Just english basic. Reshebnik just english English for lawyers basic course

Tutorial prepared by the faculty of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov on the basis of the curriculum of the English language course for law schools. Complies with the current Federal...

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"Just English. English for Lawyers. Basic Course" is a new, improved and supplemented edition, revised in connection with its inclusion in the anniversary series of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Classical University Textbook.
The textbook includes modern professionally oriented materials from legal and socio-political sources in the UK and the USA, processed for law students. The texts of the manual allow you to master the legal vocabulary, study the basic concepts of jurisprudence using authentic material, learn about the history and functioning of the state, political and judicial structures of English-speaking countries, as well as develop the skills of text analysis and discussion that are so necessary for a professional lawyer.
The textbook was prepared by the teaching staff of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov on the basis of the curriculum of the English language course for law schools. Conforms to the current Federal State Standard higher education new generation.
For legal professionals studying English.
13th edition, stereotypical.


A new revised and expanded edition of the textbook has been prepared by the faculty of the English Language Department for the Humanities Departments of Moscow State University. MV, Lomonosov based on the curriculum of the English language course for law schools. The manual is designed for a wide audience of professionals studying English in connection with the legal specialty.

Law and Society.
Mr. Jones, having murdered his wife, was burying her in the garden one night, when his neighbor, hearing the noise, asked him what he was doing.
“Just burying the cat,” said Mr. Jones.
“Funny sort of time to bury a cat,” said the neighbor.
“Funny sort of cat,” said Mr. Jones.

Now it is obvious to everyone that, in a community such as the one in which we live, some kind of law is necessary to try to prevent people like Mr. Jones from killing their wives. When the world was at a very primitive stage, there was no such law, and, if a man chose to kill his wife or if a woman succeeded in killing her husband, that was their own business and no one interfered officially.

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Download the book Just English, English for Lawyers, Basic Course, Tumanova Yu.L., Koroleva-MakAri V.A., Sveshnikova M.L., Tikhomirova E.V., 2002 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

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Unit 4. The Case for Cloning: Legal Aspects

Terms of Discussion

Before reading the texts, explain the following notions.

  • legal/illegal
  • moratorium
  • to legalize
  • legal status
  • to enact legislation
  • to introduce legislation
  • scientific community

Question Time

Using your background knowledge, answer the following questions.

  1. Do you think the law should regulate such issues as scientific research?
  2. Can a ban on cloning research stop the scientific development in this area?

Time for Reading

What do you do with a Genie out of the Bottle? It is impossible to reverse knowledge, but it is society’s prerogative to state which pieces of knowledge should remain unused – “can do” never “must do”. It is illegal to clone a human being in the US, for example, but it would not be beyond human perversity for someone to try to do it elsewhere in the world. It would appear that some are attracted by the idea, but maybe they have not fully understood the implications. Even supposing someone would try, there are many serious obstacles to be overcome. There is firstly the risk of imprisonment. A scientist would take the risk of ostracism from a disapproving medical and scientific establishment, and know that a journal would possibly refuse to publish any paper on the subject. Then he or she would have to persuade or induce dozens of people to take part in expanding illegal experiments. It would need donors, egg cell recipients and surrogate mothers in fairly large numbers, to take part in experiments.

There are many reasons why what is scientifically possible is not always done. It is a commonplace that most active research scientists create far more potential research ideas than they have the time, people and money to pursue.

To Ban Or Not To Ban?

EUROPE: In January 1998, officials of 19 European states signed an agreement outlawing human cloning.

“Nothing will be resolved by banning certain practices in one country if scientists and doctors can simply work on them elsewhere,” French President Jacques Chirac told a conference of Europe’s national ethics committees. “It is only at the international level that we will be able to prohibit cloning and genetic manipulation that could alter the characteristics of the human race,” he said in opening the conference.

Troubled by a US scientist Richard Seed’s stated desire to clone a human, President Clinton called for a five-year ban on human cloning experiments. Richard Seed, a Harvard University-educated physicist, caused an uproar when he said he was ready to set up a clinic to clone human babies and predicted that as many as 200,000 human clones a year would be produced once his process was perfected. He boasted that he could produce a human clone within 18 months.

