Lviv in the city. Modern history of lviv

The city of Lviv is located on the territory of the state (country) Ukraine, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent Europe.

In which region (region) is the city of Lviv located?

The city of Lviv is part of the region (oblast) Lviv region.

A characteristic of a region (region) or a subject of a country is the possession of the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other settlements that are part of the region (region).

Region (region) Lviv region is administrative unit state of Ukraine.

The population of the city of Lviv.

The population in the city of Lviv is 725,202 people.

Year of foundation of Lviv.

Year of foundation of the city of Lviv: 1256.

What time zone is Lviv in?

The city of Lviv is located in the administrative time zone: UTC + 2, in summer UTC + 3. Thus, you can determine the time difference in the city of Lviv, relative to the time zone in your city.

Telephone code of the city Lviv

Telephone code Lviv city: +380 32. To call Lviv city from mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +380 32 and then directly the subscriber's number.

Official site of the city of Lviv.

Website of the city of Lviv, official website of the city of Lviv or as it is also called "Official website of the administration of the city of Lviv":

Flag of the city of Lviv.

The flag of the city of Lviv is the official symbol of the city and is presented on the page as an image.

Coat of arms of the city of Lviv.

In the description of the city of Lviv, the coat of arms of the city of Lviv is presented, which is hallmark cities.

The glory of "the most Ukrainian of Ukrainian cities" has firmly entrenched behind Lviv. It is from here that Ukraine is constantly being taught how to really be Ukraine, and not "Little Russia". But here interesting fact: Lviv itself became a Ukrainian city relatively recently and solely thanks to Soviet power, which the Galician national patriots curse at every opportunity. Among these allegations important place Russification occupies - they came, they say, "Muscovites-occupiers i Russified the Ukrainian city of Lviv."

For example, in the 1930s only a few hundred immigrants from Russia lived in Lvov, and by 1989 the number of Russians in the city had reached 127,000 people; Until 1939, there was not a single Russian school in Lvov, and after 50 years there were 24 of them. Here it is - Russification of "Ukrainian Lvov"! And some even complain that "Muscovites" have occupied luxurious apartments in prestigious areas of the city, evicting... Ukrainians from there. And the influx of the Russian population, and the emergence of Russian schools under Soviet rule, all this happened. But was this process to the detriment of the Ukrainians? Was it accompanied by a reduction in the number of Ukrainians in the city, a decrease in their social and professional status? And was Lviv a Ukrainian city at all before the establishment of Soviet power in Galicia?

January 27, 1938 at a meeting of the statistical commission of the "Scientific Association named after Shevchenko" in Lvov Dr. Vladimir Ogonovsky made a presentation on the topic "National, social and professional structure of the population of Lvov according to the census of December 9, 1931." The text of this report was published in 1938 in the form of a pamphlet entitled Lviv in Numbers. Based on the information in this brochure, total strength The population of the city as of December 9, 1931 was 312,231 people. According to the confessional basis, this population was distributed as follows:

Greek Catholics 49.747 people. or 15.9%
Orthodox 1.077 people or 0.3%
Roman Catholics 157.490 people or 50.5%
Moses (i.e. Jews) 99.595 people. or 31.9%
other 4.322 people or 1.4%

As for the distribution according to nationality, it should be noted that nationality then, as before in the days of Austria, was determined by the spoken language. The composition of the population of Lviv "shchodo movi nayblizhchoi" looked like this:

Ukrainians 24.245 people or 7.8%
Rusyns 10.892 people or 3.5%
Poles 198.212 people or 63.5%
Jews 75.316 people. or 24.1%
other 3.566 people or 1.1%

An explanation is required here, why the number of Ukrainians and Rusyns is indicated separately, and what this means

In the past, the term "Russians" was a generic name for the Great Russians, Little Russians, Belarusians, i.e. for all Eastern Slavs who once lived in the territory ancient Russia. (In Russia, after the revolution of 1917, the Bolsheviks left the name "Russians" only for one of the branches of the Russian people - for the Great Russians, and the Ukrainians and Belarusians were officially recognized individual peoples, which rendered an invaluable service to local nationalists.)

