Hitler's right hand at a separate table at the entrance: how the Nazis signed the surrender. Right hand of Adolf Hitler

He lay in bed for hours looking out the window. The monstrous cries of the wounded could break even iron heart. A kind of numbness came upon him after this war. The war was lost. And there was nothing left. And he will never draw again. He never cried or begged, but when the surgeon, good old Professor Hans Spool, told him that his hand would have to be taken away, he yelled, cried, yelled, and begged to be left with his hand, his right hand.

Or he dreamed it, dreamed in a fever dream after the operation, when he had a fever and the present was mixed with dreams. He probably didn't say anything when the doctor said they were going to cut off his right arm. He must have simply listened to the news silently.

Needless to say, he was right-handed. However, he could, of course, draw with his left hand, but all the same, all his divine and incomparable artistic power was contained in his right hand. And even if he screamed and begged not to cut off his right hand only in his imagination and not in reality, a storm of pain immediately arose in his heart. It was as if small hurricanes lifted thousands of needles into the air of the brain, exceeding the pain of a rotten hand, and the thought that he would never draw as before tormented him.

After the operation, when his right hand was taken away from him, he somehow immediately calmed down. Indifferent, resigned, he lay on the bed and looked, looked and looked out the window. He will not draw a picture from memory "on eastern front no news." He will not make a series of portraits German soldiers. He will not draw a crooked-nosed Jewish moneylender as if he were alive.

He will not call Wotan to life by depicting him not as vulgar realists - a bearded thug in the forest - but by drawing Wotan in a crowd of modern jacket people - pale, one-eyed, thin and tall.

What a strange irony! All his divine incomparable genius, all his most persistent training - and it all came down to his right hand - to a brainless piece of flesh.

This was the tool that the Lord gave him - perhaps even without admitting it to himself, he thought that it was not his silent Wotan who could not even pray, but that, the Judeo-Christian miracle Yudo, the host of the covenant and native parent Christ, the god of the bush and the cloud, who, like that same cloud, swam from Sinai to poor, unfortunate Germany, covered it with his gray cover pierced by lightning and took possession of it for a thousand years!

he, with severe condescension, gave the boy Hitler a wonderful hand, and he also took it away from him because another god unobtrusively and silently took possession of it, god-man, god-pedestrian, god-wanderer and god-deceiver:
- show me her - he asked Dr. Spool
- show it to me.
swollen, blue from gangrene, she lay in an iron bath, no longer his hand. He was not an ambidextrous magician. He only had right hand. Without it, he was like without eyes. The left one was incapable of anything. Being under thirty years old is hard to retrain. And in general, how could he retrain if he was an absolute right-hander?
So he lay and looked out the window at the uniformly varied sky, at the peeling cross of the frame, at the flying bird, at the rain and clearness. He did not turn his head and saw nothing but the sky. He heard voices all around. Heart-rendingly screamed from the phantom pains in the cut off legs, the war hero known throughout the ward, Hans Grendel. Someone, terribly, sobbing in a bass voice, was persuaded by the sisters. Someone recovered already joked and laughed. Someone talked about returning home. He, his own, a man without a hand, was not annoyed by these conversations, because these people simply did not exist. Someone above his ear said:
Don't worry, Adi. just one hand. Consider yourself lucky, Grendel's legs and hand were chopped off. Who is he now?
Adolf blinked his red eyes and looked at the sky "my right hand? what do they know about my right hand? What do they know about what was the right hand of Adolf Hitler? what was it? maybe Adolf Hitler himself was only an appendage of his right hand. Now they took her away, and they took me with her." However, he understood that the day would come when it would no longer be possible to lie in the hospital. He put off this day as best he could because he didn't want anything - he just wanted to lie down and look at the sky. However, the day has come:
- truce! world! the survivors shouted. Someone was shouting in his ear again:
- Well, you and pig Hitler! I received the cross, got off with only one hand, and you are not happy! Oh you!
he was silent. he didn't want to get up. his body was numb from lying down and he tossed and turned in his bed, but in such a way that the sky was in his sight. sometimes he woke up on moonlit nights, but then he got a little scared. the moon was so clear and so round and shining just like thousands of years ago. He did not want to see her and closed his eyes and tried in vain to fall asleep because he was already tired of lying and sleeping. They were leaving. They returned to their homes, to their disgraced country, but they were not particularly ashamed.

