What does positive mean. What is "positive": the meaning of the word

The most interesting question today on the agenda: what is positive? Don't say you've never heard of such a thing. Because “positive” and “adequate” are quite popular turns of speech. The latter does not concern us today, but the former will be discussed in detail.

Positive, negative and camera

Now, when almost everything is moving to digital technologies, people have begun to forget: positive and negative are concepts that are associated primarily with pictures. Let's reveal their content.

A negative is a film (or plate) that contains an inverse image of the photographed scene.

A positive is a photographic image in which the distribution of tones (in black and white photography) and colors (in color) correspond to a similar distribution in the subject of reality that the person was filming.

But it is so for general development. The reader is hardly interested in photography. Firstly, because digital technologies have actually killed the negative and all the old photography procedure. By at least, for the masses. And secondly, we are now interested in a completely different meaning of these words (negative and positive).

English-Russian dictionary

We still need to understand what positivity is. So let's open a good English-Russian dictionary and read the corresponding translation of the word positive:

  • positive;
  • positive;
  • confident;
  • definite;
  • forced;
  • accurate;
  • real;
  • absolute;
  • in the full sense of the word;
  • reliable.

Here are possible translations words, but English language contextual, in the sense that a word may have meanings that are not in the dictionary. But that's another story.

As we see most of definitions "sews" the word to objective reality in the same way as the vocabulary of professional photographers. It is all the more interesting to find out in Russian realities.


In classical explanatory dictionaries this word, of course, cannot be found, but how can this stop ardent researchers? Never! Let's bring contemporary meaning words "positive" and "negative".

Positive is what causes positive emotions, requires positive evaluation and/or approval. Yes, an important detail: while the word is considered slang.

For example, this video with kittens is very positive.

So it's not hard to install, that's what causes negative emotions or they are on their own. Example: the news is negative.

I would like to develop this idea of ​​confrontation between optimism and pessimism, which are now dressing up in new clothes of positive and negative thinking, but we are forced to make a stop at the “Analogous Words” station, so as not to be distracted by anything later.


What is a positive, probably already clear? It is also clear that in the Russian language it is quite difficult to find semantic analogues, because the definition covers various phenomena and events with a plus sign. In Russian, the object of study is extremely vague when it comes to its meaning, but we will nevertheless try to give the reader some replacements. So:

  • wondrous;
  • kindness;
  • location;
  • positive evaluation;
  • good;
  • life-affirming;
  • benevolence;
  • benevolence.

It is clear that the reader is interested in the synonyms of “positive”, but the meaning of this word depends to a large extent on the context, so its replacement is an attempt to catch certain mood. Let's hope we succeeded.

New stimulant - "Positive"

Now it is fashionable to develop, lead healthy lifestyle life, see everything bright sides. It used to be called "optimism", but now - " positive thinking". For example, a car was stolen from a person, and he thinks: “That's good, I will finally buy a bicycle and I will save environment from exhaust emissions.

The main postulate of such people is to look for something positive in everything. Failures should not oppress a person, because all this is only a lesson, and a total and inevitable victory can be seen somewhere on the horizon, like communism in its time.

A strange expression “to be positive” appeared in the language, the meaning of the word in this construction is not difficult to unravel: to see the bright side in everything. Moreover, the supporters of the new doctrine are very aggressive. If a person is gloomy, gloomy and overly critical of reality, then he is offered to take courses where he will be taught the art of positive thinking. And he will completely change: he will also enjoy the sun, read mantras about how to live well in the world.

And here's a strange thing: why, if all these aspirations are so good in themselves, does it become very scary to live in such a society?

One thing is for sure: when a person is “on the positive”, the criticality of his thinking decreases, and then disappears completely, as if it never existed. Moreover, this is not our conclusion; the analysis of anti-utopias pushes us to this conclusion. As case study you can take the work "O marvelous new world» Aldous Huxley.

A society that conquered negativity

If the reader knows the content of the novel, then he will understand what it is about, and if not, then you should familiarize yourself with such an epoch-making creation. The first synonym for “positive” as a concept is the word “wonderful”. Of course, this is both a tribute to both Russian and English.