Also indigenous people Galician Rus called themselves Rusyns, Russians. In the second half of the XIX century. among the Galician Rusyns, a demarcation took place into the so-called Starorusyns, who, remaining on the soil historical tradition, recognized themselves as part of a single Russian people (the Poles called the supporters of this movement "Muscovites") and the Young Rusyns or Ukrainophiles, who accepted the idea of ​​a separate Little Russian (Ukrainian) people. Gradually, the Ukrainophiles abandoned the name "Rusyns", at first calling themselves Rusyn-Ukrainians, and then simply Ukrainians.

In Austrian times, the term "Ukrainians" was not officially recognized as a designation of nationality and served as the name of a certain political movement among the Galician Rusyns. Only during the First World War, when the Galician-Russian ("Muscovite") movement in Galicia was defeated, did the Austrian authorities recognize the term "Ukrainians" as a designation of nationality.

But after the First World War, the Galician-Russian movement revived again, and in Poland in 1931, as we see, both names were used. At that time, Ukrainians already predominated, who in Lvov more than doubled the number of those who continued to consider themselves Rusyns.

At the same time, according to the population census of 1931 in three voivodeships - Lvov, Tarnopol and Stanislavovsky, the overall preponderance of Ukrainians over Rusyns was not so great, since among the Greek Catholics in these three voivodships, 1,660,826 people classified themselves as Ukrainians, Rusyns - 1.116.166 people.
It also requires clarification of the fact that the total number of Ukrainians and Rusyns outnumbered Greek Catholics. This is a consequence of the fact that nationality was determined by language, and means that the rest of the Greek Catholics gave their spoken language Polish and classed as Polish nationality. This also explains why there are fewer Jews than those of the Mosaic religion, and more Poles than Roman Catholics.

Among the inhabitants of Lviv, people who consciously considered themselves Ukrainians were only 7.8%, but in the calculations carried out by Dr. indicated, 15.9% of the total population of Lviv.
What was then the social and professional structure of the population of Lvov?
The number of literate among Poles and Jews older than 10 years reached 92% in Lvov, among Ukrainians - 77%. Among working Ukrainians, 73% were workers physical labor, among Poles - 50%, among Jews - 32%. Workers mental labor among working Poles and Jews there were 20% each, while among Ukrainians only 7%.
Poles in Lviv dominated in the administration (71%), in transport and communications (76%), in education and industry. Jews dominated trade - 62%; 27% of Poles were employed in trade, 11% of Ukrainians. In the legal profession, notaries, among practicing doctors, Jews accounted for 71%. while Ukrainians are 7% each.

But 45% of all Ukrainians were employed as domestic servants, Jews - 4%. Of the working Ukrainian women, 64% worked as domestic servants, of the working Poles - 25%, of the Jews - 5%. As for the richest residents of the city, those who used hired labor, they and their families accounted for 6% of the total population of the city, 11% of the Jewish, 4% of the Polish and 2% of the Ukrainian population.

Summing up, the speaker described the situation of Ukrainians in Lviv as follows (translated from Ukrainian):
“Consequently, Ukrainians in Lvov are mainly young, free (i.e., not married - L.S.), emerging, not very literate, mostly working element. For 30,000 of all Ukrainians and Ukrainian women who earn in Lvov, there are 9,700 servants, 2,000 watchmen, 1,400 unskilled workers and 9,000 skilled workers and craftsmen. a large number, and as for 11% in trade, there are half of the watchman for 4,000 Ukrainians ... There is nothing to say about intelligent professions. Even in industry, Ukrainian workers and artisans play a certain role, but as a hired force.

Anyone who is able to objectively analyze the above figures will easily understand what place the Ukrainians occupied in Lviv in the 30s of the 20th century. By national composition Lviv was then a Polish-Jewish city, and in no way Ukrainian. The Ukrainians were inferior to the Poles and Jews not only in numbers, but also significantly lagged behind them in terms of their social and professional level.

By the way, about fashionable apartments in prestigious areas, from where the Ukrainians were allegedly evicted. If before 1939 a Ukrainian appeared there, it was only as a servant. Poles and Jews, who then occupied these apartments, could complain about the eviction. But Lvov Jews during German occupation exterminated by the Nazis. After the war, the Soviet authorities forced the Lvov Poles to leave for Poland.
So the city lost its Polish-Jewish character...

Now the Galician nationalists call the Soviet power "Moskal", Russian power, trying to blame the Russians for all the responsibility for the repressions of Stalin's times. However, no matter how anyone tries to present it, Soviet power was not inherently Russian power. This is evidenced by the fate of the Galician Rusyns.

