Funny statuses about work. Phrases about work

  • "Sometime later" - most dangerous disease which sooner or later will bury your dreams.
  • The trouble is, since the shoemaker will start the pies, and the pieman will sew the boots. Krylov I. A.
  • The Greatest sensual pleasure which does not contain any impurity and disgust, is, in healthy condition, rest after work. Kant I.
  • Any work is difficult until you fall in love with it, and then it excites and becomes easier. Gorky M.
  • Choose a profession you love and you won't have to work a day in your life. Confucius
  • Where man has shed the sweat of zeal, man will reap the fruits of immortality. Babur 3.
  • Genius may be just a fleeting chance. Only work and will can give it life and turn it into glory. Camyu A.
  • Deed without effort - only hands staining.
  • Thinking is the hardest job and therefore few people undertake it. Henry Ford
  • To live means to work. Labor is the life of man. Voltaire
  • Either don't take it, or finish it. Ovid
  • And after a bad harvest it is necessary to sow. Seneca
  • When a person has a lot of free time, he will achieve little. Xun Tzu.
  • Whoever wants to eat a nut must break the shell. Plautus
  • Who wants to work - looking for funds, who does not want - reasons. S. Korolev
  • To busy person idlers rarely visit - flies do not fly to a boiling pot. Franklin b.
  • The best job is a highly paid hobby.
  • The world is made up of slackers who want to have money without working and idiots who are willing to work without getting rich. Bernard Show
  • Find a goal, resources will be found. Mahatma Gandhi
  • The real job is the job you hate. Bill Watterson
  • The beginning is half of everything. Lucian
  • Do not complain to others about your life - change it for the better.
  • No invention can be perfect all at once. Cicero
  • Neither ingenuity, nor strength, nor wealth will help one who does not have zeal. Such a person is like a boatman who has everything in the boat except the oars.
  • A rolling stone gathers no moss
  • Trying is not torture. Beria
  • Try to get what you love, otherwise you will have to love what you got. George Bernard Shaw
  • Practice without theory is more valuable than theory without practice. Quintilian
  • If present, Paths do not stagnate. Lao Tzu
  • Slaves were given just enough food and clothing to keep them going. Nothing significant in the principles of salary formation has changed since then.
  • Work is the most important thing in life. From all troubles, from all troubles, you can find one deliverance - in work. Hemingway E.
  • Work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice, need. Voltaire
  • The work we do willingly heals pain. Shakespeare W.
  • The decisive role in the work is not always played by the material, but always by the master. Gorky M.
  • The hardest part of the job is deciding to start it. Gabriel Laub
  • The dog barks, the caravan moves on.
  • The average person is concerned about how to kill time, while the talented person seeks to use it. Schopenhauer A.
  • Try to work with those who are stronger than you. These are the people who will help you grow.
  • You will never make it to the end if you stop to throw a stone at every yapping dog.
  • Don't want to go to work in the morning? Open Forbes magazine and find your last name there. Didn't find it? Then get to work!
  • The whole is mastered in parts. Seneca
  • A person must work, work hard, no matter who he is, and in this alone lies the meaning and purpose of his life, his happiness, his delights. Chekhov A.P.
  • A person who works with his hands is a worker; a person working with his hands and head is a craftsman; but a person who works both with his hands, and with his head, and with his heart is a master of his craft. Louis Naiser
  • What goes around comes around. Cicero

Tags for quotes about work: Employment, work.

There is never enough time to get the job done right, but there is time to redo it. Meskimen's law

The whole load falls on the diligent horse. Thomas Fuller

Choose a profession that you love - and you will not have to work a day in yours. Confucius

If the head cooks, then everything burns in the hands.

Living failure better than dead masterpiece. D.B. Show

It is better to do a small part of the job perfectly than to do ten times more badly. Aristotle

AT Hard times from business people more sense than the virtuous. F. Bacon

Not to watch the workers is to leave your wallet open to them.

Public service is the last refuge of a slob. Boyce Penrose

Labor is not a virtue, but an inevitable condition of a virtuous life. L. Tolstoy

There are never big things without great difficulties. Voltaire

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. B. Franklin

As soon as you imagine that you are not able to do a certain thing, from that moment on it becomes impossible for you to do it. B. Spinoza

Just as movement excites the appetite, so work excites the thirst for pleasure. F. Chesterfield

Waking up in the morning, ask yourself: "What should I do?". In the evening, before falling asleep: "What have I done?". Pythagoras

If you don't like your boss, put yourself in his shoes.

