Cholerics have a strong willed character.

Every person is unique. Our psyche is multifaceted, we perceive the world differently. The perception of what is happening around depends on many factors, such as upbringing, type of temperament, social experience. Consider what temperament is and its 4 main types.

Temperament: 4 types of human temperament

The temperament of a person can be called a kind of biological foundation on the basis of which the personality itself is formed. This is social properties psyches that determine the dynamics of mental activity, behavior and social adaptation of people.

Hippocrates is considered to be the founder of the doctrine of the types of temperament. He argued that people are divided depending on the ratio of the four basic substances of the body: black bile, yellow bile, phlegm and blood. Claudius Galen supported the idea of ​​Hippocrates and wrote a whole scientific treatise called "The Right Measure". Claudius Galen identified four main types of human temperament. These are sanguine (blood), choleric (bile), phlegmatic (phlegm), melancholic (black bile).

Properties of temperament in psychology

Human temperament is based on a number of specific properties, such as:

Sensitivity. This is the degree of force of external influence necessary for the occurrence of a reaction from the psyche. Some people react calmly to external stimuli, others show violent reactions;

Reactivity. The property of reactivity is determined by the level of involuntary response to internal or external influences (sharp sound, tone of voice);

Activity, the ratio of activity and reactivity. These properties indicate how a person reacts to life difficulties. Is he ready to overcome various obstacles in life, to be purposeful, persistent, attentive;

Rigidity and plasticity. These properties of temperament can indicate how skillfully a person can adapt to external influences of the social environment;

Rates of reactive activity. They characterize the speed of mental processes and reactions to external stimuli;

Introversion and extraversion. These properties depend on the speed of human reactions, the speed of applied solutions;

Emotional excitability. Characterizes the degree of external influence on a person in the form of manifestations of signs of emotional arousal;

Choleric - a characteristic of temperament: the pros and cons

Cholerics have a strong willed character.

Type of nervous system: unbalanced, unrestrained, overly mobile.

Choleric takes on any difficult task, despite the complexity. Such people are excellent speakers, they are eloquent and convincing in almost any dispute.

Choleric people are not vindictive, they quickly forget insults and cannot keep a feeling of anger at the offender for a long time.

Choleric people are excellent leaders, they can organize people and take for them complex decisions. AT critical situation choleric is able to group, repulse the enemy, protect a weak person.

Choleric is not restrained in his statements in relation to ongoing events, he can sometimes be rude.

Cholerics have a certain tendency to dominate other people. Often people with such temperaments are prone to rapid mood swings, excessive gesticulation.

AT love sphere the choleric is jealous enough, while the beloved person becomes a kind of property for him. People with this type of temperament quickly fall in love and become attached to another person. Sometimes choleric people in a relationship are prone to anger and scandals.

Choleric children are quite capricious, they are often the center of attention in the family. The child can use his emotions to get the desired result. Such children are often capricious, in adolescence they show hyperactivity, they can get involved in sports or music, but they quickly get bored with hobbies.

Choleric Disadvantages

The main disadvantages of choleric include:

  • Excessive haste in their actions and actions;
  • Cholerics are impatient;
  • Excessive impulsiveness and imbalance;
  • Excessive straightness and sharpness when communicative communication with other people;
  • Aggressiveness that occurs periodically;

Psychologists recommend that choleric people learn to work on themselves. This work should consist in the ability to control oneself in any conflict situations. Often choleric people make ill-considered decisions and literally throw themselves into the pool with their heads. The ten second tactic is suitable for them, which consists in the fact that before accepting important decision or statements of opinion must be mentally counted to ten.

Sanguine - characteristic: pros and cons of sanguine

Sanguine people are cheerful and incorrigible optimists. These people cannot sit still, they need constant movement.

Sanguine people are very active, and this activity is manifested in literally all areas of the life of a sanguine person. They like to be the center of attention, but unlike choleric people, they do not have the manners of dictators.

The peculiarity of the psychological behavior of sanguine people is different a high degree excitability.

Sanguine people know how to get along with people, find a compromise in any difficult life situations. They are resourceful and enterprising. A sanguine person can literally lead the crowd, because these people are excellent speakers who know how to convince others that they are right.

Hyperactivity does not give the sanguine person the right to sit still. He tries to make his life brighter and more interesting. Such people love to travel, discovering more and more facets of the world around them. Many artists, musicians, actors are just sanguine.

Psychological feature of the sanguine

If we talk about the psychological component of sanguine people, then in these people the degree of excitation of the central nervous system is quite high. The inhibition threshold, on the contrary, is low, and therefore sanguine people perceive the world as somewhat illusory. But at the same time, memory functions are developed remarkably. Often sanguine people focus their memory only on what arouses their interest. They can remember funny cases, but at the same time forget the dates of the birthdays of your friends. Sanguine people pay attention to noticeable details, such as bright clothes or an unusual hairstyle of the interlocutor.

The emotional background of sanguine people is quite diverse. These people are emotional and not afraid to show their experiences to others. They often gesticulate when talking, they can hug or kiss when meeting. These emotions are completely sincere, a sanguine person wants to please people and receive the same reaction from them in response. Sanguine people are different out of the box thinking, they are constantly trying to learn something new, change their image or occupation. Monotonous work and loneliness leads them to severe depression.

