A good peace is better than a bad quarrel to find. A bad peace is better than a good quarrel

M Many of you are familiar with the proverb “A bad peace is better than a good quarrel,” but hardly anyone has thought about its meaning enough to decide whether he agrees with it or not. Therefore, reasoning on the topic of its meaning can not only expand your horizons and replenish your knowledge base with useful and interesting information, but it will also help you to define your life position understand yourself and your priorities. Because this proverb, in fact, is fraught with a much deeper essence than most of these statements. And then, whether you agree with it completely, partially or categorically disagree, can serve as an evaluation criterion for your character and even indicate some qualities. Let's see what the above words express.

In order to understand the proverb as a whole, first we will analyze separately each word used in it, because such a choice is rarely random.

The Old Slavonic word "thin" means fragile, shaky; and the word "kind" also in the outdated version means good. That is, as you may have noticed, they are used as antonyms. Such concepts as "peace" and "quarrel" are similarly contrasted. Therefore, the proverb is built on antithesis, and, like a good old fairy tale, it affirms the victory of good (in any of its manifestations) over evil, good over bad.

But each person himself defines things as good and bad. We ourselves draw the line between good and evil. How are the roles distributed in our case and what is put in the best light?

It's not hard to guess that main idea proverbs are to convey to us: any peace, even if it is shaky and contrary to our foundations and does not fully satisfy us, is better than a quarrel in which we would defend our position. The question is quite controversial and ambiguous. This statement is intended to bring peace to the world, and encourages not to disturb the natural balance and harmony. But can we call this way of achieving the goal - patience and ignoring the problem - the only true one? Hardly.

On the one hand, wouldn't it be great if life was arranged in this way? If everyone yielded in a dispute, if they kept their tongues shut, each gave up their position, and the world would certainly become much calmer. And how many wars, demonstrations and other disasters, provoked by the human impulse to fight for their beliefs, could have been avoided! How many lives could be saved! We cannot deny the correctness of these words in any way. And to categorically state that they are wrong would be simply a denial of the obvious. But this is only one side of the coin.

On the other hand, it is difficult not to pay attention to the shortcomings of such a position. Human nature has always been distinguished by the desire to move forward, the desire to progress, to express one's opinion and not so much to seek a better life how much to create it. Yes, this is not true for all people. But always, at all times, in all situations, there will be rebels with fiery speech and passion in their eyes, ready to raise questions that cannot leave anyone indifferent, ready to stir up the souls of people, wake them up from sleep. Such people completely contradict the purpose of the proverb, but we consider them our heroes, we take them as an example to follow. Why? So, they still bring something good to our world, although they risk its peace, violate its foundations?

Let's try to answer the question. A man differs from an animal in that, in addition to instincts, he is guided by the call of the heart; in addition to material values, he has high, spiritual. Therefore, to justify the suppression of one's need for self-expression, in disputes, in contradictions with the instinct of self-preservation, the desire to save one's own skin, can be considered a betrayal of oneself. After all, living in a world that is safe, but hypocritical and imperfect, is not the best of options development of events. Realizing how categorically these words sound, I would like to note that this opinion is deeply subjective. But if you read these words and look at this problem from this point of view, you certainly cannot disagree.

It is impossible to deny after all the above arguments that this proverb can be classified as controversial. Discussions on its subject will continue forever, and it will never be possible to come to a compromise or a general conclusion, because any point of view has its pluses and minuses and has the right to be called correct.

But the only important thing is that we clearly understand that the proverb carries a positive meaning and, although formulated in such a way that it cannot satisfy absolutely everyone, calls to keep our home, the Earth, safe and sound for ourselves and our children. A striving truly worthy special attention and effort.

But perhaps we can achieve peace and harmony among all mankind not in the way that the words “A bad peace is better than a good quarrel” assert, but through open discussions, freedom of speech and tolerant attitude to others, respect for other people's opinions. To do this, it is important to remember: do not judge the correctness of someone's judgments until you look at the situation from his side.

On this page: about the meaning (meaning) of such an expression as "A bad peace is better than a good quarrel."

As soon as the first reports about the planned meeting between the presidents of Russia and the United States appeared in the near future, the sworn opponents of the normalization of Russian-American relations became noticeably more active. English edition The Times reported on London's concern about the prospect of full-fledged negotiations between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump before the NATO summit and the visit of the American leader to the UK.

As practice shows, Foggy Albion has mastered a wide arsenal of means of torpedoing the Russian-American dialogue and cementing the disintegrating Euro-Atlantic alliance. That is why at any moment we can expect another “Skripal case” with quite predictable consequences.

Russian-American relations are also met with no less active opposition within the United States itself.

