It is inexplicable but a fact to read. Unexplained facts

A secret they tried to hide? SS freighter Ourang Medan
The history of the cargo ship Orange Medan (SS Ourang Medan) began in 1947, when two american ship who were heading to Malaysia received an SOS signal. A man called for help, introducing himself as a member of the crew of the Dutch ship Orange Medan. The man shouted: "Everyone is dead and soon it will come for me." Then a strange noise entered the transmission and the sailor said: "I'm dead" ...

American ships immediately went to help the ship in distress. The bodies of all crew members were found aboard the Orange Medan. On faces dead people the expression of horror froze, and the glazed eyes were wide open. Many died with their hands held out in front of them, and it was clear that they were defending themselves from something. When examining the bodies, it was found that all the crew members died about 6-8 hours ago, but despite this, the temperature of their bodies exceeded 40 degrees Celsius.
It was decided to tow the ship Orange Medan to the port for further examination, but a few minutes later a fire broke out on board and members of the rescue team were forced to leave it. Immediately after that, an explosion thundered and Orange Medan went to the bottom.
The theory was put forward that the whole story was a hoax and no Orange Medan existed, because. no record of this vessel was found in Lloyd's Insurance Register, which must include all ships engaged in international shipping. As a result, the whole story was recognized as a hoax. Although there are many facts to the contrary, several people are known for certain who claimed that their relatives were hired on board a ship called the Orange Medan and disappeared.
In memory of the mysterious ship, only one photograph remained, which was taken by the wife of one of the crew members.

Zombie named Felicia

In 1907, after a short illness, which, according to local Haitian beliefs, is similar to turning a person into a zombie, a certain Felicia Felix-Mentor died. And already in 1936, the same woman was found on the street, dressed in rags according to some sources, and according to others she was completely naked. Despite some disagreement, all eyewitnesses claimed that the woman was covered from head to toe in silt. The lady, closing her eyes and muttering inarticulate phrases under her breath, dragged her mortal body towards the farm, which once belonged to her father. In a living corpse, local residents recognized Filicia Felix-Mentor, buried 29 years ago, and her widowed husband confirmed the identity of the lady.
The woman was immediately placed in a psycho. hospital, where, according to some, she lived the rest of her life, and according to others, one fine day she simply disappeared from the room upholstered in felt. The report from her attending physician reads: “The patient suffers from a manic-depressive disorder and uncontrolled seizures laughter. A woman talks about herself either in the third or in the first person and is constantly confused about dates and events. In moments of clarity of consciousness, she said that it was now 1906 and begged to let her go home to her husband.
Another interesting fact, according to the X-ray examination, her skeleton was in excellent condition, and this despite the fact that the real Felicia had a broken leg in two places. Other examinations also did not reveal any anomalies, except that the woman was in a beautiful physical form and was ... a virgin, several scars on her body also disappeared without a trace. “You get the impression that this middle-aged woman was born a few weeks ago,” a doctor who examined Filicia once said.
The mentally ill patient was recognized as a close relative of Filicia Felix-Mentor, despite the fact that the woman's identity was confirmed by her husband and the fact that Filicia was the only child in the family.

Remember everything

One fine morning in 1930, a four-year-old Indian girl Shanti Diva (or Deva (Shanti Deva)) from Delhi told her parents that in a past life her name was Ludgi and she lived in the city of Mathura with her husband. Parents wrote it off as a childhood fantasy, but the baby with enviable constancy reminded her parents of her past and each time added more and more new details, so one day she said that she had three children, two of whom died in childbirth.
Worried mental state child, the father of the family found out that in the city of Mathura there really lived a woman named Ludgi, who died 4 years ago. The parents decided to fulfill Shanti's whim and took her to Mathura. Upon arrival, the girl immediately found the house where Ludgi lived and introduced her parents to her "husband" and child, and also pointed out a few details of her life dead woman known only to the relatives of the deceased. After such cases, you begin to believe in crazy theories about rebirth.