They, like children, forgot about all the horrors and shame, grew fat eating parcels from home and offerings from citizens, laughed louder and louder and joked vulgarly and sang songs as if all the horrors of war had not happened.

They didn't care, they were tired and wanted peace. All he wanted to do was lie down and look at the sky. The right hand of Adolf Hitler - what was it for the world? the right hand which two three four days ago turned into a blue-gray piece of meat.

However, when almost everyone had gone home - saying goodbye they laughed like schoolchildren leaving for the holidays - he got out of bed for the first time. Leaning on semi-unnecessary crutches, he walked around the ward and went to the window. The cold days are over. The sun was shining like a fat woman in the sky. and there was joy everywhere. It seemed only here, in the half-empty wards of the military hospital, autumn was stuck:
- Adolf Gitler?
- ah, it's you -
- Yes it's me.
Hitler, leaning on crutches that were no longer needed, went to the window:
- do you want to smoke?
- I quit smoking a long time ago when I lived in Vienna - he said because Vienna has already turned into a "long time ago":
- I once said to myself... - however, he did not talk about how he quit smoking:
- okay. and I, if you will.
- Hitler, what will you do after the war? They cut off your right one. Excuse me, of course, but with you, the disabled, you need to be tougher so that you don’t let in nurses and don’t despair.
- I can’t draw with my left hand at all - Hitler sighed
- however, she displays some landscapes. - at these words he shuddered and visions surrounded him. How his right hand drew! How she painted! What could she draw! Oh, how he practiced how much he invested in his right. Landscapes! Flowers! Dogs! Previously, he could draw a woman in the same way as Leonardo painted her, and now - like a nasty apprentice. He imagined clumsily painted sisi, raised hands to the hair and a smile devoid of emotions - the fruit of his left hand, and he writhed as if in pain. The right hand is gone.
- you thought Adolf - continued the other
- that you're just an appendage of your right hand. You lived with it for so long that you forgot that you are not an artist Hitler but just Hitler. A hand is just a hand. Who are you?

Hitler straightened up and turned to look at him. His cold, not at all old face with protruding brow ridges and a pale high forehead:
You always have to sacrifice something. - he said, looking at Adolf with a gaping hole in his right eye, which was not there:
- to get rid of the dictates of the flesh.

the artist did not answer, and he did not know what to answer him. However, something else woke up in Hitler's soul: he suddenly felt better without this monstrous burden - his brilliant right hand.
This hand pulled him to the ground, pulled him to the bottom of the ocean, she was death and a millstone tied to his neck.

She, this cloudy dark right hand exuded a kind of dark radiance that completely drowned out the light of the votanic flame that was now burning in Adolf Hitler's chest as huge as a yggdrasil fire.

Adolf Hitler's personal secretary and right-hand man, SS-Obergruppenführer Martin Bormann earned the enormous confidence of his patron. He was indeed the second face of the Third Reich (after Hitler himself). Some even enviously called Bormann "the shadow of the Fuhrer." The list of crimes of this man is huge. More more reflections causes the story of his disappearance after the war.

Bormann graves around the world

After the Great Patriotic War"Shadow of the Fuhrer" seen in different countries: Italy, Paraguay, Australia, Spain. There is even a legend that in Moscow at the Vvedenskoye cemetery there was a grave, on the tombstone of which was written in Gothic cipher Martin Bormann(1900 - 1973). Allegedly, Hitler's secretary was actually a Soviet spy and was taken out of Berlin immediately after Hitler's death.

