Guidelines. Analysis of the remedial lesson

Educator: Usynina Elena Gennadievna

Requirements for a teacher in a correctional institution

“If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then it must first recognize him in all respects too.” This statement by K. D. Ushinsky is a rule for every educator.

Most of the time children in special (correctional) institutions spend interacting with the teacher-educator (from 8 to 10 hours a day or more). The attitude of a teacher - educator of special educational institutions, his ability to interact with a special child is fully reflected in the state, behavior, personal manifestations of children, not only during their stay in orphanage but also in subsequent years.
The teacher - educator, in this situation, is in the process of continuous search for individual methods, forms and means of interaction for effective assistance child with handicapped. Understanding the integrity of the child's development process, the importance of reasonable cooperation (interaction) with him, the educator must be able to create conditions for "family" trusting relationships. Diversity professional activity teacher - educator and its specificity presents certain requirements to the ability to interact with children with disabilities.

Educator at a correctional school:

  • instills in students a love of work, high moral qualities, skills of cultural behavior, the need for them to observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • controls the implementation of the daily routine by pupils, the timely completion of homework, assists in learning and in the reasonable organization of leisure;
  • carries out, together with the doctor, activities that promote health and physical development pupils;
  • maintains constant communication with teachers, medical personnel; attracts children to self-service and other types of socially useful work, taking into account the age, gender, physical and mental capabilities of children, the norms and requirements of hygiene to protect their health; should not leave children alone.

The educator needs to clearly and purposefully plan his work, taking into account the daily individual work with children.

The teacher must:

  • carry out work aimed at the maximum correction of the shortcomings of the psychophysical development of children, their social adaptation;
  • to study the personality of the child, his interests and use the received materials for the implementation of an individual and differentiated approach in the process of education and upbringing, take into account the recommendations and appointments of doctors - a psychiatrist and a pediatrician;
  • In my working time bears great responsibility (by law) for the life and health of children.

It is necessary to teach children to the exact beginning educational hour(i.e. at exactly the right time). In advance, the teacher prepares the room for the lesson - organizes ventilation, checks the cleanliness and order (you can’t study in a dirty, littered room), prepares a damp rag, chalk, makes the necessary notes on the board, prepares didactic material.

During the classes, the teacher controls discipline and order.

Before the lesson, it is necessary to collect all the students. In order not to knock down the rhythm of classes, you need to teach them to go to the toilet before educational hour.

Educational hour should be carried out in various forms. It can be a conversation, a briefing, a quiz, testing, a dispute, a practical lesson, an excursion. In the course of the lesson itself, it is also necessary to apply a variety of methods and techniques. It is wrong to build all classes on the monologue of the educator, to ask questions and answer them yourself. It is necessary to put pupils in an active position, referring to their personal experience.

Each individual educational lesson is a small brick in common system lessons, so it should be connected to the previous material and form the basis for the future. For each separate section, it is necessary to think over the structure of interrelated classes.

When conducting classes, the teacher must clearly understand the following things for himself:

Topic of the lesson- what he will talk about, what to explain, what to work on.

Purpose of the lesson- this is very important point, often the educator himself cannot clearly explain what goal he sets when conducting the lesson (i.e., it turns out to be an aimless lesson), and if the goal was not set, then there is no result in the end.

Methods and techniques. Each question within the lesson is its small step. For each question (as well as for each task), the educator selects methods and techniques (depending on the group, the place of action in overall structure training, etc.). A variety of methods and techniques arouse the interest of children, make easy training and pleasant, invisible to the child.

It can be - quizzes, testing, problematic issues, discussions, briefings, work with cards, game forms.

When debriefing a lesson, the educator should be prepared to answer the following questions:

When solving this (indicated by him) problem, what methods and techniques did you use?

Why did you choose them (justify the expediency)?

How successful was their application?

Be sure to think over and write down the questions that the teacher will ask the children.

Lesson objectives- big goal broken down into separate, narrow tasks. Ultimately, when self-analyzing his lesson, answering the question - how successfully the tasks were solved, the educator can say about the success of the lesson.

Tasks can be roughly divided into three types:

  • didactic (educational)
  • correctional and developing (correction .... expansion ...)
  • educational (formation ... education ...)

As a rule, in a methodically competent lesson, tasks of all three types are singled out, otherwise it turns out training without education, or abstract education, or education (training) that does not take into account the characteristics mental development child.

Questions are subsections of the topic. For example, the topic "Cookware" might include the questions:

Types of kitchen utensils.

Rules for care (for dishes different type).

Dish care products.

Be sure to take into account that the direction of the lesson is to explain new material, consolidate it, systematize it, expand knowledge, to control mastering, to form new skills and abilities, to consolidate them, to control their formation.

This is an important point, and it is necessary to follow the logical sequence in the presentation of the material.

The educator must honestly clarify for himself: as a result of the lesson, what specific knowledge will be given (or consolidated, or expanded, systematized, controlled) and what specific skills will be developed (formed, consolidated, controlled).

Methodically correctly distinguish three psychological, pedagogical and organizational parts in any lesson:

Introduction, organizational part. In this part: checking the presence of children, their readiness. Next, you need to motivate the children, announce the topic (or let them guess for themselves), explain (give examples) why it is important, interest it, and conduct a game warm-up.

Main part. If necessary, before preparing new material, here you can repeat, consolidate or check previously studied. Thereafter work in progress with new material.

In the final part, a reflection of the lesson is carried out. “What have we learned today, what have we learned? What did you particularly like, what did you not like, why? Etc.

Valeological aspects must be taken into account:

Posture control, physical exercises, eye rest breaks, etc.

For more successful educational activities you can recommend the educator to prepare a summary, where you indicate the topic, tasks, questions, methods and techniques, used literature.

A well-conducted lesson is the result of a lot of hard work (especially for beginner educators). The work algorithm is as follows:

Look at the topic, look at what questions you will break it into.

Determine the order in which the questions are asked (what comes first, what comes next).

Formulate the objectives of the lesson.

Think over the type of lesson - these tasks are easier to solve through briefings, workshops, game forms, excursions or a combination of them.

Think about what methods and techniques you will use for each issue.

Determine the lesson structure:

How will you motivate children in the water part. How will you interest them, surprise, attract attention!

How will you solve the tasks in the main part? How will you keep your kids interested?

What do you pay attention to in the final part. What questions will you ask?

Another point: how is this topic related to the previous one? Will I repeat, consolidate, control previously studied material on this task? How?

And of course, before such work, you need to look additional literature, newspapers magazines. If necessary, prepare cards in advance and other Handout.

Try to rehearse the lesson several times, if necessary, in front of a mirror or tape recorder. Is everything going smoothly? What is the difficulty? At the end of the rehearsal, answer yourself the question: Did I achieve my goal? Do I like my job? If the children "fall asleep", what will I do?

It is conditionally possible to single out two main points that the administration pays attention to when checking knowledge:

Efficiency - how much the lesson turned out to be understandable for children, to what extent the tasks were solved, what knowledge and skills the pupils received.