We pretend to work because they pretend to pay us.

A person who works with his hands is a worker; a person working with his hands and head is a craftsman; but a person who works both with his hands, and with his head, and with his heart is a master of his craft. Louis Naiser

Work delivers us from three great evils: boredom, vice, and want. Voltaire

The hand is the tool of tools. Aristotle

Career - wonderful thing but she can't warm anyone in cold night. Marilyn Monroe

Believe me, only he is familiar with spiritual pleasure, Who has acquired it through labor and patience. Goethe I.

They earn bread with their hands, and butter with their heads.

Most the best workers not suitable for the most high positions, but they are good in supporting roles.

The client cannot simply be satisfied. The client must be satisfied!

How work harder the easier it is to get into it.

You cannot gain something without the other person losing something.

The day has many hours and you can only use this time for work. So why work hard for money! Learn to make money and people work for you so you can be free to do what is more important.

Difficulties await where you try to simplify.

Society is divided into two great classes: those who work to live and those who live to make others work.

Small business is commerce, medium business is commercial politics, big business- it's politics.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

If you successfully choose work and put your whole soul into it, then happiness will find you. Ushinsky K. D.

Those who work sitting and those who work standing are paid far less than those who work for themselves.

A good boss is the beginning of all beginnings, and a bad one is the end of all beginnings.

Who understood life - quit work.

You are not paid per hour, you are paid for the value you create in that hour.

The difficult must be made familiar, the familiar easy, and the easy pleasant.

. Only two stimuli make people work: thirst wages and the fear of losing her.

If you do not receive, then no one needs your work.

Work that is pleasant to us heals grief. Shakespeare W.

A person who is not engaged in business can never enjoy complete happiness, on the face of an idler you will always find the imprint of discontent and apathy.

Thinking is the hardest of jobs. That's probably why so few people do it.

Work is valued according to the results of labor, and not according to accumulated fatigue!

Not all loafers agree to sedentary work - others require recumbent work.

Who gets up early, God gives.

If you want to work - lie down and sleep and everything will pass.

Physical labor helps to forget about moral suffering. La Rochefoucauld F.

Who does not Moreover what he is paid for will never get more than what he gets.

A person achieves something only where he believes in himself.

Capable workers are valued, and executive and obedient -.

Work, don't be afraid of me - I won't touch you!

Work when you're sad, that's the only way to dispel sadness. Work so as not to fall into melancholy: nothing relieves a dull emptiness like work. Work when you are successful: there is no other cure for "vertigo" than work. Becher I.

To live like a human, you need to pay like a god.

To profit without risk, to gain experience without danger, to be rewarded without working, is as impossible as to live without being born.

Each profession has its own subtleties that are not visible to amateurs.

To live right means to work. When the machine is idle, it begins to corrode rust.

In any organization, work gravitates towards the self. low level hierarchy.

In our life, as in mathematics: the sum of their irresponsibility does not change from changing the positions of chiefs.

Qualification is what is required from lower employees. Senior officials are required to lack qualifications.

If everyone knew how to work, there would be no one to lead.

Children must learn to work with their hands, not their elbows.

Who sits on a salary, he can afford to sit, lie down and even sleep at work.

Don't let anyone or anything make decisions for you.

The most important thing in every business is to overcome the moment when you do not want to work. I.P. Pavlov

The other in second place shines, and his brilliance is reflected in the one who takes first place.

Idlers can be divided into two categories: a car without an engine, an engine without a car.

If in affairs they always agree with each other, then one of them is superfluous.

For results to exceed your expectations, don't expect too much.

Don't wait for someone to do even the most petty work. The people around you are super lazy, and even more - deceitful.

Collection funny statuses and aphorisms about work.

I came to work to work. Instead of answering stupid questions - why am I sleeping here drunk ...

On a work day, nothing decorates the dial like the number 18.

Making a career, she was merciless - she went over the heads (sometimes over the heads).

I wrote my resume... I printed it out... I re-read it... I burst into tears... It's a pity to send such a person to work

Laziness - natural state person. Those who cannot maintain this state-works.

I'm sitting here, working. It's strange - that's why a 5-kopeck coin fits into the right nostril, but not into the left?

Favorite phrase of the authorities: "There are NO ESSENTIAL PEOPLE!" But once it's your turn to go on vacation, everything is fucked up - you're the only one!

ICQ is a flower on the grave of working time!

How hard it is to work when there is no boss ... I don’t even smoke ... I’m afraid that I’ll go home!