Events of May 1945

The main version says that late on the evening of May 1, Bormann fled from Hitler's bunker (after the latter's suicide) and tried to hide. Together with the fugitive was the personal doctor of the head of the Third Reich and several other higher officer ranks SS. After a long journey on foot, the Nazi group reached the Spree River and tried to cross the bridge. It didn't happen right away. On the heels of her followed the Soviet troops.Headline

On the other side, Bormann and other SS men stumbled upon Soviet soldiers. By official version all the criminals were shot on the spot immediately. The bodies of almost all were later discovered at that site. Only Bormann's body was missing. This called into question the very fact of his death.

Nuremberg Trials

Since the remains of the Nazi criminal were not found, his trial in Nuremberg took place in absentia and the charge was made in the same way. At the trial, Bormann was sentenced to highest measure punishment. The loop was waiting for the "shadow of the Fuhrer" at any moment, as soon as he appeared on the horizon. Even legally Nazi criminals have the right to a lawyer. Martin Bormann (Friedrich Bergold) also had it.

The defense bent the line that Bormann was dead and that in general he did not have such enormous power during his lifetime. But the guilt of the accused was fully proven, but when the sentence would be carried out remained a mystery to everyone. Bormann's wife was arrested immediately after the victory of the USSR. Then she was kept under surveillance all the time in case the SS leader wanted to contact her.


The CIA searched for the convicted Nazi for many years. For any help in his capture, a reward was given - 100 thousand Deutschmarks. A huge dossier has been collected on Martin Bormann, in which there is a protocol of interrogation of one of former employees SS. So - he testified that Bormann was a Soviet spy and disappeared after the war in the USSR.

In 1972, during excavations near the bridge, along which in 1945 Bormann tried to escape from persecution, the remains of male bodies with traces of poison were found. Recordings reproduced from memory by Hitler's personal dentist Dr. Blaschke as early as 1957 helped identify one of the remains as those of Bormann. In early 1973, Bormann's face was reconstructed to confirm this, shortly after which the German government declared Reichsleiter dead. Because of the possible need for further forensic medical examinations in the future, relatives of the deceased were not allowed to cremate the corpse.

The belonging of the discovered remains to Bormann was finally proven in 1998 after a DNA examination commissioned by the German government, then they were burned and scattered over by the Baltic Sea August 16, 1999.

So the grave at the Vvedensky cemetery will remain in memory as urban legend. Well, the statement of the SS officer that Bormann Soviet spy, can be attributed to an attempt to "play along" with the Americans.

Looking at recent photographs of the leader of the Third Reich, I remembered the famous imprint of the right palm of Adolf Hitler, made by an American palmist, German descent Joseph Renald. We all know this print, thanks to his book How to Know People by Their Hands, published in 1938 in New York.

Hitler's palm print is unique, but something in it alerted me a little: I was interested in the history of the origin of this print. Since I know in great detail the biography of the palmist Josef Renald, the author of this book. I wrote about him in detail in the section: "Forgotten palmists."

The obvious question immediately arose: Where did the palmist get this imprint? How did he get it?

Many will exclaim: Hitler himself! But the future Fuhrer did not make a handprint for our palmist, although their meeting was in reality. And now in order.

The meeting took place in 1932, at about two o'clock in the morning at the Berlin Hotel Kaiserhof. Hitler did not sleep, he was tormented by insomnia.

From the memoirs of Josef Renald: “When I finally found myself face to face with Hitler, I heard from him that other lesser known specialists had already studied his hands, but everything that they predicted to him before today, came true. So that he believes in palmistry and wanted to hear an analysis from the lips of an already well-known palmist..

"Hands can tell big story the fate of every person. Here! What do you see in my hands?- Hitler said and put his hands under Renald's nose.

“I looked at them quickly and I must say that I have never seen a more brutal and destructive pair of hands. Of course, I knew that it would be suicidal for me to tell him everything I saw there, so I decided to be diplomatic.”

"Herr Hitler"- I said. “I am so amazed by what I see in your hands that I can hardly collect my thoughts. If you would be so kind as to allow me to do an analysis on the side, then I will examine your palms in free time and I will write you a full report.

