Individual development plan: example, specific actions and purpose. stage - Reflection: a series of activities that are associated with learning more - observation, data collection, reflection on experiences and existing problems

"HR officer. Labor law for a personnel officer", 2008, N 4

Learning by experience

Since the early 1990s, the Russian economy, previously based on the idea of ​​state planning, has undergone dramatic changes. Very large education system, which has long, considered glorious traditions, entered the period of reforms as a whole not prepared for solving new problems. This was especially true for the system of training and development of personnel for management.

Almost "lost state financial support, torpedoed by the abolition of the ministries, and with them the sectoral IPK, even more shrinking under the onslaught of higher education structures of higher priority for the state, it even lost legal basis its activities, being relegated to a second-rate sector of additional education ". Nevertheless, over the past years, a new sphere of education and personnel development for management and business has emerged in the country, including a market segment that is today called business education.

The transition to the market of business education, firstly, must be recognized, secondly, to comprehend, and thirdly, to promote it. Consequently, we are dealing with a young, dynamic area that is still far from being mature.

Work in this area is quite promising. In addition, in the development human society there are trends that can turn business education into one of the central areas of education.

The diversity of understanding the system of domestic education, in our opinion, is caused by the incorrect choice of the basis for its construction. It seems that such a basis should be a certain characteristic that reflects the essence of the main category. We chose "educational program" as such a characteristic, because: 1) the totality of educational programs will form a system; 2) the program reflects the process of education in the form of selection of content, timing, forms and didactic tools its development; 3) the educational program provides for obtaining a result, which is prescribed in the form of standards for mastering knowledge, skills and abilities; 4) the educational program contains (as a rule) a value-oriented basis in the form of special courses, topics, requirements for the graduate. Consequently, the education system provides for the division of programs into:

State and non-state (the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" of 1992 allowed the establishment of educational organizations by any legal entities and individuals);

General education (basic and additional) and professional (basic and additional). Basic programs, both general education and professional, are established by the relevant state educational standards, and programs that go beyond the state standard can be considered additional;

General educational basic - include programs of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary (complete general) education, and general educational additional - non-formal education of children; professional basic - include programs of primary, secondary, higher and postgraduate professional education, and professional additional programs represented by non-formal adult education: a) compensating for shortcomings basic education, raising the socio-political and cultural level of workers; b) advanced training, retraining, training in a second profession.

Professional programs differ: 1) in formal, semi-formal, informal and informal results, i.e. by the presence or absence of diplomas, certificates and certificates for the assignment of qualifications or work permits in this field; 2) by focus on various activities: medicine, sports, culture.

Business education also finds its place in the education system. Note that "business education" is a new concept that is being spread in national education with the emergence of a market economy, but has not yet become an officially accepted term, although the first business schools are over 100 years old. For example, the Wharton School of the University of Philadelphia was formed as early as 1886, while the Harvard School has existed since 1916.

Let us use the definition of this concept formulated by L.I. Evenenko - President of RABO (Russian Association of Business Education). Business education (business education) is the professional education and training of people involved in the performance of management functions in enterprises and economic organizations that operate in market conditions and set profit as their main goal.

Along with the concept of "business education" are often used as synonyms for "management education" (management education) or "economic education".

The identification of economic education, which previously dominated in our country, with business education is associated with the separation of the latter from economic education as an adaptation to the conditions of a market economy, but at the same time, there are a number of differences between them:

Firstly, economic education is aimed at the knowledge of economic laws and understanding of economic processes both at the level of the economy as a whole and at the level of individual enterprises, covering (unlike business education) not only the level of enterprises and organizations, but also the national or world economy in general, industries, regions, various areas economic activity, economic policy state and other public institutions. In this sense, it is broader than business education. At the same time, economic education does not cover issues that, from a scientific point of view, are the subject of psychology, sociology, andragogy, computer science, and other sciences, the provisions of which are successfully applied in the management of business organizations, and in this sense, economic education is narrower than business education;

Secondly, business education has a pronounced pragmatic orientation, which can be expressed by the thesis - "education for career and entrepreneurial success", economic education involves the training of researchers, analysts, staff workers who develop plans, regulatory documents, but usually do not have direct attitude to the actual management work, providing for responsibility for the decisions made;

Thirdly, the content of business education is determined by two main consumers: enterprises and managers, while the content of economic education is determined not so much by consumers as by state or international educational standards.

In the field of business education, scientists identify two main organizational and methodological models: German and American, on the basis of which business education systems in other countries are built. Their essence is as follows.

The traditional (German or European) model aims to train a "qualified manager" and is divided into professional (technical, economic, medical) and managerial training. At the same time, vocational training provides basic higher education, and management training is based on additional education, which actually consists of the regular participation of managers with higher or secondary education in special advanced training programs in the field of management.

The new (American) model is based on the creation of business schools that train " professional managers" through various programs both after high school and after higher education. Within this model, the development of managers is provided, regardless of whether they graduated from business school or not.

The traditional model, characteristic of Germany, is used by Austria, Belgium, and Finland. Japan gravitates towards it, but with its own "intracompany" specifics.

The new model, except for the USA, turned out to be the closest to business education in modern Great Britain, Denmark, and Norway. However, most countries in Europe, such as Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, France, use a mixed model, in which there are traditional (Europeanized) and new (Americanized) business education sectors. And, accordingly, educational institutions of different types - universities, business schools, advanced training institutes, and all these structures, different in form, teaching people business and management, operate in parallel and are quite interconnected.

Before analyzing the model of business education in Russia, it is worth making an excursion into the past. The system of training, retraining, advanced training of personnel for enterprise management that existed until the 90s of the 20th century satisfied the needs of the social order. The evolution of the development of management education in the USSR and Russia, based on the analysis of specialized literature, can be presented in the form of 6 stages (Table 1).

Table 1

The evolution of management education in the USSR and Russia

Training courses for "red directors". Industrial
Academy (university (term of study - 3 years) +
postgraduate education).

Liquidation of industrial academies (and postgraduate
education included). Creation of higher education


Economic reform. Boost system
qualifications and retraining of personnel received
official recognition of the government, appeared
advanced training institutes (IPK) at
line ministries, regional departments.
The beginning of the development of business education in the West.
Educational and methodological management for improving
qualifications of executives in the composition
Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special
education (MVSSE) of the USSR - a step towards centralization
and system unification.



Gorbachev's "perestroika". The beginning of foreign economic activity in Russia,
emergence of entrepreneurship. Rise of the system
additional professional education.

Political and economic crisis, hyperinflation.
Lack of funding for additional
vocational education. The collapse of industry and
departmental IPK. Numerous one-day
in the form of business schools, non-professional faculties
advanced training in universities.

The government of S.V. Kiriyenko opened the way
professionals. Rapid market expansion
educational services. Layered system
education, enshrined in legislation.

The facts show that in the USSR the system for training practitioners at the postgraduate level was created earlier than in many Western countries. However, it could not be called a system for training managers for business organizations, since the main attention was paid to issues of production, engineering and technology, and not to the economy, and even more so not to business. The issues of management psychology were practically not considered, because under scientific management understood the assimilation of the decisions of the highest party bodies, the ability to carry them out and obey the higher leadership in bureaucratic system farm management.

It can be stated with bitterness that a lot of valuable, accumulated in the management training system in the USSR has been destroyed, forgotten, lost, therefore, at present, the domestic system of business education is greatly influenced by world business schools. Let us note the tendencies of this influence.

The traditional model of training specialists is reflected in the creation of a multi-level system for their training. Within the framework of higher professional education, two levels are established: 1) basic higher professional education, confirmed by the assignment to a person who has successfully completed final certification, qualification "bachelor"; 2) higher professional education, confirmed by the assignment to a person who has successfully passed the final certification, the qualification "master" or "certified specialist". Thus, a graduate of a higher educational institution can receive one of three types of diplomas: "bachelor" (training for at least 4 years), "specialist" (training for at least five years), "master" (training for at least six years).

The new model of education introduced the variability of educational services into the domestic system. So, educational plans training programs for managers in the Russian Federation contain state standards (approximately 60% of study time), a regional or university component, as well as subjects of students' choice. In addition, we have business schools (specialized educational institutions for executives and managers), MBA and DBA programs have become popular, personal beginning in management, professional and personal development of specialists have become relevant and in demand.

