How to develop personal magnetism. Personal magnetism: properties of a magnetic personality

Success in the lives of many people directly depends on their ability to attract others, influence, convince, and lead them. Such qualities of people that come out involuntarily, and are a manifestation of their character, " inner rod are called personal magnetism.

How to recognize a magnetic personality? Such a person is almost impossible to unbalance. In addition to tranquility, you can also feel in it inner strength, which is not openly manifested neither in the look, nor in the voice, nor in the actions. But this power, as it were, permeates his entire body. The magnetic person is unfailingly polite, but you feel that under his correct manner of communication lies an irresistible will.

A magnetic person is distinguished by secrecy and mystery. He keeps his knowledge, absolutely not trying to teach you anything. But even if he lays out the crumbs of his knowledge, the interlocutors listen to his words with great attention.

Why is this happening? The answer is simple - we are attracted to what we cannot comprehend. True and reverse rule- as soon as we understand that a person no longer represents any mystery to us, he ceases to be of interest to us.

Here I would like to quote Balthasar Gracian “A prudent man, if he wants to be respected, will not allow to find his bottom - neither in knowledge, nor in deeds; you can only get to know it, but you cannot fully comprehend it. Let no one know the limit of your capabilities, otherwise you will give cause for disappointment. Never let me see right through you. When they don’t know and doubt, they revere more than when all your strengths, even if they are great, are there.”

How to develop magnetic qualities in yourself? For this there is whole system actions. Central link of this system is secrecy.

For example, if some news has become known to you, and you are burning with the desire to tell it to your loved ones, do not do it! This suppressed desire will be the first building block in the formation of your personal magnetism.

Another example is a person informing you extremely important news. Listen to her with absolute equanimity, without any comments. Your behavior will cause confusion in the interlocutor, he will be seized by curiosity, because he does not know the reasons for your calmness.

The better you learn to control your impulses, the great power get over your passions, and the more serious will become your stock of saved power. The more often you suppress your desires, the more difficult it will be to do so. Your desires will increase many times over, because a dammed river presses harder on its banks. But when you decide to show your inner strength, you will be surprised to feel how much it has increased.

But remember, as soon as you throw off the halo of mystery by satisfying the curiosity of your interlocutors, you will lose their interest. It's like a neutralization effect. electric current. On the other hand, by maintaining your mystery, by not allowing the idle curiosity of others to be satisfied, you increase your magnetic power.

If you carefully approach the implementation of these rules, you will soon notice a clear change in yourself. After each conscious suppression of desire, you will feel the influx of new power. After you, those around you will feel these changes.

Following these simple rules, you can always maintain and increase your influence.

Each person has a personal magnetic properties, to a greater or lesser extent lesser degree acting on others. Consider what magnetism is and how it can be controlled.

Our first step will be to critically observe the operation of the power that the people around us are exercising. Let's look at the differences in characters and the logical consequences that follow from this.

We know the type of magnetic personality, male or female, because women are just as susceptible to magnetism as men, and are no less skillful in the methods of magnetism in relation to others in order to influence in their own interests. Everything that will be said in equally applies to women as well. As regards the attainment of magnetism associated with influence, both sexes are quite equal.

Some people at the first meeting feel sympathy for each other, enjoy communication, willingly support the conversation, feel free and at ease. A certain irresistible desire arises between a man and a woman to see each other as often as possible, although due to circumstances this does not always end in an affair. It is unpleasant for us to communicate with others, or they are simply not interesting to us, indifferent, which indicates a mismatch of the energy charge or repulsive charges.

A magnetic person is secretive, keeps his knowledge to himself, is very prudent and does not want to open up right away, reluctantly transfers his experience to others. Sparing in statements, listens to others more than speaks himself. Usually such people are people born in early spring. They are hard to find mutual language with "winter" people. They are very lonely at heart. They achieve significant success in life, but are rarely grateful to those who helped them in their development. Favors are taken for granted. When talking, they do not look into the eyes of the interlocutor, fearing that he can read information from his eyes. Often such people have deep-set eyes, a heavy, somewhat lazy look.

However, such a strange look may have an inexplicable magnetism, an attractive force. Try to observe such a person to find the reason for his attraction to you. First of all, pay attention to his look during the conversation. If the eyes are not directed directly at you, but to the side, he tries not to look into your eyes, then such a person does not want to be frank with you, does not want to maintain the confidential tone proposed by you. If his gaze is firm, sharp, seems piercing to you, but not defiant, then the person is studying you, he is open to communication, ready to keep the conversation going, to build relationships. If he does not look into your eyes when you speak, it means that he is waiting, as if wanting to first know your opinion, and then express his own. When he speaks himself, he looks at you attentively, as if considering something, benevolently, not arrogantly, but does not allow hasty conclusions. Such a person is most often a person born in the fall.

