Speech therapy exercises for the sound sh. Synopsis of a speech therapist teacher at a school of the VIII type “Sound and letter“ Sh

- develop phonemic awareness, memory, attention, thinking.



Theme: "Fairy forest".

- to strengthen the skills of discrimination and clear pronunciation sound [W]
- determine the position of sound in words;
- to form word formations of nouns with a diminutive pet suffix;
- develop phonemic hearing, memory, attention, thinking.

Equipment: pictures, easels, Christmas trees, ball, cubes, envelope, hare.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizing time:
Listen to the words: bump, whisper, shorts, noise, closet. What sound do you think is repeated in all words? ([W]) Right. Today we will fix the sound [Ш]. Sit down, the Bunny came to visit us today. And I know the story about the Gardener Bunny.

It happened in the forest. A hare was galloping through the forest, and leaves had just begun to appear on the bushes, hungry for forest animals. And the hare remembered that people grow their own food and decided to plant a garden too. He took a shovel and went to the clearing.

Exercise "Shovel"

Digs and suddenly hears someone hissing:
- Hey, bunny, what are you doing?
I am digging a garden to grow food.
The snake raised its head, examined everything and praised the hare.

Exercise "Funny snake"

Suddenly, a hedgehog runs past, and sees a dried fungus.

Exercise "Fungus".

Exercise "Delicious jam."

All summer the hare looked after the garden, grew so many cabbages that he had to call a horse to take away the crop.
Exercise "Horse"

All the animals were happy, only the snake hissed loudly and angrily, because she does not eat cabbage: shhhh, and then softly: shhhh.
The snake crawled away and took the sound [Ш] with it. The bunny was upset, now he has become not a bunny, but a bunny. Let's help find the sound [Ш]. But the snake will give it back only when you complete its tasks. And for this we will go to the fairy forest.

First, let's practice hearing the sound [Ш].
1. I will name the words and if you hear [Ш], make some noise with a rattle.
Take rattles. Make noise, potatoes, fur coat, bus, chocolate, cheese, cherry, house, shorts.

2. I see you are ready and we go on a trip, get on the train and go:
Walked, walked, walked. We've arrived.
Listen to the noise of the trees and repeat:
Shi-sha-shu ash-osh-osh
Shta-shtu-shtu shka-shki-shku
Asha-osho-ushu ishk-ashk-oshk

3 . Look, the snake left the ball in the clearing and wants us to play the game "Tell the word." I say the beginning of the word, and you add the syllable "Shka".

We are shka hole - shka
I'll lie down - shka quaku - shka
Matre - shka nevalya - shka
Karto-shka Anto-shka
Mi - shka bunny - shka

4. Fizminutka:
We walked through the forest,
Many cones were found.
The children ran on
And we met a frog.
jumping frog -
Eyes on top.
Hide from the frog
Mosquitoes and flies.

5 . Look, the Christmas trees are without cones, the cones are here, but they are not simple, but with pictures. Select the pictures, in the name of which there is a sound [Ш]. And now you need to hang the cones on the Christmas trees: (Ball, scarf, wardrobe, porridge, roof, frog, pencil, reed, finish, chestnut, coil, brooch, tire).
- on the first Christmas tree pictures in which the sound [w] at the beginning of the word;
- on the second Christmas tree pictures in which the sound [w] is in the middle of the word;
- on the third Christmas tree pictures in which the sound [w] at the end of the word.

6. But the snake left a letter with the task: Name the picture so that the sound “Sh” appears:

House - house Hare - hare
Rooster - cockerelShok Bread - bread Shek
Nest-nests shko

7. The squirrel has a hollow
It's cozy and warm there.
In the hollow of a squirrel without haste
Gnawing delicious nuts.
The squirrel ran away, but left the nuts, we will give them to the squirrel. To do this, you must remember and name the words with the sound "Sh". Name the word and climb to the next branch.

8 . We returned the sound [Ш] to the Bunny and he again became the Bunny. He thanks you, but I feel sorry for him, because he has nowhere to live. Let's help him build a house. And the walls near the house should be made of pictures with the sound [Ш].