Kings, as they say, are made by retinue. Presidents too. In fact, Trump is bogged down to the waist in the very Washington bureaucratic swamp that he so convincingly promised his voters to drain. You can, of course, wait until November, when the incumbent will finally be able to form a Republican "pro-Trump" majority in the midterm congressional elections. Indeed, at present, an amazing situation has developed in the American political community: having achieved the election of its head of state and having a formal majority in both chambers, the "ruling party" continues to impede the full implementation of the key points of Trump's election program. Starting with the open sabotage of such odious characters as John McCain and Lindsey Graham, and ending with the less vocal, but no less effective opposition from almost the entire old Republican establishment.

First of all, this concerns the establishment of a constructive dialogue with Russia. Add to this the outright disregard for Trump's instructions to arrange a meeting with Putin after the APEC summit in Vietnam, which was reported by The Washington Post and you get a pretty good picture of the state of affairs in the current American administration.

As for Russia, we are still open to equal and mutually beneficial cooperation. Moreover, despite the sanctions regime, we are actively increasing exports to the United States: only for last year it increased by 17% to $17 billion. While Washington sold $7 billion worth of goods to Russia.

Good trade balance. In our favor. However, these figures are still insignificant compared to trade in Europe (about $250 billion), China (almost $100 billion) and other directions.

Given such microscopic economic dependence, it is not surprising that the Americans are not afraid to put the entire complex of Russian-American relations at risk. On the other hand, even interaction with the PRC, with a trade turnover of more than 600 billion, is undergoing a significant revision with the advent of the new American administration.

This is the main problem: the Americans are breaking the established and understandable rules of the game, which causes concern and nervousness in international relations.

Previously, the US has been the powerhouse, the main lobbyist, and, of course, one of the key beneficiaries of global free trade. Now by choice american president Washington takes the path of protectionism and, in fact, unleashes a trade war on all fronts: with Europe, China, even with its closest neighbors - Canada and Mexico. Russia, on the contrary, by promoting a pragmatic approach in international relations, is becoming one of the most consistent supporters of free trade.

As for the personal factor in the interaction between Russia and the United States, as long-term practice shows, it is simply good relations, or, as the Americans say, "chemistry", is not enough to establish an equal and constructive dialogue. We remember very well how well Vladimir Putin had a personal relationship with George W. Bush. Has this kept our American colleagues from expanding NATO, pulling out of the ABM treaty, and unceremoniously supporting “color coups” around our borders?

So it is today. The leaders of Russia and the United States still speak complimentary and even warmly about each other. The American establishment continues to ridicule Trump's inability to “squeeze out of himself” something at least minimally harsh against Putin. However, things are still there: relations between countries remain at the lowest level for the whole modern history Russia.

And we can not say that this situation does not suit us at all. After all, even Americans are already beginning to understand why we do not regret the time when Russian President greeted with applause in US Congress, and in Russian government agencies almost openly worked CIA personnel. We have not yet forgotten what disasters this "friendship" with the United States has turned out to be for our country.

That is why modern Moscow will prefer a clear delimitation of spheres of influence that does not infringe on either Russian or American interests. We are always ready to take into account the American point of view, even if it contradicts ours, but we do not intend to play a destructive "zero-sum game" with the United States.

However, in the end we are ready for the most worst case development of events, in which between our countries, in fact, there will be nothing left but what is necessary to prevent incidents in the military and other spheres.

We have different goals, values ​​and outlook on the world. However, from our point of view, this does not at all prevent us from restarting the “peaceful coexistence” format instead of destructive confrontational scenarios.

Better a lychny peace than a belt court. A straw world is better than an iron fight. Wed A bad peace is better than a good quarrel. Wed Chemnitzer. Two neighbors. Wed As you will not be able to flounder, so you involuntarily remember the Russian proverb: a bad world is better than a good fight. M... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

Dictionary Ushakov

1. WORLD1, world, pl. worlds, m. 1. only units. the universe in its totality; the system of the universe as a whole. Theories about the origin of the world. The myth of the creation of the world. Ptolemaic system of the world. Copernican system of the world. || All life is in infinity; everything, that… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

THIN, thin, thin; bad, bad, bad. 1. Skinny, lean, with dry, lean muscles; ant. fat, full. "He was terribly pale and thin." Lermontov. "She was as thin as a skeleton." Dostoevsky. “Under the blue Cossacks were clearly outlined ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

1. THIN, oh, oh; thin, ah, oh; thinner. 1. Having a thin, lean body (about a person and an animal); skinny. Haha brunette. H. boy. Get skinny. What a th dog! Hood, like a match, a sliver, a knitting needle. 2. Deprived of the subcutaneous fat layer (about the body or ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

