The business of the owner. Paronyms master - economic

Master's business Prost. Do as you please, as you see fit. [ Gavrilov:] Vera Petrovna still fell in love ... [Faith:] This topic is not of your mind, dear Lena Timofeevna. [Gavrilov:] . Master's business(A. Arbuzov. House on the outskirts). - The people are in full favor with you. Stay with us on the spit. - No, I can't. - Well, I'm sorry to bother ... It's, of course, the master's(Paustovsky. Tale of life).

Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .


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    CASE- Drawing master. Narodn. Shuttle. pocket thief. SRNG 5, 69. Coffin master. Jarg. school Shuttle. iron. Labor teacher. (Entry 2003). Asshole master. Jarg. they say Shuttle. Doctor proctologist. Vakhitov 2003, 55. Shoulder master. Razg. Outdated.… … Big Dictionary Russian sayings

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MASTER. 1. Relating to the owners, belonging to, peculiar to them. 2. Associated with the activity of the owner, such as that of the owner. Owner's: 1) ~ son; ~th bride, surname; ~ yard, house; ~th place, location; ~th will; ~th money, interests; ~th gift; ~th greed, generosity; 2) ~th attitude to the matter; ~th approach; trans. ~th shoulders, arms. The quick glances of the king found the young master's daughter in the crowd; he called her. A. Pushkin. Arap of Peter the Great. Vasilisa Yegorovna looked at the affairs of the service as if they were her own. A. Pushkin. Captain's daughter. The exhausted, yearning land was waiting for caring, master's hands. V. Oseeva. Vasek Trubachev and his comrades.
ECONOMIC. 1. full only f. Relating to the management of the economy, to the economic, industrial side of the matter. 2. only full. f. Relating to the accessories of the economy, necessary for the management of the economy. 3. Prudent, observing economy in everything. Antonym: homeless. Economic: 1) ~th life of the country; ~th organizations; ~th worker; ~th affairs, interests; 2) ~th shop; ~th goods; ~th inventory; ~ land; 3) ~th person; ~th nature, family; ~th people; ~ th approach. Someone's hoarse voice from Bratsk-third, probably some business worker, always asked for one thing: - Young lady ... connect with the left bank, please! A. Pristavkin. Little telephone operator. Sanin began to describe his estate, how many acres are in it, and where it is located, and what economic lands are in it. I.Turgenev. spring waters. She did not understand what he admired so much, talking with delight about the rich economic man Matvey Yermishin -. L. Tolstoy. War and Peace. Compare: the owner's eye - the supervision of the owner; economic eye - supervision related to the production side of the matter.

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App. 1. ratio with noun. host I, mistress I, associated with them 2. Peculiar to the host [host I], mistress [hostess I], characteristic of them. 3. Belonging to the owner [owner I], owner [owner I]. 4. Domineering, imperative. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephra ... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

Master's, master's, master's, master's, master's, master's, master's, master's, master's, master's, master's, master's, master's, master's, master's, master's, master's, master's, master, master's, master's word forms

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Aya, oh. 1. to the Owner (1, 4 zn.) H. son. X daughter. Sit in the master's seat. Have a master's vein (a tendency to manage). 2. Attentive, caring. X th attitude to things. X th care, thrift. Look at everything with the master's eye ... encyclopedic Dictionary

master's- oh, oh. see also lordly, lordly 1) to the owner 1), 4) the owner's son. X daughter. Sit in the master's seat. I… Dictionary of many expressions

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Info-lesson on the topic PARONYMS HOSTYAYSKY - HOUSEHOLD

Info Lesson Plan:

1. Lexical meaning of paronyms master's - economic

2. Examples of phrases with a paronym master's

3. Examples of sentences with a paronym master's

4. Examples of phrases with a paronym economic

5. Examples of sentences with a paronym economic


MASTER'S. 1. Relating to the owners, belonging to, peculiar to them.

2. Associated with the activities of the owner, such as the owner.

ECONOMIC. 1. Relating to the management of the economy, to the economic, production side of the matter.

2. Relating to the accessories of the economy, necessary for the management of the economy.

3. Prudent, observing economy in everything.

Compare: the owner's eye - the supervision of the owner; economic eye - supervision related to the production side of the matter.