The achievements of the Japanese model of training professional managers are reflected in the emergence of a new for Russia phenomenon of in-house training (self-learning organization) and corporate universities; in the introduction to the practice of training and advanced training of disciplines such as "Psychology of Management", "Professional Skills of a Manager", "Management of Professional Development of a Manager", "Effective Manager", "Management of Labor Motivation".

Thus, it can be stated that in Russia there is a mixed model of business education, which includes elements of world experience in training effective managers. That is why business education is a system of training and continuous professional development of managers who carry out managerial activities in the conditions of market relations, aimed at developing their intellectual, professional and spiritual capabilities. Elements of the business education system: (1) - purpose, (2) - functions, (3) - subjects of education, (4) - types of education, (5) - technologies and methods of education, (6) - forms of education, (7 ) - teaching aids, (8) - regulatory support, (9) - marketing. We will reveal the features of each element.

I - Goals of business education. The content of managerial work in organizations and specifics management activities, requiring the performance of various roles and the possession of various kinds of skills (skills), depending on the position of the manager in the management hierarchy, allows us to formulate four main goals of business education: a) knowledge transfer; b) development of skills (skills); c) formation personal qualities, life position and outlook; d) providing additional features for professional development, career development and expanding social contacts.

II - Functions of business education. The functions of business education are:

1) compensatory - replenishment of previously missing or lost educational opportunities; 2) adaptive - adaptation to new professional requirements in a dynamically changing society; 3) developing - progressive enrichment of the active abilities of a person and his spiritual world; 4) corrective - changing the stereotypes of thinking and behavior, overcoming professional deformations of the personality; 5) formative - the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and abilities in connection with the expansion or transformation of functional duties; 6) facilitating - the provision of consulting services in the event of intractable situations. The listed functions can be considered in managerial, social, political and economic aspects.

The managerial aspect of business education is represented by the tasks of changing habitual stereotypes among specialists, attitudes towards the profession, developing initiative, higher aspirations, giving confidence in decision-making, influencing the choice of life strategy and professional career.

The social aspect of business education is reflected in the development objectives social mobility population, overcoming professional difficulties, improving the quality of life, as well as the formation of a new and preservation of the traditional value system in changing the mentality of the individual in terms of not only adapting to new conditions of life, but also actively participating in the creation of these conditions.

The political aspect of business education is expressed by the tasks of understanding, accepting, supporting and assisting students in socio-economic reforms, democratic ideology, and the formation of civil society in Russia.

The economic aspect of business education is marked by the tasks of forming the socio-professional structure of society and, above all, the managerial elite that owns modern knowledge, advanced technologies and management methods. In this context, the task of business education is to create conditions for the training of competitive managers with professional skill, which provides certain guarantees of the individual in the labor market, which is especially important in the conditions of market relations.

III - Subjects educational process. Currently, there are three subjects of the educational process in the system we are studying: an educational institution, students, and teachers.

An educational institution is an organization that implements professional programs: basic and additional for the training and development of specialists for the managerial field of activity. In the practice of business education, several types of educational institutions can be distinguished: institutes and faculties for advanced training, business schools and centers for additional professional education. Thus, the system of business education allows any person to receive a managerial specialty, improve their professional level undergo professional retraining, internship at any period of life, in accessible form and convenient mode, i.e. it supports the principle of continuing education.

Learners (students or listeners). Depending on the model being implemented, students can be specialists with higher education, but either mastering a new area of ​​managerial activity (second higher education, retraining), or improving their professional level, as well as students receiving higher managerial education.

In any case, the subjects of learning are adults who have life, educational and professional experience, with a well-formed system of values ​​and intellect, therefore, the construction of the educational process is based on the "principles of andragogy - a section of learning theory that reveals the specific patterns of mastering knowledge and skills by an adult subject learning activities". These principles are based on the transition from a rigidly normatively constructed learning process to its humanitarization, focusing on the individual development of the student, on supporting and correcting the personality's activities in the educational process, on creating conditions for revealing the possibilities and professional potential of a person.

Teachers. For the "ideal" teacher of the business education system, "the balance of academic training, good knowledge of real business, facilitator skills based on rich teaching experience and serious methodological training" are very important. Wherein core competencies teachers are marked:

1) expert knowledge (postgraduate studies, continuous, systematic and targeted self-education, coaching);

2) professional abilities(knows how to work with a complex audience, apply active teaching methods, conduct trainings, master classes);

3) knowledge of modern domestic business ( real experience work in business, consulting, management of innovative projects).

In Russia, the teachers-"stars" of business education are just growing, their training and development is a difficult, lengthy and expensive process. To accelerate it, associations of business schools are being created, for example, the Russian Association of Business Education (RABO); Association of teachers of business education.

IV - Types of training. Professional development is considered by Russian labor legislation as a direct duty all managers and professionals. For them, types of training are provided that differ:

By time: short-term (72 hours of classroom studies), medium-term (from 132 to 270 hours) and long-term (over 500 hours);

By purpose: higher (or second higher) professional education, advanced training, professional retraining, internship, self-study, postgraduate or doctoral studies.

Higher professional education - training of a highly qualified manager in accordance with state educational standards in the chosen specialty (organization management, personnel management, anti-crisis management, social sphere management, etc.).

Professional development is renewal, expansion and deepening by the manager theoretical knowledge, formation, development, correction and adaptation of practical skills for solving professional problems in connection with the increase in requirements for the level of qualification and the need to master modern methods.

Qualification is the degree and type of professional education of a manager, the totality of his knowledge, skills, behavioral and motivational attitudes necessary for him to perform a certain job.

Professional retraining is the acquisition by a potential manager of the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform a new type of professional activity - management.

An internship is a manager's mastering the practice of using advanced methods to solve professional problems in the field of activity.

Self-learning (self-education) - independent acquisition of new knowledge, mastering skills, expanding horizons in individual plan approved by the manager and carried out under his control.

Education in the targeted postgraduate or doctoral studies - conducting scientific research on topics of interest to a given organization.

V - Technologies and methods of teaching. It should be emphasized that the "repertoire" of technologies used in business education is quite diverse. It contains both traditional and innovative technologies, the choice of which is determined by: 1) the duration of the programs (long-term ones give more room for creativity); 2) the quantitative composition of the group (there are numerical limitations when using active teaching methods); 3) the level of preparation of the group; 4) target orientations of students; 5) financial capacity of the customer; 6) human resources of the educational institution.

As traditional methods discussions, seminars, trainings, conferences, self-education are actively used. Innovative methods for domestic business education include: the method of specific situations (case stages), brainstorm, action learning method, role-playing, simulation games and business games, project method, video analysis, moderation method.

The trend in the development of the global economic environment requires the manager to have new approaches to work, in particular, to pay more attention to assessing external impacts on the company, to integrate the main activity with side effects that do not depend on the formal position of employees, to strengthen their leading role in all aspects and at all levels of functioning to be able to inspire employees, mobilize their energy to solve common problems, aim at finding new, non-standard ways of business development.

The implementation of business education technologies is associated with the choice of an approach to the professional development of managers at all levels. For example, G.V. Shchekin identified three approaches:

1) fragmented - does not require investment, is not related to the goals of specific companies, provides basic training in training centers. Considered unpromising;

2) formalized - the training of managers is considered as part of their career, combined with the resource needs of the company and the personal aspirations of the manager. Basic knowledge are added by special courses on the development of individual skills with the help of teachers. Promising approach;

3) targeted - continuous learning to ensure the solution of business problems in a competitive environment. This approach is the most promising, in which training should be closely related to the strategic goals of the organization and the individual goals of the manager, implemented through elective courses and strictly linked to the nature of the work performed.

VI - Forms of education. Organizational forms- a necessary component of the designed educational process. The main forms of education can be classified: by the number of participants (individual and group); at the venue (at work or at an educational institution); in combination with the main work (with a break from work - full-time, on the job - part-time, part-time, external study).

The following forms are used in the business education system:

1) at the workplace: individual (mentoring, internship, briefing, rotation, self-study, "pairing"), group (briefing, conversations, lectures) and course preparation (thematic lectures, practical classes, etc.);

2) in educational institutions: individual (coaching, consulting, research, project development, tutorial), group (lectures, seminars, practical classes, etc.).