In spite of heavy losses, suffered by the Galician-Russian movement during the First World War, in the 30s more than a million Galicians considered themselves Rusyns, Russians, part of the Russian people in the old, traditional meaning this concept. And if the power that came to the lands of Galician Rus in 1939 was Russian power, it would, logically, have to support the Galician-Russian organizations in every possible way, to promote the spread of the idea of ​​Russian unity in Galicia. However, these organizations were closed and Soviet officials all Galician Rusyns were forcibly, against their will, recorded as Ukrainians.

Of course, in 1939 the Soviet regime also closed down the Galician-Ukrainian organizations that existed by that time. But Ukrainian nationalists had a strong base abroad, where they continued their activities. In Soviet Ukraine, the authorities made every effort to destroy even the memory of the existence of the Galician-Russian movement, of people who, being persecuted by the Polish and Austrian authorities, remained faithful to the idea of ​​the national and cultural unity of Russia.

Thus, what the Poles could not do, suppressing "Muscophilism" in the 19th century, what the Austrians could not do, sending tens of thousands of Galician Rusyns to executions and gallows during the First World War, behind the barbed wire of Talerhof and into the casemates of Terezin, then did the Soviet government - finally eradicated the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bRussian unity in the minds of the Galicians ...
As construction progressed in post-war Lviv industrial enterprises, opening new educational institutions, the population of the city grew, and for the most part at the expense of the Galicians, immigrants from countryside who, having received education and a specialty in Lviv, joined the ranks of the working class and the intelligentsia.

So it was under Soviet rule that Lviv turned into Ukrainian city, where Ukrainians have become the numerically predominant nationality, and in professional attitude they stood out not by the number of domestic servants and watchmen, but took their rightful place in industry, science, education, medicine, etc.

The assessment of the actions of the Soviet government in Galicia cannot be unambiguous. One can consider this as a kind of historical paradox, but it is a fact that the Soviet regime, which mercilessly fought against Ukrainian nationalism, practically fulfilled those main tasks that the Galician nationalists were not able to solve on their own.
He tore off Galicia from Poland and evicted the Poles, liquidated the Galician-Russian organizations and registered all Galician Rusyns as Ukrainians, created industry and science, trained local national personnel for them, and then calmly left the stage, presenting a farewell gift to the nationalists in the form of an "independent Ukrainian powers" and, in particular, leaving behind really "Ukrainian mysto Lviv".

The tower of the city hall now has a blue and yellow flag, monuments Soviet era basically demolished and the streets renamed, "Muscovites" were purged from the leadership, Russian schools are being finished off - success is evident! That's just the industry of Lviv is steadily sliding down to the level at which it was in the days of Poland, and thousands of Galicians, leaving the "Ukrainian city of Lviv" with its blue and yellow flags and renamed streets, again master the profession of domestic servants in Western countries.

Still, in the 30s, a Lvov Ukrainian did not need to be hired as a laborer or a servant to a Pole, according to at least, make out international passport, but now it has to. And because of these "damned Muscovites" - Galicia was torn off from Poland, and now the Ukrainians are toiling ...

- these epithets are rightfully awarded to Lviv by those who have ever been in it. The definitions are different, but one thing unites them: they all speak of the Europeanness of the city, and this Europeanness does not carry any gloss, pretense, and excessive pomposity. Lviv is a unique city. It is here that you can feel the breath of the Old World, which will take you back to the era when Europe was the center of all the most advanced on Earth. " Lion City"gave the world such notorious personalities as Yuri Bashmet, Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, Anzhelika Varum, Leonid Yarmolnik, Grigory Yavlinsky. Lived in Lvov for 30 years with short breaks younger son Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Franz Xavier. It was he who stood at the origins of the first Lviv musical society "Cecilia", which became the core of the future Lviv Philharmonic. Most of the scenes of the film "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers" were filmed here. At the same time, Lviv is the most Ukrainian city. The share of the titular ethnic group in the structure of the population is 90%, which is one of the most high performance for Ukraine .

Lviv region


756,618 people

XIII century, the first mention dates back to 1256

Population density

4157 people/km²

Ukrainian hryvnia


UTC+2, summer UTC+3

Postal code

International dialing code

Climate and weather

Lviv is characterized by a temperate continental, humid climate with an average temperature of -3.4 °C in January and +17.5 °C in July. The weather here is characterized by high relative humidity throughout the year, and fogs are not uncommon in cold weather. Meteorological calling card the city can be called "Lviv's little mzhychka" - a fine rain with high humidity, which can be observed at any time of the year.