1) master's son

2) the master's daughter

3) the host's bride

4) master's surname

5) host family

6) master's yard

7) master's house

8) master's estate

9) master rooms

10) master's estate

11) master buildings

12) master's place

13) master location

14) master's will

15) master's money

16) housework

17) master's interests

18) master's principles

20) master's gift

21) good

22) master's greed

23) the master's generosity

24) master's approach

25) master's shoulders

26) master's hands

27) master's eye

28) housekeeping

29) master's dog

30) owner's dog

31) master's horse

32) master's horse


1) The quick glances of the king found a young woman in the crowd master's daughter; he called her. (A.S. Pushkin. Arap of Peter the Great)

2) Vasilisa Yegorovna looked at the affairs of the service as if they were her own. master's. (A.S. Pushkin. Captain's daughter)

3) The exhausted, yearning land was waiting for the caring, master's hands (V.A. Oseeva. Vasek Trubachev and his comrades)

4) In the center was located a large master's house, at the entrance of which stood a large glass aquarium.

5) Strangler ficuses are semi-epiphytes. They start life path epiphytes, but after the roots come into contact with the ground, they tightly wrap around the host plant and “strangle” it. It leads to death master's tree due to the fact that its trunk is completely braided with ficus, and the fact that it cannot withstand competition for light.

6) Old master's the dog is trying to woo her, and master's children tease the fox.

7) Most cowboys never had their own horses, they rented horses or used master's.

8) In the "Popular Dictionary" (1991) edited by G. Ya. Kiperman: "entrepreneurship is one of the effective means that help maintain incentives for highly productive work, master's motivation."

9) In the center of the ranch is located master's manor or house, nearby there is a pond and other agricultural buildings.

10) B countryside under the control of the cat is the whole master's yard.

11) At the end of 2002, the working group of the administration of the Nenets autonomous region completed the study public opinion residents of the district according to the variants of the coat of arms and flag of the district proposed for consideration. Description of the coat of arms project chosen working group: “In a green field, a deer's head and a golden eight-pointed star. The shield is topped with a crown, the teeth of which are made in the form of a flame. The deer's head is natural features and the wealth of the district, the bridle is a sign of power and at the same time care, master's human love for nature.

12) Going to visit the owners, the Greeks take with them a stone that they throw at the doorstep master's Houses. If the stone is heavy, they say: "Let the wealth of the owner be heavy, like this stone." And if it is small, then they say: "Let the thorn in the owner's eye be as small as this stone."

13) The boy with a finger helps the old man to chop wood and plow the land, the old woman to thread a needle and pick apples, protects from the wolf master's goat.

14) Flower coffee is an expression used in Germany to refer to very weak coffee. The expression appeared in Saxony, thanks to the flower pattern that appeared back in 1815 on the bottom of a porcelain cup, usually it was roses, forget-me-nots, cornflowers, violets. If a flower peeps through the bottom of a full cup of coffee, the coffee is considered weak, "flowery". Controversy between dear master's porcelain and saving on coffee for guests was regarded as avarice. In Russian speech, the expression "flower coffee" appeared thanks to academician D.S. Likhachev and means a thing made in bad faith out of poverty or stinginess.

15) A system in which master's principles would be revealed in most, Russian philosopher, economist Savitsky called "economic power". It became a kind of variant of the Slavophile catholicity.

16) Having as their task the glorification of the person to whom they are sung, the expression of wishes for him all the best, Russian carols are distinguished by their seriousness and sincerity. The content of these wishes is modified, depending on the sex, age and condition of those members. master's families to whom carolers turn: the owner is promised family happiness and contentment, the girls - a happy marriage.

17) Carols - master's orders. (Proverb)

18) The future sculptor Boris Ivanovich Smirnov (Orlovsky) was born a serf of the landowner Matsneva, who sold him to the Tula landowner Shatilov, who later set him free. Young years Orlovsky spent as a worker in the workshop of a Moscow marble maker, and then in St. Petersburg, having perfectly mastered the techniques of cutting marble and diligently practicing during hours free from master's works, in drawing and modeling from clay.

19) There is no such area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork that would have passed master's director's eyes.

