Abstract of an English lesson for preschoolers on the topic of color. Abstract of an English lesson for preschoolers on the topic: "Repetition of topics:" Colors "," Numbers ""

Abstract open class on English language for preschoolers on the theme "All the colors of the rainbow."

Author: Hemerova Galina Alexandrovna, teacher additional education MBOU DOD Center "Constellation", Shatura, Moscow Region. Creative association"English language".
Material Description: This abstract is offered to teachers of additional education of a socio-pedagogical orientation for conducting classes in English in a group of preschoolers. This abstract will help teachers in conducting a thematic lesson.
Lesson topic:"All Colors of the Rainbow"
Target: to implement communication as an element of game modeling, the formation communicative competence in children.
1. educational - learn new lexical units: color, red, green, yellow, blue, orange; consolidate the use of the grammatical construction “I see a red pencil” in speech; work out new LEs (lexical units) in speech;
2. developing - to develop the speech perception skills of the teacher and students in the group on foreign language;
3. educational - to develop the ability to work in a group;
Equipment: multi-colored cards, magnetic board, soft toys, multi-colored pencils, glove puppet;
Time of the lesson: 30 minutes.

Lesson progress:

The first stage of the lesson. Introduction of a new lexical material.

(Cards are attached on the magnetic board - multi-colored squares)
Teacher: - Guys, do you like summer? In summer the sun always shines and the birds sing. But sometimes it rains. And after rain, a colorful rainbow often appears in the sky. Today we will try to learn the names of the most bright colors rainbows in english. Let's take a closer look at the new English words!
(The teacher introduces the children to new words in English, pronounces them: red, green, yellow, blue, orange, colour. The children repeat the pronunciation of the new words after the teacher)
Teacher: Guys! Alice doll came to visit us. She wants to know what colors you know and asks you a question in English: “What colors do you know?” Who will answer Alice to this question?
(The teacher uses a glove puppet. There is a dialogue in the mode: teacher = student)
The second stage of the lesson. Development of vocabulary in oral speech.
Teacher: Now let's play! The game is called "Pass the card!"
(The game is in the mode: teacher = student 1 = student 2, etc. Children pass each other color card naming its color. The teacher calls the word beforehand).
The third stage of the lesson. Physical education minute
Teacher: Guys! You worked hard and were a little tired. It's time for a gym session.
– Stand up! Turn to the right! Turn to the left! Hop! Fly! Swim! Hand up! Hand down! Jump! Sit down!
(Children follow the teacher's commands)
The fourth stage of the lesson. Consolidation in the speech of the structure "I see a red pencil"
Teacher: I have colored pencils. I will show you a pencil, and you will tell me: what color pencil do you see. Begin!
(Using grammatical construction“I see a red pencil” children practice pronunciation of new words on the topic. The design is being worked out in the mode: teacher = student)
Fifth stage of the lesson. Consolidation of LE on the topic "All the colors of the rainbow"
Teacher: - Today we learned what the main and brightest colors of the rainbow are called. Let's remember how they sound in English! (Children call LE. There is a frontal survey)
The sixth stage of the lesson. Summarizing. Homework.
Teacher: - Dear children, you all worked very well today and learned so much! You made me very happy. Everyone worked actively and deserved excellent grades.
At home, you must prepare colored squares (red, green, yellow, blue, orange) and remember how these colors are called in English. This will be your homework.
And now it's time to say goodbye. thank you! good bye! see you later! (Thank you! Goodbye! See you!) Children answer: Good-bye!

Abstract of an English lesson on the topic:
"Repetition. Colors. Numbers.

Lesson Objectives: Review colors with children (black, white, yellow, green, red, pink, brown, blue, orange, purple, grey). Train in correct pronunciation sounds [w], [t], [r], . Train the speech structure: “This dog is white”, “That dog is black”. Play the game "Treat the gnomes with fruits and vegetables"; train attention, perseverance, memory. Repeat the numbers from 1 to 10. Train children in counting from 1 to 10. Play the game "How many.?".

Equipment: colored stripes, multi-colored gnomes, multi-colored little men, numbers, video songs.

Lesson progress:
1. Organizational moment.
Teacher: - Good evening, children! I'm glad to see you.
D .: - Good evening!
Teacher: - Today we will repeat Colors. It will be interesting. Therefore, we are preparing the tongues for warming up.