Significantly, Britain was not among the 19 members of the 40-member Council of Europe which signed the anti-cloning agreement.

The accord prohibits “any intervention seeking to create a human being genetically identical to another human being, whether living or dead.” It rules out any exception to the ban. The text, which became a part of the European Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, allows the cloning of cells for research purposes.

The agreement will become binding on the signatories as soon as it has been ratified in five states. Signatories were Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Moldova, Norway, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Macedonia and Turkey.

THE US: Lawmakers have prepared legislation to ban human cloning after a Chicago physicist announced plans to produce a “bouncing baby clone” by the end of 1999. Seed says if he is barred from establishing the clinic in the United States, he will set up a laboratory in Mexico.

In Illinois, a bill has been introduced to make human cloning a felony punishable by up to three years in prison. The measure also bans public funds for human cloning research. A Connecticut measure imposes a five-year sentence and a $5,000 fine.

Most proposed bans on human cloning would still leave plenty of legal loopholes for Richard Seed or other scientific mavericks who want to make carbon copies of people. Even if permanent ban on cloning embryos had not been voted down in Senate, there would still be ways around it for a determined cloner and his lawyers.

Besides, the bans against creating a genetically identical human being might not apply to the creation of a headless organ donor, which some might argue, does not count as an individual.

Nevertheless, some experts state that the cloning debate is fuelled by ignorance and a fear that the technology is running amok. As a result, the debate is tackling the wrong questions.

Within days of the published report on Dolly, President Clinton instituted a ban on federal funding related to attempts to clone human beings. In addition, the President asked the recently appointed National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC) to address within ninety days the ethical and legal issues that surround the subject of cloning human beings. This provided a welcome opportunity for initiating a thoughtful analysis of the many dimensions of the issue, including a careful consideration of the potential risks and benefits. It also presented an occasion to review the current legal status of cloning and the potential constitutional challenges that might be raised if new legislation were enacted to restrict the creation of a child through somatic cell nuclear transfer cloning.

There are, however, no current federal regulations on the use of private funds for this purpose.

The Commission came to the following conclusions and recommendations:

  • to continue the existing moratorium on federal funding of any effort to create a child through somatic cell nuclear transfer, and to emphasize that the intent of this moratorium is to cover any effort to use federal funds for this technology whether in a clinical or research setting.
  • to obtain the agreement of the private sector to abide by the spirit of the federal moratorium.
  • to prohibit efforts to clone human beings by federal statute.
  • to facilitate public education and debate, in preparing for legislative action, if any, and to carry on a national discussion about the uses of cloning technology.
  • to cooperate with other nations to enforce any common elements of policies regarding efforts to clone human beings.

A democracy is designed to facilitate a balance between competing interests, to achieve the maximum benefit for the maximum number of its citizens. The introduction of new technology challenges a democratic society to decide who gets what, when, where, and how much. The advent of cloning presents the inevitability of new and important social changes, and new issues concerning this power, and who controls it, are at hand.

Did you know?

Is human cloning banned because it is dangerous?

In fact, cloning is safer than conventional reproduction, because the resulting offspring is known to have no significant hereditary birth defects. Government decisions are not necessarily correct. Remember that the US government once banned interracial marriages, or the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
People often call cloning “a dangerous new technology” and compare it to nuclear technology but it is hard to see how dropping a clone from a height of 30,000 ft can hurt anybody (except of course the clone)!

Will humans be cloned to provide organs for transplant?

It is preposterous to think that any human will not enjoy full legal rights merely because he or she was produced by cloning instead of sexual intercourse. Nobody will have any more right to seize a clones' kidney than anybody else's. However, there could be laboratories that can clone organs only – just a heart, for instance.

Did you get it?

I. Answer the following questions.

  1. What are the possible risks for a scientist who is involved in cloning research?
  2. Why are things that are scientifically possible not always done in practice?
  3. What agreement did the leading European states sign?
  4. Did Great Britain join the treaty on cloning?
  5. Why did Richard Seed’s idea of ​​setting up a clinic cause a world-wide response?
  6. Were any exceptions to the cloning research ban provided by the treaty?
  7. What are the signatories of the treaty?
  8. What is the current US legislation on human cloning?
  9. Why are some US legislators concerned about the possible loopholes in the proposed legislation?
  10. What are the primary goals of the US National Bioethics Advisory Commission?
  11. What are the areas covered by the recent recommendations of the Commission?

