Useful rule of two minutes. The essence of the two-minute rule

The two minute rule says that what can be done in less than 2 minutes should be done right now.

Many things are more convenient and more profitable to do right now, without putting them off indefinitely. These are things like:

short answer to email,

view the log for interesting material,

put the receipt for the apartment in the folder with receipts.

The 2 Minute Rule Will Make Your Life Much Easier

It's better to do it and forget it. And in the end, things are moving forward.

When to Use the Two Minute Rule

Universal principle, which David Allen suggests in Getting Things Done - if you have a task in front of you, decide whether you need to do it at all now. And if necessary, will it take less than 2 minutes? If yes, do it now. If not, put it off.


A complete workflow system doesn't end there, of course, but by developing the habit of doing things that take less than 2 minutes, you can achieve a significant increase in productivity. This habit saves a lot of nerves and time.

Sure, 2 minutes is clean conditional time. If there is enough time, it can be as long as 5 minutes. It's okay if the case takes 3 and a half minutes instead of 2. Even if it is 20 minutes - next time you will already know how long it takes to given type cases and schedule the execution time accordingly.

Lots of things to do household can be done in less than 2 minutes. Putting a thing in its place will probably not take much longer than if you throw it where you are now. And in the long term, the result is significantly different - an order when all things are in their places, or a mess that needs to be raked up periodically.

It may turn out that the thing will not have its own place - usually it is these things that are lying around anywhere. Now is the time to define this place. The easiest way is to remember when you used it in recent times and where. Obviously, it is convenient to store things nearby with a place where this thing can come in handy:

so stationery items are conveniently stored in one place on the desktop,
books - on the shelves, not far from the workplace,
children's toys - in a basket or toy box, next to the "play area".

Cause of the mess

The reason for the mess at home, at work, in the inbox folder is not in character, but in the methods of work that we are trained to do. Organization can (and should!) be learned. Having learned how to do it and having tried it in practice, it is good to develop the habit of acting in this way. And from a set of habits, what we call "the character of a person" is formed.


The habit of following the rule: doing things right away if they take less than 2 minutes can bring amazing results if you previously had a habit of postponing such things, or doing everything in a row indiscriminately

Today's world is very intense, so it is familiar to many: the two-minute rule is one of its constituent parts. Every day we are bombarded with a lot of things, the list to be done is huge. Moreover, when we start to implement, it turns out that each of them needs to be spent much more time than it seemed before. Of course, time management will help to cope with this problem. One of its varieties is this is the 2 minute rule.

The term was first mentioned in David Allen's book How to Finish Things. The book doesn't just reveal the two-minute rule, it tells the whole story. How to save time and use it correctly. As a result, this leads to effectiveness at the level of the individual. Over time, the technique and the two-minute rule gained recognition in the scientific community and became widely used around the world.

So what is this 2 minute rule? Its essence is this - if it takes no more than two minutes to complete a task, take it and do it right now. But let's look at this method in more detail.

Two minute time management

Every day we put off small and insignificant things until later. Indeed, to wash the dishes, put things in the closet, take out the trash, water the flowers - it will always be in time. And in the end, we do not have time to do this by the end of the working day. Moreover, by the evening these cases accumulate so much that it will take not two minutes, but at least two hours. And then in best case. The two-minute rule helps solve this dilemma. But only if you follow the correct algorithm.

Correct Algorithm

Assess how urgently the task needs to be completed.
Determine how much time you need to spend on it.
If no more than two minutes, proceed with the implementation, even if it is not urgent.
If more than two and it is not urgent, put it off for later.

But situations are different. Sometimes it takes longer to complete. The two-minute rule doesn't require you to quit when it's over. due date. Be sure to complete your plan. But now you will know exactly how much time it really takes to do this work. After all, it’s easier to answer one letter now than to rake up all the correspondence later at the end of the day. By answering 10 letters in 10 sets during the day, you will do it much better than answering a dozen at once. It’s easier to wash a cup after breakfast, a plate after dinner, than to rake a mountain of dishes at the end of the day.

The best part is that the two-minute rule works well in business, the office, and at home. personal affairs. Yes, it will not solve all your problems, but it will make the work of the day easier. Try to put these rules into practice, and you will immediately notice that you will be able to do much more, and get tired a lot less. And this, in turn, will increase your personal effectiveness. So do not waste time in vain, master time management: two minute rule will provide you with invaluable assistance.

The tendency of a person to systematically put off things “for later” is called procrastination. And I must say, this quality is not uncommon; there is hardly a person who has not experienced such an impulse at least once. As a rule, there will always be some “good” reason - stress, fatigue, the desire to perform small (supposedly urgently needed) tasks, etc. Individual cases of procrastination will most likely not be of decisive importance, but the chronic form will lead to serious problems, including financial. With almost inevitable nervous shocks, deterioration in relations with others and the like negative situations. There is a very simple two-minute rule that can help you overcome the urge to put things off, get on with them, and achieve your goals.

