.

When I go to Kirov in July to meet with fellow students (we have 25 years of graduation), I will definitely lay flowers at this board.

By the way, I was once in Urzhum.

True, passing through - on the way to the student team. I was happy to learn from the Internet that since 1983, the Zabolotsky Readings have been held annually at the gymnasium where the poet studied. And, finishing with personal associations, I will mention that Nikolai Alekseevich studied at the Herzen Institute in St. Petersburg - my son is now studying there.

In St. Petersburg, Zabolotsky was a member of the OBERIU group, along with D. Kharms and other experimental poets. The attitude towards women among the Oberiuts has developed purely consumeristic. Zabolotsky was among those who "violently scolded women" (according to the memoirs of E. Schwartz). He owns the statement "A chicken is not a bird, a woman is not a poet." In particular, they could not stand each other with Akhmatova. Obviously, the dismissive attitude towards opposite sex Zabolotsky carried through almost his entire life. That's why love lyrics did not create.

Nevertheless, the marriage of Nikolai Alekseevich turned out to be strong and successful (again, with the exception of the last two years of his life). In 1930, to the surprise of his friends, he married a graduate of the same Herzen Pedagogical Institute Ekaterina Klykova - five years younger than him. She was slender, shy, dark-eyed, laconic. Not a beauty, but a wonderful wife, mother, mistress. It had an oriental touch. Including in behavior with her husband - even and timid.

Zabolotsky is gradually moving away from the Oberiuts, his experiments with the word and image are expanding. By the mid-30s, Nikolai was a fairly well-known poet.

And then - the arrest after a false denunciation in 1938: an event that divided into two parts both his life and work. Zabolotsky was tortured during the investigation, but he never signed anything. Maybe that's why he was given the minimum five years. Many writers were crushed by the Gulag - Babel, Kharms, Mandelstam. Zabolotsky survived - according to biographers, thanks to his family and wife, who was his guardian angel.

The wife and two children immediately came to Nikolai Alekseevich in Karaganda, as soon as it became possible. Only in 1946 the poet was released. This was facilitated by the translation of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", begun even before the arrest, as well as the efforts famous writers, especially Fadeev.

He was allowed to settle in Moscow with his family - the writer Ilyenkov provided his dacha in Peredelkino; reinstated in the Writers' Union. He did a lot of translations, especially of Georgian poets. Gradually everything got better. Publications, prosperity (they paid well for translations), fame, a separate apartment in Moscow, even the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in 1957 (again for translations). But the camps left their mark. Zabolotsky became suspicious, prudent, wary. In verse, a return to classical traditions took place.

It is certain that the early late Zabolotsky- like two different poets. AT creative attitude The post-camp years were the best of his life. He creates poems marvelous in their charm. Next to him is his wife, devoted like a dog. True, his health was undermined by the Gulag - in 1955 he had his first heart attack. And then something happens that Nikolai Alekseevich did not expect at all - his wife leaves him.

However, nothing happens “suddenly”. Ekaterina Vasilievna, who lived for many years for the sake of her husband, did not see any care or affection from him. He treated her cruelly, sometimes arbitrarily. Here are the lines from his poem "The Wife":

In the morning he writes and writes everything,
Immersed in unknown work.
She barely walks, hardly breathes,
As long as he stays healthy.

So it was in the Zabolotsky family. It is unlikely that Ekaterina Vasilievna was pleased with this situation. And in 1956, at the age of 48, she went to Vasily Grossman, a writer, a well-known heartthrob. “If she had swallowed the bus,” writes Nikolai, the son of Korney Chukovsky, “Zabolotsky would have been less surprised!”

Surprise was followed by horror. The poet was crushed, helpless and pathetic. Misfortune nailed him to a lonely, young (28 years old), smart woman Natalya Roskina. He kept the phone number of a lady who loved his poems. That's all he knew about her. From her youth, she recited almost all of his poems by heart. He called her. Then they became lovers - on her part it was more pity (according to at least, as she explained in her memoirs).