The mystery of one photo or the ghost of Mr. Jackson

This unusual and even slightly frightening photograph was taken in 1919. After 44 years, this picture received wide popularity thanks to the officer British Air Force retired Victor Goddard, who sent it to the editor of one of the newspapers. The group photo shows the crew members of the warship Daedalus, who were under Victor's command. The red circle marks mechanic Freddie Jackson, who died two days before the photo was taken. Victor says that the funeral ceremony took place exactly on the day the photographer took the picture, which is why everyone has such gloomy faces in the photo.

cursed bridge

Overtoun Bridge is an ordinary arched bridge in Scotland, which was built in 1859. Overtun gained fame thanks to dogs that, for several decades, end their lives by jumping from this architectural structure. The first case of dog suicide was recorded in 1951, by 1955 there were already more than 48 such cases, in the same year it was found that mainly dogs with long muzzles jump from the bridge. For most of the animals, a jump from a 15-meter height ended in death, but some survived and, after recovery, came back to the bridge to complete what they had begun. Another interesting fact is that dogs do not jump anyhow and not anyhow from where: a favorite place for jumping is between the last two spans with right side where our four-legged friends throw themselves upside down and nothing else.
Local residents immediately dubbed the bridge cursed and began to bypass it. In 1994, a terrible bridge took the first human life: a father who has gone out of his mind threw his child off him, and then he himself went after him.
The phenomenon has received international attention and the Scottish Society for the Prevention abuse with animals" (Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals sent a representative to investigate. Expert ethologist (specialist in animal behavior) David Sexton found that the undergrowth under the bridge is simply teeming with mice. And as you know, the smell of these animals greatly affects the behavior of dogs and cats. Sexton conducted an experiment: he spread the smell of three types of mice found on the Overtoon Bridge and observed the behavior of dogs. As a result, only two dogs out of 30 did not show any interest in the mouse scent, while the rest ran mindlessly to the place where the stench spread. “There is no mysticism here: dogs just run to the smell - this is their nature,” says David Sexton.

Ghost ship Mary Celeste

Without a doubt, the most famous ship the ghost is Mary Celeste Mary Celeste) - a merchant ship that was found abandoned and drifting in the waters Atlantic Ocean in 1872. The ship was in excellent condition, the holds were filled with fresh food and goods. No trace of the crew was ever found, and the presence of 1,500 barrels of the purest alcohol on board eliminates the possibility that the ship was attacked by pirates.
The ship Mary Celeste was launched in 1860, the next 10 years the ship changed its owners with enviable constancy, and in the end it was bought for $ 3,000 by Captain Benjamin Briggs. On November 7, 1872, Mary Celeste left the port of New York. On board were Captain Briggs, his daughter and his wife, and a crew of 10 sailors. Since then, no one has seen them. On the ghost ship, it was not possible to find a ship's log, and two lifeboats, which were discovered in 1873 off the coast of Spain, one contained a body wrapped in American flag, in the other there were 5 more dead people who could not be identified. There were no women or children among the corpses.

sealand skull

Who owns such an unusual skull... A prehistoric animal, an alien, or maybe one of our ancestors at a certain stage of evolution? I think any person will ask these questions when they see the mysterious Sealand skull.
The skull was discovered in 2007 in the Danish village of Olstikke on the island of Sealand, but despite this, the find was kept in the strictest confidence until 2010. Researchers at the Veterinary high school Copenhagen (Veterinarian High School in Copenhagen), who studied the skull in 2008, came to the conclusion that he most likely belonged to an unknown species of mammals with extremely developed intellect. Radiocarbon dating has shown that its owner lived between 1200 and 1280 AD.
The Sealand skull is almost 1.5 times larger than a human one and its most prominent part is its huge eye sockets. Scientists suggest that this creature could see well in the dark. According to the structure of the skull, scientists determined that the creature walked on its hind legs, swam very well and was 3 meters tall. The structure of the teeth indicates that the owner of the skull was a predator. Unfortunately, the Sealand skull did not give out any more information about its owner.


Looking at this photograph from 1940, you will hardly notice one fashionista among hundreds of people in sunglasses, a T-shirt with an emblem printed on it and a portable camera. It is not clear how our contemporary wormed his way among the respectable inhabitants of that era and why no one pays attention to him? The photo was taken at the opening of the Museum of Canada, where it is kept to this day. Skeptics say: "Deception, Photoshop ... this simply cannot be!".
But I repeat, the photograph was taken in 1940 and took pride of place among the exhibits of the museum in 1941, and most importantly, all this time a time traveler was present on it, so there can be no question of a fake. Despite the facts, the photo was subjected to examinations several times, which confirmed that no montage was found in the photograph.