Brightness, interestingness - the first moment depends on this moment. How much the children were interested, how much the teacher managed to captivate them, arouse their interest.

If the teacher’s system of classes is such that children wait with horror and despondency for the educational hour, sitting, counting the minutes until it ends, sitting with empty faces and going about their business, this is a sentence for the teacher as a teacher about his prof. unsuitability. It is necessary to prevent such a state, and after the first lessons with such an outcome, analyze very carefully and honestly - what am I doing wrong, what is the reason, what needs to be changed?

It is necessary to constantly work on oneself, grow professionally - master new pedagogical experience, read methodological literature, attend classes of more experienced colleagues, collect necessary material.

The method of conducting a conversation

A conversation is an organized conversation between a teacher and children, dedicated to one particular issue.

Dialogue - conversation, conversation - is the main form speech communication child with adults and their peers.

AT school pedagogy the term "conversation" refers to one of the methods of transmission theoretical knowledge on any subject. In the process of conversation, the ability to talk develops, that is, the ability to conduct a dialogue develops, and, consequently, speech is enriched with appropriate syntactic forms, as well as vocabulary that reflects given area reality.

The teacher plans the topic of the conversation in advance: selects materials, illustrations for it, conducts preparatory work with children, thinks through the course of the conversation. Topic real conversation should be close and understandable to children.

The duration of the conversation is 25 - 40 minutes. Quite appropriate in conversation. game techniques emotional nature: small word games, game exercises, riddles, listening to music, reading fiction, physical education minutes.

In each conversation, the teacher uses visual material. Its purpose is diverse: it helps to focus the attention of children, clarifies or enriches their knowledge, facilitates participation in a conversation by connecting various analyzers. The material used as a visual aid should clearly illustrate the program content of the conversation. In conversation, the educator:

It clarifies and streamlines the experience of children, that is, those ideas and knowledge about the life of people and nature that children acquire during observations under the guidance of a teacher in a variety of activities, in the family, at school.

Educates in children right attitude to the surrounding world.

It teaches children to think purposefully and consistently, without being distracted from the topic of the conversation.

It teaches you to express your thoughts simply and clearly.

When conducting a conversation, the teacher should strive to ensure that all children are active participants in it. In conversations, children acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities that are necessary for later life.

Questions are the main method of learning in a conversation. Questions are used of varying complexity: both in content and form. Particularly important are questions that require children to make inferences, judgments that establish connections between objects.

The conversation uses various tricks vocabulary work, for learning mother tongue, to activate, enrich, clarify the vocabulary of children.


Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………… 2

Why the occupation has established itself as the main form additional education? ..... 3

What is required for a successful lesson? ......... 3

What are the rules for organizing a lesson? ………………………………………………………. 3

What is the action plan of the teacher when developing the structure of the lesson? .............................................. 4

Memo to a novice teacher …………………………………………………………….…. 5

Observation of the session should cover………………………………………………..... 6

Observation and assessment sheet training session …………………………………………….…. 8

Routing classes …………………………………………………………..…… 9

Analysis of the lesson (didactic aspect) …………………………………………. ten

Sample memo for self-analysis of the lesson by a teacher of additional education ... 11

Map of identifying the level of organization and conducting practical exercises …………….... 12

Analysis of the occupation of the teacher of additional education by students ………………… .. 13

Approximate option analysis of the lesson ……………………………………………….….14

Analyzing the lesson ………………………………………………………………………….… 15

To help teachers ……………………………………………………………………………. 16

Very often, teachers go to the methodologist with questions. What worries them, worries? Someone has a difficult pedagogical problem requiring prompt permission, someone needs methodical consultation, and someone today is just not in the spirit and he needs good advice ...

The presented material contains recommendations, memos, samples of analyzes and self-analysis of classes. Here you can find positive and timely advice, an unexpected look at familiar things, folk wisdom - everything that helps us in the rapid flow of time and deeds to save peace of mind and common sense.

The occupation is a "nuclear", a fundamental element of the system of additional education. From whatever position we consider additional education, any aspect of it is somehow aimed at organizing and conducting an effective lesson.

Why the occupation has established itself as the main form

additional education?

Firstly, all participants of this educational association. Secondly, the lesson has flexibility, adaptability, which allows you to study the most diverse in content and continuously updated material. Thirdly, only in the classroom is it possible to systematically study the entire course of the program. Fourth, the lesson allows you to combine the individual work of students with the collective.

During the lesson, the teacher practically implements almost all the most important educational tasks that he faces: transfers new knowledge to students, forms their skills and abilities, develops them cognitive interests and Creative skills, will, character and other vital qualities of a person.

What is required for a successful lesson?

To conduct an effective lesson, you need to know the functions of the lesson and ultimate goal the activities of the teacher in organizing the lesson, then establish the means of achieving it, which will help achieve the goal, and then determine the way how to act in order to achieve the result.

What are the rules for organizing a lesson?

First - define a goal, a pre-planned end result (what needs to be achieved).

Second - select the content of the lesson material, i.e. determine its volume and complexity in accordance with the goal and capabilities of students; establish a connection between the content and the life experience of students and methods of mental and practical actions; determine the system of assignments and independent work of students.

The material of the lesson is divided into more separate parts according to the meaning, with the highlighting of the most important issues. Minor issues and small details are grouped around the main ones. Thus, the presentation of the material does not unfold like an even thread, but has knots. The attention of students is focused on these nodes and conclusions are drawn.

Third - choose the most effective combination techniques and methods in accordance with the goals and objectives and the content of the material.

Depending on the content of the material of the lesson, the activities of the students are planned. With some methods, the activity of children in the classroom is limited to understanding and memorizing the educational material. With others, students not only gain knowledge, but also acquire the ability to acquire it, work independently with literature, observe, analyze and generalize facts, explain new phenomena with the help of the studied laws and rules. It is these teaching methods that develop the cognitive interests of students. They cause maximum activity, satisfy their various requests.

Fourth - equipping classes with a variety of teaching aids. The equipment is closely related to the methods of training and provides significant influence on their effectiveness.

Fifth - management of students' activities by the teacher. The teacher is not only a source of knowledge. He teaches and educates with all the qualities of his personality, has a comprehensive impact on the child, his mind, feelings, will, demeanor.

The success of the lesson depends on the teacher as a person: how widely he is educated and methodically experienced, how he relates to his work and to children, whether he is well prepared for the lesson, with what mood he conducts classes, whether he knows how to observe children, understand their experiences, tactfully influence for everyone. All this together characterizes the style of work of the teacher, his pedagogical skills and determines the strength of his educational impact on the personality of the child.

Sixth - the teacher in the classroom works with the whole educational team and with each child individually.

What is the plan of action of the teacher in developing the structure of the lesson?

The action plan of the teacher when developing the structure of the lesson is presented in the following sequence:

Formulation of the purpose and objectives of the lesson.

Choice of lesson structure model.

Separation of semantic blocks.

Formulation of cognitive tasks for each block.

