Vengeful people. Touchy person: how to communicate with him? Revenge is a destructive feeling or a necessary decision

Probably, it is not necessary to comment much that there are vengeful people who will not miss the opportunity to answer the offender, to take revenge, so to speak.
Some say that revenge is the lot of the stupid and narrow-minded, and you should not pay attention to them. Others argue that the vengeful are the most dangerous adversaries.
Who says that it is easier to make friends with the vengeful.
How to deal with vindictive people? Are they afraid?
Or, really, these people are not quite healthy and should be treated with understanding?
Your opinion.

The question is very interesting. I don't think you should be afraid of revenge. Because if you are a kind person and do no harm to anyone, then this revenge will not cause you anything bad, but will return like a boomerang to the one who wishes you harm. It seems to me that revenge does worse than that the person who takes revenge, not the one who is being avenged. Because this evil eats him - he thinks about how to take revenge, he has no peace in his soul.

Well, ideally, in order for you not to take revenge, you do not need to do what it is, for which they can take revenge. And if some kind of conflict has already turned out, then you need to try to resolve it without reaching a sense of revenge.


Everything would be fine, but revenge reflects badly on the mood of people. Not everyone can resist her. This is what the one who takes revenge counts on.

How to behave if you are being retaliated?

Here, it seems to me, it all depends on the specific circumstances and the cause of revenge.

If the reason is not serious, and revenge is petty and aims only to spoil you and ruin your mood or career, try not to pay attention or have a serious talk with the "avenger" - perhaps the cause of revenge is a misunderstanding or something else that can be discussed and corrected.

Well, if the reason for revenge is serious and the actions of the avenger threaten your or someone else's safety, poison your life, force you to change your established lifestyle, then don't wait until you have a heart attack or a brick falls on your head - go to law enforcement with a statement about the threat to your life and health ...



"Seriously talk to the avenger?" - sometimes this is not possible, because some people give themselves rights and powers, and it does not reach them that they are acting ugly.
I think such "pests" later pay in cash. Just when they don't expect it at all.
Correctly written here - evil always returns.

How to behave if you are being retaliated?

When one person takes revenge on another, then there is a reason. And it is worth thinking about this to the person who is being avenged. What did he do so badly, for which such a reaction subsequently went. First, you need to change something in yourself so that in the future, there will not be too many avengers.
Secondly, these people are simply not worth paying attention to. Those who take revenge, first of all, want to bring a person to emotions, make him suffer and experience, as the avenger experienced and suffered.

You need to learn to treat everything calmly, with a certain amount of a joke, in the form of entertainment (once again laugh and be positive), ignore it. True, this may take some time, but the result will not be long in coming.
You can somehow talk with the offender, clarify the situation and dot the “and”, in some cases you can even ask for forgiveness and leave in a good way. I would not continue to communicate with such people, once he began to take revenge, reconciled, he can also the second time (having already studied weak spots) hit harder.

The mood is spoiled by the fact that a person spoils it for himself, by the fact that he violently reacts to revenge. Until we stop taking everything that surrounds us with all seriousness and a storm of emotions, we will continue to be provocative and self-suggest to ourselves that revenge is a terrible thing.
The main thing is to calmly and adequately treat what is happening.

But revenge, of course, is different, it can also come to murder. In this case, before doing something, you must first think so as not to cause a reaction of revenge on the part of the offender. This is where the police can save you.
Unreasonable revenge cannot be a priori.
Ignore, calm perception of what is happening and everything will be fine. And best of all, remove this person from your "contacts" list. Good luck!


I have always been interested in people who at first will make a mess, and later they offer to dot the "i" and forget past grievances.
There are no other laws in the energy field. Energy cannot disappear, it just goes into another energy. So it is in relationships.
As they say, "as it comes around, so ... it will yaknet (respond)".
I very much agree that it makes no sense to communicate with vengeful people, because you can make mistakes once or twice, and when a person messes with permanent basis, then, no matter how they talk to him, sooner or later he will do it again :-) With a sweet smile on his face and with words of politeness. Nature is so vindictive

In almost every situation, both sides are to blame. One side began, the other did not ignore, but became like it. Then the situation becomes dire. Someone starts blaming someone. There is no smoke without fire

Revenge (I do not mean blood feud, dictated, by the way, by ignorant and wild laws) on household level- this is a nasty property of mentality inherent in nasty petty natures. It is hard to imagine that a decent person who respects himself would stoop to mean and vile revenge. Why go far. We have characters on the site who specifically create several accounts for themselves in order to slowly spoil decent people ...