People with this type of temperament have a lot of friends. Sanguine knows how to make friends, and always comes to the aid of a person in a difficult situation. In personal relationships, sanguine people are sometimes windy. In building a strong family, they are hindered by an excessive thirst for communication.

The main disadvantages of sanguine people:

  • Inconsistency in actions and deeds. A sanguine person often gets down to business, but rarely brings it to the end, such people cannot work in a monotonous job;
  • Sanguine people often overestimate themselves and their abilities;
  • People with a similar temperament have mood swings, it is difficult for them to develop strong-willed qualities in themselves;

Phlegmatic - characteristic: pros and cons

A phlegmatic person is a balanced person who carefully thinks through his every step. Typically, these people have analytical warehouse mind and soberly look at the surrounding life.

Phlegmatic people are rather lazy, often prefer not to be active and go with the flow. They are always calm and unruffled. Even if they have experienced stress or unpleasant life situation, then they do not always show their temper.

Phlegmatic is difficult to piss off, his nervous system is like a scale that keeps balance. If it is difficult to bring him to simple emotions, then it is even more difficult to force him to show activity or joy.

In other words, the phlegmatic type of human temperament is recognized as the most balanced and emotionally stable.

Phlegmatic people do not immediately make contact with people, they need time to assess the situation. An abrupt change in the environment is like a tragedy for them and it is very difficult to endure. These people do not like active entertainment, they like a cozy home furnishings They often prefer to spend time alone.

In the work of phlegmatic people are painstaking and diligent, they have good memory and they can remember large amounts of information.

Phlegmatic people are rather closed and hidden, they are reluctant to show sympathy for another person. But if a phlegmatic person likes a representative of the opposite sex, then he will do everything to achieve his location.

Phlegmatic friends are quite difficult to find, he does not make contact well. But if a person with this type of temperament finds a friend, then this friendship can last a lifetime. A family for phlegmatic people is a kind of fortress in which they feel comfortable. Such people enter into marriage late, they can be in search of a partner for a long time.

The main disadvantages of phlegmatic:

  • Often they are not receptive, do not show initiative, react poorly to external stimuli;
  • They can be stingy with emotions, slowly get involved in work, make poor contact with people around them;
  • Difficulty adapting to changing living conditions;

Melancholic - characteristic: the pros and cons of a melancholic

Melancholics are prone to bouts of despair and depression. The temperament of such people is sluggish, pessimistic. Any event, even an insignificant one, makes the melancholic worry. He does not know how to enjoy life, and sees it exclusively in a negative tone. Sadness and longing can cover such a person for no reason, often melancholic people feel a sense of self-pity.

People with this type of temperament have to resort to secrecy and suppression of emotions. They experience everything in themselves, which is why depressive states of the psyche appear. Psychologists point out that great amount people who commit suicide are just melancholic.

The melancholic reacts slowly to external stimuli, does not remember information well, often suffers from a mass of complexes and an excessively low level of personal self-esteem. Motor activity is sluggish and inexpressive.

Melancholic people cannot work intensively and monotonously, as they definitely need rest or short breaks to stabilize psychological state. AT social environment such people are lethargic, uncommunicative, it is difficult for them to find a soul mate or close friend. It is difficult for them to be active and cheerful. They choose sanguine or choleric people as people, since this choice is explained by the subconscious desire of the melancholic to be patronized.

It can be difficult for melancholic people to arrange their personal life. Often big role in fiasco love relationship plays their indecision and cowardice. They choose for their life partners strong man. There are also advantages to this type of temperament.

Melancholy people are kind, vulnerable, they will always share the last thing they have. They subconsciously want to help a person in need.

Melancholic Disadvantages:

  • Emotional instability, indecision, lack of confidence in oneself and one's abilities;
  • Difficulty with the perception of the surrounding world, vulnerability, pessimism;
  • Tendency to depressive states of the psyche;

Psychologists strongly recommend melancholic people not to close themselves. Try to explore the world, travel, communicate with new people. You can try to engage in sponsorship in order to increase your personal self-esteem. Engage in active sports, dancing, any creativity. A melancholic person needs to be close to relatives and friends, and not to become isolated in himself and his feelings.

Vіdmіnі і at once tіsno pov "yazanі one with one. Їх scientiс vvchennya went not sponadyuchimi, but more than once cross paths.

