How Russians are afraid of everything. Why are the Russians afraid? Why are Russians so afraid in the USA?

Many have noticed that some foreign nations have a biased attitude towards Russian people. This is due to a certain fear of them. There are some reasons why Russians are feared outside their native state.

It should be noted that the following reasons are for informational purposes only. The author of this article in no way wants to hurt the feelings of people belonging to a particular nation, since, in fact, all people are brothers. This information does not bear biased attitude to any people, but only opens possible reasons a certain concern.

Reasons for fear

Some emigrants from Russia wonder why Americans, as well as Europeans, are afraid of the Russian people. It is possible that the following factors may influence this attitude:

  • story;
  • territory and population of Russia;
  • her military power;
  • strength of the Russian spirit.

historical factor

The entire world community knows that it was the Russian people who won many wars, although they never unleashed them. I remember especially the Second World Moina. Although Russia (which was then part of the USSR) was not the initiator of this war, it was she who completed it, while no other country was able to resist the Nazis alone. So, partly for this reason, the European and American community is afraid of the Russian people. And out of fear comes anger. Everyone knows that Russia is always ready to fight if necessary, but with such strong state unlikely to want to fight.


Russia is the most big country in the world. Her huge territory simply cannot but cause fear in states with a much smaller area and population. Also, do not forget about the population of Russia, which exceeds 146 million people. Well, how, for example, Sweden with its 9 million can not be afraid of such a state?

military power

Russia's military might is no less impressive. Representatives of other countries know that most of income of the Russian Federation is spent precisely on strengthening military force. There are more than 1,000,000 soldiers in the ranks of the army. In addition, some argue that Russia has so many nuclear warheads that it could blow up the entire planet several times. Although the same America is not at all afraid.

Strength of mind

The fortitude of the Russian people did not go unnoticed either. When a big trouble comes, the Russian people always remain united. In addition, Russian people, without stint, sacrifice themselves for the good of their neighbors and the state. Such personal qualities can also scare foreigners.

The combination of these factors explains why the Russians are afraid. And although this may be a controversial statement, there will probably be no doubt that Russians are not particularly liked in many countries. Why is that? You can read about this in the article.

An experienced American soldier during a banquet frankly told the author about the Russians and why they are so feared in the United States.

It so happened that I happened to participate in one project with real Pindos. Good guys, pros. For six months, while the project was going on, we managed to make friends. As expected, the successful completion of the project ends with a booze. And now our banquet is in full swing, I caught my tongue with the boy, with whom we had one topic together. Of course, we shared who is cooler, the first satellite, lunar program, aircraft, weapons, etc.

And I asked my expected question:
- Tell me, American, why are you so afraid of us, you live in Russia for six months, you saw everything yourself, there are no bears on the street and no one drives tanks?

O! This I will explain! The instructor sergeant explained this to us when I served in National Guard USA, this instructor went through many hot spots, he ended up in the hospital twice and twice because of the Russians. He kept telling us that Russia is the only and most terrible enemy.
The first time was in 1991, in Afghanistan it was the first business trip, young, not yet shelled, he helped civilians when the Russians decided to destroy the mountain village.
- Wait! I interrupted. We were ALREADY not in the 91st in Afghanistan.
- We, too, were not yet in the 91st in Afghanistan, but I see no reason not to believe him. Listen!

And I listened, in front of me was no longer a peaceful young engineer, but an American veteran.

"I provided security, the Russians were no longer in Afghanistan, the locals began to fight each other, our task was to organize the redeployment to the friendly area controlled by us partisan detachment, everything went according to plan, but two Russian helicopters appeared in the sky, why and why I don’t know. Having made a U-turn, they reorganized and began to enter our positions. A salvo of stingers, the Russians went over the ridge. I managed to take a position behind a heavy machine gun, waited, Russian vehicles were supposed to appear from behind the ridge, a good burst on board would do them good. And the Russian helicopter did not keep us waiting, it appeared, but not from behind the ridge, but from below from the gorge and hovered 30 meters from me. I desperately pressed the trigger and saw how the bullets bounced off the glass, striking sparks.

I saw the Russian pilot smiling.