In order not to go into this controversy and not write an answer, I would rather turn to the Great Ones and their assessment of vindictiveness. From this it is already possible to draw conclusions about what kind of fruits are "vindictive" and what they are eaten with)). And here are the Great ones, I will break them so that the text does not merge ...

The topic is almost revealed, and again - thanks to the great and wise.
I wonder how they advise you to behave when dealing with vindictive people?

Some advise like this: Socrates, because of his constant disputes, often received insult by an action, to which he treated with complete calmness: having once received a kick, he patiently took it down and said to the surprised witness: “If a donkey kicked me, would I become sue him?

Some advise so
Socrates, because of his constant disputes, often received insult by an action to which he treated with complete calmness: having once received a kick, he patiently took it down and said to the surprised witness: “If a donkey kicked me, would I begin to sue him?” ??.

But it’s more productive, like this, this is typical of such people, a parable: The cat cornered the scorpion, which decided to defend itself to the end.
- Spare me! Spare me! You can catch a thousand other creatures and get more reward than a mouth full of shell fragments. If you let me go, I will tell you a secret.
The cat, curious as all cats are, bent down and the scorpion whispered something in her ear.
The scorpion was released and the cat returned to its owner.
As soon as the man took her in his arms, she seized the moment and, with all her newfound skill, launched her claws into the owner's hand. No scorpion could have done better.
The man put the cat in a bag and threw it far into the river.

You can take revenge!
The telephone dialer is what really helps to get revenge. Continuous dialing to mobile or home will make anyone go crazy).

Revenge is a dangerous thing.

People are different and the revenge emanating from them can be anything.
Therefore, it is worth being on the alert.
The best thing to do is to try not to bring things to such a state.
If possible, then immediately understand and solve all problems.
But sometimes it is impossible to do this, and then you will have to solve the problem in other ways.
There are enough levers of influence and it is up to you to decide how to behave in such a situation.
You can not react to revenge (if revenge is petty and dirty), or you can turn to the law (if revenge becomes dangerous).

As you understand, in this "fork" there are other ways to solve this issue.

Fair revenge can take place, for example, if it is revenge on a traitor.

Revenge out of envy, malice is not fair revenge. You need to stay away from such people, not depend on them in anything, but it is best to stop any relationship with them once and for all, even to the point that these people should not know your place of residence.

And when thoughts of revenge become obsessive, then this person should be urgently referred to a psychiatrist.


How to behave if you are being retaliated?

I know that kind, smart, self-sufficient, spiritually rich, beautiful and healthy in soul and body (yes-yes!) people will never take revenge.
Therefore, for yourself it is worth making a psychological portrait of the one who takes revenge on you.
It is unlikely that a beautiful, educated, literate woman who is successful with the opposite sex, or who has a beautiful figure, knows how to dress stylishly, has no material problems, etc., will begin to take revenge.
It will not even enter her head, because there will be no time.
Here you need to smile, work here, help a child here, joke here, chat there, support your husband. When to take revenge?
And some "Baba Yaga" will do it with pleasure. What does Baba Yaga have? One tooth, and that one is rotten, a hump, a mustache and a full bag of anger.
No one loves or will love her. And so it goes on knurled))

Well, you can behave differently. You can say directly "you are Baba Yaga and no one loves you," or you can troll benevolently. For example, saying "how cute or smart or gifted you are (alternatively).
I, perhaps, for humor. Wasting energy on vengeful is not the most the best activity. And then, they are just waiting for their "program" to work.
Drafting psychological portrait and humor!


How to behave if you are being avenged, probably, the degree of closeness with a person is important here.

It's one thing if it's a family member. Here it is necessary to clarify relations with a person, to solve some problems.
It’s hard if this is a work colleague and takes revenge not for something specific, for the harm done to him, but simply if you are luckier, more competent, etc., that is, out of envy. In my experience, in this case, it is impossible to appease a person, because it is impossible to eradicate the problem in him. Here, probably, ignoring the person as far as possible will help, and connecting the authorities to this problem, otherwise you can then find yourself in a very unfavorable light.

And so, perhaps it is best not to contact such people, not to maintain relationships, not to try to prove or change something.

It happens that you really offend someone, then the person takes revenge, ask for forgiveness - does not react. Here it is worth accepting as a fact, as I think, to come to terms with this decision, the will of another person. And defend yourself with a clear conscience. It happens, at least with me, that you begin to “forgive” such actions, as it were, saying to yourself: “well, yes, I offended, now he has the right to behave this way.” Here is a big mistake.

