Quotes about woman beauty and cosmetics. A chic selection of quotes and aphorisms about beauty

So much value is attached to attractiveness because it is multifaceted. And each side of it reveals not only this quality in itself, but also its strength and capabilities. And all this is perfectly reflected in quotes about beauty. They say: about the prettyness of the girl; and the splendor of nature; about the grace of such feelings as love.

The collection of phrases about beauty collected on our website is so magnificent that it resembles a pearl necklace, where each quote is a priceless bead sparkling with its sincerity. And it is the aphorisms about beauty that say what this quality is capable of.

Let one of the great women string the first pearl into a necklace. They say that it belongs to the sonorous and sharp phrase: “ the beauty terrible force ". Lovely and charming girls, take this quote about female beauty as a compliment, and wind up your mustache, what a treasure you own!

It is in your power to fall in love and conquer. Beauty is such a terrible force that stories are known, like knightly duels and noble duels, as well as wars dedicated specifically to her. Legends were written about the beauty of a woman, odes were dedicated to her, and pictorial masterpieces were written. And at the same time, a special power is stored in its simplicity and bewitching magic.

A girl should have two things are beautiful - this is the Look and the Lips, because with a look she can fall in love, and with her lips she can prove that she loves.
Marilyn Monroe

Taking care of beauty you have to start with the heart and soul, otherwise no cosmetics will help.
Coco Chanel There is beauty over which the years have no power, is the beauty of the heart.
Eastern wisdom A woman who is firmly convinced in its beauty, will be able in the end to convince everyone else of it.
Sophia Loren The voice of beauty sounds quiet: it penetrates only the most sensitive ears.
Nietzsche Friedrich Beauty is in everything but not everyone can see it.
Confucius If you are capable to see the beautiful, it is only because you carry the beautiful within yourself. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees his own reflection.
Coelho Paulo

in man everything should be fine: the face, and the clothes, and the soul, and thoughts.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

To each its beautiful.
Why else can you say that beauty is a terrible force? Remember the lover young man. It seems that set a goal for him, and the beauty of a woman will give him confidence in the attainability of any goal. He is ready for any act and even a feat.

And the statements about the beauty of nature show another facet of this quality. We are all amazed by the incredible scenery. The island is charming, shrouded in the mystery of the commonwealth of azure water and cloudy sky, here we observe complete harmony. But there is something mesmerizing in both the storm and the rain. All these phenomena of nature are perceived by man as evidence that it has great power. And therein lies its greatness.

beautiful birds sing worse than others. The same applies to people. In a pretentious style, you should not look for a deep thought.
Lichtenberg Georg Christoph

Beauty is not in the face beauty is the light in the heart.
Gibran Kahlil Gibran To create beauty you have to be pure in heart.
Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka ...Poetry not only in verses: it is spilled everywhere, it is around us. Look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life breathe from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.
Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev Pretty Woman must be neat and coquettish in the morning and shine in household chores, like a new coin among a pile of garbage.
Jules Renard To be loved, it is best to be beautiful. But to be beautiful, you have to be loved.”
Françoise Sagan
Man strives for everything elegant. Why? Because it gives positive emotions. This is what many aphorisms about beauty are about. Short sayings great and famous politicians, philosophers, businessmen and creative people and in themselves are magnificent, like pearls on a crystal string, but reflections on aphorisms about the beauty of a woman bring pleasant feelings.

Sometimes quotes about female beauty imbued with subtle humour. Just a little bit of irony does not hurt to admire the true worthwhile things, which the greatest people of the world were expressed with admiration and reverence. This is a tribute to what all the inhabitants of the Earth recognize, and it is clear to everyone.