It is curious that Grossman was something like a foster father for Natalya - he took care of her as a girl when Roskina's father, his friend, died at the front.

Everything was intertwined, but no one was happy. Everyone in this triangle (Zabolotsky, his wife and Roskina) suffered in his own way. However, it was precisely from the personal tragedy of the poet that the cycle of lyrical poems “Last Love” was born - one of the most poignant and talented in Russian poetry.

Reread the poems of 1957 - " Thunderstorm is coming”, “Voice on the phone”, “Juniper bush”, “Meeting”, “September”, “Last love”, “Who answered me in the thicket of the forest?” You will not regret. But even against their background, "Recognition" stands in the clear. This is a true masterpiece, a whole storm of feelings and emotions. It is noteworthy that lyrical heroine the cycle was one in two persons - in some verses Klykova is guessed (and there are more of them), in others - Roskin. So in the "Confession" both of these women, as it were, united into one.

He used to be sonorous, like a bird,
Like a spring, it flowed and rang,
Just pour out all in radiance
I wanted to use a steel wire.

And then, like a distant sob,
Like farewell with the joy of the soul,
He began to sound full of repentance,
And disappeared into the unknown wilderness.

He perished in some wild field,
A merciless blizzard is brought ...
And my soul cries out in pain,
And my black phone is silent.

* * *

Whether the old oak whispered with the pine,
Or a mountain ash creaked in the distance,
Or the goldfinch ocarina sang,
Or a robin, little friend
Did she suddenly answer me at sunset?

Who answered me in the thicket of the forest?
Are you who again in the spring
I remembered our past years,
Our worries and our troubles
Our wanderings in a distant land -
You, who burned my soul?

Who answered me in the thicket of the forest?
In the morning and in the evening, in the cold and heat,
I always hear an indistinct echo,
Like the breath of immense love,
For which my quivering verse
Rushed to you from my palms ...
* * *
The car trembled and became
Two went out into the evening expanse,
And wearily sank down on the steering wheel
Busy driver.
In the distance through the cockpit windows
The constellations of lights fluttered.
Elderly passenger at the curtain
Stayed with my girlfriend.
And the driver through sleepy eyelids
Suddenly I noticed two strange faces,
Turned to each other forever
And completely forgotten.
Two hazy light lights
Came from them, and around
The beauty of the passing summer
Embraced them with hundreds of arms.
There were fire-faced elands here,
Like glasses of blood wine
And gray aquilegia sultans,
And daisies in a crown of gold.
In the inevitable premonition of grief,
Waiting for autumn minutes
Sea of ​​momentary joy
Surrounded by lovers here.
And they, leaning towards each other,
Homeless children of the night
Silently walked along the flower circle
In the electric brilliance of rays.
And the car was in the dark
And the motor trembled heavily,
And the driver smiled tiredly,
Lowering the glass in the cockpit.
He knew that summer was ending
That rainy days are coming
That their song has long been sung, -
That, fortunately, they did not know.
* * *
I saw in a dream juniper bush,
I heard a metallic crunch in the distance,
I heard a ringing of amethyst berries,
And in a dream, in silence, I liked him.

I smelled a slight smell of resin through my sleep.
Bending these low trunks,
I noticed in the darkness of tree branches
Slightly living likeness of your smile.

juniper bush, juniper bush,
The cooling babble of changeable lips,
Light babble, barely reeking of pitch,
Pierced me with a deadly needle!

In golden skies outside my window
The clouds float by one by one
My garden that has flown around is lifeless and empty ...
God forgive you, juniper bush!

Ekaterina Vasilievna returned to her husband in 1958. This year marks another famous poem N. Zabolotsky "Do not let your soul be lazy." It was written by a terminally ill person. They were not destined to experience the joy of connection: the poet suffered a second heart attack. A month and a half later, on October 14, 1958, he died.

Left creative legacy, which, like everything talented, only becomes more beautiful with age.