The Snow Queen

19-year-old Jean Hilliard (Jean Hilliard) was a completely ordinary girl, until one incident turned her whole life upside down and made the most a unique person in the world. It happened in hometown Jin - Langby, Minisota. A neighbor found a girl lying on the street at 25 degrees below zero. When she was taken to the hospital, the doctor was shocked by what he saw: the girl's body in literally words are frozen. One of the nurses later said: "It was like I put my hands in the freezer when I touched this poor girl."
The doctor said that this was an unprecedented case and there was nothing he could do, so all Jean's relatives and friends gathered at the hospital and began to pray. And oddly enough, it worked, because. a month later our The Snow Queen' fully recovered. The icing did not cause any damage to her body, and even frostbitten limbs did not have to be amputated. Doctors called it a miracle, and local fanatics dubbed Jean a saint.
But what really happened here? Was it the power of prayer, a medical miracle, or a new step human evolution. Some animals are known to be able to go into hibernation at low temperatures... maybe Jean is one of them? =)

The Ghost of Vem Town Hall

In the town hall engulfed in fire, the photographer captured a little girl. This chilling shot was taken by Tony O'Railly as he stood in a crowd of onlookers watching the Wem town hall burn down. The photo was taken in November 1995 and published at the same time.

Birth of a legend.

15 years later, a 77-year-old pensioner, Brian Lear, said that he had found on one of the old postcards a girl similar to the one in the Vem town hall. By the way, the postcard is dated 1922… can you smell the intrigue?
"I was shocked when I was sorting through my things and found this old postcard, which showed a ghost girl from Vem Town Hall," says the pensioner. "On closer inspection, you can see that they are even dressed the same and it's really scary."
This photo shook all the pillars of knowledge about the supernatural and caused a real international outcry. The newspapers even reported that this 14-year-old girl's name is Jane Charm, she is 14 years old and through her fault the same town hall caught fire in 1677. The cause of the 1995 fire has remained a mystery.
The photographer who took this photograph, Tony O’Railly, died in 2005, when on Halloween the kids decided to play a trick on the eccentric old man and, having dressed up one of the procession participants in the ghost girl from the picture, went to his house. Opening the door and seeing on the threshold the pale girl in the photograph demanding sweets, Mr. O'Railly clutched his heart and fell dead.
An examination of the photograph in 1998 showed that there was no photomontage on it.


"Today, I can confidently say that the photo of the ghost of the Vem Mosque is a hoax," says Greg Hobson, curator of the photography department at the National Media Museum. The technique by which this photograph was taken is similar to that used by mediums in the 19th century, who allegedly could capture the deceased person with whom they came into contact.
And it was done like this: mediums asked relatives for a photograph of the deceased, which was fixed in front of the camera lens. The shooting was carried out in a dark room and, as a result, the contours of the image from the photograph were partially “imprinted” on the camera lenses. When relatives came to a charlatan for advice in again, he offered them for a certain amount of money to take a photograph of the deceased, which no longer posed any problem, because. the new image was superimposed on the "imprint" from the lenses. That's how these incredibly believable ghost photos came to be.

I was 13 years old. My parents sent me with my cousin to the village to our great-grandmother. Let's say the sister's name is Anya. Anya is 3 years older than me, but this did not prevent us from communicating on an equal footing, since at that time we both loved to play dandy and "guess". And also, having seen this training in the movie "Starship Troopers", we developed intuition, alternately showing each other a card in order to "feel" what is depicted on it (only cards with "pictures" were used and only two suits - spades and hearts) . That day I guessed 28 cards out of 30. I made a mistake on the 16th and 30th cards.

Anya was very impressed, and we decided to test my intuition in other ways. First, she hid behind a closet and showed the fingers of one hand. Out of ten times (according to her), I never made a mistake. Then she stood at the shelf and poked the book bindings with her finger, and I had to blindfold to determine what color it was. I got it wrong two times out of ten. Suddenly the suspicion crept into my thoughts that my sister was deceiving me. After all, how can this be! Then I pushed back the bandage and began to name the wrong colors and the sister really said - "no, no, no."

Then I closed my eyes again and felt some kind of echo in my head. I started guessing again.
Anya was delighted, I was horrified. I told her I was tired and we sat down to play dandy. We played ninja turtles (fight against each other), and if usually our strengths were equal, and the one who first made a combo or super-hit won, then this time I just mindlessly pressed the keys and defeated her.

Then, the two of us went to cut firewood. Hand saw, long, for two. We lifted the trunk of a birch on a goat and began to saw it into chumps, so that grandfather would then chop them. We loved sawing because we liked the smell of sawdust and the sparks it gave off - we collected them fanatically and burned them in a fire, imagining that we were witches.
When we finished sawing the birch, I found that I had rubbed a pretty corn on thumb. Anya bandaged my finger with plantain (as it is without it in the village), and I went to lie down.