I believe that no matter what we are, and no matter what we have done, we have the right to forgiveness and do not deserve revenge. There shouldn't be revenge at all.

Make friends with those who avenge you... Are you serious? Can you really make friends in this case? I don’t believe it ... Is it possible to pretend to be a friend, then to take revenge in turn. And become like this character.

What to do? Finding out the relationship, as a rule, is a disastrous business. You can try, but once or twice. Did not work out? So it won't work.
Trying to remake an adult - well, you yourself understand ...
Those. it is unlikely that the situation could be corrected. What remains? Accept it and finish for yourself. Those. move away from this person, delete him from life. Ignore is the best way out.

Well, let him puff up there, try ... The main thing is that this does not hurt you internally. You're right? This is the main thing.

How to behave if you are being retaliated.

What did they do, dear, if you are afraid of revenge. So the offense that you caused to the avengers is great. It might be better to ask them for forgiveness. Like, I was unreasonable, please excuse me. So you are gnawed by the thought of answering for what you have done. The best way go to church and confess.
Any person in itself is not vindictive and can understand any situation. But if the thought of revenge does not leave him and he tries to take revenge, then it is you who are to blame for this and not the avenger. There are no such people who, due to stupidity, will waste their time on revenge. Each person is born for love and happiness. And if an outsider got into someone else's life with his snout, spoiled, ruined everything in it, then, of course, vindictiveness woke up. And even more so if his life has changed cardinally and there is no improvement, then this person, by the will of fate, becomes vindictive towards you. And whatever you do, you will have to answer according to the severity of the law of life. Sorry for both of you. Although if he forgives, God will never forgive. And in any case, the answer will overtake at the most inopportune moment, regardless of whether you have been forgiven or not. The answer will have to be before God.

The most reasonable answer to you is to ask for forgiveness from the one whom you have harmed. Ask for a long time and ask again, and confess in the church after forgiveness. Only your notion of evil itself will God forgive you.

Unpleasant features of vindictive people

In 2008, the magnificent film-drama "Departed" was released. He shocked the audience. The film tells about young man Daigo, who has not seen his father since childhood. I didn't even remember his face. Daigo held a grudge against him for leaving his family when he was very young. Many years later, Daigo meets his father... dead. Only then does he realize that he has forgiven him. Only then does he realize how much he loved and how much he wanted to meet, talk, how often he painted his image and recalled the minutes spent with him.

What guided a young man named Daigo all these years? What feelings did you experience? Why couldn't he gather his will into a fist and met with his father? Why couldn't he forgive, let go of this offense at least in his soul?

Of course, the Daigo case has its own motives and its own ending. But the point is that similar stories not uncommon. For years, people harbor pain, resentment and anger in themselves, thereby destroying myself.

My mother has a friend who quarreled with her own sister and did not communicate with her for 8 years. When they passed by, they pretended not to know each other. Their children also did not communicate. It wasn't until years later that they finally reconciled. And the first thought they had was “why didn’t we do this sooner!?”

I have always been interested in this topic because it touched me personally. I had a fight with my cousin, and we haven't seen or heard from each other for 10 months. I tried to reconcile with her, but it was all in vain. I will not describe the cause-and-effect relationships here, I will say one thing: all these three stories are completely different, however, there are similarities. Pride, weakness, stubbornness, resentment, anger? Or all of the above? Why do the people described above behave the way they are guided by, what are their priorities, are their characters similar?

Looking through the literature on the topic of pride, resentment, stubbornness and anger, I found something in common. matched description vindictive people. What can we say about them?

A person's ability to remember emotionally rich events depends on a single gene, neuroscientists from the University of Zurich recently found out. According to Nature, carriers of a certain version of the ADRA2B gene are much better at remembering both positively and negatively colored events in terms of emotions.

Researchers in Germany have found that vindictive people are much more likely to experience failure in life. And, conversely, people who know how to forgive are more likely to be lucky.

It turned out that vindictive people have far fewer friends and are almost always dissatisfied with their lives.

It turns out that vindictive people are similar. Typically, these are people with thin lips, long nose, narrow chin.

The most vindictive in terms of astrology are Taurus.

It's hard to agree, but vindictive people live much longer than "good" people. According to professor clinical psychology and neurotherapy by Evgeny Shaposhnikov, vindictive people have well-developed protective psychological mechanisms, for example, the displacement of the "voice of conscience" from consciousness. Feelings and interests of others are indifferent to them, and this allows them to avoid stress.