Understanding the temperament of a person
Temperament is the continuum of dynamic features of mental processes and behavior. Before them one can see the quickness of the reaction, the individual pace of work, the shifting of mental processes and rukhovo activity from one type of activity to another, the quickness of the inclusion of people in different types of activity and galvanism. About people, yakі in a different way - one shvidshe, іnshі more povіlnіshe - react to the words і dії іnshih, to say that they stink with a different temperament. About the quiet, who go from one type of activity to another, so to speak like about people with a different temperament. The same stands for individual differences in quickness of reactions, in alertness and in emotional behavior.
Word "temperament" resemble the Latin temperamentum, which translates as “well-balanced parts”. This is how the temperament of the pov "was explained by the fact that in ancient times (at the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates - the V century BC) it was hardened that the type of temperament is set by the spіvvіdnennia in the body of a person chotirioh vivid rіdin:
1. shelter,
2. zhovch,
3. black yellow,
4. limfi (phlegmy).
Until then, the names of temperaments, proponed by Hippocrates, were saved: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic.
tipi temperament
After Hippocrates, one of the first to characterize the temperaments of people was the German philosopher I. Kant. sanguine, for Kant, - a person who looks like a swedish serpent equally weak for the strength of emotions. Choleric - hot, porivchasty man. melancholic - an individual, for which the emotional experience is characteristic. Phlegmatic person - a more povіlny, calm person. The temperament of the rich century of the last century was subsequently attributed either to the peculiarities of the human blood (I. Kant), or to the body of the body (E. Kretschmer), or to the exchange processes that occur in the human body. According to the theory of the temperament of the pov, yoga is understood from the budovy nervous system, її power. For I.P. Pavlova, there are such main powers: strength, instability and vrіvnovazhenistyu. Nebilicin and others, showed in the central nervous system more richly than other powers, lowering Pavlov, so the typology of temperaments, based on the powers of the nervous system, recognized the change. physiologist.
The strength of the nervous system is characterized by the stature of vitrimuvat trivaly and significant urgency. Ruggedness of nerve processes - flexibility and other dynamic features of their faults and foundations. The switching of nerve processes is characterized by a gradual transition from the state of awakening to the state of galvanization, and navpaki. The vrіvnovazhenіst characterizes spontaneity in the nervous system of the processes of awakening and galvanization.
Strong, rickety, vrіvnovazheny type of nervous system, according to Pavlov, - in sanguine; strong, level, inert type - in a phlegmatic person; strong, neurotic - in choleric; weak - in melancholic.
The typology was developed by I.P. Pavlov, on the basis of experimental data of creatures, based on the obzageniye statements about the power of the nervous system, and the trio was forgiven. More evidence of efficiency, which is based on the evidence about the power of the nervous system in the robots of science.
sanguine temperament, perhaps, domineering people with a strong, dynamic, vrіvnovazhenoyu that perekkaetsya nervous system. Such people behave calmly, control and show their emotions, build up themselves.
choleric temperament, which is better for everything, makes a strong, rueful, dynamic, which mixes the nervous system with neurodevelopment, moreover, the process of awakening in such a nervous system clearly dominates the process of galvanization. The bells and whistles of the behavior of a choleric person are marked by high activity, the pace of change, quick reactions and increased emotion. Such a person has a voice, a sharp movement. Choleric people rarely become calm and “turn on” others in their distress.
Phlegmatic person- a person with a strong, level-headed, scarlet-eyed and weakly permeating nervous system. Vіd sanguinіka vіn vіdrіznyaєtsya sluggish reactions. The calls of such a person sound, looking more calm, undisturbed, and it’s even more important to bring it to yourself.
melancholic- May weaken the nervous system, it is unexcitable and neurotic, in a kind of galvanization it is easy to blame and dominate over damage. The call of a melancholic is given to be humiliated, galvanized by a human being, who may have a vile mood. If you want to make strong emotional outbursts, especially in situations of stress, you will fall into a state of depression.
Descriptions of the type of temperament of a person in a clean look in life are not often mentioned. Most of the time they go together one by one so that in one and the same person signs of different types of temperament appear. Before that, any other type of people is considered to be on the basis of the one that in psychology and behavior is dominated by figures of some kind of one of the described types. There are a few people who seem to be stunned, who cannot be seen in any of the representations of temperament types, since they have the power of the nervous system, characteristic of the skin type, “mixed”.
Human character
On the basis of temperament, the character of a person is brought not to the level, dynamic features of the behavior, but to the internal, psychological foundations of the vchinkiv, to lie down in the form of the person's special features and in the form of the yogo special setting to the point of robbing wine. The character shows the will and motivation of the person's behavior. As a result of the singing of the powers of the nervous system, a person is born into the world, then his character is changed for life.
Character is the most basic characteristic of specialness, lower temperament, therefore, to describe the character, the words “draw character” and not “powerful character” are used. Rice of specialty in psychology is called a stand of specialty - such as it marks the features of a person. The term “authority” means whether I’m going to use the private side of the psychology of a person, as soon as possible to lay down the style, and not the essence of the behavior. It is not enough for one's nature to make people lie in temperament, that particularity is called authority.
In life, the character of a person is manifested in the very different types of yoga activities, encouraging behaviors of purposefulness, arrogance, and people - exercising to achieve success (willingness to characterize). The character of a person is also manifested in yoga summation, vidpovіdalnostі, neatness (dіlovі risi), in vіdkritostі, comradeship, interest and respect for people (communicative risi character). Three names of the group of rice character are the main ones.
Individual qualities in the characters of people are succumbing to the development of the world today in people of different willful, businesslike and communicative character. The shards of such people's rice are rich, not less, less than a dozen dozen, the shards of individual strength in people's characters can be significant. The stink of lying down and in the form of a suspense, in which one was born and splintered in the perebіgu of life. Individual distinctions in character are already noted in childhood until the end of the early century and then step by step increase.
On the basis of temperament, the character of a person can change and really change in this world by prolonging his life. Childhood is the main stage in the formation of character. Vіn begins to develop in people from the first fates of life under the direct infusion of yoga fathers, or they replace people, like waving a child. Vіn lie down in the form of setting up these people to the child and the way of causing him. In case of a bad occasion with a child, the first fates of a child's life are formed in a child in a positive way, and in a bad one - negative ones. So draw character, like kindness, openness, comradeship, - ring out the aftermath of a warm occasion with a child;
In looking stable rice, children develop reactions to animals that are grown up. Especially great vpliv on formuvannya nature nadayut takі way to zvernennya, SSMSC viklikayut in ditini silnі emotsії i Stand "yazanі іz zadovolennyam Yogo naybіlsh vazhlivih zhittєvih required. So pochinayut formuvatisya komunіkativnі RISS nature. Volovі RISS skladayutsya descho pіznіshe pid vplivom otrimanih ditinoyu zaohochen i retribution. Yakscho fathers chi yakі zaminyat їх people vmіlo poєdnuyu zahochennya і pokarannya, pіdtrimuyut child diligence, pogoglivіst, tsіlespryamovanіst and іnshі yakostі povedіnіka, then volovі risi character.
Remain in the preschool age to start shaping a businesslike character, and moreover, their formation is to lie down as if they were tired and punished, so in the case of inherited children, they are otochyuchim. If people themselves constantly demonstrate children's good deeds of character, then you can fully invest in those who often show their character in children.
The character of a person, who is mainly known in childhood, can become more or less permanent, or change far away. Chi bude vіn zmіnyuvatisya і, yakscho so, yak specifically - tse lie in a number of furnishing. First, in addition, the chi and chi began to give stable, new features to the character of the child. If the stench took shape and stabilized, then, as a rule, there is a trend to their persistence. If the stench has not yet formed, then they can change further.
In another way, the stability of the character is to lie down in the form of a person's position to herself and in the form of a position to the side of the otochyuchih. This is a more positive setting, ie early stabilization of the character. The most important things, changes in character are indicated in that moment, if a person is taken to himself and set to a new overwhelming super-friendly and unacceptable. From the beginning, from 12 - 15 to 35 - 40 years, the character of a person starts to improve, then the years stabilize for 20 years until the end of life, after 65 - 70 years, again you can become worse.
tipi character
The character of people, like and їх temperaments, is divided into types, prote clasifikatsії charac- ters іstotno vіdznyayutsya in typology of temperaments. While in the extreme manifestations of the power of temperament are called types of temperament, then in the extreme manifestations of character are called accentuations. Tse understanding is like the word "accent" - vision, reassurance. Emphasis on character is called people who have a strong expression of character that goes beyond the norm. For example, a person can have a strongly developed character, such as kindness, comradeship, optimism or a negative character pattern: aggressiveness, isolation, pessimism. Strictly kazhuchi, may be a skin person - in the sense of the word, the specialty is accentuated, you can know the shards of the new one if you want one of the rich accentuated rice character. However, in practice, the concepts of "accentuation" are basically rooted, if a person shows not one, but a sprat of different characters.
The manifestation of characterological accentuation can be a timchasic (secular) and postyny ​​character. In most people, timchas accentuations of character are manifested in critical periods of life, in the hour of illness, in folded, strained life minds. Before critical ones, there are transitional periods in a person's life from a child to a preschool age (about 3 years), from a young school age to a teenage age (from 11 - 12 to 14 - 15 years), from a child's age to adolescence (18 - 19 years), to maturity (35-40 years), from maturity to old age (after 70 years). Constantly accentuated character, as a rule, is seen in people with an important childishness.
Suspіlstvo is injected into the character of a person with a specific rank. It forms an ideology, it includes projects to illuminate the background of the character, which is necessary for this society. In ideology, the stench is given to looking at values ​​and moral norms. Turning on before the official, under the order of the state, the system is illuminated in terms of the goals of the education and development of children, the values ​​and norms are realized in the choice and methods of the education and development of children. As a result, people grow up with some typical character traits.
This act is known in history and in some social typologies of the characteristics of modern people, for example in the typology suggested by the American philosopher and psychoanalyst E. Fromm. Vіn аlѕο wіll hаνе іn thе numerical examples οf difficulties іn adapting tο someone else's suspіlstі, wіth thіѕ mаkіѕ tο hаνе thе people thаt аrе born аnd grew іn аnіy kraїnі, аlе frustrated аftеr аmіgruvati аnd life іnshіy kraіnі.
The axis of deyakі applied: Spartan, military-sportive, and suspіlno-religious vihovannia in Ancient Greece formed one type of character - a warrior, sacredly believing in the rightness of the right, having protected the wines, and an active political fiend. Another school of learning, which was formed in the same place, - the Athenian one - sank into its own elements of sensible, moral and aesthetic learning and, shvidshe, molded the type of character of a learned-intellectual, an established cultural person, a distant view of politics and war.
E. Fromm, having deeply psychologically analyzed to what extent the development of developed capitalism and free market opportunities in the 40th - 50th years in the United States really came, he came to a conclusion about those types of social characteristics of people, like it gave birth, . Vin called them apparently "sadists", "masochists", "conformists" and "viewers", and named them in such a rank. All the same - nevdahi, yakі their bіdah ringing іnshih and against them to direct aggression.
"Sadist" - the price of nevdahi, as if in their own bidah they ring out others and direct their aggression against them.
"Masochist" - tse nevdahi, as if they ring to themselves and direct aggression against themselves.
"Conformity" - evidence, unprincipled adherence, as it is easy and simple to change one's own look, as only the economic and political con "juncture is changing.
"Vidlyudniki" - those who get stuck in themselves and by themselves "go" in the face of life's problems, instead of violating them for the better, but simply don't mark them.
American sociologists W. Thomas and F. Znaniecki in the work “Polish Peasant in Europe and America” (1918-1920 pp.) showed how culture, attitudes and values ​​of people are changing; . It is noteworthy that the stinks behind their character in the end of the rahunka, like bizupinayutsya between two cultures, do not completely overwhelm and do not quite stick to the new one, so they melt marginal features.
Sim "I'm on the vіdmіnu vіd suspіlstva formє in people not zahalnosotsіalnі, but national, religious, cultural and other types of characters, yakі vvazhayutsya tsіnmi і korisnimi for super life in іy chi іnshіy social group.
The main individual differences in the characters of people are born by the very family of variations. The price is worthy of quiet rice to the character, like the authorities to representatives of various mixed groups of the population.
The school pours into the character of a person. The strongest influence of the school is on the molding of so-called inter-special character, which makes it more efficient and special intercourse of people. It is of great importance for the molding of the character of schoolchildren in May the bonding with one-year-olds and teachers.
Іsnuyut deyakі vіkovі osoblinostі i will show rice character. Svіy, vіdmіnniy vіd іnshih vіkovih categorіy, character may іt children up to 11-12 roіv, pіdlіtki z 11-12 to 14-15 roіv, young women and girls in іkom іd 15-16 to 25-30 roіv, matured people in the period from 25 to 40 -50 years, from 40-50 to 60-70 years and after 70 years.