II. Study the words and expressions in the boxes below and explain their meaning. Complete the following texts with the se expressions, using them in the appropriate form.

back street clinic, value systems, scientific community, ethical consideration, allow, professional principles, to pioneer legislation, ban, illegal, facilitate, treaty.

In 1990 the UK ___________ making human cloning research __________ , but currently it is allowed in the USA and several European countries with very different ____________. Some form of international ________ should be called for according to which no country would ________ cloning research to be carried over from humans to animals. Realistically, there would be no way to stop a _____________ or a dictatorship from ignoring such a treaty, but the lines need to be drawn.

A second line of defense is also called for – the notion of the ethical scientist, for whom it would be against all _______________ to pursue such research. Some have argued that research should be permitted for the sake of transplant organs. This would require more careful ______________, but the danger of a “slippery slope” to full human cloning would be looming over such an enterprise. Some legislators have sought to ________ human cloning and cloning research. The ____________ has successfully lobbied for research freedom, claiming that cloning studies could __________ coping with medical illnesses without ever having to actually create humans.

widespread deliberation, ethical conduct, pluralistic society, moral issues, at stake, moratorium, funding, re-examination.

In October 1995 President Clinton created the National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC) to provide advice and regarding principles of governing the ___________ of cloning research. In June 1997 , NBAC Chairman recommended to President Clinton a ____________ on all federal __________ of human cloning research. The Committee also recommended a ______________ of the issue after a 3-to-5 years period of study. After this period of debate and discussion, NBAC will recommend an ethical code governing human cloning. ‘We feel quite strongly that most of the legal and _________________ raised can only be resolved, even temporarily, by a great deal more _________________ and education. This type of national discussion is especially necessary in a democratic and _______________ for the following reasons: there is no universally accepted ethical theory; Americans hold various religious and moral perspectives on these issues; conflicting values ​​are _______________ .'

C. Using the passages above as reference material, compare the European and the American attitudes towards the issue of the legalization of cloning research.

Words, Words, Words... I. Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions and recall the context in which they were used in the Unit.

1. to imply/ to understand the implication
2. human perversity
3. to overcome an obstacle
4. the risk of imprisonment
5. to pursue an idea
6. to cause an uproar
7. to be perfected
8. to prepare legislation
10. to impose a sentence/a fine
11.legal loopholes
13. to be voted down
14. a determined cloner
15. to be running amok
16. to address legal issues
17. to be designed
18. competing interests
19. to achieve benefits
20. to challenge

II. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions from the box and paraphrase the expressions in bold type.

out, to, on, with, from, by, on.
  1. The desire to ban scientific progress is fuelled _____ ignorance.
  2. One of the participants of the competition was ruled ____ when it was found out that he had been using drugs.
  3. The decision of the Supreme Court is binding _____ all inferior courts in the country.
  4. He was barred _____ entering the race.
  5. English pronunciation is very difficult to learn because there are many exceptions____ the rules.
  6. It was so noisy in the classroom that it was impossible to carry ____ the discussion.
  7. To regulate this issue internationally all the countries involved should cooperate _____ each other.

III. Give synonyms for the following words.

  • to persuade
  • to prohibit
  • to predict
  • to establish
  • to tackle (a question)
  • thoughtful
  • to outlaw
  • to restrict
  • to emphasize
  • to obtain
  • to facilitate
  • to resolve (a problem)

IV. Improve your translation skills by translating the following passage in writing, using the active vocabulary of the Unit.

In January 1998, 19 European states signed an international convention banning human cloning experiments. However, the signing of certain international documents prohibiting cloning does not solve the issues. Should Russia join this convention? Since, according to the Constitution, we have the priority of international law, thus, in fact, a ban on human cloning will be introduced.
Our state has two choices: adopt its own law on cloning or ratify European conventions. Both options are very labor intensive. However, should politicians raise a fuss about a newfangled issue?