Planning the cognitive activity of students in relation to each cognitive task (i.e., the selection of methods, methodological techniques and forms of organizing activities: frontal, individual and collective).

Analysis of the course of the lesson in terms of whether it leads to the achievement of the set goals and objectives.

Making necessary adjustments.

It should be remembered that the structure of the lesson is closely related to its organization:

A clear, thoughtful distribution of time by the teacher, as well as their duties and the duties of students.

Leadership and management of cognitive activity of all students.

Combination of collective work with group and individual work.

Systematic Feedback.

Ensuring discipline and order during the lesson.

That is, without a good organization of the lesson, no structure will ensure the realization of the goal.

The level of knowledge and skills of students, the pedagogical skills of the teacher are assessed mainly during the attendance of training sessions.

Occupational supervision should cover:

1) The organizational side of the lesson. The present person establishes whether the teacher comes to the classroom (office) on time, whether the lesson plan is available, whether the manuals, equipment, chalk, board are prepared, whether the children are ready for the lesson, the sanitary condition of the room, duty and general order;

2) Lesson content . The depth and scientific nature of the teacher's explanations are assessed, whether a connection with reality is established, whether the material of the lesson is used in educational purposes whether additional material is involved, the latest achievements of science, whether the explanation is interesting, whether visual aids, drawings, diagrams, models are used. What is the content of the students' answers, the depth of their knowledge, the level of independence, the culture of speech, the incentive system;

3) The educational role of the lesson. Does the teacher use the content of the material for educational purposes, what is the system of pedagogical requirements. Are the guys accustomed to work, independent work, do they follow the rules of conduct. Does the teacher pay attention to the behavior of students, their attitude to work, mutual assistance, adherence to principles, efficiency, discipline;

4) Methodical side of the lesson:

a) the leader (the present methodologist, colleague) pays attention to the methods of the survey (if any), the methods of activating the group during the survey, how much time it takes to survey, the deepening of knowledge during the survey;

b) the methods and techniques of the teacher’s work are carefully studied during the explanation: do they listen carefully, what methods does the teacher achieve in the development of students’ thinking, their independence and individual abilities what does the teacher do to ensure that the guys firmly master the material, which of modern methods learning are used;

c) how visual and technical teaching aids are used, how experiments and practical work are organized;

d) ways of consolidating knowledge, solving problematic tasks, performing independent work;

e) homework technique and checking homework (if needed and used);

f) keeping workbooks, notes, checking these notebooks, developing skills to make notes, make drawings, diagrams (if necessary);

5) Features of the behavior of the teacher in the classroom. Of no less interest to the leader (methodist, colleague) is the role of the teacher in the classroom as an organizer and conductor, his culture, speech, tact, clothing, manners, habits, relationships with students.

Thus, the observation of the lesson has a comprehensive, complex character, it covers all components of the educational work. Observation is only the first stage of control, the second is the analysis of classes, its comprehensive analysis, and the development of recommendations for improving the work of the teacher.

An occupation cannot be analyzed abstractly on the basis of some eternal, unshakable criteria. First of all, don't look for at each lesson, the use of all means and methods of work without exception. To demand that all training sessions be combined, including all “elements”, means to schematize the educational process, to simplify it.

Analyzing lessons , must be taken into account at least, such specific circumstances:

a) theme features. There may be classes where there is no need to use visual aids or technical means, call to the board, work with a book;
b) the possibilities of an educational institution, the availability of classrooms, technical means, visual aids, the right books in the library.

When analyzing a lesson, it is important to pay attention to whether the teacher used everything, but at the same time make real reasonable demands;

a) the composition of this study group, the level of development and abilities of students (often an opinion about the lesson is made on the basis of the answers of students, control and practical work, and the level of development of children, their abilities are not taken into account);

b) the individuality of the teacher, the level of training, character traits, health status, previous results of work.

In addition, we consider a one-sided analysis of the lesson (only by methodologists, colleagues, or only self-analysis) to be insufficiently reliable and insufficiently reliable and, as a result, irrational and ineffective. We can get the most accurate diagnostic cut, based on the ratio of the results of the lesson analysis as possible a large number categories of persons participating in the educational process: introspection of the teacher's lesson; supervisory colleagues, methodologists, heads of educational institutions; analysis of the lesson by students as consumers educational process; analysis of the occupation by parents (trustees) as the main customers of the educational process.

Parsing Forms can be very different. The most rational, as it seems, is this scheme:

1. During the lesson, those present (colleagues, methodologists, heads of educational institutions, parents) analyze the lesson according to the criteria reflected in the form “List of observation and evaluation of the lesson”. At the end of the lesson, they hand over the forms with the results of the analysis to the present specialist.

2. At the end of the lesson, the teacher himself talks about his lesson, about what he, in his opinion, succeeded in, what he did not. From this stage onwards, no children are present;

3. Then the present specialist (colleague, methodologist, manager - one authorized representative) analyzes positive sides classes identified by both specialists and customers of the educational process;

4. Then the present customer of the educational process (parent, guardian - one authorized representative) makes amendments and additions, proposals on the organization and content of the lesson from his point of view;

5. Only after this should an analysis of the negative points identified specialists(in case of general negative result parents are not present at this stage);

6. Finally, suggestions are made on how to get rid of the shortcomings;

7. After the analysis, the teacher again expresses his opinion, and, finally, all those present are included in the discussion of the problems.

Observation and evaluation sheet of the training session

Inspector ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Date________________ Association _______________________________________________________________________________

Full name of the teacher __________________________________________________________________________________________

The number of children in the group ____________________ in the lesson ______________________________________________________________

Topic: __________________________________________________________________________________________________


Technological map of the lesson is attached

Requirements to

teacher's activities


Activity Requirements









1. Beginning of the lesson

1.Attention of children at different stages:

At the beginning

In the middle

In the end

2. Repetition and knowledge testing

2. Interest in the topic

3. Theoretical level







3. The activity of children during the survey:

when studying

when fixing

4. Disclosure of the topic

4. Strength of knowledge, skills, skills

5. Material selection

5. Independence of judgments

6. Organization of attention


6. Attitude towards the teacher

7. The educational side of the lesson

7. Work culture

8. Use of TCO, visibility,

didactic material


9.Individual approach

9. Questions to the teacher

10. Emotionality

10. Self-control

11. Pedagogical tact

11. Discipline:

readiness for employment

during class

during independent work

during the explanation

during the explanation


The opinion of the teacher who conducted the lesson and the recommendations of the inspector:

13. Time calculation

14. Organization of independent



15. Objectivity

16. Homework

/signature of the inspector/__________________________________

Technological map of the lesson

Teacher _____________________________________________________________________________

Topic of the lesson _______________________________________________________________

The date of the_______________________________________________________________

Children's age_________________________________________________________________

The purpose of the lesson _______________________________________________________________


Objectives of the lesson _________________________________________________________________

Type of lesson, form of conducting __________________________________________________

Methods used in the course of the lesson _______________________________________________


Expected result: ___________________________________________________________




Lesson Analysis

(didactic aspect)

The ability to set a goal that is understandable and feasible for children, break it down into realistically achievable tasks

Matching the goal with end result

Educational values ​​of educational material

The use of teaching methods, their compliance with the tasks set

The effectiveness of the methods and techniques used by the teacher for development mental operations and activity-practical sphere of the child

The optimal combination of verbal, visual, practical, reproductive and creative teaching methods

Positive reaction of children to the methods used (understanding, active inclusion ...)