Methods of learning the temperament and character of a person
There are two groups of methods to follow the types of temperament vicorist, one of them is based on the development of diy and reactions of people (with caution for them calling and self-assessment), and the other - on the psychophysiological study of the power of the nervous system. In the first type of visnovo about the temperament of a person, to fight on the basis of the fact that on the basis of yogo diy and zhittєvі reaktsії vіdpovіdat deyaky standards of diy and reactions, pov "yazany z different types of temperament. given people, with these powers, like science, are attributed to people of a singing type of temperament.
In case of self-assessment, a person, corssing with the text of a proponated yoma opituvalnik, himself evaluates his own reactions to those other subrazniks in typical life situations. In case of gradation up to ovnishnіkh assessments for a person, the qualifications of fahіvtsі-posterіgаchі should be given. The power of the nervous system with the method of determining the temperament of a person is developed with the help of special tests and adjustments, which accurately fix the physiological reaction of the human body in response to sensory stimuli.
Dosit suvorimi, which allow you to assess the temperament of a person without mercy, it’s less psychological, about “active methods, the shards of the person herself and even more can seriously pardon in assessments of temperament. people, is the result of a culture.The stench lies in the culture and culture of this people.As a result, a real, natural temperament can appear attached to the evnіshnіmi, ethically correct forms of behavior.
As an example, among the traditional culture of peoples who live in the middle of Europe, it is customary to speak loudly and at the same time widely and freely gesture for the hour of speaking. The same behavior is seen as not entirely cultural among the deyaky peoples who live in the European pivnochi. Therefore, the inhabitants of the pivdnya can be called people who have a dominant choleric temperament, and the inhabitants of the pivnoch - people with a phlegmatic temperament. It's really not like that. scientific studies show that the difference between temperaments for types in pivnichnyh and pivdennyh people is approximately the same.