So, it can be concluded that the poor fellows are unhappy. The only thing that is debatable is their long life. After all, there is so much bile and negativity inside them. Many resentful people are constantly waiting for an excuse to react to something they might feel annoyed or anxious about—and they never have to wait long. “This is outrageous!” they say. “How dare you!”, “This is outrageous!”. They are also tied to bad habit get upset, or angry, like others to a drug. By reacting to this or that, they affirm and strengthen their sense of self.

Anger is a strong negative emotion., associated with some event, sometimes from the distant past, supported by obsessive thinking, talking about this story to oneself or aloud like “this is what he did to me” or “this is what he did to us”. Resentment pollutes other areas of life.

It takes honesty to see if you're harboring resentment.

Do not try to let go of your rancor. When you try to let go, try to forgive, it doesn't work. If you see that rancor has no other purpose than to strengthen your false sense of self, then forgiveness happens naturally.

I wish you right today, right now, to forgive everyone you have hurt. Forgive everyone who offended you. After all, it is not in vain that there are days of forgiveness that call you to this! Truly think before it's too late, and finally become stronger, because as Gandhi said:

The weak cannot forgive. Forgiveness is a property of the strong .

Daria Schukina

We have all experienced betrayal or strong resentment when consciousness becomes foggy, it burns in the chest and it is difficult to control one's actions. Negative emotions are inherent in people - such is human psychology. Sometimes it is very difficult to forgive offenders, so thoughts of revenge creep in. Before serving this "cold dish", try to analyze your feelings and understand what the psychology of revenge is.

The psychology of revenge: what is this feeling? How does it affect health?

Psychology books define revenge as a looping painful state in which a person wants a one-sided return. He passionately desires to inflict the same pain on the offender as he himself experienced through his fault. Sometimes, trying to justify himself, a person assures himself that he is fighting for justice. And he even begins to think that this is a righteous feeling.

But when a person embodies his insidious ideas, metamorphoses begin to occur to him. The desire for revenge begins with uncontrolled attack aggression, which is similar to an internal explosion. It is accompanied by a surge of strength, a charge of vivacity appears. When pride is hurt, a “fire” flares up inside - such is human psychology.

When a person decides to take revenge, he loses control over himself. This feeling completely absorbs him, enslaves his thoughts. The desire to take revenge is feverish throughout the body, makes you commit rash acts. A person is filled with negativity and cannot “cool down” and understand that the offender is not worth such a reaction.

The reason may be absolutely insignificant. It all depends on the psychology of a person, his character, temperament, perception of the world around him. People who live in harmony with themselves rarely have a desire for revenge.

Unsure of themselves and dependent on the opinions of others, people are more likely to think about revenge. It goes along with envy, and not everyone is calm about other people's victories. An embittered person wants to ruin the life of a successful person - such is his psychology.

The desire for revenge may arise after betrayal, injustice. People hatch a plan of revenge for a long time, cherish it. But after they put it into practice, they are not satisfied. They are gnawed by longing, they experience mental suffering. The psychology of revenge is that euphoria ends quickly. Therefore, it is worth working on yourself in order to live in harmony with your “I” and those around you.

To get rid of revenge, you have to overcome yourself. Our thoughts determine actions - this is human psychology. Therefore, start thinking positively, try to let go of resentment. It may not be possible right away, but it’s worth trying - it will become much easier for you to live, you will get rid of a heavy mental burden.

It is important to understand that revenge is the source big problems. It brings emotional suffering to both sides of the conflict and does not give happiness to anyone. Therefore, you need to learn to calculate the consequences of your own actions. What will you achieve? What benefit will revenge bring to you?

It often happens that after revenge comes a bitter feeling of regret - read books on psychology, and you will understand that this is an inevitable phenomenon. It's even sadder when a "cunning plan" doesn't work out the way you planned, with dire consequences. Think about whether it makes sense to sink to the level of your opponents? Are their dubious methods of interaction so good?

There is another psychology of revenge. While you are dreaming about setting up a strict boss, or wresting your husband from your best friend, you are depressed and upset. But in reality, you only add problems to yourself: you quarreled with a neighbor, yelled at your children, got angry at an ATM that was slowly dispensing money.

If a person loses harmony, any little things irritate him. And when we are negatively disposed, we attract troubles to ourselves - such is psychology. As a result, health deteriorates, fails nervous system, the person becomes vile and embittered.