“Yes, of course, I am not at all surprised that you are so amazed at my hands. You don't see my hands the way I do them every day." Hitler answered modestly.

"I saw your hands too quickly, but if you provide me with an autographed print of your hands for my book, then I would study them with great curiosity."

“But you don’t tell me anything now, do you? Show skill to start, the Fuhrer said angrily.

The palmist fidgeted, blushed, and answered sharply: "Herr Hitler. I see that you will come to power. Reach incredible heights. How long this power will last, I can't tell you on this moment(I was afraid to say then), but woe to Germany and Europe when this event happens».

Hitler, looked wildly at me, shook his fist and shouted: “I will tell you how long this power will last—it will last a thousand years!”

“If I had doubted until this moment that the man was insane, that doubts after this incident were dispelled. I slipped past the stormtrooper guard and out into the night before Hitler could give them the order to kill me on the spot."

Having already arrived home, the palmist Renald wrote from MEMORY in his notebook: “An elementary hand of the conical type of Hitler, with tapering fingers, having thick, fleshy bases, denotes emotionality, selfishness and passion. Under the fingers of Jupiter and Saturn, developed hills stand out. The first indicates ambition and power, and the one who demands blind obedience from everyone, in short, megalomania. The second hill indicates sullenness, alertness and capriciousness, wide fluctuations in extremes. Hitler's lifeline ends in a cross, a sure sign of a violent death. The line of the heart shows disappointment and bitterness. His head line ends on an island, indicating brain weakness. The most remarkable of all the lines on the hand is the line of Hitler's fate, which begins with a cross and ends with a star under the middle finger. This line marks the fate of a person whose fate is beyond his control.

In Hitler's hands I saw a concentration of everything I had seen in the hands of middle-aged men throughout Europe during recent years. During this time I have read approximately 50,000 palms, and I have seen, in many of them, all the tragic signs of an impending world catastrophe.

From what the author of the book said above, it is clear that the enraged Hitler simply kicked out our palmist, without giving him the print of his palms. And the palmist is already from memory, I repeat ( by memory), described the Fuhrer's hand in his book.

We conclude: the palmist Renald did not receive Hitler's imprint for his book. It is a fact!

Then a legitimate question arises: So whose hand is this?

It doesn't matter whose! It is obvious that someone's palm print was taken, as close as possible in description to Hitler's palm and slightly drawn with a pencil. No wonder the author, for clarity, circled (painted on) for us the main lines and signs (crosses and stars). See for yourself (if you forget whose print it is and erase the painted crosses and stars), there is a lot of absurdity in this print: the life story and characteristics of the owner of this print do not coincide with the biography and characteristics of Hitler.

This is when many chirologists take a certain event from the life of the Fuhrer and look for it on a given print. It is absurd to pull the mandu behind the ears to the beard. The purity of the experiment lies in the fact that it is necessary to analyze an impersonal print without knowing whose it is.

1. In the famous print, the index finger is slightly longer than the ring finger, and the ring finger itself is 2/3 short of upper phalanx average. And what do we see in any photograph of the Fuhrer's hands? It is clearly seen that the index finger is much shorter than the ring finger, and the ring finger itself is almost the same length as the middle one. Hitler's thumb is significantly longer than the thumb from the print. Pictured thumb reaches only to the base of the lower phalanx index finger, and with the real Hitler, he calmly reached the middle phalanx. Yes, and the little finger is not the same. Check it out yourself..

3. The last and the main thing… Fingertips are rubbed on the print (intentionally or somehow). See for yourself how clearly the lines and pattern of the second and third phalanges of the fingers are visible, and how the fingerprints of the fingertips are deliberately erased or shaded. The author of the book knew well that there were fingerprints of the future Fuhrer, who was arrested in 1924 during the so-called " beer putsch”, and any specialist could easily convict him of a fake.

I understand the motive of this palmist and do not condemn him. He wanted to show us a "rough" drawing of the lines of the great dictator of the 20th century. And for that, I bow to him. But the truth is more precious...

