Orders are honorary awards for military distinctions and merit in combat and military service. Comment by Debs

January 2, 2006.

Well deserved award.

“That’s how clever I am, I solved a modest crime, unexpectedly for myself and to help the police, it happens,” Katenka thought about her middle-aged, but young soul person.
- “And what an interesting policeman, not dry, not rude, don’t laugh, Ira, not soft, but very smart and intelligent!” Katenka told her old friend Irinka about her impressions over the phone. Their mutual friend Alexei also knew about the events that happened to Katya. He was a middle-aged but attractive man who still could not make his personal choice in favor of whether it was Katya or Ira.
But fate has prepared more than one surprise for Katerina, and so far she has given the first one.
The girlfriends were soon to have a birthday party for their old friend. At a party at Margarita's, a second surprise appeared.
When Katenka looked into Rita's bedroom to find the latter, who at that time was crying in the bathroom because of the departure, as she believed, of the last Love, Katerina saw Lizka, Rita's friend, Lizka was looking for something in the birthday girl's notebook.
“What are you doing, how dare you,” Katya exclaimed.
- “I'm nothing, nothing”, - quickly hiding the book back, Lisa shouted.
The evening ended unexpectedly, like Katya's first case with a policeman, the same intelligent man from the police station came and arrested Lisa and her friend Kostya, they, the police, had long been looking for a gang of burglars. But Rita was more surprised:
- “Well, I warmed up my girlfriend, huh?!”
Lisa's words, spoken before her and Kostya's departure, were imprinted in the memory of the remaining guests for a long time.
- “All the bastards, the gunners themselves, “revealed the cards” that we are here, with these in uniform, huh ?!”
Everyone was ashamed, since no one knew about dark side the lives of Liza and Kostya.
This bastard in uniform, but in fact, a man aged 45, short, stocky, dense, who introduced himself as Andrei Alekseevich when he first met Katerina, turned out to be very active, he had many solved crimes behind him.
Katerina and other guests of that ill-fated party in the subsequent time were often called to the police station as witnesses. But it was Katya who saw Lisa in Margarita's bedroom, so more and more conversations were held between her and Andrei Alekseevich. These conversations were built on topics not only about Liza and Kostya, whom Katerina hardly knew, but on more interesting topics. Soon Katerina and Andrei Alekseevich showed a common interest: reading detective stories. So imperceptibly they both realized that they could not for a long time be away from each other. Despite the difference of 15 years, Katenka and Andrey Alekseevich fell in love with each other very much, they were united not only by Love, but also by Friendship, common interests, and eternally young souls of their bodies hot with love.
The wedding took place soon after. And a month later, three Andrei Alekseevich were promoted in rank, and they began to live a good, bright life of two loving hearts. But if there are already two in the world loving hearts, then how not to be a few more. So a girl was born, and then a boy. They were all very good. They passed not without grief family life, but everything bright everywhere accompanied Katerina, Andrei Alekseevich, Maria and Igorka. And most importantly, there were always friends nearby: Irinka and Alexei, young spouses, Rita with her third husband, Dmitry, and many others.
So Katerina again unexpectedly received a well-deserved bright reward from Fate in the strip of everything dark. Everything!

Comment from Kiltarnish

Shadowfang Keep
Sinews from Giests & Corpse Eaters At entrance
Moontouched wood spread around first courtyard and inside stables at SW corner.
Last boss has scope.

Comment from Debs

To get to Shadowfang keep without a flying is do-able. From Refuge point in Arathi Highlands go north to the mountains and go west along the line of the mountains till you come to Thoradin's Wall. There is a gap in the wall at this end that will bring you out just behind Durnhold Keep. Make your way across Hillsbrad foothills avoiding the horde, It is possible, try to stay on the road as much as possible but watch out for the horde guards. You might die once but if you are careful it can be done. I managed it with my lvl 20 something priest only to die horribly in the Keep itself. Take a very much higher lvl friend with you if you can.

hope this helps.

Comment from Kelleher01

I like the horde version of the bow better.