Most of the cases in which there is a desire to postpone them are actually simple. You have enough knowledge, experience and strength to complete them, you just come up with reasons to delay the start of implementation.

The two minute rule has only two parts, but you can overcome laziness and procrastination. Just think about it, take it into service, and you will easily push laziness aside.

If the required action fits within two minutes, then just do it!

This idea was expressed by David Allen in his bestselling book Getting Things in Order. The Art of Stress-Free Productivity.”

Look back at the past day, how many things that fit in two minutes were postponed! Washing dishes after eating without creating dish storage in the sink. Daily cleaning without a “general cleaning” device, which sometimes takes the whole day. A reminder of a colleague's birthday came - they immediately congratulated you, both you and your colleague will have a pleasant emotion.

What if you have a goal that requires not two minutes, but two hours? A start in two minutes will not let her leave “for later”.

Of course, not all plans can be implemented in two minutes. But absolutely every case can be started in a two-minute period. The question arises: why start a business if it cannot be completed? The question has an answer, it is in the second part of the two-minute rule.

The secret lies in the law of physics, from which we know that the body will be at rest until it receives an impulse to move. This law applies to processes. human life. If a business is given a starting impulse, then its continuation will go much easier.

Have you ever looked in the fridge for a sandwich and consumed the amount of food commensurate with a good lunch? Did you have to, looking on the Internet for specific information, get carried away and sit, reading, for a couple of hours, while gaining knowledge that you didn’t even think about? The two-minute rule allows you to create some healthy habits.

Have you ever wanted to play sports? Do a few exercises, it will be much easier to start doing it again.

Think about? Eat a fruit or vegetable from the fridge, you'll want more tomorrow!

Any good habit begins with the first act, with those wonderful “two minutes”. The two-minute rule will not guarantee results, but it will give you an incentive to get things done without delay.

Sometimes the reason for postponing things “for later” is not a far-fetched factor, but fear for final result, that is, the doubt own forces, in experience or skill. Just start doing what you need! Most often, after the very first completed stage, things go like on rails, and the result will please you.

Two minutes is 120 seconds. Don't you think that the very sound of "120 seconds" defines longer period time? So, more can be done!

Many things are more convenient and more profitable to do right now, without putting them off indefinitely. These are things like replying to an email shortly, looking through a magazine for interesting material, putting an apartment receipt in your receipts folder. It's better to do it and forget it. And in the end, things are moving forward.

When to Use the Two Minute Rule

Of course, the rule should be applied exactly when it should be. The universal principle that David Allen suggests in Getting Things Done is that if you have a task in front of you, decide whether you need to do it at all now. And if necessary, will it take less than 2 minutes? If yes, do it now. If not, set aside.


A complete workflow system doesn't end there, of course, but by developing the habit of doing things that take less than 2 minutes, you can achieve a significant increase in productivity. This habit saves a lot of nerves and time.

Of course, 2 minutes is purely conventional time. If there is enough time, it can be as long as 5 minutes. It's okay if the case takes 3 and a half minutes instead of 2. Even if it is 20 minutes, next time you will already know how much time it takes for this type of task and plan the time to complete it accordingly.

Many household chores can be done in less than 2 minutes. Putting a thing in its place will probably not take much longer than if you throw it where you are now. And in the long term, the result is significantly different - an order when all things are in their places, or a mess that needs to be sorted out periodically.

It may turn out that the thing will not have its own place - usually it is these things that are lying around anywhere. Now is the time to define this place. The easiest way is to remember when you used it lately and where. Obviously, it is convenient to store things close to the place where this thing can come in handy: it is convenient to store stationery in one place on the desktop, books - on the shelves, near the workplace, children's toys - in a basket or toy box, next to "playground".

Cause of the mess

The reason for the mess at home, at work, in the inbox folder is not in character, but in the methods of work that we are trained to do. organization can(and you need to!) learn. Having learned how to do it and having tried it in practice, it is good to develop the habit of acting in this way. And from a set of habits, what we call “human character” is formed.


The habit of following the rule: doing things right away if they take less than 2 minutes can bring amazing results if you previously had a habit of putting off such things, or doing everything in a row indiscriminately.

Recently, I have adopted a simple rule that helps me deal with procrastination, get things done, and develop good habits at the same time.

From my own experience I can say that this rule really helps. It doesn't always work perfectly, but it helps a lot.

The best? This is a very simple strategy and you can try it right now.

So what you need to know...

What is the 2 Minute Rule?

If it can be done in 2 minutes or less, do it now. If longer, put it on your to-do list to do later.

3 ways to use:

  1. To deal with large quantity affairs.
  2. Overcome procrastination, especially for difficult and important tasks.
  3. Helps to develop habits, easily and without extra effort.