VII - Teaching aids. In the system of business education, it seems appropriate to use a complex of various teaching aids. Each component of the complex (educational program, course program, lecture material, methodological manual, reader, monographs, workbook, etc.) should be considered as a specific carrier educational information, which has special properties to meet educational goals and objectives.

Actively used in educational complexes technical capabilities: a technological range of computers of various capacities with multimedia devices; presentation equipment (plasma screens, laptop, video camera, special discs), telecommunications equipment, technical means for creating and replicating educational materials (scanners, printers, publishing systems). The elements included in the complex of educational tools ensure the inclusion of the student in the activity, encourage him not to mechanical memorization, but to thinking, reasoning, analysis.

VIII - Regulatory support is a set of laws and legislative acts of the Russian Federation: the Law "On Education" (1992), the Law "On Higher and Postgraduate vocational education"(1996), Federal Program for the Development of Education, National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation, Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "On the Concept of Modernizing Russian Education for the Period up to 2010", Standard Regulations on an Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education (Advanced Training) of Specialists ( 1995), Regulation "On the procedure and conditions professional retraining specialists" (06.09.2000); " Education policy Russia on present stage": certificate of the State Council of the Russian Federation, Government Requirements for the preparation of managers of the highest qualification under the programs "Master business administration"(approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia on 11/09/1999), State educational standard higher professional education, norms and requirements established in institutions of additional professional education.

IX - Marketing. The marketing function extends to the entire production cycle of business education: from pre-sales preparation (participation in the development of a portfolio of programs and pricing) to after-sales service (interaction with graduates). The contribution of the department responsible for the marketing of the business school in creating the value of education for the client, a comprehensive analysis of the needs in the field of business education of existing and potential clients, market segmentation, and identification of priority areas.

Business education in Russia must meet the requirements of the paid educational services market and be its most important part. The transition to business education from the previously existing management training system is a paradigm shift, since many fundamental prerequisites for activity are changing, starting from theoretical and empirical understanding economic system and ending with methods of transferring knowledge, developing skills and abilities.

Having passed various stages, business education is influenced by various concepts, which can be conditionally divided into two areas: in some cases, the educational component prevails, in others, the pragmatically oriented applied component.

From the point of view of the educational component, the most important is the idea of ​​regular continuing education(continuous education), which has recently been considered as life-long learning, lifelong learning, "obtaining new specialties and qualifications ...". However, now they are talking not only about "continuous professional education", but also about "advanced education". In particular, P.N. Novikov and V.M. Zuev, comparing lifelong and advanced education, write: “It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that advanced education in its practiced understanding is not and should not be an alternative to continuous education. Advanced education determines the need, first of all, for the formation and constant growth of fundamental knowledge character in the form of their stable core (knowledge "for life") at each of the levels of education..." .

Thus, the essence of advanced education is not only to focus on developing production, and not even to contribute to the development of production (pulling it up to the level of specialists), but the main thing is to focus on the prospective prospect. At the same time, the most important task is to skillfully predict the development of production and society itself, which means to be able to see oneself (and one’s activity) in the context of more global social processes. It is this readiness of a professional to relate himself to changing processes that leads him to a completely different path of developing his dignity in work.

From a pragmatic point of view, one should be aware that the achievement of the goals that business education faces is realized not only with the help of educational programs and the forces of educational institutions, but also on the basis of the practical activities of people who occupy managerial positions or perform managerial functions. Hence "learning by experience" - exclusively important method which can lead to impressive results.

In connection with this, there new concept"learning organization" or "learning organization" when we are talking not just about forming individuals capable of responding to new demands through continuous learning and continuing education, but also about forming organizations as a whole with the same kind of qualities.

Currently, most corporations have divided the training of managers into educational and non-educational methods. As a result, the function of manager development is assigned to educational programs implemented in external educational institutions or in corporate training centers. The function of improving the competence and performance of managers is assigned to "non-educational methods": career planning, purposeful rotation, learning by doing, learning in the workplace, working with consultants, participation in organizational development programs and organizational change under the guidance of relevant experts. Thus, it is necessary to find out distinctive features in the training of managers in the systems of higher professional, additional professional and business education and the validity of separating business education into a relatively independent subsystem of education (Appendix 1). From the comparisons given in the appendix, it can be seen that business education in many cases differs from both higher professional and additional professional education.

Thus, the system of business education is based on the concepts of economics, management, sociology, psychology, anthropology in order to develop creative and systematic thinking among specialists working in the field of management, creative and research skills, the ability to make effective decisions, manage people in an organization on the basis of a pronounced civic position and social responsibility.

Attachment 1

Some differences of the higher professional,

additional professional and business education




Business education






Give deep
knowledge and general

To give
knowledge and some
practical skills


base, on
under construction


Theories, methods and
implementation experience

Successful experience


Getting good

qualifications or
tariff category


in teaching

Personal initiative +
external initiative
(parents, friends and

Initiative from above

Personal initiative


Ideally: Doctors and
(experience of practical
work is secondary)

Ideally a combination
doctors and
PhDs with
specialists -

practice managers
and business -
(preferably with


textbooks and educational
manuals written

training and

textbooks and educational
benefits created


Are built according to

standard -
zirovannye, weakly
take into account

flexibility, high
adaptability to
market needs

general economic and
general management

Reflects common
industry issues

the audience

(ideally) is
equally accessible to
all layers

Available to everyone
social function
manifests itself in
maintaining and


support, in
ideal - free

support or
companies, sometimes



fragmentary that
creates situational


professions on the market
work, successfully
control and credit

Interesting and
useful activities


Acceptance of any
material without

Correlation of personal
experience with
methods and

Meaning for

specialists for
work in folk
au pair



1. Business education in Russia. Analytical handbook. - M.: KON-SEKO, 1998.

2. Business education: specifics, programs, technologies, organization: monograph / Ed. ed. S.R. Filonovich. - M.: Publishing House State University Higher School of Economics, 2004. - 690 p.

3. Zimenkova E.R. Management training. Experience of the USA and Russia // USA: economy, politics, ideologists. - 1997. - N 12 (336).

4. Mitina L.M. Psychology of the development of personality competitiveness. - M.: MPSI; Voronezh: Publishing House of NPO "MODEK", 2002.

5. Modernization of Russian education: documents and materials / Editor-compiler E.D. Dneprov. - M.: GU HSE, 2002.

6. Novikov P.N., Zuev V.M. Advanced education: hypothesis and realities. - M., 1996.

7. Nonaka I., Takeuchi H. The company is the creator of knowledge: the origin and development of innovation in Japanese firms. - M.: Olimp-Business, 2003.

8. Onushkin V.G., Ogarev V.I. Adult Education: An Interdisciplinary Dictionary of Terminology. - St. Petersburg. - Voronezh: Publishing house " Russian Academy education", 1995.


Department of Economics and Management

oil and gas industry

GGNI them. Academician M.D.Millionshchikov

I. Eremina

department of labor and personnel management

Russian State University of Oil and Gas. I.M. Gubkina

Signed for print

Kolb and Fry's four-stage cyclical model with examples from personal experience as a useful tool for understanding how adults learn

In order to better understand abstract concepts and apply this model in real life, I will talk about each stage using a real case example from my personal experience.

Any training is effective only if an adult, firstly,

independently strives to learn something, and for some reason he really needs it and, secondly, if new knowledge and reflections are integrated into real everyday experience to receive feedback.

Of course, we are talking about the actual assimilation of new knowledge so that it integrates with previous experience and becomes, in the end, a sustainable skill.

There is also a linear increment of knowledge that does not become a useful experience, but remains on the shelves in the head at the level of concepts and mental structures. This is about when you seem to know, but you can’t put it into practice.
To describe how experiential learning occurs, in 1975, British scientists (they are, however, British)) Kolb and Fry proposed a four-stage cyclical model.

The model is universal and it is useful to understand it when planning any training.

Stage 1 - Concrete experience: the moment when you realize that there is something that you do not understand or should understand better.