Questions about the legal regulation of the course of scientific research in the field of cloning should be decided by specialists, people who understand this. Only when all the necessary experiments on animals have been carried out, all the pros and cons have been weighed, the scientists should make the final decision. Our legislators are not experts, they will be guided by emotions. So that the last word for scientists, and not for the State Duma.

Means of Discussion
I. Study the phrases below which contain words and expressions used to talk about

Concession contrast
  • Although they were rich, they were very unhappy.
  • I acknowledge/accept that he has worked hard but it isn't
    enough( accept is less formal than acknowledge)
  • I agree but I have strong doubts about it.
  • I admit I was wrong but I still think we had a good chance to succeed.
  • I accept I'm guilty of what I'm accused of. Nevertheless, if
    I could I would do it again!
  • I concede that you are right about the goal, but not the method.
  • You shouldn't seem so surprised. After all, I did warn you.
  • It's all very well saying you love children, but who'll
    provide for them if we do have one?
  • Admittedly, she put a lot of effort in, but it was all wasted.
    • I thought the party would be boring. Quite the opposite, it turned out to be fun.
    • Everywhere in Europe they use metric measures. In contrast, Britain still uses non-metric ones.
    • On the one hand, it is impossible to reverse human knowledge; but on the other (hand), some scientific developments can result in disaster.
    • You are mistaken to think that we'll do this work in a few days. On the contrary, it may take us a whole month!


  • When it comes to politics, Bob and Julia are pole apart.
  • There's a world of difference between being a clone and a naturally born child.
  • There's a great divide between the left and the right wings in politics.
  • A yawning gap divides criminals and law-abiding citizens.
  • There's a huge discrepancy between his ideals and his actions.

In class, work in pairs. Make up 5 statements on the topic of

  • students' rights
  • ways of learning English
  • love and marriage

Let your partner contradict each of your statements.

II. Study the phrases below which contain words and expressions used to talk about ADDITION (words for linking sentences/clauses):

Adding words at the beginning of clauses/sentences Adding words at the end of clauses/sentences Adding words in the middle of clauses/sentences
  • You need a degree for this job. In addition, you need some experience.
  • In addition to his BA in Law he has a Ph.D. in Sociology.
  • Computers are becoming easier to use. Furthermore / Moreover / What's more, they're becoming cheaper.
  • It'll take ages to get there and it'll cost a fortune. besides, we'll have to change trains at least three times.
  • Children should respect their parents. Equally / Likewise, they should respect their teachers.
  • We'll have all the stress of going to court and giving evidence. On top of(all) that we'll have to pay the lawyers' fees.
  • Apart from having a salary, he also has a private income.
  • along side her many other hobbies she is a good cook.
  • They sell software, hardware, spare parts, and so on.
  • The matter will go to the committee, then to the board, then to another committee, and so on and so forth.(suggests a long continuation)
  • The questions raised at the conference concerned the moral and legal aspects of long-term imprisonment, the rights of inmates, social rehabilitation programs, etc.
  • He's a good lecturer, as well as being a talented researcher.
  • this incident, along with other similar cases, led to an extensive debate in Parliament
  • The US Constitution defines the powers of federal government, with all other powers and duties belonging to the states.

Now, using these expressions, think of at least 7 sentences of your own, referring to the legal aspects of cloning.

Time to Talk I. In groups, discuss the following questions, employing the vocabulary of the Unit, as well as the phrases used for expressing CONCESSION and CONTRAST:

    1. Who, if anyone, should own and control cloning technology and its products?
    1. If the government refuses to support this research, would private businesses use it in their own interests?
    1. Can/or should the scientific community regulate itself in the absence of governmental control?
    1. Should some private organization, independent of the scientific community, have this responsibility?
    1. Should cloning research be restricted by the state or local governments, or some combination of these?
    1. Can any type of legislation, at any level, aimed at restricting cloning research, be effectively enforced?
    1. What does genetic engineering, and the cloning of human beings, mean for sociological and legal definitions of “individual”, “human”, and “citizenship”?
  1. Should this technology be considered a form of ‘property’, and if so, should it be held by individuals or by the state?