Structural organization, logical ordering of the lesson

Compliance of the content of this lesson with the plan, which makes it possible to determine the degree of preparedness of this lesson, the ability of the teacher to plan his work and use improvisation

Setting clear requirements for learning activities

The sufficiency of the proposed material, the interest of children in it

The focus of educational activities on a realistically achievable result

Consistency and consistency in solving problems

Use of specially developed technologies to achieve results

Encouraging students to actively acquire knowledge and acquire skills independently

Introduction of problematic elements, development of skills scientific research

Asking ambiguous questions

The desire of children to apply the acquired knowledge in practice

Individual creative and research assignments

Independent work children with teaching aids and literature in class and at home

Grade educational achievements students, supporting the child in a situation of overcoming educational difficulties

Individual approach to the result of each

Evaluation is an analysis of the work performed

Using Incentive Assessment Methods

Formation of adequate self-esteem

Controlling negative motives in learning

The ability to see and correct your mistake

Value-semantic saturation of training sessions

The presence of an educational component of the lesson

Educational and thematic coordination with the subjects of the school course

Practical focus training session

Education of a culture of interpersonal relationships in the study group

Pedagogical culture of the teacher himself

Organization of work in microgroups

Help older children in different age groups

Communication skills children

Creating an emotionally positive atmosphere in the classroom

Encouraging Children to Express positive emotions

Usage various forms rewards

Creation of the prospect of successful activity

Cozy office and friendliness of the teacher

Minutes of rest or relaxation in class

Accounting for the individual and age-related cognitive abilities of children

Knowledge developmental psychology child

Using the individuality of each in the selection of creative tasks

Stimulation various points children's vision

Developmental orientation of the lesson

Personal and social significance of classes

Perspective for further activities

Development of higher mental functions personalities

Creative nature of activity

Sample memo for introspection of the lesson

additional education teacher

1. What features of the students were taken into account when planning this lesson?

2. What is the place of this lesson in the topic, section, course? How is it related to previous lessons, what does it rely on? How does this lesson work for subsequent lessons, topics, sections? What is the specificity of this lesson?

3. What tasks were solved in the lesson:

a) educational

b) educational,

c) development objectives?

4. Was their comprehensiveness ensured? Relationship? What tasks were the main, pivotal? How are the characteristics of the group taken into account in the tasks?

5. Why was the chosen structure of the lesson rational for solving these problems? Is it rational to allocate a place in the lesson for questioning, learning new material, consolidating, etc.? Was the time allotted for all stages of the lesson rationally distributed? Are the “connections” between the stages of the lesson logical?

6. On what content (on what concepts, ideas, provisions, facts) did the main emphasis be placed on the lesson and why? Has the main thing been chosen?

7. What combination of teaching methods is chosen for the disclosure of new material? Give a rationale for the choice of teaching methods.

8. What combination of forms of education was chosen for the disclosure of new material and why? Was a differentiated approach to students needed? How was it carried out and why exactly?

9. How was the control of the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities organized? In what forms and by what methods was it carried out? Why?

10. How it was used in class study room(other space), what teaching aids? Why?

11. Due to what was the high efficiency of students ensured throughout the lesson and was it provided at all?

12. Due to what the lesson was supported by a good psychological atmosphere, communication? How it was implemented educational influence personality of the teacher?

13. How and due to what was provided in the lesson and in homework students rational use of time, prevention of overload of students?

14. Spare methodical "moves" in case of an unforeseen situation.

15. Did you manage to fully implement all the tasks set? If not, then how and why? When does the teacher plan to replenish the unrealized?


identifying the level of organization and conducting practical classes by teachers of additional education for children

Analyze the lesson according to the following parameters, depending on the degree of their severity on a 10-point scale. Circle the appropriate score, where one is the lowest score and ten is the highest.

Correspondence of the topic and content of the lesson educational program teacher

The focus of the lesson on the fulfillment of the goal of educating and developing the personality of the child

10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 - 1

Consistency and interconnectedness individual stages, ensuring the integrity and completeness of the lesson

10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 - 1

Correspondence of the methods used to the content of the material, the type and purpose of the lesson, the age characteristics of children

10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 - 1

Ability to manage a group and organize the work of children, taking into account their individual features

10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 - 1

The use of cognitive, search, heuristic, research, creative tasks

10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 - 1

Motivation for learning during the lesson, the use of special techniques for this purpose

10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 - 1

Use of visual aids, didactic and technical teaching aids

10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 - 1

The level of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities by children, as well as the ability to apply them in practice.

10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 - 1

Lesson Analysis


Read the question and the suggested answers carefully, think, choose one of the answers and circle the letter next to your answer. If you do not understand the question, ask the instructor for help.

    How interesting was today's lesson for you?

a) very interesting

b) Partially interesting

in) For the most part interesting

d) not interested at all

    Do you think that what you have learned today, understood, what you have learned, will be useful to you in the next classes?

a) fit perfectly

b) It may be useful, I don’t know for sure

c) mostly useless

d) not useful at all

    How clear and accessible did the teacher explain what you learned today?

a) Fully understandable and accessible

b) Not always clear and accessible

c) Almost completely incomprehensible and inaccessible

d) Completely incomprehensible and inaccessible

    When were you most interested?

a) At the beginning of the lesson (when the teacher introduced the topic of the lesson, checked our readiness for the lesson)

b) In the middle of the lesson (learning a new, practical work)

c) At the end of the lesson (summing up the results of the lesson, rewarding those who distinguished themselves)

    Was it easy for you to communicate with the teacher and comrades in this lesson?

a) lighter than usual

b) Easy, however, as always

c) Harder than usual

d) very difficult

    What would you like to say about today's lesson, what to add, change?


Thank you for your answers!

Sample lesson analysis

additional education teacher

(All-Russian competition additional education teachers)

 setting and comprehensive solution of educational, upbringing and developing tasks;

 depth, completeness, scientific character;

 compliance with the tasks set and the content of the lesson;

 structured material in terms of complexity, volume;

 availability fun facts.

2. Methods and means of teaching. Technology.

 problematic presentation of the material;

 ways of motivation;

 technology of organization of activities;

 the nature of the tasks;

 compliance of tasks with goals and objectives.

3. The nature of communication in class

 humanistic orientation educational process;

 interaction between the teacher and the child;

 the attractiveness of the personality of the teacher in the classroom;

 creativity, improvisation, non-standard thinking;

 intellectual level, pedagogical culture, erudition.

4. The effectiveness of the lesson

 the level of achievement of the goal of the lesson;

 completeness of the plan;

 feedback in class;

 Children's activity in the classroom.