9. Guys, you found the sound [Ш], but there is also the letter [Ш]. What is the difference between a sound and a letter. We hear and speak sounds, we see and write letters. Show the Bunny the letter [Ш]. Lay out on a piece of paper.

Well done! All the tasks were completed and the hare is satisfied and the snake praises you, and they prepared treats for you. What do I have in my hands? (Pouch) And in the pouch? (nuts) How many nuts? (six) Take evenly.
What sound are we looking for today? ([W])
What task of the snake do you remember?
What game would you like to play next?

Thank you, class is over.

1. Automate the sound [w] in syllables, words, sentences.
2. Extract sound from words, divide words into syllables.
3. Phonemic analysis of words like CAT.
4. Introduce children to the letter Sh.
5. Read direct and reverse syllables.

EQUIPMENT: subject pictures, pencil cases, letter, sticks, toys.


1. Organizing moment.

The children are seated.

Guys, look, we have guests. Let's get up, turn to the guests and say hello.
- Today at the lesson we will get acquainted with a new sound. But first, let's remember how a sound differs from a letter. (We pronounce and hear sounds, and we write and read letters).

We can't see the sound
And we can't take it.
We can only hear the sound
And also to say it.

What two groups are all sounds divided into? (Sounds are divided into vowels and consonants).

How do vowels differ from consonants? (When pronouncing a vowel sound, the air does not encounter obstacles and therefore the sound can be pulled for a long time. The consonant sound does not stretch, because when it is pronounced, the air encounters obstacles).

The vowels are drawn to the ringing song.
They may cry and weep.
Calling and haunting in the dark forest,
But they do not want to whistle and grumble.

And the consonants agree
Whisper, whisper, creak,
Even snort and hiss,
But they don't want to sing.

2. Reporting the topic of the lesson. Sound characteristic [w] articulatory and acoustic features.

Now we will talk about the new sound. And the music from the famous and beloved cartoon will help us in this.
Children listen to music.

Guys, name the heroes of the fairy tale "Crocodile Gena and his friends." (This is Cheburashka, the girl Galya, the lion Chandr, the old woman Shapoklyak, the rat Lariska, etc.).

Listen to who sings this song (Cheburashka's song sounds). Look who came to visit us today.
The speech therapist puts a Cheburashka toy on the desk.

Cheburashka came to complain to us about one harmful old woman who interferes with doing good deeds and helping people. Have you guessed who it is? (Shapoklyak).

A drawing depicting the old woman Shapoklyak is put up on the board.

Correctly. Maybe today she will see our occupation, such smart and diligent children, and she will also become smarter and kinder. Can we help her with this?

Do you know why the old woman's name is Shapoklyak? She was named after the ancient headdress she wears.

So, what is the first sound we hear in the old woman's name? (This is the sound [w]).

Articulation of sound (tongue in a cup, lips rounded), characteristic (consonant, solid, deaf).

This sound has a peculiarity, it is never soft, always hard. What character's name has this sound in it? (Cheburashka).

In what part of the word do we hear it? (The sound [w] is heard in the middle of a word).

3. Sound automation [w] in syllables.

Cheburashka was coming to our lesson from afar. He walked through the forest and listened. And the forest was noisy: “Ash-osh-osh-ish! (Cheburashka became alert).
Shta-shtu-shtu-shta! (frightened.) "But then the leaves whispered:" Shu-shu-shu. And Cheburashka calmed down. What sounds did you hear in the whisper of the leaves? (Sounds [w], [y].) Complete them with the sound [m]. What word came out? (Noise.) "Scatter" the sounds of the word noise. How many sounds are in it?

4. Phonemic analysis of words.

Look who met Cheburashka on the way (bear, cat).
Phonemic analysis of the words bear, cat.

5. Sound automation [w] in words.

Cheburashka came out of the forest and came to us.

a) The game "Name the picture." Pictures of various colors are displayed. At the edge grew ... (daisies, lilies of the valley, porridge), on the river ... (water lilies, capsules). On the bank of the river, Cheburashka saw ... (pebbles), on a pine tree - ... (cones), on a hazel tree - ... (nuts). They grew under the bush ... (waves). What bird did Cheburashka see on a tree? (Cuckoo.)

b) The game "Add a word."