How strange… Sometimes, in order to be appreciated, it’s enough just to leave…

It happens in the morning one day you create a kind of violent activity, and then you get carried away and work all day ...

I can't stand while others are working.... I'm going to lie...

Usually, when they completely get me calls at work, I say: “Za * Ali” - and pick up the phone. Changed the order today...

I love going to work! And from work! But these 8 hours between walking are just infuriating!

Previously, the Internet distracted from work, now work from the Internet distracts ...

We worked here for five minutes, worked, worked, worked. Then we had a quick rest.
Then, again, five minutes worked-worked ...

Bullshit in the workplace develops peripheral vision, hearing and vigilance in general

If you don't work, you have nothing to live on. You work - there is no time to live!

The boss was completely furious, he wanted us to work for three. (It's good that there were five of us!)

I study and work. I combine the unpleasant with the useless.

Leave me work. I am sad…

I'll go to work early - I'll take her by surprise!

If you have no idea what the fuck you're doing, call it analytical work.

If you're reading this, then you don't care

The very first skill that a newcomer in the office has to learn is to sleep with your eyes open.

Today I realized that I work as a musketeer - one for all!

Most of all, we get tired of work not done.

Choose a job you love and you won't have to work a single day in your life

At work, only talk about sex! If there will be ONLY conversations further - I will quit on figs!

I gave myself up to work. Not for love... For money...

Still, the job gave me a lot. Before I had nothing, and now I have nothing and a twitchy eye.

As soon as you sit down to work, someone will surely wake you up ...

From workaholic to alcoholic - five days.

A working day without a “tender couple” to the management is considered inferior.

An experienced boss can tell by the sound of the keyboard what the subordinate is playing.

There is such a profession - to sit at work ...

I leave work gradually ... starting with lunch.

This is our way - without regaining consciousness, come to work.

What a bummer - oversleep, but still not sleep


Work is not a wolf, but it's a bitch!

If walking the streets in blankets were traditional, it would be much easier to get up in the morning and go to work.

And the more dubious the office, the more general director

You are sitting at work in Odnoklassniki, suddenly you hear the steps of your boss behind you and you start abruptly switching tabs: twitter, facebook, kittens, flowers, acquaintances, swimwear... WHERE IS THE WORK?!

I didn’t want to work so much in my life, as I don’t want to now! ..


I want to go home! That's basically all I do at work.

The last stage of fucking at work from idleness: - Well, sir .... Spam ..... we read .....

Stupid physical work I prefer intellectual ras#zdyayctvo.

In our department, all employees are promising. Some people just don't have a bright future...

And our boss is a man of his word. And that word is bullshit

Work is so exciting... I can literally sit for hours and watch someone work!

Work ennobles a person and enriches the employer

I really love my job, but not in such quantities. In general, it is difficult to love something almost around the clock.

Smile: you are being fired!... from your post

Socks have the hardest job. They are really on their feet all day.

I thought I wanted career development but it turned out that he just wanted money ...

After what work has done to me this week, she simply has to marry me...

Work is not a wolf ... but, damn it, the boss is a wolf!

Yesterday I was looking for justice! Today I'm looking for a new job...

In my life I happened to work in several places in different specialties with various conditions labor. And what can I say, having tried myself in these positions? Any job, even the most difficult and tedious one, can easily turn into a favorite one that you want to come every day and spend more time there.

If jokes happen all the time at work, there are funny cases, colleagues tell funny stories from life - work begins to bring pleasure. not without reason aphorisms about work considered to be the most fun and mischievous of all instructive statements. Cool aphorisms about work often reflect the reality that happens to a person every day. But the main characters in the aphorisms about work are not the readers themselves, but completely different personalities, which are interesting to look at from the outside.

How do they appear funny aphorisms about work? Everything happens according to the standard scenario. For example, everyone knows that Trudoviks and even physical education teachers in schools often abuse alcohol. Someone's tenacious mind decides to build a couple of cool aphorisms about work out of this situation ... And voila. It turns out the original aphorism of the day about work, where the main characters will not leave readers without smiles.

Some aphorisms of a quote about work should be considered wise, because they can not only make you laugh, but also teach something.

The relationship between a boss and a subordinate often becomes the main theme in aphorism quotes about work. Most often, mutual understanding is never achieved, and as a result, the subordinate remains extreme, and the boss is misunderstood. However, some aphorisms about work wise affect social aspects associated with low-paid work, corruption and the like. This can also be seen in demotivators about work and salary, however, the tenacious aphorism of the day about work is able to better reach its readers.