Comment from rktect

Its not hard to get there but it takes some time to walk/scramble/swim. I went at level 26 hunter, followed the road up to stormguard, went through the pass following the buzzards to the right of the keep, swam along the coast, and the n went overland following the main map to get to the bearpaw shaped lake that shows up in the quest map.. Everything is pretty killable levels 17-22 raptor, orc, undead, ogre, spider, big bear monsters mostly, not many friendly" s except for the elves, and the horses.

The usual sort of big and scary mean monsters, but not much work at all till the very end. Its also easy to evade trouble using beastmaster but I had to put my wo;d on passive. The wild horses in the highlands seem friendly and are possible tameable, plus its really pretty country mostly. The only negative about getting there was I used up a couple of bags of equipment looting en route and then at the end you have to throw some stuff away to collect the quest objects.

Right after the entrance screen there are monsters but none of them charge you right off so you can collect items 1 and 2 easy Getting the final reward is well deserved.

By decision of the Presidium Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on October 18, 2010 for a significant contribution to the development of the Crimean Tatar national culture, high professional skills, fruitful creative activity and in connection with the 20th anniversary of the creation of the Crimean Republican organization "Crimean Tatar folklore ensemble "Crimea" was awarded Honorary title"Honored Artist of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea" to the vocalist - Bekirov Arsen Enverovich, ballet dancers - Anafieva Mae Dlyaverovna and Bikbulatova Levize Rustemovna, artist of the orchestra - Ziyadinov Elmar Eskenderovich.

On November 5, 2010, the Chairman of the Standing Commission of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on Culture, Youth Affairs and Sports, Yefim Zisevich Fix, held solemn presentation. This event was attended by the Minister of Culture and Arts of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Alexander Leonidovich Ermachkov, Deputy Ministers Novoselskaya Arina Vadimovna and Erinyak Vadim Nikolaevich, Head of the Department of Arts of the Ministry of Culture and Arts of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Tereshchenko Andrey Nikolaevich and guests of honor- Director of the Russian cultural center Golubev Mikhail Mikhailovich, the famous Crimean poetess Olga Golubeva. The guests were given a small concert, in which, along with the awardees, all the artists showed their skills.


Ziyadinov E.E., graduating from the Simferopol Musical College. P.I. Tchaikovsky, began his labor and creative activity in 1995 as a teacher of the children's music studio in the violin class of the Crimean Republican Center for Children and youth creativity. From 2004 to the present, he has been working as an artist of the orchestra of the Crimean Republican organization "Crimean Tatar folklore ensemble" Crimea ". In 2005 he graduated from the Donetsk State Musical Academy named after. S.S. Prokofiev, specialty " Musical art».

Ziyadinov E.E. possesses a high performing culture and technical freedom of playing the violin. The musician is characterized by the beauty of sound, performing temperament and romantic elation of performance. Combining various methods of sound extraction, the violinist professionally performs wide melodic leaps, various trills and tremolo. His repertoire includes: outstanding examples of violin concertos - Sarabonde and Gigue from Suite No. 1 by I.S. Bach, Violin Concerto by I. Brahms, Gavotte by D. Shostakovich; works by Ukrainian composers - "Melody" by M. Skorik, "Elegy" by B. Polevoy, "Romance" by N. Ishchenko.

A special place in the work of Ziyadinov E.E. occupies the Crimean Tatar folklore art. Ability to masterfully express rhythmic richness and color folk music, allows the artist to perform works of various genres: dramatic ones - “Yuksek minareden” (“From the high minaret”), “Kara deniz ustunde” (“On the waves of the Black Sea”); lyrical - “Nazly da nazly” (“My tender”), “Karshydan kordim canopy” (“I saw you”); comic - "Kayinana" ("Mother-in-law"), "Kalaily kazan" ("Tinned cauldron"). Performing the ancient folk melody "Tym-tym", the musician masterfully uses a special technique of playing - pizzikato, endowing the work with melodic beauty and grace. Creativity Ziyadinova E.E. imbued with lofty ideas and saturated with great emotional power. The violinist's solo is an adornment of the concert programs of the folklore ensemble "Crimea".