The speech therapist speaks on behalf of Cheburashka, and the children help lead the story.

I walked through the forest and a wave ... (found). Then I went into the forest ... (went), into the thicket of the forest ... (went) and to the hut ... (went), then into the hut ... (went), nothing was there ... (found), further ... (went). To the tree I ... (went up), there I am sweet honey ... (found). Along the path ... (went) and to your lesson ... (came).

c) Game: "Lay out the pictures." Dividing words into syllables.

Cheburashka walked along the road and saw 3 houses.
There are three houses on the board (one-story, two-story and three-story). The children have pictures on the table. Children should arrange their pictures into houses depending on the number of syllables in the word.

6. Fizminutka (carried out on the carpet).

Listen to the poem and do the actions.

Make a circle!
Wider circle!
Right friend.
Left friend.
We're going in circles
Let's sing a song.
Our group is friendly.
We live happily.

Now get your hands ready.

Boys and girls are friends in our group.
We will make friends with you little fingers.
One, two, three, four, five
Start counting again.
One, two, three, four, five
We've finished counting.

7. Sound automation [w] in sentences. Analysis of the composition of the proposal.

Now make a sentence with your word. The sentence must have five words. Show Cheburashka how we denote the words in the sentence. Offer analysis.

Cheburashka wants to play rhyming words with you. Look, he brought you an envelope. Here are written "mixed" verses. Listen carefully and correct mistakes (children repeat correct sentences fully).

With a friend, we played cups ... (checkers).
They drank tea from a white checker ... (cups).
A bump came out of the mink ... (mouse).
A mouse fell on her ... (bump).
Cones were sitting under the bush ... (mice).
Mice hung on a pine tree ... (cones).
A cat flew in the air ... (midge).
The midge lapped milk ... (cat).
There was a cat on the table ... (bowl).
There was a bowl on the floor ... (cat).

8. Acquaintance with the letter Sh: tracing along the contour, typing it with a finger on the table, composing from sticks.

Oh, and there seems to be something else in the envelope. Look, these are letters.

Reading syllables. Rule: the letter Y never follows the letter Sh.


Our guests enjoyed the activity very much. Now the Old Woman Shapoklyak will no longer misbehave and, like you, will go to school.
Let's remember what we talked about today? Name the words with the sound [w].
The lesson is over.

Prepared and conducted
teacher-speech therapist Martyanova K.N.

Topic of the lesson: “Sound [Sh]”


  • Fix the articulation pattern of sound [Ш];
  • Automate the sound [Ш] in syllables (direct, reverse, with confluence), in words, sentences;
  • Develop phonemic awareness;
  • Improve the skills of finding the position of the sound [Ш] in the word;
  • Develop attention, memory, thinking.


  • Subject pictures: Tire, cuckoo, ears, gun, grandmother; Dasha washes her neck and ears in the shower, Misha hangs up her fur coat, Natasha eats dryers, Grandpa lies on the couch.
  • Cards with pictures with sound [Ш] and without it.

Lesson progress

I. Articulation gymnastics.

  • Wide open mouth;
  • watch;
  • Soccer ball;
  • Cup;
  • Reach out with your tongue to your nose, to your chin.

II. Articulation pattern of sound [Ш].

Tell me where is the language when we pronounce the sound [Ш]?
Is it wide or narrow?

III. Sound Automation

✒ Isolated:
In.: Tell me how the snake hisses.

Exercise "The ball burst."
We inflate an imaginary balloon, then it deflates with the sound [Ш].
All this is accompanied by movement.

✒ In syllables:
In: Repeat after me:
sho - sho - sho
shi - shi - shi
she - she - she sha - sho - shu - shi - she
sho - shu - shi - she - sha
shu - shi - she - sha - sho
shi - she - sha - sho - shu
she - sha - sho - shu - shi

✒ In words:
In: Name the pictures.