God created women beautiful so that men can love them, and stupid so that they can love men.
Faina Ranevskaya

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have two breasts!
Faina Ranevskaya If you have crooked legs- wear a deep neckline.
Christian Dior Beautiful woman eye- paradise, for the soul - hell, and for the pocket - purgatory.
Bernard Fontenel Not harder work, than trying to look beautiful from eight in the morning until midnight.
Brigitte Bardot For a woman, beauty is more important mind, because it is easier for a man to look than to think.
Marlene Dietrich
Is there a standard for perfection? Many peoples and cultures in different times perceived the beauty of women differently. Someone was attracted by natural grace when a girl is naturally irresistible. Others advocate that you need to work on appearance. And then in the move is on and cosmetics, gym and healthy eating. Therefore, there is a place for one more pearl on our “necklace”. These are quotes about makeup and its power of transformation.

Whatever the standards, we will always be attracted not only by appearance and picture, but also by kindness, breadth and sincerity of the soul. This also reflects the principle: it is important what kind of person is inside. If it is truly worthwhile, then it enchants with its purity, and the impact is enormous.

The beauty of a woman grows with her years.
Audrey Hepburn
Let's remember Dostoevsky's phrase beauty will save the world. The bottom line is that in front of a subtle and elegant, be it a person, a natural phenomenon, or something else endowed with this quality, it is impossible to do anything wrong. As if this splendor has a mission - to bring good to people. And statements about female beauty in this vein just show that we all want to have a motive, strength and a model of true perfection.

Like pearls, which, when examined, turn out to be more luxurious and more flawless, the words of great people have deep meaning. They are worth reading, memorizing and sharing. In the expression about incomparable women, there is always a deeper meaning than it seems at first glance. That is why our pearl collection is ready to give its wisdom and magical brilliance to every visitor of our entertainment site.

The question is eternal and very controversial. There has never been and never will be a unanimous opinion about it. In almost every interview, celebrities are asked about what beauty is for them and how they relate to its modern canons. ELLE has put together 20 of the brightest celebrity quotes about it.

“Current beauty standards are simply unrealistic. What you see on the red carpet and in magazines is the result of the great efforts of several professionals. People don't understand how it all works. Little girls don't see how the stars start the morning. My daughters are growing up in this atmosphere, and therefore it is important for me that they understand that this is not real life. They see me with or without hair and makeup. I want them to know both sides rather than thinking there is only one."

Ivanka Trump:"Self-confidence , inner strength and a sense of mercy - these are the main secrets of beauty. Makeup and skincare are great, but who you are is more important than that."

Johnny Depp :“The most beautiful thing in a woman is her solid knowledge about who she really is. It makes her strong and confident."

Vera Brezhneva :“Love makes a woman irresistible. And it cannot be. The objects of our sympathies may change if we are talking about partners, but we must not forget about love for children, for ourselves and for life. Therefore, I am absolutely sure: it does not happen not beautiful women- there is a lack of self-care, which appears precisely from dislike for oneself.

Brad Pitt :“Don't pay too much attention to first impressions. It happens that a girl does not “catchy” with her appearance, but after talking with her, she becomes for you the most beautiful in the whole wide world.

“It seems to me that female beauty depends on what kind of man is nearby. A woman blossoms only if she feels loved, important, the only one.

Beyoncé:“The most attractive thing about a woman is her confidence. You can be beautiful, but if you're not confident, you can't be sexy. You must love yourself, and then others will love you."

Natalie Portman:“Lucky appearance is a huge advantage. Although all the studies say that it is easier to hire the owners of a normal, rather than an outstanding appearance. And people treat pretty people better than beautiful ones. Still, beauty is a privilege. I don't want to be hypocritical. And speaking practically, it is more convenient to be beautiful than ugly. True, the European concept of beauty is closer to me personally. I mean, in America, the one who meets the standards, who according to the canons, who has everything right, is beautiful. In Europe, beauty is almost synonymous with uniqueness, beauty is originality, people nurture their individuality as beauty.

Tom Ford:“Beauty is a matter of comfort in its own “shell”.