It turned out that I fell asleep. I woke up from the lowing of a cow returning from pasture in the yard. My bandage, a deck of cards on the table, and all sorts of notes with drawings (which I also guessed) reminded me of what it was during the day. I jumped up from the sofa and ran to look for Anya. She was in the yard washing her feet in a basin. When I approached her, a dialogue took place between us:
Anya: Wow, were you asleep?
Me: Well, yes, something got tired after that, - I waved towards the birch blocks near the garage wall.
Anya: Wow, did you drink it yourself?
I almost laughed, showed her my bandaged finger:
- Yeah, one. Have you forgotten how we sawed for two hours?
Here Anya dropped the ladle from her hands and looked at me in fright.
Anya: Are you kidding me? I spent the whole day with Aunt Sasha!
It was my turn to be surprised: How is it with Aunt Sasha? And the cards, and the books, and the firewood? I briefly told her everything that we had done today, but she only turned pale and opened her eyes wider.
There was a pause, which was broken by the same Aunt Sasha, who entered our gates:
- Oh, girls, oh what beauties you are. And you, Anechka, are absolutely lovely! Helped me so much today!
Waving to us, she went into the house and screamed. We ran to her, she stood leaning against the wall and holding her heart.

Seeing us, she stared at Anya and began to cross herself and lament something. And then she collapsed into a swoon.
The ambulance arrived only two hours later, and my aunt woke up in the hospital the next day. It turned out she had a heart attack. They did not operate on her, they gave her some pills and ordered her to lie down for ten days in the hospital. All this time, she forbade Anya and me to come to her.
My sister and I were crazy. I didn’t even want to think about anything mystical, especially after our grandmother said, according to Aunt Sasha, we are demon-possessed, and laughed (grandmother, although a believer, was adequate).
Finally, Aunt Sasha was released from the hospital. We bought her favorite halva and came to her house.

She said that it was only thanks to the sedatives that she could talk to us now. We sat down to drink tea and she said that when she went into the house that day and screamed, she saw Anya on the veranda. Only Anya did not look like herself - her hair was tangled, wet, there were bruises under her eyes, and her skin was gray with some dark spots on her arms and legs. And this Anya brought forefinger to her lips, apparently so that Aunt Sasha would not scream. And when we ran to the screams of my aunt, this second Anya simply vanished into thin air.

Halva stood in our throats. We quickly said goodbye and left. Anya took my hand and we went home.
After that, we did not think about it until the end of the summer. And on August 28, Anya was beaten, raped and pushed into the reeds. When the evening fishermen found her, she was unconscious, covered in bruises, and her long hair was tangled and wet. I've been to the city before, but people have described it that way.

I came to her autumn vacation. She did not go to the university, which she entered at the beginning of the summer, because after the incident for a long time I couldn't talk to guys. Stupidly sat at home and watched serials.
We sat at the table with my parents, and then went to her room. And she told me something that, after almost 15 years, still makes my blood run cold: on the night when she ended up in the hospital, she had a dream, how we guess the cards, the colors of the books, that she draws pictures for me, then we are sawing a birch with her, and then she sees Aunt Sasha entering the house and remembers that this is the same day, and instinctively puts her finger to her lips, and then she woke up.

Yes, I could refer to the fact that she dreamed about it because I already told her all this, but there is one thing: Anya told me that day in great detail, and even that I didn’t guess the book covers several times in a row , which books she showed, where she picked this plantain leaf (under a currant bush, although it grows all over the yard), and I remember that I did not tell such details.

Since then, nothing strange has happened to me. A couple of times it happened that I heard an echo in my head and stopped abruptly - at the same second, right in front of me, either a layer of snow fell from the roof, or a gazelle drove in the opposite direction, taken out of nowhere, but this could be a coincidence. Anna is fine now. She already has two children, she is happily married and lives a completely normal life.

How little we know about the world around us. Many scientists argue about amazing anomalies that are difficult to explain to mankind. Most of the inexplicable is hidden from the general public; a person is not yet ready for many facts. Despite this, below will be presented the ten most mysterious phenomena in the world, for which there was no justification. Every inexplicable fact verified, but international organizations were unable to answer them.

Sleeping in the flames

A 22-year-old boy woke up abruptly from pain, according to him, he felt that he was on fire. He was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with second-degree burns, there is not even a centimeter of burnt area in the room.

Doctors and scientists cannot explain where the flame came from and how it went out on its own.

man on mars

Another picture from the surface of Mars from the lunar rover shocked everyone, the shadow of a man was clearly visible. The most amazing thing is that there is not a single ledge nearby from which a shadow could fall.

