Psychological lesson-training "mutual respect". Lesson-training "circle of friendship"

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Self respect and respect for others

Synopsis of psychological training for teenagers

"Self-respect and respect for others"

Target: to form a positive self-concept, develop empathy in interpersonal relationships.

Material: posters with the phrases "A truly confident person treats himself with respect" and "A truly confident person treats others with respect"; a poster with positive qualities; "asterisks" by the number of participants; mirror.

Lesson progress:

Exercise 1. "I'm proud."

The session begins with a discussion of the phrase: "A truly confident person treats himself with respect."

Participants are asked to close their eyes, imagine a piece of paper, mentally write on it the words “I am proud that I...”, and then complete this sentence using various options. Discussing the results of the exercise, the facilitator introduces the concept of self-respect (self-acceptance).

Exercise 2. "Star of self-respect."

A poster with positive qualities is posted on the board. Based on these qualities, students are invited to depict the star of their self-esteem as follows. Choose from the list of qualities that they find in themselves, and write them down on the rays of stars that they are given. The star can be decorated in any way.

The following qualities can be indicated on the poster: activity, altruism, artistry, disinterestedness, nobility, generosity, will, goodwill, friendliness, love of life, caring, intelligence, sincerity, curiosity, wisdom, optimism, wit, courage, responsiveness, truthfulness, friendliness, decisiveness, romanticism, composure, the ability to create, diligence, tolerance, tact, accuracy, smiling, the ability to be grateful, the ability to understand.

Exercise 3. "Magic Mirror".

The group needs to look into it, try to see each participant in turn and see everything in the mirror. strengths for which he is respected by his parents, teachers, friends.

Exercise 4

Discussion of the phrase: "A truly confident person treats others with respect."

The host tells the teenagers that you can not love a person, but respect him for certain qualities. Invites those guys who believe that they respect their comrades to take part in the competition. For this, two participants are selected. They take it in turns to complete the sentence: “I respect (say the name of the training participant) for his (name the quality).” It is not possible to repeat named participants. The one who thinks for more than three seconds is considered the loser.

Exercise 5. "Portrait"

The facilitator asks the children to think about what qualities in other people, in their opinion, are worthy of respect, then to reflect on whether they are present in themselves. You can "draw" an oral "portrait" of a peer, teacher, parent, which commands respect from most students.

Exercise 6. "Think"

Adolescents are invited to think about the question: “Does it happen that a person has nothing to respect for?” As a result of the discussion, it is concluded that the opinion that some people have nothing to be respected for is incorrect. In every person there is a “bright” side, although it may not manifest itself in this situation. Next, teenagers choose one of the participants and try to fantasize about what qualities, unknown to them, for which they can be respected, this teenager shows at home or somewhere else (in an extreme situation, etc.).

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Purpose: to give the concept of the main moral category "Respect", the formation of the ability to build constructive relationships with other people and treat oneself positively.


1. Listening to calm music.

2. Have a conversation about respect.

Students are asked the question: What does it mean to show respect for people?

Students express their opinions with arguments, proving their point of view.

The psychologist, summarizing the statements of children, concludes: Show respect for people means honoring them and respecting their rights. Respect is manifested in a polite manner of speaking, in a careful attitude to other people's things. The best way to learn to respect people is to think about how you want to be treated.

3. Verification test“Steps to Success”

Children must answer yes or no: does a person show respect who ...?

a. Listens to the advice of elders
b. Obey school rules
in. Doesn't interrupt during a call
d. Responds rudely to his mother
e. Arguing with adults
e. Uses polite words in his speech

Main part

1. Storytelling: “Old grandfather and granddaughter” (L.N. Tolstoy)

The grandfather became very old. His legs could not walk, his eyes could not see, his ears could not hear, he had no teeth. And when he ate, it flowed back from his mouth. The son and daughter-in-law stopped putting him at the table, and let him dine at the stove. They took him down once to dine in a cup. He wanted to move it, but dropped it and broke it.

The daughter-in-law began to scold the old man for spoiling everything in the house for them and breaking cups. And she said that now she would give dinner in the pelvis. The old man just sighed and said nothing.

Once a husband and wife sit at home and look - their son plays on the floor with planks, something works out. Father asked:

What are you doing, Misha?