Figures of the character of a person are twisted in a different way, lower than the power of temperament. For whom, there are either significant special tests, for those who include food and tasks, recognized for the assessment of rice to the character of a person, or special, characterological tests. In the middle of the rest, you can see those, for which you can count, for example, what a person has an accentuation character.

Wikoristan literature
1. Nemov R.S. Psychology: Navch. for stud. vishch. account head - M.: Vlados, 1998
2. Rubinstein S.L. Fundamentals of global psychology - M.:



Boyko Natalia and Kapilova Viktoria

What is temperament?

Temperament is inborn (biologically intelligent) and unchanging power of the human psyche, which signifies the reaction of people to other people and to the surroundings. The term was introduced into the language by Claudius Galen, in translation from Latin it means “the proper support of parts”.

In a pure-looking temperament, they rarely sharpen.

There are two leading characteristics:

    • Activity, in a way a person interacts with the necessary world. It manifests itself in tempo, speed, intensity;
    • Emotion, as manifested in sensitivity, impulsiveness and irritability.

History of molding understanding

The magic of numbers in the mediterranean civilization led to a discussion about temperament, at that hour a five-component “system of the world” was developing at the Skhodі.

The word “temperament” (Latin temperans, “pomіrniy”) in translation from Latin means “necessary spіvvіdshennya chasti”, equal to the meaning of the Greek word “krasis” (Greek κράσις, “anger, zmіshuvannya”) in the ancient Greek likar Hippocrates. Under the temperament of the wines of rozumiv and anatomical, physiological, and individual psychological characteristics of the person.

History of molding understanding

Overweight in the body of one of the "life juices" (chotyrox elements):

    • zhovchi (Greek χολή, chole, “zhovch, otruta”) to rob an impulsive person, “hot” - choleric,
    • overwhelmed limfi (Greek φλέγμ α, phlegm, “phlegm”)
    • overflowing of blood (lat. sanguis, sanguis, “shelter”)
    • overwhelmed by black zhovchі (Greek μέλαινα χολή, melena chole, “black zhovch”) to rob a person with a vain and fearful melancholic.