He is proud, reasonable, does not rush to conclusions. Knows how to influence the interlocutor, disposes to himself, but keeps a certain distance, warning you against rash statements. The actions of such a person are consistent, very predictable. It is easy to communicate with him, it is a pleasure to do business with him. He is tactful, not prone to criticisms, knows how to accept people as they are, is firm in character, keeps his word. Cautious in statements, carefully thinks through every word. He feels the interlocutor well, if he cannot win favor immediately, he can postpone a business conversation for a more favorable time. Business man, charming. He does not put things off indefinitely, immediately gets to work. Act decisively, but deliberately.

When magnetic man began to strive to achieve fame, influence, wealth or success - he achieves them and takes everything by right, as desired result the law of cause and effect. He achieves wealth and fame by influencing others, he rules through magnetism. With his help, he attracts people to himself, uses their abilities for his own benefit. The psychology of his character is complex, irritates many, but attracts many with his originality. In particular, it is attractive to indecisive, performers by nature, but not leaders. He is an excellent organizer analytical warehouse mind, practical, assertive, knows how to captivate others with his ideas and lead him. To achieve the goal, he believes that all means are good, which do not go beyond the bounds of decency. He can resort to flattery, insincerity, cunning tricks, but he is not capable of vile deeds, otherwise all his magnetic attraction loses its strength, turns into nothing.

According to the law of magnetic influence, the positive must act on the negative, and the negative must allow and obey the power of another. known strength, to transfer to this force a part of its magnetism. Regardless of whether the magnetic personality wants or does not want, it depends on the people around it, and even communication with a person who has little effect on him does not go unnoticed for him. There are individuals who are able to influence only a certain circle, who perceive this influence: this is our intelligentsia in various areas arts, sciences. Such people have remarkable creativity which is not always in demand by all segments of society. But every magnetic personality, far from art and science, will certainly fall under the influence of these people.

Magnetic personalities have different psychology, differ in behavior, are not the same in character. Consider some options for human behavior and how to behave with them.

The magnetic personality chooses a correct, gentle manner of communication. Such a person is always compliant and polite, listens attentively to you, but you feel that an irresistible will is hidden under this outward calmness, goodwill, you feel his influence over you, this person who has to obey. In a word, the impression he makes on you is that this person knows well what he wants, but he is in no hurry, because he is sure that he will get everything he wants. This is where his calmness and confidence come from. Knowledge is power, and he knows that his success is based on the law of cause and its effect. Most often, such people are found among those born in the summer or in the month of January. They are charming, attractive and even attractive to others. Self-confident, smart good interlocutors. They do not like disputes, they do not enter into conflicts, they are a kind of catalyst in any misunderstanding. Reasonable, but at the same time they have sparkling humor, with which they can get away from any kind of trouble.

It is very important to be able to win over the interlocutor, to set a confidential tone of conversation from the very beginning, and it is much easier for a magnetic personality to do this than for others. Such a person, in some strange way, completely inexplicable to you, quickly establishes friendly relations. You feel that from the first minutes of communication there is a desire to be with him as long as possible, mutual sympathy is established. You cannot free yourself from its influence even if you were removed from it. He conquers you with a kind look, you trust him, expect something from him that you lack in life. He does not force you to do anything, but warms your soul, awakens in you best feelings, impulse to noble deeds. Such a person easily influences your subconscious, knows how to change the worldview of everyone who encounters him. He talks little about himself, does not ask anything about you, but you feel a desire to tell him everything, to hear his opinion. His magnetic attraction is so great that you are waiting for a meeting with him, you want to continue the conversation. And every time you feel that the conversation is not over, there is still a lot to say. A handshake can also be magnetic. The way you shake hands can tell a lot about a person. If you want to impress, look the person kindly, but not directly into the eyes, but into the bridge of your nose, try to cover his hand as completely as possible, taking it from below. Don't pinch his fingers. After a quick, warm squeeze, immediately withdraw your hand, sliding your fingers over his palm and the limbs of his fingers. This is a natural, hearty squeeze, and it also works. You can’t squeeze your hand strongly, this is considered a bad tone, but a weak, sluggish handshake speaks of indifference to a person, of indifference to his problems. Many are charged with the energy of the person with whom they shake hands, so shaking hands too long is unnecessary.