Lviv was founded on Poltva river, inflow buga. Now it flows under the main city highways - under Svobody, Shevchenko, Chornovol Avenues. The most high point cities - mountain high castle(409 m).

Lviv cannot be called a classic stone jungle. Quite the opposite. More than 20 parks, two of which are monuments of landscape art national importance, two botanical gardens and 16 natural monuments will dissuade all doubters.


Lviv is an ideal place for lovers of cognitive recreation. By the number of architectural sights, museums, monuments, the city will give odds even to the most ancient settlement civilization.

For my long history Lviv belonged different states: he was part of Galicia-Volyn principality, Austria-Hungary, Poland , USSR. He survived many military troubles, civil strife and conflicts, but managed to preserve his architectural treasures. Unless time has shattered the walls of houses, but this only made them more attractive.

In 1998, the historical center of Lviv was included in the list historical heritage UNESCO, and the city itself is declared cultural capital Ukraine, so it is already a landmark in itself and rightfully bears the nickname Museum city.

Given the fact that Lviv is replete with historical values, we will focus only on the most remarkable ones. Among them - Cathedral of St. George(built in the 18th century) - the main Uniate cathedral of the city, a classic example of baroque; Market Square with the city hall, palaces of the nobility and merchant houses, Museum of Furniture and Porcelain, Museum-Pharmacy; high castle co observation deck and a park on the site of an unpreserved castle in the immediate vicinity of the historic city center; Lviv academic theater opera and ballet, built in 1900; Lychakiv cemetery, which received the status of a historical and cultural reserve in 1990; The Freedom Avenue— the central street of Lviv, the most elegant and sophisticated in the city; Brewery Museum, the first in Ukraine; Lviv Museum contemporary art "Salo", the world's only museum of lard. Having visited Lviv, you will understand that this is not a complete list of objects that deserve the attention of a tourist.


Gourmets Lviv will definitely not disappoint. The owners of the local restaurants and cafes show miracles of ingenuity and creativity in order to attract a client. Sometimes there is even too much creativity, and the catering establishment turns into an art object, an ethnographic museum, or something like that.

Enjoy national cuisine in an atmosphere of authentic Ukrainian design, you can in the Seven Pigs restaurant. Despite following folk traditions The service here is European, and so are the prices: dinner will cost no less than $13 per person. But after a meal at Seven Pigs, you won’t be sorry to part with your hard-earned money, because Ukrainian dishes are served here that you won’t find in other restaurants in Lviv, and maybe in the whole country.

You should definitely visit the oldest coffee house in Lviv - "Vienna Coffee House", where you will be pampered with Austro-Hungarian dishes and aromatic coffee for $1.5-5. You can taste Jewish cuisine and enjoy communication with the colorful local staff at the Galician Jewish Kneipp. Distinctive feature: there are no prices in the restaurant menu, you need to bargain. Stay in the center Western Europe you can by visiting the Lviv restaurant "Europe", which will offer the client classic dishes of the Old World cuisine at an above-average price. It would be unforgivable not to visit the unique restaurant-brewery "Kumpel", which in the local jargon means "druzhban". Here you can taste live beer, hot beer and even beer ice cream. Another reason to go to Kumpel is the menu of traditional Galician dishes that every guest of Lviv should try.


Lviv can offer guests three main accommodation options: hotels, hostels and private apartments. Prices for accommodation in Lviv hotels depend on the type of accommodation and distance from the center. A single room in a cozy comfortable hotel in the heart of the city will cost $45 per day. At the same time, in areas far from the center, a double apartment in an establishment with low-level service and furnishings will cost $30.

You can stay in a Lviv hostel for $7 per person in a six-bed room. Almost all institutions of this type can offer you different kind services: food delivery, laptop rental, 3G modem and others. And in some hostels you can use free Wi-Fi, household appliances, laundry services, etc. The price of a bed here, of course, is higher - from $ 12.

The third option makes it possible to spend time in Lviv with maximum comfort for a relatively reasonable fee. Luxury apartments will be available to you for $40-50 per day.