Tire, cuckoo, ears, cannon.

In .: Repeat the words after me - in threes:

Cockerel - scallop - strap.
Tire - car - buckthorn.
Babies - reeds - lilies of the valley.
I breathe - wear - carcass.
Masha - Dasha - Pasha.
Andryusha - Tanyusha - Valyusha.
Yours - ours - porridge.
Misha - Pasha - Yasha.
Natasha - Tanyusha - Katyusha.

Toys "hid" in different places in the room: a bear on the closet, a cat under the closet, a puppy behind the closet, a doll between the chair and the closet on the floor.


  1. Where are the toys hidden?
  2. Where is the bear hiding?
  3. Where is the cat hiding?
  4. Where is the puppy hiding?

IV. Formation of phonemic hearing.

In.: If you hear the sound [Ш], clap your hands.

Fur coat, table, bumblebee, tulle, scarf, maple, chestnut, cake, rod, silk.

In .: say where the sound [Ш] is in words (at the beginning, middle or end of a word).
Match each picture with the correct diagram.
Cheesecake, collar, wallet, barbell, shower, tire, chocolate, reeds.

In.: Look at the pictures and say what they show.
What is grandpa doing? (Grandfather lies on the couch.)
This is Natasha, Natasha, what is she doing? (Natasha eats drying)
This is Misha, what is Misha doing? (Misha hangs up a fur coat)
This is Dasha, what is she doing? (Dasha washes her neck and ears in the shower).

V. Development of memory, attention, thinking.

In: Name the pictures. Remember them.
Close eyes. (The speech therapist first removes one, then more pictures and asks the child to say what is gone).
In.: There are cards in front of you, name what is drawn on them.
TV, computer, tape recorder, frog.
In.: What is superfluous? Why? (Frog)
Package, bag, briefcase, hat.
In.: What is superfluous? Why? (hat)
Ball, butterfly, centipede, bee.
In.: What is superfluous? Why? (ball)

VI. Summarizing.

In.: Color only those pictures in which there is a sound [Ш].

Svetlana Stolbova
Speech therapy. Topic: sound and the letter "Sh".


Develop phonemic awareness

Automate sound [W] in words, syllables, text

Ability to find places sound in a word

Fix pronunciation sounds in words

Teach inflection

Consolidate a skill sound-letter and sound-syllabic analysis of words

Acquaintance with letter W

Development of fine motor skills (learn to accompany speech with hand movements)

Develop attention, thinking, memory

Expand words knowledge

Explanation of the spelling of proper names


Pictures from sound [W], envelopes with individual cards, flashlights, schemes, figurines of the cartoon characters "Masha and the Bear", a notebook, a pencil, stencils with a picture of a hedgehog, " syllabus"

Lesson progress:

1. Organizing moment - name the first sound in name.

2. Attention game "The Fourth Extra".

Four pictures are exhibited, of which the "extra" sound [W], which is in different positions ("tire", "machine", "bucket")

Speech therapist: "Guys, what sound we hear most often in the names of these pictures?

Suggested Answer: « Sound"sh"

3. Speech therapist: "Guys, let's practice pronouncing sound [W] is correct. Take your mirrors, please."

Articulation gymnastics.

"Fence", "Tubule", "Window", "Shovel", "Swing", "Cup", "Delicious jam"

To the sound came out nice,

Wider tongue and higher.

Breathing exercises "Inflate the Ball".

4. Feature sound.

[Ш]-consonant, always hard, deaf, hissing.

They started the car - Sh-Sh-Sh!

Pumped up the tire - Sh-Sh-Sh!

Smiled more cheerfully

And let's go quickly!

Children imitate the movement of the car and go to visit the heroes of the fairy tale.

5. Task for automation sound

Speech therapist: “Oh, trouble, guys! A hedgehog without needles runs along the road. He must have gotten sick. Can we help the hedgehog? He will show us the way to our heroes.”

(children on the template draw needles to the hedgehog, saying sound [W])

6. Playback syllabic rows:

A) sha-sho-shu

B) ash-osh-osh-ysh


B) asha-osha-isha


D) shma-shmo-shmoo



Shi-shi-shi - the kids quieted down.