Ziyadinov E.E. conducts a wide variety of concert and musical and social activities. As part of the ensemble "Crimea", takes part in government events: concerts dedicated to the Constitution Day of Ukraine, Independence Day of Ukraine (Simferopol, 2004 - 2009); concert dedicated to the Day of cultural workers and amateurs folk art(Kyiv, 2007). In 2004, as part of the orchestra of the Krym Ensemble, he traveled to Urfa (Turkey) to participate in the Kelaynak Folk Music Festival. In 2005, he became a participant in the III International Ethno-Festival "Country of Dreams" (Kyiv), in 2006 he traveled to Kiev to participate in the All-Ukrainian Festival national cultures"Inflorescence". Ziyadinov E.E. closely cooperates with the Republican Crimean Tatar Museum of Arts, organizing musical accompaniment presentations of exhibitions and expositions.

Ziyadinov E.E. a frequent guest of television musical programs. During his performance on the National Television of Turkey in the program "Music of the Peoples of the World" (Istanbul, 2008) and the filming of the musical program "Gonyul bagy" (Ankara, 2009), the artist's work was highly appreciated by folklorist musicians from many countries world and contributed to the popularization of the folk art of the Crimea. The participation of the musician in the filming of the program “Yyrla, sazym” (“Sing, my saz”) of the Crimean television company ATP has become traditional.

For fruitful creative activity and professional skills, Ziyadinov E.E. awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Culture and Arts of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (2007), encouraged by the Gratitude of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (2010). By the decision of the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea dated October 18, 2010 Ziyadinov Elmar Eskenderovich was awarded the Honorary title "Honored Artist of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea".


Anafieva M.D. She began her working and creative career in 1994 as a ballet dancer of the Yeshil Ada Folk Ensemble of the Belogorsk Regional House of Culture, combining work with studies at the Crimean School of Culture at the choreography department. From 1997 to the present, she has been working as a ballet dancer in the Crimean Republican organization "Crimean Tatar Folklore Ensemble" Crimea ". In 2004 she graduated from the choreography department of the Kyiv national university culture and arts.

Professional skill, excellent stage performance, great temperament and amazing ability to work are the distinguishing qualities of Anafieva M.D. A deep interest in increasing her creative potential allowed the artist to create a large galaxy of interesting diverse images in ancient genre dances: “Telli Turna” (“Painted Crane”), “Varirach” (Girl's Dance), “Tat Kyzy” (“Girl from the Mountains”) . In the theatrical thematic production "Navrez Bayram" Anafieva M.D. combines various theatrical genres: acting and mimicry, word and even singing. The expression inherent in the dancer is fully manifested in the comic interpretation of the male dance "Choban" ("Shepherd"). The image of the shepherd, portrayed by the dancer, is now collected and maximally tense, then again becomes light, flexible, jumpy, giving rise to an uninhibited, free dance.

Anafieva M.D. established herself as a dance director. Choreographic compositions “Oyna, guzel” (“Dance, beauty”), “Mavy deniz” (“Blue Sea”), set to the music of the Honored Art Worker of Ukraine and the Republic of Tatarstan Server Kakur, are distinguished by the originality of their solutions. The desire to synthesize folk choreography with elements of pop dance became a true innovation and made an invaluable contribution to the development national art.

The geography of the tour of Anafieva M.D. is extensive. – Russia, Belarus, Turkey, Romania, Poland. Participation and victories in international festivals and competitions: Festival "Days of Crimean Tatar Culture in the Republic of Tatarstan" (Kazan, 2002); Grand Prix of the XXX International Folklore Festival folk art in Silifke (Turkey, 2003); silver medal of the V International Festival-Competition of the Dance of the Peoples of the World "Veselkova Terpsichora" (Kyiv, 2005); IV International Festival of Crimean Tatar and Turkic cultures"Derviza - Gezlev kapusy" (Yevpatoria, 2007); IV International Festival of Ancient Customs and Traditions of the East "Minarets of Solkhat" Old Crimea, 2009); Diploma of the II, III All-Ukrainian Festival - Competition of Folk Choreography named after Pavel Virsky (Sevastopol, 2007, 2010).