Entertainment and recreation

Lviv is a sightseeing city, there is something to see and learn about. There are a lot of options for the content and thematic focus of excursions: Jewish heritage of the city, coffee shops and restaurants, High Castle, Lychakiv Cemetery, Opera and Ballet Theatre, Lviv museums and, finally, a sightseeing tour of the city.

Young and fashionable, thirsty for music and fun, will not be bored in Lviv either. Despite all its historical uniqueness, the city is European-style rich in nightclubs and pubs with a decent level of service. Entertainment center "Mi1000" and will offer you several types of exciting pastime at once: billiards, bowling, karaoke, darts, poker, dancing.

Children, and not only them, will be satisfied with the visit water park "Beach". This is the only one in Western Ukraine a complex that combines sports and recreation.


The most popular place for shopping in Lviv is shopping and entertainment center King Cross Leopolis which is a seven minute drive from the city center. Clothing, shoes, accessories, goods for children, appliances and electronics, souvenirs, Construction Materials and food products - all this can be found in King Cross Leopolis. And another 15 cafes and restaurants, a bowling club, beauty salons, a skating rink, the Leopark amusement park, a 7-screen cinema ... In this land of entertainment and shopping, the whole family can have fun all day long.

There are also many shops in the city. quality clothing from European and national designers. And the price level here is quite acceptable. In the season of discounts, you can really save a lot and buy unique author's things.

In some ways, shopping places can be called a huge flea book market, as well as a Chocolate Workshop, where you can buy handmade sweets.

You should not worry about souvenirs either: there are plenty of shops and shops with national products in Lviv. Worth a visit first "Vernissage"- a spontaneous market for local artisans, souvenirs and antiques. In this regard, the gallery-salon "Mom's Svetlitsa" is also interesting, where you can buy embroidered shirts and towels, Hutsul ceramics and jewelry and many other interesting little things that will remind you of have a nice trip in unique Lviv.


The transport infrastructure of Lviv is quite developed. The international airport is located 6 kilometers from the city center. At the service of passengers is also the main gate of Ukraine to Europe - Lviv railway line, one of the oldest in the country.

Urban transport is represented by trams, trolleybuses, buses, fixed-route taxis. The subway is currently under development.

Do not rent a car: almost all central part The city is lined with basalt paving stones, on which it is extremely difficult to move by car.

In principle, if you want to appreciate the historical uniqueness of Lviv, it is better to move on foot: the locals will be happy to tell you the way. And it’s very difficult to get lost here, unless, of course, you go deep into the sleeping areas.


More than 70 post offices of the city are available from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays, and on weekends - until 16:00. Everywhere on the streets, in underground passages and restaurants there are Ukrtelecom telephone boxes. Some of them accept coins, others accept phone cards, which, by the way, can be purchased at any post office or newsstand.

Mobile communications in Lviv are provided by MTS and Kyivstar.

Almost all hotels and many hostels provide the opportunity to use the Internet: for free or for a fee. There are also such options when the cost of the service is already included in the room fee. Many cafes and restaurants provide Wi-Fi access. Do not lose sight of the Internet cafes, which Lviv has in sufficient quantities.


The level of crime does not go off scale, but at the same time, it is not worth acting carelessly on the street. Lviv has a very peculiar attitude to the rules traffic: Pedestrians appear on the roadway out of nowhere, and drivers are extremely focused on the safety of their own car due to bad city roads, so everything else cares little for them.

Business climate

For 12 years now, an economic forum has been held in Lviv. Its goal is to attract the attention of investors to the city and the region. However, the business climate is not getting any milder, and every year guests of the forum talk about it. The main reason for this is the pressure from power structures, cumbersome tax system, corrupt officials. Nevertheless, the state allocates Lviv key role in raising investment attractiveness throughout Ukraine, since the city is the country's gateway to Europe.

At present, one resident of the Lviv region accounts for $1,200 of foreign investments, most of which are of Polish, Cypriot, and Austrian origin. Businessmen invest mainly in financial activities real estate transactions, production and distribution of electricity, gas, food, beverages and tobacco products, and more.

Real estate

The situation on the Lviv real estate market in recent times improved significantly. It is becoming fashionable to acquire an island of Europe in the form of square meters. Price square meter depends on the type of building and its distance from the center: on the outskirts of the city - $ 800-900, in prestigious new buildings, as well as in old Austrian houses located in the historic center of the city - $ 2000-2500. At the same time, in the heart of the city, you can find an apartment at an incredibly low price. The fact is that behind a beautiful old facade you can see wooden floors, common balconies and bathrooms.