Jennifer Aniston:“We all judge women by certain standards of beauty - and it's disgusting. Girls from childhood absorb what society imposes on them. The conventional wisdom that a girl is not beautiful unless she is thin, that she is not worthy of attention unless she looks like a supermodel or an actress on the cover of magazines, is something that we all suffer from.”

Nicole Kidman :"You want to know main secret beauty? Fall in love - it really works!

Christie Brinkley:“Today, women are under terrible stress about their appearance. They are under pressure all the time, making it clear that they must be perfect every minute of their lives. But you know what? We don't have to! We should not worry about wrinkles or gray hair just because society wants it. We must change only for ourselves. Dyeing your hair, going to a beautician, doing fitness is worth it just to feel comfortable in your body, and not because someone else requires it. Remember that the most important thing you can do for yourself is to give yourself health.

Jude Law :"We live in strange time when the idea of ​​beauty and femininity is distorted. Girls are taught that their power lies in personal success, seductive photos, and money. Call me old fashioned, but I think otherwise. My mother was very strong man but at the same time very kind, friendly and delicate. These are the qualities I value most in women. And also a sense of humor and the ability to cook.

Kate Winslet:“In my youth, I did not feel beautiful. Sometimes I even seriously suffered because I was fat. In youth, we are all dissatisfied with ourselves, but when you become an adult, achieve something in life, you can relax a little and love yourself. You can’t look up to models or actresses until old age.”

: “Of course, you can endlessly repeat that beauty comes from within, but good cosmetics have never harmed anyone. After all, it helps to preserve and maintain what nature has given us, as well as to present ourselves advantageously.”

Emma Watson :“Believe me, beauty is not long hair, thin legs, tanned skin and great teeth. Beauty is the face of someone who just cried and suddenly smiled. Beauty is the scar on your knee from when you fell when you were little. Beauty is circles under the eyes when you're in love and can't sleep. Beauty is the expression on the face awakened by the ringing of the alarm clock; it's floating makeup when you take a shower; it's when you smile at a joke that only you understand. Beauty is wrinkles drawn by time. Beauty is what we feel inside and how it changes us on the outside. Beauty is all the marks that life leaves; all the cracks and all the kisses that the memory holds."

Aishvaria Rai :“I do not deny that appearance is very important in show business. And actresses devote a lot of time to taking care of themselves. In the Indian film industry, more than in any other, it is the beauty of the actress that matters, not her dramatic ability. But I do not like to sacrifice myself for the sake of beauty. I prefer comfort. I will never wear a beautiful dress or shoes if they are uncomfortable for me.

Scarlett Johansson :“Beauty is something that everyone sees in you at once. No one can see beauty in oneself at all - only in others. I have never looked at myself in the mirror and said: “I am beautiful.” I look in the mirror and say, "Yes, I look attractive." Even if the girl is wearing the most beautiful dress in the world, I don’t know if she will see real beauty in herself. This is generally a relative concept - it seems to me that even flaws can seem very attractive if, looking at everything that is wrong in you, you do not consider it terrible. And when you look at another person, you subconsciously think that he is attractive to you precisely because he has his own face, and not like that of a flawless Roman statue.

Julia Roberts :“The world today is obsessed with appearance. The beauty principles of the 21st century can clearly be defined as abnormal. This is beauty on steroids that spreads around the world like a virus. It's horrible!".

: “True beauty is so much more than just a pretty face and good body. It's all together - self-confidence, personality, the way a person relates to other people.

Makeup is a special kind of female meditation. Time spent alone with yourself and your thoughts. The moment when soft strokes of the brush literally transform your appearance. Girls are ready to sacrifice such a sweet morning sleep and savoring aromatic coffee, just to have time to bring a marathon. They are more likely to neglect the long selection of outfit in order to carefully blend the shadows, evenly distribute the moisturizing tone and emphasize the lips with a translucent sheen. Your appearance is your business card, imprinted in the memory of the interlocutor and helping to form a general opinion about the degree of grooming. ExpertsProstoNaildecided to collect quotes about makeup, which entered the category popular expressions. Read and get inspired.