I woke up at the base. Light concussion. I was later told that the pilot took pity on me, among the Russians it was considered a sign of skill to deal with the locals and leave the European alive, why I don’t know, and I don’t believe it. Leaving behind enemy lines capable of surprise is stupid, and the Russians are not stupid.

Then there were many different business trips, the next time I ran into the Russians in Kosovo.

It was a crowd of untrained bastards, with machine guns from the times Vietnam War, armors, probably from the Second World War, were heavy, uncomfortable, no navigators, night vision devices, nothing else, just a machine gun, helmet and armor. They drove their armored personnel carriers wherever they wanted and wherever they wanted, passionately kissed the civilian population, baked bread for them (they brought a bakery with them and baked bread!). They fed everyone with their porridge with canned meat, which they themselves cooked in a special cauldron.

We were treated with disdain, constantly insulted. It wasn't an army, but who knows what. How can you interact with them? All our reports to the Russian leadership were ignored. Somehow we got into a serious fight, we didn’t share the route, if it weren’t for the Russian officer who calmed these monkeys, we could have reached the trunks. These bastards should be punished. Give pi @ dy and put in place! Without weapons, we only lacked Russian corpses, but what would they understand. They wrote a note, in Russian, but with errors, like a Serb wrote that nice guys were going at night to give pi @ dy to insolent Russian noobs. We prepared carefully, light bulletproof vests, police batons, night vision devices, shockers, no knives or firearms. We approached them, observing all the rules of disguise and sabotage art. These idiots didn't even put up posts, which means we'll fuck the sleeping ones, we deserve it! When we almost approached the tents, there was a shitty, URYA-YAYAYA-AAA! And from all the cracks crawled these bastards, for some reason dressed only in striped shirts. I accepted the first one.

I woke up at the base. Light concussion. Later they told me that the guy took pity on me, hit me flat, if he had hit me for real, he would have blown my head off. Fuck me! Experienced fighter elite unit marines USA, knocks out a Russian in 10 seconds, a skinny bastard, and what ??? And you know what? A gardening tool! Shovel! Yes, it would never have occurred to me to fight with a sapper shovel, but they are taught this, but unofficially, among the Russians it was considered a sign of skill to know the techniques of fighting with a sapper shovel. I then realized that they were waiting for us, but why did they come out in shirts, only in shirts, because it is natural for a person to protect himself, put on armor, a helmet. Why only shirts? And their fucking URAAA!

Once I was waiting for a flight at the Detroit airport, there was a Russian family, mom, dad, daughter, were also waiting for their plane. The father somewhere bought and brought the girl, three years old, a hefty ice cream. She jumped with delight, clapped her hands and you know what she screamed? Their fucking WOW! Three years old, speaks badly, but already screams UR-AAA!

But those guys, with this cry, went to die for their country. They knew that it would be just a hand-to-hand fight, without weapons, but they went to die. But they didn't go to kill!

It's easy to kill while sitting in an armored helicopter or holding a blade sharpened like a razor in your hands. They didn't pity me. Killing for the sake of killing is not for them. But they are ready to die if necessary.

And then I realized that Russia is the only and most terrible enemy.

That's how a soldier of an elite US unit told us about you. Would you like another glass? Russian! And I'm not afraid of you!

My presentation and translation, do not look for inaccuracies and inconsistencies, they are there, I was drunk and I don’t remember the details, I retold what I remembered.

Why are Americans afraid of Russians? Soviet times already seems to be behind, and the fear of citizens Great America remained in front of the Russian. On many sites, forums, blogs, Russian emigrants only confirm this fact. And the Americans themselves do not deny it. Moreover, the network has a lot of demonstrative videos. In one of them, an American advises, when meeting with criminal elements, to imitate a Russian accent, and not to speak to Russians at all.

Reasons for a wary attitude

1. Historical memory. Remember how persistently America demanded disarmament after World War II? Even today it seems to them that Russia is secretly preparing for war. Therefore, various framework documents are being signed that determine the number of carriers of strategic warheads.

Historical memory explains why Poles do not like Russians. And in America the price human life high enough. The death of several hundred of their citizens is a national mourning. Naturally, they are very afraid of attacks from outside. If there is a gun, it will fire sooner or later. And in Russia it is.