II. Study the following points of view obtained as a result of an opinion poll conducted in Moscow. Translate them into English and say if you share these opinions.


  • The world of identical people is an apocalypse. It is very scary for me and my children. There should be a ban on cloning at the UN level.
  • Cloning is already done scientific fact and, like any discovery, it can be used for harm and good. In our country, research should take place, as elsewhere in the world, but under control in research centers that must obtain permission. To give or not such permission, the government commission should decide.
  • It will still get out of control. I would like a powerful international commission that would conduct this experiment. Based on the findings, further action could be taken. Decrees cannot pacify this.
  • It seems that progress cannot be stopped. They discovered the effect of radioactivity - over time they created an atomic bomb.
  • The history of the atomic bomb, however, is an example of how scientific and technical progress destroys its creator.
  • It's just annoying!

Sum up the public attitude towards cloning in Russia, using the articles from the Appendix as reference material.

III. Clones' Rights Debate A. Study the following text and express your opinion on the problem.

Think About The Clone's Interests, Urge Scientists

The rights of the clone are in danger of being ignored in the debate about whether to clone humans. Brought into the world as a carbon copy of someone else who could be several decades older, deeply confused about the identity of his or her parents, the clone’s life would be a traumatic one. Yet the ethical debate, particularly in America, has instead considered the issue in terms of adults’ rights to have children in any way they choose.

Cloners should consider the question: Is it good for the clone? It might not be in your interests to be a clone because you are taking the greatest genetic test ever imposed on people. In your parents, you will see what will happen to you biologically. As they go through life you will know that you will become bald at 40 and depressed at 50 and die of stomach cancer at 62. The clone involuntarily knows a lot more because he is going to have all this biological information thrust upon him. The focus has to be on the interests of the person made in this way.

People may have the right to do what they want in the bedroom but when they have to use unusual means to make children then society has an interest in whether it is in the child’s interests to be made in this way.

Another problem for clones would be in working out who their parents were. This has already proved to be an important question for children born as a result of in-vitro fertilization and who have begun long searches for their biological parents. A baby cloned from an adult would share that person’s parents, biologically speaking, but there would also be surrogate mothers and others to consider.

Dr Ian Wilmut, of the Roslin Institute in Scotland, leader of the team that cloned Dolly the sheep, said “I have not heard of a reason for copying people that I find ethically acceptable. By contrast, there are some other techniques that I think deserve a lot of careful thought.”

B. Prepare reports on behalf of the members of the National Bioethics Advisory Commission (or any other similar body you can think of) on the following issues. Be ready to argue each other's views.

  • The legal identity of a clone.
  • Is society obliged to protect the interests of all children, irrespective of the way they were born?
  • Who will be the parent of a clone?

Fiction or Future? – Be a Detective! I. Read the story and try to guess where and when the action takes place.

When One is Found Guilty

by M. Stanley Bubien

The bailiff stated, “All rise,” as the jurors entered.
I stood beside the attorney and my brother. It reminded me of childhood – as things often did – when we played
together - it was almost the same. Almost. Afterward, my brother had chosen a separate life, leaving me alone.
Today, though, we were together-proof to the prayer of my loneliness, “The only way.”
The guilty verdict was read. I slumped forward, but my brother cried, “No! I'm innocent.”
“Stop this,” the judge yelled, “or I will find you in context.”
“But it's not fair!” my brother replied, “I didn’t kill anyone.”
I wished I could explain, but that would keep us apart. I mumbled, “The only way.”
The judge pulled his glasses from his face. “By law”
“The law is unjust,” my brother said.
The judge wiped his eyes, and, to my surprise, addressed my brother evenly. “Yes,” he nodded and set his
glasses aside. “I agree with you there. Legislation is meant to protect the innocent. And you seem certainly
My heart leapt into my mouth. He couldn't ruin everything now!
“But how can I tell? You are clones. Your faces, your fingerprints, even your DNA match exactly. That's why
when one is found guilty, all others…”
The judge sighed, replaced his glasses, and banged the gavel. “I sentence you both to twenty years.”
Together, the bailiff led us away. My brother's head bowed in defeat, but I walked upright, for I would no longer be alone.