Anafieva M.D. is a regular participant in state events: concerts dedicated to the Independence Day of Ukraine, the Constitution Day of Ukraine, the Constitution Day of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, annually participates in festive concerts, dedicated to the Day the city of Simferopol

Relentless creative energy high feeling responsibility, the bright personality of the artist won the love and recognition of the audience and the deep respect of colleagues.

For many years of fruitful creative activity, high professionalism Anafieva M.D. was awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Culture and Arts of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (2005), an honorary diploma of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (2005). By the decision of the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea dated October 18, 2010 Anafieva Mae Dlyaverovna was awarded the Honorary title "Honored Artist of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea".


Bikbulatova L. R. began her labor and creative activity in 1992 as an auxiliary actress in the Crimean Tatar Music and Drama Theatre. From 1997 to the present she has been working as a ballet dancer of the Crimean Republican organization "Crimean Tatar Folklore Ensemble" Crimea ". In 2008 she graduated from the Crimean University of Culture, Arts and Tourism with a degree in Choreography.

Professional skill, excellent stage performance, great temperament and amazing ability to work are the hallmarks of Bikbulatova L.R. In the creative development of the artist, as a performer of the Crimean Tatar folk dance, an important role was played by the school of the Honored Artist of Tajikistan R. Bakkal and cooperation with the Honored Artist of Ukraine D. Osmanova.

Skill in the same degree expressively embody dance images various styles and directions allowed Bikbulatova L.R. include in your repertoire choreographic folklore compositions that are complex in performance technique: “Agyr ava” (traditional Crimean Tatar dance); "Emir Celal"; "Telli Turna" ("Painted Crane"); stylized variety performances: “Oyna, guzel” (“Dance, beauty”), “Bekleyim canopy” (“Waiting for you”), “Simferopol blues”. The dancer finds ways to create an image of the old style, without abandoning the modern dance technique and aesthetics.

Bikbulatova L.R. created a number vivid images which have their own unique features, their own character. This is a cheerful and temperamental daughter-in-law in the theatrical production "Navrez Bayram", a restrained and charming bridesmaid in the thematic production "Toyg'a davet etemiz" ("Wedding Invitation"), a simple village girl in the choreographic composition "Koyde Bayram" ("Holiday in the Village" ). In the performance of the Ukrainian "Podolianochka", the Russian "Kalinka", the Uzbek "Lyazgi", the dancer's desire for the maximum transfer of folk flavor is manifested.

The geography of the artist's tour is diverse. As part of the folklore ensemble "Crimea" Bikbulatova L.R. traveled to Russia, Belarus, Romania, Poland, Turkey. Bikbulatova L.R. participant of many festivals and competitions: festival "Days of the Crimean Tatar culture in the Republic of Tatarstan" (Kazan, 2002); XXX International Folklore Festival in Silifke (Turkey, 2003); International ethno-festival "Country of Dreams" (Kyiv, 2005, 2006), IV International Festival of Crimean Tatar and Turkic cultures "Derviza - Gezlev Kapusy" (Yevpatoriya, 2007); IV international festival ancient customs and traditions of the East "The Minarets of Solkhat" (Stary Krym, 2009), III All-Ukrainian Festival - Competition of Folk Choreography named after Pavel Virsky (Sevastopol, 2010).

Bikbulatova L.R. is a regular participant in events held at the state level: concerts dedicated to the Independence Day of Ukraine, the Constitution Day of Ukraine, the Constitution Day of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Annually participates in festive concerts dedicated to the Day of the City of Simferopol.

Bikbulatova L.R. showed high professional skills during the All-Ukrainian cultural action "Golden-domed Kyiv unites ..." (Kyiv, 2003). The dancer's contribution to the conquest is undeniable. silver medal dance group of the ensemble "Crimea" at the V international festival-competition of dance of the peoples of the world "Veselkova Tepsikhora" (Kyiv, 2005). Participation of Bikbulatova L.R. in the II All-Ukrainian festival-competition of folk choreography named after. P. Virsky was awarded a diploma of the administration of the ensemble "Crimea".