I have been working as a chief HR for a long time and, at first, my methods were quite traditional. At some point, I began to realize that the approaches to the formation and involvement of people available to me no longer bring the same results, especially when it is difficult to express the final result in clear numbers or qualitative characteristics. In fact, they stop working altogether. I came across the fact that when conducting internal training, our trainers, who were also managers, conducted classes without being interested in the final result. As for the students, everything was quite sad there. The material is complex great amount small parts, unique software. People studied formally, despite the fact that mistakes led to marriage and, of course, to lower salaries.

Cash bonuses to coaches, as the main means of motivation, did not bring results. I tried all sorts of non-monetary ways to encourage, but it was not possible to radically turn the tide.

I thought. I began to think that there must be some other, more effective ways to influence people's behavior, and I need to figure it out.

Stage 2 - Reflection: a series of activities that are associated with learning more - observation, data collection, reflection on experiences and existing problems.

I started spending a lot more time talking to people, trying to understand what motivates them in their lives, how the task should be formulated, and what should happen in order for them to really get involved in something. I took a look at the organization as a whole, and began to reflect on the real values ​​that underlie the corporate culture and the behavior that is always a reflection of these values.

I've observed behavior a lot and thought about how our managers provide feedback and how much real value each individual employee's work has and how we communicate that value to the employee.

And, of course, about how the employee feels after being informed about this value.

Stage 3 - Conceptualization: the stage in which you begin to form ideas that can explain what you are trying to understand.

I started thinking about all the concepts of motivation, from Herzberg to Desi and Ryan's self-determination. Yes, of course, I knew about the design of work, integrity and importance, but it could not be reduced to a coherent and understandable model for me that could be implemented in specific situation. At some point, I came across a video with, which impressed me greatly, since everything that the famous scientist said in his lecture was very much in line with those reflections on the real concrete experience that I was busy with. Probably, it was this speech that was the last straw, which, having fallen, helped me to deeply understand the role that success and recognition of their merits play in motivating people. It became clear that it was necessary to work with a common culture. Since such work involves a whole range of complex and interrelated actions and takes years, and certain results were needed right now, I identified the hottest spots and outlined an action plan.

Stage 4 - Testing: the stage where you see if you have really reached an understanding and if your ideas work in practice.

I started testing the new model in practice. It was a simultaneous work with managers to improve the quality of their feedback, with coaches I used a coaching approach and I spent a significant part of my time and effort on a set of events to change the general culture.

I started with not very large-scale, local actions in order to be able to adjust my plans or specific behavior at any moment. As for the concrete results in this situation, they were encouraging and the situation with the involvement of people in training was reversed. As for the topic of involvement and motivation, as a basis, some of the conclusions were confirmed by practice, something did not work the way I had planned in advance, and this again became the basis for new reflection and awareness.

We come to stage 1: Concrete experience: the moment when you realize that there is something that you do not understand or should understand better.

The whole cycle starts again.

This is how the Kolb and Fry model works. I hope this information was useful for you and will help in real work.

This material (both text and images) is subject to copyright. Any reprints in whole or in part only with an active link to the material.

When it is not possible to choose a good school right off the bat, and there is no way to overcome distrust in the education system, many tend to homeschool their children. But in this form there are difficulties, for many, completely insurmountable. If you choose homeschooling, prepare yourself not so much to save a child from school as to return to it yourself and re-immerse yourself in the rules and equations. Varvara Olenchenko shares her experience of teaching her son at home.

I will say right away that I initially considered the home-based form of education for my son as a project. And three months later I decided to close this project. I inadequately assessed my organizational capabilities, my son's ability to self-organize, the cost of training, and so on.

For those who, like me, tired of fighting with the school and the child, consider this opportunity as a saving leap to freedom, I want to talk about what "pitfalls" you will have to stumble upon.

My vision of family education was something like this: we will playfully run part of the program at home, there is nothing sky-high in this. And (this is very important) we are not talking about classes with a child who flips through textbooks in between circles, hobbies and his own projects. And about a child who will find a million ways to avoid all this. Second important note: We are talking about a high school with a large set of subjects.

One evening, when I came home from work, I opened my Russian textbook and said with a sigh: "Let's study." Before me was a topic about spelling one or two "n" in adjectives, and there was a branching algorithm with which it was necessary to determine how many "n" would be in the end. And in addition to this, the words are exceptions. Remember? "Glass, tin, wood." The evening that we usually spend talking, joking, reading aloud, turned into my attempts to force these rules into a child. At the same time, he would like to watch his videos on YouTube, and I would like to read a book.

I opened textbooks on biology, history, geography, and a set of facts fell out on me. In the absence of a school system, the system of knowledge it offered lost its meaning.

It became clear to me that the study of the school curriculum, with my complete antipathy to its content and the complete disinterest of the child, would turn into a war with myself and with him. But after all, the task was to get away from the war for education and bring family life into a more harmonious state.

Here are three questions to help you figure out if you're on the right track.

1. Can you be a better school?

Yes, now anyone has not only unlimited access to information, but can also choose the form of its presentation. You can watch fascinating BBC films, learn Russian with the help of online simulators, English - via Skype, listen to lectures from the best teachers peace.

But it works if you develop your own home schooling system that is suitable for you and your child. In fact, you will have to take on tasks that are usually performed by a whole team. And it requires knowledge, experience and skills. If you plan to develop them in the process, then your child and his education will become an experimental platform. The results may or may not be successful.

2. School socialization is a myth, but can you find an alternative?

In articles about family education, a lot of true things are written about the notorious school socialization. What kind of socialization is this in a team where random people who are engaged in uninteresting business? And mockery and humiliation, familiar to every schoolchild, do not contribute to the formation of successful behavior patterns.

I agree with every word. But I do not agree that communication in circles and sections is a way to learn how to interact with the team. Probably, somewhere there are such circles where there is a constant composition of children, a talented enthusiastic teacher, and the child is lucky to find a friend or even several there. We haven't found one.

The most interesting STEM course, where the teacher so captivated the boys that they certainly came out joyful from the knowledge that overwhelmed them, was not a place where one could practice creating social connections. In the rest of the classes it was the same: the children came for a couple of hours, studied, talked in the process and dispersed.

3. How much is your time worth?

If you do not practice unschooling, but plan to stay within the school curriculum, then you should take a schedule and see how many hours are spent on a particular subject per week and per year. There is an opinion that the school is conditionally focused on the most stupid student, and therefore many subjects can be studied much faster. True, perhaps we fall into the trap of underestimating the value of the technique, which includes the constant repetition of topics covered so that they are fixed in memory.

But even if you cut the number of hours by half or three, it will still be hours that you have to spend on studying in the school curriculum. How long it takes your child to learn the rule of writing two "n" in adjectives - in an hour or in 10 minutes, depends on his interest in learning, abilities and efforts. But you will also have to dive into this topic.

It makes sense to estimate how much an hour of your time is worth. You can do this linearly by calculating the cost of a working hour. Or, in perspective, perhaps if you spend a few hours a day on your development, in the future it will bring generous dividends to both you and your family. Or just compare: an hour spent with children on a walk, playing, having a conversation, or an hour spent on textbooks.

It seems as if I am leading to the fact that an hour with notebooks and textbooks is the worst thing. For me it really is.

About training with the use of tutors, I can say that it will cost as training in private school. It is enough to take the average rate of the tutor and multiply by the number school hours. And it is better to understand right away that you will have to pay not at the average rate, but at the highest border. The number of people who offer their training services is very large. The number of those who really know how to do this is much smaller, and it is not surprising that they require higher pay.

This long text is not meant to say that homeschooling is bad. Or difficult. Or impossible. It is a form of education that, in addition to positive sides has its own difficulties, and if there is a situation of choice or even the need to refuse to study at school, it is worth thinking about them. The family learning experience that is most accessible is that of wonderful extraordinary people. But extrapolating it to myself was a mistake in my case.

so I want children for family education precisely because I do not agree with those that he needs this knowledge ...
at least for now..

02/15/2018 14:46:20, Arslan

In the "Internet lesson" there is such a thing as "home school". There are curators, teachers who check homework, lessons are scheduled for a week. It costs not very long, but such problems as the author of the article does not arise at all. Everything is clear and organized.
There are also partner schools that count the results (grades) from the home school journal "Internet Lesson" and enter them in their journal.
Good luck everyone!