II. Find out and tell the class what role each of the following plays in court.

  • bailiff
  • jurors
  • attorney
  • judge

III. Find out the meaning of all the words from the text which are printed in bold type.

IV. TRUE or FALSE? Find in the text the evidence supporting your opinion. Take advantage of the legal vocabulary.

  1. The two main characters are clones.
  2. They were on trial because each of them had committed a crime.
  3. They hated each other.
  4. Both of them were found guilty.
  5. The judge was convinced that the verdict was fair.
  6. One of the clone-brothers had committed the crime to have his revenge upon the other.
  7. Their punishment was death penalty.
  8. They were not to see each other again.

V. In class, divide into small groups. Develop your own version of what had happened before the trial. What kind of crime had been committed? What were the motives of the criminal?

VI. In groups, think of the continuation of the story.

VII. Imagine you are a lawyer. Give your opinion on the case and the legislation which was applied to it.

VIII. Write a speech you would deliver at the trial if you were

  1. the defense attorney
  2. the prosecuting attorney.

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(2001-2013) - This is an improved and expanded edition of a series of textbooks just english.

2004- 2013 Advanced Course for law students (and now political scientists)- ). The textbook is intended for senior students, graduate students and lawyers who have set the goal of learning legal English at an advanced level. The uniqueness of this publication lies in the coverage of the latest trends in the development of the state and legal system of Great Britain using modern means mass media. Unlike educational and methodological literature with similar topics, it describes not only the legal and political institutions of the country, but also the processes that are currently taking place in British society. We have included in the new course both materials from academic sources and information directly from native speakers - legal professionals. These are politicians, jurists, judges and lawyers. An appendix is ​​being prepared for the book - "live" interviews will allow you to learn, hear and read about the pressing problems of a professional lawyer and politician first hand.

The dictionary of a modern professional lawyer is approximately 16 thousand words. Almost half of them are legal terms. Book, "encrypted" words and expressions necessary to familiarize yourself with the concepts and terminology of law in English. This crossword puzzle book is the first in a series of mind games for law students.

Just English for lawyers just english. It first saw the light more than 10 years ago - in 1995, after which numerous reprints followed. The manual successfully completed its task - to consistently guide law students through sections of special vocabulary, to introduce country-specific material on modern texts and to form skills in working with literature in the specialty. This is evidenced by its great demand in law schools in Russia and the CIS. Currently, the authors recommend a new improved and supplemented manual for use.

This multi-level civil project aims to organize an all-Russian youth forum on the fight against terrorism in the modern world on the basis of Moscow State University. The project is based on a bilingual (English and Russian) educational and publicistic manual published in 2002, designed for the widest audience. Another component of the project is the development of the Just English site as an online discussion club on the topic. Implementation of the project on the basis of Lomonosov Moscow State University will stimulate civic activity among youth and students. Thus, the project solves both educational and general humanitarian tasks.

Legal support: Daria Belenkaya

Just english for lawyers basic course

W here teachers of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov introduce you to the publications of the series Just English for future lawyers and political scientists. You will find on these pages excerpts from the books in our series; dictionary of legal terms; addresses of sites on the Internet with useful educational and regional information. Most interesting- pages of interactive communication between students and teachers. They show the best examples of our joint work. For fellow teachers there are methodological recommendations for working with textbooks of the series just english. For those who wish - information about the authors and a page of student humor.
The content of the site is constantly is being updated. Come visit us more often! We look forward to your questions and comments.

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Language Contest "Food For Thought"


In this unique edition, one of the first books published in the anniversary series of the best textbooks of Moscow State University, the most popular textbooks are collected under one cover Just English. In the first part - materials Basic Course- revised and updated, in the second - 101 Texts on Law, and in the third - the latest edition of the book Clones are Coming. The materials of this collection allow you to master the legal vocabulary, study the basic concepts of jurisprudence using interesting and authentic material, learn about the history and functioning of government, political and judicial structures in the UK and the USA, as well as develop the skills of text analysis and discussion that are so necessary for a professional lawyer.

just english. English for lawyers. Basic course (2001-2013) - This is an improved and expanded edition of a series of textbooks just english. It is intended for students of law schools and faculties and is designed for a wide audience of professionals studying English in connection with the legal specialty. The textbook helps to lay the foundations of the language for special purposes and gives students the opportunity to get comfortable in the world of the language of jurisprudence. It includes modern authentic professionally oriented materials from legal and socio-political sources in the UK and the USA, processed and adapted for law students. The manual takes into account the construction of the curriculum of law faculties and includes topics that students encounter when studying such courses as "History of State and Law", "Russian and Foreign Law", "Criminology and Forensic Science", etc. There is an application on audi o cassette and CD.