1 way. Get it done in 120 seconds

Classic variant. This is exactly what the famous David Allen, author of the bestselling book Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity, offers.

If a job can be done in 2 minutes or less, I do it right now.

More specifically?

Rinse the cup immediately after drinking coffee; immediately put things in the washing machine; sort out documents on the table, etc.

Most useful for me: Reply to an email right away instead of putting it off.

I used to have a habit: I get a letter, I know roughly what to answer. But I think - I'll put it aside a little, let it lie down, but for now I'll formulate it better.

And it lies. I see him again - yes, I should answer. Okay, then. Tomorrow. Not now. So this poor letter lies for a day, or a week, or even longer. And then it's just embarrassing to answer!

Now, with the 2 minute rule, I try to answer right away. Even if the wording is not perfect, it is fully redeemed by a quick response.

What is interesting - it turns out that after a few days I answer almost the same as immediately. And if so, why waste your time and the time of your colleague? Plus litter the mailbox and your own head?

Exception: if you are in bad mood, or the letter caused irritation or resentment - then, of course, it is better not to answer immediately. Postpone, think and calm down. So that you don't regret it later.

This method helps to get rid of blockages, clutter and other clutter. Keep things and affairs in order.

2 way. The main thing is a good run

There are things that are difficult to start. Most often it is either something difficult, complex. Or you do not know exactly how to take it. And we are tormented by various doubts - suddenly it will not work out, or it will turn out badly, and in general there is no desire to take on and even start.

As a result, the case is delayed for days, weeks, even months! It gnaws at the brain and spoils the mood.

You put off until the very day X - then you grab it, and in last moment, with the last of his strength ... Sometimes it rolls. Sometimes - no. Quality, performance and peace of mind suffer.

How to use the "2 minute rule":

Is it difficult for you, and lazy, and your hands do not reach? Tell yourself: I will just start - and I will do it for only 2 minutes.

Overcome resistance - and spend 2 minutes. Read the relevant page. Write down the first sentence. Collect in one folder all the files that already exist for this project.

There are two options:

First: you will start with 2 minutes, and you yourself will not notice how you will work as much as 15. Or even an hour. Or a few hours. Then it will be much easier to continue.

Second option: it really doesn't work. Block. Then after 2 minutes, just postpone, as you promised yourself. All the same, it will become easier - thoughts and ideas have begun to stir, connections have begun to appear, something has become clear.

Set aside 2 minutes again tomorrow. Sometimes you will work 2 minutes. Sometimes 15. Sometimes an hour or more. But one way or another, things will move from dead center, and the process will go.

So the “2-minute rule” helps to cope with the most difficult, most important things. Slowly, gradually and steadily you are moving forward.

Some bad experiences: when I began to apply the "rule of 2 minutes" - I decided become holier than the pope improve it a bit. Pawn not under 2 minutes, but under 5.

Incredibly, the efficiency dropped by 60%! Those. became much less common.

It would seem - what's the difference, five minutes or two? Clearly, this is a simple convention, some minimum period of time. But nonetheless, 2 minutes work much better. Such are the mysterious properties of the human brain.

3 way. The journey of 10,000 li begins...

You can apply the 2-minute rule to new habits.

Sometimes starting a new habit (running in the morning, or meditating, or going on a healthy diet) fails because it seems too difficult.

Well, imagine: meditating is like sitting in the lotus position for an hour! Well, it's better not to take it. Or run - just 10 km every day. Once you force yourself, and the second? And the third? And the new diet - immediately give up all fatty, starchy and sweet? How many days are enough for you?

This is how we decide to start new life from Monday - and on Wednesday we return to the previous one.

The 2 Minute Rule will help: start - continue - and get involved slowly.

No need to meditate for an hour! Sit in a comfortable position and breathe calmly for 2 minutes. After a week, increase the time by another 2 minutes. Then another 2. The main thing is not to break the record for duration, but to make it a habit. gradual, not heroic deed, which ends too quickly.

This is the key.

Do not try to run 10 km at once. Just put on your uniform and sneakers, go outside, run for 2 minutes. Increase the time gradually. The main thing is to get dressed and go outside.

Don't change your whole diet at once - just replace one donut with an apple or a carrot today. Give yourself time to get used to it. Add changes slowly, without fanaticism.

Do it first step easy, as much as possible. Then the body will not become too indignant, it will gradually get involved, and you will get everything you need.

The most main part new habit– just start, and do it over and over again. Not quantity - but constancy and perseverance. Not aggressive dragging into happiness - but calm, slow, unhurried luring.

This is especially important at the beginning, when the habit is just being formed.

Try it today

I don't know if the "2 minute rule" works for you as well as it works for me. To find out, you'll have to check it out for yourself. 2 minutes of action is more important than hours of talking. Check it out and find out for yourself.

Get started today. And then use what suits you and discard the rest.