We analyze the lesson

Analysis of the lesson as a process of awareness and self-knowledge forms the teacher's analytic skills, develops interest, determines the need to study learning problems, improves the quality of teaching.

    What is the place of this lesson in the topic, section, course? Is it connected with previous lessons, what does it rely on? How does this activity work for future sessions? What is its specificity?

    What is the characteristic of the real possibilities of students in this group? What features of the students were taken into account when planning this lesson?

    What tasks does the teacher solve in the classroom (general educational, educational, developmental)? Was their completeness ensured? What tasks were the main, pivotal for the teacher, how did the teacher take into account the peculiarity of the group in the tasks?

    Why was the chosen structure of the lesson rational for solving these problems? Is time allocated rationally for questioning, learning new material, consolidating? Logical connection between various stages lessons.

    On what content (what concepts, ideas, provisions, facts) is the main focus of the lesson and why? Is the object of lasting assimilation singled out, i.e., is it clear and precise to single out the main thing from everything told so that the children are not lost in the volume of the secondary?

    What combination of forms of education was chosen for the disclosure of new material and why? Is a differentiated approach to students necessary? What is the basis for differentiation? What has differentiated? Only the volume, or only the content, or the degree of assistance provided to the learners, or both?

    How was the control of the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities of students organized? In what forms and by what methods was it carried out?

    How was the classroom used in class? Were the teaching aids appropriately used?

    Due to what was the psychological atmosphere maintained in the lesson, what exactly was the culture of communication with the group manifested in? How does the teacher behave in critical situation? How was the educational influence of the teacher's personality implemented?

    What ensured the high performance of students throughout the lesson?

    What emergency moves were thought out for an unforeseen situation?

    Were you able to complete all the assigned tasks? If it didn't work, why not? Which?

Myakinchenko L.P., Ushakova T.V. Modern lesson. Lesson analysis schemes.//Handbook of the head teacher of the school.– 2006.– P.293-299.

Grebenkina L.K., Antsiperova N.S. Criteria for the effectiveness of observation, analysis and evaluation of the lesson // Technology of managerial activity of the deputy director of the school.– 200.– P. 125-130.

Pleshakova L.V., Saveliev V.V. Analysis and self-analysis of the lesson of the teacher of additional education // Methodological recommendations and developments for the manufacture soft toys. -2003.

Irina Dudenkova
Guidelines for parents on the lesson physical education at home

Instill interest in physical education needed from early childhood. But how do you do it in at home?. Can be equipped with a sports area at home. Make it very simply: some manuals can be bought in a specialized store, others can be made by yourself. Sports section at home helps organize free time children, contributes to the consolidation of motor skills acquired in kindergarten, development of dexterity, independence, confidence. As the movements form and the child's interests expand, the corner should be replenished more complex subjects for various purposes.

There are many ways to provide physical development of children: joint outdoor games and physical exercises, hardening, charging, lessons in sports sections and etc.

But most good results in the physical development of the child at home can be achieved, combining joint outdoor games with home exercise classes-health complex, which includes a variety of sports equipment and exercise equipment. In this case, the child receives unique opportunity training regardless of the weather, the availability of free time parents.

The main purpose of the sports corner is the development of almost all motor qualities: strength, agility, speed, endurance and flexibility.

Lessons at the sports and recreation complex:

Do everyday physical education more emotional and varied;

They affect certain muscle groups, thereby accelerating the process of their development;

Allows you to achieve the desired results in a shorter time.

Tips for parents.

For classes use as many auxiliaries as possible funds: toys, balloons, etc. They will attract attention, stimulate children to perform a variety of exercises.

Clothes for classes doesn't play a big role. However, if you want to strengthen the muscles of the foot and harden the child at the same time, then it is best to practice barefoot in shorts and a cotton T-shirt.

Turn on the music to create a joyful mood. During classes be sure to talk to the child, smile to him: “Good girl, you have already climbed to the very top of the stairs!”

It is desirable to carry out exercises in a playful way. For example, an adult He speaks: “Today we will go to visit the squirrel. But her house is far, far away and high, high, at the very top of an old pine tree. ( Further text accompanied by the joint execution of movements with the child.) First we will go through the swamp (walking on sofa cushions, then we will go through the windbreak (walking, stepping over skittles, cubes, then we will climb through the fox hole (crawling under two chairs stacked together) and climb to the top of a pine tree. A red squirrel lives there, waiting for you and me to visit.

Another form of work with children of senior preschool age is to arrange competitions according to the principle "Who will run faster" or organize a story game based on a literary work interwoven into the plot exercise.

Gradually joint physical education will become happy events of the day, and the child will look forward to them with impatience and joy. Average duration classes is 20 - 30 min.

It is also necessary to do breathing exercises with children. Below are a few combos.

Approximate complexes of respiratory gymnastics

Complex 1.

Let's listen to our breath

Target: to teach children to listen to their breathing, determine the type of breathing, its depth, frequency, and according to these signs - the state of the body.

(how convenient at the moment). The muscles of the body are relaxed.

In complete silence, children listen to their own breathing and determine:

Where does it go air jet air and where it comes from;

What part of the body moves during inhalation and exhalation (abdomen, chest, shoulders or all parts - wavy);

what a breath: superficial (lung) or deep;

what is the respiratory rate: often inhale-exhale or calmly at a certain interval (automatic pause);

Quiet, inaudible breathing or noisy.

This exercise can be done up to physical activity or after so that children learn to determine the state of the whole organism by breathing.

We breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly

Target: to teach children to relax and restore the body after physical stress and emotional arousal; regulate the process of breathing, focus on it in order to control the relaxation of your body and psyche.

Starting position - standing, sitting, lying down (this depends on the previous physical activity ) . If sitting, the back is even, it is better to close your eyes.

Slow breath in through the nose. When the chest begins to expand, stop inhaling and pause as long as you can. Then slowly exhale through the nose (repeat 5-10 times).

The exercise is performed silently, smoothly, so that even the palm held up to the nose does not feel the stream of air when exhaling.

Breathe in one nostril

Target: teach children to strengthen muscles respiratory system, nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract.

Starting position - sitting, standing, the body is straightened, but not tense.

1. Close the right nostril index finger right hand. Take a quiet long breath with the left nostril (successively lower, middle, upper breathing).

2. As soon as the inhalation is over, open the right nostril, and close the left nostril with the index finger of the left hand - through the right nostril, make a quiet long exhalation with the maximum emptying of the lungs and pulling the diaphragm as high as possible to form in the abdomen "fossa".

3-4. The same with other nostrils.

Repeat 3-6 times.

Note. After this exercise, inhale and exhale several times in a row with one nostril. (first with the nostril that is easier to breathe, then the other). Repeat 6-10 respiratory movements each nostril separately. Start with calm and move on to deep breathing.

Balloon (belly breathe, lower breath)

Target: to teach children to strengthen the muscles of the abdominal organs, to ventilate the lower part of the lungs, to focus on lower breathing.