Few people know, but many celebrities of the past sometimes liked to speak out about the problems of workers. can always be found on the Internet, and our site is no exception. Here you will find a couple of rather capacious aphorisms and sayings about work, once uttered by the greats. They will cause laughter and make you think, because they carry a double portion of emotions and sensations.

Perhaps some cool aphorisms about the work will be familiar to you, and it will be nice to know the author of these lines.

No matter how funny aphorisms about work are, they will always convey meaning to their reader. For this we need aphorisms about working with meaning so that every reader can both laugh and think a little about the situation shown. Funny cartoons about work clearly show working moments, and funny aphorisms about work help to delve deeper into the problems shown. An indestructible tandem of laughter and sacred meaning, which is possible only in aphorisms about work.

Keeping something a secret is a very difficult job for a woman, so they prefer to do it together with their girlfriends.

Selfishness - great power. Only he is able to make a person devote himself to work in order to achieve pleasure, while it is not at all necessary that he once experienced it.

Admit it, just be honest: surely everyone in their life at least once drew a heart, breathing on cold glass?

If you don't want to leave the house in the morning, read Forbes... Didn't find articles about yourself? Then run to work, bl *!

Best Status:
Doing anything in the workplace, except for work, you develop attention and peripheral vision!

Fire, water and people busy with work- it's a splendid sight! I could watch this for the rest of my life!

Only a small part of people can afford not to go to work in the morning! If Forbes magazine doesn’t write about you, then you are not one of them, so don’t f**k sleep until dinner!

If you don't give me a raise, then make me look for extra work! For example, I can write memoirs about our relationship with YOU!

- When will the loot be? - Promised November 31st. - Very badass! Well, they won't be able to before. “It's not about sooner or later. November 30 days!

Work, work go to Fedot, from Fedot to Yakov, from Yakov to everyone. Salary, salary come from Kondrat, come from Yakov, come from everyone...

Going to work means money.

Don't @beat my brains! It won't work - I'm wearing a helmet!!!

The working day is divided into “before lunch” and “before leaving”.

I know what love is: it's a dream without nightmares, gentle kisses, magical mood around the clock, abandoned work, forgotten deeds, light ahead of the tunnel and exercises in the morning ...

The longest end is at the working day.

Why work if there is no time to rest?

If you quit, what will you live on? If to work, then to live when?

The street is the way from a home computer to a work one.

If the boss came up with a brilliant idea, then someone will be doing bullshit all day.

Even an engineer without a plan does not work!

I love work. The work fascinates me. I can sit for hours and watch how they work.

Socks have the hardest job... They are really on their feet all day!

It used to be like this ... morning, sun, joy, you, evening, dreams, night, stars, dreams .... now only ... morning, fog, work, coffee, sadness .... night, dreams ... and no dreams ....

Everything that is not made is made in China =)

The more expensive the purchase, the cheaper the fate! ("Men's work")

In the store: Do you have black paint? - There is. – What color??

Work - work, go to Fedot: washing on Irka, ironing on Masha, cooking on Vovka, and I have a ticket to the sea!

Lunch break in our office is crucial moment day. No one works before lunch, and after lunch everyone rests.

Wallpaper must be glued without bubbles - article 1 of the constitution of Moldova ...

On a work day, nothing decorates the dial like the number 18.

waiting for monday is harder for me than monday itself

Get rid of colleagues at work, quickly, not expensive .... Humane Ways Do not offer!

Paradise is that place on earth where there are no alarm clocks, Mondays and bosses.

Work... don't be afraid... I won't touch you!

Don't interfere! Break for work!

The main thing is not work... The main thing is participation.

If work is health, then let the sick work.

We all work according to the Robinson Crusoe method - we are waiting for Friday!

For a horseshoe to bring happiness, you have to work hard like a horse.

I do not join any organizations that make me a member

it's time to go on vacation ... yesterday I dreamed that they give a salary in pieces of paper for 512 rubles

Yesterday I was looking for justice - today I am looking for a job.

We know our worth well. It is always higher than our salary!

“It doesn’t bother you when you wash the dishes, the spoon gets under the stream ... now it’s clear why they put on an apron .. =))”

I came home from work, I see there is dust all around... Give me, I think... and I'll lie down.

Let it work iron saw, not for work, my mother gave birth to me.

At work, they pay loot, but working on it, I don’t mind the first one, but, without the second, I’m more fun!