Having done a dirty trick, people constantly expect a retaliatory strike - naturally, this destroys the psyche. And if the enemy is stronger, then you will make yourself a toy in his hands. The thirst for revenge is a destructive feeling, but you can get rid of it if you make an effort.

Direct your negativity in a peaceful direction: study something new, do what you love. The advice of doctors boils down to the following: meditation, yoga, exercises in the gym help well, be sure to read books on psychology. As soon as you let go of the past, changes for the better will not take long. You will begin to enjoy life, conquer new heights, improve relationships with others.

It will be easier for you to let go of resentment if you stop denying your emotions - this is what psychology books say. You have the right to be angry and even hate, but this does not mean that you need to take revenge. When you rethink what is happening and take it for granted, then the unnecessary burden will leave your soul.

The psychology of revenge is such that it fills every cell of your body. Therefore, get rid of the desire to avenge a short time will not work. Fill yourself with goodness and positivity every day, and negative thoughts will recede.

Revenge has always been considered one of the main driving forces human emotions. There are at least eight theories that explain why people want revenge.

Firstly, this is the so-called protective function of revenge. According to this theory, acts of revenge make it clear to the potential aggressor that, if attacked, the victim is able to stand up for themselves and retaliate. This is how potential victims protect themselves from possible attacks in the future.

Secondly, revenge is supposed to have a "pleasurable function". famous psychologist Karen Horney (1885-1952) wrote about the "triumph of vengeance" - the feeling of excitement and elation that accompanies the act of revenge and which a person seeks when thinking revenge.

Third, revenge "restores a sense of pride."
Fourthly, revenge "helps the subject undo the shame and humiliation brought to him."
Fifth, it "helps overcome feelings of loss or deprivation."
Sixth, it "eliminates or reduces the painful aspects of sadness about failure." The Italian psychiatrist Franco Fornari (1921 - 1985) wrote about the "paranoid development of sadness" that suppresses mental suffering through aggression.
Seventh, revenge "intensifies the feeling dignity subject." As psychiatrist Salman Akhtar writes: “Despite the fact that revenge is often considered socially unacceptable, in some cases it has a beneficial effect on the victims of injustice. The act of revenge turns the victim from a passive observer into an active one. actor. It gives him a sense of control and enhances his self-esteem.”
Eighth, revenge "allows the release of anger." Psychiatrist David Lotto writes that after the September 11 attacks in the United States, there was a widespread reaction in the form of resentment and a desire for revenge: high level indignation. For the most part, anger was expressed in the form of intellectual discussions, but its power and tension were very palpable.

This is a feeling of injustice that gnaws at a person from the inside. Revenge is what pushes people to terrible deeds in order to punish injustice.

Revenge: concept

Revenge is a feeling or act that harms internal state a person, it induces a person to terrible actions, the purpose of which is to cause harm in return.

The main reason pushing an individual to take revenge is injustice through the fault of another person. The thirst for revenge is quite dangerous psychological condition, it can live in the mind of a person for a very long period of time, until he takes revenge.

Is revenge a destructive feeling or a necessary solution?

Everyone deals with revenge differently. Someone considers it a manifestation of selfishness and intolerance to the peculiarities of the behavior of others. And someone is sure that revenge is necessary for the psychological peace that comes when the offender got what he deserved. What is revenge for you? Evil or necessity? You decide for yourself.

Revenge is a necessity that can lead to calm, peace, psychological balance, which was violated by injustice, resentment, evil and other negative emotions, actions. For some, revenge is a triumph over injustice, because each of us faces it. There are those who believe that everything bad will come back to us like a boomerang. They believe that it is precisely revenge that will help this, that it is with its help that evil will be punished by evil in return.

We are all different, some easily forgive insults, others cannot forget about it and start living as if nothing had happened. Such people usually delve into themselves, each time they recall a situation when a person was somehow hurt. It is these individuals who resort to revenge, there is nothing to judge them for. We are all different. Of course, you should not make revenge the meaning of life, but is the desire to respond to the offender really considered a terrible necessity?

On the other hand, some people may take offense out of the blue, after which they begin to figure out how to annoy the offender. They cannot forgive, forget, and be at peace until their desire for vengeance is satisfied. That is why there is an opinion that revenge is impossible. These are the people who need to ask themselves questions: “Will I lose my loved ones because of revenge?”; "Is the offender worthy of the time and effort spent?"