You know, I agree with the author. Most likely, the author read how cool it is to teach a child at home, and decided to try it.
An ordinary average woman, not seven spans in the forehead. With an average income, forced to go to work. Which does not have millions, nannies-grandmothers, the opportunity to force a child to study all day.
In addition, the practical side of the issue: even at school there are few laboratory work and practice, what can we say about the house? Probably, every house has a mega-equipped laboratory for chemistry, physics, for school work. And every mother can teach all this at the highest level?
I will say without false modesty that I can tell most school subjects, including techies, to a child from scratch. And then I gave it to school, because it’s easier for me to improve my knowledge than to systematically force me to study under duress. And I don't have a system to tell.
Again, even in schools there are not enough practical classes, more should be done. I go here hoping that more practice will be introduced in schools, but at home I don’t know what to do at all.

We are learning from family education at the Educational Center Rainbow of Knowledge. We take compulsory subjects mathematics and Russian. All other items are offered to us by choice. But be sure to certify them at the end of the year. We write an essay or read and hand over items. The presence of the child at the examination is not required. They said only in 9th and 11th grades. And so we write all at home.

06/09/2016 13:45:54, ElenaKosh

We spent this year at CO, 4th grade. Yes, it is difficult. But the child learns very poorly, does not want to study in principle. Three previous years At school I didn't have enough time to study with him. Rescued holidays and illnesses. They barely made it to the point where they could understand and apply the material they had learned, just like they had to go to school, where everyone went further.
This year we moved, the nearest school did not have places in the right class, and I decided. The tutors were in English. language 2 hours individually and 2 hours group lesson per week, 2 hours of mathematics per week. Mathematics is still with my school teacher, and she is a mathematician from God. In addition, she knew and loved my son well, we regularly visited her and drank tea from the samovar, and the son reciprocated. In general, after six months she refused to study with him, because she did not see the results and was very upset, she became ill in health. Then I did it myself. Tatyana Rick's textbooks in Russian, many, many manuals in mathematics. We passed mathematics by the end of the year in mid-March, at 4))) Just a whole day of mathematics, day after day. This is how we learned to count previously two-digit numbers. It is more convenient for my son to study subjects in turn. He loves to read, he just read a reading textbook in a couple of days and we talked with him on all issues, as a result of reading 5. But we need to work further in this direction, and in the summer he will study with a literature teacher.
Worst of all was the case with the enc. world in the second half of the year - history from ancient times to the present day. The words about memorizing the textbook smiled))) Yes, he managed to memorize something as a result, he even began to quote the textbook. But I didn't want that at all! He could not answer a single question, up to who founded St. Petersburg - Catherine or Peter (he chose Catherine!). It was our only three in the quarter. In the last quarter I corrected it, but it was very difficult for me and for him. Only after all, when he went to school, everything was also very sad, mathematics, Russian, env. the world barely made it to 3x, in reading, too, never 5 turned out. And this is with my active participation and with a very good primary school teacher.
About socialization. Son goes to music. school, flute and choir, and water polo. Together with group lessons in English. language is enough to introduce the idea that people are different, everyone is interesting in some way, and everyone is better to get along with.

About nothing.
What "experience" are you talking about? I tried it for 3 months, and then as fun after work!

a strange mother who is neither a super versatile teacher (who in all subjects in a couple of hours will perfectly put everything into her head) nor a housewife (so that she herself can study all day and take classes-sections-tutors) nor the wife of an oligarch (to hire tutors at home ) decided to lock the child at home
it looks like the article was invented - the author herself did not do this

An article that if parents show up at home half an hour before the child has time to sleep, the school is better. It can be said more frankly: the boarding school is even better then.
The author proceeds from a number of false assumptions, such as:
there are no grandparents or they do not want to take care of the child;
the parents themselves do not actually have a secondary education;
parents are not able to force the child to do homework and generally obey;
the child himself is not motivated to study;
parents are not motivated to give their child knowledge, they need a certificate, at best, an entrance ticket to an institute.
"I will say right away that I initially considered homeschooling for my son as a project. And after three months I decided to close this project."
To begin with, we forget the office language and start speaking Russian. As a project she considered, evil is not enough.
Then I translate everything into Russian:
"I inadequately assessed my organizational capabilities, my son's ability to self-organize":
My son does not want to study, but I cannot force him.
One would think that he would go to school in that case. It is not necessary to evaluate your abilities, but to build a child. When we want to eat, we do not evaluate our ability to cook, but boil potatoes. This is where it needs to be.
"We will play part of the program at home, there is nothing transcendental in this. And (this is very important) we are not talking about classes with a child who flips through textbooks between circles, hobbies and his own projects. But about a child who finds a million ways, to avoid all this. The second important note: this is a high school with a large set of subjects."
Translation: during the time after studying at school, I forgot how many subjects there are in it. It turned out that a lot! The son does not leaf through the textbook in between circles and watching TV.
What on FIG mugs?! If tomorrow I come back from work and your teeth don't bounce like this....there are death threats and everything you think about mugs and TVs in this context.
“One evening, when I came home from work, I opened a Russian textbook and said with a sigh: “Let's study.” I had a topic about spelling one or two “n” in adjectives, and there was a branched algorithm with which I , how many "n" will be in the end. And in addition to this, the exception words. Remember? "Glass, tin, wooden ..."
Once I came home from work and my son, studying this topic, forgot the "tin" exception. Why did he have such red ears, the husband asked when he returned home.
"I opened textbooks on biology, history, geography, and a set of facts fell out on me. In the absence of a school system, the knowledge system it offered lost its meaning."
Now this is untranslatable! That is, the knowledge given by the school, in the absence of a school system, loses its meaning. What is it like?! They, knowledge, in general, what are they needed for? To apply them in adult life (already without school) or ??? Or do we go to school in order to go to school?
"It became clear to me that the study of the school curriculum, with my complete antipathy to its content and the complete disinterest of the child, will turn into a war with myself and with him."
So why study it? A non-mentally retarded child can pass an exam in an unnecessary subject simply by reading and memorizing the contents of a textbook in three days. If the author has an antipathy, say, to algebra for the seventh grade, then you should immediately write like that. Nobody would have read further.
"But after all, the task was to get away from the war for education and bring family life into a more harmonious state."
I translate: but the task was not to study, but it turned out that those who study at home are asked more strictly! At school, you can know nothing and get three, but here it doesn’t work out that way.
"1. Can you be a better school?"
The author of the article certainly can not. To be a better school, you must have at least a secondary education and minimal pedagogical skills. Type Schaub children listened to their mother.
"2. School socialization is a myth, but can you find an alternative?"
STE depending on what is considered socialization. To whom, as they say, the mare is the bride. We have found what the author understands by socialization, there is a great secret.
"3. How much is your time worth?"
Here we come to the key issue. A child's time is worth nothing to an author. And he lives one day. For me, the child's time is more important and dearer than my own time. That's the difference. Therefore, homeschooling is for us.

It so happened that for the last six months my children have been studying in a family form. I must say right away that not for ideological reasons, not because of problems with studies or health. Also, my children are not the kind who are "familiar with bullying". The son is an athlete, and the daughter decided to study at home with him at the same time. Prior to this, the son successfully unlearned for 6.5 years, first in a regular school, then in a lyceum. Daughter in a private school for 3.5 years. The article is, of course, quite funny. To understand what tsimes is, you can only cook in this porridge. Briefly. If you have children who are not yo and not 9 or 11 graders, tutors are not needed in principle. If in the 3rd quarter I tried to twitch and control my son, then after successfully passing the certification, the son said, "Mom, that's it. I'm studying, not you. You saw that I can, and I won't let you down." I don't climb anymore. My daughter was hanging in the 3rd quarter, it was necessary to lead her a little in terms of time control, she also passed the certification well, finished the 4th quarter in 2 weeks. My son at 7, of course, has more workload, so he does more work, respectively. We don’t have the task of speeding up the pace and fulfilling the five-year plan in 3 years, he will finish school at 16 anyway. In general, I will repeat the main idea: no tutors are needed. But one of the adults needs to be at home. Because children are children. Well, someone needs to serve, feed, take. The children are learning on their own.
Well, the issue of socialization is closed in principle: fees and camps are cooler than schools. And the team is of different ages, and the coaches are not native mothers, and live in hotels / hostels without mothers and fathers, and generally on the other side of the country, it happens. And they do laundry, and sometimes you have to cook.
In addition to the school curriculum, the son is studying Korean, and the daughter is studying Japanese. Rent to the levels, all in an adult way. My daughter still sings in the Pioneers' house and goes to art once a week.
In general, we still have little experience, but next year is definitely family-oriented. We are often on the road, and there would be many passes at the lyceum. It's more convenient that way, at least for now. I do not rule out that the children will return to school. By the way, I do not advise you to believe those who talk about the fact that there is a lot of free time :))). This is not true, you need to study a lot if you need knowledge, and not just a scribble with an assessment. This, of course, is not about the beginning, there is definitely nothing to do there.
And, more lies about the fact that passing the certification is a problem, that poor family members are oppressed and tortured, they put spokes in the wheels. No one does anything wrong, if you know - you will pass without problems. Well, it's like everywhere else.