Sho-sho-sho - we walk well.

Shu-shu-shu - I sit and do not rustle.

Sha-sha-sha - our Masha is good.

7. Task: highlight the given sound by ear(flashlights).

Appear fairy-tale heroes, Masha and the Bear.

Masha: "Guys, did you call me?"

Speech therapist: "Guys meet sound [W]. Would you like to help us?"

Children highlight sound[SH] using flashlights in:

A) in syllables

B) in words

B) in a poem

We were with the mouse

Drinking tea from cups

They ate cheesecakes,

Cakes and donuts.

The mouse played

On the harmonica

Danced from the heart

She became fun.

Speech therapist: "Mishutka learns to speak, correctly pronounce sounds. Place sound in the word to look for and clearly name it.

8. Game "Find sound in a word» - With speech therapist pictures are hung on flannelgraph.

9. Sound analysis words("Masha" and "Misha")

10. Game "I-you-he-they-we": (changing words according to the model).

A) I interfere and you interfere, he interferes and she interferes, they interfere and we interfere.

I sew and you...

I darn and you...

I write and you...

I'm in a hurry and you...

B) I darn pants for a teddy bear.

11. Game "Divide words into syllables"

Speech therapist: "tired of the bear sleeping in the den, he divides the words into syllables".

Mice, mouse, fur coat, hat, car, frog...

Speech therapist: “Guys, open the envelopes, take a picture. This is a gift to Masha and Misha.” (children see hang pictures in " sound house")

There is a house in the meadow,

Well, the way to the house is closed.

I open the gate

I invite you to visit the house,

Say words by syllables

And hurry to the gate.

12. Physical education "The bear walked, walked, walked ..."

13. Introduction to letter.

a) Speech therapist: "What is the difference sound from a letter

b) Display letters

c) Name letters and sound.

d) Explanation of the spelling of proper names

14. Children type letter, syllables, words (Masha, Misha)

15. Finger gymnastics

A car was walking down the street

There was a car without gasoline,

There was a car without a driver,

No traffic light.

Went on her own, not knowing where

The car was running.

16. Bottom line lessons


"Oh, thanks, kids!

I will treat you all with a carpet!


"Oh, thank you, kids!

I will treat everyone with a delicious cone!

Synopsis of a subgroup speech therapy lesson

speech therapy topic: Differentiation w - w.

Grammar theme: Spelling zhi - shi.

Target: Learn to differentiate w and w.


speech therapy:

Learn to differentiate the sounds of Sh and Zh by sonority - deafness.

Form a skill correct spelling combinations of Zhi and Shi.

Enrich and activate active and passive subject vocabulary.

Develop sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

To consolidate the skill of writing the letters Zh and Sh in syllables, words.


Develop logical thinking.

Develop auditory attention.

Develop auditory and visual perception.

Develop dialogic speech.


1. To form the skills of cooperation, a friendly relationship between children.

2. Cultivate an attentive attitude to the tasks given by the speech therapist.

Equipment: board; individual mirrors; a set of symbols to indicate the characteristics of a sound; subject pictures to highlight the first sound in words (giraffe, beetle, hat, cone); table with letters; cards; Lined workbooks.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizing time:

1. Psychological attitude.

Speech therapist: Hello guys! We're getting ready for the job. Sit down please. Check if you are sitting correctly at your desk.

Desk is not a bed

And you can't lie on it.

You sit at your desk harmoniously

And behave with dignity.

Speech therapist: Well done! I see that you are ready to work.

II. Repetition:

Speech therapist: Please look at the table with the letters:

A, a; U, u; Oh, oh; s; And, and;

K, k; P, p; T, t; Z, s; In, in.

Speech therapist: Let's repeat the letters, read in unison.

(children in unison read the letter that the teacher points to).

Speech therapist: Name the vowels.

Speech therapist: Today we will talk a lot. And to make it easier for us to speak, we need to prepare the muscles of the face, tongue, lips.