Our whole life has been roaming for centuries,
Like the clouds that float across the sky
Poets come and go in the world
And their poems - creations live!
Yuri Shifrin

Do you know anything about the Oberiuts? Or that the writer Vasily Grossman was a famous heartthrob? And about the love lyrics of Nikolai Zabolotsky? In any case, the poem "Confession" is definitely familiar to many. Or a romance in his words. Something karmic seems to me in this whole story.
“Kissed, bewitched”: to whom the poet confessed his love, to whom the lyrics were alien

The history of the creation of the poem "Kissed, bewitched ...", which has become a popular romance, is very curious. After reading it, it may seem that it was written by a young man in love with an ardent gaze. But, in fact, it was written by a serious 54-year-old pedant with the manners and appearance of an accountant. In addition, until 1957, it was in that year that Zabolotsky created his cycle “Last Love”, intimate lyrics were completely alien to him. And suddenly, at the end of life, this marvelous lyrical cycle.
Nikolai Zabolotsky (that's right, he became Zabolotsky with an accent on the penultimate syllable only in 1925) was born on April 24, 1903 in Urzhum, Vyatka province. In his youth, he became a student at the St. Petersburg Institute named after Herzen, and as a student he became a member of the OBERIU group. The attitude towards women among the Oberiuts was purely consumerist, and Zabolotsky himself was among those who "violently scolded women." Schwartz recalled that Zabolotsky and Akhmatova simply could not stand each other. “A chicken is not a bird, a woman is not a poet,” Zabolotsky liked to repeat. Zabolotsky carried a disdainful attitude towards the opposite sex almost all his life and was not noticed in love lyrics.
But despite such life approaches, the marriage of Nikolai Alekseevich was successful and was very strong. He married a classmate - slender, dark-eyed, laconic, who became a wonderful wife, mother and mistress.
Zabolotsky gradually left the Oberiuts, his experiments with the word and image expanded significantly, and by the mid-1930s he had become a famous poet. But the denunciation of the poet, which happened in 1938, divided his life and work into two parts. It is known that Zabolotsky was tortured during the investigation, but he never signed anything. Maybe that's why he was given the minimum five years. Many writers were crushed by the Gulag - Babel, Kharms, Mandelstam. Zabolotsky survived - according to biographers, thanks to his family and wife, who was his guardian angel.

He was exiled to Karaganda, and his wife and children followed him. The poet was released only in 1946 thanks to the efforts of well-known colleagues, in particular, Fadeev.
After his release, Zabolotsky was allowed to settle with his family in Moscow. He was reinstated in the Writers' Union, and the writer Ilyenkov gave him his dacha in Peredelkino. He worked hard on translations. Gradually, everything got better: publications, fame, prosperity, an apartment in Moscow and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
But in 1956, something happened that Zabolotsky did not expect at all - his wife left him. 48-year-old Ekaterina Vasilievna, who lived for many years for the sake of her husband, who did not see any care or affection from him, went to the writer and famous heartthrob Vasily Grossman. “If she had swallowed the bus,” writes Nikolai, the son of Korney Chukovsky, “Zabolotsky would have been less surprised!”
Surprise was replaced by horror. Zabolotsky was helpless, crushed and pathetic. His grief led him to Natalya Roskina, a 28-year-old lonely and intelligent woman. Confused by what had happened, he simply called a certain lady who loved his poetry. That's all he knew about her. He let the one who knew all his styles with young years They met and became lovers.
There were no happy ones in this triangle. And Zabolotsky himself, and his wife, and Natalya Roskina suffered in their own way. But it was the poet's personal tragedy that prompted him to create a cycle of lyrical poems "Last Love", which became one of the most talented and poignant in Russian poetry. But among all the poems included in the collection, "Confession" stands apart - a true masterpiece, a whole storm of feelings and emotions. In this poem, two women of the poet merged into one image.
Ekaterina Vasilievna returned to her husband in 1958. Another famous poem by Zabolotsky “Do not let your soul be lazy” dates from this year. It was written by a terminally ill person. 1.5 months after the return of his wife, Nikolai Zabolotsky died of a second heart attack.