The person just stood next to the machine for a second. Further shots of the site yielded no results, the shot was just a moment that the camera miraculously caught.

There are two theories: alien forms and photo forgery, as in the case that the Americans went down to Mars. So far none of them have been proven.

A woman cheated death a thousand times

Those who cheated death once will never die again.

Miss Gilmour, a native of Lytham St. Ann's, at 49 years of age has managed to avoid death more than a thousand times, in history this is an isolated case. Scientists cannot explain why mysterious occurrences haunt her, and how she manages to avoid them.

A woman always finds herself in the center of destruction, accidents, assassination attempts and other dangerous factors, but at the same time she rarely gets off with even minor injuries.

British law prohibits her from moving public transport especially by plane.

Sounds of hell from the sky

On a clear day on January 9, 2012, a gloomy sound reminiscent of the "sounds of hell" from the movies was heard from the sky over Costa Rica. Such an inexplicable fact was massive, the rescue service received thousands of calls, and the line could not stand it.

The sound sounded in the head of every inhabitant, and scientists cannot explain it. You need a gigantic speaker to cover such an area. There is no such powerful device in the world.

The boy who does not know thirst and hunger

A boy from the Jones family at the age of twelve is neither thirsty nor hungry, all his physical indicators are normal.

The body does not send him a signal of hunger or thirst, the guy can long time do not eat food.

This fact is not congenital: the lack of appetite came to the boy after a severe operation, although the operation should not have affected the child's nutrition at all.

Doctors say that this is an inexplicable fact, and carefully monitor further development young men.

A stone of a thousand diamonds

A unique stone was found in Russia, which consists of approximately 30,000 diamonds.

Scientists study strange properties stone, a one-of-a-kind discovery, an inexplicable fact that shocked the whole world.

Beach of fish

On New Year's Eve 2012 North Sea(Norway) completely covered with dead fish. The herring seems to have washed up on the shore, like salmon after spawning, but she does not do that, and the time is not at all right.

After the celebration of the new year, the residents did not find a single fish, although according to the photos taken by eyewitnesses, there were thousands of fish. Where so many dead fish disappeared is an inexplicable fact. The waves couldn't take them, and neither could the biggest submersible.

And everything fell from the sky

The year 2012 began strangely: on the first day in Arkansas, all the birds fell dead in the rain. Weather were ordinary, no toxins and other things were recorded in the air.

In one second, thousands of birds just dropped dead. Why? This inexplicable fact no one can substantiate.

Precipitation from the spheres

After a severe storm in England, precipitation in the form of balls fell to the ground. An eyewitness claims that the sky has become yellow color, the diameter of the spheres was no more than three centimeters.

Soft in density, odorless and colorless, they did not melt or stick. After the incident, unfortunately, there were no samples left for study; according to the description, there is no such mineral on Earth.

A man who lived more than one life

A teenager from the Golan Heights told his parents about his past life. According to the story, the guy was killed with an ax, he accurately showed the place of his alleged death, where the murder weapon was found.

Scientists could not give justification for this phenomenon, but diligently began to study the guy.

It was the top ten unexplained phenomena in the world, which still baffle scientists and researchers.

If you want to know more about mysterious phenomena in our world, we advise you to watch the following video:

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A humanoid flying creature, mysterious clouds, a stone filled with diamonds, a boy who does not know the feelings of thirst and hunger, a rain of blue balloons

From ancient times to today science has been humanity's best tool in finding explanations for surrounding events. Whatever it was, science is not yet capable of explaining everything in the world. Here is a list of the most unusual incidents last decade. How do you perceive such events? Like n unsolved for the time being riddles ? Or like real miracles?

14. Humanoid flying creature seen by Chile

In 2013, a strange report was received from a man in Chile who noticed a strange flying creature between the trees in the Bustante Park in Santiago. He described it as an unusual hybrid of Batman and Dracula: wings bat, a beak full of razor-sharp teeth, terrible claws and a long, rounded tail at the end. Was it just a figment of the imagination young man or actual proof that prehistoric creatures are still alive?

13. A three-year-old boy who tells the terrible details of his past life

Last year, a three-year-old boy from the city of Golan Heights, on the Syrian-Israeli border, claimed to remember his past life ending with an ax blow. The boy led his parents to the scene of the alleged murder. They actually found a human skeleton, next to which lay the murder weapon, an axe. Of course, no scientific explanation this phenomenon has not been granted, it will be years, if not decades, before this mystery is discovered.