2004- 2013 Advanced Course for law students (and now political scientists)- just english. The State of Britain. This edition continues the Just English series ( English for lawyers. Basic course). The textbook is intended for senior students, graduate students and lawyers who have set the goal of learning legal English at an advanced level. The uniqueness of this publication lies in the coverage of the latest trends in the development of the state and legal system of Great Britain using modern media. Unlike educational and methodical literature with similar topics just english. The State of Britain. advanced course describes not only the legal and political institutions of the country, but also the processes that are currently taking place in British society. We have included in the new course both materials from academic sources and information directly from native speakers - legal professionals. These are politicians, jurists, judges and lawyers. An appendix is ​​being prepared for the book - "live" interviews will allow you to learn, hear and read about the pressing problems of a professional lawyer and politician first hand.

just english. 101 Texts on Law. For future lawyers- This is a collection of texts and typical tasks for them with answers. Texts of a similar level of complexity and volume were previously used at the entrance exams at the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University and can be taken as the basis for the newly introduced entrance test in English. The manual contains a variety of interesting texts on the history of law in Great Britain, Russia and the United States, the legal systems and government of the United States and Great Britain. These materials can be used as supplementary to the topics studied or as a basis for individual oral and written reports of students. Guidelines for work on the translation of the text may be useful in the control translation (oral and written) .

According to the results of an expert assessment of specialists of the Faculty of Law Harvard University (Harvard Law School), the dictionary of a modern professional lawyer is approximately 16 thousand words. Almost half of them are legal terms. Book just english. Legal Crosswords is designed to make it easier for future luminaries of international jurisprudence to master their professional vocabulary. In crossword puzzles corresponding in their lexical content to the first two chapters of the textbook just english. English for Lawyers. Basic course, "encrypted" words and expressions necessary for familiarization with the concepts and terminology of law in English. This crossword puzzle book is the first in a series of mind games for law students.

Just English.Clones are Coming is a collection of thematically selected newspaper articles on a very relevant and contemporary topic - cloning. The language competence of a lawyer implies the ability to conduct a conversation on professional topics, participate in discussions and engage in polemics. That is why in all textbooks of the Just English series such great attention is given to the formation and development of public speaking skills. The book solves the problem not just to teach students to use this or that vocabulary, but also to teach them how to conduct discussions. This manual can be used both for classroom work and as home reading or as an auxiliary material for preparing reports on this topic. The book is written lively and cheerfully and illustrated with pictures from the life of Dolly the sheep. The supplemented and updated version of the book was included in the collection "The Best of Just English" (2004)

Just English for lawyers- this is the very first manual in a series of original textbooks just english. It first saw the light more than 10 years ago - in 1995, after which numerous reprints followed. The manual successfully completed its task - to consistently guide law students through sections of special vocabulary, to introduce country-specific material on modern texts and to form skills in working with literature in the specialty. This is evidenced by its great demand in law schools in Russia and the CIS. Currently, the authors recommend a new improved and supplemented manual for use. just english. English for lawyers. Basic course.

Today, the problems of terrorism and the fight against it are in the center of attention of all progressive mankind. No country in the world has escaped the horrors of terror. Academic circles did not remain indifferent to this important topic. It is in the student auditorium of the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, the idea of ​​creating this project was born, the purpose of which is to give the reader the opportunity to comprehensively study the problems of terrorism in the modern world, to acquaint the audience with the existing definitions, roots and motives of this phenomenon, and also to outline possible ways fight against terrorism.
This multi-level civil project aims to organize an all-Russian youth forum on the fight against terrorism in the modern world on the basis of Moscow State University. The project is based on a bilingual (English and Russian) educational and publicistic manual published in 2002, designed for the widest audience. Another component of the project is the development of the Just English site as an on-line discussion club on the topic. Implementation of the project on the basis of Lomonosov Moscow State University will stimulate civic activity among youth and students. Thus, the project solves both educational and general humanitarian tasks.