And Misha says:

It's me, father, I'm doing the pelvis. When you and your mother will be old, so that you from this
feed the pelvis.

Husband and wife looked at each other and wept. They felt ashamed that they offended the old man so much. And since then they began to put him at the table and look after him.

2. Resolution of moral situations

Ask how the children will act in a given situation:

a. During the Training, you really want to talk to a friend. If you show respect to the teacher, what will you do?
b. Your mom is having a very important conversation with a friend. You want to talk to your mom too. If you show them respect, what will you do?
in. Your classmate was insulted in front of your eyes. If you show him respect. what will you do?

3. The game "Consonance"

Two children, standing with their backs to each other, at the signal of the teacher, begin to move away from each other in different directions. They must simultaneously look around, and without any signal from the group or each other, i.e. they should feel the moment when the partner wants to look back, and do it. Then they share their feelings.

4. The game “One and Together”

Objectives: During this activity, children gain experience in both individual and collaborative work. First, everyone is given the opportunity to draw something of their own on their edge of the sheet. The partners then discuss what they want to draw together in the middle. Then together they implement this joint idea. This exercise is a great start for children who are not used to working together yet.

Materials: For each pair of children, a large sheet of paper (A4 format) and colored pencils, felt-tip pens.

Instruction: Think With who from the class you have already done something together ... Do not say the answer out loud ... Now think about who from the class you have not done anything together at all, or it was very rare ... Now you will need together ste with a partner to draw a picture. Decide for yourself if you want you, so that someone with whom you have already collaborated becomes your partner before, Or do you want to try and see how it goes teamwork with a student you haven't collaborated with yet...

Now break into pairs as you decide ....

Sit across from each other and place a piece of paper between you. Divide it into three equal fields with two lines. First you can you can draw on your edge of the sheet what you yourself want. You have five minutes for this.

And now you will need to draw something together in the middle of the sheet. Discuss in pairs what you want to draw there. I have two minutes to plan a future drawing.

You can start drawing together in the center of your sheet. If you want to talk, you can do it. Try to come up with a solution that suits both of you so that further drawing is a pleasure for each of you. You have ten minutes for this.

After that, have each mini-team present their results to the class.

Exercise analysis:

Was it easy for you to draw with your partner?

Are you satisfied with your joint work?

What did you like more: cooperation with a partner or your own, individual work? What was more difficult?

How do you think you managed to cooperate with your partner? Why do you think so?

Final part

Thinking about quotes:

“Respect is a garment that suits all, old and young.”

"Respect yourself if you want to be respected."

Homework: Together with parents or other family members, learn the quote from the Training.


the formation of students' self-esteem and respect for people;


A task:

Develop the ability to respect others;

To form the ability to express their feelings;

Form an adequate self-esteem;

Develop the ability to conduct a conversation, positively influence other people.

Group Rules Exercise

Purpose: updating the rules group work. The facilitator offers to remember the rules of working in a group.

Exercise "Kindness"

Purpose: to define and clarify the essence of the concept of "kindness" and "good deed".

Participants write how they understand the concept of “kindness”.

The facilitator invites the children to remember and talk about their good deeds. After that, everyone speaks. The facilitator helps to make a general conclusion.


This is helping others;

Respect for others;

The capacity for compassion;

The ability to forgive.

And now we will move on to the exercise called "I forgive you."

Exercise "I forgive you"

Purpose: the formation of the ability to forgive insults. Participants stand in a circle, alternately recall the images that someone once applied (if they are not there, then they come up with them). The facilitator points to one of the group members and gives him a task: to approach any three members of the group and forgive them for the images heard in the group. It is impossible for a participant to forgive insults expressed by the participant to whom he approached. The next player is the one approached by the previous player. The facilitator notes that the group members must memorize

grievances expressed in the group and forgive, without hesitation, whether they concern group members or not.


How did you feel when you did this exercise?

What was the most difficult?

Exercise "Venerable Chair"

Purpose: the formation of a positive image of "I"; raising self-esteem.

The psychologist asks the participants to sit in a circle. In the middle is an empty chair, which is conventionally called "important". Task: sitting on a chair, portray self-respect, dignity and confidently characterize yourself with positive side. The host gives all participants the opportunity to sit on a "solid chair".

Exercise "The power of breathing"

Purpose: teaching children to normalize the psychological state with the help of breathing.