2. The unpredictability of the Russian nation. A person is always afraid of what he does not understand. deeds Russian authorities sometimes they just don't fit common sense. And what is happening in our country, their citizens can not always understand. Here are some recent examples.

The high-profile case of Oboronservis, when multibillion-dollar embezzlement was committed under Serdyukov's nose, and he was "not a dream or a spirit." Can an American understand this purely Russian phenomenon? Unlikely.

It is difficult for Americans to understand our other national traits: theft, lies and drunkenness. Russians live by the principle: “If you don’t steal, you won’t live.” They "carry" from any work. From a poor hospital - gloves, medicines. From school - crayons and books for their children. Drivers steal gasoline. Accountants - stationery. In America, fraudsters are potential residents of numerous prisons. In Russia, swindlers occupy public positions. Law and order in all spheres of life make the existence of Americans predictable and orderly. What can not be said about Russia.

It's just a statement of fact. The article does not say what is bad and what is good. To each his own. Many Russians are returning from America to their homeland. Because they cannot live within such strict limits.

3. America is ruled by military organizations.

NATO, the Pentagon, the CIA… It is beneficial for the US that the population is afraid of something. Only with such an attitude will Americans approve hard methods, dangerous technologies and terrible experiences.

4. Americans are always afraid of something. It is enough to watch American thrillers and action movies that are very popular in our country. Some kind of threat looms over the country, it needs to be saved, protected. Fortunately, there is such a hero. While still in…

Do you remember rumors about the end of the world? So. On television, they showed more than one story about very “thoughtful” personalities. They set up real bomb shelters, stocked up on canned food for the next three years, warm clothes and matches. The bulk of these individuals are Americans. Mental disorders against the backdrop of anticipation of the end of the world have become more frequent.

Have you ever gone through security at the airport, for example. It's kind of creepy. For law enforcement officers, you are a potential criminal. Explore up and down.

5. Russians are unemotional and even somewhat tough. Of course, it is not only our national trait. But now we are talking about Russian-American relations. Smiling and emotional Americans perceive our seriousness as sullenness. We once again without good reason let's not smile. It is unlikely that we will approach a stranger without special need. And in America, a curious lady can easily pull your sleeve and ask where such a cool blouse was bought.

Walk down the street and hear good remarks, wishes, see smiles. In Russia, they can only send.

In order not to be bombarded with slippers, I will clarify once again: the article contains the main opinions of visitors to various forums on this issue. Several examples are given from personal experience. But these assumptions are not the only correct ones. Perhaps you are lucky to live in America and see only a friendly attitude towards yourself. And without a bit of prejudice.

It so happened that I happened to participate in one project with real Pindos. Good guys, pros. For six months, while the project was going on, we managed to make friends. As expected, the successful completion of the project ends with a booze. And now our banquet is in full swing, I caught my tongue with the boy, with whom we had one topic together. Of course, we divided who is cooler, the first satellite, the lunar program, aircraft, weapons, etc.

And I asked my expected question:

Tell me, American, why are you so afraid of us, you've been living in Russia for six months, you saw everything yourself, there are no bears on the street and no one drives tanks?

O! This I will explain! The instructor sergeant explained this to us, when I served in the US National Guard, this instructor went through many hot spots, he ended up in the hospital twice and twice because of the Russians. He kept telling us that Russia is the only and most terrible enemy.

The first time was in 1991, in Afghanistan it was the first business trip, young, not yet shelled, he helped civilians when the Russians decided to destroy the mountain village.

Wait! I interrupted. We were ALREADY not in the 89th in Afghanistan.