Comment on the article "Homeschooling: the experience of a mother who was disappointed"

Pros and cons of family education. Homeschooling: as needed and optional. Advantages of home schooling: The ability to stretch the learning process, or vice versa, to complete the program of several classes in one year.


We switched to part-time at MShZD, also a private one. There, once a month, tests in all subjects are online, and they come only at the end of the year for final assessments.

Depending on how you agree.
Now my child is also registered as an IEP. Part of the subjects in absentia, part in person.
The school receives money. I think that this is correct, because. teachers should be paid. On the other hand, you can ask for advice if necessary.

When I was looking for my school for certification, I liked the schools at colleges, small-scale TK 21 and 26. The administration of the school departments is very friendly. We ended up joining 21. I was pleasantly surprised by the level of teachers.

individual training. Girls! Please tell me the pros and cons individual training. We never had a whining "I don't want to go to school" at home. Because it has always been - if you don't want to, don't go. There's a long thread on the ADHD forum about the individual...


Is the "Ark" school far from you? my girlfriend's autistic son just graduated from it, they normally treat children who do not sit at their desks.

I have a very good homeschooling experience. He was already noticed while preparing for school and began to offer home-cooked meals. I studied individually or in a group of 2-3 people up to grade 7. In the 7th-8th grade, he began to say that he wanted to go to class. The school tried to introduce the class, but was not entirely successful. From the 9th grade, completely in the classroom. Now I have finished school.
Finished well.
We never had a whining "I don't want to go to school" at home. Because it has always been - if you don't want to, don't go.
There is a long thread on the ADHD forum about individual or homeschooling. There are different experiences.

Cons of homeschooling. I inadequately assessed my organizational capabilities, my son's ability to self-organize, the cost of training, and so on. Home education options: home education, family education, distance learning.


Home schooling the best option for those who know how to build a child. If the vocabulary contains the phrase "persuade to sit down for lessons," do not expect anything good from home schooling. Mom said to sit down for lessons, so he sat down and was worried about the fact that he had not thought of sitting down himself earlier.
And do not write off the individual characteristics of the child, in the army they do not persuade anyone. Therefore, there are proven technologies that allow you not to persuade. And, mind you, those who came from the army (and therefore the laziest specimens) unanimously praise military discipline and how it "made them people." That is, in the end, they liked to clearly and quickly carry out the commands of a completely alien and very unpleasant person.
With what pleasure normal child gotta do what the parents say!

And the child wants homework? If the child does not mind, and the responsibility for the quality of education will continue to be on the teachers, and not on you (that is, it is home-based according to medical indications, and not the family form at the request of the parents), then you can try. Again, it is very important where the child will be in free time what he will be doing. On the other hand, there is no point in rushing. You can go to 5th grade, and then decide something. Behavioral problems for children, especially boys, this is quite normal, this is not the indication for which doctors can prescribe a child home schooling, but in life everything happens and they agree differently. In any case, once again carefully study the legislative difference between the forms of education, so that you are simply not deceived. And most importantly, act in the interests of the child, and do not take what the teachers tell you too seriously. Teachers often dramatize and of course want to see only ideal children who are highly motivated to study.

Home education options: home education, family education, distance learning. Homeschooling: as needed and optional. Here are the main provisions of this law: You can switch to a family form of education at any level of general ...

Home education options: home education, family education, distance learning. The contract should describe in detail what role is assigned to the child's education in school, what role - to the family; when and how many times will certifications be held, as well as on ...


My son was an external student from the 1st to the 6th grade inclusive, then he entered L2Sh (now in the 5th year). I spent money on school education in the amount of the price of books (my textbooks so that you can make notes in them + manuals for teachers from the Pedagogical Book; I bought a lot of books for general development, but this is already schooling does not actually apply). offered to study English for a fee, but the day refused categorically. I chose a school where intensive was not required (26th). In all subjects, she studied with her son at home herself. In the autumn I asked each subject teacher (at the expense of 1 free lesson) what textbook you need to study, how much you need to know the subject to pass, what the exam consists of and carefully wrote down (orally or in writing, which verses to memorize, how to write down the task in the test at the exam, what else will anyone say), asked for a phone for an agreement about the exam. They only came for exams. We never had tutors, neither during the external study period, nor later.
In the external study, there are solid pluses without a single minus (as long as the education of the parents allows you to supervise studies: for example, if the son was going to study in the field of biology, chemistry or medicine, then the external study would come up before graduation, and disassemble olympiad mathematics and the physics of the senior classes of my knowledge is already not enough). The cons began when the son went to school. Seeing off to school (from the moment of waking up to being put out the door) personally took me the same amount of time as the classes according to the school curriculum, with the only difference being that we studied at a time convenient for me and my son, and in the morning it was much less convenient for me (or on my own). work to run, or could sleep). Further, problems begin at school with the need to find (from today to tomorrow or the day after tomorrow) unannounced textbooks, books, notebooks, etc., even if you crack, perform stupid dz, find desired shape(for various activities, from school to cleaning and hiking) + more parent meetings. Well, and the eternal dilemma with a slightly ill person: calling a doctor is minus my working day for the sake of a piece of paper to school, and not calling - three days was far from always enough (and they were not always willing to accept notes). IMHO, the school is a complete mess.
I never saw the point in purposeful homework. For example, in oral subjects, the son just read the textbook, and then we discussed. If I saw that somehow it wasn’t very good, then they read it together and discussed it right away (and then he taught something for delivery, dates, for example). Mathematics was done mainly orally, opening the end of the textbook. What you need to know she told regardless of the textbook and not necessarily at the table. Then, separately, the son wrote the control from the training manuals for a while. In Russian, they also read the rules together, then the son entered into the textbook desired letters into the exercises, explaining to me why along the way, until he began to do everything without error. Then move on to the next paragraph. He regularly wrote dictations. Calligraphy was studied separately, not on the principle of combining it with mathematics or the Russian language. IMHO, the classic homework in the absence of a dominant motor memory is only harmful. Which does not exclude assignments for independent work, but not "daily, for order, so that there is something to write" and hate at the same time, but more meaningful: in the 5th child it is already possible to explain the amount of material to be handed over for the year (learned to solve problems and examples in the volume of the textbook - they went and passed it, they don’t do mathematics aiming at the textbook anymore and there’s nothing to sit through their pants writing problems; I read the necessary literary works, learned verses, sorted out the answers to the required questions - let's go, pass the kids and a mustache, fat point; for all subjects). Of course, from an adult you need to monitor the distribution of time in subjects. And you can do it not only within the framework of the school curriculum. But for the soul - especially without dz. When a child knows that he has passed, he has left the bed and is free (he reads what he wants, walks, etc.), there is an incentive to try to know what to take. And when he knows or doesn't know - it's still homework - what are the incentives to work on the result?

That is why family education is more difficult to scratch out, you need to look for a school where it is spelled out in the charter

My son is on an external course, it was not possible to organize a family, but we are in Krasnodar, not in Moscow, this happens less often here. Well, plus in Moscow (according to moms) family members are paid about 20 thousand rubles a year, we have much less, so I didn’t butt very much.