From the point of view of psychologists

4 temperaments - only one of the possible systems for evaluating psychological traits (for example, introvert-extrovert and others). Descriptions of temperaments are quite strongly reviewed in various psychologists and obviously include a large number of factors. We tried to provide scientific and experimental base for the theory of temperaments (I. P. Pavlov, G. Yu. Tsіkavim є according to T. A. Blyuminoї (1996), in order to try to establish the theory of temperament in zіma vіdomimi for that hour (over 100) psychological typologies, including from the point of view of the methods of designating the given types.

In general, the classification for temperaments does not satisfy the current ones until the factorial analysis of the specificity and ninth cirque is better from the historical point of view.

Modern science

In our time, the concept of 4 temperaments is supported by the concepts of “talking” and “awakening” of the nervous system. Spivvіdnoshennia "high" and "low" rіvnіv for dermal z tsikh two independent parametrіv gives deak іndivіdualnuyu characteristics of people i, as a result - a formal designation of the skin z 4 temperaments.

Tipi temperament played an important role in the psychology and philosophy of the new hour, zocrema in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant.

Domineering temperament

In skin temperament, one can know both positive and negative powers. Garne vihovannya, control and self-control gives the possibility to manifest: melancholy, like people with deep feelings and emotions; phlegmatic, like a vitrimanian, without further decisions of a person; sanguine, like a high chuynu for be-like robotic people; choleric, like burning, crazy and active in robotic people.

Negative dominance of temperament can manifest itself: in a melancholic person - isolation and shyness; in a phlegmatic person - baiduzhist to people, dryness; in sanguine - surface, roaming, minlivity; in a choleric person - a quick decision.

Domineering temperament

Distinguish the following main power temperaments, like:

Sensitivity - the world of sensitivity to the manifestations of action, which stand out for specialness.

Reactivity - turbulent reactions with success or failure

Plasticity - appears at the shvidkoy attached to the furnishings that change.

Rigidness - singularity, protilezhna plasticity, foldability, or unpredictability to be re-worked at the time of vikonanniy, which will require furnishing.

Resistance - the world of building is based on negative or unfriendly environments.

Extraversion - the same type of specialness (or behavior), which is orientated in its manifestations to the outside world, to the otochyuchih.

Introversion - a type of singularity, orientations "inside" or "on" oneself.

Infusion of temperament

In the temperament of a person to lie down:

    • Shvidkіst vyniknennya psychic processes (for example, shvidkіst priynyattya, shvidkіst thought, trivality zaseredzhennya respect, etc.);
    • Plasticity and stability of mental phenomena, lightness of their changes and switching;
    • Tempo and rhythm of activity;
    • Intensity of mental processes (for example, strength of emotions, activity of will);
    • Direction of mental activity on songs about "act (extraversion or introversion).

Short temperament test

Say: you are sitting on a bench, your hat is instructed to lie with you, a man comes up to you and sits on it! How do you react???

    • Yakshcho vie took the zobr. 1 then you - sanguine
    • Yakshcho vie took the zobr. 2 then you - melancholic
    • Yakshcho vie took the zobr. 3 then you are a choleric
    • Yakshcho vie took the zobr. 4 then wee - phlegmatic


tipi temperament





Sanguine type

The sanguine is christened like a hot, more productive fiend, but only if it’s right, if you’re on the right, then you’ll wake up. If you can’t do this, you’ll become boring, we’ll say that a person with advanced reactivity, moreover, activity and reactivity in her are vrіvnovazhenі. Vіn zbudzheno vіdpovіdaє everything that attaches yogo respect, I live mimicry and viraznі rukhi. From an insignificant drive of blame it is more difficult, and a non-sense fact can irritate it. Vіn actively take on a new right and maybe for a long time to practice, without getting involved. Vіn shvidko zoseredzhuєtsya, disciplines. To you, the taman’s shvidkі ruhi, the gnuchkіst of the mind, the kmіtlivіst. Shvidky pace of movement, Shvidka included in the new work. High plasticity is manifested in the inconsistency of feelings, attitudes, zatsіkavlen and pragne, it is easy to converge with new people, it quickly resonates to new vimog and furnishings. Extrovert. Feeling easy to blame, easy to change.

choleric type

The temperament is characterized as follows: “fighting type, flamboyant, drastically… Having choked on the right, superficially exerts itself on your own strength and vreshti-resht torn, vynazhuetsya more, lower next, vin dopratsovuetsya to the point that you already carried everything. characterizes as: “it is characterized by low sensitivity, high reactivity and activity. But reactivity clearly outweighs activity, which is not a culprit. Nevitrimaniy, intolerant, characterized by a sharp change in mood. Hot, swedish tempo and sharpness at the pace. Vіn less plastic and more inert, lower sanguine. There is a great stability of work and interests, more poise, possible difficulties in switching respect.

The temperament behind the characteristic is calm, vrіvnovazheny, zavzhdi equal, easy-going and hard-working worker of life. But it will take Yomu an hour to build up, to build up respect, to switch Yogo to another object. "volody of high activity, signifi- cantly overriding low reactivity, low sensitivity and emotion." Yogo is important to laugh and embarrass. In case of great inaccuracies, it becomes quiet. Ring out at the new bіdna mіmіka, ruhi neviraznі y upovіlnіnі, just like mova. Vіn is not smart, it is important to switch respect and stick to new furnishing, it is necessary to change the names and sounds. With whom wine is energy and practical. It exudes patience, vitriol, self-control. As a rule, it is important for you to meet new people, weakly react to the current emotions, an introvert.