2. Speech warm-up.
Teacher: - 1. Show everyone has a tongue - Mr. Tang! Our mouth is his house, where there are walls, floor, ceiling, doors and even a fence!
-Come on, tongue, open the doors (open your mouth), and now close (close your mouth). And now he touched the floor, jumped to the ceiling. There is a slide (alveoli) on the ceiling near the tongue, did you guys find the slide? I will tell you a secret: the tongue loves to sit on this hill. Come on, tongue, jump up the hill! The tongue liked sitting on the hill so much, and he sang,.
2. The tongue loves to read fairy tales, but it is very dark in his house. So when he reads, he lights a candle. And when Mr. Tan goes to bed, he blows out the candle, like this: .(x-x-x) And one day the tongue accidentally stepped on his cat's tail, he exclaimed .
3. "Here early in the morning, Mr. Tongue wakes up and jumps out of bed. How cold it is in the house! This is because the stove has completely cooled down overnight. Mr Tongue is shivering from the cold. We find tubercles for upper teeth. When the Uvula trembles, it hits the tip of these tubercles: [d], [d], [d]! But suddenly he hears such sounds from the bathroom: . It's dripping water from a faucet that he didn't close well in the evening. The tip of the tongue hits the bumps behind the upper teeth, like drops on the bottom of the sink: [t], [t], [t]!
3. Repetition of material. Watching and learning the song "The Rainbow Colors Song".

The Rainbow Colors Song

Red, oh
range, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink

beautiful rainbow in the sky
It's a rainbow, it's a rainbow
beautiful rainbow in the sky
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink
It's a rainbow, it's a rainbow

beautiful rainbow in the sky
It's a rainbow, it's a rainbow
beautiful rainbow in the sky
beautiful rainbow in the sky
Beautiful rainbow in the sky.

4. Physical education.

One, one, one (show index finger)
I can run! (run in place)
Two, two, two (show 2 fingers)
I can jump too! (jump in place)
Three, three, three (show 3 fingers)
look at me! (child freezes in a funny pose)

5. The game "Who lives in the house?"
Children are offered houses in which gnomes in colored clothes need to be settled. Pink house - pink gnomes, Blue house - blue gnomes, Gray gnome - gray gnomes. Settling the gnomes, children call the color in English.

Game "Treat the gnomes with fruits and vegetables"

The gnomes have come to visit. Children are offered to treat the gnomes with fruits (vegetables). What fruits and vegetables do you think gnomes like? For example, a yellow gnome loves a banana, a red gnome loves a red apple. Why do you think? Children treat the gnomes, call the colors in English.

Game "How many?" I ask a question, for example: “How many eyes?” Pointing to my own eyes. Children name the required number.

6. Watching the video "Counting from 1 to 10".

Game "Name the number"
The teacher draws some numbers on the board. Then they are called in Russian and English. Children close their eyes, the teacher erases the number, the children guess and call in English.

Watching the Purple video.

7. Summing up.
Teacher: - What numbers did we learn?
D: From 1 to 10.
8. Farewell.
Well done! Well done! We've done great. And now, the lesson is over! Good bye, kids!

Teacher: Kashikova Galina Vladimirovna

Abstract of an English lesson with children 5 years old on the topic "Colors"

The purpose of the lesson: Formation of interest in learning English in preschool children.

Tasks: 1. Introduce children to vocabulary on the topic "Colours".

2. Develop speaking skills.

3. Build listening skills

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment. Speech workout.

Teacher: Good morning children! I am glad to see you! My name is Galina Vladimirovna. What is your name?

Children: (one at a time) My name is ...

Teacher: How old are you?

Children: I am five

Teacher : What is your favorite color?What is your favorite color? Today we will learn how to answer this question and you will learn how to name your favorite color in English.

  1. 2.Main stage:

2.1 phonetic charging.

Teacher: Listen to the poem. Children listen to a short poem.

The frog is green, green, green.(The teacher shows a picture of a green frog)

And so is the tree. (Shows a picture of a tree)

One, two, three Red, red, red the rose.(Shows a picture of a red rose)

Blue, blue, blue dress . (Shows a picture of a blue dress)

Grey, gray, gray the rat . And so is the cat. (Shows a picture of a gray rat and then a gray cat)

Now repeat after me. (children repeat the poem after the teacher)

2.2 A game:

Teacher: Look, I have colored pencils. Let's put them in a pencil case. We will sit in a circle, I will take a pencil, name its color in English and pass it on, when the pencil is in your hands, repeat the color yourself. The one who sits last in the circle puts a pencil in a pencil case.