If you have any questions - you can here or in the sub

My daughter is finishing 2nd grade at family school. Exceptional conviction. Very satisfied. The performance is excellent, in mathematics - a class and a half higher goes. I am engaged, but mostly the daughter herself. You can ask right here, my computer is not working now, I don’t read mail.

01/23/2008 11:01:38 PM, El Nina


Unfortunately, there are no legal acts in your case. I once studied this issue, my son was ill for a whole year, he went to school for a total of a quarter of one. And we had to get out ourselves, the son studied at home, by himself. The doctors made round eyes when I asked about home schooling, although my son was seriously ill. But alas :(
But we were "luckier" than you - he was sick in the 5th grade, when there were still few subjects, and there was no physics and chemistry. The son coped with Russian-mathematics on his own, in English they hired a tutor, asked his own teacher, begged and persuaded to study. She was able to pull him up in just 10 classes, because she saw the problem.

Now, if you also agreed with the teachers, on those subjects that you yourself cannot master, they are not animals, maybe they will work out individually for a small fee? It would be best of all, teachers can better see where the gaps are, there is no need to give the entire course.
In chemistry, Maya has already offered you help, do you still have physics and mathematics? And Russian with literature, maybe you can master it at home?

I don't see any other way, it won't work without money, IMHO.

Maybe try a different clinic? In Semashko, Research Institute of Pediatrics. Will they be taken?



(learning by doing) Increased productivity due to acquired process management experience. It does not matter whether this experience is the property of a particular manufacturer, national industry or the world as a whole. Except where spill-overs of relevant experience are worldwide, learning by experience provides a competitive advantage for existing manufacturers, who inevitably have more experience than newcomers to the market. Learning from experience is often characterized in terms of labor productivity as an increasing function of the cumulative total output of a given product. This may not be true: if production is calculated over a long period of time, it is doubtful that its early stage is relevant to this problem. In particular, skills are likely to be lost if they are not used.

Economy. Dictionary. - M.: "INFRA-M", Publishing house "Ves Mir". J. Black. General editorial staff: Doctor of Economics Osadchaya I.M.. 2000 .

Economic dictionary. 2000 .

See what "LEARNING BY EXPERIENCE" is in other dictionaries:

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    O. p. took various forms depending on the nomenclature of specialties that develops within the framework of psychology over time. In the early stages of the development of psychology, when the specialized disciplines were not yet so differentiated, formal ... ... Psychological Encyclopedia

    HYPNOSIS TRAINING- En.: Teaching hypnosis When teaching hypnosis, we are always faced with a choice: achieve clarity at the expense of simplification, or go into detail, losing sight of the whole (Zeig, 1980). But hypnosis also poses its own special problems, because it places more emphasis on ... ... The New Hypnosis: Glossary, Principles and Method. Introduction to Ericksonian Hypnotherapy


    EDUCATIONAL TRAINING- training, at which organic is achieved. the relationship between the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and experience by students creative activity and the formation of an emotionally valuable attitude to the world, to each other, to the learned text. material. ... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

    PROGRAMMED LEARNING- training according to a pre-designed program, which provides for the actions of both students and the teacher (or the learning machine replacing him) Idea P.o. was proposed in the 1950s. 20 in Amer by psychologist BF Skinner to improve efficiency ... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

    The schoolgirl gives an example of a new vocabulary. Learning through learning (German Lernen durch Lehren) is a teaching methodology developed and first put into practice by a professor at the Eichstätt University ... Wikipedia

    "Military Training"- MILITARY TRAINING, newspaper, organ Center. and Mosk. advice of Osoaviakhim. Produced from May 1927 (until February 1942 under the title On Guard). During the war years, ed. A. S. SOLODIMOV The newspaper explained the need to strengthen the combat power of the socialist. gosh wa… … Great Patriotic War 1941-1945: Encyclopedia


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  • Deep Learning (color illustrations), Goodfellow Y. Deep learning is a type of machine learning that empowers computers to learn from experience and understand the world in terms of a hierarchy of concepts. As the computer acquires knowledge from...

Listen to the record, look at the picture

Almost all online courses are presented in the format of video lectures with a set of slides, according to which the learning process takes place. Video lectures can most often be downloaded for local viewing, as can presentation slides and subtitles (if available). For example, mobile app Coursera allows you to download video lectures directly to your phone or tablet. Unfortunately, a fairly small number of courses are equipped with Russian subtitles (the translation of courses into other languages ​​and the production of subtitles, as a rule, is carried out by enthusiastic volunteers), so for those who are not very good at listening to technical English, English subtitles can help - their can be included almost anywhere.

Learn, learn and learn

Depending on the course, there are two options for studying:
  • Session courses. This is the most common practice: the course starts at certain date and lasts for several weeks (usually from 2 to 12 weeks, although sometimes there are longer ones). Sessions of one course can be repeated 2-3 times a year, but their schedule is not known in advance.
  • Free admission course("self-paced" or "on demand"). There are no deadlines for completing such a course, the materials are posted for free access and everyone can study them at any pace. Sometimes it happens that a course that was previously held for several sessions according to the schedule is transferred to the on demand mode. For example, the Machine Learning course on Coursera according to its author Andrew Ng this year was last held in a session format and is now available on demand at any time.
In addition to single courses, there are so-called specializations: these are several different courses (from about three to eight), united by a common subject and stretched for quite a long time (up to several months; in fact, it turns out a full semester or a whole course like at a university). Typical examples:
  • Data Science from John Hopkins University: 9 monthly courses + course project
  • Cloud Computing from the University of Illinois: 4 courses of 4-5 weeks + course project
The most popular courses can attract tens of thousands of students from all over the world, while the attendance of sessional courses is naturally much higher than the courses with free attendance. Therefore, one of the main advantages of sessional courses is the presence of a much larger number of participants per course forum and the opportunity not only to talk with them about life, but also to discuss the course itself, test questions and practical tasks. Of course, there are also forums on on demand courses, but due to free attendance, the activity there is much lower and noticeably “smeared” in time and on topics.

Course forums should not be neglected even if you are an introvert and a loner by nature! Many course authors immediately, at the very beginning of training, strongly recommend that you independently form study groups on the forum to discuss any issues and tasks during the course. From my own experience, I can say that repeatedly thoughtful reading of the forum and participation in discussions really helped me in resolving controversial issues in the tests.


Pros and cons

One of the main disadvantages of online courses (or rather just a feature dictated by the format) is lack of live communication with the teacher. Of course, the authors of many courses can be found on social networks or email them, but given the number of students in many popular courses, it is most likely not worth counting on constructive one-on-one communication with the author on the topic of the course. Therefore, it is better to rely only on the forums and the help of fellow students.

Before enrolling in a course, it is advisable to study the section prerequisites(prerequisites) in its description. Different courses require students to have skills different levels: from zero requirements (“only need a brain, eyes and a desire to learn”) to quite advanced, for example: “Basic C ++ / Java programming skills, understanding of database principles, basic statistics, linear algebra, artificial intelligence". At the same time, the "basic" knowledge according to the authors of the course can vary quite widely. In any case, always leave some “margin of safety” for yourself in order to understand in time what kind of “basic” skills you suddenly lack in the next practical lesson.

Sign up for a course which is held according to the schedule, it is possible both its start date and after (however, for some courses, the possibility of enrolling some time after they start may be closed). If you didn’t make it to the very beginning of the course, it’s okay, of course, you will be allowed into the class, but be prepared for the fact that you will have to catch up with the material at an accelerated pace.

Be careful with numbers supposed study load in the course description. The declared workload can vary in different courses from 2 to 20 hours a week, but in reality this can only be verified in practice. If this is your first online course (and your last semester at the university ended 10 years ago or more), then feel free to multiply these numbers by 2, or even 3, even for the most simple object: it will be difficult at first from the habit, even simple things will take more time until you get used to it and find your own pace of learning.

Many technical courses are devoted to the study of a specific programming language, so (especially if you are a beginner) in addition to the basics of the language itself, you will have to understand the development environment (if it is new to you or very different from what you are used to), and related tools like Git. But in courses entry level For this, as a rule, separate classes are assigned. But some advanced courses give more freedom in choosing tools for solving practical problems - the result is important first of all.