Beautiful makeup quotes - pearls of thought immortalized in words

It can be assumed that makeup is an ancient technique of decorating oneself, which initially had a sacred meaning for a person. Even ancient shamans in the tribal era, pharaohs in Ancient Egypt and Roman ministers decorated their faces with natural pigments like ocher, henna, or crushed turquoise. Such decals served as evidence of a special position in society, emphasized through clothing, well-groomed nails and catchy appearance.

Makeup today separate view art that every woman dreams of mastering. It helps not only to emphasize the natural charm of the young lady, but sometimes completely transform her image. In the arsenal of beauties there are brushes and sponges, numerous palettes and tubes, a million pencils and even more sticks with lipsticks. Naturally, the smart and famous personalities that have found their place of honor in the history of mankind. We have collected the most beautiful quotes about makeup.

  • "Cosmetics - the philosophy of women." Renata Schumann-Fikus
  • « The most important thing in makeup is to look completely natural; but this requires a lot of cosmetics. Calvin Klein
  • “A young beautiful woman is a miracle of nature. A middle-aged beautiful woman is a miracle of make-up art" . Yanina Ipohorskaya
  • "Women aren't usually as young as they make themselves out to be." Max beerbohm
  • "What can not be hidden, at least powder." Yanina Ipohorskaya
  • "There are no ugly women, only lazy ones." Helena Rubinstein
  • “A man loves to be deceived; the best proof of this is his admiration for the art of female make-up.” Slavomir Vrublevsky
  • “My secret to replenishing energy: the more you spend, the more you get. And makeup is the first thing I expend energy on at the beginning of the day.” . Elena Krygin
  • “Makeup is magic. And to induce beauty is akin to magic. Elena Pauline
  • "By appearance Only the most impenetrable people do not judge.” Oscar wilde
  • “They say that in France women spend more on cosmetics than the state spends on the army. But they have more victories." Yanina Ipohorskaya

  • "There are no beautiful women - there are ugly and well-made." Oscar Wilde
  • “It takes 20 minutes to look like a goddess. But it takes 3 hours to look natural.” Yanina Ipohorskaya
  • "I will not retire as long as I have my legs and my makeup bag with me." Betty Davis
  • « The most irresistible women's cosmetics, it is a powder for male brains. Stas Yankovsky
  • "Correctly applied makeup emphasizes seductive flaws and hides unwanted virtues." Stas Yankovsky
  • "Makeup is an invisible veil." Marion Coxwick
  • “Makeup is a mirror of the soul. When we are happy, we glow from the inside, and we do not need cosmetics. If we feel uncomfortable, then we apply it layer by layer. Ellis faas
  • “I am very sensitive about my appearance. I never go anywhere without makeup. Never wear the same thing twice in public. I look like I put on completely random things - but no, everything was chosen carefully. It's the same with make-up." Anna Piaggi
  • "No matter if I have a lot of makeup on or no makeup at all, I'm always the same person on the inside." Lady Gaga

  • “I believe that a woman should wear the makeup that she likes. And turn the process of applying make-up into an adventure. Emma Stone
  • "My best secret beauty is not saying negative things about yourself in front of a mirror. It's not great. My new mantra: Don't put yourself down. Happiness is the best makeup, and a smile is more beautiful than lipstick. . Drew barrymore
  • “I thought the idea of ​​giving up makeup, clothing and retouching was just crazy. Then I realized that it gets rid of a lot of complexes associated with self-image. Demi Lovato
  • “I truly believe that proper skin care will save you from having to put on tons of makeup.” Demi Moore
  • “You have no choice but to remember the main beauty rule: Who cares?”. Tina Fey
  • “There are no ugly women. There are indifferent to themselves and cosmetics. esti Lauder
  • “If you love beauty, then please do your best to create it. Makeup is just one way." Rumi Mara
  • "A woman in a bathrobe can never achieve the same as a woman with makeup." Evelina Khromchenko