Bikbulatova L.R. for many years of fruitful creative activity, high professional skills and significant personal contribution to the development of the Crimean Tatar national art, she was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Culture and Arts of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (2007), encouraged by the Gratitude of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (2010) by the decision of the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada Autonomous Republic of Crimea on October 18, 2010 Bikbulatova Leviza Rustemovna was awarded the Honorary title "Honored Artist of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea".


Bekirov Arsen Enverovich began his creative activity in 1991 as a vocal artist in the children's ensemble "Fidanlar" at the House of Pioneers, then in the ensemble "Teselli" at the Palace of Culture of Trade Unions. My labor activity in 2004 as an artist - vocalist of the Crimean Republican organization "Crimean Tatar folklore ensemble" Crimea ". In the same year he graduated from the vocal department of the Faculty of Musical Art of the Simferopol Musical College. P.I. Tchaikovsky. In 2010 he graduated from the Department of Choral Conducting of the Simferopol Faculty of the Donetsk State Musical Academy named after S.S. Prokofiev.

A distinctive feature of the work of Bekirov A.E. is vocal talent, high professional skill, figurativeness of the performing solution of each work. The repertoire of the singer, who owns a lyric tenor, includes works by great classical composers: E. Curtis “Return to Sorrento”, G. Verdi - the Duke’s aria from the opera “The Barber of Seville”, S. Sarturi “Conte Partiro”; songs of the peoples of the world: Ukrainian "Chernobrivtsy", Russian "Oh you darling" (folk), Greek "Ise eno treno" ("Train of love"), pop genre.

A special place in the work of Bekirov A.E. is occupied by the Crimean Tatar folk song. In the knowledge of national folklore for the singer, an important role was played by the school of the Honored Art Worker of Ukraine and the Republic of Tatarstan S. Kakury. The old songs performed by the artist “Gidin bulutlar” (“Float the clouds”), “Medzhbur oldym” (“I became a prisoner ...”), “Kara kyz” (“Dark-skinned woman”) captivate the listener with amazing warmth and lyricism, conquer with inner nobility and romantic excitement feelings. Comic Crimean Tatar folk songs- “Nogai beyitleri” (Nogai ditties), where you can hear the special vocal technique and flavor of the Crimean Tatar song, “Yazga chyksam” (“Meet summer”), “Alchachyk evnin tepesi” (“Little house”) by Bekirov A.E. originally interpreted and incendiary.

The versatility of talent Bekirova A.E. is also revealed in acting skills. This is confirmed by the main role in the theatrical production "Toyg'a davet etemiz" ("Invitation to the wedding"), which shows the ancient ritual of the Crimean Tatar wedding. The artist managed to create a bright and complex image groom, in whose behavior both temperament and restraint inherent in the national character.

As part of the ensemble "Crimea" Bekirov A.E. takes part in events held at the state level: a concert dedicated to the Independence Day of Ukraine (Simferopol, 2008, 2009), Constitution Day of Ukraine (Simferopol, 2008, 2009), holiday concert dedicated to the Day of Cultural Workers and Folk Art Lovers (Kyiv, 2007). He is a regular participant in creative actions and festivals - the Days of Crimean Tatar Culture in Turkey (Istanbul, 2004), the V International Ethno-Festival "Country of Dreams" (Kyiv, 2005), the All-Ukrainian Festival of National Cultures "Inflorescence" ( Alushta, 2008).

Bekirov A.E. became the winner of vocal competitions: "Young virtuoso" (Simferopol, 2001) - diploma of the 1st degree; "Living Springs" (Simferopol, 2001) - Certificate of Honor; "Musical Tavria" (Kherson, 2005) - laureate diploma III degree; "Golden hit" - (Simferopol, 2005) - diploma of the laureate of the 1st degree; IV international competition national art "Golden Cradle" (Yalta, 2007) - diploma of the laureate of the 1st degree; V International Turkic-Tatar Festival "Heirs of Syuyumbika" (Yalta, 2010) - I degree diploma. The singer also performs with a solo concert "Eminim", the premiere of which and the presentation of the album of the same name took place in 2006.

