A new overpass has been opened in the pechatniki district. Printers are waiting for major road construction

On October 23, at 11:00 am, a new overpass was opened in Pechatniki, connecting the 2nd Yuzhnoportovy proezd with Yuzhnoportovaya street.

The opening of the overpass was attended by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, accompanied by media representatives.

New overpass in Printers. Correspondents of the TV channel "Russia" at work. Photo: Rustam Bilyalov

The long-awaited opening of the overpass did not come as a surprise to the residents of Pechatniki. One day before grand opening overpass, the adjacent territory was actively put in order by dozens of workers. Work continued even dark time days.

It was planned to open the overpass before the end of the third quarter of 2017, but, as often happens in Pechatniki, the opening of the overpass was postponed.

Many drivers do not yet know that there is a shorter and easier way from Pechatniki towards the center and back. At the time of writing this article on Yandex Maps, this section of the road was still marked as blocked until December 31, 2017.

Screenshot from Yandex Maps

Perhaps that is why in this moment on Yuzhnoportovaya Street in the direction of Pechatniki, a traffic jam almost 2 km long has accumulated.

Cork to the side district Pechatniki before the crossroads new road with Southport street. Photo: Rustam Bilyalov

And this despite the fact that at the same time, Yandex estimates the level of traffic congestion in Moscow at 3 points.

Screenshot from Yandex Maps

The traffic jam rests on the intersection at the intersection of the new road with Yuzhnoportovaya Street, where traffic lights began to function before the opening of the overpass.

So the fears of residents that the traffic jam from the 3rd Ugreshsky passage will move to Pechatniki have not yet materialized. Let's see what will happen next.

New overpass in Pechatniki. Photo: Rustam Bilyalov

By the way, if you are not a motorist and want to go on foot to the Yuzhnoportovy district along the overpass from Pechatniki, then you should keep right side, since the sidewalk is equipped only on one side of the overpass.

New overpass in Pechatniki. Photo: Rustam Bilyalov

On the left, if necessary, you can also pass over the bridge, but it will be quite difficult. The path is very narrow.

New overpass in Pechatniki. Photo: Rustam Bilyalov

But on the other side - a real expanse. And, of course, it was not without paving slabs, which were not laid very neatly.

New overpass in Pechatniki. Photo: Rustam Bilyalov

The approach to the stairs, covered with railings, looks rather strange. But, probably, this is a technical ladder and it is hardly useful for pedestrians.

The builders tried to hand over the object ahead of schedule. As a result, instead of 18 months, they managed it in 14, despite a number of difficulties. The first is the passage of Yuzhnoportovaya Street, which serves the Yuzhny Port and numerous industrial zones of the Pechatniki district. Its numerous bends hampered the movement of vehicles, and opinions were expressed about straightening the highway. The problem was solved by building a flyover and reconstructing adjacent roads.

Already in May last year, work began. During this time, a two-lane overpass 156 meters long and almost a kilometer new plot roads.

This is a very important move in the area, - said the mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin.

To date, the district has received a direct road to the Kozhukhovskaya metro station. The townspeople have been waiting for her for a very long time, - said the prefect of the South-Eastern District Andrey Tsybin. - The industrial cluster was also given the opportunity to develop.

The second difficulty in the implementation of the project was the reorganization of communications. As told CEO contractor company Nikolai Sudakov, over 15 kilometers of networks had to be shifted.

Current road network, passing near the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya metro line - all this also complicated the progress of work, - he told the mayor.

As the first deputy head of the Construction Department explained Petr Aksenov, industrial networks had to be transferred and modernized - electrical cables, water conduits, heating networks were re-laid. We had to negotiate separately with the Moscow Metro on the transfer of underground utilities. However, they managed it too.

Now cars are going along the modern overpass, the first, according to tradition, were heavy trucks - dump trucks and KAMAZ trucks tested the strength of the overpass.

As Petr Aksenov noted, with the commissioning of this overpass, the city completed a joint program with the Russian Railways to build roads across the tracks. New overpasses were put into operation in Peredelkino, Kokoshkino, Krekshino, Shcherbinka, at the Nizhniye Kotyli station. Six more appeared appeared on the Moscow Central Ring.

Crossings, holding back the flow of vehicles, have been dismantled. New roads and overpasses have appeared in their place,” he said. - With their introduction, the overmileage of cars is reduced. Only here motorists will travel ten kilometers less and get to Yuzhnoportovaya Street faster. Car owners will not have to wind through Kashirka.

Also, during the detour of the Pechatniki district, Sergei Sobyanin instructed Andrei Tsybin to deal with the broken roads on Shosseynaya Street.

There was an appeal from residents to the Our City portal for digging on Shosseinaya Street: the sidewalks were dug up, it is not clear when they will do it, ”the mayor described the situation.

The prefect promised to promptly resolve the problem in the area.

The construction department told how the map of regional roads will change. It is expected that by 2021 a new highway will “pierce” the area, and a bridge across the Moscow River will also appear. But the final deadlines for the completion of construction will still be clarified by engineers.