App., use. often Morphology: thin, thin, thin, thin and thin; thinner 1. A thin person is called a person who has a naturally thin, lean body, or an animal that, due to hunger or illness, has sunken sides, a small fat layer, etc. ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

thin- I a / i, o / e; thin, a /, o; thin / e see also. thinness 1) Having a thin, lean body (about a person and an animal); skinny. Haha brunette. Bad boy. Get skinny... Dictionary of many expressions

THIN 2, oh, oh; thin, thin, bad, worse and thin; worse; worst (obsolete and colloquial). Same as bad (in 1 value). bad times. H. peace is better than a good quarrel (last). Bad (adv.) hears. Without saying a bad word (about something bad, undesirable: nothing ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

THIN, oh, oh; thin, thin, bad, thin and thin; thinner. Not fat, not plump. Thin body, face. Skinny hands. | reduce skinny, oh, oh. II. THIN, oh, oh; thin, thin, bad, thin and thin; worse; worst (obsolete and colloquial). Same as bad (in 1 value) ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Main article: Repertoire of the Moscow Maly Theater Here is a list of productions of the Moscow Academic Maly Theater of Russia for the 19th century ... Wikipedia


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Usually offended by the closest - husband (wife), brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren. Whatever they do, it's not right. They promised to call at three, but they called at five - an insult. They said that they would arrive in the evening, but they arrived at night - an insult. And it doesn’t matter that traffic jams, they didn’t keep their word! We bought seedlings, but not those - again disappointment. Look, Ivanov's children brought what kind of seedlings: heroes, not seedlings. And these - scumbags, even ashamed to show the neighbors. After such a "meanness" is not just an insult, but an insult in the square!

Pride, age or disease?

In Orthodoxy, resentment is considered an echo of pride: a person does not want to enter into the position of another, considers himself superior to the rest. Therefore, there is only one cure - humility and repentance.

Psychologists have a different explanation. They believe that by resentment, we demonstrate dependence on the opinions of others. For example, a friend said that you have recovered a lot, and you took it and got offended. Thus, showing that this topic is painful for you (by the way, it’s better not to fall for such provocations, but try to turn everything into a joke: then people will not have a desire to discuss your appearance).

There are other reasons for resentment. For example, with age, most people become vulnerable and sensitive. Any trifle can unbalance them, any little thing can make them suffer and be offended.

And someone resentment appears in the background serious problems with health, in particular, senile dementia. However, in this case, there are other symptoms: deterioration of memory, attention, inability to perform the usual actions.

Don't hold a stone in your bosom

However, getting stuck in a state of resentment is dangerous: negative emotions eat away at the body. Chronic resentment can provoke the development of ulcers, bronchial asthma, visual impairment, obesity. Doctors have noticed that most often resentment rebounds through the heart and blood vessels, increasing the risk of hypertension, heart attack and stroke.

California scientists once conducted an experiment dividing 200 volunteers who survived in the past strong resentment, into two groups: those who forgave the offenders, and those who did not forgive. Subjects were asked to recall a painful episode. Scientists at that time controlled them blood pressure and heartbeat. Those who were still angry with the offender had a sharp increase in blood pressure and pulse. And for those who forgave, deviations were not observed. From which the researchers concluded: it is dangerous not only to be offended, but also to accumulate resentment in the soul - then they turn into a heavy burden. So learn to forgive!

To understand and to forgive

It is important to remind yourself more often that you will not have other parents, another sister, other children or grandchildren. Therefore, we need to take care of each other. Listen. Hear. Understand. Put yourself in the place of another.

It is important not to forget that in any quarrel, both parties are to blame. And even if your own contribution is minimal, still try to understand and forgive the offender. No one forces you to immediately throw yourself on his neck or pretend that nothing happened. But mentally forgive, letting go of anger, is a must.

If the offender has repented and is looking for ways of reconciliation, all the more it is worth reconciling. Haven't you offended anyone in your life, even unwittingly? Your offender, too, could do this not from evil - he didn’t understand you in the right way or didn’t realize what pain he causes with his words or actions.

There are not many worries

But what if they take offense at you? For example, an old mother thinks that you pay little attention to her. Think about it, maybe she's right? In this case, double your care: call more often, come to visit, bring food, small gifts, help with cleaning. And there will be fewer reasons for resentment.

If you see that an elderly relative is not only offended by everything in a row, but some oddities have appeared in his behavior (for example, he got it into his head that his son-in-law wants to ruin him), if he stopped recognizing his relatives, he hardly understands new information, address to the psychiatrist. In this case, it is necessary to fight not with increased resentment, but with the disease (the first step is to eliminate disturbances in the brain).