But what happened in a society in which need, both psychological and physical, was defeated? It became perfect, and people stopped:

  • think;
  • be in love;
  • empathize;
  • grieve;
  • to suffer;
  • grow old.

The list does not seem to look so bad, only the top three positions are of concern. Huxley's utopian society destroyed family ties: "mother" and "father" - the words in that society are almost obscene, very indecent, sexual freedom and entertainment won. Dating someone for more than a month is in the highest degree immoral! Children are raised in an incubator, and in such a way that they are already preparing for specific activity in life. Labor has remained only as a way of occupied by people who do not know how else to spend their time.

Nothing beautiful in such a life was seen only by a stranger or a savage, as he is called in the novel. The hero was brought up in the traditional way, although not in the most best conditions. He saw the full horror of such a society in which "human, all too human" has died, and even death is no longer such a tragedy. People leave painlessly and easily, without lamentations and tears.

It is now clear what the positive is and how terrible it is if the attitudes of a certain way of thinking are brought to their logical conclusion?

Optimism and pessimism

If the reader thinks that the confrontation between positive and negative thinking is something new, then he is mistaken. It's just that before the opponents were known under other names, which we put in the title. It is difficult to say exactly when the sword-crossing of worldviews began. Probably, if you go deeper, you can Ancient Greece to discover someone, but the correspondence antagonism of two Germans is memorable to the history of philosophy: G. V. Leibniz and A. Schopenhauer. The first one said that our world is the best of possible worlds, and the other - that he, on the contrary, is the worst. By the way, if the reader thinks that the pessimist in this pair suffered all his life and suffered, because he hated “pink” optimism (or “positive”, we are analyzing the meaning of the word today) with all his heart, then he is mistaken. Schopenhauer had an excellent appetite and with a smile on his lips he departed for another world. True, the philosopher lived a little by modern standards, only 72 years old, but he was not unhappy, and this is the main thing.

The same can be said for an American classic who confessed in one of his books: “I can tell you what has kept us [people of the same generation as writers] on our toes all these years: hatred.” And the author of Slaughterhouse No. 5 lived for 84 years.

This means that pessimism does not affect life expectancy in any way. In general, the quality and quantity of years lived is too complex a value for it to depend on only one parameter, even if it is as important as thinking.

We hope the reader understands what "positive" means. Finally, let's say: people should be able to balance between extremes and be realistic, that is, keep in mind two opposite points view of the problem, to see the pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages.

Why is the section called POSITIVE, but not OPTIMISM- everything is very simple. Positive in our time is a more common concept, so when choosing the title of the rubric, I was guided precisely by the fact that it is necessary to take into account what everyone is hearing. Therefore, in the future, giving definitions to some things, we will use these two concepts, because positive and optimism are to some extent equivalent.

What is a positive?

A little about the complexity of the theory. With scientific point view, the term positive is interpreted as follows: POSITIVE translated from Latin (positivus - positive) - an analogue of a photograph, in which the proportions of light tones in different places are the same as the object from which the photograph was taken, and the opposite of those located in the negative. In the positive, the black parts of the object from which the picture was taken are black, the light parts are light. In order to get a positive, you need to copy the negative onto another light-sensitive surface.

From this, the conclusion suggests itself that POSITIVE- something corresponding to reality, as they say in NLP"correct map of the world". Each person is unique, there are no two people with identical maps of the world, and it is formed by passing through specific channels of information flow, they can be denoted by the capacious word filters. Subconsciousness passes information through these filters, consciousness receives only a small part. real picture peace. As a result, there is a huge difference between what is going on in our heads and what is happening in the WORLD.

These filters are formed from our very birth, each of us lives in his own world and creates his own unique map of the world, his own world. Any of us from birth, under the influence of parents, educators, teachers, the environment in which he lives, models his reality, his subconscious program. As a result, he forms his own model of the world, corresponding to those subconscious programs that have been imposed on him since childhood.

There are no bad or good models. The whole point is how efficient and effective the model is. Our model of the world helps us to use the achievements that civilization has accumulated throughout its existence, but also creates some limitations, strengthens our belief that our model, which is far from perfect, is the Reality.

How are these programs created, what is their purpose?

When we are born, we already have one of the elements of the program in our subconscious - neurophysiological filter - five sensory channels (taste, smell, touch, hearing, vision) through which we perceive Reality.