There is an opinion that in Lvov, very often there are only nationalists and Bandera, and they have an extremely unfriendly attitude towards Russians. However, every action gives rise to opposition, therefore, showing sympathy and positive for local residents you can expect the same response.

Rules of conduct in in public places are no different from European ones.

Lviv is certainly worthy of attention in itself. But the city is also famous for various original holidays and festivals: Pampuha in January, Chocolate Festival in February, Batyar Day in May, Beer Festival in June, Etnovyr in August, Coffee Festival in September, Christmas Fair in December and many others. If you are lucky enough to visit at least one of them, consider that you have seen the real Lviv.

The history of Lviv is one of the most interesting. Already from the 5th century AD, settlements existed on the site of the city of Lviv, this is evidenced by archaeological finds. History of Lviv quite confusing. Most likely, these lands belonged to the Great Moravian state. And already in the X century they began to claim Kievan Rus and Poland. According to historical chronicle, in 981 they were recaptured by Vladimir the Great. The first mention of the city of Lviv dates back to 1256. It is believed that Lviv was founded only in the XIII century by Prince Daniel of Galicia, but there is a theory according to which the history of Lviv originates during the reign of the son of Daniel of Galicia.

The history of Lviv in legends is a romantic legend of the origin of the name of the city of Lviv.

This legend of the history of Lviv says that a long time ago, high mountains there were small villages. Peasants took refuge in the mountains from enemies. But one day people began to disappear. It turned out that the king of animals, the lion, was stealing them. Panic gripped all the villages. Later, a brave knight appeared. He promised to kill the predator. The knight asked to make him armor and a very strong sword so that no one would break them. The peasants worked day and night, but failure awaited them.

And then a stranger appeared. He said he knew how to destroy the beast. The Stranger said: prick the little finger of all girls with a needle. And fill the vat with blood. Then you need to dip weapons and armor there. And so it was done. After that, the lion with enchanted armor could not do anything. And the knight cut off the head of a fierce lion, and then planted it on the sword and showed it to the peasants.

You are free! The Knight said.

Since then, the mountain where this story took place has been called the Lion Mountain, and the city that grew under the mountain was called Lvov. The history of Lviv is amazing, this city has absorbed many different stories and legends.


The history of the foundation of Lviv goes back into the mists of time. In the XIII century. he became the capital of the Galicia-Volyn principality, it was then Grand Duke Danilo Galitsky gave the city the name of his son Leo. Prince Lvov in those distant times was located at the foot of the Castle Hill.

In the second half of the XIV century - the beginning of the XV century. the center of the city moved to the area of ​​the present Rynok Square. Its territory was closed by fortress walls with towers and gates. Due to its location at the crossroads of major European routes, Lviv quickly became an important economic and shopping mall. Such outstanding events, as the printing of the first book in Ukraine, the launch of the first hot air balloon, first electric tram. Another interesting moment in the history of the city was that there were three church metropolises on its territory - Greek Catholic, Roman Catholic, Armenian.

Modern Lviv plays an important political, cultural and economic role in the life of Ukraine. The central sights of Lviv are a real museum under open sky, no wonder this historical part the city was included in the list of monuments of the world cultural heritage UNESCO.

Climate and weather

Lviv is characterized by a temperate continental, humid climate with an average temperature of -3.4 °C in January and +17.5 °C in July. The weather here is characterized by high relative humidity throughout the year, and fogs are not uncommon in cold weather. The meteorological visiting card of the city can be called "Lviv's little mzhychka" - light rain with high humidity, which can be observed at any time of the year.


Lviv was founded on the Poltva River, a tributary of the Bug. Now it flows under the main city highways - under Svobody, Shevchenko, Chornovol Avenues. The highest point of the city is Mount High Castle (409 m).

Lviv cannot be called a classic stone jungle. Quite the opposite. More than 20 parks, two of which are monuments of landscape art of national importance, two botanical gardens and 16 natural monuments will dissuade all doubters.


Lviv is an ideal place for lovers of cognitive recreation. In terms of the number of architectural sights, museums, monuments, the city will give odds even to the most ancient settlement of civilization.