Kissed, bewitched
Once married to the wind in the field,
All of you, as if chained,
My precious woman!

Not happy, not sad
As if descended from the dark sky,
You and my wedding song
And my star is crazy.

I will bow down on your knees
I will embrace them with fierce force,
And tears and poems
I will burn you, bitter, sweet.

Open my midnight face
Let me enter these heavy eyes,
In these black eastern eyebrows,
In these hands are your half-naked.

What will increase - will not decrease,
What will not come true - will be forgotten ...
Why are you crying, beautiful?
Or is it just my imagination?

Nikolay Zabolotsky<1957 г>

The song "Confession" entered the repertoire of many artists.
I first heard it performed by Mikhail Zvezdinsky at a concert in Kharkov. I have never heard such an ovation before!


I listened to the romance and performed by Alexander Malinin. And it sounded like something new.

And I also offer a fragment from the X factor show in Ukraine. Listen to how it is performed by Georgy Pechkovsky.

The history of the creation of the poem "Kissed, bewitched ...", which has become a popular romance, is very curious. After reading it, it may seem that it was written by a young man in love with an ardent gaze. But in fact, it was written by a serious 54-year-old serious pedant with the manners and appearance of an accountant. In addition, until 1957, it was in that year that Zabolotsky created his cycle “Last Love”, intimate lyrics were completely alien to him. And suddenly, at the end of life, this marvelous lyrical cycle.

Nikolai Zabolotsky (that's right, he became Zabolotsky with an accent on the penultimate syllable only in 1925) was born on April 24, 1903 in Urzhum, Vyatka province. In his youth, he became a student at the St. Petersburg Institute named after Herzen, and as a student he became a member of the OBERIU group. The attitude towards women among the Oberiuts was purely consumerist, and Zabolotsky himself was among those who "violently scolded women." Schwartz recalled that Zabolotsky and Akhmatova simply could not stand each other. “A chicken is not a bird, a woman is not a poet,” Zabolotsky liked to repeat. Zabolotsky carried a disdainful attitude towards the opposite sex almost all his life and was not noticed in love lyrics.

But despite such life approaches, the marriage of Nikolai Alekseevich was successful and was very strong. He married a classmate - slender, dark-eyed, laconic, who became a wonderful wife, mother and mistress.

Zabolotsky gradually left the Oberiuts, his experiments with the word and image expanded significantly, and by the mid-1930s he had become a famous poet. But the denunciation of the poet, which happened in 1938, divided his life and work into two parts. It is known that Zabolotsky was tortured during the investigation, but he never signed anything. Maybe that's why he was given the minimum five years. Many writers were crushed by the Gulag - Babel, Kharms, Mandelstam. Zabolotsky survived - according to biographers, thanks to his family and wife, who was his guardian angel.

He was exiled to Karaganda and his wife and children followed him. The poet was released only in 1946 thanks to the efforts of well-known colleagues, in particular, Fadeev. After his release, Zabolotsky was allowed to settle with his family in Moscow. He was reinstated in the Writers' Union, and the writer Ilyenkov gave him his dacha in Peredelkino. He worked hard on translations. Gradually, everything got better: publications, fame, prosperity, an apartment in Moscow and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

But in 1956, something happened that Zabolotsky did not expect at all - his wife left him. 48-year-old Ekaterina Vasilievna, who lived for many years for the sake of her husband, who did not see any care or affection from him, went to the writer and famous heartthrob Vasily Grossman. “If she had swallowed the bus,” writes Nikolai, the son of Korney Chukovsky, “Zabolotsky would have been less surprised!”

Surprise was replaced by horror. Zabolotsky was helpless, crushed and pathetic. His grief led him to Natalya Roskina, a 28-year-old lonely and intelligent woman. Confused by what had happened, he simply called a certain lady who loved his poetry. That's all he knew about her. He let the one who knew all his styles from a young age, they met and became lovers.