Starting position - lying on your back, legs freely extended, torso relaxed, eyes closed. Focused on movement navel: both palms are on it. In the future, this exercise can be performed while standing.

Exhale the air calmly, pulling the stomach to the spinal column, the navel seems to fall.

A slow, smooth breath, without any effort - the belly slowly rises up and swells like a round ball.

Slow, smooth exhalation - the stomach is slowly drawn in towards the back.

Repeat 4-10 times.

balloon in chest (medium, costal breathing)

Target: teach children to strengthen the intercostal muscles, concentrate their attention on their movement, ventilating the middle sections of the lungs.

Starting position - lying, sitting, standing. Put your hands on the bottom of the ribs and concentrate on them.

Make a slow, even exhalation, squeezing the ribs of the chest with your hands.

1. Slowly inhale through the nose, the hands feel the expansion of the chest and slowly release the clamp.

2. On exhalation, the chest is again slowly clamped with both hands at the bottom of the ribs.

Note. The muscles of the abdomen and shoulder girdle remain motionless. AT initial phase training, it is necessary to help children slightly compress and unclench the lower part of the ribs of the chest during exhalation and inhalation.

Repeat 6-10 times.

The balloon rises up (upper breath)

Target: to teach children to strengthen and stimulate the upper respiratory tract, providing ventilation of the upper sections of the lungs.

Starting position - lying, sitting, standing. Place one hand between the collarbones and focus on them and the shoulders.

Performing inhalation and exhalation with a calm and smooth raising and lowering of the clavicles and shoulders.

Repeat 4-8 times.

Wind (cleansing, full breath)


Starting position - lying, sitting, standing. The trunk is relaxed. Make a full exhalation through the nose, drawing in the stomach, chest. Take a full breath, sticking out the stomach and ribs of the chest. Through compressed lips with force to let out air with several jerky exhalations.

Repeat 3-4 times.

Note. Exercise is not only great cleansing (ventilates) light, but also helps to keep warm in case of hypothermia and relieves fatigue. That's why recommended carry it out after physical loads as often as possible.

Rainbow hug me

Target: to teach children to strengthen the respiratory muscles of the entire respiratory system, to ventilate the lungs in all departments.

Starting position - lying, sitting, standing. The trunk is relaxed. Make a full exhalation through the nose, drawing in the stomach, chest.

1. Starting position - standing or moving.

2. Take a full breath through the nose with the spread of the arms to the sides.

3. Hold your breath for 3-4 seconds.

4. Stretching lips in a smile, make a sound "With", exhaling air and drawing in the stomach and chest. Hands first point forward, then cross in front of the chest, as if hugging the shoulders; one hand goes under the arm, the other on the shoulder.

Repeat 3-4 times.

Repeat exercise 3-5 times "Breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly".

Complex 2.

The purpose of this complex: strengthen the nasopharynx, upper Airways and lungs.

All exercises of the complex are performed standing or moving.

Breathe in one nostril

Repeat exercise "Breathe with one nostril" from complex No. 1, but with a lower dosage.

Turning the head to the right and left at the pace of movement. Simultaneously with each turn, inhale nose: short, noisy (like a hedgehog, with muscle tension throughout the nasopharynx (nostrils move and seem to connect, the neck tenses). Exhalation is soft, arbitrary, through half-open lips.

Repeat 4-8 times.

Lips "pipe"

1. Exhale completely through the nose, drawing in the stomach and intercostal muscles.

2. Lips folded "pipe", sharply draw in air, filling all the lungs with it to failure.

3. Make a swallowing movement (as if swallowing air).

4. Pause for 2-3 seconds, then raise your head up and exhale the air through your nose smoothly and slowly.

Repeat 4-6 times.

Breathing exercises with physical education good for children's health.

In conclusion, let's say that you need to praise the child as often as possible, even for seemingly insignificant successes. And then he will have an incentive to be even stronger, even faster, even better.

Speech at the MO educators on the topic "Recommendations for the organization and conduct of classes."

Educator: Usynina Elena Gennadievna

Requirements for a teacher in a correctional institution

“If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then it must first recognize him in all respects too.” This statement by K. D. Ushinsky is a rule for every educator.

Most of the time children in special (correctional) institutions spend interacting with the teacher-educator (from 8 to 10 hours a day or more). The attitude of the teacher-educator of special educational institutions, his ability to interact with a special child is fully reflected in the state, behavior, personal manifestations of children not only during their stay in the orphanage, but also in subsequent years.
The teacher-educator, in this situation, is in the process of continuous search for individual methods, forms and means of interaction to effectively help a child with disabilities. Understanding the integrity of the child's development process, the importance of reasonable cooperation (interaction) with him, the educator must be able to create conditions for "family" trusting relationships. The diversity of the professional activity of a teacher-educator and its specificity imposes certain requirements on the skills of interaction with children with disabilities.

Educator at a correctional school:

    instills in students a love of work, high moral qualities, cultural behavior skills, the need to observe the rules of personal hygiene;

    controls the implementation of the daily routine by pupils, the timely completion of homework, assists in learning and in the reasonable organization of leisure;

    carries out, together with the doctor, activities that promote the health and physical development of pupils;

    maintains constant communication with teachers, medical personnel; attracts children to self-service and other types of socially useful work, taking into account the age, gender, physical and mental capabilities of children, the norms and requirements of hygiene to protect their health; should not leave children alone.

The educator needs to clearly and purposefully plan his work, taking into account the daily individual work with children.

The teacher must:

    carry out work aimed at the maximum correction of the shortcomings of the psychophysical development of children, their social adaptation;

    study the personality of the child, his interests and use the received materials for the implementation of an individual and differentiated approach in the process of education and upbringing, take into account the recommendations and appointments of doctors - a psychiatrist and a pediatrician;

During his working hours he bears a great responsibility (by law) for the life and health of children.

    It is necessary to accustom children to the exact beginning of the educational hour (i.e. at a precisely set time). In advance, the teacher prepares the room for the lesson - organizes ventilation, checks the cleanliness and order (you can’t study in a dirty, littered room), prepares a damp rag, chalk, makes the necessary notes on the blackboard, prepares didactic material.

    During the classes, the teacher controls discipline and order.

    Before the lesson, it is necessary to collect all the students. In order not to knock down the rhythm of classes, you need to teach them to go to the toilet before the educational hour.

    Educational hour should be carried out in various forms. It can be a conversation, a briefing, a quiz, testing, a dispute, a practical lesson, an excursion. In the course of the lesson itself, it is also necessary to apply a variety of methods and techniques. It is wrong to build all classes on the monologue of the educator, to ask questions and answer them yourself. It is necessary to put pupils in an active position, referring to their personal experience.

    Each individual educational lesson is a small brick in the overall system of classes, so it must be connected with the previous material and create the basis for the future. For each separate section, it is necessary to think over the structure of interrelated classes.

    When conducting classes, the teacher must clearly understand the following things for himself:

Topic of the lesson - what he will talk about, what to explain, what to work on.