The next element of the program is social-Determined by time and place of birth. What year was a child is born, whether there were difficult times then, in which family rich or poor.

Neurophysiological and social programs- innate karma or fateful components of the subconscious.

The last element is individual- is formed in the process of personality development, acquired karma.

Parents, educators, teachers constantly give the child a description of the surrounding reality. This is prerequisite communication between the child and adults. Whether the child wants it or not, he unconsciously appropriates the model of the world that is presented to him. Then for the rest of his life he leads a continuous internal dialogue supporting the model of the world imputed to it. Subconscious dialogue (internal) normal person in normal conditions does not stop for a second, this dialogue is a reflection of what a person is dealing with in Everyday life.

From childhood we are taught to perceive the model of the world as a reality.

The subconscious program carries out for a person certain functions, the main of which is the creation and maintenance of a world map. The main purpose of the program is to make the map of the world correspond to Reality - this is the most important of the conditions for the prosperous existence of a person. It is not for nothing that in the East one of the main conditions for enlightenment is the maximum correspondence of the world map to Reality itself, or, as they say, “A person will become enlightened when the external is equal to the internal, and the internal to the external.” Those. subconscious programs will correspond to Reality, observing the laws of the Universe, and this is practically the same as if the boundaries between the subconscious and Reality become insignificant and a person perceives Reality as it is.

Here is the basic idea for developing positive qualities in yourself, using techniques to bring the map of the world in line with Reality, is provided unique opportunity to get rid of many negative experiences and develop a positive worldview.

And what follows from this? – Outlining in plain language, we can say that under the influence of all these factors, a system is laid in your subconscious false values, your individuality is erased by all available methods, and the everyday life of a person is furnished with a mass of far-fetched conventions.

Ultimately, the life of many people is a kind of game far from reality, our brain, as it were, is programmed for someone's interests. Do not agree? How do you like this program? “The interests of society are higher than the interests of a single individual, in order to achieve success you need to work a lot and hard, wealth and money are evil, and a rich person is an immoral person.” Have you read? This is an excursion into the times of developed socialism, this is our history.

In the same way they deprive us of individuality various rules behavior, etiquette, system of life values.

A person who professes these principles is always predictable, easy to manage, and as soon as you rise above the ordinary and dullness, you will have a resounding success. Bright to that An example would be such famous people like: Leonardo Da Vinci, Salvador Dali, Henry Ford, Pushkin, Vysotsky, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and many others.

On this path, for the sake of objectivity, it should be said that you need to follow certain principles, rules, which V. Zeland expounds in his books in an accessible and convincing manner.

And if you learn to use the powerful energy of love, then your possibilities become truly limitless. Klaus J. Joel writes about limitless possibilities Love in your books.

- After 40 years, most are already preparing to fight inevitable diseases, because. comes "youth of old age". And this is also a program that, you can be sure, will be fulfilled in exact accordance with your thoughts - a scientifically proven fact. However, M. Norbekov, using his methods, the basis of which is positive thinking, works literally miracles of healing. For example, in one session, children are cured of diabetes. What is this session? Girl swimming in the pool infinite number I repeated once: "I am sugar, I am sugar." When asked why she was doing this, the girl replied: “Sugar dissolves in water!” In an adult, this effect is without special training unlikely. Why? Adults, as a rule, are already exposed to many programs and their imagination works within these programs. Ask a question to an adult and a child: “What is a tomato”, You will hear: “Tomato belongs to the nightshade family, etc.” - it is clear whose answer this is. The child will enthusiastically describe its delicious taste, color and smell.

It leads to an increase, success, well-being and is a powerful factor not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of various diseases.

There are four main components of positive thinking:

1.) , - today the most effective tool for positive thinking in the form of voluntary suggestion with the help of visual images. The effectiveness of this technique is due to the fact that with the help of vision we get 90% of the information.

2.) , - persuasive statements, by repeating which we fix the image we need in the subconscious, contributing to the improvement mental state in general, and accelerate the arrival of positive changes in our lives.

Our brain counts, analyzes 24 hours a day, everything is strictly regulated and planned. Clear tables have been drawn up - what is big and what is small, where is white and where is black, what hurts and what is healthy, etc. He defends his attitudes, plans, tables with maniacal persistence. But there is a way to make him accept a point of view, version, statement, etc. that is beneficial to you.