When all the pencils are in the pencil case, the children repeat all the colors after the teacher in unison.

2.3 Teacher: Now listen to the song "Colors". Try to hear the colors with which we met. (Children listen to the song)

What colors did you hear? How are they translated into Russian? Name them.And now let's find out what colors Mr.Crocodile likes (The teacher shows a soft toy of a crocodile)

2.4 A game: Children stand in a line in front of an impromptu river. One of the students plays the role of Mr.Crocodile. Children in chorus : Please, Mr. Crocodile, Can we cross the river?Student: Only if you are wearing red. (Children look for a red color on their clothes and name it. If there is no such color, they try so that the “crocodile” does not catch them).

2.5 The game "Color - Dominoes" (Children sit in a circle, receive domino chips and walk clockwise, saying the color when they put it. The child who runs out of chips first wins)

3.Final stage: And now answer the question What is your favorite color?What is your favorite colour? Children answer: My favorite color is ...

Today you learned how to say your favorite color in English. Very good!

This concludes our lesson. Good bye!

Gulnar Suleimanova
"Colors. Colorful mood. Summary of English classes in senior group

Lesson summary on the topic« Colors» in senior group,

« colorful mood» .

Goals: introduce children to new vocabulary on this topic « Colors» .

speech pattern "I like..." and fix them first.

bring up positive attitude to study in English and to each other, teach the children the rules traffic- Familiarity with traffic lights.

Vocabulary: a rabbit, blue, brown, white, pink orange

Phonetics:, n, u, k.

Equipment: laptop, balls, colorful cardboard circles, toy bee Maya, soft toy bunny, traffic light made of cardboard.

Organizing time.


Teacher:Good morning, my friends.

Children: Good morning, good morning,

Good morning to you

good morning, good morning,

I'm glad to see you.

Teacher: Do you guys remember our English friend Maya the bee?

She will come to visit us, and together we will teach colors in english. And what colors you know?

Children: Red, green, yellow, blue, pink.

Well done! Today we will find out how these names sound in English, but first we wake up our tongues.

Phonetic warm-up

Once upon a time there was a bunny - a rabbit. But one day she got a toothache. And where do you think she went? Of course, to the dentist! Doctor - a doctor, when he saw the bunny, he felt sorry for her a little. He said: "Open your mouth!"

Bunny obediently opened her mouth [ - - ] and began to complain, as she was very hurt. The doctor began to choose right tool, trying do not make noise, because the snake was already uncomfortable, like many who came to be treated by a dentist.

Looking at the aching tooth, the doctor shook head: and the bunny is quiet in pain groaned: . But, quite a bit of time passed and the bunny, happy and healthy said: Thank you! - "Thanks!" And jumped home.

On the way to her burrow, she met friends who knew she had a bad tooth and that she had gone to the doctor. How are you? - "How are you?" they asked. Fine! Thank you!" - "Wonderful! Thanks!"- answered the bunny. Now she really didn't have any pain.

Main part.

Teacher: Guys, do you know how it will be colors in english?

Children: Not

Teacher: Colors in English will be - Colors. Repeat after me. (repeat after me)

Children: Colors

Teacher. Well done. Let's take a look here now. What is it (shows a traffic light made of cardboard)

Children: Traffic lights.

Teacher: And what colors are here?

Children: Red, yellow, green.

Well done. And now let's ask Maya how these colors will be called in English and what they mean?

(The Maya bee toy is demonstrated. In the role of Maya, the teacher reads agreements about colors and shows at the traffic lights.)

“There is no passage for people,

The red light came on - red!" (Introduction of new vocabulary.)

Guys, what kind of light is on?

Children: Red! (Training in the pronunciation of the word red.)

We have to wait, even tired,

If you see yellow, it means yellow!”

The way is clear, sir

Look green - green!

We repeat: red(red,yellow(yellow,green (green). Well done!

Teacher: Children today Maya came to us with a surprise. Do you want to know what it is?


Maya brought us beautiful air balloons. Here they are (shows).Children are here colors?

Children: Pink, yellow, red, green, brown, blue, orange, white.

Teacher: Well done. Which of these flowers we do not know the English name?

(Children answer)

Now Maya will help us with this. (Keep reading the contracts)

Very this color love,

He is blue like the sky! (Show the blue ball.)