Phlegmatic type

The sanguine is christened like a hot, more productive fiend, but only if it’s right, if you’re on the right, then you’ll wake up. If you can’t do this, you’ll become boring, we’ll say that a person with advanced reactivity, moreover, activity and reactivity in her are vrіvnovazhenі. Vіn zbudzheno vіdpovіdaє everything that attaches yogo respect, I live mimicry and viraznі rukhi. From an insignificant drive of blame it is more difficult, and a non-sense fact can irritate it. Vіn actively take on a new right and maybe for a long time to practice, without getting involved. Vіn shvidko zoseredzhuєtsya, disciplines. To you, the taman’s shvidkі ruhi, the gnuchkіst of the mind, the kmіtlivіst. Shvidky pace of movement, Shvidka included in the new work. High plasticity is manifested in the inconsistency of feelings, attitudes, zatsіkavlen and pragne, it is easy to converge with new people, it quickly resonates to new vimog and furnishings. Extrovert. Feeling easy to blame, easy to change.

melancholic type

Showing the peculiarities of being stale in terms of temperament

    • The role of the interlocutor
    • self-esteem
    • Self-confidence
    • Friendship and love
    • Moves and moves
    • Appetite

The role of the interlocutor












Phlegmatic person





tell about

in front of everyone

exercise before




rubbish "angry,

stay in



not on the lookout

Phlegmatic person




to be friends with a nebagatma,

another command,

strongly addictive,

shy to anger,



don't get caught up in

sobi, perebіshuє

nedolіki, do not believe in luck

not shy before

Vistula Jaskravih

sensitive, calm

setting up

partner, calm


Phlegmatic person

Friendship and love


are going through

sympathy is easy,

bright and fun

exercise before




rubbish "angry,

stay in



not on the lookout

Phlegmatic person

Ruhi ta move











Phlegmatic person



Їst shvidko, rich

Temperament- the head power of specialty. It is important that it is the most stable characteristic of a person’s specialty, as it may not change in the continuation of life and is manifested in all spheres of life.

An ancient description of the temperament belongs to the "father's" medicine Hippocrates (bl. 460-377 pp. BC). SAME VIN PERSHON SERVED WAY З "YASUVATI, I COMMUNICE IN THE NEEDS OF PERSONS. VINA TAY OF YOUR ASSLION GALEN (LANTORIM LІKAR, BL. 130 - 200 PP. N.E.) Dіisley Visniku, Scho Tsі Vіdmіnnostі zuzyovlenі Різмин підин и перешные organisms of people. tsikh rіdin is healthy "I, even though disproportionately zherelom raznykh zahvoryuvan.

I.P. Pavlov, bringing the manifestation of the singing regularity in the manifestation of individual differences, hanging the hypothesis that in the basis of their fundamental power of nervous processes is the awakening of that galvanism, their rіvnovazhenіst and raggedness.

The quality of the nervous processes is established by the sings of the system, combinations, yakі th mind the type of the nervous system.

The dominance of the nervous system, the peculiarities of the temperament of the greater-less are obviously manifested and "read" in the behavior of the person.

I.P. Pavlov identified some of the main types of the nervous system, close to the traditional typology of Hippocrates - Galen. According to their type of nervous system with the typology of Hippocrates - Galen, the Russian physiologist describes them as follows:

  • strong, vrіvnovazheny, rickety type - sanguine;
  • strong, vrіvnovazheny, inert type - phlegmatic;
  • strong, fragile, neurotic type - choleric;
  • weak, neuro-innovative, low-grade type - melancholic.

TEMPERAMENT - the power of special power, which reflects the individually-original dynamics of the psyche and behavior, which, however, manifests itself in different activities independently in the light of smist, mark and motives.

A person has such types of temperament: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholy. All types of temperament can be characterized by listing below the main authorities:

  • lability - incorporating the quickness of guilt and the interruption of arousal and galvanization;
  • sensitivity - this is the strength of the injection, as it is necessary, to zoom in people's reaction;
  • reactivity - the strength of the emotional reaction to external and internal stimuli;
  • activity - that is, those, how many people inspire energy in life and activity;
  • the rate of reactions - the speed of overcoming mental processes and reactions;
  • plasticity - flexibility, steps of building up to new minds;
  • rigidity - inertness, inflexibility, insensitivity to a change of minds;
  • extraversion - directing specialness to the most important people, objects, objects;
  • introversion - fixation of specialness on oneself, on one's own experiences and thoughts, shyness to self-analysis, isolation;
  • emotional alertness - the strength of the injection, is needed in order to cause an emotional reaction.

A choleric person is a person with a strong, neurotic, crumbling nervous system, as it is seen as an awakening over galvanism.

Choleric temperament virіznyaєtsya tsiklіchnіstyu and impulsivnіstyu have diyalnostі th behavior. A choleric person can be fully right, zealously working, energetically overcoming difficulties on the path to reach the mark, and throw everything with a rapt mustache.

For specialty with this type of temperament is characterized by increased alertness and emotional reactivity. Vaughn becomes intolerant, flamboyant and sharp in stosunki, straightforward. її volovі dії duzhe porivchastі, yakscho їy tsіkavo, it is built up to a high concentration of respect, but it reveals insufficient building before the switch of respect. For directing, the choleric is an extrovert, loves to be in the center of respect, but in the intercourse it is not easy to love, so that everything was, as if it were necessary, intransigent. May organizational fluctuations. The new one has a lively facial expression, a vivid gesture, often a quick pace of movement.