Course materials after their completion most often remain in open access, so if you wish, you can sign up for a course that has already ended “backdating” and take it on your own (but of course without a course completion certificate, which is discussed in more detail below).

What to get out of wide trousers (and attach to a resume)

Almost all courses, apart from some free on demand courses, offer certificates of completion to their graduates. After all, it is so nice to brag to colleagues about a beautiful certificate with a seal and signatures of the course authors, or attach it to a resume. It remains to be seen whether this document has real practical value.

There are two types of certificates (for example, Coursera, on other platforms the names may differ slightly, but the essence is the same):

  • Statement of Accomplishment. This is the usual certificate of completion free course, is issued in case of passing all the tasks of the course on time and with the minimum required number of points (depends on the course: somewhere you need to score at least 50%, somewhere 80%). In fact, it means "listened, passed." Some courses may also award a certificate with distinction - for overcoming, for example, the 90 percent mark.
  • Verified Certificate. This is a somewhat cryptic document, essentially no different from the first type. However, there are still differences. A verified certificate is issued only upon completion of the course on a paid basis. On Coursera, this is called the Signature Track and means, in essence, identification: before the start of the course, you take a photo with a webcam, type a long phrase for the system to remember your keyboard handwriting, and also present a document with a photo to the ID webcam. Oh yes, well, you pay for the course itself, of course! You present the document once, but you will have to print the control phrase and smile at the webcam before passing each intermediate test. On the other hand, the received certificate is accompanied by a separate web link, and it is understood that your potential employer (or anyone who wishes) can verify through this link that you have successfully completed this course and passed all the tests.

Submit documents

I won’t say platitudes about the fact that you need to study for the sake of knowledge, and not for show or for the sake of a piece of paper - I hope that such thoughts do not need to be voiced for the audience of this resource :) I will also leave aside the ethical question on the topic of cheating when taking courses. Nevertheless, students of online courses very often raise a quite fair question on the forums - does such a certificate (whether paid or not) matter to a potential employer? And should it be part of the resume?

There is no single answer to this question. For historical reasons, Western companies have a more clearly formed attitude to online courses than in Russia, and such a thing as a verified certificate probably has some meaning for them, but is not yet entirely clear to us. In Russia, I am sure that an advanced HR or a leader from a progressive company will certainly pay attention to the fact that you have passed a couple of specialized courses and were awarded a certificate of completion. But of course, they will hire you not for certificates and diplomas, but for real achievements and ability to solve practical problems. But what the fact of successfully completing an online course will most likely really say is about your self-organization, the ability to learn and achieve your own goals. And if the employer knows firsthand about a particular course, then here you really will have something to talk about. But as soon as you have included your achievements in online courses in your resume, it is very important to be ready, in which case, to answer questions on their topics for the bazaar.

The profile of the company and the degree of its advancement, by the way, also affect the attitude of personnel officers and managers to online learning. Large and conservative companies may not pay attention to this at all, but for example, for start-ups or small creative companies, this can really turn out to be a “karma plus”.

As for my personal opinion about paid verified certificates, then, in my opinion, the only point in them is the very specializations that I spoke about above. Of course, you can take all specialization courses separately for free, but in order to participate in a course project, most often you need to first obtain verified certificates for each of the courses. That is, alas, it is impossible to go through the entire specialization for free along with a course project and receive a final diploma on its completion.

In short, don't try to wow your potential employer with a verified Coursera certificate. Better learn the materiel, just learn - for yourself.

Closed textbooks, took out leaflets

What kind of study without tests and tests! In online courses, the topics covered are fixed practical tasks(assignments), and understanding of the subject is checked using tests(quiz). For each correct answer, points are awarded, which are summed up at the end of the test. If the test tasks have a deadline, then sometimes you can break it, but at the same time a penalty will be deducted from the final score (for example, the final grade for the test is reduced by 20%).

Tests usually follow each block of video lectures and are questions with a set of answers to choose from, in other cases you need to enter a numerical answer, which is the solution to a simple problem. And there are two extremes here:

  • Test with an infinite number attempts. You can pass it at least 150 times, until you get the highest score. To protect against random enumeration in such tests, a time limit is set, for example, each next attempt can be passed at least 10 minutes after the previous one. Ideally, if you made annoying mistakes in the test, during this period of time you can flip through the slides again or listen to the necessary pieces of video lectures for a better understanding of the questions. The final grade for the test is the highest of all attempts. Such an approach, for example, was in tests and tasks of the Machine Learning course - the author of the course, Andrew Ng, recommended repeating the exercises until you get the highest score (and in general, in my opinion, this approach is not without meaning):
    You can submit answers to the review questions and programming exercises as many times as you like, and only the highest score will be taken for each assignment. We strongly encourage you to keep repeating each exercise until you get a perfect score.
  • One try test. Cruel! I entered the wrong answer (I mistyped, made a mistake, did not mark all the options) - that's it, the attempt was not counted, zero points. On the one hand, it is as close as possible to the conditions of the real exam: either immediately answered the question correctly, or not. On the other hand, questions are sometimes ambiguous, and if in real life you can argue with the examiner or try to justify your answer, then here you will have to defend your point of view only in front of a silent monitor. In such cases, there are occasional arguments, drama, and resentment in the course forum ( "I've mistyped, give me a second try, $#&%^&*!"), but rules are rules: it's a shame, but zero points for an incorrect answer cannot be corrected here.
  • And finally, an intermediate variant - multiple response attempts(for example, three), from which the highest score is ultimately selected.

Checkboxes instead of radiobuttons with one correct version answer - a favorite joke of teachers

Practical tasks are also divided into two main types:

  • Tasks with an answer. In them, as a rule, you just need to enter the answer as a numerical result of executing the program you wrote or a piece of code. It's simple, but just in case, never neglect the decimal places in the results obtained (although often the condition of the problem says so: "provide at least two values ​​after the decimal point").
  • Peer-reviewed tasks(peer grade assignment). This is a completely different type of assignment, which is designed for cross-checking by the course participants themselves. Such tasks are usually arranged like this (using programming courses as an example): you write a short code, create a Markdown document and upload it all to GitHub. After that, you need to check similar commits of five other students, rate each part and write a short comment on the work ( “Well done, good job!” of course it will work, but it’s better to write something more constructive). Your work will also be judged by several other students in the same way. In other courses, instead of code, this can be anything else - a detailed answer to a question, an essay, a short essay ... in general, everything that can be qualitatively assessed by fellow students in the course.
The practical tasks themselves (again, I take programming courses as an example) are of completely different levels:
  • For beginners: write three lines of code, commit a numerical answer. Usually these are tasks from very beginner-level courses with minimal input requirements.
  • A little less simple tasks: implement the algorithm according to the formula from the lectures. Sometimes it makes you think, but in general, it also does not cause questions and difficulties.
  • And finally, real practical problems with real data. Here the fantasy of the authors of the course (as well as the possible number of lines of code) is not limited by anything, and it happens that the farther, the trickier.

Without a break from production

Distance learning is certainly good because you ultimately set the class schedule for yourself - the main thing is to take tests and assignments on time. But of course, you should never postpone classes until the evening of the last day. Treat online courses like hitting the gym - greatest effect will give several workouts a week for an hour and a half, and not one lesson a week to exhaustion. No matter how trite it sounds, it helps a lot to draw up an approximate lesson plan for yourself in advance and strictly follow it (for example, set aside three or four evenings a week, which you can take to classes). Of course, classes should not be at the expense of the main job - it is unlikely that your employer will be happy with the fact that you spend half your working time on classes, even if it is on specialized topics. And ideally, of course, if online learning is directly related to the direction and topic of your main activity at work, then it’s better to tell your boss about it - he will surely support you.

Drama circle, photo circle, and I also want to sing

schedule of lessons

At first, learning online may suddenly seem to you that the load is not so big, and when you study the entire catalog of courses, you will definitely want to try “this”, “this” and “this is another”, and preferably all at once. I warn you: it's better not to do this! You don't need to attend more than two online courses at the same time, and then if they are not too difficult. Otherwise, overload your head and you will not have time to complete tasks. The same applies to lagging behind the course schedule: from my own experience I can say that it can be very difficult to make up even a couple of missed weeks of classes later.