Frau has a brown umbrella,

This the color is called - brown!

I bought for laundry. "Tide".

The suit became clean, white - white

Pink roses fall into the ring.

Nice pink color,

By- english - pink.

Our orange is thick-skinned

wears a pelt colors-orange;

We repeat: blue, brown, white, pink orange (show named colors)

Teacher: Let's say Thank you to Maya English language.

Children: Thank you!

Teacher: Do you want to play with balls? We will play with them, but first we will stretch our arms and legs.

Physical education minute

Three, three, three

Teacher: Good for you! Sit down, please.

(Sit down).

Didactic game “Colors” (red, green, blue, yellow, orange)

Teacher: Now let's play.

(The teacher distributes to the children one mug of blue, green, yellow, brown and red cardboard colors and takes a circle of his beloved colors.)

It's my favorite Colour(red, I'm talking about it So:

"I like (red!"

Now Maya will play with you, she will name her favorite colors: "I like (red)". Who has this Colour, raises his hand with a circle.

Teacher: Very good. Well done boys.


guys, let's remember with you what we learned new today, than were engaged:

Names of five colors(repetition of new vocabulary,

- traffic light colors(which color what does it mean) .

Teacher: Well done! You did a good job! Very good kids!

Now, the lesson is over! Goodbye!

Children: Good bye!


1) Shishkova, I. A., Verbovskaya, M. E. English for toddlers.

2) Komarov, A. S. Games and plays in education English language

3) Zemchenkova T.V. English for preschoolers / T. V. Zemchenkova. - M.: VAKO, 2008. - 144 p.

Performed: Suleymanova Gulnar Ilgamovna - teacher in English, MBDOU №3 "Glowworm" Nurlat, RT

Russia, RT, Nurlat

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Abstract in English on the topic "Colors"

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Lesson progress

1. Beginning of the lesson. Greetings.

Hello boys and girls! How are you? I am very glad to see you!

Song "Hello, hello, how are you?”

Children take turns greeting the toy and asking how it is doing.

Song "What is your name?"

Children talk about their names.

2. Phonetic charging.

Guys, take your seats on the magic carpet. We're going on a trip!

Do you remember where the tongue's favorite place in the house is?

[r] - let's growl like dogs

[z] - buzz like mosquitoes

[f] - snort like hedgehogs

[u] - let's sing like owls

[w] - let's hiss like geese

[s] - let's hiss like snakes

3. The main part.

3.1. Repetition of the material covered.

Where did we go last class and who lives on the magic farm?

Ball game (the teacher throws the ball and calls the animal in Russian, and the child must say in English).

Song What can you see on the farm?”

3.2. Learning new material.

Guys, did you hear that noise outside the door? It was Winnie the Pooh who came to visit us. He was going to Eeyore's birthday party, but fell down on the way. The gift broke. Guys, we need to somehow help Vinnie. How? Of course, we can draw balls. But we remember that Winnie the Pooh is from England, which means today we will get acquainted with the names of flowers in English.

1. What color is the balloon? (Red) English-red
I have no doubt
red color of course...(red)

2. And what color is this ball? (Yellow) English-yellow
Licking the cat ate
yolk yellow, yellow-yellow

3. And what is this ball? (Blue) In English it will be blue
I'm sinking, I'm sinking
Blue color of course...(blue)

4. And this ball?
And this ball? (Green) In English-green
Oh, not a ripe tangerine
He's green, just green

5. Behind the window is a sparrow

All dust gray - grey.

He sits in the sun

She cleans her feathers.

6. In the taiga in winter gloomy

The bear walks brown - brown.

At this time he is touchy:

White snow and it's brown.

7. I am almost five years old,

And I know black

In English it will be black.

Oleg tells his friends.

8. In English dress - dress

Pink - pink.

In it, I decided, I think,

Best of all princesses.

9. Ask a friend: "What does it taste like

What's your favorite orange juice?"

Don't even ask:

Orange orange.

3.3 Physical education

Clap, clap, clap your hands together

Dance, dance, dance your dance together

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet together

Touch, touch, touch your nose together!

3.4 Fixing the material

The game "What is missing" (you must name the animal and its color)

Acquaintance and learning the poem

I see green, I see brown

I stand up and I sit down

I see red, I see blue

I see you and you and you!

4. Final part.

Guys, our lesson has come to an end. It's time to say Goodbye.