Purpose of the lesson - this is a very important point, often the teacher himself cannot clearly explain what goal he sets when conducting the lesson (i.e., it turns out to be an aimless lesson), and if the goal was not set, then there is no result in the end.

Methods and techniques. Each question within the lesson is its small step. For each question (as well as for each task), the educator selects methods and techniques (depending on the group, the place of action in the overall structure of training, etc.). A variety of methods and techniques arouse the interest of children, make learning easy and enjoyable, imperceptible to the child.

It can be - quizzes, testing, problem questions, discussions, briefings, work with cards, game forms.

When debriefing a lesson, the educator should be prepared to answer the following questions:

    When solving this (indicated by him) problem, what methods and techniques did you use?

    Why did you choose them (justify the expediency)?

    How successful was their application?

Be sure to think over and write down the questions that the teacher will ask the children.

Lesson objectives - a large goal is divided into separate, narrow tasks. Ultimately, when self-analyzing his lesson, answering the question - how successfully the tasks were solved, the educator can say about the success of the lesson.

Tasks can be roughly divided into three types:

    didactic (educational)

    correctional and developing (correction .... expansion ...)

    educational (formation ... education ...)

As a rule, in a methodically competent lesson, tasks of all three types are singled out, otherwise it turns out training without education, or abstract education, or education (training) that does not take into account the peculiarities of the child's mental development.

Questions are subsections of the topic. For example, the topic "Cookware" might include the questions:

    Types of kitchen utensils:

    Care rules (for dishes of various types):

    Dish care products.

Be sure to take into account that the direction of the lesson is to explain new material, consolidate it, systematize it, expand knowledge, to control mastering, to form new skills and abilities, to consolidate them, to control their formation.

This is an important point, and it is necessary to follow the logical sequence in the presentation of the material.

The educator must honestly clarify for himself: as a result of the lesson, what specific knowledge will be given (or consolidated, or expanded, systematized, controlled) and what specific skills will be developed (formed, consolidated, controlled).

Methodically correctly distinguish three psychological, pedagogical and organizational parts in any lesson:

        Introduction, organizational part. In this part: checking the presence of children, their readiness. Next, you need to motivate the children, announce the topic (or let them guess for themselves), explain (give examples) why it is important, interest it, and conduct a game warm-up.

        Main part. If necessary, before preparing new material, here you can repeat, consolidate or check previously studied. After that comes the work with new material.

        In the final part- reflecting the lesson. “What have we learned today, what have we learned? What did you particularly like, what did you not like, why? Etc.

Valeological aspects must be taken into account:

Posture control, physical exercises, eye rest breaks, etc.

For a more successful conduct of educational classes, it is possible to recommend the educator to prepare a summary, where to indicate the topic, tasks, questions, methods and techniques, used literature.

A well-conducted lesson is the result of a lot of hard work (especially for beginner educators). The work algorithm is as follows:

    Look at the topic, look at what questions you will break it into.

    Determine the order in which the questions are asked (what comes first, what comes next).

    Formulate the objectives of the lesson.

    Think about the type of activity - these tasks are easier to solve through briefings, practical exercises, game forms, excursions, or a combination of them.

    Think about what methods and techniques you will use for each issue.

Determine the lesson structure:

    How will you motivate children in the water part. How will you interest them, surprise, attract attention!

    How will you solve the tasks in the main part? How will you keep your kids interested?

    What do you pay attention to in the final part. What questions will you ask?

    Another point: how is this topic related to the previous one? Will I repeat, consolidate, control previously studied material on this task? How?

    And of course, before such work, you need to look at additional literature, newspapers, magazines. If necessary, prepare cards and other handouts in advance.

    Try to rehearse the lesson several times, if necessary, in front of a mirror or tape recorder. Is everything going smoothly? What is the difficulty? At the end of the rehearsal, answer yourself the question: Did I achieve my goal? Do I like my job? If the children "fall asleep", what will I do?

It is conditionally possible to single out two main points that the administration pays attention to when checking knowledge:

Efficiency- how much the lesson turned out to be understandable for children, to what extent the tasks were solved, what knowledge and skills the pupils received.

Brightness, interest- the first moment depends on this moment. How much the children were interested, how much the teacher managed to captivate them, arouse their interest.

If the teacher’s system of classes is such that children wait with horror and despondency for the educational hour, sitting, counting the minutes until it ends, sitting with empty faces and going about their business, this is a sentence for the teacher as a teacher about his prof. unsuitability. It is necessary to prevent such a state, and after the first lessons with such an outcome, analyze very carefully and honestly - what am I doing wrong, what is the reason, what needs to be changed?

It is necessary to constantly work on oneself, to grow professionally - to master new pedagogical experience, read methodological literature, attend classes of more experienced colleagues, and collect the necessary material.

The method of conducting a conversation

Conversation - an organized conversation between the teacher and the children, dedicated to one particular issue.

Dialogue - conversation, conversation - is the main form of verbal communication of a child with adults and his peers.

In school pedagogy, the term "conversation" refers to one of the methods of transferring theoretical knowledge in any subject. In the process of conversation, the ability to talk develops, that is, the ability to conduct a dialogue develops, and, consequently, speech is enriched with appropriate syntactic forms, as well as vocabulary that reflects this area of ​​reality.

The teacher plans the topic of the conversation in advance: he selects materials, illustrations for it, conducts preparatory work with the children, thinks over the course of the conversation. The topic of this conversation should be close and understandable to children.

The duration of the conversation is 25 - 40 minutes. In a conversation, game techniques of an emotional nature are quite appropriate: small word games, game exercises, riddles, listening to music, reading fiction, physical education.

In each conversation, the teacher uses visual material. Its purpose is diverse: it helps to focus the attention of children, clarifies or enriches their knowledge, facilitates participation in a conversation by connecting various analyzers. The material used as a visual aid should clearly illustrate the program content of the conversation. In conversation, the educator:

    It clarifies and streamlines the experience of children, that is, those ideas and knowledge about the life of people and nature that children acquire during observations under the guidance of a teacher in a variety of activities, in the family, at school.

    Instills in children the right attitude to the world around them.

    It teaches children to think purposefully and consistently, without being distracted from the topic of the conversation.

    It teaches you to express your thoughts simply and clearly.

When conducting a conversation, the teacher should strive to ensure that all children are active participants in it. In conversations, children acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities that are necessary for later life.

Questions are the main method of learning in a conversation. Questions of varying complexity are used: both in content and in form. Particularly important are questions that require children to make inferences, judgments that establish connections between objects.

In the conversation, various methods of vocabulary work are used, for teaching the native language, for activating, enriching, clarifying the vocabulary of children.

State budget educational institution

middle vocational education Moscow city

Service College #3

Compiled by:

Methodist Larionova I.E.



An open training session is a form of dissemination and promotion of best practices, a form methodical work teacher, an effective element of the educational and educational process.

aim open training session is to show advanced forms and methods of educational work, analysis of the didactic effectiveness of the use of technical teaching aids and the use of computers, generalization of techniques scientific organization and control of the educational process.

task a teacher preparing an open lesson is a demonstration of teaching methods, improvement of individual techniques, pedagogical findings, the formation of a system of educational work with students. For open lesson any type of training sessions for any form of training can be used.