Chapter 2
Margot barely moved on the slippery parquet stained with blood. The knife seemed to reach for her throat and barely heard her plaintive “why?” put a knife in his throat. Then everything flashed before my eyes ... pain ... empathy ... joy ... all the moments lived with Margo flew in front of me like an airplane on the runway. I didn’t shed tears because I knew it was a dream. I simply refused to accept the reality that Throwing the knife, I took her body and carried it into the yard to the lawn of the lawn. Taking a shovel with tears in my eyes, I began to dig my wife's grave. had one meaning. The loss of a loved one with whom you spent your whole worthless life. I returned home and found on my hand that during historical journey the swastika was inscribed numbly, which was held by an eagle. Seeing movement in the backyard, I realized that someone was disturbing the thoughts of that time ... a time of shattered hopes. I turned around and for 2 seconds noticed the appearance of a person who hit me with something heavy and cold. A picture arose ... a lot of people with a face resembling a bull, carbines, tanks, blood ... two huge armies stood near the front line and two leaders came out with their assistants, Stalin and an officer, Hitler and Himmler. I was thinking about how to destroy these fascists and avenge my wife, but suddenly the earth began to slip from under my feet ... the wind began to intensify ... the sky turned red ... drum roll ... the curtain ... Himmler's lowered hand ... and everything literally flies into the air I am a Wehrmacht soldier without legs but I don’t feel pain corneas eyes filled with a crimson hue. I hold out my hand and the swastika on my arm began to move ... unbearable pain on my arm ... I bubbled up all over ... the scar lit up. I took off. At that moment I did not feel pain, only regret. There is no way back. all shone, the scar was brighter sunlight and I was frightened. I was frightened that the events with my grandfather would repeat again ... I was approaching Himmler, I was trying to touch him, but it didn’t work. He turned and I saw a bloodied face with glasses and no skin... he looked with his eyes... with a look of hope, I touched him and saw that I had no finger... my skin began to burn... the radiance stopped and I felt pain... real... unbearable. And moved to the military parade. Armored vehicles passed everywhere. Tanks. For a moment I became an ordinary soldier of the Wehrmacht. A front limousine drove by Himmler and Hitler. One of the servicemen spoke Russian.
- You also hate these fascist muzzles. I rubbed my eyes and heard that Hitler was speaking Russian to me, I tried to hit him with a bayonet-knife, but creatures without a face and huge sheepskin coats ran out of nowhere and began to gnaw at all the soldiers. In this wild horror, no one resisted. The attack was lightning fast. And then Hitler began to run ... I followed him ... speed ... pain ... the universe ... if you don’t catch it, then everything is the end of all life. I grabbed the gun and pointed the barrel at Hitler, my index finger starts to tremble, he has a surprised face as if he did not believe that a Wehrmacht soldier had betrayed him. A monster pushed me from behind, I jumped back, the trigger went down .... Chapter 3 will be up tomorrow.

It was he who came up with the emblem of the SS, mystical rituals with human sacrifices and many more strange and terrible things. Heinrich Himmler seriously believed in black knights and evil wizards. But in the last days of April 1945, no one from the other world came to his aid.

1923 NSDAP(National Socialist German Workers' Party) makes an attempt coup d'état, which went down in history as Munich beer putsch. Heinrich Himmler walks with a banner in a Nazi column and comes under fire, but remains unharmed. In the same year, he joins the Nazi Party.

After some time in the famous pub "Hofbräukeller" At a meeting of the National Socialists, a young man of about 20 appeared, with a head on a chicken neck and a rat muzzle with a mustache. brought him Rudolf Hess. At some point, the youth, like a conjurer, pulled out of his sleeve a red cloth with a white circle, inside of which was a black swastika. Fuhrer stormtroopers Ernest Remus I really liked the banner.

Elena Syanova, historian:
But Himmler announced that this magnificent red flag was intended for the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler. By the way, the word "Führer" had not yet been pronounced.
And this one, triangular, with a skull and crossbones, is for Comrade Rem for his combat formations. You can imagine what Rem does in this situation. We have no evidence that there was any self-mutilation. Hess recalls that Rem took Himmler by the collar and threw him out the door.