For fruitful creative activity, high professionalism and significant contribution to the development of the Crimean Tatar national art Bekirov A.E. was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Culture and Arts of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (2006). Per conscientious work, high professionalism, significant personal contribution to the socio-economic and cultural development city, the artist was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Simferopol City Council (2009). For many years of conscientious work, high professionalism was encouraged by the Gratitude of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (2010). By the decision of the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea dated October 18, 2010 Bekirov Arsen Enverovich was awarded the Honorary title "Honored Artist of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea".

Even in ancient times, people, expressing gratitude to their fellow tribesmen for their courage and skill, allowed the most worthy to wear symbols of hunting skill - animal fangs, skins, feathers. In the ancient era, a rather harmonious system of military awards appeared. So, Roman soldiers who distinguished themselves in battle and showed special courage in battle were awarded a badge of honor in the form of a wreath or crown, which they wore on their clothes. For example, a warrior who was the first to climb the wall of an enemy fortress was awarded a wreath with a miniature image of the fortress wall placed on it. In the Middle Ages, a new type of awards appeared in Europe, called the order. These awards were usually in the form of a cross or a star.

In the era crusades in the East, semi-military-semi-monastic organizations arose - orders (Livonian, Teutonic, Templars, etc.). Members of the order considered military affairs to be their profession. Persons who entered the order received the right to wear the signs of this order (cross and star).

Orders of the Russian Empire

Order of St. Andrew the First-Called

In Russia, the first order appeared in the very late XVII century. It was the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. The motto of the order is "For Faith and Loyalty".

The sign of the order is a cross of a special shape in the shape of the letter "X" with the image of the figure of St. Andrew the First-Called. The order was worn on a wide blue ribbon over the right shoulder. The order also included a star with eight rays and a similar cross in the center.
The order is named in honor of Andrew the First-Called - the apostle (disciple) of Christ.

The first owner of the order is known - this is Count Fyodor Alekseevich Golovin, an associate of Peter I, admiral (since 1699) and field marshal general (since 1700). Signed the Treaty of Nerchinsk in 1689, a member of the Great Embassy in 1697-1698, since 1699 - the main leader of the Russian foreign policy. Among those awarded for special distinctions"were commanders Rumyantsev and Suvorov.

Order of George the Victorious

During the Russian-Turkish war in 1769, the Imperial Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George was established with the motto "For Service and Courage". The order was awarded to officers and generals for military honors. The first statute of the order, signed by Catherine II, stated: “Neither a high family, nor previous merits, nor wounds received are taken into account when awarded the Order of St. George; it is only awarded to him who not only fulfilled his duty in everything according to the oath, honor and duty, but in addition marked himself for the benefit and glory Russian weapons special distinction."

The Order of St. George had four degrees, and the first time the recipient had to be presented to the 4th, lowest, degree, the next time - to the 3rd, then - to the 2nd and 1st. St. George Order had a special position, and it was prescribed to wear it always, on any clothes. Full Knight of the Order of St. George was an outstanding Russian commander Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov.

Other orders of the Russian Empire:

Orders of the USSR

Order of the Red Banner

The first Soviet order was the Order of the Red Banner, which was established in 1918. In the regulations on the order, it was determined that it was awarded to citizens of the RSFSR who showed special bravery and courage in combat activities.

Order of the Red Star

The Order of the Red Star, like the Order of Lenin, was approved by a decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR on April 6, 1930. The statute provided for the awarding of the Order of the Red Star not only to citizens of the USSR, but also to foreigners.
The order was made of silver and was a convex five-pointed star, the rays of which are covered with ruby-red enamel. In the center of the star was placed a horseshoe-shaped plate depicting the figure of a Red Army soldier with a rifle in his hands at the ready, as if confirming readiness Soviet people to defend their Fatherland with weapons in their hands. The drawing of the order was made by the artist of the Moscow factory "Gosznak" Vladimir Kupryanov. The first holder of the Order of the Red Star was in May 1930 the future Marshal of the Soviet Union V.K. Blucher for the brilliantly conducted operation to repulse the Chinese military during the armed conflict on the Chinese Eastern Railway in 1929.