20) The problem is that people who managed to get a zwerg as a home-sofa pet did not at all expect that they would receive a “giant schnauzer in a pill” with all the inherent schnauzer family specific features. Namely: alertness to others and the desire to protect the owner and master's good. (Tatiana Filippova miniature schnauzer breeder)

21) Peasants chopped on their own initiative master's forest, refused to pay ransoms and seized the landlords' lands.

22) All master's rooms face the street or the inner courtyard of the quarter.

23) Traces were found inside the temple wall master's buildings.


1) economic life of the country

2) the economic state of the country

3) economic and cultural center

4) economic sector

5) economic object

6) economic turnover

7) economic organizations

8) business partnerships

9) economic committee

10) economic figure

11) business manager

12) economic worker

13) economic activity

14) business affairs

15) housekeeping issues

16) economic partnership

17) business contract

18) economic risk

19) economic interests

20) hardware store

21) economic building

22) economic complex

23) farm building

24) outbuildings

25) household goods

26) laundry soap

27) household inventory

28) economic tool

29) farmland

30) business man

31) business

32) business family

33) business people

34) economic approach

35)economic structure population

36) housekeeping signs

37) economic damage

38) economic devastation


Young lady ... connect with the left bank, I beg you! (A.I. Pristavkin. Little telephone operator)

2) Sanin began to describe his estate, how many acres are in it, and where it is located, and what are the economic land. (I.S. Turgenev. Spring waters)

3) She did not understand what he admired so much, telling with delight about the rich economic man Matvey Yermishin. (L.N. Tolstoy. War and Peace)

4) In view of the centuries-old age of carols and shedrovkas in the agricultural peasant environment, most of the images are associated with economic concerns of the peasantry, is taken from economic life and nature of the village.

5) In Russian, “fruit” is not a botanical term, but a household and economic. On the farm, edible plants and edible parts of plants are divided into fruits, vegetables, nuts, cereals, etc. traditional classification, fruits - juicy fruits of trees (pear, plum), berries - juicy fruits of herbaceous plants (strawberries) or shrubs (raspberries, currants), vegetables - edible plant roots.

6) Scoop - economic a tool in the form of a small spatula with side edges bent upwards and a small handle.

7) Household soap - a type of soap containing fatty acids no more than 72% and large quantity alkalis, about 0.15-0.20%.

8) Until the 2000s. in the village there were grocery and economic shops, a clothing store, a tea shop, a stable, a mill and a sawmill.

9) On economic the lifestyle of the Bashkirs was influenced by features natural places residence - steppe, mountainous areas and foothills, soils rich in humus, rivers, lakes.

10) Delivery contract - economic a contract, which is one of the varieties of the contract of sale and is similar in form.

11) Economists are called as scientists (that is, specialists in the field economics) and practitioners who work in research, planning and leadership economic activity.

12) Biggest economic damage can be caused by gray rot of grapes, strawberries, heads of cabbage, stem rot of buckwheat, hemp, hemp rot of sugar beet, rot of pumpkin fruits.

13) Economic shop - a specialized retail store that sells equipment and tools.

14) Profound reforms have been carried out, laying the foundation for the political and economic country systems.

15) Household The life of the city proceeded mainly here.

16) Hunger, cold, economic devastation has been holding us in an iron grip for three years now. (From the appeal of the Provisional Revolutionary Committee of the city of Kronstadt)

17) main role in economic life ancient egypt played by Neil.

18) Calendar holidays and the rites of the Slavs were closely connected with economic the interests of the peasant, so their dates are largely determined by the agricultural seasons.

19) Signs of the weather and economic omens have a predominantly rationalistic basis, while everyday and family ones are mostly superstitious.

20) Domostroy is a monument of Russian literature of the 16th century, which is a collection of rules, advice and instructions in all areas of human and family life, including public, family, economic and religious issues.

Sources used

1.S.I. Ozhegov. Dictionary of the Russian language. M. "Russian language" 1990

2.E.D. Golovina. Distinguish words: Difficult cases modern Russian word usage. Express Directory. - Kirov: Kirov Regional Printing House. 1997.

3. Yu.A. Belchikov, M.S. Panyusheva. Dictionary of paronyms of the Russian language. Moscow: AST Publishing House LLC; LLC Astrel Publishing House, 2004.

5. K.S. Gorbachevich. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. - M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2005.