Sergei Yesenin fog. "Blue mist

Sincerity, simplicity, brilliance distinguish the poetry of S.A. Yesenin. All of it creative way-comprehension of the human soul, Russian character. Especially philosophical reflections on the meaning of life, the purpose of man and the inevitability of fate visit the poet's lyrics in last years his life.

One of these works is the poem blue mist. snow expanse”, which was released in 1925 a few months before mysterious death poet. Main theme works - reflection a hero about a life that has passed far from his native home. Returning home after a long absence sets the tone for the sad story.

Six quatrains seem to outline the life of the hero around. Secret escape from the house in a hat made of cat fur, the porch of a lonely hut upon return. The present and the past are intertwined in a thin thread in the work.

The poem is unusual in comparison with other works of the poet in its composition. It does not have a dynamically developed plot, bright colors surrounding nature. Night, cold moonlight, the porch of the hut - Yesenin's creation begins with this. The strength of the author's experiences is conveyed by repetitions both at the beginning of the lines (in the fifth and sixth quatrains) and within the lines, as if emphasizing the significance of what is happening.

The internal struggle of the hero with himself is clearly not visible, but it is worth reading the lines as you can replace spiritual contradictions. The hero who ran away from home returns to him as a persecuted wanderer, lonely and forgotten by everyone.

An important role in the poem “Blue fog. Snow expanse” play images. The poet, who considered himself a native of a simple village people, Father's house presents in the form of a hut with its own rules and way of life. The most devoted watchman in the house is the dog, and it is present in the work, personifying loyalty to its small homeland.

In just a few terms, the life of the hero is reflected. Leaving the house in a poor hat, he returns in a sable one. This speaks of the wealthy position of a person in society. But he is not happy with wealth, the past with his relatives is dearer to him. Never return the past, but the memory has preserved images of the distant past, where he was surrounded by his family. It is the memory that remains of a person when he leaves for another world. And where, if not at home, it is preserved for many generations.

The end of the work seems to lead readers to the idea that a person on earth is a temporary creature and no matter what position he occupies, the end is the same for everyone. The author says goodbye to his native home, as if saying goodbye to everything earthly, to everything that is so dear to his heart. Forever only cold moonlight and blue fog.

In the later works of S.A. Yesenin philosophical theme life and death are present in many works. The death of the poet remains a mystery that has not been solved to this day. In his works, the poet anticipates close care from life, so his poems are filled with the deepest philosophical meaning.

Option 2

The cordiality, artlessness and brightness of the images are distinctive feature Yesenin's poems. Passing his creative path, the poet tried to comprehend human soul and character of the Russian people. Philosophical approach to the search for the meaning of life, the fatality of fate is characteristic in the late period of Yesenin's work.

One of the poems late creativity became Blue Mist. main topic poems are the hero's thoughts about the life that has passed away from his native village. Returning home after a long absence, the hero notices that no one remembers him anymore.

Six quatrains are connected by a figurative circle that circles the life of the hero. Leaving home in a poor hat made of a cat and the porch of an empty hut after returning. The present is intertwined with the past.

"Blue Fog" in comparison with other poems has a peculiar composition. It lacks dynamics, bright colors. Anaphoras in the fourth and fifth quatrain reinforce the meaning of everything that happens.

The struggle inside the hero with his own self is not noticeable, but if you delve into the essence of the lines, you can see a spiritual disagreement. The hero who left the house returns already lonely, forgotten by all, a wanderer. And only the dog that met him on the porch is the personification of loyalty to his small homeland.

With the help of a few lines, the poet manages to reflect the life of the hero. Leaving the house in a hat made of a cat, he returns already in a hat made of sable, which indicates the acquired fortune and occupied public position. But wealth is not able to bring a person the joy that the past and relatives give. There is a feeling of emptiness, images of the past appear only in memory, which makes the hero experience deepest longing about what was lost.

The final part of the poem suggests that a person's life is a temporary process and its outcome is the same for everyone, regardless of their position and status.

Lyrical hero coming on native land says goodbye to everything that was dear to his heart. He feels that he will never visit these places again.