Order Patriotic War

The Order of the Patriotic War was established on May 20, 1942. In accordance with the status of the order, they could be awarded to Soviet and foreign citizens, military personnel and partisans, institutions and enterprises, military units and formations, cities and regions that made a significant contribution to the defeat Nazi German invaders. Presentation for the award civilians was terminated in October 1947.

The order had two degrees, the highest was the first degree. The statute of the order did not provide for the sequence of awarding, but for new services to the Fatherland, the recipient could be repeatedly presented for awarding that degree of the order.

Among the first awarded with the order Patriotic War of the 1st degree was the commander of the artillery battalion Captain Ivan Krikliy, the 2nd degree were artillery soldiers sergeants Zharko S.T., Nemfira M.G., Nesterenko P.V., privates Grigoriev N.I., Kulintsev A.I., Petrosh I.P.

Orders of Kutuzov, Suvorov and Alexander Nevsky

During the Great Patriotic War, special military awards. In May 1942, the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st and 2nd degrees was established. In July 1942, three orders were introduced: Suvorov, Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky.
The people called Kutuzov "the savior of the Fatherland", because he had a historic mission to lead liberation war Russian people against the French conquerors of our Motherland in 1812.

And therefore, it is quite natural that in 1942, during the period of the most difficult trials that befell the Fatherland, the commander's order "Mikhail Kutuzov" was established in the USSR.

The Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov had three degrees and were intended to reward military leaders of various ranks. The Order of Suvorov - for the development and successful conduct of offensive operations, the Order of Kutuzov - for organizing effective defensive operations. The Order of Alexander Nevsky was intended for commanders and military leaders who knew how to fight not by numbers, but by skill.

Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky

In October 1943, the Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky was established in three degrees: the 1st degree was intended to reward commanders of fronts, armies and partisan formations; 2nd degree - for rewarding mid-level commanders; 3rd degree - for privates and partisans.

Order of Victory

In November 1943, the sign and statute of the Order of Victory, the highest military order, were approved. This is the most expensive award badge, it is a platinum star with ruby ​​rays edged with diamonds. The diameter of the star is 72 mm, the weight of the diamonds is 16 carats. The Order of Victory was awarded to persons of the highest commanders Red Army for the successful conduct of such military operations on the scale of one or several fronts, as a result of which the situation is radically changing in favor of the Red Army. A total of 12 people received this award. Marshal G.K. Zhukov was the first to be awarded.

Order of Glory

In November 1943, the Order of Glory of three degrees was established for privates and sergeants. A star with the image of the Spasskaya Tower and the inscription "Glory" on the medallion was adopted as a sign of the order. The Order of Glory was worn on a pentagonal block with St. George ribbon. Persons awarded all three degrees of the order were called full cavaliers of the Order of Glory and were equated in rights with the Heroes of the Soviet Union. This order was very popular among the soldiers.

In total, during the existence of the Soviet Union, 20 orders and 54 medals were established.

Orders of Russia

Gold Star Medal

With the collapse of the USSR, the existing award system also became a thing of the past and a new one began to take shape. In March 1992, the title of Hero of the Russian Federation was established and the insignia was approved - the Gold Star medal.

Order "For Merit to the Fatherland"

In 1994, the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" of four degrees was established.

The first degree star of the order is silver, eight-pointed, with faceted, polished rays. In the center of the star is a round silver medallion with a gilded relief image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation. Along the circumference of the medallion, on a red enamel field with a silver edging, is the motto of the order: "BENEFITS, HONOR AND GLORY" and laurel branches. The distance between opposite ends of the star is 82 mm.

Restoration of orders of the Russian Empire

On July 1, 1998, the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called was again established in the country's award system. Currently is the highest award RF. The awarding of this order means the highest recognition of the cavalier's merits before the state and the Russian people.

In August 2000, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Order of St. George of four degrees and the insignia - the St. George Cross of four were introduced.