For example, you have vision problems. You only need 40 days as much as possible, but not less than 300 a day, to repeat the affirmation about restoration, gaining good vision. For 41 days, our mind, without any resistance and debate, adopts a new doctrine. Yes, for some reason, it takes exactly 40 days. This is how we can impose our will on our subconscious, a kind of changing attitudes. Details about affirmations positive attitude read in the books of M. Norbekov.

3.) Positive perception(thinking). Thinking, description of events in in a positive way, the ability to positively look at the world in all its manifestations.

4.) Positive attitude, faith (self-adjustment) that everything will work out, that everything will be fine!

POSITIVE THINKING - of course it's good, but to achieve the goal you need to produce necessary actions, i.e., you make a decision, do work and get good or bad impressions (results), an understanding is born that you are going to right direction or the understanding that you made a mistake somewhere and you need to reconsider all efforts. The only way! NEVER WAIT FOR RESULTS IN Idleness - ACT, listening to what your soul lies, listening to intuition.

But do not think that you can just sit still, visualizing villas, yachts with expensive cars in anticipation that they will soon come into your life. To achieve the desired goals, you must act according to the planned schedule, which you must also draw up to achieve what you want to achieve.

I will share with you ... tsssss! THERE IS ONE SECRET, without which all methods POSITIVE THINKING(visualization, affirmations, positive attitudes, etc.) are, to put it mildly, ineffective. There is one more the most important factor why you can't get what you want even though you put in a lot of effort to get it.

To get what you want, you must clear out the old programs within you. Until you do this, with all the positive attitude, it will be difficult for you to get what you really want, but most likely you will only get what you unconsciously desire. At the level of consciousness, you are trying to achieve what you want, but in fact, under conscious level You want something completely different, something that is contrary to what was intended and absolutely opposite to the intended goal on a conscious level. It's called a "program conflict", You will desire one thing, and subconscious programs will lead you in a completely different direction, well, or slightly different from what you intended, it all depends on how slagged your subconscious mind is.

That is why it is necessary to cleanse yourself of negative memories, emotions, so that your subconscious programs correspond to your desires as accurately as possible and coincide with the goals set on a conscious level.

As you get rid of the limiting internal installations, negative memory programs, your desires, goals on a conscious level, “begin to find mutual language"with your subconscious attitudes," agree. Thanks to this, it is much more likely that you will get what you want. Even now you are getting exactly what you deserve, attracting all the events in your life, but unconsciously. It's all about your hidden mental attitudes, in order to get what you want as soon as possible, you need to change them.

We are all a collection of our own memory programs, which means that we bear the burden of our past. If we think carefully, we will find that when we experience stress or fear, the cause of these experiences is actually a memory program. Getting rid of these programs is the most effective way achieve 6quick results by getting rid of these programs, we make room for POSITIVE.

The possibilities of positive thinking are enormous; it brings us closer to success, relieves us of complexes, disbelief in own forces, generates pleasant sensations and constructive images, works miracles of healing. In addition, all people on a subconscious level feel your psycho-emotional state By being in a good mood, you improve your relationship with your surroundings. The benefits of positive thinking can be listed for a very long time, but let's stop there and leave something for later.

Today, our language uses many words that are borrowed from other countries and cultures. However, despite this, many of them are very rooted and have taken root in our territory. That is why now I want to tell you what "positive" is: the meaning of the word and all the most interesting things about its use.

Meaning of the word

It must be said that in every category of science the word "positive" has practically the same meaning.

  • Philosophy. Positive - affirmative, positive. That is, the one that is available, the actual one.
  • Politics. Also denotes something positive, which was based on previously acquired experience.
  • Psychology, psychoanalysis. Positive is good. The antonym of the word is "negative", that is, bad. Often used inseparably from the terms "love" and "hatred" in this block of sciences.

There are many more different designations. Speaking generally, for the term "positive" the meaning of the word is reduced to positivity, something that comes with a "+" sign.