Leading. Sit comfortably and focus on your breathing. When you breathe out

air, concentrate on what you want to get rid of. And while inhaling, wish yourself strength, energy, inspiration. The exercise is performed within a minute.

Exercise "Proverbs"

Goal: awareness of one's actions, the formation of introspection skills.

How do you understand such statements?

A tree is strong with roots, and a man is friends.

You will pass the world with a lie, but you will not return back.

The bird is red with feathers, and the man with his knowledge.

Take it easy - it won't be hard.

Who clear conscience has, he goes to sleep peacefully.

The facilitator invites to discuss proverbs.

Exercise "Situations"

Purpose: formation of skills for analyzing a benevolent attitude.

Need to find positive words in the proposed situations (children work in pairs, the situations are printed on separate cards):

Card 1. A friend got sick;

Card 3. A friend got a bad grade;

Card 4. Someone called;

Card 5. A friend offered to play a game;

Card 7. You were invited to visit;

Card 9. You can't fulfill a friend's request;

Card 10. A friend pushed you;

Card 11. You enter the classroom;

Card 12. On a substitute, you want to take part in the game;

Card 13. You met after separation;

Card 14. A neighbor offended you;

Card 15. You comfort a friend.

Parable Valley and sand.

The girl, walking along the beach with her mother, asked:

Mom, how should I behave to keep my beloved friends?

Mom thought for a moment, then leaned over and took two handfuls of sand. She raised both her hands up and squeezed one palm tightly. And the sand ran through her fingers: the more she squeezed her fingers, the sooner the sand spilled out. The second palm was open: all the sand remained on it. The girl looked surprised, and then said ...


What do you think the girl said?

What should be done to avoid losing friends?

Synopsis of psychological training for teenagers

"Self-respect and respect for others"

Target: to form a positive self-concept, develop empathy in interpersonal relationships.

Material: posters with the phrases "A truly confident person treats himself with respect" and "A truly confident person treats others with respect"; a poster with positive qualities; "asterisks" by the number of participants; mirror.

Lesson progress:

Exercise 1. "I'm proud."

The session begins with a discussion of the phrase: "A truly confident person treats himself with respect."

Participants are asked to close their eyes, imagine a piece of paper, mentally write on it the words “I am proud that I...”, and then complete this sentence using various options. Discussing the results of the exercise, the facilitator introduces the concept of self-respect (self-acceptance).

Exercise 2. "Star of self-respect."

A poster with positive qualities is posted on the board. Based on these qualities, students are invited to depict the star of their self-esteem as follows. Choose from the list of qualities that they find in themselves, and write them down on the rays of stars that they are given. The star can be decorated in any way.

The poster may show the following qualities: activity, altruism, artistry, disinterestedness, nobility, generosity, will, goodwill, friendliness, love of life, caring, intelligence, sincerity, curiosity, wisdom, optimism, wit, courage, responsiveness, truthfulness, friendliness, determination, romance, composure, ability to create, industriousness, tolerance, tact, accuracy, smiling, the ability to be grateful, the ability to understand.

Exercise 3. "Magic Mirror".

The group needs to look into it, try to see each participant in turn and see in the mirror all the strengths for which parents, teachers, and friends respect him.

Exercise 4

Discussion of the phrase: "A truly confident person treats others with respect."

The host tells the teenagers that you can not love a person, but respect him for certain qualities. Invites those guys who believe that they respect their comrades to take part in the competition. For this, two participants are selected. They take it in turns to complete the sentence: “I respect (say the name of the training participant) for his (name the quality).” It is not possible to repeat named participants. The one who thinks for more than three seconds is considered the loser.

Exercise 5. "Portrait"

The facilitator asks the children to think about what qualities in other people, in their opinion, are worthy of respect, then to reflect on whether they are present in themselves. You can "draw" an oral "portrait" of a peer, teacher, parent, which commands respect from most students.

Exercise 6. "Think"

Adolescents are invited to think about the question: “Does it happen that a person has nothing to respect for?” As a result of the discussion, it is concluded that the opinion that some people have nothing to be respected for is incorrect. In every person there is a “bright” side, although it may not manifest itself in this situation. Next, the adolescents choose one of the participants and try to fantasize about what qualities, unknown to them, for which they can be respected, this adolescent manifests at home or somewhere else (in extreme situation etc.).