AT last poems Yesenin, due to the philosophical meaning, one feels emergency care from life.

Analysis of the poem Blue fog. Snow expanse according to plan

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"Blue fog. Snow expanse..."

Blue fog. snow expanse,
Subtle lemon moonlight.
The heart is pleased with quiet pain
Something to remember from my early years.

The snow on the porch is like quicksand.
Here, with the same moon without words,
Pushing a hat from a cat on his forehead,
I secretly left my father's firewood.

Again I returned to my native land.
Who remembers me? Who forgot?
I stand sadly, like a persecuted wanderer,
The old owner of his hut.

Silently I crumple a new hat,
I don't like sable fur.
I remembered my grandfather, I remembered my grandmother,
I remembered the graveyard loose snow.

Everyone calmed down, we'll all be there,
As in this life, for the sake of not for the sake of, -
That's why I'm so drawn to people
That's why I love people so much.

That's why I almost cried
And, smiling, the soul went out -
This hut on the porch with a dog
It's like I'm seeing it for the last time.

Yesenin's poem S.A. - Blue mist. Snow expanse...

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"Blue mist. Snow expanse ... "Sergey Yesenin

Blue fog. snow expanse,
Subtle lemon moonlight.
The heart is pleased with quiet pain
Something to remember from my early years.

The snow on the porch is like quicksand.
Here, with the same moon without words,
Pushing a hat from a cat on his forehead,
I secretly left my father's firewood.

Again I returned to my native land.
Who remembers me? Who forgot?
I stand sadly, like a persecuted wanderer,
The old owner of his hut.

Silently I crumple a new hat,
I don't like sable fur.
I remembered my grandfather, I remembered my grandmother,
I remembered the graveyard loose snow.

Everyone calmed down, we'll all be there,
As in this life, for the sake of not for the sake of, -
That's why I'm so drawn to people
That's why I love people so much.

That's why I almost cried
And, smiling, the soul went out -
This hut on the porch with a dog
It's like I'm seeing it for the last time.

Analysis of Yesenin's poem "Blue Fog. Snow expanse ... "

In the 1970s and 1980s, versions appeared that Yesenin was killed, and did not commit suicide. In committing cruel reprisals against the poet in different time literary envious people, Jews, Chekists were accused. Sometimes truly fantastic versions were expressed. One of the most original ideas- Sergei Alexandrovich was killed somewhere, subsequently transferring the body to a room in the Leningrad Angleterre hotel. However, there is no theory yet, apart from the officially accepted one, which would be in full accordance with the facts. The fact is that at the end of 1925 state of mind the poet left much to be desired. For about a month, he underwent treatment at the Moscow Psychoneurological Hospital, from which he went to Leningrad. On the eve of his departure, Sergei Alexandrovich visited his relatives in order to say goodbye.

Yesenin's desire for death was clearly manifested in his work. In lyrics relating to the period from 1923 to 1925, many times we are talking about suicide. Even more often the poet speaks of his imminent death. An example is the philosophical poem “Blue Fog. Snowy expanse ... ”, dated the end of September 1925. Through the ring composition, Yesenin shows a vicious circle human life. In the work, the lyrical hero returns to his father's house. At the same time, he recalls how he once left his native hut, pulling his “hat from a cat on his forehead.” Many years have passed since fundamental changes. Some relatives and close people have passed away lyrical hero. But he managed to become wealthy. But the new hat made of expensive sable fur was not to my liking.

In the poem there are several images characteristic of Yesenin's poetry - a village hut (a symbol of a native home), a dog (the personification of devotion). Once again, a stranger appears. He appeared in early lyrics Sergei Alexandrovich. This image was born from the poet's childhood memories: together with his grandmother, Yesenin went on short pilgrimages.

In "Blue Fog. Snow expanse ... "the landscape is static - at the very beginning a description is given winter night, and then nothing changes. It is interesting that usually Sergei Alexandrovich showed nature in dynamics. Perhaps, in the poem under consideration, the immobility of the painted picture is connected with the stop of the lyrical hero - he freezes in order to comprehend his life, reflect on the theme of death, think about the past and the future.