However, Himmler calmly waited until the end of the meeting. As the Nazis left the pub, Adolf Hitler patted him on the shoulder. Hess, nodding at Himmler, said: "I swear on my loyalty, Adolf, you will have the Praetorian Guard." And the head of this guard very soon became a youngster with a rat's face, who came up with Hitler's personal life standard.

Heinrich Himmler wanted to SS core of the Aryan nation. He convinced Hitler that the SS should have more rights than other Germans. The SS did not pass military service, could not be judged by ordinary civil court, they were allowed duels, an SS man who dishonored himself with a crime even had the right to commit suicide, but this required permission from his superiors. The SS became the new German aristocracy. Young people of the bourgeois environment from noble German families aspired to get there.

Not everyone understood at once that Himmler was creating not just a security formation, but a secret order similar to medieval knightly orders. All the attributes of the SS spoke about belonging to the order. Each SS man carried a specially made dagger, on the blade of which was engraved the SS motto "My honor is my loyalty". Particularly distinguished were awarded the ring " dead head"- a massive piece of silver in the form of a wreath of oak leaves. The human skull symbolized devotion to death. And the emblem of the SS became two stylized letters formed by a double runic sign "Zig"- a symbol of power, energy, victory.

The study of runes was mandatory for all SS officers. "Zonnerad"- the solar wheel, the solar swastika, the symbol of the fire of the Aryan magicians. Rune "Tir"- a symbol of military prowess. A tombstone in the form of this rune was installed on the graves of the SS instead of the Christian cross. Rune "Hackenkreuz", or rectangular swastika - the main sign of the Nazis, symbolizing the rebirth and infinity of existence. Himmler wanted to replace all the crosses on Catholic cathedrals with the swastika.

« Grand Master» Himmler created an atmosphere of mystery in his order. There were several circles of initiates. The closest circle to the master consisted of 12 SS-Obengruppenführers. Number 5 was a certain Weistor. It was an alias. Actually this person's name was Carl Maria Wiligut. And he was Himmler's spiritual mentor. In the SS, Wiligut was the chief specialist in secret rites and deciphering runes.

Yuri Vorobyevsky, historian:
Wiligut visited such trance states of possession, one might say. And he said that in this specific state he is able to see the events of the centuries-old past. And all this shook Himmler's imagination.

In the west of Germany there is, as they say, a magic triangle. It is formed by rocks Externsteine where the pagan sanctuaries of fire were located, Teutoburg Forest, where, by giving, at the beginning new era the Germans defeated 3 Roman legions, closes this triangle in the form of a spear facing east, Wewelsburg castle. According to the magi, here the German soldiers will stop the coming invasion of the hordes from the East. Himmler decided to make this castle the order castle of the SS. The project was developed by Wiligut.

Elena Syanova:
Wewelsburg - interesting place, it's worth visiting. There you can see this hall, see this table, at which he dreamed of sitting, as King Arthur, collect your knights. You can see a huge hall where there should have been urns with the ashes of SS hierarchs.

The majestic north tower of the Wewelsburg was the center of the occult sanctuary. Here, Himmler ordered the construction of a crypt - a temple to the glory of the deceased leaders of the SS. Directly above the crypt was the hall of the leaders of the SS, where he collected for round table his close associates - 12 of the most noble and brave knights of the SS.

Elena Syanova:
It was a place where no Hitler's foot had set foot, goering, Goebbels. It was his diocese, his fiefdom.

In Wewelsburg, between magical ceremonies and meditation sessions, the fate of entire nations was decided.

After the surrender, Himmler, using fake documents, tried to escape. But on the morning of May 23, he was detained by units of the British military police. He demanded a meeting with the field marshal Montgomery. And when he realized that no one was going to negotiate with him, he committed suicide by crushing an ampoule of potassium cyanide in his mouth.