Revenge is a dish that should be served cold, but it takes a lot of time and effort. Does it make sense? Life is so short. Or is it better to forget everything, leave everything in the past? To learn the lesson that you learned from this situation, not to communicate with the person who humiliated you, offended you, or even worse?

Revenge or forgiveness is a purely personal matter, but is it worth what you can lose in the course of revenge?

Revenge is a must

Some peoples have such a thing as blood feud. Or, as you might call it, a vendetta. blood feud- a necessity inherent in the consciousness of people in ancient times. According to this principle, if one of your relatives was killed, then the killer must take revenge by taking his life. For a given period of time, blood feuds are still common in the countries of the Middle East.

Is it possible to cope with the desire for revenge?

The psychology of the feeling of revenge as a concept is very complex, it can be hidden under the desire for retribution, an answer for what has been done, in general, under noble concepts.

If you yourself do not want to blunt the desire for revenge, then it will not disappear, as if by a wave of a magic wand. In order to somehow help yourself overcome this obsession, you need to honestly answer a few simple, but at the same time difficult questions. But be as honest as possible with yourself:

  1. What is revenge? Just for you. It's a terrible feeling to deal with. Or is it a noble desire aimed at punishing the offender and establishing retribution.
  2. The reason why you want revenge. Do you want to prove your superiority or do you want the one who offended you to be in your shoes and feel how it hurt you?
  3. How will you feel when you get revenge? Joy, satisfaction or nothing?
  4. What will you get when you fulfill your plan of retribution? Will there be a benefit or can you lose something expensive? And is it worth it?

How vindictive are you?

Exist great amount tests to determine how vindictive you are. Below is a list of zodiac signs, detailing the degree of vindictiveness of each.

Aries. Likes to argue and win in every bet. Therefore, as far as retribution is concerned, he will try to compete, and moreover, to win against a person, and it is desirable that this be seen a large number of of people.

Taurus. "Revenge is a dish served cold" is about Taurus. He will hatch a plan of revenge for a long time, thinking over every detail. And when the plan is put into action, everything inside him will rejoice, although no one will see a drop of emotion on his face.

Twins. Spreading secrets, secrets, gossip - this is what Gemini uses when taking revenge on their enemy. They try to destroy the person as much as possible.

Cancer. By nature, very peaceful and a kind person, therefore, decides to forgive, not to take revenge. There will be a huge number of plans in his head to punish the offender, but he understands that he will hurt himself much more than him.

a lion. The best remedy with revenge - ignoring. This is what Leo is guided by. He immediately stops all contact with a person and demands the same from his environment.

Virgo. Does not go to the person face to face. He does everything on the sly, using various kinds of dirty tricks so that he is not exposed.

Scales. Humiliation - this is the tool Libra mainly uses. They try to humiliate a person, hurt his dignity. At the sight of the fact that the enemy is struck to the core, everything inside them begins to rejoice.

Scorpion. The most vengeful of all zodiac signs. For him, the most important thing is to clearly think over the plan of retribution, no matter how much time it takes. Scorpions take revenge slowly, gradually, which makes them more dangerous and unpredictable. Even if revenge took place, they will not be satisfied.

Sagittarius. Not a vindictive person, he tries to forget his offender and avoid communication with him so that he does not cause even more harm.

Capricorn. This is the second most vindictive of all the signs of the zodiac after Scorpio. He tries not to go directly to the enemy, but resorts to dirty tricks to set him up.

Aquarius. He does not know how to take revenge, like other signs of the zodiac, he prefers to forget everything, but communication with the offender will be rather strained.

Fish. So creative people, like Pisces, manage to express their anger or resentment in a more peaceful way. They will not directly humiliate the one who hurt them, but decide to bypass him.

What is vindictiveness?

Vengeance is negative concept, it is expressed in the desire to harm the person for the evil she has done, resentment, and so on. It is expressed in vindictiveness, unforgiveness, a sense of retribution and retribution.

Revenge is divided into two types: healthy and unhealthy. The first is expressed in the fact that the individual wants to stand up for himself in order to stop all attacks on him. The second is expressed in revenge before total destruction offender and inability to control himself.

Quotes About Revenge

"Revenge is a dish to be served cold."

"Revenge is almost the same as biting the dog that bit you."

"The best revenge is oblivion, it will bury the enemy in the ashes of his insignificance."

"Cold revenge tastes best."


What is revenge? Everyone decides for himself - the necessary retribution or the quality of the weak. Revenge is present in every nation, in every person. But some know how to suppress it and live on, enjoying every day. And someone will not be able to sleep peacefully until the offender is punished.