We, too, were not yet in the 91st in Afghanistan, but I see no reason not to believe him. Listen! “I provided security, the Russians were no longer in Afghanistan, the locals began to fight each other, our task was to organize the redeployment of a friendly partisan detachment to the area controlled by us, everything went according to plan, but two Russian helicopters appeared in the sky, why and why didn’t I I know. Having made a U-turn, they reorganized and began to enter our positions. A salvo of stingers, the Russians went over the ridge. I managed to take a position behind a heavy machine gun, waited, Russian vehicles were supposed to appear from behind the ridge, a good burst on board would do them good. And the Russian helicopter did not keep us waiting, it appeared, but not from behind the ridge, but from below from the gorge and hovered 30 meters from me. I desperately pressed the trigger and saw how the bullets bounced off the glass, striking sparks. I saw the Russian pilot smiling. I woke up at the base. Light concussion. I was later told that the pilot took pity on me, among the Russians it was considered a sign of skill to deal with the locals and leave the European alive, why I don’t know, and I don’t believe it. Leaving behind enemy lines capable of surprise is stupid, and the Russians are not stupid.

Then there were many different business trips, the next time I ran into the Russians in Kosovo, it was a crowd of untrained bastards, with machine guns from the Vietnam War, armor, probably from the Second World War, heavy, uncomfortable, no navigators, night vision devices, nothing more, only machine gun, helmet and armor. They drove their armored personnel carriers wherever they wanted and wherever they wanted, passionately kissed the civilian population, baked bread for them (they brought a bakery with them and baked bread!).

They fed everyone with their porridge with canned meat, which they themselves cooked in a special cauldron. We were treated with disdain, constantly insulted. It wasn't an army, but who the hell knows what.

How can you interact with them?

All our reports to the Russian leadership were ignored. Somehow we got into a serious fight, we didn’t share the route, if it weren’t for the Russian officer who calmed these monkeys, we could have reached the trunks. These bastards should be punished. Give n **** and put in place! Without weapons, we only lacked Russian corpses, but what would they understand. They wrote a note, in Russian, but with errors, like a Serb wrote that nice guys were going at night to give f **** to insolent Russian bastards.

We prepared carefully, light bulletproof vests, police batons, night vision devices, shockers, no knives or firearms. We approached them, observing all the rules of disguise and sabotage art. These fools didn't even put up posts, which means we'll fuck the sleeping ones, we deserve it!

When we almost approached the tents, there was a fucking, RY-YAYAYA-AAA! And from all the cracks crawled these bastards, for some reason dressed only in striped shirts. I accepted the first one. I woke up at the base.

Light concussion. Later they told me that the guy took pity on me, hit me flat, if he had hit me for real, he would have blown my head off. Me, f**! An experienced fighter of an elite unit of the US Marine Corps is knocked out in 10 seconds by a Russian, skinny bastard, and what ??? And you know what?

A gardening tool! Shovel!

Yes, it would never have occurred to me to fight with a sapper shovel, but they are taught this, but unofficially, the Russians considered it a sign of skill to know the techniques of fighting with a sapper shovel. I later realized that they were waiting for us, but why did they come out in shirts, only in shirts, because it is natural for a person to protect himself, put on armor, a helmet.

Why only shirts?

And their fucking RYA-YAYAYA-AAA! Once I was waiting for a flight at the Detroit airport, there was a Russian family, mom, dad, daughter, were also waiting for their plane. The father somewhere bought and brought the girl, three years old, a hefty ice cream. She jumped with delight, clapped her hands and you know what she screamed? Their fucking RY-YAYAYA-AAA! Three years, speaks badly, and already screams RYA-YAYAYA-AAA!

But those guys, with this cry, went to die for their country. They knew that it would be just a hand-to-hand fight, without weapons, but they went to die. But they didn't go to kill!

It's easy to kill while sitting in an armored helicopter or holding a blade sharpened like a razor in your hands. They didn't pity me. Killing for the sake of killing is not for them. But they are ready to die if necessary. And then I realized that Russia is the only and most terrible enemy.”

That's how a soldier of an elite US unit told us about you.

23-01-2016, 15:55

It so happened that I happened to participate in one project with real Pindos. Good guys, pros. For six months, while the project was going on, we managed to make friends. As expected, the successful completion of the project ends with a booze. And now our banquet is in full swing, I caught my tongue with the boy, with whom we had one topic together. Of course, we divided who is cooler, the first satellite, the lunar program, aircraft, weapons, etc.

And I asked my expected question:

Tell me, American, why are you so afraid of us, you've been living in Russia for six months, you saw everything yourself, there are no bears on the street and no one drives tanks?