Learn to apply your abilities, correctly calculate the forces. Big force possesses not the one who undertakes work with great zeal and begins this work impetuously and intensely. He may be able to cope with the task set, but he wastes his strength and energy too much and he cannot be compared with a calm and reasonable person. The latter sets to work deliberately. He laughs at his failures and patiently starts the business again, quite sure of the final victory. For him, his work is not a struggle, as it is for others, but only a period of spiritual activity, the result of which is success.

Always avoid flattery. A charming and magnetic person never talks about himself. Therefore, others talk about him more, are surprised, approve, so that the result is greater than if he himself devoted time to talking in order to arouse flattery and satisfy his vanity. Everyone seeks approval in one form or another, to a greater or lesser extent. Those who seek it most intensely achieve the least.

However, you should not reveal yourself to others, keep your own secret desires. The more secrets you keep within yourself, the greater your secrecy, the greater will be your reserve of saved power, which, under important circumstances, will always serve you as necessary.

The magnetic man is mysterious and you can't figure him out because he won't let you. He is incomprehensible. You also need to be like him, but you should not be intrusive, vulgar. Oddities in behavior, the desire to be original harm true strength. It is not the strangeness or eccentricity of genius that draws us to it. We respect genius no matter what. Arouse interest in yourself, try not to lose the true respect of other people for you. Therefore, try to keep those around you about your personality in some kind of obscurity. Excite their interest in yourself, do not take even the most amazing news too emotionally, keep calm and equanimity, react indifferently enough to what so excited the others.

If you manage to interest others - stop, you are on the right track. Leave your opponents or like-minded people for a few days. Save wisely the forces that you can uselessly spend in the near future in order to win the sympathy or authority of others.

Think about something you did today that you would love to tell others about? Leave it for later. Keep it a tight secret. It is not so easy, but the habit of talking about every trifle for the sake of momentary satisfaction or encouragement makes it difficult for you. It defeats your caution, makes you powerless, you lose your power of magnetism. Suppress the lust of both the body and the soul. This is the law of fortitude, which is not difficult to verify. First of all, resist outside force and turn it to your advantage.

If you practice the above rules, you will soon notice a clear change in yourself: your self-esteem, unconscious dignity and sense of strength will increase. After each deliberate suppression of the desire-force, you will actually feel a new power in your nerves. Then you will notice big change in other people's relationships with you. First of all, many will look for communication with you, opportunities to talk with you and spend more time. By following the "don't satisfy curiosity" rule, you can always easily maintain and enhance your merge. Continue to arouse the surprise and attention of others, but do not let it be seen that you are doing it on purpose.

William Atkinson's popular book, The Power of Thought, or Magnetism of Personality, invites everyone to familiarize themselves with 15 lessons that allow you to influence other people. It is not surprising that this book quickly gained success: almost every person dreams of having the gift of persuasion and being able to get his own from other people. However, great power thoughts can be used not only according to Atkinson's instructions.

Natural human magnetism

Some people naturally have magnetism - a special ability to effortlessly attract the attention of others, to seem to them an authoritative, mysterious, alluring person, to be a secret that you want to touch. The magnetic personality, as a rule, does not know where this power over the minds of people comes from, but quickly learns to use it to advantage.

It is not difficult to recognize such a person: he attracts, inspires confidence, he feels a huge inner strength. You will never see such a person doubting his words - his confidence comes through in his eyes, conversations, gestures. As a rule, people are drawn to magnetic personalities, they are respected, their opinions are listened to.

How to use the power of thought?

Even if you are not among those lucky ones who are endowed with magnetism from birth, you may well achieve what you want no less successfully. The power of thought will help in love, career, personal growth and absolutely any field of activity. It is important to learn how to use it correctly.

For example, you want to gain popularity, you want people to reach out to you, ask for your advice. In this case, you need to work on your beliefs and behavior, and the power of thought will help you achieve what you want.

Consider if you have negative beliefs. For example: “People never like me”, “no one loves me”, “I don’t look 100”. Any belief that is stuck in your head, the brain perceives as a command. As a result, you pay attention only to those events that confirm the given thought. To reshape your personality, you need to change your beliefs to positive ones.

For example, instead of “no one likes me,” you need to train yourself to think “people like me, they are drawn to me.” Speak this thought several times a day, and it will be perceived by the brain as a command. As a result, your perspective will shift, and on the contrary, you will concentrate on situations where people are drawn to you, reinforcing this belief and getting confirmation of it.

Similarly, you can work with beliefs in any area. Do not wait quick results: substitute negative thoughts positive ones will take 15-20 days before the new belief takes root in your head and begins to act.