Characteristic signs of a vivacious choleric temperament: squawking, arousing tempo of ruhіv, straight-line ruhi begin with ryvka, roughness of ruhіv, ruhliva mimicry, vociferous voice, shvidka mov (її її shvidkіst can kolivatatsya), hand-pulled jerky. With a long roar, the eyes either "light up", then "darkness", which pov "is connected with the incantations of respect to those (cause it’s like you’re out of your mind). On the voice, the respect is also voiced, sharply. people.

Sanguine- a person with a strong, vrіvnovazhenoyu, crumbling nervous system, for which the powerful high is the quickness of reactions.

For this type of temperament is characterized by high lability. Sanguine people can easily zbudzhuvatisya, as well as easily galvanize their banter. For the activity of a sanguine person, productivity is characteristic of that time, if it’s easy for you, if you know wine, it’s new for yourself. As if it becomes necikavo, vin begins to nudguvati and polishes on the right, not bringing it to the end. Think about it, in a stressful situation, you show the "reaction of the left."

The peculiarity of such a temperament is already rotten, it is easy to stick to new minds of life, it is easy to know contact with other people, to be comradely, it is free and sharp to feel in a new honed. For straightening, a sanguine is an extrovert. If your friends have fun, then life. The mood of the new zdebіlsh is optimistic.

For a sanguine character, a high level of mental activity, energy, practicality, fluency, fluency in facial expressions, and a fast moving pace are characteristic. Sanguine pragne to frequent change of hostility, easily and swiftly respond to the most important steps, comrade.

Characteristic signs of a modern viyavu sanguine temperament: wide ruhi, wide crotch, stroke of a swede, rhythmic, gracefulness to a small distance when splicing, a firm look, a strong hand-waving, a bagat and bagat of mimicry, a puffed-shvidka manner of movement. Eyes "light up" with the appearance of a new idea, a new proposition.

Phlegmatic person- calm, zavzhdy vrіvnovazheny, easy-going and zazyaty worker of life (I.P. Pavlov). This reaction is optimally attached to the strength of mental podraznikiv, and to that phlegmatic people adequately react to the infusions of the ethereal middle: if weak podrazniki, then the reaction is weak, if strong, then strong. But the domineering inertia does not give them the ability to quickly react to changes in the middle. Smart reflections in phlegmatic people settle more, but they appear to be persistent.

Phlegmatic people can control, tame and regulate insane reflections and emotions. That is why in your behavior, ruhs, rose stench is more and more calm. Mіmіka duzhe bіdna, the voice is quiet and indistinct. The stench is definitely dorimuyuyutsya virobleny order of life, and that nothing can bring them back to the main practice. They are characterized by serendipity, vibrancy, among others they are distinguished by steadfastness of respect, zdatnistyu diligence and nonchalantly pratsyuvati.

The peculiarity of such a temperament reacts properly, that time it’s not possible to work quickly in extreme situations. It is important to stick to new minds, not to like changing the sounds, the order of life, work, friends. In a phlegmatic person, the mood is more importantly stable, equal. As if serious unacceptability, the sound of the calm is overwhelmed.

For a phlegmatic person, a characteristic low level of mental activity, fullness, an important switch from one type of activity to another and adhering to new minds. The new one has a calm, equal mood. Feel and mood zvichaynyayutsya steel. For unacceptable minds (for the sake of interest, vtoma), the silliness, the viciousness of emotions, the silliness to the victoriousness of single-mansion zvichnyh can develop.

melancholic- all the people with a weak, neurotic, low-strength nervous system, like a spirit of sensitiveness to inspire weak podrazniki, and a strong one can cause a "vision" in them.

For straightening, a melancholic is an introvert, for that it is important to experience a change in life’s sharpening, to spend in a new mind of life, even to be ruined. Vіn buvaє over the world rubbish "I'm sarcastic, viljudkuvatim, timid and inconsiderate, not to like new acquaintances and loud companies.

The peculiarity of this type of temperament shows disintegration, spontaneity. In supra-extreme situations, she may manifest "rabbit stress", which will lead to low efficiency of activity, or even an unsettled task.

A melancholy is a squishy person, shy to asthenic emotions. They feel a little bit different about the overblow, the stiffness and the weak expressiveness. Tse people are oversensitive. Roughness, tactlessness, innocence and other negative moments of the behavior of melancholy are more painful to endure, they need to be calm, more sharpened, they can successfully practice.

Characteristic signs of a vivav melancholy temperament: full, mlyavy tempo of rukhiv, small-eyed and at once tense mimicry, povilna manner of movement, unvoiced voice, glance often sideways or raising the voice of the speaker, at the hour of the hand-shaking hand mlyava, can be "lowered" at the rhythm of the movie. Cease to be active at the time of shouting, - sharply respected, lulled to new respect. Under the hour of a group active discussion of food, you can’t start to show initiative, especially in case of critical judgments, to be ruined by a great audience, unique to the “contact of eyes”.

The peculiarities of the type of temperament in the skin peculiarities are manifested differently. The stench changes with age, shifting from direct fallow in the form of ripening and development of the human body, її psyche. The head of the field is in order to call on qі singularity and vibration in a person in the mind of the spirit of his temperament.