  • "Smiling is the best makeup any girl can do." Marilyn Monroe
  • “For me, makeup is a feeling of comfort on your own skin or awesome red lipstick on your lips.” Gwyneth Paltrow
  • "If you're sad, put on some lipstick and go on the offensive." Coco Chanel
  • “Lipstick is our armor. When we were growing up, my mother had a habit: if the day went wrong or something went wrong, she would apply red lipstick. I still follow this rule." Kira Knightley
  • "It doesn't matter what makeup you use, it's more important to know how to apply it." Goar Avertisyan
  • "Breakfast business woman: on the first - hair styling, on the second - makeup, on the third - a thin layer of lipstick on the lips. Boris Trushkin
  • “The more makeup a woman has, the easier it is to seduce her.” Kobo Abe
  • “The grossest beauty mistake is when a girl tries not to correct what nature has given her with the help of cosmetics, but to draw a new face.” Vlad Lisovets
  • “If a woman wants to look inaccessible, but to attract everyone's attention, she just needs to make up her lips with classic red lipstick. Everyone will notice you, but they will be afraid to approach you. Evelina Khromchenko

  • “If you choose red, it means you want to be noticed. If you wear red lipstick, then you are ready for people to look at you. Red is a very strong color and it expresses you first and foremost, it doesn't necessarily have a sexual connotation." Monica Bellucci
  • “I tell you how to hold a pencil and show the application technique, but you create the individuality yourself.” Elena Krygin
  • “Take a minute for yourself and do something that brings tremendous pleasure. For me, it's putting on makeup." Dita background Teese
  • “I believe in manicures, in flashy clothes, in the fact that on vacation you also need to do your hair and apply lipstickAudrey Hepburn
  • “I can't imagine myself without pink lipstick. I may not wear it for a couple of days, but if there were no more pink lipstick in the world, I would be useless. Nicky Minaj
  • “Just be happy. Smile. Wear lipstick." Monica Bellucci
  • “I believe that all women are beautiful without makeup. But with make-up, they are mighty-beautiful.” Bobby Brown
  • “Fashion embraces absolutely everything. Makeup is not just makeup, it's cinema, television, art history... culture. Developing a make-up concept is always a test, the key here is to come up with something new every time. Pat McGrath
  • “I always try to respect a woman and do makeup just for her: for me, beauty is more important than creative sophistication.” Volume Pesho
  • "Your personal style and makeup is a reflection of your taste, and whether you like it or not, people will judge you by it." Bobby Brown
  • "Too much a large number cosmetics, I say absolutely no. Makeup should not be a mask. But a natural bow is also not for me: I prefer lipstick on my lips, preferably red. Lucia Pieroni
  • “I don’t understand women who go without makeup. They need to come to me, I'll hide them, they're crazy! They just don't realize the power of makeup, it can change our lives." Charlotte Tilberry
  • "Self-confidence is the most important thing, but a little make-up can't hurt." Bobby Brown
  • "There is no harder job than trying to keep your makeup flawless from eight in the morning until midnight." Bridget Bordeaux
  • "Makeup is an open letter of recommendation that wins the heart in advance. Arthur Schopenhauer
  • "A woman only has one opportunity to be beautiful, but makeup increases those stakes." Charles Montesquieu
  • “Makeup affects even those who do not notice it” . Jean Cocteau
  • "The most common mistake all women make when applying makeup is applying it in poor lighting." Bobby Brown

Luxurious aphorisms about makeup - with the world on a string

An aphorism is a subtle, original, complete thought expressed in a sarcastic or joking manner. There is nowhere to put the truth, aphorisms about makeup on the Web are as common as holivars on hot political topics. All this speaks only of the relevance, relevance and popularity of the skill of transforming oneself. Of course, there was a place for both male pearls of thought and female reflections on given topic. ProstoNail collected the most juicy examples in a colorful selection.