There were no happy ones in this triangle. And Zabolotsky himself, and his wife, and Natalya Roskina suffered in their own way. But it was the poet's personal tragedy that prompted him to create a cycle of lyrical poems "Last Love", which became one of the most talented and poignant in Russian poetry. But among all the poems included in the collection, "Confession" stands apart - a true masterpiece, a whole storm of feelings and emotions. In this poem, two women of the poet merged into one image.

Ekaterina Vasilievna returned to her husband in 1958. Another famous poem by N. Zabolotsky “Do not let your soul be lazy” dates from this year. It was written by a terminally ill person. 1.5 months after the return of his wife, Nikolai Zabolotsky died of a second heart attack.


Kissed, bewitched
Once married to the wind in the field,
All of you, as if chained,
My precious woman!
Not happy, not sad
As if descended from the dark sky,
You and my wedding song
And my star is crazy.
I will bow down on your knees
I will embrace them with fierce force,
And tears and poems
I will burn you, bitter, sweet.
Open my midnight face
Let me enter these heavy eyes,
In these black eastern eyebrows,
In these hands are your half-naked.
What will increase - will not decrease,
What will not come true - will be forgotten ...
Why are you crying, beautiful?
Or is it just my imagination?
Nikolay Zabolotsky<1957 г>


Kissed, bewitched
Once married to the wind in the field,
All of you, as if chained,
My precious woman!

Not happy, not sad
As if descended from the dark sky,
You and my wedding song
And my crazy star.

I will bow down on your knees
I will embrace them with fierce force,
And tears and poems
I will burn you, bitter, sweet.

Open my midnight face
Let me enter these heavy eyes,
In these black eastern eyebrows,
In these hands are your half-naked.

What will increase - will not decrease,
What will not come true - will be forgotten ...
Why are you crying, beautiful?
Or is it just my imagination?

I know that many lovers of literature do not welcome the composition of pop hits based on poems by famous poets. Personally, I don't see anything wrong here. Let. We have to admit that this is the only way for poetry to have a chance to reach the mass audience. Anything is better than "You're a girl, I'm a boy." Moreover, sometimes songs succeed and become pop classics. An illustrative example - "Enchanted, Bewitched" to the verses of N. Zabolotsky.

What irritates me is that for some reason songwriters treat classical poetry lightly. When you read Nikolai Zabolotsky's poem again, make sure that it sounds a little different. In addition, the most powerful (in my opinion) quatrain was thrown out - like worn-out shoes. However, the song "Enchanted, Bewitched" is perceived almost as a folk song, so the changes in the text, apparently, came from an infinite number of performances.

I would like to tell about the history of the creation of a brilliant poem. This story is very interesting.

Look again at the piercing lines and try to imagine the person who created them. Isn't it true that a young man in love with an ardent gaze comes to mind - approximately like the lead singer of the Freestyle group, who performed the song 10-15 years ago. But no, the 54-year-old serious man with the appearance and manners of an accountant wrote poetry: smoothly combed and shaven, wearing glasses, neatly pedantic.

Moreover, until 1957, when he created the Last Love cycle, Zabolotsky was generally alien to intimate lyrics. He did not write about love for a woman either in his youth or in his more mature years. And suddenly - a marvelous lyrical cycle at the end of life. including including “The last poppies are flying around ...”, The speeches of lovers are cut off, / The last starling flies away ... "(Recognized? These are songs from the movie "Office Romance"). What happened? To answer the question, you have to look into the personal life of the poet.

Nikolai Zabolotsky (that's right, he became Zabolotsky with an emphasis on the penultimate syllable only in 1925) was born on April 24, 1903. His childhood passed in Urzhum, Vyatka province. More famous is another native of Urzhum - Sergey Kostrikov (party nickname - Kirov). The name of the latter is now called both the regional center and the entire region. Zabolotsky, in Kirov, is dedicated to a single memorial plaque on Drelevsky Street - his father lived there, and he visited him.