Surely everyone at least once in their life met such a person, communicating with whom, you completely fall under his charm and involuntarily think: “How does he do it?”. About the main secrets of personality magnetism tells

Unfortunately, not every person is endowed with the power of magnetism, but people who possess it are unusually attractive. They are able to easily and naturally establish warm friendly relations from the first minutes of communication, arouse ardent sympathy for themselves and influence others.

History knows many examples of magnetic personalities who, thanks to their gift, decided the fate of many people, and sometimes even entire states. Here are just a few examples of bright charismatics who played a significant role in the history of their peoples: Mahatma Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher, Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin, Abraham Lincoln, Otto von Bismarck. All of them had excellent oratory skills, flexible thinking and were able to lead crowds of admiring and trusting people. And there is more special variety magnetism - female magnetism, because of which the fate of more than one people changed. Remember at least beautiful Elena Trojan, whose power of thought and magnetism of personality became the cause the biggest war antiquity. However, about this

But is magnetism a gift? Contrary to popular belief, they note that it does not have to be innate - it can be developed in oneself. Let's figure out what it is amazing ability and how you can develop it in yourself.

How to develop magnetism?

Surely you have heard about a wonderful way to solve large and challenging tasks by dividing them into several small and relatively simple ones. It is this technique that we should use in order to understand what components the concept of personality magnetism consists of, and to understand how it is easier to develop in this direction.

So, what are the characteristics of magnetic people?


Agree, it is interesting to communicate with a person who can keep up the conversation on the most different topics. You can quite easily endear someone to yourself, simply by understanding the most burning issue for him and unobtrusively demonstrating this.


It is not at all necessary that a magnetic personality should have a non-standard appearance or have some exotic hobbies. But her thinking and outlook on life seem very interesting - this person is not afraid to say what she thinks and often breaks stereotypes.

penetrating gaze

Such people are always distinguished by a look - attentive, but not tense, directed into the eyes of the interlocutor or into the region of the bridge of the nose. At eye contact there is no feeling of embarrassment with them.

self control

A charismatic person exudes confidence and calmness with all his appearance. It seems that it is absolutely impossible to piss him off. And if emotions still overwhelm him at some point, he quickly manages to pull himself together. He doesn't look fussy or scared no matter what happens.


There is a stereotype that a magnetic personality must be mysterious. In fact, such people simply say little about themselves and are very attentive to the interlocutor, actively encouraging his frankness and demonstrating a sincere interest in the conversation. Communicating with such a person, at some point you will be surprised to find that you have already managed to tell a lot about yourself, but you know almost nothing about him.

A person with magnetism tries not to focus on himself. Such a person immediately makes you feel that he understands you like no one else, and you immediately imbue him with sympathy and trust.

Beautiful and well spoken

It has long been no secret to anyone that the timbre of the voice and the rate of speech greatly affect the attractiveness of a person and his ability to inspire confidence. Many even attend special courses oratory and voicing, realizing how important it is when lining up business relations and conducting negotiations. Unfortunately, without the ability to beautifully and, there is a risk that the previous points will not produce the desired effect on others. You should be not only interesting, but also pleasant to listen to.

Thus, in order to develop magnetism in oneself, it is necessary to develop diversified development, develop self-confidence, learn to control oneself and listen to others.

If all of the above does not seem too complicated to you and causes some interest and even excitement - congratulations, you have the traits of a magnetic personality! I wish you success in self-development and revealing your potential.

Personal magnetism - Is it possible to develop it?

What is personal magnetism?
— Development of personal magnetism
How to recognize a magnetic personality?

Throughout history, there have been people who have possessed personal magnetism, that is, strong will, the ability to convince and inspire respect, were able to lead others. The influence on others is carried out with the help of voice, look, appearance and manners of behavior. At the same time, it is partly conscious, and partly occurs on unconscious level. The majority of people do not possess such qualities and admire such a person.

Success in the lives of many people directly depends on their ability to attract others, influence, convince, and lead them. Such qualities of people that come out involuntarily, and are a manifestation of their character, "inner core", are called personal magnetism.

The magnetic man can be described as follows. He is constantly calm and does not experience nervous excitement. When talking, he feels a huge inner strength, which is not openly manifested, but completely permeates him. The eyes look at you not directly at point-blank range, but at the bridge of the nose. In conversation, he is polite and listens to your words with great attention. When communicating, he does not interrupt you, does not give in to emotions and does not rush anywhere. Do you feel it has on you big influence, who does not want to resist, and he can tell a lot of interesting things. He wants to believe, and it seems that something connects you.