What is a positive

It is interesting to consider such a word as "positive". After all, it is very common in everyday life. Today it is enjoyed by people of various professions. If we talk about the everyday meaning of the word, then the positive involves three main factors:

  1. Correct attitude, that is, attitude.
  2. benevolence, that is good relationship to everyone around, regardless of various factors.
  3. A positive lifestyle, when a person can enjoy everything that happens.

Generally speaking, positive is the ability to see exceptionally good not only in the world around us, but also in strangers and a variety of situations.

Is positivity good?

Psychologists say: one positive for life is not enough. People who are tuned only to the good, are poorly adapted to life. And often this is what they suffer from. Therefore, experts note: in order for life to be full, in addition to positive, you also need to have a constructive and responsible attitude.

If a person is exceptionally positive, he can conditionally be called narrow-minded (lack of constructiveness). He is able to perceive life joyfully, but it is difficult and even almost impossible for him to correctly approach the solution of difficult problems. Such a person, of course, continues to enjoy everything that happens, while being in a difficult or even critical situation. And this is completely wrong, because the problem is not resolved, but launched. There is also the question of responsibility. A person "on the positive" is not inclined to take responsibility. He is concerned only with personal happiness, he simply does not care about the rest. So, in order to understand, one must always look much deeper this concept. After all, it often happens that behind the absolute pluses, minuses begin to be seen. And this is a more correct approach, revealing true essence of things.

positive thinking

Understanding what is positive person, it is also worth paying attention to such a category as What is it? So, this concept is inseparable from the process of self-improvement of everyone. Thinking positively does not mean being a blind optimist. This means being able to activate the forces in oneself in the most difficult moments in life, being able to tune in to the good in a difficult situation. Positive thinking is a part of the right worldview, which in the future is able to form a mood, accumulate internal forces person and help set yourself up for success. But at the same time, it is important not to forget that in addition to the mood, you also need to work hard and hard. After all, only in such a tandem can one achieve high results. By itself, positive thinking will have little effect on life.

On the positive impact

It is also important to understand what is positive influence. No one will argue with the fact that every person is subject to extraneous influences. Someone more, someone in lesser degree. Much depends on this influence in a person's life. So, it is important that the person you have to look up to has exclusively good traits character, gave correct example. This is the positive influence.

About positive changes

AT this case often we are talking about people who, for one reason or another, cannot be considered good. Or they have certain flaws that you have to deal with. Positive changes are transformations that occur to a person that have an exceptionally positive effect or will further affect life.

About a positive image

And as small withdrawal I want to tell you more about what positive image. These are all those components of a person that are attractive. This is the image that you want to be equal to. This is where the categories of positive impact and positive change come into play. After all, after setting a goal man of sense starts working on himself.

How to become a positive person

Having understood what “positive” is, and having understood that being only positive is not enough, you need to figure out how to achieve positive changes. What do you need to know and be able to do?

  • In all situations, you need to look positive aspects. Even in the negative, you need to see something good, extracting the maximum benefit from it.
  • Need to communicate with good people. If close friend tuned to the negative, it will be very, very difficult to protect yourself from this.
  • You need to be able to praise and pamper yourself. However, this should not happen unreasonably.

And of course, you need to be able to sincerely smile, take care of own health and be positive. Having it all, become successful person it will be much easier.

I wrote that it is necessary to weave as much positive and good as possible into life. And it is the desire to give the reader a positive and is the main goal of the site. Now it is worth dwelling in more detail on the very essence of positive in essence and find out what it is. First of all, it is worth defining what a positive is.

Three months ago, I conducted an experiment to find positive news, which I described in an article. Then I took as a basis the five most popular news resources in Runet and realized that positive or good news is, in best case 10%, all information feeds. Most often, such rubrics are hidden in the names: “From life”, “Lifestyle”, “Miscellaneous”, “ Good news" etc. With the help of this resource I will help to look for the positive in the news and "give it for free" to my readers.

I would like to finish clever words:) We all consist of our own memory programs that put pressure on us from the past. And the reason for most of what presses us in reality is often only memory programs. And it is precisely the change in one's thinking in a positive direction that will allow one to begin to generate faith in one's own strengths and give a person constructive images and pleasant sensations. And if you rephrase famous phrase"In a healthy spirit, healthy body”, then we can say that without a normal positive attitude a person will never have a good physical organism.