When I go to Kirov in July to meet with fellow students (we have 25 years of graduation), I will definitely lay flowers at this board.

By the way, I was once in Urzhum.

True, passing through - on the way to the student team. I was happy to learn from the Internet that since 1983, the Zabolotsky Readings have been held annually at the gymnasium where the poet studied. And, finishing with personal associations, I will mention that Nikolai Alekseevich studied at the Herzen Institute in St. Petersburg - my son is now studying there.

In St. Petersburg, Zabolotsky was a member of the OBERIU group, along with D. Kharms and other experimental poets. The attitude towards women among the Oberiuts has developed purely consumeristic. Zabolotsky was among those who "violently scolded women" (according to the memoirs of E. Schwartz). He owns the statement "A chicken is not a bird, a woman is not a poet." In particular, they could not stand each other with Akhmatova. Obviously, Zabolotsky carried the neglect of the opposite sex that developed in his youth almost through his entire life. Therefore, I did not create love lyrics.

Nevertheless, the marriage of Nikolai Alekseevich turned out to be strong and successful (again, with the exception of the last two years of his life). In 1930, to the surprise of his friends, he married Ekaterina Klykova, a graduate of the same Herzen Pedagogical Institute, five years younger than him. She was slender, shy, dark-eyed, laconic. Not a beauty, but a wonderful wife, mother, mistress. It had an oriental touch. Including in behavior with her husband - even and timid.

Zabolotsky is gradually moving away from the Oberiuts, his experiments with the word and image are expanding. By the mid-30s, Nikolai was a fairly well-known poet.

And then - the arrest after a false denunciation in 1938: an event that divided into two parts both his life and work. Zabolotsky was tortured during the investigation, but he never signed anything. Maybe that's why he was given the minimum five years. Many writers were crushed by the Gulag - Babel, Kharms, Mandelstam. Zabolotsky survived - according to biographers, thanks to his family and wife, who was his guardian angel.

The wife and two children immediately came to Nikolai Alekseevich in Karaganda, as soon as it became possible. Only in 1946 the poet was released. This was facilitated by the translation of The Tale of Igor's Campaign, begun even before the arrest, as well as the efforts of famous writers, especially Fadeev.

He was allowed to settle in Moscow with his family - the writer Ilyenkov provided his dacha in Peredelkino; reinstated in the Writers' Union. He did a lot of translations, especially of Georgian poets. Gradually everything got better. Publications, prosperity (they paid well for translations), fame, a separate apartment in Moscow, even the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in 1957 (again for translations). But the camps left their mark. Zabolotsky became suspicious, prudent, wary. In verse, a return to classical traditions took place.

It is absolutely certain that the early and late Zabolotsky are like two different poets. Creatively, the post-camp years were the best of his life. He creates poems marvelous in their charm. Next to him is his wife, devoted like a dog. True, his health was undermined by the Gulag - in 1955 he had his first heart attack. And then something happens that Nikolai Alekseevich did not expect at all - his wife leaves him.

However, nothing happens “suddenly”. Ekaterina Vasilievna, who lived for many years for the sake of her husband, did not see any care or affection from him. He treated her cruelly, sometimes arbitrarily. Here are the lines from his poem "The Wife":

In the morning he writes and writes everything,
Immersed in unknown work.
She barely walks, hardly breathes,
As long as he stays healthy.

So it was in the Zabolotsky family. It is unlikely that Ekaterina Vasilievna was pleased with this situation. And in 1956, at the age of 48, she went to Vasily Grossman, a writer, a well-known heartthrob. “If she had swallowed the bus,” writes Nikolai, the son of Korney Chukovsky, “Zabolotsky would have been less surprised!”

Surprise was followed by horror. The poet was crushed, helpless and pathetic. Misfortune nailed him to a lonely, young (28 years old), smart woman Natalya Roskina. He kept the phone number of a lady who loved his poems. That's all he knew about her. From her youth, she recited almost all of his poems by heart. He called her. Then they became lovers - it was more pity on her part (at least, that's how she explained in her memoirs).