During its long history, Lviv belonged to different states: it was part of the Galicia-Volyn principality, Austria-Hungary, Poland, and the USSR. He survived many military troubles, civil strife and conflicts, but managed to preserve his architectural treasures. Unless time has shattered the walls of houses, but this only made them more attractive.

In 1998, the historical center of Lviv was included in the UNESCO list of historical heritage, and the city itself was declared the Cultural Capital of Ukraine, so it is already an attraction in itself and rightfully bears the nickname Museum City.

Given the fact that Lviv is replete with historical values, we will focus only on the most remarkable ones. Among them are the Cathedral of St. George (built in the 18th century) - the main Uniate cathedral of the city, a classic example of the Baroque; Market Square with the city hall, palaces of the nobility and merchant houses, a museum of furniture and porcelain, a pharmacy museum; High castle with an observation deck and a park on the site of an unpreserved castle in the immediate vicinity of the historic city center; Lviv Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre, built in 1900; Lychakiv cemetery, which received the status of a historical and cultural reserve in 1990; Svobody Avenue - the central street of Lviv, the most elegant and sophisticated in the city; Brewery Museum, the first in Ukraine; Lviv Museum of Contemporary Art "Salo", the only museum of lard in the world. Having visited Lviv, you will understand that this is not a complete list of objects that deserve the attention of a tourist.


Gourmets Lviv will definitely not disappoint. The owners of the local restaurants and cafes show miracles of ingenuity and creativity in order to attract a client. Sometimes there is even too much creativity, and the catering establishment turns into an art object, an ethnographic museum, or something like that.

You can enjoy national cuisine in an atmosphere of authentic Ukrainian design at the Seven Pigs restaurant. Despite following folk traditions, the service here is European, and accordingly, the prices are the same: dinner will cost no less than $13 per person. But after a meal at Seven Pigs, you won’t be sorry to part with your hard-earned money, because Ukrainian dishes are served here that you won’t find in other restaurants in Lviv, and maybe in the whole country.

You should definitely visit the oldest coffee house in Lviv - the "Vienna Coffee House", where you will be pampered with Austro-Hungarian dishes and aromatic coffee for $1.5–5. You can taste Jewish cuisine and enjoy communication with the colorful local staff at the Galician Jewish Kneipp. Distinctive feature: there are no prices in the restaurant menu, you have to bargain. You can visit the center of Western Europe by visiting the Lviv restaurant "Europe", which will offer the client classic dishes of the Old World cuisine at an above-average price. It would be unforgivable not to visit the unique restaurant-brewery "Kumpel", which in the local jargon means "druzhban". Here you can taste live beer, hot beer and even beer ice cream. Another reason to go to Kumpel is the menu of traditional Galician dishes that every guest of Lviv should try.


Lviv can offer guests three main accommodation options: hotels, hostels and private apartments. Prices for accommodation in Lviv hotels depend on the type of accommodation and distance from the center. A single room in a cozy comfortable hotel in the heart of the city will cost $45 per day. At the same time, in areas far from the center, a double apartment in an establishment with low-level service and furnishings will cost $30.

You can stay in a Lviv hostel for $7 per person in a six-bed room. Almost all institutions of this type can offer you various kinds of services: food delivery, laptop rental, 3G modem, and others. And in some hostels you can use Wi Fi, household appliances, laundry services, etc. for free. The price of a bed here, of course, is higher - from $ 12.

The third option makes it possible to spend time in Lviv with maximum comfort for a relatively reasonable fee. Luxury apartments will be available to you for $40-50 per day.

Entertainment and recreation

Lviv is a sightseeing city, there is something to see and learn about. There are a lot of options for the content and thematic focus of excursions: the Jewish heritage of the city, coffee houses and restaurants, the High Castle, the Lychakiv Cemetery, the Opera and Ballet Theatre, Lviv museums and, finally, a sightseeing tour of the city.

Young and fashionable, thirsty for music and fun, will not be bored in Lviv either. Despite all its historical uniqueness, the city is European-style rich in nightclubs and pubs with a decent level of service. The entertainment center "Mi1000" will offer you several types of exciting pastime at once: billiards, bowling, karaoke, darts, poker, dancing.

Children, and not only them, will be satisfied with visiting the water park "Plyazh". This is the only complex in Western Ukraine that combines sports and recreation.