Articulation gymnastics.


(exercise "Fatties")


(exercise "Thin")


(exercise "Smile")


(exercise "Tube")


(exercise "Smile")


(exercise "Sail")


(corresponding to "Sail" movements)


(repetition of these movements with the tongue in the position of the “Bridge” exercise)


(alternate puffing of cheeks - lips do not let air through)

III. Main part:

Introduction to the topic:

Speech therapist: To find out what inhabitants of the camps of sounds and letters we will get acquainted with, we need to find a common consonant sound in the words: fur coat, reed, car.

(speech therapist puts the letter Sh on the board)

Speech therapist: Well done! Find a common consonant in the words: toad, beetle, hedgehogs.

(speech therapist puts the letter F on the board)

Speech therapist: Well done! What sounds and letters do you think we will work with today?

(suggested responses of children: W - F)

Linguistic material: fur coat, reed, car; toad, beetle, hedgehog.

Sound characteristics:

Speech therapist: Let's compare the sounds Ш and Ж. How they are similar and how they differ (according to the table):

(Children use individual mirrors to determine the articulatory structure of sounds. Together with the children, a characteristic of sounds is given. Their similarity and difference are determined. Symbols of sounds are displayed).


consonant consonant

lips with a straw lips with a straw

teeth close together teeth close together

warm air jet warm air jet

[W]- wide tongue upper teeth, lips are rounded, a warm stream of air passes through the middle of the tongue. The sound is consonant, hard, deaf.

[AND]- a wide tongue behind the upper teeth, lips are rounded, a warm stream of air passes through the middle of the tongue, work vocal cords. The sound is consonant, solid, sonorous.

Development of phonemic hearing.

Speech therapist: Clap if you hear a syllable with the sound Sh, stomp if you hear a syllable with the sound Zh.

Linguistic material: Zha, sha, zhu, zhi, ush, ash, already, osh, already.

Exercise: Reverse.

Speech therapist: Now we will play the game "On the contrary." If I come up with a word with the sound Sh, then you are with the sound Zh. (if the children do not cope, the task changes - If I name a syllable with the sound Zh, then you are with the sound Sh).


Finger gymnastics "Days of the week"

Speech therapist: Let's prepare our pens for writing.

On Monday I washed

On Tuesday I swept the dust

On Wednesday I baked kalach,

Played ball all Thursday.

On Friday I washed cups of soap

I bought a cake on Saturday.

All girlfriends on Sunday

Invited for a birthday!

Determining the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end).

Speech therapist: Our hands and fingers are warm and ready to work. Write down two words in your notebook: BEETLE, GIRAFFE.

Linguistic material: BEETLE, GIRAFFE.

Speech therapist: How many vowels are in the word ZUK?

(suggested responses of children: one).

Speech therapist: How many vowels are in the word GIRAFFE?

(suggested responses of children: two).

(suggested answers of children: from the sound [Ж]).

Speech therapist: Right. There are charts in front of you. You need to determine the position of the sound Zh in words (put a button on Right place: beginning, middle, end).

Speech therapist: Where is the sound [Ж] in these words?

(suggested responses of children: the sound [Ж] is at the beginning of the word).

Speech therapist: What vowel is in the word BEETLE after the letter Zh?

(suggested responses of children: Y).

Speech therapist: And in the word GIRAFFE?

Speech therapist: We get 2 syllables: ZHU and ZHI. Say these syllables and listen, does the sound Zh sound the same in these syllables?

(suggested responses of children: no:

in the syllable ZhU it is hard, and in the syllable ZhI it is soft).

Speech therapist: We pronounce with me and follow the sound: ZHU-ZHI, ZHU-ZHI, ZHU-ZHI

(children repeat in chorus after a speech therapist).

Speech therapist: So how do we hear the sound [Ж]?

Speech therapist: Remember: the sound [Ж] is always solid!

Speech therapist: Now write down the words HAT, Bump.

Speech therapist: Take a red pencil and put dots under the vowels.

Speech therapist: What sound do these words begin with?

(from the sound [Ш]).