In the coming years, there will be two major road facilities in the district: road bridge in Kuryanov and the radial highway.
The bridge across the Moscow River will connect Shosseynaya Street with Kashirskoye Highway. Estimated construction completion date is 2020. On November 24, 2017, a contract was signed for the implementation design work. The contractor was GorKapStroy LLC, which is to be developed detailed design and give an exact date for its implementation.
In accordance with the approved targeted investment program, about 700 million rubles have been reserved in the Moscow budget for design and survey work, and a little less than 14 billion rubles for the construction itself. The overpass will be 2.3 km long and 20…34 meters wide, which corresponds to 4…8 (!) traffic lanes in one direction.

Planning project for a bridge across the Moscow River at the alignment of Shosseinaya Street and Kaspiyskaya Street with road junction with Kashirskoye Highway (from materials for public hearings)

Since the decision to build the bridge in 2011-2013, it was assumed that it would become part of the Southeast Chord. AT different sources the chord is depicted as passing along the Kursk railway along the streets of Shosseinaya, Polbina and further connecting with Northeast chord. But so far, the project has not gone beyond the idea. In the latest response from the Moscow Architecture Committee about perspective development street and road network of Pechatnikov South-Eastern chord does not appear.

Scheme of project chords and the fourth transport ring in Moscow (from the materials of Rossiyskaya Gazeta dated 06/14/2012)

In this regard, fair bewilderment raises the question: how an 8-16 lane overpass will merge into a two-lane Shosseinaya street, and how it will survive the increased traffic street network area, designed more than half a century ago without taking into account such loads?
Residents of Moskvorechye-Saburovo were categorically against the construction of the bridge. public hearings in 2013. Along with other reasons, there were fears that the flow of cars from Pechatniki would paralyze traffic on the Kashirskoye Highway and adjacent streets.
A less definite picture in terms of the actual implementation timeline is the situation with the new radial highway. The new road will cross Pechatniki, connecting the Third Ring Road (near Yuzhnoportovaya Street) with Lyublinskaya Street. A 3-lane (in each direction) traffic-free highway will lie exactly above the metro tunnels between Kozhukhovskaya and Pechatniki stations and, going around residential areas along new overpass through the Kursk railway, will leave in Lyublino. Next, the highway will go close to railway and will connect with Lublinskaya street near the Auchan store. The highway will not stop there and will be extended to the Moscow Ring Road, and then to the Moscow Region. But this is already a separate project with its own engineering solutions and funding.

Planning site for a new radial direction (near Pechatniki metro station) (from materials for public hearings)

The targeted investment program includes 800 million rubles for the development of project documentation and 13 billion for the construction of the highway, which should take place in 2017-2018 and 2019-2021, respectively. But already at the moment there is a certain backlog, which casts doubt on the completion of work on time. The Department of Construction has just started preparing tender documentation for a tender for the development of design and estimate documentation.
Discussion of the construction of the highway, as in the case of the bridge on Kashirskoe highway, at a public hearing in 2013 was hot. Residents of Pechatniki asked to change the trajectory of the projected road, moving it a sufficient distance from the residential area. But the Moscow Architecture Committee explained this possibility by the need to build an extended overpass for the passage of the highway through the Yuzhny Port industrial zone and a significant bend in the alternative route.
However, in fact, work on the construction of the highway has already started. The flyover on Yuzhnoportovaya Street, put into operation in September of this year, is nothing more than a section of a new road. And, if only it took more than a year to build it, then how much time it will actually take to build the entire highway, one can only guess.

The city authorities opened a new road overpass between the 2nd Yuzhnoportovy passage and Yuzhnoportovaya street. It will allow motorists to cross the tracks Kursk direction MZD. Read about how the new overpass will help connect the city's districts in the material of the Moscow 24 portal.

Photo: Portal of the Mayor and Government of Moscow


Yuzhnoportovaya street is connected with industrial zones district of the same name and Pechatnikov, as well as the South Port. There are many bends on this street that seriously impede the movement of vehicles.

The overpass, which connected Yuzhnoportovaya street with the 2nd Yuzhnoportovy passage, should partially solve this problem.

New railroad track

In a year and a half, the builders erected a two-lane overpass 156 m long. They also reconstructed the adjoining driveway and street. A new section of the road, almost a kilometer long, was built. Sidewalks with a width of 3.2 m were made for pedestrians. For the convenience of people with limited mobility, sidewalks at ground crossings were lowered to four centimeters, ramps and tactile tiles were installed.

Transport connection

The overpass between 2nd Yuzhnoportovy passage and Yuzhnoportovaya street will provide convenient communication between the Pechatniki and Yuzhnoportovy districts, as well as free access to the Kozhukhovskaya metro station of the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line. It will also increase throughput Yuzhnoportovaya Street - on the section from the industrial zone "South Port" towards the center through Andropov Avenue.

In the future, the overpass will become part of a new road - a radial direction from the Third Ring Road through the areas of Yuzhnoportovy, Pechatniki, Maryino and Brateevo to the Moscow Ring Road with an extension to Kashirskoye Highway.

Overpasses in Moscow

In total, since 2014, 12 buildings have been built or reconstructed in Moscow road overpasses through railways. Including six facilities on the MCC (Leningradsky, Mozhaisky, Zvenigorodsky, Volokolamsky, Koptevsky, Bogorodsky), an overpass in Shcherbinka across the tracks of the Kursk direction and three overpasses on the Kiev direction of the Moscow Railway: in Peredelkino, in Kokoshkino and in Krekshino.