At the beginning of the academic year, schedules for conducting open classes for each subject-cycle commission are drawn up, on the basis of which educational part is single schedule conducting open classes in the college by semesters. When planning open classes, it is advisable to entrust their conduct, first of all, to experienced, creatively working teachers. Novice (young) teachers can also be involved in conducting open classes if they have interesting pedagogical findings.

When planning open classes, it is necessary to determine the specific methodological goal of each of the classes. The choice of the topic of an open lesson is given to the teacher who conducts the lesson. Other things being equal, the benefits should be given to more difficult topics programs that are necessary for the implementation of interdisciplinary connections are not sufficiently covered in the methodological literature, require pedagogical findings in the methodology of their presentation, etc.

When planning open training sessions, they should be evenly distributed among study groups. It is not advisable to plan open lessons for September (the time of organizational events), January, June (the time of sessions).

The level of an open lesson should reflect the scientific nature and accuracy of the factual material, the use recent achievements science in the issue under consideration, the implementation of educational, educational and developmental tasks. The methodological optimality of classes should determine: the correctness of the chosen type of use of visibility, TCO, new methods in teaching; proper timing for structural elements lessons and other components. The use of new pedagogical technologies, techniques and methods of teaching, with the help of which the objectives of the lesson are realized, the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities based on the independent cognitive activity of students, are the main requirements for an open lesson. An open lesson should serve as an illustration of the conclusions that the teacher has come to as a result of a pedagogical experiment or on the basis of many years of experience. Before holding an open lesson, it is recommended to discuss issues related to its holding at a meeting of the PCC.

Preparation for an open lesson is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the optimal methodology for conducting a lesson: analysis of the content of the educational material; analysis of the features of teaching a particular group in a given lesson; choice of forms, methods and means of training; a brief description of the course of the lesson in accordance with the requirements of the lesson plan.

It is necessary to begin preparation with the formulation of the methodological goal of the open lesson, which in without fail should be discussed with colleagues. The choice of the topic of an open lesson is made by the teacher independently, taking into account the analysis of the material on which he can better show the improvements, techniques and methods developed by him, the organization of students' educational activities on different stages lessons. In accordance with the methodological purpose of the lesson, the teacher chooses such educational material, which will allow you to most fully reveal the methodology that forms the basis of its pedagogical excellence. When preparing for an open lesson, the teacher must use up-to-date information, select materials from pedagogical, scientific, technical and methodological literature, use the results of visiting technical or methodological exhibitions, advanced enterprises, organizations. All this will help to make the lesson interesting and informative, will allow students to keep abreast of modern achievements. For an open lesson, it is necessary to draw up a plan with a clear and reasonable distribution of the time of the lesson. The material and technical equipment of the lesson must be thought out and prepared in advance. Instruments and equipment should be tested in operation, computer technology, TCO, computers and consider the sequence of their use in the classroom.

Visual aids and audiovisual aids must be selected so that their use gives the best effect to achieve the goals. It should be remembered that too a large number of visual aids scatters the attention of students.

The subject-cycle commission should provide needed help teacher in preparing an open lesson, in discussing the plan for its implementation, methodological and technical equipment lessons.

A complete set of materials that determine the methodological support of an open lesson includes the following documents:

  • calendar-thematic plan;
  • lesson plan, lecture notes;
  • a set of materials on various types of control;
  • didactic and handout material;
  • tasks for independent work;
  • presentations and other materials on electronic media;
  • options for tasks or questions for issuing homework;
  • methodological development or recommendations for conducting a specific open lesson.

Depending on the form of training, the type of lesson, the appropriate components of the methodological support are selected.

The teacher who prepares an open lesson considers this lesson in the light of those pedagogical tasks which are the basis of his activities, so that the methods and means of influencing students, methods of organizing work in the classroom help other teachers critically evaluate what they see, and arouse a desire to use individual elements in teaching their discipline. The methodological development can be supplemented and partially revised after an open lesson, so that everything valuable that is received in the course of the lesson is reflected in it and can be used by other teachers. The content and design of the methodological development must comply with the methodological requirements.

The prepared and executed methodological development, after approval at the meeting of the PCC, is submitted for consideration by the methodological Council and submitted to the methodological office.

An open session is held in a normal business setting.

The invitees enter the audience before the bell rings, occupy pre-prepared places, chosen so as to less distract the attention of students. All invitees must observe pedagogical tact, not interfere in the course of the lesson; do not express in the presence of the group their attitude towards the work of the teacher leading the lesson. Invited in the process of observation, they must follow how the teacher who leads the lesson achieves the goal, with the help of what methodological techniques and teaching aids he implements the requirements curriculum what are the results of his activities.

Discussion of an open lesson is held, as a rule, on the day of its holding. The purpose of the discussion is to assess the correctness of setting the goal of the lesson, the appropriateness of the chosen methods and means, assisting the teacher in focusing on the individual methodological techniques used, considering their effectiveness in terms of the tasks set. When discussing a lesson, questions to the teacher who conducted the lesson should be specific character(about individual techniques and methods of work, about specific phenomena of this lesson), do not divert the discussion from the goal.

The speeches of those present at the discussion of the lesson are recommended to be carried out in the following sequence:

  • the teacher who conducted the open lesson;
  • visiting lecturers;
  • chairman of the PCC;
  • Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, methodologist.

The first word is given to the teacher who conducted the open lesson. He must clearly give his assessment of the lesson, justify the choice of methods and means, the quality of their application, inform criticisms on the conduct of the training session and the content of the selected material. The speech of the teacher should help those present to understand his pedagogical intent, the features of the methods and techniques he uses, the leading goals that underlie his work.

Speaking teachers should analyze in detail the advantages and disadvantages of an open lesson, draw Special attention to achieve the goals of training, education and development, to the effectiveness of the methods used, the feasibility of using multimedia computer technology. During the discussions, it should be noted the shortcomings, mistakes made in the organization and content of the lesson, give advice on improving further work teacher. In conclusion, the deputy director for academic work and the methodologist speak. They sum up the discussion, note what was missed by the speakers, evaluate the techniques and methods used in the lesson, note the depth of disclosure of the set methodological goal of the open training session and draw conclusions about the advisability of further using the presented experience. During the analysis, speakers should evaluate not only the educational, but also educational role classes, its importance for the development of a specialty. The tone of the discussion should be businesslike and friendly. There is a need for a creative exchange of views, a discussion that will cause a desire not only to critically evaluate the work of colleagues, but also to creatively use his experience in work.

After the presentation of those present, the floor is again given to the teacher who conducted the lesson. He notes what comments he accepts, what he disagrees with and why, defends his point of view.

A well-organized discussion helps to reach a consensus on the fundamental methodological issues, introduce the results of an open lesson into pedagogical practice.

The results of the open lesson are brought to the attention of the entire teaching staff.