The most popular place for shopping in Lviv is the shopping and entertainment center King Cross Leopolis, which is a seven-minute drive from the city center. Clothes, shoes, accessories, children's products, appliances and electronics, souvenirs, building materials and food products - all this can be found in King Cross Leopolis. And another 15 cafes and restaurants, a bowling club, beauty salons, a skating rink, the Leopark amusement park, a 7-screen cinema ... In this land of entertainment and shopping, the whole family can have fun all day long.

The city also has many quality clothing stores from European and national designers. And the price level here is quite acceptable. In the season of discounts, you can really save a lot and buy unique author's things.

In some ways, shopping places can be called a huge flea book market, as well as a Chocolate Workshop, where you can buy handmade sweets.

You should not worry about souvenirs either: there are plenty of shops and shops with national products in Lviv. First of all, it is worth visiting "Vernissage" - a spontaneous market for products of local artisans, souvenirs and antiques. In this regard, the gallery-salon "Mother's Room" is also interesting, where you can buy embroidered shirts and towels, Hutsul ceramics and jewelry and many other interesting things that will remind you of a pleasant trip to unique Lviv.


The transport infrastructure of Lviv is quite developed. The international airport is located 6 kilometers from the city center. The main gate of Ukraine to Europe is also at the service of passengers - the Lviv railway line, one of the oldest in the country.

City transport is represented by trams, trolleybuses, buses, fixed-route taxis. The subway is currently under development.

You should not rent a car: almost the entire central part of the city is lined with basalt paving stones, which is extremely difficult to drive on.

In principle, if you want to appreciate the historical uniqueness of Lviv, it is better to move on foot: the locals will be happy to tell you the way. And it’s very difficult to get lost here, unless, of course, you go deep into the sleeping areas.


More than 70 post offices of the city are available from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays, and on weekends - until 16:00. Everywhere on the streets, in underground passages and restaurants there are Ukrtelecom telephone boxes. Some of them accept coins, others - phone cards, which, by the way, can be purchased at any post office or newsstand.

Mobile communications in Lviv are provided by MTS and Kyivstar.

Almost all hotels and many hostels provide the opportunity to use the Internet: for free or for a fee. There are also such options when the cost of the service is already included in the room fee. Many cafes and restaurants provide Wi-Fi access. Do not lose sight of the Internet cafes, which Lviv has in sufficient quantities.


The level of crime does not go off scale, but at the same time, it is not worth acting carelessly on the street. Lviv has a very peculiar attitude to the rules of the road: pedestrians appear on the roadway out of nowhere, and drivers are extremely focused on the safety of their own car due to bad city roads, so they care little about everything else.

Business climate

For 12 years now, an economic forum has been held in Lviv. Its goal is to attract the attention of investors to the city and the region. However, the business climate is not getting any milder, and every year guests of the forum talk about it. The main reasons for this are called pressure from the authorities, the awkwardness of the tax system, and the corruption of officials. Nevertheless, the state gives Lviv a key role in increasing the investment attractiveness of the whole of Ukraine, since the city is the country's gateway to Europe.

At present, one resident of the Lviv region accounts for $1,200 of foreign investments, most of which are of Polish, Cypriot, and Austrian origin. Businessmen invest mainly in financial activities real estate transactions, production and distribution of electricity, gas, food, beverages and tobacco products, and more.

Real estate

The situation on the Lviv real estate market has recently improved considerably. It is becoming fashionable to acquire an island of Europe in the form of square meters. The price per square meter depends on the type of building and its distance from the center: on the outskirts of the city - $ 800-900, in prestigious new buildings, as well as in old Austrian houses located in the historic center of the city - $ 2000-2500. At the same time, in the heart of the city, you can find an apartment at an incredibly low price. The fact is that behind a beautiful old facade you can see wooden floors, common balconies and bathrooms.

There is an opinion that in Lvov, very often there are only nationalists and Bandera, and they have an extremely unfriendly attitude towards Russians. However, every action gives rise to opposition, therefore, showing sympathy and positive towards the locals, you can count on the same response.

The rules of conduct in public places are no different from the European ones.

Lviv is certainly worthy of attention in itself. But the city is also famous for various original holidays and festivals: Pampuha in January, Chocolate Festival in February, Batyar Day in May, Beer Festival in June, Etnovyr in August, Coffee Festival in September, Christmas Fair in December and many others. If you are lucky enough to visit at least one of them, consider that you have seen the real Lviv.