People with magnetism are able to achieve a lot through their influence on others, to solve any problems. This quality is not necessarily innate. It can be brought up in yourself.

In order to form a magnetic force in yourself, you must first learn to be secretive. If you are told some very interesting news You don't have to show your emotions. You need to react calmly, answer thoughtfully and balancedly and not run to retell the news to others. Thus, by suppressing your desires, you will accumulate inner strength, which others will notice in you later.

There must be a certain amount of mystery in you in order to be interesting to others and respect you. If you react calmly to everything, then others will be surprised and intrigued by your behavior. This is exactly the effect you want to achieve. Give others a chance to speak while you yourself remain silent. If you stop being mysterious, then the person's interest in you will fade.

Avoid flattery and talk less about yourself. Let others talk about you better and be surprised at your actions. If you manage to develop personal magnetism in yourself, then you will completely change. Your facial expression will change - it will become calmer, and emotions of anxiety or excitement will not be reflected on it, your posture will become straighter, and your eyes will shine.

— Development of personal magnetism

To do this, you need to "grow", that is, to thoroughly engage in the creation of your own harmonious personality. A harmonious person necessarily (one might say automatically) attracts other people. He not only can draw them into his energy field and control them, such people are loved.

Every person has a spirit, soul and body. With all three components must be brought into a state of harmony. You need to develop continuously, carefully analyzing yourself, what is happening and what is being observed.

In Western psychology, in various Eastern teachings, and even in the traditions of primitive cultures, various ways achieving personal harmony, increasing personal and sexual magnetism. Everyone can choose what is closer to him. To different people suitable for different methods.

In all practices, three very important points can be distinguished.

1) Every person who wants to improve his personal magnetism, that is, to strengthen his spirit and develop psychic strength, must endure the experience of a sufficiently long loneliness. This can be considered in some sense a spiritual initiation.

2) Everyone who wants to become strong spirit, must face the situation of overcoming serious life difficulties and stop being afraid of death.

3) To translate a thought, you need not only high concentration and depth, but also clarity of thought. Who thinks clearly, speaks clearly. To do this, it is not enough to be unbiased. We must be able to analyze, we must be able to look at the situation with different eyes and from different positions. That is, one should be able to move away from the subject of thought (alienate, not experience emotions and passions).
In general, one should educate one's thinking. We must learn to think. In addition, of course, it is necessary to develop intelligence. Also, the idea must be flexible. A person who wants to influence others must be able to quickly navigate the situation.

More important point for a person who wants to increase charisma. You have to be able to look a certain way. It concerns appearance, perfume, clothing, plastics and movement dynamics. This also applies to the voice and the ability to speak. Work on yourself, read relevant literature, analyze any materials on the topic, improve yourself, and you will definitely achieve improvements.

How to recognize a magnetic personality?

Such a person is almost impossible to unbalance. In addition to calmness, one can also feel an inner strength in him, which does not openly manifest itself either in a look, or in a voice, or in actions. But this power, as it were, permeates his entire body. The magnetic person is unfailingly polite, but you feel that under his correct manner of communication lies an irresistible will.

A magnetic person is distinguished by secrecy and mystery. He keeps his knowledge, absolutely not trying to teach you anything. But even if he lays out the crumbs of his knowledge, the interlocutors listen to his words with great attention.

Why is this happening? The answer is simple - we are attracted to what we cannot comprehend. The reverse rule is also true - as soon as we understand that a person no longer represents any mystery to us, he ceases to be of interest to us.

Let no one know the limit of your capabilities, otherwise you will give cause for disappointment. Never let me see right through you. When they do not know and doubt, they revere more than when all your forces, even if they are great, are present.

The better you learn to control your impulses, the more power you will have over your passions, and the more serious will be your store of stored power. The more often you suppress your desires, the more difficult it will be to do so. Your desires will increase many times over, because a dammed river presses harder on its banks. But when you decide to show your inner strength, you will be surprised to feel how much it has increased.

But remember, as soon as you throw off the halo of mystery by satisfying the curiosity of your interlocutors, you will lose their interest. This is reminiscent of the neutralization effect of an electric current. On the other hand, by maintaining your mystery, by not allowing the idle curiosity of others to be satisfied, you increase your magnetic power.

If you carefully approach the implementation of these rules, you will soon notice a clear change in yourself. After each conscious suppression of desire, you will feel the influx of new power. After you, those around you will feel these changes.

By following these simple rules, you can always maintain and increase your influence.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site