O! This I will explain! The instructor sergeant explained this to us, when I served in the US National Guard, this instructor went through many hot spots, he ended up in the hospital twice and twice because of the Russians. He kept telling us that Russia is the only and most terrible enemy.

The first time was in 1991, in Afghanistan it was the first business trip, young, not yet shelled, he helped civilians when the Russians decided to destroy the mountain village.

Wait! I interrupted. We were ALREADY not in the 89th in Afghanistan.

We, too, were not yet in the 91st in Afghanistan, but I see no reason not to believe him. Listen! “I provided security, the Russians were no longer in Afghanistan, the locals began to fight each other, our task was to organize the redeployment of a friendly partisan detachment to the area controlled by us, everything went according to plan, but two Russian helicopters appeared in the sky, why and why didn’t I I know. Having made a U-turn, they reorganized and began to enter our positions. A salvo of stingers, the Russians went over the ridge. I managed to take a position behind a heavy machine gun, waited, Russian vehicles were supposed to appear from behind the ridge, a good burst on board would do them good. And the Russian helicopter did not keep us waiting, it appeared, but not from behind the ridge, but from below from the gorge and hovered 30 meters from me. I desperately pressed the trigger and saw how the bullets bounced off the glass, striking sparks. I saw the Russian pilot smiling. I woke up at the base. Light concussion. I was later told that the pilot took pity on me, the Russians considered it a sign of skill to deal with the locals and leave the European alive, why I don’t know, and I don’t believe it. Leaving behind enemy lines capable of surprise is stupid, and the Russians are not stupid.

Then there were many different business trips, the next time I ran into the Russians in Kosovo, it was a crowd of untrained bastards, with machine guns from the Vietnam War, armor, probably from the Second World War, heavy, uncomfortable, no navigators, night vision devices, nothing more, only machine gun, helmet and armor. They drove their armored personnel carriers wherever they wanted and wherever they wanted, passionately kissed the civilian population, baked bread for them (they brought a bakery with them and baked bread!). They fed everyone with their porridge with canned meat, which they themselves cooked in a special cauldron. We were treated with disdain, constantly insulted. It wasn't an army, but who the hell knows what. How can you interact with them? All our reports to the Russian leadership were ignored. Somehow we got into a serious fight, we didn’t share the route, if it weren’t for the Russian officer who calmed these monkeys, we could have reached the trunks. These bastards should be punished. Give n **** and put in place! Without weapons, we only lacked Russian corpses, but what would they understand. They wrote a note, in Russian, but with errors, like a Serb wrote that nice guys were going at night to give f **** to insolent Russian bastards. We prepared carefully, light bulletproof vests, police batons, night vision devices, shockers, no knives or firearms. We approached them, observing all the rules of disguise and sabotage art. These fools didn't even put up posts, which means we'll fuck the sleeping ones, we deserve it! When we almost approached the tents, there was a fucking, RY-YAYAYA-AAA! And from all the cracks crawled these bastards, for some reason dressed only in striped shirts. I accepted the first one. I woke up at the base. Light concussion. Later they told me that the guy took pity on me, hit me flat, if he had hit me for real, he would have blown my head off. Me, f**! An experienced fighter of an elite unit of the US Marine Corps is knocked out in 10 seconds by a Russian, skinny bastard, and what ??? And you know what? A gardening tool! Shovel! Yes, it would never have occurred to me to fight with a sapper shovel, but they are taught this, but unofficially, the Russians considered it a sign of skill to know the techniques of fighting with a sapper shovel. I later realized that they were waiting for us, but why did they come out in shirts, only in shirts, because it is natural for a person to protect himself, put on armor, a helmet. Why only shirts? And their fucking RYA-YAYAYA-AAA! Once I was waiting for a flight at the Detroit airport, there was a Russian family, mom, dad, daughter, were also waiting for their plane. The father somewhere bought and brought the girl, three years old, a hefty ice cream. She jumped with delight, clapped her hands and you know what she screamed? Their fucking RY-YAYAYA-AAA! Three years, speaks badly, and already screams RYA-YAYAYA-AAA!