  • Makeup is an attempt to paint on your face the face of another, much more beautiful woman.
  • A beautiful soul does not need makeup.
  • An old-timer is a person who remembers the times when a woman could be recognized even after she washed her face.
  • Makeup is a special kind of female meditation.
  • As soup is not complete without seasonings, so a woman is not complete without makeup.
  • Cosmetics is the philosophy of women.

  • Beauty salon - a workshop for the improvement of women.
  • Time spent on makeup shortens the day and lengthens the night.
  • Makeup is a kind of restoration of your personal beauty.
  • A woman in front of a mirror is partly a creator and an artist. And sometimes a plasterer, or an antiques restorer.
  • Make-up is a sacred act for a woman, bringing special aesthetic pleasure to a man.
  • Eternal women's issue: is there life after removing makeup?
  • Women's war paint This is a distraction from a blow to the heart.
  • Whatever you say, but the main female deception is to put on makeup as if you were not made up, but beautiful.
  • For some, "plaster" is tuning, for others it is a consumable.
  • Appearance is not the main thing, the main thing is that on top of it. And this is the first commandment of a makeup artist.
  • The white face hides seven flaws.
  • Makeup is a note in the concert of the transformation of a woman into a lady.

Entertaining statuses about makeup - the best of the web

The World Wide Web is the habitat of the most amazing "pearls", invented and voiced by the users themselves. We tried to put together the most ridiculous and extraordinary, the most uncomplicated and sarcastic, sometimes sad, and sometimes incredibly funny statuses related to female appearance and makeup. What did we get? Find details below.

Makeup statuses:

  • My wife still looks young, but now it takes her an extra half an hour every day.
  • Sometimes beauty is hidden under makeup.
  • The most difficult thing for hairdressers is bohemian negligence, and for makeup artists - freshness of the face.
  • To hide, it was enough for her to wipe makeup off her face.
  • White women behave like Indian squaw husbands: when they go to war with men, they paint their faces.
  • good cosmetics worth it big money. It's only natural beauty is free.
  • The living beauty of a woman is 30% appearance, 20% intelligence, 50% character, and everything else is well-applied makeup.

  • First you put on makeup to attract attention, then - so as not to attract.
  • Such happiness to scratch the eye when it is not made up.
  • The older you get, the longer you paint ... Whether it’s earlier: you shook your hair, put on a smile - and you’re beautiful.
  • Janus is a brother to women, You can't even argue with that. We, women, have two faces, as usual: All native and BEFORE makeup.
  • Looking for you under makeup.
  • You will become an embodiment of unearthly beauty, if in the morning you managed to create on your face!
  • Everything flows, everything changes. In principle, not bad, unless it's about make-up in the heat.
  • To make it pleasant for people to look into your mirror of the soul - put the frame in order in the morning.
  • Great will be the day when I draw beautiful arrows the first time.
  • Girl, you put on so much make-up... are you not hot?
  • Men, want to know why we paint our eyes with open mouth? So, I answer, FROM PLEASURE!
  • Oh wow! How did the make-up artist photoshop you?
  • Make-up, peeling, manicure, epilation, pedicure. Eh! And in childhood, to become beautiful, it was enough to tie a bow on your head.
  • A little red lipstick never hurts.
  • Makeup can save the worst day.
  • God created a woman, looked at her, and then said: “Come on, put on makeup.”
  • I love long, romantic walks to cosmetic stores with my favorite ... red lipstick.
  • Never ask a girl with perfect arrows why she was late.
  • When I was little, I never thought that eyebrows were so important.
  • Man, be the one who ruins lipstick but doesn't cause runny mascara.
  • The more makeup a woman has on her face, the more ambiguous her last night was.
  • The worse things are for a girl, the better her makeup should be.

Makeup can not be ignored if you want to pass for a well-groomed and luxurious woman. They should not be neglected if good impression- your goal. You don’t need to be zealous with him, because, first of all, a make-up is necessary to emphasize individual characteristics.