Legal support: Daria Belenkaya

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just english. English for lawyers. Basic course.Uch.pos. for legal universities.-10th ed.+CD

Since 1999, the book “Just English. English for lawyers. Basic course.Uch.pos. for legal universities.-10th ed.+CD» was reprinted 27 times. Date of first edition of English for Lawyers. just english. Basic course ": December 1999, the last, 27th edition was released in January 2014.

All publications

Annotation to the book “Just English. English for lawyers. Basic course.Uch.pos. for legal universities.-10th ed. + CD "

Just English. English for lawyers. Basic Course" is a new, improved and supplemented edition, revised in connection with its inclusion in the anniversary series of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov "Classical University Textbook".
The textbook includes modern professionally oriented materials from legal and socio-political sources in the UK and the USA, processed for law students. The texts of the manual allow you to master the legal vocabulary, study the basic concepts of jurisprudence using authentic material, learn about the history and functioning of the state, political and judicial structures of English-speaking countries, as well as develop the skills of text analysis and discussion that are so necessary for a professional lawyer.
The textbook was prepared by the teaching staff of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov on the basis of the curriculum of the English language course for law schools.
For legal professionals studying English.

Annotation to the publication: November 2004 (Paleotype Publishing House, ISBN 5-94727-089-7)

This publication continues the Just English series and is intended for a wide range of professionals studying English at an advanced level in connection with the legal specialty. The manual allows you to master the legal vocabulary, learn the basic concepts of jurisprudence using original and authentic material, learn about the history and functioning of the state, political and judicial structures of Great Britain, as well as develop the skills of text analysis and discussion that are so necessary for a professional lawyer. The uniqueness of the manual lies in the coverage of the latest trends in the development of the state-legal system of Great Britain using modern media. Unlike educational and methodical literature with a similar theme “The State of Britain. Advanced Course” describes not only the legal and political institutions of the country, but also the processes that are currently taking place in British society. The publication was prepared by the faculty of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov on the basis of the curriculum of the English language course for law schools.

The best of just english: just english / English for lawyers. part 1. basic course y. l. humanists

Here you can download the book the best of just english: just english / English for lawyers. part 1. basic course y. l. humanov in fb2, txt, PDF, EPUB, doc, rtf, jar, djvu, lrf!

How to Learn If you are just learning so I decided first learn Then There is a large selection of different tasks and exercises on. Reshebnik just english english for lawyers online.

If you do not know how to download the file, see the just english online solution for lawyers for instructions. Where can I download the answers to the textbook Just English Basic course English for lawyers. Just english Shishkin answers to tasks.

Tops Questions and Answers FAQ. Just english Humanova Reshebnik English for Lawyers and. Just english English for lawyers basic course Reshebnik English basic course for non-linguists, tickets and answers. A list of correct answers is attached to the end of the book. This is an improved and expanded edition of the Just English textbook series. Reshebnik just english english for lawyers. English for lawyers Shishkina answers English for lawyers.

Not a review, but parting words to those who are looking for smart books. The book "Freak of the human race." How to create a unique story for your brand and make your products irresistible: A non-trivial approach to branding. Fairy tale "Barberry" Tatyana Vyatkina. Review of the story "The Last Train". The Best of Just English: English for Lawyers » - Julia Gumanova Enter E-mail or ID: English for Lawyers «. Jurisprudence, Foreign languages.

Tikhomirova Just English English Tikhomirova Just English English for lawyers basic course. English-Russian dictionaries, Russian-English dictionaries, English dictionary.

English for lawyers - Julia Gumanova - download English for lawyers by Yulia Gumanova. Can be downloaded in fb2 and other formats. Lomonosov Classical University Textbook. Gumanova Julia Leonidovna Just English. The textbook was prepared by the teaching staff of the Department of English for the Humanities Faculties of Moscow State University. Lomonosov on the basis of the curriculum of the English language course