12. A young man woke up in a fire

Last summer, police officers in Edmonton, a city in Canada, had to investigate the most unusual case in the history of their department. A twenty-two-year-old boy woke up from a painful shock due to the fact that his body was covered with flames. According to witnesses, the fire appeared out of nowhere on his body. The victim was diagnosed with second-degree burns, and all the doctors who examined him admitted that this was the first. similar case in their practice, and they cannot explain it.

11. The human shadow in the photo from Mars

Another incredible piece of news from Mars recently rocked the internet. The photograph taken by the rover clearly shows the shadow of a man standing next to with the apparatus. This miracle has two explanations in world conspiracy circles: it is either extraterrestrial civilization, exploring the same planet, or this whole expedition to Mars is just a duck launched by NATO, and in fact there was no expedition, and all the photos were taken in the same studio where the landing of the rover on Mars.

Source 10The woman with the incredible 1000 NDE experience

Few people have ever had the good fortune (or bad luck, depending on one's point of view) to have even one near-death experience in their lifetime. Apparently, this does not apply to the forty-nine-year-old Beverly Gilmore, who has had about one thousand such experiences over the past thirty years. In 2013, scientists and doctors were researching this phenomenon: the case was determined to be one of a kind, and no explanation was found for these strange flirting of a person with death.

9 Strange Cloud Formations Over Panama City Beach

During one of the rare snow storms, strange clouds formed over the beach in Panama City Beach, appearance like a tidal wave. So what was it? Most incredible theories suggest the ghostly influence of aerodynamics. We can only be sure that these unusual clouds have made a lot of noise in the world community.

8. Sounds of the Apocalypse Across Costa Rica

The strange sounds that disturbed the people of Costa Rica in 2012 have become something of a worldwide phenomenon. On January 9, 2012, thousands of Costa Ricans woke up from strange sound coming from heaven. Some people were so frightened that they turned to special services to report apocalyptic sounds of unknown origin. The government's lengthy explanations about the usual thunder noise raised even more suspicions.

7. A twelve-year-old boy has no feelings of thirst and hunger.

The mysterious state of the twelve-year-old boy London Jones, who absolutely does not feel either hunger or thirst, no doctor is able to explain. A boy from Cedar Falls felt something strange when he woke up on the morning of October 14, 2013. He felt dizzy and heaviness in his chest. An x-ray revealed an infection in the left lung, which was easily treated.

However, after that, the boy had no physical desire to eat or drink, although he could still enjoy the taste and smell of food. As a result, London has lost a lot of weight, and his parents have to constantly remind him that he needs to eat and drink.

6. A mysterious stone full of diamonds was found in Russia

strange stone large sizes was dug up in Russia two months ago. Surprising is the presence in it of about thirty thousand whole diamonds. This reddish-green stone is insanely rare and unusual, in connection with which it was donated to science to determine its composition and origin.

5. Billions of strange creatures flood the beaches of the United States

An incredible number of creatures known as "velella" were nailed to west coast within a few recent months. These blue creatures have begun to appear off the American coast in such numbers that their number, according to rough estimates, can reach billions of organisms. No one can give an exact explanation for this phenomenon.

4. A strange glow over the Pacific Ocean

Two Russian pilots while flying over the ocean observed a strange but beautiful glow underwater near Kamchatka. They noticed it unusual phenomenon on the road from Hong Kong to Alaska. It all started with a bright underwater flash, which gradually grew into a constant orange-red glow.

There was no storm in this region or any other phenomena that could cause this glow. In addition, this is the first such recorded case.

3. The coast of Norway was washed by fish on New Year's Eve

In 2012, thousands of dead herring covered the shores of northern Norway and then, in an even more bizarre way, disappeared. Real calculations of the number of fish did not take place, because people did not even have time to start counting, as all the fish disappeared. Again, there was no explanation.

2. Rain of blue balloons

Following the lightning storm, England was hit by a downpour of blue spheres about 3 centimeters in diameter. And after the rain, the sky turned yellow. A local eyewitness found several spheres and reported that they had outer shell and soft inner contents, they did not smell, were not sticky and did not melt. What was it? We'll probably never know.

1. And in Arkansas it will rain with dead birds

Inhabitants small town in Arkansas witnessed truly terrible sight in 2012, when about five thousand thrushes fell dead from the sky in the first hours of the new year. What's even weirder is that this isn't the first time this event has shaken local residents. Exactly one year before, the exact same thing happened.