It is curious that Grossman was something like a foster father for Natalya - he took care of her as a girl when Roskina's father, his friend, died at the front.

Everything was intertwined, but no one was happy. Everyone in this triangle (Zabolotsky, his wife and Roskina) suffered in his own way. However, it was precisely from the personal tragedy of the poet that the cycle of lyrical poems “Last Love” was born - one of the most poignant and talented in Russian poetry.

Re-read the poems of 1957 - “The storm is coming”, “Voice on the phone”, “Juniper bush”, “Meeting”, “September”, “Last love”, “Who answered me in the thicket of the forest?” You will not regret. But even against their background, "Recognition" stands in the clear. This is a true masterpiece, a whole storm of feelings and emotions. It is noteworthy that the lyrical heroine of the cycle was one in two persons - in some verses Klykova is guessed (and there are more of them), in others - Roskin. So in the "Confession" both of these women, as it were, united into one.

He used to be sonorous, like a bird,
Like a spring, it flowed and rang,
Just pour out all in radiance
I wanted to use a steel wire.

And then, like a distant sob,
Like farewell with the joy of the soul,
He began to sound full of repentance,
And disappeared into the unknown wilderness.

He perished in some wild field,
A merciless blizzard is brought ...
And my soul cries out in pain,
And my black phone is silent.

* * *

Whether the old oak whispered with the pine,
Or a mountain ash creaked in the distance,
Or the goldfinch ocarina sang,
Or a robin, little friend
Did she suddenly answer me at sunset?

Who answered me in the thicket of the forest?
Are you who again in the spring
Remembering our past years
Our worries and our troubles
Our wanderings in a distant land -
You, who burned my soul?

Who answered me in the thicket of the forest?
In the morning and in the evening, in the cold and heat,
I always hear an indistinct echo,
Like the breath of immense love,
For which my quivering verse
Rushed to you from my palms ...
* * *
The car trembled and became
Two went out into the evening expanse,
And wearily sank down on the steering wheel
Busy driver.
In the distance through the cockpit windows
The constellations of lights fluttered.
Elderly passenger at the curtain
Stayed with my girlfriend.
And the driver through sleepy eyelids
Suddenly I noticed two strange faces,
Turned to each other forever
And completely forgotten.
Two hazy light lights
Came from them, and around
The beauty of the passing summer
Embraced them with hundreds of arms.
There were fire-faced elands here,
Like glasses of blood wine
And gray aquilegia sultans,
And daisies in a crown of gold.
In the inevitable premonition of grief,
Waiting for autumn minutes
Sea of ​​momentary joy
Surrounded by lovers here.
And they, leaning towards each other,
Homeless children of the night
Silently walked along the flower circle
In the electric brilliance of rays.
And the car was in the dark
And the motor trembled heavily,
And the driver smiled tiredly,
Lowering the glass in the cockpit.
He knew that summer was ending
That rainy days are coming
That their song has long been sung, -
That, fortunately, they did not know.
* * *
I saw a juniper bush in a dream
I heard a metallic crunch in the distance,
I heard a ringing of amethyst berries,
And in a dream, in silence, I liked him.

I smelled a slight smell of resin through my sleep.
Bending these low trunks,
I noticed in the darkness of tree branches
Slightly living likeness of your smile.

juniper bush, juniper bush,
The cooling babble of changeable lips,
Light babble, barely reeking of pitch,
Pierced me with a deadly needle!

In golden skies outside my window
The clouds float by one by one
My garden that has flown around is lifeless and empty ...
God forgive you, juniper bush!

Ekaterina Vasilievna returned to her husband in 1958. Another famous poem by N. Zabolotsky “Do not let your soul be lazy” dates from this year. It was written by a terminally ill person. They were not destined to experience the joy of connection: the poet suffered a second heart attack. A month and a half later, on October 14, 1958, he died.

What remains is a creative heritage, which, like all talented ones, only becomes more beautiful over the years.