Do you want to wake up to work in the morning? Eat watermelon before bed.

I love work, it fascinates me. I can sit and look at her for hours.

Work is not never ends!!!

The authorities do not reduce wages - they remind you that happiness is not in money!

Morning is such a part of the day when you envy the unemployed ...

Monday is a rest after the weekend… Tuesday is preparation for the working day..

Why don't I go to work, I thought. And didn't go.

the director returned from vacation tanned ... and now he looks even more like shit

Science news: everything is in the beam in the collider

The best excuse to the boss for being late: “Ran into the church to pray for you…”

Real happiness is when you fall out of the 3rd floor window onto a pile of bricks and get off with a couple of bruises and scratches. This happened to me yesterday. I'm Lucky and I'm alive!!!

Don't swear at the rapist

Tomorrow I'll get up early, have lunch and finish everything ...

Damn, I haven't worked in the office for so long that I forgot how to lay out the "kerchief".

End working week- this is an orgasm, albeit a small one!

Biology lesson grade 9, 2010. Teacher: - In this way, insects have sexual contact. Pupils: - Oooooooooooo, contaaaaaaakt!!

Flight attendants are lucky! Just think: a job where men are sorted into classes!

I bet that you are now sitting in front of the computer and reading my status

People, along the way, my room is heated more by a computer than by a botanist =))

It's terribly hard work doing nothing

Healthy sleep not only prolongs life, but also reduces the working day.

Loneliness is when you even want to go to work.

I study and work. I combine the unpleasant with the useless.

Waiting for your call hard work in the world…

Better a small dollar than a big THANK YOU))

I am a serious person, only my salary is ridiculous!

It's scary to work when the boss is not around. I can’t even go out to smoke, I’m afraid to go home!

I work, I work, I'm not afraid of work, if the right side gets tired, I'll turn to the left!

Better work was a wolf and fucked in the woods from here

Moldovans after sex turn away to the wall and plaster.

Propisdon - the best remedy to increase your work activity!

If you put off until the day after tomorrow what you can do today, you will have two free days.

The hardest job is looking busy when you're not.

If you don't feel like working for the third day in a row, then today is Wednesday.

Work is so exciting... I can literally sit for hours and watch someone work!

I'm sitting in a helmet, and suddenly what ...

Today I earned money, and I realized that today is Friday only when at 4 o’clock with a cry of “Who is the last - that sucker!” director escaped.

The boss wants us to work for three. Good thing there are five of us.

The lazier a person is, the more his work is like a feat.

I'm sitting here, I'm working. It's strange - that's why a 5-kopeck coin fits into the right nostril, but not into the left?

There was a teacher through the forest .. she released H2S :))

Someone secured polyethylene with pimples and the work was covered for the whole day ...

Worked from the heart, sit and scratch.

And he lived happily ever after ... until he went to work

It seems to me that the boss is looking at me and thinking: “This device can work faster.”

Leave me work. I am sad…

They call me a multi-armed shiva, but they pay me like a one-legged macaque.

If you don’t feel like working for the third day in a row, then today is Wednesday

A well-fixed patient does not need anesthesia.

You go into the accounting department - no one ... You go to Odnoklassniki - oppa ... Accounting !!!

The 9th 8-hour working day of the 5-day working week began at 9.00 and ended at 00.45 ...

Crap! When trying to work, the Internet was detected again!

girl’s opinion: _ “Almost all men lack vitamins E, B, A, T, C, A”

In the mornings I want to sleep so much that I don’t want to live !!!

Fun time, work hour. Here it is ((

I do have will power! I want to work, but I won't!

The filming of the sequel to the film "Heat", called: "The Cold", has been postponed due to a sudden and prolonged warming.

Champagne, sea, men… Oh, what am I talking about??? Work work work…

Work system administrator akin to the work of a scout - successes are imperceptible, but everyone will know about failures xD

That job is good ... where the Internet is ...

Ass in soap, mug in the mud - we work at the VAZ!!!

We know our worth well. And it is always higher than our salary!!!

How hard it is to work when there is no boss. I don’t even smoke, I’m afraid that I’ll go home !!!

It happens that you wake up like a bird, with a winged spring on a platoon. And I want to live and work, but, by breakfast, it passes.

I work part time, so please yell at me in an undertone!

There are many thoughts in my head, but there is no will in life. Only home, work and a little pain ...

Even an engineer doesn't work without a plan...

leaving work... try not to run!! =))

If I had 2 dicks, I would put both of them to work.