Speech therapist: On the diagram cards, determine where the sound [Ш] is in these words?

(suggested responses of children: the sound [Ш] is at the beginning of the word).

Speech therapist: In the word HAT, after the letter Ш, what is the vowel?

(suggested responses of children: A).

Speech therapist: And in the word Bump?

(suggested responses of children: I).

Speech therapist: We have 2 syllables: SHA and SHI, do they sound [Sh] the same way, or in different ways?

(suggested responses of children:

differently: in the SHA syllable it is hard, and in the SHI syllable it is soft).

Speech therapist: Listen carefully and repeat after me: SHA-SHI, SHA-SHI, SHA-SHI. So, how does the sound [Ш] sound?

(suggested responses of children: the same).

Speech therapist: Remember: the sound [Ш], like the sound [Ж], is always solid! You see, it turns out that not all consonants represent two sounds - hard and soft. There are such letters - Zh and Sh, which, no matter what vowel comes after them, are always pronounced firmly.

One more thing must be said about these letters: they once quarreled with the letter Y and do not allow it to stand nearby. The letter Y never comes after Zh and Sh. Therefore, combinations of ZhI and SHI are always written with the letter I.

(On the desk: ZhI - SHI - write with I)

Speech therapist: Write down the words on the boards: AWL, UZHI, SKI. Take a red pencil and underline the combinations of Zhi, SHI.

Fizminutka: Multimedia ("The sun is radiant").

Voice charging.(speech therapist sets the rhythm with clapping)

Speech therapist: Repeat after me:

zha - zha - zha - zha - we saw a snake

sha - sha - sha - sha - mother washes the baby

zhu - zhu - zhu - zhu - hurry to the hedgehog

shu - shu - shu - shu - I'm writing a letter to my wife

Sha-sha-sha - Dasha has porridge.

Shu-shu-shu - Dasha eats porridge.

Ash-ash-ash - Pasha has a hut.

Osh-osh-osh - Misha has a ladle.

(Children in chorus repeat tongue-twisters after a speech therapist).

Work in a notebook.

Speech therapist: You have cards on your table, you need to insert combinations of ZhI or SHI. What letter do you write them with?

(suggested responses of children: with I).

IV. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist: What did we do today at the lesson?

(suggested answers of children: they learned to distinguish between the sounds Ш and Ж, to write the combinations ZhI - SHI correctly.

Children can list the types of work they did).

Speech therapist: To fix correct spelling ZHI - SHI, solve the crossword puzzle.

1. What do humans and animals need to hear. (ears)

2. Who walks in needles? (Hedgehog)

3. Small, gray, live in a mink. (mice)

4. She jumps up on her forehead when you hit hard, and grows on a Christmas tree. (cone)

5. Spotted animal with a long neck, lives in Africa. (giraffe)

Speech therapist: Our lesson has come to an end. At home, come up with 5 words - with the letter F and 5 words - with the letter S.

We_, ly_, but_, lu_, pi_, ma_, kry_, ska_, spe_, layer_, stre_, polo_, doka_, write_, ma_na, polo_la.

Card No. 1 NAME ___________________

We_, ly_, but_, lu_, pi_, ma_, kry_, ska_, spe_, layer_, stre_, polo_, doka_, write_, ma_na, polo_la.

Card No. 1 NAME ___________________

We_, ly_, but_, lu_, pi_, ma_, kry_, ska_, spe_, layer_, stre_, polo_, doka_, write_, ma_na, polo_la.

Card No. 1 NAME ___________________

We_, ly_, but_, lu_, pi_, ma_, kry_, ska_, spe_, layer_, stre_, polo_, doka_, write_, ma_na, polo_la.

Card No. 1 NAME ___________________

We_, ly_, but_, lu_, pi_, ma_, kry_, ska_, spe_, layer_, stre_, polo_, doka_, write_, ma_na, polo_la.

Card No. 1 NAME ___________________

We_, ly_, but_, lu_, pi_, ma_, kry_, ska_, spe_, layer_, stre_, polo_, doka_, write_, ma_na, polo_la.